2023 Best Picture Nominees Review - YMS

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I would be really interested in Adam's thoughts on Moulin Rouge.

It has all the signature Baz Luhrman styles but in my opinion is the only one that actually works. Its a world that makes sense to be hectic and over-the-top. The editing is fast-paced but during the songs the cuts always take place on the beats, and the world feels so lived in and full that it doesn't really feel like you're "missing" things when it cuts away quickly. It feels like that is just what's supposed to happen. It feels intentionally chaotic instead of accidental which is how Elvis feels.

It feels like Baz did a great job with MR, and then thought that that style would work with every other film, no matter how low-key the subject matter is

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ingloriousbaxter3 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

I don't know if Adam read this but I'm at the point of the video (yeah it's saturday night and I was really dragged in his video to find something to watch) where he said that he was interested in the oxy thing (regarding the all the bloodshed review), there is a series that is really well done "Dopesick" and a documentary that is also really really informative "The Crime of the Century" by HBO.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/erbazzone 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

Why is this in 60fps? Are any of the movies in 60fps?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SamuraiOstrich 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

Good video :) did he not watch Living?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Philip3199 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2023 🗫︎ replies

2/10 for Elvis seems crazy harsh to me. Tom Hanks' performance was bad and the music choices were odd, but I think Austin's performance was incredible, he even sounds just like him and I couldn't tell at times if it was a recording of Elvis or him singing. Wouldn't have been upset if he won the oscar.

Meanwhile, I'm like the only person who didn't like EEAAO, and feel like some of his main criticisms of Elvis (ADHD, boring, scenes lacking in consequence) could easily be levied at it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sidian 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2023 🗫︎ replies

It sounds silly but Adum’s continued support of EEAAO is refreshing now that Oscars are closing in and detractors are starting to gun for it. Despite its rabid fanbase threatening to push it over the edge, it remains a well crafted movie with potent themes and excellent performances.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Primetime22 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody it's Oscar's time and there's certain movies that are nominated for Oscars so let's talk about them I will be doing a live commentary to the Oscars with some friends as we do every year so make sure to check it out it'll be on this channel uh this YouTube channel and also on my twitch Channel Link in the description and on the screen so don't miss it it's happening Sunday March 12th mark your calendars make sure that you have your own way to watch the Oscars because I'm not going to be streaming the actual Oscars just our reaction to it we will be playing some video games before the Oscars so join at any time thank you so we're just going to talk about these in the order that they show up on IMDb for the 2023 Oscars page all right for best picture we have All Quiet on the Western Front this film is nominated for best International feature best makeup and hair styling music sound visual effects motion picture of the Year adapted screenplay cinematography and production design I I mean I I don't think it deserves International feature because there's one that I at least one that I liked More Than This One makeup and hair styling sure no strong feelings score I mean it didn't work well with the film sound way too exaggerated and just yeah kept reminding me I'm in a movie I don't know why you would give sound to this movie there was production value to it but it just yeah it didn't work with the film visual effects no thank you they were not great motion picture of the year No thank you best adapted screenplay I don't know why that I don't know why this movie has so many nominations cinematography sure good good cinematography and then production design yeah sure I don't know why this has so many nominations that's this is a weird one this is a movie that I had the opportunity to see it Tiff but decided not to because I didn't see the original 1930s film first now after having seen both I'm glad I watched the original 30s film first because there are some very similar scenes between them but they're essentially just different takes on the same novel that uh the original 1930s film is based on so they're different movies very much so but there are similarities and I'm glad I watched the original first the 1930 film I enjoyed quite a lot actually it was really impressive for the time it felt very ahead of its time a lot of incredible shots there's a shot through the window that looks really incredible there's lots of depth there's lots of things happening in the background a lot of coordination between actors it is very epic and has a massive scale it is super ambitious the effects look really really great for 1930s it essentially just feels like they're putting the actors in danger which makes it feel a lot more real I don't know if the actors were in danger I don't know exactly what sort of safety precautions were taken on set but it really feels like they're just setting off explosives right next to the actors the acting could probably use some work there were some awkward and over-exaggerated line deliveries here and there for sure some very expressive faces I don't know why this movie isn't used more for reaction memes honestly but even though the performances weren't always exactly believable they were still fun to watch like I really love this scene with their expressive faces it's it's just kind of fun to watch in kind of like a time capsule way there are some things that I really loved about the structure of this film and I'll get more into that when comparing it to the 2022 film I was really into the first half of this film I thought that it was incredibly well paced and well structured it was intelligently put together in terms of a narrative it really lost me right after the hour mark basically there's some structure issues in the second half of this film that prevented me from enjoying it as much as I could have in the second half of the film it was essentially just kind of waiting for it to end despite really truly loving the first half the film did a really great job at capturing the naive nature of these young men going into war and then the true horrors of the war overall it is an incredibly impressive film and I can understand what is so well respected why it is such a classic I'm glad I watched this one before the newer version because I honestly prefer this one to the newer version and I'm giving this one a 7 out of 10. this newest German film directed by Edward Berger does some things better than the original but overall was not as much of a fan this film has some really great shots in it some fantastic lighting there's a lot of very aesthetically pleasing shots it feels artfully presented in many ways but unfortunately it feels like it has kind of a conflicting tone like it's simultaneously trying to be an art film but at the same time it's also trying to be a generic Epic war movie and the film score enforces this by sounding way too modern and just kind of weird and janky and it like it's trying to be epic like it's trying to be super cool and edgy [Applause] it's really bizarre and it feels conflicting with the rest of the film different people can have different experiences with music but for me it can really make or break the entire film especially if it's playing throughout the entire film there were some scenes that I really loved in this movie and my favorite scenes were ones that did not have that music in it and I guess there was another one that used a previously existing classical piano piece as well that scene was great but this weird distorted bass sound playing for the rest of the film it just it it really irked me it bothered me I could not get into it the score didn't feel terrible independent from the movie it just felt like it didn't fit the movie it felt like it would have been perfectly fine in a different movie it just I I couldn't deal with it in this film and it's not just the score that feels weirdly modernistic but also the visual effects I am not exaggerating when I say that the vision effects in the 1930s film were remarkably better than this 2022 film there's a lot of really obvious digital blood and digital effects in general there's some really bad looking CG fire in both films there's a bunker scene where they're getting attacked and there's dirt falling from the ceiling and in the 1930s film it was [ __ ] terrifying and it felt like the characters were in danger and in this film there's just there's way too many cuts it feels so fake it just the tension isn't there in the same way we see a guy getting blown up but it lacks any visceral feeling it feels way too produced and sanitized and just not impactful in this film and so it was kind of disappointing another weirdly modernistic element to this remake newest version was the sound design a lot of sounds had such weirdly over exaggerated qualities to them it felt like it was a video game it felt like when you get a back stab in the PS5 demon souls and you just hear all that crunching in the bones or whatever [Applause] it felt like they were kind of going for that but in Demon Souls it's kind of supposed to be over the top and satisfying for the player in that moment but in this film it's just it it takes me out of the experience and reminds me that it's a movie because it doesn't it doesn't sound natural it just sounds like way too extra which is interesting because one of my complaints about the original film is that they were really lacking in terms of sound design not just from technical limitations at the time but there are moments where there could have been impact sounds and there just weren't nope 2022 film are just so over exaggerated and over produced and just they just remind me that I'm watching a movie it's so annoying even outside of the combat scenes the sound effects are super distracting there's a really weirdly loud slurp when the guy is drinking his tea it was so weird it sounded like they played two slurps at once or some [ __ ] the sound design in this film feels like it's trying way too hard to be a big movie they're spending a lot of money making it feel less impactful it feels less natural now this 2022 film didn't have as much of a drop off in terms of how I felt from the beginning to the end it was I guess more consistent than the original 1930s film but I didn't love it as much as I loved the beginning of the 1930s film and I guess I was a bit more invested at the end of this 2022 film than I was in the 1930 film something that really stuck out to me was just how ineffectively this newer film communicated the naive nature of the young men going into battle in this newest film they start the movie with combat scenes and so you already have an idea of what to expect and then they go through the whole like oh you're gonna go to war and everybody's like yeah this is gonna be awesome and they're getting hyped up and inspired propaganda Etc whereas in the original film it was much more patient and it took longer to get into the combat that scenes it didn't start the movie in a combat scene as kind of like a teaser of like oh here remember this is an action movie this is a big action movie it didn't do that in the original film and when we finally did get into the combat in the original it was just so much more incredible it was just so much more brutal and shocking you were kind of thrust into the war with these characters and there was more opportunity to develop those characters and be attached to them there were so many points in this newest film where it felt like the implication of the scene was that you were supposed to be like really attached and invested in these characters but it just it never happened and it felt like it was much more effective in the first 1930s film so yeah first half of the 1930s film loved it and then yeah the second half not so much and this movie is somewhere in between I guess this newest film is fine it didn't really feel like something that was worth it for me to finish even though I did by the end of it I didn't feel any different print it was just fine it didn't really serve that much of a purpose it didn't speak to me on a personal level it didn't really connect with me this newest film also kind of kind of felt like it was a weird war boner film even though it was anti-war there are certain War films where it's like oh War tragedy porn it doesn't necessarily have to be pro-war for it to be a war porn film in my opinion it was just kind of like oh yeah isn't this tragic isn't isn't this bad yeah it just didn't feel like it was offering that much in terms of substance and it felt like it was relying a bit too much on the spectacle which was kind of annoying yeah some talented people that made this film I don't think that the overall package worked that well for me definitely watch the 1930 film that one was awesome this one I'm given a 6 out of 10. Thank You Avatar the way of water I reviewed this on my channel already I ranted about it for 30 minutes nominated for best sound best achievement and visual effects best motion picture of the Year and best achievement in production design I mean sound wasn't as great as some of the other movies I saw there were some weird sound effects that sounded like they were kind of like Tick-Tock just repeated YouTube poop sounds that was kind of weird talked about it in my longer review visual effects I think it's got it there's some incredible visual effects in this movie best picture of the year I don't even know why it's nominated for that that's kind of silly and then production design sure I would have to get better educated on exactly what the production was like because it's just it's an entirely different world in terms of how they made the film compared to a lot of these other films so not a huge fan I thought it was gigantic Beast piece of boring mess it was a bad film I was disappointed in my expectations were not that high the water scenes were cool make it shorter the plot was stupid moving on goodbye three out of ten it was four did I rate Avatar's way of water or four I don't know why it would be a four like I just how it was so boring it would have to be a three now if I was certain if I was certain that it was a three I'm just changing it to a three like why would it why would it be a four if I detest it this much all right it's a three now there's an updated rating I'm it I'm left with basically Nothing by the end of the movie I'm left with basically nothing I've got like a little I don't know 30 second trailer basically from the movie In My Head after that entire three hour plus experience or whatever I didn't it was impossible to retain the experience of that film all right Elvis 2022 Elvis is nominated for best picture of the year I don't know why best makeup and hair styling sure although Tom Hanks his old person makeup especially at the scene the scene in the beginning where he's in the casino looked kind of bad it didn't look great so no no if I can see something wrong with it I don't feel like it should be in the top five of the year you know nominated for an Oscar if there's something wrong with it I don't know certain categories maybe not all categories I feel that way best sound I don't know why there was a lot of editing no strong feelings I guess best performance nope not in my opinion best achievement in cinematography I don't know lighting was good otherwise not sure costume design I don't know maybe maybe it'll win they're just I guess basing it off of real costumes that Elvis wore so it might win for that reason I just I don't know how to measure that I guess best achievement in film editing please know one of the worst edited films I've seen the entire year and then production design sure I guess why not I just I'd be more impressed with it if there weren't Parts where it felt like it was in a computer you know although I guess you can't fault the production design for that you would just have to fault the director for but I guess like is that a part of it sometimes difficult to quantify these things some people enjoy this movie I thought it was very bad I thought it was very embarrassing this is my first Buzz Lerman film I don't know if I'm pronouncing his name correctly that's totally fine I guess there's many people who say this is just his style none of his films ever looked particularly appealing to me I saw the trailer for The Great Gatsby and I was like wow this is a period piece but it looks like they're in a computer this doesn't look great and I kind of just stayed away from it I guess the same thing happened here with Elvis there's a bunch of scenes where it just feels like you're in a computer it also feels like you're in a trailer for the film watching the entire film the entire thing is edited basically like a trailer this is nominated for edit editing which is funny it has the most editing out of the nominees I think but that doesn't always make it the best way too many Cuts feels really janky and ADHD and just 30 minutes of the film will go by and it'll be like wait did anything even happen like what's being developed right now it lacked substance it had a personality I didn't like the personality Austin Butler did a good job he wasn't my favorite performance of the year I don't even know if I would call him like top five performance of the year so I don't know if I believe that he should be nominated the academy has a very strong bias towards biopic films and the performances within them if the casting director figures out how to get someone that already looks like the person that they're portraying and then puts on some makeup and then it's like oh wow they're really that person it's partly the performance he did a good job with the performance he did he didn't do a bad job with the performance but I just when so much of that is also just casting I don't know if we should just always be given giving best actor to those types of roles it just it seems like they're they just have such an incredible bias towards those roles and it's always kind of frustrating apparently now he can't talk properly he can only say the words because that's what he was doing the whole movie and his brain is broken [Music] and that's his Oscars campaign he's trying to make a sob story I'm exaggerating that a little bit but that's essentially what's happening there's there's Parts where it seemed like he was trying to cry but he couldn't and so they had to get the eyedropper in like between the shots you know there'd be a tear that just appears on his face in between the cut and then it would just disappear too this happens at least twice in the movie where it just cuts to him and there's suddenly a tear and then it cuts away and the tears gone and it's kind of distracting it just seems like it's obviously applied between takes and so yeah I mean he's not my favorite performance of the year he did fine mostly just aside from some stuff like that I guess it's just maybe it's the editing maybe maybe the editing was so fast it prevented us from seeing the real tear of the actor which you would either have to remove points from the performance or you would have to remove points from the editor right like someone prevented us from experiencing real emotion in that scene and having like just instead having a weird distracting moment in more than one scene so yeah not a great movie Tom Hanks was bad he was actually very bad in the film I think it was abusive to let Tom Hanks do that in the film not like he's the best actor ever or anything but I don't know why anyone would let him do that it seemed like he had the weirdest idea of what he thought he should be doing and someone should have told him no at any point if you look at interviews of the actual person he's portraying Colonel Tom Parker there's video footage of this guy he doesn't talk anything like how Tom Hanks is talking so I don't know what he was trying to do I don't know what accent he was trying to perform because it doesn't sound like the person that he was portraying in the film so I did my part Elvis did his show and we were lucky great talents we had a great show and a lot of fun I think Mr Presley could be persuaded to make the international his home grandma told you what is that behind your ear you were not one of hewlett's long hair Zeppelins you are Elvis Presley you are beloved I am a promoter that is what I do yeah they are not putting a colored boy on a hayride that's a thing he's white his wife Here Comes Santa Claus and wishes everyone Merry Christmas and good night this movie was not as bad as blund I guess but uh it wasn't as fun to watch as blind because blonde was more of a train wreck and blonde with just the choices in that film were so much more out there whereas this was just like oh I'm editing it like a weird trailer and nothing matters throughout the course of this entire very long film two hours and 39 minutes the dialogue not great nothing felt natural it often felt like a Tim and Eric movie like it was all just supposed to be ironic or some [ __ ] there's so many conflicting music choices in this film which I just I I don't know how you justify those music choices [Music] it's not just a period piece it's a period piece about a musician and you would assume that people who want to see the film about Elvis are probably more into Elvis music and not trap Beats by Doja cat or whoever that was I don't even I have no idea what was going on there and those are just in the middle of the movie that's weird there was a Britney Spears Toxic remix where that just they mixed one of Elvis's songs with Britney Spears Toxic and again this is a period piece this is before Britney Spears I don't know why any of this was happening there's some really awful choices in the end credits for songs also Eminem did a song for the movie yeah there are a lot of weird choices that did not work for me at all throughout the movie I I was mostly just wishing that I was watching Walk Hard instead because it really just felt like a parody of a biopic as I was watching it just not as funny as Walk Hard it just wasn't this this just wasn't great oh yeah there was a Backstreet Boys song for like two seconds literally two seconds long they played a Backstreet Boys song it was crazy you think I'm exaggerating I'm not exaggerating it was literally like two seconds of a Backstreet Boys song it's like this film will start doing something and then just immediately change its mind and that's how it's edited like it's just even in scenes where people where there's supposed to be something cohesive happening even in scenes where it's not I guess supposed to feel like a previously on Elvis Montage they're still just tiniest shots in the world tiniest meaning shortest running shot there's some shots that feel like they're 10 frames here's an example there will be a Christmas song there's also no Chemistry Between Tom Hanks and Austin Butler like their characters just have like no chemistry whatsoever no screen chemistry it's just not fun to watch it feels so misguided and so stupid it's a very boring film and they just keep they they just keep cutting it there's no time to soak in anything even in scenes that aren't necessarily short the shots are so short in each scene where I can't absorb anything about the movie it's just it's constantly preventing me from doing that so I don't even know how we're supposed to comment really on the cinematography nomination unless they're just purely talking about the lighting then I guess the lighting was fine because you it's really difficult to soak in anything about like the framing of shots when they're all so [ __ ] quick and you know if we're if we're gonna include cinematography in terms of like how a film is presented I would say you know I guess editing I don't know sometimes it's a little difficult to pinpoint exactly what they mean by cinematography I think they're talking mostly about the lighting so I guess in that sense sure but Jesus there's nothing wrong with having style in your film crank is something I rewatched recently that film has a lot of style in the editing but it works with the film it's not working actively against the film in crank the whole premise of the movie is sex drugs and rock and roll or else the character dies and it's just one hyperactive energy fueled fill the editing works with the film in this weird-ass biopic period piece of Elvis it feels like nothing's being properly developed and it's not going anywhere and the editing is preventing things from going anywhere the editing is preventing things from being developed it's it's a very confusing film not necessarily even just in terms of what's happening narratively but just why these choices are made at all there's nothing good about these choices I I guess Buzz Lerman I guess they have some fans who just really love this style of filmmaking but holy crap it does not gel with me at all I did not think this was a great film down with Buzz Lerman up with Buzz punpuria director of one for the road uh yeah we're taking we're taking bars back okay we're giving it to the punpria is who we're doing it with uh two out of ten [ __ ] it's it's very bad it's an awful torturous experience and I feel stupid for having watched it but very smart for not having watched it in theaters I knew that it would be torture if I sat in theaters instead of doing it on my watch-alongs channel so you can watch along with me and uh hear me complain about the film in real time if you want to watch along the film with me on the watch alongs Channel everything everywhere all at once I posted a review for this on my channel already way back when I saw it before you did okay you're all copying me because I enjoyed the film and nobody has original thoughts or feelings so you lose it's nominated for 11 Oscars so best original screenplay sure why not best achievement in music for Motion Pictures sure why not best achievement in music written oh yeah so there's an original song David Byrne and mitsky and Ryan Lott I'm not familiar with that person it'd be cool if mitsky won an Oscar that so yeah sure why not I just don't remember what that song is like best motion picture of the Year sure why not I feel like I could get it best achievement in directing the Daniels that'd be cool why not best performance Michelle yo why not but Kate Blanchette did much better so I would prefer Cate Blanchett best performance by an actress in a supporting role Stephanie Sue why not sure I'm glad she has a nomination Jamie Lee Curtis I don't know why she's nominated for this but uh she was good she was really good in it that would be weird if she won best actor supporting is how the actor himself says it so that's how it is but yeah that would be dope I would love to see him win an Oscar for this that would be so cool best achievement in costume design sure why not there were a lot of costumes best achievement in film editing sure I mean the editing worked for this film really well so yeah why not my biggest I guess criticism is that you know I love the music in this film in the sense that I think it accomplishes a lot and it is varied and it's it's ambitious going for a lot of different tones because there's a lot of different styles in the film and I think that it Nails those Styles but in terms of the actual composition itself for each of those Styles I wish that those bits were more memorable the most memorable part of the score was in the opening of the film which I thought was awesome you know there's kind of like chaotic sounding score but then yeah I don't know the rest of it I I felt like could have been a bit more memorable in the actual composition still really great movie it's very ambitious especially in concept and and goals and it pulls it off it's really uh really well made film watch it 9 out of ten everybody seems to love it so everyone you're all copying me sorry banshees even a Sharon I have a review for that as well my Tiff video you can watch that I give this film a 9 out of 10. this film is nominated for nine Oscars best performance by an actress in a sporting role Carrie Condon sure she was great best performance by an actor in the leading role Colin Farrell yes he was great best achievement in music written for Motion Pictures Carter Burwell I mean it was good not my favorite score of the year I guess but it was really good he's a big name so best motion picture of the Year sure it's my second favorite movie of the year I guess best achievement in directing sure why not Martin McDonough best performance by an actor in a supporting role Brendan Gleason he was great best performance supporting role Barry Keogan that would be cool another great nomination best original screenplay Martin McDonough it could win great screenplay best achievement in film editing sure why not I enjoy this more than everything everywhere all at once very mild criticisms of this film some CG fire you know could have looked better otherwise great writing I think it'll probably win screenplay Great Performances Colin Farrell amazing job in this film yeah check it out the Fable men's there's a review for this in my Tiff video as well was not a huge fan nominated for best achievement and directing feels obligatory just I don't know didn't love the movie music John Williams feels obligatory it's fine really not memorable uh best motion picture of the year please know best performance by an actress and a leading role Michelle Williams she did good it didn't stand out from any of her other performances best performance by an actor at a sporting World Judd Hirsch that's a weird one he was in the movie for like two seconds he did good but I don't know why he's nominated best original screenplay uh no thank you best achievement in production design sure maybe it definitely had production value to it a lot of it felt really fake and sappy and kind of Oscar baby a lot of shots didn't feel real some outdoor shots that felt like they were shot in a warehouse and you know I guess you could argue like oh cause it's a movie but I I don't didn't really seem all that intentional maybe you could you could convince me otherwise but it just seems to be how Steven Spielberg shoots a lot of his more recent films anyway I didn't connect with it it was very boring and masturbatori and uh I don't care so if you loved this movie great happy for you but uh yeah didn't connect with me and the beauty about having different brains existing in different people is that not every film that connects with you is going to connect with somebody else so just uh yeah it doesn't matter and you can enjoy it 5 out of 10. top gun Maverick there's a review existing for this one already on my channel check that one out it's nominated for six Oscars best achievement in film editing sure maybe I guess best music written for motion picture's original song Lady Gaga and blood pop or blood poop hold my hand didn't love it so no thank you best sound it is a very loud movie and also the I mean yeah it was it was I I did enjoy the sounding in the movie uh best achievement in visual effects sure I mean it all looked great the visual effects were very well done I think Avatar's gonna win but it'd be cool if top gun Maverick one best motion picture of the Year sure why not wouldn't even be mad about it not my favorite movie of the year wouldn't be bad though best adapted screenplay what the f it's nominated for screenplay what no it's not oh adapted it's nominated for adapted how come this wow I already kind of did a video reacting to the nominations and somehow no pun intended it flew over my head um I guess that pun was intended but anyway weird I just don't understand how it gets best a best screenplay nomination either adapted or original that's weird it's not a movie that I love for the screenplay maybe don't go to the bathroom with all the great writing and the non-action scenes I don't even think I did go to the bathroom I think I wanted to basically like many other Tom Cruise films loved the action scenes but the action scenes are not the whole movie half the movie I would call go to the bathroom scenes because you can just go to the bathroom and you don't miss anything and you can just come back and it doesn't matter the dramatic scenes were kind of cheesy and annoying loved the action uh very very well shut loved the Practical nature to the action everything looked amazing and the way that the music was used with it and yeah just an exhilarating Thrill Ride so if I forgot about the other half of the movie this would just be a like probably a perfect movie or if the other half of the movie didn't exist it would probably be a perfect movie but the bathroom scenes weigh it down it's yeah I can understand why it had such a huge impact why so many people love it I also love it just not the bathroom scenes I could imagine myself buying this on 4K Blu-ray and then just fast forwarding through like half the movie and having a great time you know just engaging with the action scenes and then just not not watching the other scenes they're not they're not like the worst thing in the world they're just just a lot of wasted opportunity it's not compelling great dialogue or you know performances or conflict or characters or plot it's just it's there to get to the action scenes and for you to be able to go to the bathroom between the action scenes so great movie at Parts six out of ten closer to a seven and a five thank you who knows maybe on my second watch I will raise it to a seven we'll see how that goes and I you know if even if this one best picture I wouldn't even be mad you know it would be fine it'd be I'd be okay with it I'd be like yeah you know what it was definitely a movie that people loved so triangle of sadness the new Robert osland film Reuben osland austland triangle of sadness is nominated for three Oscars best motion picture of the year that would be interesting I I mean I like the movie A Lot best original screenplay I could I could be down with that it was a really good screenplay and then best achievement and directing I'm glad they gave it a directing them because Reuben osland is really great so yeah why not I'm glad he's getting recognized more so there's a review for this in my Tiff video long story short I thought this movie was great I liked the first half more than I liked the second half but still really outrageous it's a riot it's so much fun it's profane it's hilarious it was great to watch in a crowd maybe don't watch it if you're one of the people that throws up if you see someone else throwing up because my existence on the internet has alerted me of those people and so I'm just adding that warning uh Maybe cover your eyes for parts of the movie because it it does a great job at making you believe that those people are throwing it's not like one of those crappy movie moments it's like oh wow that feels like real yeah lots of fun eight out of 10 highly recommend very funny film tar starring Kate Blanchette directed by Todd field tars nominated for six Oscars best performance by an actress and the leading role Kate Blanchette I hope she wins she was incredible loved her performance in this film best motion picture of the Year wouldn't be unhappy because it is my favorite movie of the year I think a lot of people would hate it if it won I think a lot of people are rooting for everything everywhere all at once and a lot of people that aren't as into slower films would probably just just absolutely hate this movie if they watched it this is this is a great movie for me it's not for everybody best achievement in directing Todd field I mean wouldn't be unhappy at all I thought it was an incredibly directed film best original screenplay again would not be unhappy great screenplay best achievement in cinematography loved the cinematography so hell yeah and uh best achievement in film editing loved it loved the editing in this film so yeah every single if this this movie won all six of the awards it's nominated for I would not be unhappy some people would be very unhappy about the best picture win but it's not I don't think it's gonna win anyway so I think we're fine my favorite movie of 2022 so far out of the ones that I've seen so very incredibly presented character study it's a slow burn the length is Justified as well it's eerie and kind of suspenseful and you know sometimes chaotic and it feels like there's more to scratch at under the surface and more to unpack about the film and what it's going for thematically and just there's even even if you're just looking at it purely on a surface level it's a great character study it's a great character movie like there's so much depth to her performance and how the character is written and just how things are presented I love the cinematography I love the long takes I could watch this movie again in a heartbeat it is exactly the type of film that you know that works for me I I this is this is some something that speaks to me it's something that I definitely Vibe with there's another review for it already on my channel love the movie Nine out of ten not for everybody I dig it very much so I think it's incredible I think it's fantastic very meticulously made very professionally presented and yeah all right women talking is directed by Sarah Paulie it's nominated for best picture and best adapted screenplay surprisingly not for best director because I thought it would be kind of the obvious pick to include Sarah Paulie because over the past decade plus the Oscars have been trying to include female directors and this just seemed like the obvious one to include it's nominated for best picture and it was well directed for sure it was a well-directed movie but yeah I I guess the Oscars can't possibly just add one more nominee there's no reason why it has to be five and only five you could have six one year you know the amount of Best Picture nominees hasn't stayed the same every year there's been a year where it was like nine there's been a year where it was five a lot of years where it was five some years where it's ten I don't know how many it is this year probably 10. so there's nothing preventing them from just adding an extra slot to be a bit more inclusive I don't understand why they don't do that that seems like the really easy obvious solution and that way no one can complain like oh yeah you're forcing out someone else who deserved it more who was a male trying to you know be inclusive affirmative action blah blah blah blah blah you can just include more nominations I don't know why they don't do that that just seems so silly and although I thought this was a well-directed movie I was a little bit disappointed by it I thought that it was great in the first 30 minutes maybe less I thought it was super engaging it started out with a really interesting premise a really interesting conflict great cast this movie has a great cast Jesse Buckley is awesome in this movie Rooney Mara is really good Francis McDormand is barely in it so don't see this movie just for her but yeah for the most part most of the performances in this movie were really great aside from maybe like one or two younger actors I really loved the music in this film I thought that for the most part it was really interesting and not way too insistent and still emotional but not quite manipulative for the most part there was maybe one scene close to the end where I felt like it was a bit unnecessary and I was more interested in the fictional version of the movie where that it didn't have music in that scene because my biggest issue with the film is its structure and the pacing is a byproduct of the structure issues basically this film has a really strong beginning and a really strong end and everything just kind of stays at the same level throughout the entire middle of the film and it's a long middle it's it's well over it's like an hour 20 minutes where it just stays the same and not much progresses and not much happens without completely spoiling the movie essentially there's a bunch of women in a Mennonite colony in 2010 who find out that they are being abused in their sleep and I'm not going to go into detail what the abuse is because I'll get demonetized with some sort of abuse while they're unconscious they find out about it and they have a meeting to decide whether or not they should stay in the colony run away or fight the men in the colony are essentially saying you have to forgive us or else you're not going to get into the kingdom of heaven and they take that seriously because it's you know a religious a religious Colony so people have that sort of control over other people and so they're seriously considering like what if we don't get into the kingdom of heaven and it's a really bad situation obviously but I was really hoping for some sort of narrative progression in terms of getting from addressing the conflict and exploring the options to the end of the movie where you know they obviously pick one of those options it really didn't feel like there was any sort of natural stepping stones from minute 20 of the movie to minute hour 40. and just the middle chunk of the film feels like it's Meandering and not really doing anything and sure there's some great performances in there and that's what really holds it up and prevents me from feeling like it's a huge waste of time there's still things to appreciate about the film within that middle chunk but narratively it's just such a wasted opportunity in my opinion and the reason why I strongly feel that way is because the information dump at the beginning of the movie they they just say a lot of thing things that happened before the movie started they do a lot of telling and not showing and they say this is what the situation is and they start on a really strong heavy note because we're just immediately into the conflict whereas if I were structuring the movie Just based on how slow the middle of this movie feels I would have spent about half an hour developing these characters showing how they live in the colony showing their Dynamic with other people in The Colony they start out the movie and and they say oh the men have been telling us that it's it's just ghosts or demons I wanted to see that confrontation and we never saw it they just kind of say that that's a confrontation that happened before the movie started and so it seems like they were really insistent on just having the movie start at such a strong like oh we're in the middle of the conflict already but if they had just been a bit more patient at the beginning then the middle of the film wouldn't have felt so stretched out they could have easily added half an hour at the beginning of the film felt like more of a natural progression into the conflict you know we could have seen them getting gas lit we could have seen them starting to figure out that this abuse is taking place we could have seen you know the the trauma and and drama of these women discovering that this is taking place and then the stigma and then like who do we talk to you know just does one of them talk to their husbands or do they immediately reach out to one of the other women it would have been interesting to explore but it just it starts after that which wouldn't be an issue if the middle of this movie didn't feel like it was dragging on narratively so yeah it's it feels like all of that was underdeveloped because they left no room for progression in the middle of the film it just felt it felt empty in the entire middle of the film and you know I'm watching it and just thinking okay well clearly this is gonna pick up at the end because they're gonna make one of those decisions and it does pick back up at the end but it just it left me feeling so empty in terms of the entirety of the experience for the most part it was well shot you know well directed well acted some people had some issues with the color grading and I don't know if I'm in enough of an expert on color grading to be able to call it bad I don't get the impression that it was bad color grading but I will say that typically I just don't gravitate towards more grayish kind of movies you know it still felt like it fit the tone of what it was going for yeah not really much else to say about it Jesse Beckley was probably my favorite performance she's great and yeah six out of ten it's not a low 6 out of ten it's either a solid six or a high six maybe but I think solid six is probably the best thing to leave it on because I'm already kind of forgetting it I watched it yesterday and I just it there's not a whole lot about it that is going to stick with me it was a perfectly fine film I just wish that they developed more of what took place before the movie started in order to have it drag on Less in the middle of the film it felt like they took one gigantic Step At the beginning and then just stayed on the same level for it throughout the entire movie and then took another step at the end and it's just like okay I would rather have had several steps throughout the entire film and not just what we got from this film six out of ten thank you all right the whale is nominated for a few Awards best achievement in makeup and hair styling I mean yeah the makeup and hair styling was awesome the fat suit worked really well I thought it was really great Prosthetics and it didn't feel like it was a guy in a fat suit it really just felt like it was a guy it felt like it was an obese man best performance by an actor and a leading role Brendan Fraser loved him in this movie so yeah I think he totally deserves it Brendan Fraser I really hope he wins best actor for this not just like the oh he deserves it wounded puppy sob story thing but I think that his performance was like genuinely great the combined elements of his performance and the music and the cinematography and the makeup and just all of the elements of that film working together they had me feeling some real emotions and yeah it was some some parts were kind of just burned into my memory and it had a large part to do with his performance I feel like he absolutely nailed it hope he wins we'll see what happens yep and then best performance by an actress supporting role hongchao she was great maybe not my favorite of the year for supporting role but I mean sure if she wins and for some reason I guess I remembered whale the whale being nominated for best picture but now I'm realizing it's not which is interesting because I mean it was really I I enjoyed the movie a lot I gave that a 8 out of 10. I connected with it emotionally I thought that it had really fantastic sound design and directing overall you know very minor issues that I had with the whale but there's not a lot of terrible nominations this year there's a lot of great nominations anyway if you want to hear my more detailed thoughts on the whale watch my Tiff video where I go into more detail about the film 8 out of ten after sun is nominated for one Oscar it is for best performance by an actor in a leading role Paul Mezcal I think that that is a an entirely deserved nomination I think that he was fantastic in the film he did a really great performance it could have been nominated for more than that I mean it could have been nominated for I don't know May baby screenplay but it's nice that this movie is getting recognized I wasn't expecting it to get an Oscar Nom really yeah Paul Mezcal incredible job so glad it's getting some recognition I go into more detail about this film in my Tiff video and I think I also talked about it in my Vancouver filmfest video I think I saw the film twice and I went into more detail in my second watch video that I did my first watch it is a it is a see it twice movie not for everybody but I liked it 7 out of ten blonde is nominated for one Oscar best performance by an actress in a leading role Ana de armas and she could definitely cry she's good at crying I don't think that that's all there is to a performance I think if you're portraying a real life person then perhaps your accent should be a bit more polished she sounded Chilean the entire movie I do not think Marilyn Monroe sounded Chilean maybe someone can fact check me but I'm I don't think it was intended to sound like that yeah a very bizarre very uh bad movie Very misguided and very funny it was a very funny film her performance wasn't the worst part of it I guess that's for sure it feels weird that this is nominated for any Oscars feels like this film maybe shouldn't be recognized at the Oscars but I think they all kind of felt bad for Ana de armas being a part of this I think this is just an award that you you give her because you feel bad that she was in the movie like I I don't know definitely watch my YMS watches blonde video and you can see what I mean by how absolutely crazy the film is the video is demonetized so maybe if you go on patreon you can see the uncensored version that would help out because the video is demonetized even the censored version got demonetized there are some I guess subjects that YouTube doesn't want people to be covering so oops still making content anyway to Leslie has one nomination it is for best actress in a leading role Andrea rysborough and I just watched this movie recently and she was really really great in it not my favorite performance of the year but I'm glad the movie's getting recognized because I actually liked it a lot for more than just the performance I thought that it was a very mature and appropriately intelligently presented film and it was a really Earnest character piece and I like the concept and I liked its portrayal of addiction I just I really liked the choices that were made in in this film there were ways in which scenes were communicated by you know sometimes just how far away she was from the camera where you could interpret a bit more than just the surface level of what's happening in the scene and you're like okay I understand what that's doing thematically I understand why it's making that choice there were a lot of moments like that in the film that I really appreciated overall it's just it it feels it's confusing to me why a movie like this can just go under the radar and not get much attention at all now it has an Oscar nomination but a movie like this goes under the radar and then Nomad land is like Best Picture Winner like that's just confusing to me because I thought this was a much better film sure the cinematography is better in Nomad land in terms of how aesthetically pleasing the shots look but in terms of I guess how the shots are motivated and what it describes about the characters in the film I would say that this film did it better the music was sparingly used there's lots of really interesting editing choices that I liked a lot and yeah this is a just a very intelligently directed movie I'll definitely be checking out whatever Michael Morris directs next I thought that this was really a really great film 8 out of ten and sure yeah she uh deserves an Oscar nomination for it some mild criticism with her performance I guess she could have done the physicality of acting drunk a bit better there were some parts where you know her her vocal performance was really on point but I just felt you know could have been a little bit better in the physicality still I mean top five of the Year sure she nailed her accent she felt like a really genuine character and yeah I'm happy she's getting recognized there's a bit of a controversy as to her being nominated because it was a Grassroots campaign and not like a studio backed for your consideration campaign and it's a bit more complicated than people are presenting it it's not just like oh you didn't pay money for this thing I thought it was at first the way that people were talking about it I looked into it and it's more to do with their rules on how involved with a film someone had has to be if they're going to be contacting Academy members directly and stuff like that these are rules that existed before and so there there was some kind of gray area and I can understand why it was investigated but I'm glad that they kept the nomination because it's a film that deserves to be recognized I really enjoyed this one it was a pleasant surprise eight out of ten thank you black panther wakanda forever it's nominated for costume design and makeup and hair styling and original song and visual effects and actress in a supporting role I don't have very strong feelings about the costume design category makeup and hair styling I I mean sure but the whale did it better I guess music original song I don't even remember what it sounded like I don't know I don't know if I have very strong opinions on that category at all this year we'll have to see what else is nominated I guess visual effects there were some good visual effects in this movie but I mean I don't know if it's worth a nomination especially with how a fight scene near the end looked which is weird because it feels like they kind of just fell into the same trap that they did with the first film where they had this weird PS3 looking fight scene near the end of the film that just stands out in particular like I don't know did they run out of money no idea best performance by an actress in a supporting role Angela Bassett she did a really great job I really liked her performance if she won I wouldn't be disappointed there's one scene where it's definitely like oh yeah this is your Oscar scene and yeah she did a really great job there's like you know lip quivering you can tell that she's very emotionally affected and it feels genuine so the movie was kind of boring it was way too long and surprisingly the first what hour of the movie the first half of the movie even maybe it was surprisingly well paced and I wasn't bored and second half just uh kind of lost me it's just uh I don't know why it was that long and I have a theory about why every movie is deciding to be long right now it's because now content is made with streaming services in mind so Disney is not just thinking about the theatrical run but they're also thinking about this film being on Disney plus the longer things are on your streaming service the more content people will have to catch up on you know there's less time for people to finish the thing and so they won't be running out of content as quickly and so you're just kind of playing the game of like oh it'll take them longer to watch this and then they'll stay subscribed longer you know so that's my Theory anyway a lot of things are just being turned into like miniseries now so I liked the song Choices in the movie for the most part I thought that they were mostly appropriate and fitting there was maybe one part in an underwater scene where I was like okay that one just didn't feel like it fit but I really liked the vibe of most of the movie there's some really weird audio issues in this movie there it sounds like sounds like a guy is talking through Discord at one point you tell the Americans about us if you try to find us I will come to wakanda and I will kill you and the rest of the movie doesn't sound like that it's just him in that one scene it was just really bizarre I don't know what was happening there there's a character with wings on his ankles and it just it feels and looks very stupid and silly and I don't like it the physics don't make any sense I get it it's a Marvel movie it's just it's so janky and unnerving and disturbing to look at really it's just it's such a bad design Choice it looks awful I just I can't Vibe with it at all it feels awkward and stupid I don't like it it doesn't feel like that's where where he's flying from you know why is he skating how does it help him to be doing the running skating motion while he's doing that is it not from the wings flapping the balance feels like it would be just so off this was an improvement from the first film for me and in some ways I think I enjoyed this one more overall you know I I dig the Vibes a bit more there was no what are those seen in this film although they did have some kind of cringe moments there was there was a part where they were just like this is just like those other movies and then they list movies that Disney owns the rights to Princess Leia Bell from beauty distracting and unnecessary and then it raises questions like I guess Disney is in the MCU canonically like I guess George Lucas is a character in the MCU now there's a part in the movie where they had Anderson Cooper on CNN and it was like I guess Anderson Cooper is a character in the MCU now there's other reporters that exist in the MCU like Jay Jonah Jameson is one of them I'm sure they have more to work with like why do you have to throw in real world reporters like that like I would like to believe that this is another world so I don't have to worry about how little sense any of this makes I don't like when it's pretending to be in this world I guess I should also say the way that they handled Chadwick boseman's death was uh pretty nice it was you know it was respectful it was a nice little tribute narratively it feels kind of thrown together and I guess it would have to be but I don't know just this is one of very few movies where I found myself wondering would this have been better as a dump of text at the beginning usually that kind of annoys me usually that's just like ah whatever Exposition like you know find a better way to communicate it whereas watching this film I feel like that might have been the best option it immediately opens up and they're like he's dying of an incurable disease and then and they can't save him but they never show him because he's like dead before the production of the movie starts you know so I just felt kind of clunky I don't know if there was a better way to do it but it felt respectful to him the real life person at the very least I would have much rather enjoyed this movie if the action scenes were longer because the action scenes weren't bad it just felt like there was so long in between waiting for them to get back to the action and I'm not you know my favorite movie of the year was [ __ ] tar right so it's not like I'm this oh everything needs to be action I can't pay attention to dialogue sort of thing it just needs to be compelling dialogue it needs to be a compelling story with compelling characters and this just it I don't know most Marvel movies don't really satisfy that for me a lot of these movies are made with younger audiences in mind not saying that you can't do that and still make it compelling or entertaining story but a lot of these just it's more focused on just pre-existing characters existing in the film and just being like oh this comic book character I like I get to see them in a movie form now that's what it feels like to me anyway and so a lot of this movie goes by and it feels like it's kind of just blue balling for action like you finally get the action and then it's over before you know it and I wish that it was more complex or just lasted longer I wish it was more of a spectacle because that's why you would want to go see a movie like this is for the spectacle right yeah just way way too long with the dialogue scenes in between the action it was just so I don't know what they were thinking there was a bunch of moments in the film that felt stupid they did not make sense I don't know if it's worth it for me to go into detail about those things right now there were some attempts at humor that didn't land that felt really kind of out of place like they were just trying to check a box off of the list like oh we gotta have a Marvel humor moment here and it just it just didn't work sometimes it like there was nothing at all within the scene that was humorous aside from that moment and even in that moment it wasn't it just was clear that it was trying to be so that was weird and yeah I guess my biggest problems with this movie is that it's unnecessarily exhausting there's plenty about it that's perfectly competent and enjoyable but there's just so much nonsense eating up the run time for absolutely no reason in between everything that I find enjoyable about this film so action scenes very unsatisfyingly short and over before you know it five out of ten for me this film's a 5 out of 10. thank you Glass Onion is nominated for one Oscar and it's adapted screenplay I don't know why it's nominated for that because even though I didn't think the movie was bad I thought it was decent screenplay is definitely not one of my favorite Parts about it I didn't think the screenplay was particularly great honestly I thought that it was a fine comedy I liked some of the comedic performances in it not nearly as interesting as the first movie a longer review in my Tiff video maybe check that out okay six out of ten also I cannot read the word onion without thinking of that french guy in that YouTube video who talks about how to cut an onion but he says it just says it like 800 times in the video it's crazy how do we dice an onion well that's a big onion look at that Bardo a false Chronicle of a handful of truths is nominated for one Oscar and I'm actually shocked it's for cinematography and the cinematography is pretty fantastic as is the cinematography and most Alejandro Gonzalez two films uh it is done by Darius Conde G I'm not sure who that is but cinematography and this is like really oh he worked with Michelle Hanukkah he was the cinematography on a more no wonder it looks great Jesus yeah so wouldn't be upset about that it's a really really nice looking film it's not for everybody I can see this film irritating a lot of people and I talked did I talk about this I know where I talked about it I talked about it in my Quickie catch-up video my end of the year live stream 2022 quickie catch up q a so it's at 58 minutes and 12 seconds if anybody wants to watch me go into more detail about Bardo more like Birdo I gave it a seven not for everybody I gave it a seven Babylon is nominated for three Oscars best achievement in production design sure why not it look production design was great in the film best achievement in music for Motion Pictures Justin hurwitz I thought that the score was mostly great it didn't work in every scene but I like that there was like a good theme that was being reincorporated in different variations I liked that a lot best achievement in costume design Mary zofrus why not there were some good costumes in the film yeah no strong feelings about it I went into more detail about Babylon in a different video maybe watch that if you want more detail about Babylon six out of ten it was too long it's crazy there's some people like giving me [ __ ] on my interpretation of the ending as if there's like an objective way to interpret it as if like death of the artist doesn't exist you know isn't that crazy first of all I don't even think Damien Giselle explained it but I'm not the only one who feels that way about the ending for sure all right the Batman is nominated for three Oscars best makeup and hair styling I thought it was honestly fantastic Colin Farrell is the Penguin that was incredible makeup so if anything were to steal it from the whale this would be it it wouldn't even be a steal it would be totally deserved best sound I guess sure why not it was loud and then visual effects I mean yeah the visual effects in this movie are really good so sure more detailed thoughts in a different video I made I give this movie a six out of ten it was good uh yeah watch the other video rrr is nominated for one Oscar best achievement in music written promotion pictures original song it is for the song and dance number for the song not to not to I'm not huge on this film at all I saw bahubali the beginning from the same director I was not huge on that also I am irritated by movies that even if I watch them in the original language there's still a considerable amount of obvious dubbing not a huge fan of that I wish that it was a bit more standardized in that sense like you know just give me subtitles give me one language track option where I can watch the movie and it's not obviously dubbed that would be nice but there's no such thing for movies by this director apparently I haven't seen every film from this director but a lot of Indian movies are this way because there's a lot of different regions and a lot of different languages and they just decide to film in a mishmash of different regions and languages and and I guess dubbing is just the standard and so you know if you're talugu the original language of the movie is in Telugu but then there's other scenes that I guess were filmed in Hindi and then they just do a Telugu dub and it's just like yeah I'm not a huge fan of it it's like really distracting I thought that it was very bloated I wasn't attached to the characters it was impossible for me to get into it was basically an Indian Marvel movie I'm not a big fan of Marvel movies not a big fan of Bollywood I know it's not Bollywood I know it's a talugu film but a lot of the same things that I don't like about Bollywood films are also in this it's a big budget Indian movie does that mean that every movie that comes from India is bad no of course not it's a style of filmmaking that does not connect with me it obviously connects with a lot of other people there's certain formulas and things that appear on checklists of different films and different styles of filmmaking I've criticized a lot of the checklists that appear in American films as well but yeah I guess at some point I'll watch the Apu trilogy cause that's supposed to be really good there was one action scene that I liked in this movie closer to the end unfortunately it's three hours and seven minutes long so it took forever to get to that point I don't remember at what point in the movie I decided to do this probably have I think about halfway through but I watched the remainder of the movie in 1.5 times speed and it felt no different it genuinely felt no different because the entire movie is just constantly like slowed down and sped up anyway it's like it's Zack Snyder style basically and there's so much manipulation when it comes to the frame rate and the time of the timing of the scenes that watching it in 1.5 times speed it doesn't even feel like there's anything wrong because the entire movie is basically like that anyway it already feels janky and weird like I mentioned about all quiet in the Western Front 2022 music can really make or break a film for me despite this film having such a large budget they used keyboard trumpets which I I find absolutely irritating and maybe if you don't find that irritating or maybe you don't notice like that's fine if you're able to just watch a movie having like the it's it's like nails on a chalkboard for me and they just you they use these keyboard trumpets despite having the budget where you could just use the real instruments like get it get an orchestra or something like this is a big budget film and they just they still decided to do that and it's very irritating it's wacky and over the top I get it I get that it's supposed to be the humor didn't gel with me that well the self-awareness didn't gel with me that well it just feels like a very one note film and I don't like the note so I don't know how I'm supposed to like the film a lot of people think this movie was snubbed I don't relate to that I don't even think it should be nominated for any Oscars but uh here it is it's getting recognized obviously the director loves making movies I might not like the movies he makes I might not connect with the stories he's trying to tell or the presentation of his films how things are communicated but it's clear that he has a passion and he enjoys making movies I'm not going to take that away from him and uh yeah if you enjoyed it that's awesome I don't believe that my not connecting with it is preventing you from being able to do that and so I I guess you should be okay I guess you should be fine all right three out of ten thanks a house made of splinters is nominated for best documentary feature I'm surprised I actually got a nomination I didn't think that it would get this much attention yeah seven out of 10 movie if you want to hear more about it I believe it was my Sundance video very depressing it's very sad movie it's got good character to it and it's presented really well I like that movie a lot yeah fire of Love is nominated for best documentary feature and I absolutely loved it I thought it was great you can watch it uh I think it's on Disney plus because it's National Geographic Miranda July narrating and uh Sarah Dosa directing very great experience of a film watch it with really good sound and Screen I talk about this in more detail in my Sundance video I highly recommend eight out of ten loved it I thought it was great navalny is nominated for best documentary it was very boring it didn't really reveal anything in the documentary and there was a lot of hype behind it because it was a surprise documentary at Sundance it just I it was very boring and kind of just opportunistic and there was nothing about it that felt like it needed to justify its own existence I was hoping for something more interesting or something that said a bit more and just didn't feel like it was wasting my time more detail in my Sundance video 5 out of ten thank you Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio is nominated for best animated feature film I really enjoyed it you can hear me talk about this in more detail on my podcast sardonicast we talked about this my biggest issues with the film would be the songs sucked most of the songs sucked really grading use of auto-tune very distracting some of the songs were fine there was maybe one song where where it was fine depending on who the singer was would influence how noticeable the auto-tune was and it's just it's so inescapable and the the lyrics weren't great the lyrics were really Bland and just unspecial and there were there were moments of attempted humor in some of the songs that just didn't land and it was just like what are you doing the rest of the movie was awesome though I loved the rest of the movie I thought that the animation was fantastic same animation company as the Shivering truth which is a show that I would highly recommend I love that show watch that show the Shivering truth it's awesome the character design so incredible just so many things going for this film that I'll probably watch it again maybe it'll make my end of the year list or something but wow that those songs are just holding it down in a way where it's I didn't even feel like it needed to be a musical but just get get a better song writer please better Lyricist and stop using auto-tune in that way please some great voice acting performances yet we talk about it on the podcast so go watch that how about that seven out of ten thank you Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is nominated for animated feature this is a feature-length film based on some YouTube shorts that were made like a decade ago I guess and it's very cute and very genuine I like the soundtrack A Lot the animation is an obvious improvement from the YouTube shorts I was worried with a film like this that it would just rely on it being cute without being substantive at all I was worried that it would feel manipulative in terms of how it was presented but it really did not come across that way to me there were nice little bits of reincorporation it was a very tight story that didn't feel like it dragged on for way too long like I don't know maybe you could cut out 10 minutes but it's only an hour and a half and it just flies by I thought that this the sense of humor was great I love how the characters in this film were explored and developed I love how music was used in the film there was only one part of the soundtrack that I was a bit iffy on because it sounded way too similar to a song in The Lion King and in terms of how it was used it was similar too and it was just like okay what why am I thinking about The Lion King right now otherwise great soundtrack from disaster this very versatile composer yeah very very not boring very interesting and impressive visuals and filming style I love the mockumentary format it was cute it was special it was unique and I'd really enjoyed watching this film I would recommend it to basically anybody eight out of ten it maybe was like teetering on the edge of overseeing it's welcome by the end of it but uh didn't quite get there really enjoyed this film I bought the 4K Blu-ray you jelly Puss in Boots The Last Wish nominated for best animated feature I hope it wins honestly I thought that the animation was fantastic I thought that overall it was just a very fun funny it was creative it didn't feel like way too derivative and uninspired it felt special it felt like the people making the movie wanted to communicate something and they did and it's a movie that I would like to see again I go into more detailed thoughts in this other video on your screen maybe if you want to hear me talk more about put some poop poops and Boots The Last Wish then watch that but yeah definitely recommend this movie to everybody please don't watch the first post Puss and Boots movie you really don't have to doesn't matter it's not good avoid that and avoid Shrek the Third the other ones are fine I guess eight out of ten Puss in Boots the Sea Beast is nominated for best animated feature and this one feels like kind of a weird nomination it's a Netflix movie and it feels super derivative and uninspired and it's too long it's two hours long the first 30 minutes of the film are excruciatingly boring then the next hour is fine and then the last 30 minutes of the film are excruciatingly boring I don't know how a child could get past the first 30 minutes of the film I don't understand how a child could be entertained by that I was not entertained by it just a lot of unnecessary Exposition really needed to get into what it was trying to do and just struggled to get there despite this being a new film on Netflix it was not released in 4k which is weird because a lot of films that Netflix owns and like TV series they're like oh we're offering this in 4k because you know it's their property and this one wasn't and I don't understand why it seems like maybe they just didn't have the budget to make it look that Polished in terms of the textures or something and they were just trying to hide that like okay we'll just have it 1080p because they know it will would look worse if it was in 4k the textures just aren't that polished I guess the animation itself was fine is in terms of how the characters moved I thought that you know there's obviously a lot of talented people talented out animators working on this project but it feels like it was held back by the budget and I don't even know what the budget was but it just it comes across as a movie that could have been so much better if it had more money to work with I guess at least at the very least visually story wise not so much it felt like they were ripping off specific scenes from other movies constantly yeah I don't know if I need to name all them there's like some How to Train Your Dragon in there and yeah this is a weird nomination I can think of at least one movie that would have been a better nomination and that was the bad guys and that wasn't even a great movie that wasn't even like a fantastic movie but it feels much more appropriate to have nominated that for best animated feature rather than this this one really feels like the odd one out in terms of the nominations here also the lead actor she was not great she was very annoying the entire movie not convincing she sounded very annoying is it gonna chew us or will we get digested slowly with assets she was irritating to listen to throughout the entire movie I did not believe a single line she said that's not great because she's the main character so that was annoying and then I guess Karl Urban was the guy and he he wasn't great he was kind of weird in the movie but yeah not uh not very good 4 out of ten not the worst movie but the animation was better than Raya in The Last Dragon that's for sure that that the animation in that movie was embarrassing turning red is nominated for best animated feature it was the Pixar movie if you want to hear me talk more about it watch the other video I don't it's so it's kind of forgettable it was fine it wasn't the worst thing ever five out of ten just like it's it's the Pixar movie it wasn't even Pixar was it yeah it was Pixar Disney animation and Pixar are just blending into each other where like I it doesn't even matter which one's which anymore you know there was some style about this movie that I liked but didn't speak to me that strongly I don't even know why I watched it honestly oh probably because it was just it came out on digital and it was easy to watch oh yeah five out of ten Argentina 1985 is nominated for best International feature I thought I was going to enjoy this film and it was very very very boring I I tried I tried so hard I made it 42 minutes there was no if I don't care about anything that's happening at 42 and I I even I even did some like research on the real political events happening in Argentina I pulled up like the wiki plot summary just to make sure I was like really following what was going on without having like the actual cultural context that I would have by growing up in Argentina and you know I was just I could not get attached to anything that was happening I just kind I kind of wanted to be watching other movies it was not interesting enough in terms of its style or editing or you know it was all fine the performances were fine just the the drama was not compelling and it took forever why is this movie two hours and 20 minutes you know the guy from The Secret in their eyes isn't it I was thinking damn that was a fun movie wish I was watching that you know the political angle reminded me of you know a film like no by Pablo Lauren I wish I was watching that movie I tried really hard and 42 minutes is a long time to give a movie you know that you're just not into so I dipped and it was very just I I could I can barely tell you I don't I don't know if I could tell you that much about the film it was so I was so out of it I thought I was into it I wasn't even like zoned out thinking about other things I was I was like intently watching the film absorbing the things that were happening but just not giving a single [ __ ] about anything that was happening and wishing that it was structured differently or presented differently or was just more compelling to me it didn't speak to me and when you're judging the voice of a film which is what I try to do I don't I don't necessarily try to provide a oh this is what happened at this point and then this happened and then this happened that doesn't necessarily make up a film to me it really doesn't the voice of the film you know you can tell that in the first 42 minutes and the voice did not speak to me the the how things are presented more than just what's happening is how you're presenting what's happening and it did not speak to me that well not compelling five out of ten it's not a rating for the whole film just the parts that I saw it's not a review it's an impression whatever you want to call it doesn't matter yeah it was not worth it for me to finish and every other film that I had finished this year that I felt that way about wound up reinforcing uh that perspective so is nominated for best International feature it's a donkey movie it is inspired by what was that Robert bresson movie oh Hazard bald Sahar but I heard it wasn't a remake so I didn't watch that first I would like to see it I know that that's considered essential so I'll check that out at some point but I heard that it was just inspired by it not a direct remake so that's why I did not watch that first this movie was decent I really loved what it was doing stylistically I really loved what it was going for the voice of the film I really loved what dragged down the film was the the ending kind of sucked and you know when you have a film like this I'm not gonna spoil it you can I guess hear me go into more detail about this in my Vancouver film fest video I don't spoil it there either but it when you have a film like this it's best for it not to feel like it's ultimately pointless by the end of it and that's kind of what it felt like and I'm you know the majority of the film was great I just I just wish that it ended better so yeah overall loved the music in this film loved the cinematography a lot of really interesting and bold choices that this film makes six out of ten probably closer to a seven than a five I think but [ __ ] I mean yeah it would be a point higher if the ending was just better you know it would be a point it would be a point higher if uh the ending didn't suck because I was I was connected with it and I I really vibed with what it was going for otherwise it's a donkey movie The Quiet girl nominated for best International feature loved it absolutely loved it I wish that my copy had subtitles when they were speaking English and not just when they were speaking Gaelic because there's the only reason I guess the only reason this is nominated for international features because they were speaking Gaelic with some English in it so you know it didn't prevent me from understanding the story I guess the the way that this film is presented is very expressive and it's not so out there that it's you know a buzzlerman film obviously it's much more uh patient and reserved but it's not without style the 4x3 aspect ratio works really well for it it's set in 1981 I believe and it really captures the time period very well the production design feels authentic the costumes feel authentic the location it it all just feels like a really nice purposeful movie made by someone who wants to express something that's close to them it makes me feel like it's something that hits really close to home for the director not sure who that is and uh there's some real really interesting choices in the sound design that I really enjoyed it wasn't obnoxious it was very atmospheric at points it was genuine it had a lot of heart and tenderness and it wasn't manipulative well I mean every film is manipulative to some degree but it wasn't explicitly manipulative it wasn't it wasn't annoyingly manipulative there's some great lighting some great looking shots throughout the film and just watching it it was so easy to care about the characters it was so easy to care about what happened to them and what they go through it's a movie where the characters really shine through the screen the way that scenes are presented in this film just feels so meaningful and tender and there's there's a clear passion for communicating an experience or a feeling and it's it's just it's so well communicated in this film yeah loved the characters I was super invested the entire time even if I didn't understand what they were saying for parts of the movie but the voice of the film spoke to me I could see what they were going for and I was very entertained by it and just very invested just very very much a film that connected with me a lot and I hope to see more from this director definitely watch it definitely check it out 8 out of ten easy eight out of ten for me and yeah perfect communicating the time period the mood the tone the aesthetic you know there's there's ways that the film could improve for sure it could have done more than it did but what it did do it did really really well and I loved it thank you eight out of 10. all the Beauty and the Bloodshed is a film that is nominated for best documentary feature directed by Laura poitrus who directed citizen four from my I think 2014 list that was a movie I enjoyed and I was pretty excited for this film it won the Joker award at Venice Film Festival the golden something uh lion top prize this is a documentary that is about Sackler family which is a pharmaceutical family that pushed Oxycontin on people and they're basically just responsible for the opioid epidemic and a lot of loss of life I was hoping to get a more informative take on that situation because I find that very interesting and I was looking for kind of like a breakdown expose just you know telling me the facts of what the situation is but it was more of a movie about an artist slash activist named Nan golden she has basically just been holding the Sackler family's feet to the fire trying to get museums to not accept donations from them trying to get their name to not be washed through money and and you know she's trying to raise awareness and just be like hey these this family is actually really bad basically it's an interesting film about her maybe a bit too long I feel like half an hour could have been cut from the first half of this movie but I just I wasn't exactly satisfied with what this documentary explored combined with the length of the documentary I didn't really feel like the length was justified it's over two hours long this movie for the most part had really sensible editing choices it looks very professional great music you know it feels very thoughtful and personal for much of the film although there was one very weird editing choice in the film there was basically a court hearing that was taking place over Zoom because pandemic and they played a clip of a 9-1-1 call recording where some just someone screaming because they're discovering a you know something sad that I might not want to mention on YouTube and there was an editing choice to have the scream playing without showing where the scream was coming from and just have that going through the zoom call without explaining what that was and there was a delay a delay of a few seconds before they said oh 9-1-1 recording is a piece of text on the bottom I'm like why would you do lay that explanation was it was I supposed to be tricked into thinking that someone was screaming on the zoom call that someone in court was like having a mental breakdown or something I just don't understand why that choice was made that it just seemed like a very bizarre thing to do and it seemed it seemed like it was like an intentional misdirect because why would you delay that information and just not show it so that was really weird otherwise the the rest of the film very sensible editing choices it's well made but I just I just felt empty by the end of it a lot of wasted potential and does not really dive into detail about the subjects I was wishing it did and you know even if this was marketed to me well I didn't really see a trailer so I I don't know why I was confused about the marketing but even if I was under the impression that it was less about the Sackler family less of an informational documentary about the opioid crisis and more of a sort of personal like this is the life of this person even if I knew that going into it I just I still feel as if there's a chunk of the film like from 30 minutes to 60 Minutes that just felt so boring and so much of it could have been cut out from that part the rest of it was fine enjoyable movie A lot of people really seem to love it probably check it out but yeah I just uh didn't uh didn't manage to keep me engaged throughout the entirety of the film I thought it was just fine and I'm giving this one a 6 out of 10. thank you all right we're gonna talk about some animated shorts I watched all of the animated shorts this year let's start just in the order that they show up on IMDb and ostrich told me the world is fake and I think I believe it you know it it was just a very Hollow very Hollow film that thought it was much more interesting and intelligent than it is it kind of feels pretentious kind of feels like it's uh trying to be deep without actually saying anything meaningful just feels like kind of a worse and less inspired version of The Stanley Parable I guess I mean it's not it reminds me of the Stanley Parable I don't know if anybody else will agree with me but it just felt kind of derivative and lame the sound design was very basic and expected it's something that if I personally knew the person that made it you know and if they were my friend then I could just convince myself like oh you know this is great like I would be impressed if my friend made it but the fact that this is just someone I don't know and it's nominated for an Oscar it just it yeah not great it's something that thinks that the concept alone is worth praise is how it feels the ending is interesting but it's not worth getting there despite the short run time of 11 minutes the music was not special in any way it was Bland four out of ten definitely not worthy of being nominated ice Merchants is a film it's nominated for Oscar short it was part of the critics week con 2022 it's 14 minutes long it has a really interesting style love the sound design really good music really interesting use of color but I just wasn't absorbed super absorbed into the narrative and it just felt like when they were introducing conflict like sure there was conflict there but it didn't feel genuine it didn't resonate with me and I didn't really care about the conflict and the resolution to said conflict felt a bit lame as well could have used something a bit more purposeful and by the end of it I wasn't really sure what I was left with it was kind of forgettable great presentation I think for the most part six out of ten thank you my year of dicks is an animated short directed by Sarah gunard tear and this is based on a memoir written by Pamela ribbon it's about her being a teenager in the early 90s trying to lose her virginity essentially it's a memoir that she published about her love letters to boys and I think it was titled into other things that shouldn't be public and it has a fun sort of genuine self-awareness to it what I love about this and and a lot of my favorite pieces of media is that it's trying to capture something very real and honest and some sort of Truth About Life In The Human Experience and it was a really fantastic style I love the animation it's very funny it's very expressive there's fantastic sound design I really love the sound design it's sensible and expressive at the same time from the very beginning of the film it's just immediately engaging it's 24 minutes long doesn't feel like it drags on at all I feel like I could have watched an entire feature of this loved the music the music was awesome it's very purposeful there's so much character and personality in every aspect of this film there's not a single element of the production that works against the film everything's very complementary and it's just it's so personal and I'm glad that this team came together to share such a genuine and personal experience in a way that's entertaining and has a lot of love and passion and heart and creativity going into it it's yeah it's genuinely it's really incredible and there's talent to be found from everybody that worked on this film it's it's a really incredible team of artists to everyone involved so I would love to see more from just everybody that worked on this I thought it was awesome easily my favorite short of the entire Oscars my year of dicks nine out of ten I thought it was awesome I thought it was incredible definitely check this out you can check it out on Vimeo I think I think you can just watch it on Vimeo so please watch it I thought it was fantastic the boy the mole The Fox and the horse uh you'd think that there would be a comma after the word Fox but there isn't and I don't know why do they call that the Oxford comma I don't remember this is a 32 minute long film that is nominated for best animated short and it starts out pretty strong there's really good music there's a very interesting style I love the art style to this it's reminiscent of you know children's books and there's interesting kind of outlines to the characters and yeah it's a very intentional style I love it it started to remind me a bit of Winnie the Pooh in terms of like tone and also I guess like the British voices and I don't know the character kind of reminded me of Christopher Robin in a way and the mole kind of reminded me of Winnie the Pooh and I was like okay weird and this film really started to fall apart as it was going on pretty quickly because it became apparent what it was the entire movie is basically just this weird forced moral lesson where there is no moral lesson to be found within the film and they just kind of keep reading out these like Hallmark quotes where at the end of each very short scene they'll they'll say this takeaway that's supposed to be profound they'll say it in a way where it's like it's wrapping something up like oh I'm so small he's like yeah but you make a big difference and and that would be great if it was at the end of something that happened but nothing happened to justify them saying that they just it seemed like every 30 seconds after the first five minutes of the film just every 30 seconds they would try to ham fist in this weird moral lesson Hallmark quote and just it it didn't fit none of it mattered it didn't feel like it was earned or Justified there would be a part where the kid just says like what's the bravest thing you've ever said and then the horse is like the biggest thing I ever said was I asked for help asking for help is a brave thing to do but it's just it it it just the thing felt AI generated I wouldn't be surprised if they came out and said this was an AI generated script it just felt like there was no substance backing any of it up the music was great but after a certain point it started feeling manipulative because of the fact that it was just propping up a bunch of nothing and same with the art style like I loved the music and I loved the art style but it felt like it was propping up nothing and not complimenting anything and so it felt Hollow by the end of it just its purpose in the film I guess yeah there's there's a bunch of bookends with no meat in the middle yeah it's it's crazy that that's the whole movie and it's 32 minutes long that's the whole short film it's just a bunch of Hallmark quotes and they pretend as if things happened in a movie they pretend as if there's actual meaningful profound substantive experience in the film and it's just absolutely insanely Hollow and just literally an AI could have written this it was just absolutely bizarre and I was frustrated with what was happening narratively there's weird sort of I'm not gonna say exactly what happened but you know how you know how people criticize Lord of the Rings by going well why did why didn't they fly because the Eagles and you know if you think about it it's not that's not like a real criticism because you know they would have been more easy to detect and they would have just gotten killed along the way there's something like that in this film that is a real criticism and it and it's it's it's one of those it's it's if that Lord of the Rings criticism was a real criticism that's what happens in this film and that's weird there's also like for a film that's trying to teach these moral lessons and is ostensibly aimed at children some sort like maybe all ages but it's clearly it's also supposed to be for children in some ways there's there's a part of it where there you know there's a character that's acting really aggressive they're like I'm gonna kill you and then they just they the other character just goes up to them and he's like no I'll be your friend even though like and the takeaway after that is just like well it's all a matter of how you react to things and it's like okay that that could be a moral lesson in of itself but the way that it's framed in the film you don't want kids to be going closer to people that are threatening them you don't want kids to to watch this and be like oh if someone's threatening you you know it's like there's a [ __ ] dog barking chain to a fence you just got you know you control how you react to things and I'm just gonna be friendly and pet it no that's a [ __ ] awful thing to teach a kid that's irresponsible it feels like this is for children and I feel like that's a really irresponsible way to communicate your message and I just I don't know what they were thinking with this entire film it was very frustrating emotionally I want to give this a three out of ten but I you know I'm being fair I'm being fair and giving it a generous four out of ten thank you the flying sailor is a film it's a short film nominated for Oscar short it's eight minutes long you can find it on YouTube that's on YouTube it's directed by Amanda forbis and Wendy tilby this was the first Oscar shirt that I watched the last one I'm talking about here uh animated one that I'm talking about it was very short and sweet and I guess I'll throw out like a maybe an epilepsy warning there's some catastrobe imagery it points in it but I I thought it was like really fantastic animation I thought that there were awesome sequences really great sound design I loved the music like absolutely love the score I love how the animation was synced to the music it felt like it was very coordinated and planned out with the Beats of the film and the score it just the way that it's Incorporated just worked really well I loved it I think it's an eight out of ten and uh I don't know why this one has the lowest rating on IMDb out of all the shorts probably because there's a an overweight man and you see their penis like I don't know that is that why are people just that insecure about the human body I don't know it seems like something that people that you know like just get over it you know it's fun like what is that why I feel like I feel like if there was no no junk then this might not like it's rated a six out of ten I just don't understand the human body like who cares anyway okay yeah wow good good movie great movie loved it 8 out of ten eight minutes check it out on YouTube all right so if there's a movie that you would have liked me to talk about but I didn't it's because I didn't watch it tried to watch everything couldn't fit in enough time definitely not watching all the shorts yeah so there were a couple I missed sorry everybody time is finite and there are other more more important projects to work on than watching every Oscar movie and apparently the academy agrees too because they don't watch every movie they vote on that's been documented so thank you for listening to me talk about the Oscar movies the nominations were actually not bad this year there's I I feel like this appropriately captured the year in film to a good degree perhaps decision to leave could have gotten nominated for something perhaps the northmen could have gotten nominated for something you know wasn't perfect but there's a lot of cool nominations a lot of first-time actor nominations for people that deserve to be uh recognized so oh yeah godland godland should have gotten a nomination for foreign language and cinematography even screenplay I don't know godland could have been nominated for like five different things in it that would have been fine with that very cool stuff and uh make sure to mark your calendars if you haven't already March 12th that's when the Oscars are we're doing a live stream I'm just reminding you at the end of the video on my twitch Channel we will be live streaming also on this exact YouTube channel that you're watching it on assuming that somebody didn't re-upload this yourmoviesex.org YouTube channel we'll be streaming from there as well I will not be streaming the actual Oscars but I will be streaming our reaction to the Oscars so please join join us Google gobble thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: YourMovieSucksDOTorg
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Length: 94min 43sec (5683 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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