Adding Way Too Many Bars to Minecraft

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health hunger xp [Music] i'm gonna drop so many bars into minecraft you could consider this a rap video anyways desaturate that subscribe button so you don't miss out on um uh anyways anyways moving on let's start off strong with what everyone's been asking for the thirst bar you know everyone's begging for it your neighbor your dog my dog begs for and i don't even have a dog the way it works is fairly simple every time you lose hunger while sprinting like that your thirst bar goes down you can of course fill it back up by drinking water or by eating something watery like watermelon on the flip side though eating something that isn't watery decreases your thirst kind of like how in reality you need to drink with every meal once your thirst gets too low you start dying of course if you're really desperate you can also regain thirst by drowning but it's probably not the best idea moving on we have a bar that's already in the game but it's hidden saturation bar this acts like a hidden hunger bar before your hunger drains the saturation bar drains different foods also give different amounts of saturation for example steak gives a ton meanwhile stuff like cookies barely give anything now i'm all about adding realism to the game so temperature bar in this plane's biome my temperature's at the comfortable green zone but if i hop into some water it goes down meanwhile desert biome send my temperature bar into the orange zone setting foot in a cold biome sends me to the aqua like blue zone and gives me a frost overlay this temperature also has a side effect [Music] your saturation has the maximum of one little bar if you think about this because i'm spending all this energy on keeping myself warm desert temperatures also have a side effect when i lose thirst in a desert i lose twice as much if i get too cold by let's say jumping into water i start taking damage if i'm in a desert and put on some leather boots to make me warmer i also start taking damage because it's too hot next up is the speedometer which shows how fast i'm going very useful information [Music] wow i love the speedometer yay let's look at the eyesight bar which shows how well you see how do you lower this well um [Music] that and now i'm blind and there's no way to cure this oh hey did someone say realism because a health healthiness bar every time you eat something that isn't exactly healthy it goes down and every time you eat something that's really not healthy it goes down twice as fast you can make it go back up by eating something healthy like a carrot but if it reaches zero you start uh getting nauseous and you get a permanent hunger effect it's realistic now it's weird that punching literal cubic meters of blocks has no ill effects on your minecraft character so i changed this with the joint pain bar every time you break a block or punch and pop there's a chance that it goes off as you can see i now have joint pains in my hand meaning that now every time i try and break a block i take damage and also when i punch mobs there's only one way to get rid of this which is punching in the air and when you do that there's a small chance that it goes away [Music] finally we got a lot of bars so far so here's the bar bar i'm already keep track of your bars it even updates dynamically for example when i get the air bar it goes up by one and when i put on armor it also goes up here's the arrow bar which doesn't actually keep track of the amount of arrows in your inventory nope not at all instead it keeps track of how many arrows are uh in you this is really important if you ever need to uh okay moving on here we have a feature that's normally just in mods a mini map it perfectly shows my current location in my minecraft world as i move over it also moves it it also moves it it's not moving oh it's just too zoomed out i can zoom in right um okay so it's too zoomed out to be useful now i know what you're saying a mini map is not a bar but this certainly is hey hey please laugh sometimes you're too focused on mining to identify anything this is where the diamond bar comes in handy every time i'm looking at a diamond door it lets me know loud and clear this won't get annoying it's only useful next up we have the egg bar and it goes up every time you crack a chicken egg and the only way you make it go down is uh by laying an egg yourself my child haha just kidding i think i'm running out of ideas next we have the direction arrow bar which shows which direction you're looking in but it doesn't change because you're always looking forward last but certainly not least we have the gun bar [Music] okay so maybe we're better off with just [Music] three
Channel: EightSidedSquare
Views: 4,215,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft bar, minecraft health bar, minecraft hunger bar, minecraft exp bar, minecraft experience bar, minecraft thirst, minecraft thirst bar, minecraft thirst mod, minecraft mod, minecraft meter, minecraft meters, minecraft minimap, minecraft minimap mod, minecraft ammo, minecraft saturation bar, minecraft saturation bar mod, eightsidedsquare, eightsidedsquare youtube, worse minecraft, minecraft but worse, cursed minecraft, awful minecraft, minecraft but bad
Id: TO9hv2iZeLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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