Adum & Pals: The 2019 Academy Awards

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So I was listening to unspooled and they said something pretty interesting as to why Bohemian Rhapsody won best editing.

Actors vote for performances, directors vote for directors, cinematographers for cinematographers etc. Everyone knows Bryan Singer was fired before completing the film and Dexter Fletcher immediately left to direct Rocket-man once Bohemian Rhapsody wrapped filming so John Ottman was left to put a movie together himself. John Ottman was given sympathy Oscar for putting a film together on his own with out a director.

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/insane__knight 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

and the Oscar goes to....Green Book


👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Here's the final part of the Spider-Verse speech that got cut off:

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Alfonso Caurons son just completely steals the entire show.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/DWW_ME_TGTBATU_PM_SO 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think that Idris Elba commercial was the hardest we've ever heard Adum laugh...

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/whatzgood 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

That Squarespace commercial was well worth the wait.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/polarnoir 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Sad I missed the live show. Spike Lee seemed like he was having fun.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Last year's montage was funnier, but this year's is still pretty great.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/DamChaz 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I totally agree about what Adum said regarding Skin. The trailer is well-edited and makes the film look really interesting. The basic concept of showing racism passing through generations is fascinating, but the execution is so fucking laughably bad. The 2nd half gets really fucking stupid in its attempt to be artistic. The choices made are really tone-deaf to put it lightly.

Weirdly enough, Guy Nattiv, the director of Skin, actually has a feature-length film coming out that’s also called Skin, but it’s not related to the short film. But it is about a white power skinhead played by Jamie Bell. Maybe it’ll be better. This one’s a true story so at least that should theoretically prevent Nattiv from making an ending as stupid as his short.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/AKenjiB 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey it's my favorite guy named Adam queen latifah right into it Javier Bardem modal into it allison janney dunking basketballs I'm a parent let's celebrate this embarrassing caricature of this man's life whatever he's dead he's not mad hey you got snubz why are you in this compilation of snow welcome our hosts the people who get us a today tomorrow will think that we hosted we had time for this to imagine they would have done this but then cut out cinematography no it always is I don't know I would have made that Buster Scruggs stroke I'm not mad at that one oct nothing can do it but if I do it I get in trouble if Harvey Weinstein does it Amy Adams gets nominated for me kind of everything she's in right yeah kind of she's good Meryl Streep is she that good it's better probably but I like any other oh yeah Best Picture winner Emma Stone I'm gonna pair Regina King Scots law one for one and I'm retiring guys I will see you next Oscars I was on the leftovers I won an Emmy to greedy greedy Regina I'm glad Beale Street got something cuz I got snapped it looks a lot it's better than a lot of the Best Picture nominee yeah plan B did she just think the morning-after pill I heard her say Plan B that's Brad Pitt's production studio by the way guys I would like to thank blank it has gotten me out of a couple of jams what are you wearing dear oh hey [Laughter] you belong here who Jason the most though no little orange juice little champagne a little large rugged man no your bunnies is undone fix it fix it priest all that was good he's the sequel to solo a han solo story my name to get probably my favorite other nominees let me remind everybody that the mr. Rogers documentary was not nominated three identical strangers was not nominated is the Peter Jackson one yeah they sure that was the other one I've got snow this was bad it was like a video that you would show it someone's retirement party I'm gonna lock in rbg walking in like I'm minding the gap free solo Scott's lock of the week pretty so gonna be a lot of that tonight goes right a lot of that I wanted mining together oh he's still alive amazing you should be am its you should be dead so many times over what may be right it's Adam get used to it it's early Jeff it's early in the nights I'll go to pursuit one for gaël zero for the film reviewer that you're watching I'll keep score like I did last year I got them all right except that's picture which is the one that Matt had to possibly preemptively give best the collages you are by Adams rules Best Picture gets 24 points I loved the mr. Rogers documentary I did not care for the twist at the end where it turns out he didn't molest any okay he was just a really nice man music playing you're a documentary you get eight seconds to talk it's over thank you thank you multiple Oscar nominee Melissa McCarthy it's all the same folks and on hip turn to the side I mean how do you post smartass I posed by wearing jackets that have 80's bands that I don't listen to on them that's pretty good I I posed by pretending to date girls oh my god the onion tweeted out for Bohemian Rhapsody rami malek deeply immersed himself in the role of a man who knows nothing about Bryan Singer's pedophilia allegations that's good that is a joke I wish I had made that's funny as hell so what's the plan the plan is to totally change my directing career as Adam McKay and start pretending like I know how to make serious movies and not shitty calm this is vice or working title stepbrothers to Talladega Nights The Legend of Dick Cheney did you actually stop watching it the fake credits are what I have watched every nominee all the way through how was I am a [ __ ] professional every nominee for Best Picture not everything every nominee maiden ever for the Oscars 1927 to Fred why are you invited here you got to snap he's fine it's vice vice locking my life bet your life on it it's vice guys everyone quickly if you can find the sports boat with I'm gonna with Mary Queen of Scots greg cannom kate Bisco and patricia to Haiti goodbye yeah for those keeping sparse scoot hasn't missed them and never will Kate Nabisco who the cookie lady eat great director Adam McKay great director Adam McKay noted director Adam McKay I can't you know I can't read you're embarrassing me in front of everyone is Thank You Plan B Plan B is just one step away from abortion speaking of abortions Vice this guy doesn't seem old enough to be as confused and disoriented as oh man they play the music so much so here for us for the ones that they don't care about as much they like make up now you think you're not a famous person up here get out if I may quote to a 20-18 Best Original Screenplay winner get out sorry they're still talking oh my sir madam madam you must leave the stage sorry you're not famous no famous people is what they said actually yeah there's the guy what's happening what's happening what is this what is this what is this the [ __ ] out of here a rakish tilt to a hat the drape of fabric just I wonder what category they're gonna announce for a new documentary short the favorite agree I think so they always go to like the black panthers nominated they could toss at this but the favorite is such a cost you young movie yeah and they love giving it to that valley the Buster Scruggs would be interesting I think the favorites still got I barely newer Scruggs this has got a lot of costumes it's got a [ __ ] I'm sticking with the favorite - Black Panther I'm gonna go with you true to myself I know it's gonna be [ __ ] Black Panther - I'm so mad I'm already mad use your bunny hand come on honey I knew I shown I knew our winner Black Panther I knew I should and I didn't stand my latent racism I couldn't in good conscience ladies we're public here Wow where am I don't sound too psyched where am I she have a check in my loose my clean that's it that's the way it sways well who Spike Lee I know I knew I should I knew I should couldn't even make it for in scar you know Lee [ __ ] her [ __ ] eyes are peeled they gave her a lot more time than they did for the makeup I think they're just playing them and make it quieter because it's black panther yeah yeah the the producers like black panther wins anything just let them talk as long as I want I'm glad we get to see the same commercial multiple times thanks Canadian television this'll really make me want to buy this rugby shirt you love rugby shirts I really don't like clothes I'm not gonna buy clothes I work from home I don't need clothes hi hi I'm afraid take pictures on your phone what I find this kid relatable I don't know why my age oh the mental age I've seen this video before it goes bad tigers in captivity yeah they're trying to promote furries I don't agree with this there are three films named mother that came out and ten years that I've rated seven or above on IMDB Wow I'm gonna rename my sex tape mother literally just wish it was already named actually she's just wearing and mirrors I know why do they do that but keep on shopping so sparkly you know there's gonna be lights that are fun don't remember less you're gonna Adam complained about the sparkles yes production design black panther okay what else we got I feel like favorites got a shot man had pretty awesome production design actually that's true amazing production design in this one but I think I'm locking in Black Panther I'm gonna go with the favorite the favorite - Scott and gals for what for what yeah he's back baby you understand why I'm choosing Black Panther where its nominated oh no I understand what you're doing understand I feel like I'm watching a high level game of chess it is this is you're protected you're playing you're playing checkers and they're playing 3d chess baby loving this I've yeah I would I would rather stick to my principles than be really your principles are gonna fail ease how about my Vice Principals would you where that's at anywhere but the Oscars what's what's on the rest of your face I know what's the rest of your body that was it yeah that wasn't even the most distracting thing was the giant Rose she's wearing it was 3d printed congratulations on being the protecting your Twitter congratulations on being the first person to 3d print something that isn't a dildo or a gun I realized the music hasn't started playing again it's for the Black Panther away funny how that works been like Queen for a fairly minor category getting a lot of time what is with that guy stare like Yuma thank you oh I thought you were a replicant for a minute Black Panther is two Oscars more Oscars than any other movie yeah ever the latest Madea Goes to the Oscars I realized the other day that the word has two meanings like boo I'm a ghost and you can use both of those for the Halloween Tyler Perry movies Romo is gonna get it first 100% it's Roma yes stars born would be interesting if it got it but I don't think what I want to say because if I love again it's romance so quite oh I got it I'm gonna kiss all the ladies I mean Harvey Weinstein could do it this got the Oscar II didn't even use colored barf I want to respect here sung as a rallying cry an anthem so remember that really shitty song I played for you on my phone yes this is what she's talking about Oh a rallying cry it's a terrible song yep it's terrible but I guess we get to see it right soon it's some sort of waste cape I wonder how many stage hands perfectly laid out to the dress that way before it does my sneeze 3 a cast of does that that is a fancy mic can agree on that she's got a bell better say she that Mike got a beautiful velvet shafted golden head what was that hand gesture she's coming I can't believe this got nominated [Music] that note oh no oh it's struggling that was a that was a strain that was a strange n key it T an Oscar I mean he'll clean up he'll go no lies here because he's married to Pele interés Elba in his bravest role to date little girl I am gonna make a website Squarespace clearly knew I was screaming the Oscars and I wanted to have something that I would include in my videos we're smart Serena Williams what have so many Hollywood people got me to that is just sport stars and musicians now we all have dreams of what we can accomplish in life and I destroyed it like that one japanese girl sorry I was mad I crushed other people's dreams denied sit down okay are we just giving gonna be a tough wall the Texaco feels like a quiet place a quiet place because it's the sound it has quite even the neighbor part of me recognizes like Panther Panther is nominated yes one a quiet place has probably got it but I'm going for Black Panther here I'm going with the quiet places damn it well it was a three-way loss here [ __ ] well I'm gonna go ahead and go in before it wins sounds annexation so we mix as it is it makes more sense for to a mixing than editing the sound categories usually one by the same film right am I crazy yeah I am you know what I got a different lock so you guys can suck it maybe you stars born actually has a good shot maybe no [ __ ] idiot if piped there's no money for mixing you pretty much have to pick it you like everything it's not me before you have to pay I think that the wrong I feel like you've sort of committed at this point you can do what you want it's almost a free country if Black Panther wasn't nominated and I wasn't sticking to my gear then I would probably pick stars born you can pick what you want but you can't I'm picking for human Rhapsody skies out of the week okay I'm doing black panther I'm gonna go with black panther Bohemian Rhapsody boom why do you even bother her same thing last year purpose a big this year they kidding it doesn't understand why there's no I don't they don't have what they don't understand the difference between the housing and sound editing so they voted the same answer for both I have the distinct advantage over you two guys because I find it much easier to see through the eyes of an old out-of-touch white man when I'm trying to pick the awards I think to myself what would I pick and then I pick that you pick the pedophile movie oops they get sent DVD screeners so like there's not even a good chance that they watched it in the theater or with a good sound setup right right so like for your consideration DVD screener sound mixing and sound editing like Oh what this movie had music in it but I'm glad a movie directed by a man who has been [ __ ] children for years has won two Oscars tonight Joe Fresh is now Canadian television I hate it I hate it I hate you what is your bra size how is your center of gravity are you not we're all over all the time she's that made out of flex tape looks like duct tape and like what sex tape did she sustained a lot of damage these are movie this goes for best of the favorite and your winner black pants perfect does the live audience get subtitles to how there are no borders or wall how do they have the subtitles ready unless this is all rated members that the movie Academy come from across the globe that's not your real voice about putting that on so is there any logical way that Romo doesn't win no or there's also nominated for as much as I'd like to vote for Black Panther on this you know what you still can so Roma's like 100% of getting it wrong everybody's an idiot I feel like if you don't or vote for Romo oh no it doesn't mean because it does not only one is nominated for a Best Picture so that means it's the best one of the everyone goes to Shoplet what a surprise you're indoors by the way Canadians call them to snot beanies fun factory winner Alfonso de uno Spike Lee did he write a speech for every single award he was nominated for her yes because he's a pro hey Guillermo I also in Mexican Guillermo kam is best cam yep please what did you do to that boy don't do that boys fire oh my [ __ ] god dies I don't know umbrella isn't that funny people's faces look so much more awkward when they're looking backwards like that yep that looks pretty good for 94 years old feel like that's what Madonna's gonna look like in 40 years that's what Madonna's gonna look like on Tuesday is that a flower or a nipple don't ask questions you don't want the answer to my friends that's not fog it's poison gas oh no been run away no it's she's the mastermind oh she's like killing everybody and singing about bets long con of being in show business for 55 years audience they're all dead before she climb achievement award for me you'll all see before she couldn't kill every one of the 2019 Oscars uh how many of yours we got fanboy six I like there 2019 you guys think you big white Panthers good no rights questions he thinks gonna win best picture know what it would be but it'd be so funny but they do not think it will but I would be very happy yet Oscar nominated an Oscar winner [ __ ] off I got black lands Bab Bohemian Rhapsody would be the funniest one to win I'm gonna go with black clan the first white Klansmen Scott stupid lock of like lands lack Klansmen Bohemian Rhapsody somebody needs to change the title of that YouTube video like the worst ending can we take a minute to appreciate that the movie directed by a man Lisbon [ __ ] children for years has three Oscars the most for the Oscars this is insane I can't believe this won best editing I mean I can believe it I just want to thank Bryan Singer and only Bryan Singer I love everything you do I love everyone you do I love your never change what I love your personal I like your politics I would like to be watching the true detective finale starring him right now but I'm watching the goddamn Oscars thanks for nothing really all right Sam Elliot prizes man he would be my number two if I wasn't picking her song yeah Sam Elliott's my life oh please no he was not good I hope you're not right because I don't like how you get when you're right but I like your confidence going into it I like everything about you up until they announce Adam we can still be friends because one of us is the norm isn't a [ __ ] when they're right well I mean that cat would argue against that I mean there's arguments in both on both sides mercial I know it's embarrassing but good you're still wearing your winter hat from outside you're gonna learn that rim you're a brim like what is that I think anymore it's that it's it's something all right it's like a penis it's a penis and we all agree to be a penis testing I thought it was a toque oh my god really appreciate I met it like $400 the band around it and the exact crease down the tie its exact it's not doing you any favors straight from the Kanye store in terms of not looking exactly like a penis fizzle out on TVs I assume I assume this is getting blurred on the American Thunder all right I'm gonna pee again I think this cover just taking the piss out of reasonable response I drink a lot did she get jazzed on by the Silver Surfer a silver necklace when I was a child I spoke as a child even though he's like 50 that is a weird and one happy kid that's a guy from 13 reasons why I said you beat me to it you son of a [ __ ] Adam I have one thing let me have it what you're like spider-verse meets it versus a good luck I love dogs should win hands down it's the best fill a million times better than any of the other four but this year I was bad this is a good year for a non picsArt to win because the picks are this would be a funny win really do would be a funny win I think it's going to spider-verse we're all spider-verse here it's got to be splendid we spider-verse now we spider-verse now he's wearing shorts like a boy maybe you were right oh yeah we called it you know why because Disney owns Marvel and there's here comes the foot exactly exactly Disney gets something out of it it advertises the rest of the Marvel franchise otherwise it would not win hey one hi can we make a plaster mold of Willem Dafoe's jaw and gentlemen if you will turn to your left you will see my god sad man what the [ __ ] is your PC head feels like what the [ __ ] is shows you hold on someone's wearing something ridiculous hold the phone I would dare to say the best Coen Brothers movie since Hail Caesar I traded my Spurs for Wang's nice I gotta say which is running by a lot less aggravatingly yeah it's really smooth well there isn't an annoying host like it bring it to a screeching halt between sans Jimmy Kimmel the Oscars is watchable what wouldn't put him in better without the cinematography violin I know him if only they had done four of the words during the commercials then we'd have us an award winner a winner of an award show these commercials are giving me cancer obviously I hate commercials so much best line in the movie when the AIDS patient said it's so much better than having a host hey Mulaney my boy I mean if they had a good host different Molina's know how to pick Mulaney should host he's awesome because when I walked out I saw Spike Lee and I was like what wah wah Lew Spike Lee Best Animated Short okay bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow that was actually good I really liked that that wasn't from Vancouver actually but it wasn't by Pixar you know that was getting it this was bad wasn't animated by children Ireland get it together Wow yeah that was getting now bow bow bow bow - bye guys and I didn't need to know the other nominations it was going to bow bow bow bow wow wow wow wow wow wow that's lock of the week period end of sentence so I haven't seen any of these that was so confident Scott I'm just gonna go in your log of the week why do you say that though is if you're gonna make a movie about Indian women menstruating you better win a goddamn Oscar Black Sheep I haven't seen any to go last all I care about a written apology that was back I feel compelled add something different yes we call that opening preparation that's what that's oh I thought you're talking about the AIDS medication chat feel free to freak out about my online cholatse Melissa McCarthy because she has periods grow up at him everyone everybody bleeds did she thank manga like Japanese comics oh I like to thank hentai it's hard people like it like yeah only I'd like to thank the concept of lolly I'm Paul Rudd I'm 50 but I look 20 alright good I'm going pee no Adam sit down I see kidís how come he doesn't get subtitles he's not having a bar damage I wonder which movies winning do you think it'll be the one that has a guy from The Avengers presenting first man has good special effects for sure I think Avengers is a very good choice Avengers I'm gonna do first man I'm gonna go Jay Avengers Posey first man Oh Kay so prese stops a little praise all right council please Clark second we actually didn't do anything it was all real we've sent a spaceship to the moon was right it's probably busy being handsome to be about to get me to feel like you do is Lady gaga particularly orange this evening spray tan or is it the lighting she's voting for Trump she's got a great voice actually yep yes forgets like opened the baby grand or I can barely hear the piano yeah open that baby open that baby yes face ah kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss me - me - okay - that betcha - Bradley careful there bull Bradley daddy thought he could sneak one he was trying please I was given the please no eyes if a black panther wins Best Picture I'll be given a constant whoo hi I'm Jon Hamm you might know me as Joe Fresh I like Jon Hamm kisum not every place but a few places of the week Marguerite really get out I've decided have you seen any of them nope my lock of the week is skin mother was the best one I saw I saw them all right I'm gonna go with our great Darren Aronofsky an is my lock of the week I've ever seen in my life laughs don't laugh by myself I don't want to spoil stuff but they're in what they showed they showed a picture I know I know okay can I say what happened yeah they tattooed a white man completely black what they tattooed in black is punishment for being a white supremacist [ __ ] that beat up their friends at the end the kid that he has been training to be this next generation white supremacist shoots him in the back clearly just his dad covered in coal it was the funniest things the trailer looked it looked promising like I would like to see a good movie on that same subject matter but it was just so cartoonish of course the Academy would pick it though you know what since we're here Scott flock of next year [ __ ] Captain Marvel Best Picture nominee we'll see why I still can't believe Spike Lee cosplay tazewell Luigi for the Huskers awesome same respect right choice respect green but we might get it it's like it's a place but it might your strategies got a shot I do like a fairly Roma spike wait I think I'm gonna go with black green wait wait hold on sorry rebut Nick okay we all got it we got it wait wait a minute just like Waylon that's the wrong category good last minute Ava never yeah be good at my clansmen wasn't nominated for supreme it's all me for adapter oh yeah yeah but none of us were paying attention can you talk about the fact that one of the Farrelly Brothers is an Oscar winner Adam that on a receipt for his tuxedo rental so what are you guessing you get some black I'm guessing Spike Lee yeah Spike Lee gets tossed and Oscars lock of the week it's gotta be yeah I want to see waluigi accept the reward i would love to see waluigi on stage Landsman i think black Landsman animus it's anonymous yep yup we know it Charlie walk tail [Applause] he might have a hell all right while the way gee what you gotta say oh oh oh no time ways that I see a triangle Illuminati confirmed boom those are prop glasses talk about your best film old boy let's do the right thing a better movie you made look at that dance that's a waluigi oh wow you totally living up the waluigi character i'm going to give Matty wait they're playing the waluigi music oh it's best for i'm gonna be yeah you stick with Beale Street oh I don't like that tone at all you're like oh yeah stick with go straight you'll [ __ ] more it's a smart choice like black panther might for scoring like my point on it you actually a reason good point why not a lot of game gun for black Klansmen I'm gonna go with black panther Ludvig dodging s it it got best more narrow music cycle easy amazing hey it's Adam what the [ __ ] well a tall white guy with long hair it's literally if like Adam and Stephen Merchant had a kid I can't believe I didn't I can't believe you committed suicide I cannot believe you can how could you have done this how could you have committed suicide well why wouldn't I [ __ ] my clones seriously and remember me from an O a song now Gallo stars boring oh I think it's got too much but you also saw I know but I kind of forgot to last time and it sucks yeah I'm limosaurus or shallow I think the Academy would like this song Margaret I also think that like they may feel like Lady Gaga's such a cultural icon yeah yeah I don't want to burn off yeah I'm going for shallow I'm sorry Black Panther this time shouldn't have skipped you last time it was a mistake shallow shallow spouts lock of the week let's see how do I open this Lady gaga yep yep okay that was smart you're acting again oh she's acting thank you so much I will not relent until you give me an E got you're gonna get what hasn't she I'm trying to think if she has an Emmy she won something where she thanked Michael [ __ ] Michael up and doll Michael [ __ ] only Kanye would step up take the mic sharply as Kanye just come up in in Toronto imma let you finish but venom was one of the greatest songs of all time I think he's allowed import not let the devil an impromptu performance by eminent he just first said on stage like everything's ready Fulford are gonna be the best I'm God like so mean do it not like [ __ ] Apple stay let's see who we forgot died yep there's some recent ones that they might not have added to this there's some that have been in the past few days just a smaller I'm at least glad that the Oscars reminds us that we're all gonna die synecdoche me aloud we lost yeah there we go and you're all dead can i Bette Midler walks back in the fog machine well they do one for Kevin Spacey when he actually dies is the question probably come on yes they they have no more maybe almost forget when you're dead oh it's fine all this for don't hurt your ah you're forgiven you're almost here when you die you're almost certainly done raping trains hello I'm Bob Lee oh oh my god hate loathe despite Lee want us to hate love probably Christian Bale right I think probably Christian Bale baby rami malek well he wraps yeah so I think those would be the two Rahmi my [ __ ] it figure it out winning what are you going for it's good I know what I'm doing what are you doing should figure out what your boy you gotta call it right you gotta call it out loud yeah be done I'm gonna call it before they announce the winner go [ __ ] you call it I was gonna say that for you said but then you look oh maybe it's the Illinois okay well why would rami malek Scots lock of the week maybe it otherwise Gillian I don't want to do the same choices scoot and I think rami malek has a great chance at winning but I'm gonna go for Christian Bale years I'd say it's between those times I'm having a crisis right now well very very little time to put Adams having a real time over there rami malek nope alright Christian Bale got it understand bales my lock lock lock christian bale locks - Oh should've locked the trick to it is you identify the correct answer and then pick the wrong do a different one yeah it's less interesting if we just all pick the same thing well I had I was because I'm neither friend I'm so like you can stay competitive of I'm just sitting here picking winners everyone else can do whatever they like about being competitive because whoever gets best picture is the director I think about what it would have been like to tell little Bubba Rami why don't you think about what Bryan Singer would have told little Bubba Rami his curly-haired little mind would be blown I can bear witness that the portrait I'm sorry I feel bad you don't need to improv you just you just read it he's nervous yeah he is I feel bad yeah I like him oh my god that's a mess she's wearing the ocean but wait this is the Olivia Colman Coast yep I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a little bit for me they might give it to Roma I don't think they will they gave Ramanath awards but she's a person who has never acted before yeah Glenn Close is also a probability because she is overdue for an uh-oh I see and although she does not deserve it for this movie they might decide hey she deserves one at this point this is not a good movie the chat has decided the rock should have been just happy burger I think that Olivia Colman deserves it for sure I agree but I think that my lock is Roma and I am locking that in all right Olivia Colman Lachlan Glen quality a Coleman's God lock of the week of ice cow bold choice Glen Dylan please no please no this would be sad I know that the Academy would want to do this Olivia Colman oh I'm happy with this one yeah even though I didn't know that was pre-commercial job totally [ __ ] has a pre commercial lock well they know this is not gonna happen again I'll make sure of it the favorite too this time it's person quite a lot of my time imagining it so please wrap up right okay she's great she's so I totally deserved it and I'm happy fever and the only prescription shut up how funny would Adam McKay be that would be disaster on my local slant demos and his name I can't pronounce whoa boom all right it's good night I gambled and I lost but you know what but best picture's worth 5 the important thing is you lost picture is worth 24 yeah rules are rules I want the favorite to invest but I don't think what I want me when has what you want ever moved when I was five or six okay what did she do to that boy hey Mexicans take over green book would be depressing the star is born definitely not gonna win based on the other nominations at this point I'm locking in Roma yeah I think I'm gonna walk in here so confident about it that you're telling me beforehand I'm telling you beforehand it's a very obvious choice I think Roma's gonna whist it's so up you can do with that information what you will it also could be a situation where I'm telling you a thing now and I'm going to have one of no way you can't lock it what are my trademark changes apart just before they announce a mark unlock you can do that you lock this up but I have the key might employ as well as the one to your heart ah and I also kind of want a Hail Mary Black Panther cuz though if you know because you do that then I don't have to you know but I don't care about you Hail Mary Black Panther gaël then I don't have one of us has to all right all right I think I think I'm gonna have to go for it [ __ ] they got Emma Roberts mom you can pick something else and I'll just take Black Panther if the favorite lemon he has to I am going to murder all right you're like I'm black I mean it was until right now but also Roma please like Panther cream book [Applause] no man gather like Panther you want maybe it said Emma Stone and she read it wrong I should have known green boy I will know for next year no one this year dumb thing I'm not happy about at one point [ __ ] off [ __ ] holy [ __ ] whatever ridiculous a full [ __ ] to it this is this is not the most upset I could be but it is still making me upset I do appreciate that you have [ __ ] your pants holy [ __ ] Green Book do you think the ratings will be better than last year yes yes but it's such a safe bet because they literally can't be worse all right guys some [ __ ] games all right goddamn it school 1 this year oh yeah so it's so much different than last year well last year I mean best measure is past 24 point I'll forego Twitter's Oscar winner oh my god shut up that was not a good Best Picture win the ball I know depends I'm going to forget that won best picture tomorrow I know God and what a lame choice it is a real spotlight oh my god oh [ __ ] you Academy well the acting was good I'll give it that some things never change you Brooklyn [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause]
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
Views: 1,906,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qCQskqnvThE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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