37 More Secret Minecraft Things You Didn't Know

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Think you’re a pro when it comes to Minecraft? Well prepare to have your knowledge tested. These are 37 Secret Minecraft things you definitely didn’t know, expert edition. But really quickly, we're so, so, close to 1 million subscribers and it’d be awesome to reach it before the end of 2021. But I can’t do it without your help, so if you end up learning something new and enjoying the video then please consider subscribing. And of course let me know in the comments how many facts you knew out of 37, it probably won’t be that many. But with that said, let’s get right into it and I hope you enjoy Number 1. Did you know that you can actually find the stronghold, using fossils. That’s right, fossils. If you happen to set up a nether portal and locate a soul sand valley fossil in the 0,0 chunk, well you’re in luck because you can predict exactly where the stronghold will be. By looking at the coordinates of the bottom corner of the fossil, we can match that up to a set of coordinates on our reference sheet that’ll be linked down below. Once we travel to these coordinates in the nether and set up a new portal, the stronghold is often very close by. The working rate of this trick isn’t always perfect but it’s a really cool way to blow your friends minds. It certainly blew mine. If you wanna know how it works I’ve left a link to Matthew Bolan's video in the description so go check it out. Number 2. Speaking of finding rare resources, pigs. Now that sentence might make no sense at first however if you bring a pig down into the mines and set up a tunnel covered in slabs, riding the pig into the tunnel will actually allow you to xray while being able to move. This xray tactic allows you to identify all sorts of nearby caves and finally find those sneaky diamonds. Number 3. Minecraft 2.0 was one of the weirdest April Fools updates ever. In this secret update if you fed animals like sheep enough times they would eventually grow fatter and fatter and finally explode. Not only that, if you gave them a golden apple they would begin to fly. Furthermore chickens swapped roles with endermen and would attack you if you stared at them. And if all that wasn’t weird enough, blocks could talk. Every now and then a random speech bubble would appear above a block's head. Why, well I have no idea. Number 4. This one goes out to all the builders out there. If you ever find yourself in need of some custom mob and block heads, marc has got you covered. A long time ago mojang developer Marc created some inactive Minecraft accounts with specific skins for map makers. These accounts all have the prefix MHF_ -or marc head format- and then whatever mob or block you may desire. Here’s a quick screenshot of all the possible heads, anything from slimes to cake to presents. Just use this command over here with the name you wanna use and boom. Although since they are old they’re a tiny bit outdated. Shouldn't be that big of a problem though Number 5. Raids can certainly be tough for the player but we aren’t the only ones that are nervous. So are villagers. In fact, if a villager notices that something is off, whether it be a hostile mob or a full out raid, they have a chance to begin sweating. They’ll shake a little bit and emit some water particles above their head. A cute little motion that you probably didn’t know about. Number 6. Iron golems can actually kill villagers. I guess these sworn protectors aren’t as loyal as they may seem. In a previous version of the game there was a bug that if after a raid a villager shot a firework and harmed another nearby villager, the iron golem would attack the villager that shot the firework. Eventually killing it to avenge his comrade. Whether this is justified is up to you though and it was promptly removed from the game. Number 7. Something that you probably didn’t know about is the beautiful gradient produced by flowers. Now that may not sound impressive at first but hear me out. Bone Meal patterns aren’t actually random; each coordinate has a specific flower that will generate each time. And they’re made to produce this beautiful design. If you bonemeal any area in a flower forest and take out the grass, over time you’ll see that it will slowly fit to this pattern. It’s a really cool and beautiful phenomenon that I’m sure you didn’t know about. Number 8. Igloos are one of the most underappreciated structures ever, and here are a few reasons why. First of all if you either cure the zombie villager or just free the regular villager, the igloo is actually made to be detected as a village. Which means that once you do this very simple task, if you end up getting the bad omen effect you can just trigger a raid on the igloo. This way your main village doesn’t get damaged and the pillagers will never find their way down the hatch. It’s a really neat way to dispose of a raid. And the pillagers, they won’t know what hit them. Number 9. But that’s not all the magical properties of an igloo. In fact igloos are especially constructed to secretly speed up the un-zombification process. Something you probably had no idea about is that iron bars and beds are coded to speed up the villager curing process. And since both of these are found in an igloo, that makes them prime spots to cure your villagers as fast as possible. So the next time you go through with the ritual, bring with you some stereotypical prison equipment, it’ll go by a whole lot quicker. Number 10. And finally the last secret thing about the igloo is the placement of the window. You see for one reason or another the devs intentionally placed the ice window of the igloo in this location. Why, well it’s the one place that will be melted when you use the furnace. The light from the furnace is perfectly placed to melt the window and give you a fresh water source. Whether this be for potion brewing or some other reason is up for interpretation though and you’ll have to ask the developers why they added it. Number 11. The moon is one the most underappreciated things in Minecraft, here’s why. In the event of a full moon in Minecraft all sorts of weird and wacky phenomena can occur. Slime spawns almost double in the presence of a full moon. Spiders have the chance to spawn with invisibility, and 50% of all cats that spawn are black. Certainly something to look out for next time you’re outside. Or inside, I guess. Number 12. Axolotls are certainly adorable mobs and there’s a secret easter egg associated with them that you probably never noticed. Whenever you pick up a bucket of axolotl you’ll find the texture of the bucket in your inventory actually drops down by one pixel. No this isn’t a mistake and according to texture developer Jappa, this is due to the weight of the axolotl. A neat little detail that often goes unnoticed. Number 13. Enchanting table messages are written in the galactic alphabet but if you translate them you’re met with all sorts of small jokes and easter eggs. For instance one of these phrases is “the elder scrolls” like the game. This is most likely a jab at the company behind the game, Bethesda, which tried to sue Minecraft in its early days. Additionally there's a reference to HP lovecraft’s cthulhu with these strings of text which I won’t even bother to pronounce. There’s also a few more easter eggs like Xyzzy, a common cheat code in games; embiggen, a reference to the simpsons; and klaatu berada niktu, a reference to the 1951 movie, The Day The Earth Stood Still. A bunch of cool easter eggs that now you know about. Number 14. The zombie horse, while being an unrideable unnatural mob in minecraft, actually has a hidden texture file. If you open up the zombie horse texture you can see an unused saddle which when applied looks something like this. Whether this means we can one day ride these things is yet to be determined though. At least not in the near future. Number 15. If you ever need to transport your Minecarts across long distances, whether it be for villagers or for loot, try out this super useful trick. If you cram three Minecarts onto the same rail they actually begin to travel on their own, and don’t need any more rails. Not only that you can even take out blocks in your bridge and the Minecarts will sail over the gaps. Very handy and very unknown. Number 16. Some of the weirdest secrets in the game are actually audio related. And I don’t think the devs get enough credit for all the easter eggs they’ve snuck in through sound, so let’s take a look at a few in this sound segment. For one thing the sound file called warped forest mood 9 is actually a slowed and reverberated idle sound of the witch. It sounds something like this. And for reference here’s the witch sound. Number 17. On a similar note the respawn anchor’s ambient sound, that, is in fact a reversed version of the nether portal’s ambient sound, that. Further linking the two together. Likewise the sounds made by crops when you break them is just a high pitched version of the dirt breaking sound. Number 18. The main soundtrack of the nether is titled “so below”, and this name isn’t arbitrary. It's the second half of the phrase, as above so below. Which is often associated with the philosopher's stone, and specifically thoth, the egyptian god of death and judgment. This naming is a neat little connection to the nether and underworld. Number 19. Cave ambience is the only ambient sound in the game to actually appear in the subtitles. Whenever a cave sound is played it is accompanied by the subtitle, eerie noise. Nice one mojang. Number 20. If you ever want a way to startle your friends then take advantage of this unknown feature. If aimed correctly you can actually shoot an arrow between a path block and the ground. This allows for some very clever and undetectable traps that your enemies definitely won’t see coming. And your friends won’t either. Number 21. There’s actually a secret biome in the game that you can only discover under certain circumstances. If you select the buffet world type and set it to mountain edge taiga, you get a biome combination that can’t actually generate in the game. Making it the official rarest secret biome in Minecraft Number 22. Striders have always kind of looked like pitiful mobs but they used to be a whole lot sadder. In their development, striders had a feature that once they were out of lava they would retract their legs and bounce around like a fish out of water. Before promptly suffocating. However this feature was removed because as you can probably tell, it was far too sad. Number 23. Unless you ever bothered to check you wouldn’t know that rain actually fell above the clouds too. According to Notch there’s a secret second layer of clouds above the first one, this allows for some really weird features where if you go high enough the rain and snow will begin to distort, turning into long noodles of blue. Number 24. When you use a lead on a mob it actually doesn’t connect to your arm. It’s coded to attach to a small portion of your back which looks something like this. And I could not tell you why Number 25. Typing in North Carolina in the seed box gives the same world as that in the demo version of the game. Likewise in bedrock typing forest glade gives the same seed as the trial version world. Number 26. The crafting table has a weird easter egg that could hint at a new feature. On it’s side are for some reason two tools that don’t even exist in the game. There could have been a pickaxe, there could have been a shovel, but instead there is a saw and a hammer. Could these be hinting at tools that will be added later on? Who knows. Number 27. If I asked you to tell me how many bats were currently loaded in your Minecraft world, could you do it? Probably not without some searching around. However that’s exactly what this line in the f3 menu is for. If you take a look at all the letters listed here, it tells you how many of each mob type are spawned in your render distance. M shows monsters, C shows passive mobs, and A shows ambient mobs like bats. U shows underground water creatures like axolotls and glow squid, the first W shows the amount of water creatures, and the second W ambient water mobs like fish. Finally M shows everything else. Not sure how you’d ever use this feature but hey, now you know. All right the remaining facts are gonna be rapid fire trivia, see if you can keep up. Number 28. According to Mojang,the main reason that suspicious stew was added was to communicate to the players that lilies of the valleys are poisonous. Quite the creative PSA if i’ve ever seen one. Number 29. The fish texture on a fisherman villager is in fact a reference to the long forgotten texture in older versions of the game. This texture was replaced by cod and salmon but lives on in the fisherman’s clothes. Number 30. The illusioner is an unused mob but that doesn’t mean it’s exempt from quirks any less than other mobs. For one thing if you happen to put an illusioner in a boat it will always shoot backwards. Why this is unknown. Also we’re just gonna brush over the frankly inexplicable detail that illusioners hold their bows sideways instead of vertically. Number 31. In the files of the 1.12 client the dark oak block is actually titled big oak. Number 32. When used in the end dimension, night vision will make everything far away turn pink. Number 33. Between october 20th and November 3rd bats spawn almost twice as frequently, an easter egg in tribute to Halloween. Doesn’t make them any less useless though. Number 34. The clicking noise in the basalt delta is most likely a reference to that of a geiger counter, a device used to measure radiation. Maybe Mojang is trying to tell us something. Number 35. Whenever you enter water your fov is actually lowered by 10 to simulate light refraction. So if you’re gonna be spending a long time underwater raise your fov 10 higher than usual, it’ll make the whole experience a lot more normal. Number 36. The background soundtrack is actually triggered by the time of day. So if you want a certain track to play then just consider changing the time. Number 37. And finally the last fact of the day. There are 40 pages of trivia in the minecraft wiki and after long last I have finally, finally looked through every single last one. Meaning for the time being, I am out of secret things. Marking the end of an era... But that doesn’t mean I can’t do life hacks.
Channel: Wifies
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Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, minecraft things you didnt know, minecraft things, things you didnt know about minecraft, secret minecraft things, skip the tutorial, 35 secret minecraft things you didnt know, 35, 34, 34 secret minecraft things, minecraft secrets, 37 secret minecraft things, 37, 37 secret minecraft things you didn't know, definitely didn't know
Id: usb4QrK2VhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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