I Spent 100 Days in a Frozen Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InternetPerson23 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

if you wont to try finding your self too go on the epidemic sound yt channel probably on the arcade electronic or lounge GL

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InternetPerson23 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

it also could be a sextile song from no copyright sounds/songs it is very similar an in that style

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InternetPerson23 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

https://www.last.fm/music/Forge+Labs/_/I+Spent+100+Days+in+a+Frozen+Zombie+Apocalypse+in+Minecraft i dont have an itunes account so u go ahead sign in and find it on this website its all the songs from that video. if u cant find it report back

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InternetPerson23 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi man how's it going look at this i'm in russia right now oh got some bad news the mustard virus is back this guy's an idiot these men are not cold it is freezing out here what is going on here they're doing zombie things here oh you know man gets to rush i think he's gonna have a good time and oh look at this everyone's dead that's cold the mustard virus has gone global but here's the thing it has not the mutations have not reached russia yet this is a whole different type of zombie immune to the cold but you know who's not immune to the cold me a man who's gonna freeze out here it's gonna get progressively colder and colder throughout this playthrough and i'm a man who better button up you know because it's freezing out there i'm going to try to survive for 100 days and here's the thing every 10 days the virus is going to mutate again day 10 the zombies are getting a little bit faster day 20 they're going to get a little more tough day 30 they're going to get i don't know they're going to do something okay i haven't figured out what the mutations are going to be yet but there's going to be something the maven playing on absolutely amazing this time i have seen a tiny bit of it before playing so i'm not totally new but i don't know where any of the loot is i don't know where any of this it's it's russia okay i commissioned my man artem to do this he did such a phenomenal job and then uh some my man's from the discord kitty rules and cat somniac came in and added some loot and stuff it's all good this place is you know imagine if they bought like a snowmobile or something on here for me oh my god something like that that'd be pretty cool oh forgot to mention i'm eating right now new rule no lava okay can't surround my base with lava and number two i can't build my base in the sky okay i can't have some sort of floating ufo base there's also one more catch but you'll uh you'll see what that is soon like usual the map's available on my patreon so uh any supporters you can go get the map it's there okay before i begin i just want to say one thing look how close i am to five million subscribers okay i mean i mean kind of close not super if you want to subscribe to a man like me i'm gonna tell you one thing that's gonna happen all right i'll sit there and i'll smile every time i look at my computer wow one absolutely wonderful okay last thing if you want to leave a comment saying something like hey this man survived zombies this man survived parasites this man survives is there anything this man cannot survive i wonder maybe i can think of something what am i even saying right now just come on okay you know what no more rambling on here it is 100 days in the mustard virus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay here we go yeah man alone in russia one man versus a endless supply of zombies and you know what almost immediately had to take one of these things down oh at this i got a man with a shovel here what are you doing just gonna hit me with a shovel strike me across the head i beat this man down with my bare hands for some reason i started with uh two experience i i don't know why this is okay there's something weird going on here some someone's got in the comments it's gonna be like hey he's he's up to something i'm not up to anything okay i'm just a guy trying to survive gonna end up on some two-hour long breakdown video and i'm gonna have to hire some sort of magician to show that i yeah nothing's going on here okay okay i wanna see if this works how's it going uh snowballed the head oh look at that i can use these snowballs to bounce them back just whip snowballs there you go look at this he's going the man is flying snowballs to the dome when i got to the city i i wanted this like uh i snuck in the back and i went to the farmhouse [Applause] oh look at this i don't know if they see me hey out back there there's a house that had like a whole bunch of chickens in a chicken house or something like that this is good you know it was not expected to find a whole bunch of chickens in russia here but i was glad to see these guys the only problem was they were loud and uh they drew the attention of the horde because when i left was on me look at this okay there is a lot of them there's a lot of zombies right here throwing snowballs up here they started pushing me back a bit i realized you know what it's better turn around and run don't don't be screwing around with the horde of zombies day one so i ran to this uh nearby church but when i got in there i should have picked a better building going because it was also a horde of zombies in there oh there's a there's a lot of them in there oh the horde's coming okay [Music] just knock that right down so i had to run up the bell tower a whole set of stairs and when i got up to the top just look at this okay okay they're coming into the tower they're coming into the tower it's day one it's day one and i'm already in a there's a chest up there and when i opened it up i saw what looked like a blue sword and i thought whoa a diamond sword day one perfect for a man like me and then i found out that that uh no it's platinum i i don't know if it's better than diamond or not but you know it's better than nothing there's also like some other stuff in there like bones and some bandages or something so i spent the night in the bell tower now day one you get a nice little view from the city up here the next day was dawning on me that you know what this is gonna be a lot more tough than last time this is gonna be this is gonna be tough so i had to get out of that bell tower somehow so i just jumped off the roof then led the horde away over here come on all of you come on come this way oh hey over here over here let's go let's go come on get all these men see them over here right hey come on come walk right out to the frozen wasteland it's good to be over here come on i got way out into a field and then i just dug a hole and thought you know what let's just lure these men into this hole hey get him to walk in there and just make sure that i do not walk into this later on and see myself just walking straight into here there we go hey you guys enjoy it down there it's a good hole [Music] there's some peace and quiet now i got back to the church and started clearing it out and destroyed uh some spawners inside and uh just got rid of that i don't need zombies spawning below me and around me while i'm here there was a house next to the church that i you know i had to know what was going on in there so i entered into the basement i'm going to be honest i have no idea what was in this house i completely forgot and i am currently not looking at the footage right now i am just doing this straight from memory reading my barely legible notes okay there could have been something good in the chest i think there was i i think there was some good stuff upstairs too there might have been like a crowbar or something yeah well what i do remember though was there was a blood moon that night the beat the zombie the pipe okay there's a blood man how did you all get in here you guys can't be in here right now there's a blood moon okay look outside there's so many coming from there's so many of them coming i had a problem though yeah i was getting cold in a very cold man up there freezing freezing freezing freezing so i turned on the furnace which it helped out a bit but i got to start worrying about this warmth thing because uh it gets rough in the morning i can see the sunrise over the apartments you know that's a nice little site right there after the horde spawned i left i went to the mansion on the hill which you know you see a house like that you gotta go take a look at that i made sure to collect as much of the iron gate blocks as possible because you know these iron gates are gonna be very useful later on i'm gonna need these to build my eventual base uh but for now i just went inside and this mansion was good there's tons of good stuff all over there's chests there's like a bunch of glue some duct tape you can do a lot with glue and duct tape i'm telling you right now uh there's some medicine all sorts of good stuff that i could use a nice little fire going in here warm nice oh another one stem pack mre this is so much good stuff in this house i kept looting the house and you know it was nice and warm in here lots of fireplaces or bookshelves this was this mansion was pretty good i'm thinking you know what maybe i'll just stay here but while looting the house i saw that i was getting another blood moon yeah two in a row so i frantically ran around trying to secure the house uh because i did not want all those men out there storming in this house taking me down it's getting like you know that means oh yeah oh yeah here they come so i spent the night yeah from i think i just started mining from inside the house oh iron it's excellent only a few pieces but wow amanda's happy to see that in the morning i went and got all my stuff from the church and brought it over to the mansion i was i'm not staying in a bell tower for more than longer than i have to okay if i gotta take shelter i'm taking shelter in a mansion that's what you gotta do so i got my stuff back and i made an iron pick yeah we go iron pick about it all that's pretty good i'm not gonna stay here permanently okay i'm gonna do that thing where i just spent a couple days in the little house figuring out where i'm gonna build and gathering resources and stuff like that for now the house is okay okay it's decent i went back to the town though and i entered one of the houses i had a ton of zombies in it they're all banging on the door outside and you know what almost died doing this the zombies haven't even mutated yet and i lost like half my health just fighting like what was like one or two of them there this if i was gonna play like this in the future i was not gonna survive this whole thing i gotta start being smarter it was just a big waste of time too because there was nothing in that house just to risk my life for nothing on my way back to the mansion i i stopped by that uh house next to the church and eluded the barrel oh look at that like all these leaves and nametags and slime good stuff right there i gotta get back though because this is uh they have a fire being down here at least there's no blood moon tonight finally no blood my man's got i gotta show you gentian impact okay the sponsor of this video okay genji impact is an open world rpg game cross platform too you can play it on uh pc android ios playstation four and five lots of stuff the game just released version 2.2 there's so many mysteries to go find in the land of tavot this is a real open world experience okay there's seven unique regions where each region has its own unique culture uh from the styles of architecture clothes to different customs and national characters you get real immersed playing this game okay it truly feels like a giant world you know climb swim glide your way it's a beautiful world jaw-dropping landscapes and intriguing challenges there's all sorts of stuff to do there's all sorts of characters like look at her there's a cool little hat on she's a pyro character and uses a pole arm okay pull arm it's a good weapon right there and there's all sorts of events going on like uh the shadow of the ancients okay there's some cool stuff so here's what you got to do you gotta go click the link in the description to check out and download play gentian impact okay i've also got a code in the description that you can use to get 60 primo gems and 10 000 mora in game okay all you got to do just get the level 10. i've got all the information in the description big thank you to them for sponsoring this video go check it out and uh yeah thank you my man go away have some fun in the morning i uh i went back to the town i'll be good here toboggan just be a man sliding right down this hill sled down this hill i made it there and uh the first house i checked nothing i was starting to think that a lot of these houses were empty you know or just had useless stuff like this one right here poisonous potato what am i going to do with a poisonous potato there's no way i'm eating that what's the point of that item she just sits there taunting you get hungry enough maybe eat that you know enough of this potato talk just move on so i kept walking through the town and i found this other place that said like survivors for all or a shelter for something like that he seemed welcoming so i went in wow oh there's look at all these seats ice pick and tons of seeds okay that that is this spider web stuff very good [Music] oh what's going on in there weird stuff this is oh i have so much string so much string and all these arrows okay look at this look at this this gotta be one of the best places i could have went after i left that camp i realized hey you know where are all the survivors where's yeah i guess they're dead when i got back to the mansion i saw that i had left a door open you know when you're watching that like a zombie movie and you think who's the idiot who leaves the door open and then a zombie walks in in the middle of the night and bites someone who's sleeping and apparently i'm that man just leaving doors open can't be doing stuff like this i'm not gonna survive i'm leaving doors open okay day six i had no plan whatsoever we were getting very close to the first mutation i thought that maybe you know i'll try to make some barbed wire so i went out to get some but uh when i got back a zombie had gotten into my house somehow oh man got in here oh man like that get in here that's a a huge problem okay i made 54. barbed wire hey when you got 54 barbed wire man you can do a lot no zombie getting through that watch if i touch it look at that it damages you that right there that is how i'm going to survive this right there but now i needed somewhere to hold out permanently so i went outside and started looking around [Music] that was a big city i walked out a bit further and i i got a good sense of the scale of this place that's a whole like a lakeside cap a blue house or this place is huge i saw this uh like building across the field and i thought you know what let's see what's going on over there so i ran all the way over there across that like a frozen field when i got there i realized oh it's just a just a bus stop nothing going on here no chests no doors just a nothing it's a bus stop i just ran across a frozen wasteland for a bus stop where's this bus going when i got back to the mansion after that long pointless run i uh started looking at some of the stuff i could build and i found out that i could make this like bat with barbed wire or base or spikes or nail it's just like a deadly bat so i'm of course i made that thing right away and wow look at this there's a beautiful piece of weaponry right here look at that spiked baseball bat 12 attack damage look at this frozen zombie watch us bash this guy's head [Applause] this thing is this thing is a weapon in the morning i was one cold man and you know what it's going to get worse from this point forward every day is getting a little bit colder colder and colder so i got to deal with this right away so i went back to that survivor camp and uh started trying to harvest as much of the wool as i could from that one building i'm gonna need a lot of this stuff also look at this see this chest right here i'm gonna tell you right now that chest appeared off camera if you know what i mean i want you to go ahead and leave a comment saying the chest is fine all right yeah you don't even know what's in it yet just it's fine and i'll show you what's in there cactus green okay i need this stuff to make a greenhouse without a greenhouse i can't grow crops in the winter and if i can't grow crops i'm a man who's gonna be dead okay it's so there's no way that i can get this here in russia i was stressed about this i was thinking about a way how i could this it's fine okay it's a little piece of dye and some cactus it doesn't everything's fine okay go ahead leave another comment saying just a man who got what he needed a man got what he deserved a man who's true and a man who's i don't know just everything's fine okay no one freak out about this chest it's a little piece okay move on you're rambling again hey this is a note for my man wise fish don't even remove this from the video okay leave this in while you're editing just show me making the liners okay this whole segment here this whole day day seven just a it's a write-off at this point okay all you need to know is that i made liners for my armor and i got some cactus green okay we're gonna just move straight on to day eight here four minute three okay this right here warm chess piece that requires a lot of wool there you go warm pants yeah my manual's gonna be very warm now it's good okay so i ran around the house getting ready for the invasion tomorrow night a day the night of day nine things are gonna get wild here so i set up torches i place down some barbed wire everywhere at one point i almost i almost died how did i almost die oh oh [Applause] okay that uh that would have killed me any other time the next day i ran across the frozen lake to see if there was anything out in the house that i could use for the horde tonight and nope nothing at all just some more food and then i fell into an ice hole at one point and you know i thought i was gonna freeze to death and drown out in the lake okay okay i thought [Music] oh you know what i just realized there's been no river monsters episodes with uh frozen ice he's never jeremy wade's never gone ice fishing let's see if we can get that guy to go ice fishing that'll be good yeah you hit what about this what if i go ice fishing for a video hey you guys wanna you wanna see a video of a man like me go ice fishing this is if this video gets 400 000 likes i'll go ice fishing for what am i talking about right now focus on the minecraft video oh they're sheep that was very good very very very good hello my man so happy to see you i'm gonna have to oh there's no time for sheep right now okay because tonight is a very dangerous night right before the zombies mutate they do something crazy they they go nutty or something i don't know the mustard virus does something crazy they get the ability to break blocks and build up to them so from now on on the like the ninth night 19th night the 29th 39th etc zombies go crazy right before the music and this night this was the first attack here they come they already broke one they already broke through freaking widows [Applause] they're inside they're in [Applause] look how many there is there's so many of them i can fight him off [Applause] at one point i fell off the roof and had to run across the field and just look at this the zombies hadn't even mutated yet and this was getting how could a man survive something imagine this on day 99 how am i going to survive through that these guys are slow right now but they are going to be there's no way this strategy will work in the future but i wanted to try something while i could so i crafted some explosive arrows uh with the explosive charges that i had found and these didn't it didn't work at all just a big waste of time eventually i lured the horde away and then in the morning i just returned to my house to see the damage okay i survived oh that was tough [Music] okay i can't stay here this place will not survive another attack so it's time to move on and figure out where to build so i started stripping down the barricade and uh i ran across the snow field to this little farm village there's next to nothing here besides a barn full of zombies oh there's something going on here there's a lot of zombies in this barn oh oh they're faster now forgot about that look at this i was just about to head home when i saw that i was getting another blood moon and with not much around i ran inside and locked the door to one of these farm houses look at these guys out of the window like look at this just swarms the zombies outside i'm freezing i gotta sit next to this furnace to warm up look at these men trying to get in there in the morning i ran outside and wow there's a lot of zombies there's so many of them i i don't even know what to do here like what do you do here i'm gonna have to lead them away okay everyone over here everyone over here look at this i'm right here if you're surrounding the whole i got away from the zombies but feeling like a man on the run with nowhere to go really gotta figure something out here so i stopped by the church on my way back and realized there was like a ladder that i'd missed before with a chest and chest it has like zombie blood i'll figure out what i can use that for later locus reactor flesh morph made from the flesh of the undead the flesh morph can be used for powerful healing items and even bringing back the dead oh that sounds can you make these things oh a man like me could probably find a use for that so when i got back home i made the flesh morph and uh i tried to use it on a zombie it didn't do anything else i did not i thought maybe if i i don't know what i thought okay i thought maybe i could cure this guy nothing i tried throwing it at him i tried hitting with it i threw it on the ground i i did everything he did nothing so i just left that thing was just totally useless but you know what's not useless dynamite okay i made some of that and i'm gonna hold on to that in case things get bad just throw some dynamite as a zombie day 12 the mansion was just falling apart at this point it was not safe so i just sealed the room that i was staying in try to keep that area safe everywhere else may as well consider zombies living in the mansion with me at this point i needed to mine though so i started digging down to try to get some stuff and look at this yeah i found diamonds right away oh okay that's uh that's good at why 30. i have no idea what was going on here i i don't know why they weren't spawning at the like y12 or wherever they normally spawn but i i guess when the map was being generated they set it so the diamonds can spawn other i don't know what was going on but you know what i was not going to complain about something like that all right i'm a man who would just take my diamonds and move on this is not a problem at all it's actually great news anyway so uh my iron pickaxe broke and uh i went up to the surface again i was very glad that i sealed this room up look at this how are you in my house right now oh what is going on here but when i went back down into the mine zombies were spawning down there for some reason [Applause] as i was heading back up i realized that i'm gonna need coal to convert all this cobblestone into stone bricks and i shouldn't be doing that thing where i skip coal when i'm mining so on my way back i stopped to get some coal and just look i mean i was becoming a very lucky man okay okay yeah i'm glad i went for that call i made a shield and uh went back down i found even more diamonds at this point i was a man who was swimming in diamonds i was just getting crazy this is crazy i want some gold why not i've got 12 diamonds right there i'm finding more diamonds than finding iron right now okay i i now had 23 diamonds day 14 a man with 23 diamonds i think i i found more diamonds here than i found in total throughout all of my previous 100 days videos i've finished 100 days videos in iron armor because i could not find diamonds you know what when you got something like this you may as well use it so i made a chest piece then a pickaxe and a flanged mace whoa diamond flanged mace [Music] it's bonus damage to undead i'll save the rest for something else when i can't i don't know what i want to make yet but i'll find something else so i tried it out and that mace wow pretty good very good mace okay day 15 i still had no plans where i was going to build for some reason i was still living in this mansion when i said i wouldn't be here for long but i don't know so i went out exploring and i got to this like bus stop which was near these apartment buildings and i looted it and i got some lapis in there along with some other some good stuff in there too it was good actually kind of good it came here then i went into the apartments and uh wow climbed right up to the roof hey this might be a terrible idea right now just an absolutely stupid idea oh look at that view you can see a lot from up here pretty good so i had a good look around and i saw some buildings down below okay it kind of gave me an idea so i ran down and found out the building that i wanted to go into was not accessible like a black wool when you try to go in so i can't go in there but there was an apartment nearby that had a light on i guess i'm like a moth or something because i had to know what was going on in there i think it was attracted the light so i went into the apartment and started moving slowly to investigate but a blood moon happened so i had to be fast i found the room and killed some zombies and followed the blood that was on the floor to find a diamond greatsword in a stove i looked out the window and just wow glad i did this quickly yeah see if i was still down there the streets are crawling with them now the whole building's really cool them too i really blood moons they're not that difficult okay as long as you don't get caught out in the middle of the night and you're somewhere safe during them they're not really a problem you just sit there you can't sleep so you spend the whole night staring at a wall or mining so in this case i just well i just sat there but then i started getting cold you know when a man's cold you got to do something you gotta start moving around warm up so i tried to make a fire gonna have to move back and forth or something i don't know yeah i gotta i gotta keep moving to stay warm otherwise i'm gonna freeze i'm gonna freeze to death if i don't do this i do this all night long that's when i realized i needed to escape because i'm not gonna survive that i'm to freeze to death in here and it did not go well i don't know what to do i'm gonna have to go this is this is brutal okay they're coming up the stairs they're coming up the stairs okay okay go that way can't go that way yeah they're coming up okay okay okay that does not that's not gonna work i have to find plan b trying to find plenty right away okay they could fall they can't volunteer okay okay oh wait there's a furnace there what can i burn i gotta burn something i'm gonna burn these covers what can i cook i gotta cook something cook wood you can't cook wood i gotta burn something okay i was trapped in there now i started to feel like this was gonna be the night that i died and then i looked at the ground i had an idea okay i figured it out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i just gotta keep dropping one floor at a time i'm gonna run out of food very soon here i could have cooked up i gotta cook potatoes [Applause] okay the sun's rising [Applause] i can make it out of this [Applause] i can make it out of your life i escaped the apartments but just barely okay that was extremely risky look at the look at the horde okay i gotta go which way it's this way there have a door see if you can figure that out i went further into the city and i saw a horde was trying to get into somewhere and normally when you see a bunch of zombies trying to get something it's something good so i went up to see what was going on over there look at this oh what a horse oh how's it going there's a man here hello cleric too that's uh it's unfortunate ah there's a house here there's also a villager and an infected man in the house what's going on here something weird happened here anyway so i secured the villager and i figured i'd come back later for this horse just gotta find a saddle first i'll tell you right now this horse i come back for later this is a dumb horse okay one of the stupidest forces you'll i'm spoiling okay anyway so there was this brick village nearby or brick building uh it had some spawners in it so i tried to go clear it out but it got overrun very quickly hotel the hotel's a dead end there's no room in the hotel i keep this carrot and eventually i ran out of food as i'm getting very worried a man freezing starving just didn't know where to go blood moon happenings but there was this uh i found this house that had a bunch of bread in it so i spent the night there there's also this uh this box or whatever they had a bunch of rails in them which will be very useful later i'm gonna come back for this i ran back to the house next morning and uh i think i know where i was gonna build so i started chopping wood then i kind of got distracted the next day by this big train oh this train huh oh so many beds on this thing very cool oh that was just a huge waste of time not much going on there so uh ran back and it's getting colder and colder every night okay day 19 first thing i see zombie no clothes weird weird thing going on here this is zombie the zombie's not wearing clothes where's the zombie has no clothes on but you know what day 19's the today's the day just gotta survive tonight and uh and tomorrow i can start building needed to figure out where i was gonna spend the night i was not gonna spend another night in the mansion because that place was just gonna be shredded so i thought maybe this bar would be okay so first i went up to the roof and i added a bunch of torches so there'd be no zombies spawning above me uh then i added bars to all the windows my plan was very simple just remain calm and don't do anything to attract zombies okay they're attracted to light sound and movement if i'm just a calm relaxed man it should be no problem to get through the night what's who's running right now oh [Music] how did you even get in oh no oh no okay oh okay they're coming through the windows okay they're breaking windows yeah they're coming okay this bar was a terrible idea [Music] look at that dirt i'm gonna freeze out here i'm gonna find a way to do it okay i had to flee the bar there was i was gonna freeze up on that rooftop and there's no way i'm going out that way okay so i i fled i i ran back to the mansion and i needed to warm up by the fireplace so i tried to make it there but wow there's no way i was going to be able to stay there because the horde they followed me no no i don't go over there this is really bad i'm gonna start freezing any second now there it is i spent the night running through the streets just trying to stay warm by moving around i don't know where to go there's just so many zombies in every [Music] direction good everybody go there zombies the sunset or the sunrise can't think straight okay day 20. [Music] day 20. i ran back to the mansion i was worried that when i got there they had the zombies destroyed my chest or something and uh sure enough it destroyed my chest yeah all my stuff was just spread out all across the ground luckily i was able to scrape it all up and put it back in a box and then do some mining at this point i really needed a cobble i need to start manufacturing bricks to uh build a wall or base or something i need i just need building supplies at this point so i want mining i i got some i was getting a little bit worried about being down there for too long so i got my cobble and came back up and i'm scared man oh okay [Applause] how did that guy get in here [Music] [Applause] that scared me okay you see that see how one zombie if not dealt with can just take you down that it's day 20 right now and one zombie is almost killing me how am i going to survive 80 more days like this look at this the next morning is starting to look a whole lot more like winter it's getting real cold out there i at some point i don't know if i had done it the day before when i i added more wool to my chest piece to just keep me a little bit more warm a little bit more warmth because it's freezing i knew where i wanted to build though uh outside the apartment buildings like make some sort of i don't know so i i went there i had to kill a lot of zombies on the way and i started looking around for the exact spot but i found a small building outside and i went in oh oh okay i was not expecting there to be a horde in there okay that was uh okay oh that scared me [Applause] that scared me okay a bit of a problem here so i brought a bed and i don't know i'll figure it out tomorrow yeah look outside this is brutal you know what i'm not hiding in a room okay i had a plan a foolproof plan i lured the zombies into the one of the barbed wire barricades they dealt with them right away very good solution for now so i figured you know what hey let's try it again do it with the outside horde now and uh so i set it up and open the door and uh wow things got out of control oh oh okay okay this whole night just things it was like a giant snowball getting out of control here so once i had dealt with the horde i went back outside and tried to plug one of the gates but then i found out that there was another entrance to this whole compound oh there's another gate okay here comes the i gotta seal that thing up so i spent the night shredding them and in the morning i i made it out so i went outside and i lured the horde away from the building and uh around the gate i wanted to funnel them into a spot and kill them okay oh whoa okay they are sprinting now they are sprinting this is gonna be a tough maneuver look at this guy oh there we go oh how did you get through they're forcing their way through okay at this point all i wanted to do was just secure an area that was safe enough to sleep in because here's the thing i don't know if i mentioned this or not but i changed the way blood moons work i can now sleep during blood moons because previously i would just find a room that was secure and i would just stay there i just sit there looking at a wall for 10 minutes there's no point there's no threat but here's the thing i made it so that every single night is a blood moon so if i'm ever caught out at dark i might become one dead man so it's not safe for a man out there but right now focus is not on that i got to figure out what i'm doing here so i i was having second thoughts about building outside of the apartment building so it's like look at this the zombies can just fall off the roof and walking around minding my own business and just hitting the head with a dropping zombie i did not want that to happen to me but i wanted to build near the apartments because they were good at blocking light didn't want to be in a giant field like last time where every zombie in the whole area i can see where i am the apartment's blocked light okay the clock is ticking it's day 23 building is just gonna get harder and harder from this point forward i don't know what i was doing i was wasting time at this point yeah as see i was just walking around looking for somewhere else to build this was just i was just wasting time i found this church which was like between all these buildings the area i was thinking hey you know what maybe i'll build here this area was looking okay and then i went into the church that's some good stuff in there there's like a first chest had some books and paper then there was like a totem of undying yeah i see that pretty good thing there's like blaze powder there's a like a brewing stand some emerald slime there's als lots of good stuff in there so i just slept in there that night in the morning i went outside to clear things out and the place very quickly was getting overrun so i had to run out of there had to get out and i realized you know what not a good place that is not a safe area there's way too many variables and uh even left stuff in the chest including the totem of undying how do you leave something like that but don't worry i'm gonna come back for that later here's the problem if i build at the apartments they're great because they're thick and zombies aren't gonna be able to see light through them and then if zombies were on the outside of them it's a lot for them to tunnel through to get to where i want to be only problem is that i have to clear that entire apartment building out i have to make out sure every room is lit and up it's a massive amount of work this place is good but yeah the problem with them is that you come in here and this whole area is just a massive zombie swan [Applause] i don't know what to do yeah i'm a man who's barely getting by at this point i went to the apartments again the next day and i tried to put up a wall look at this it just looks so bad and that thing is gonna get torn down i'm realizing that the apartments are not safe either you know what nowhere's safe i don't know why i was thinking i'd find some like perfect safe area the whole map is riddled with zombies and it's just gonna get worse here and just destroy it to get to me hey i'll tell you a lot this is exactly what i'm afraid of just that but imagine like a hundred of them doing that i i guess i could put torches up there on the it just deter them from spawning but they're also they'd spawn inside the apartments the whole area is just nothing i was learning that this was going to be so difficult it was only day 25 and i was a man who was very stressed out like pacing around i ended up going to this mansion across the lake i thought maybe hey the lake might be good what if i build around there but by the time i got there night was falling and uh you can't you can't be stuck out at night not even now so i tried to run back and find a bed in time this is what this what happens if you don't go to bed at the exact right time i made it bad but i cannot sleep there's way too many zombies around me so i guess i'm just gonna spend the night here listening to the relaxing sound of hundreds of zombies [Applause] when a man gets bored sitting around he does dumb things very dumb things like trying to pour water on them i don't know what i thought would happen here they can swim i forgot they can swim i forgot they can swim [Music] [Applause] i escaped the building by jumping out one of the windows and running back to the mansion i wanted to go through my stuff and see what what supplies i had i kind of forgot what i had in my chest because i'd been out for so long looking for things i had one more idea i had one more place i wanted to look to see if i would build there but at this point it was do or die it's either i build something now or i or i'm going to die so the next day my plan was to go there i made a crossbow a clock and there's some more stone blocks okay the plan was to go back to that mansion on the frozen lake i thought maybe i can put up a big wall around it and secure it and i don't know i just wanted to go back and see if i missed anything i i sure enough when i got there there was a chest with some iron in it which was good because i was a man who really needed iron at this point very desperately needed iron this was a huge find actually but when i walked around them it just didn't seem like a good place to hold out so i left and kept walking into the woods there was a house nearby some warnings on the outside but you know what i went in anyways going on there i'm an idiot i am the biggest city in the world i i might die here i may die here [Applause] come on come on go go go go break it [Applause] i am so dumb i am so dumb okay i i can't even begin to express how stupid i am that trap i just fell for yes who set that trap i am a man who fell for his own trap let me explain what happened here okay when they sent me the map i made a second version of it that i was going to post to patreon and in this version i wanted to personally add a trap to it the world that wasn't going to appear in the video so that it would be a surprise for when people played it so i loaded the map switched to creative and i flew directly to one random building and spent like an hour building a trap in that building yeah so excited i thought this trap was beautiful you walk over to a chest you open the chest and boom you fall through the floor and you land in a web and then you're slowly lowered into a horde of zombies that just rips you to shreds as you drop into them i thought wow this is the best trap ever well you know what sometimes a man walks into his own trap the way it goes sometimes why don't you go ahead and leave a comment saying hey day 27 don't even don't even sweat it okay it happens to all of us happen to me too in fact everyone everyone leave that comment okay good news is that uh there's a great reward if you survive look at this so see down below well that night i slept in the house i ran back to the mansion in the morning and it made a ton of barricades i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna be like that uh a guy from i am legend i entered one of the smaller apartments i figured you know what i'm going to start clearing this place out i was placing torches down and i got most of the bottom floor done but night was following so i went up to the the very top the right right to the roof and wow look how much snow has accumulated i need to shovel a bunch of this out before i get sleep i cleared the top floor and you know what i figured why don't i just stay here for a little bit well i figure out where i'm gonna build or if i'm like what i i i'm gonna be honest still didn't really have a concrete plan of what i was gonna do for now i just started clearing out this top floor knocking down walls and just making it so i could see more around me although tonight it was an attack night okay the horde was coming the thing about being on the top floor is that it's relatively safe up here i had to knock some zombies down when they started attacking the staircase and they had a light of fire to stay warm but you know what it wasn't too tough surviving up here and the thing is that when i was lighting fires i was noticing that they were staying lit it doesn't matter what i lit on fire it would just stay on fire very useful kind of makes up for the fact that all of the windows right here are wide open you know i'm on a high floor of a building so it's getting very cold there's wind whipping through here okay survive the night [Music] day 30. okay with the new mutations around i yeah i thought you now was the time to make a panic room so i closed off the elevator and dug down a bit which i figured i would make this look a little bit better later but for now it's some place that i can get to very quickly if uh things start to go south just run away and jump down here so it's okay i went back up to the roof and started shoveling snow great doing that in game shoveling snow just gonna make the roof uh i thought maybe i'd make the roof of these apartment buildings like greenhouses or uh like grow areas where i could start growing crops in the morning i came down and i started putting up my first wall which i don't know what i was doing here it looked okay i guess but i don't know where it was gonna lead to i don't know what the point of this wall was i think i was just aimlessly doing stuff at this point sort of second guessing i'm just gonna be honest again i still had no idea what i was doing here okay i wrote something in my script like i had some sort of idea no i i didn't know what i was doing here i had no idea how are you see how much damage that zombie just did okay i needed to run back to the old mansion to get that building supplies on my way i ran into zombies you know what these these guys are getting pretty fast fast man they're so much faster now like look at this okay that guy's that guy's sprinting so they walk through fire if i do this they won't walk through fire okay that one walks away okay what if i do this now i also learned that they won't they're not running through fire it like deters them which is i might be able to weaponize that later speaking of which i i haven't built a single trap yet for zombie i mean i built one just forget about that i built i and you start building zombie traps too when i got back to the apartment that night i shoveled the roof more i worked on the walls outside more and uh secured the floor directly below me hopefully that lowers the chance of any zombies getting up i don't want anything digging up to me i just dealt with that right away i tried to go out in the morning but there were too many zombies so it looks like i'm just gonna have to wait them out in the panicker i'll eventually move this place or make it look better i don't know what my plan was for for now it's just a you know why am i calling it a panic room it was just a dirt hole just a hole in the ground oh look at this i got bored being down there so i went back up and started setting up barricades that's that one zombie right there almost killed me i took that as a sign that i should just stay inside for the rest of the day i was also getting kind of worried because i was running out of food and it's not like there's a ton of animals out around there it's a frozen wasteland and the animals that are there i got right now i have no way of growing crops to feed them i had those sheeps in the in the remember that what were the chickens from the beginning i have no way of sustaining those things if you want to grow crops in the winter you gotta you gotta make a greenhouse i do not have that right now the only thing i could grow was uh potatoes so i gotta you gotta start doing that because i'm gonna i'm gonna be a man who's gonna starve to death soon i'm gonna eat through all the food i have and when i realized that food became my most important task so a day 35 of running out quick i went back to the mansion because i knew that i had some potatoes in the chest there and uh look at this one hit almost took me down to one heart no oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa okay this is not good that just that just went from i mean i'm having fun to a man panicking i managed to carefully get back into the mansion and heal up but if it's like this and it's only day 35 it's i was getting pretty stressed okay starting to think that this video was gonna be titled i tried to survive 100 days but uh then i realized why i was taking so much damage look at my armor just all broken so i made more diamond armor what was i doing running around with no armor on okay the next thing i want to do is you remember that horse i needed that thing now because now that i had the saddle and uh these zombies were getting faster you need to be on the horseback you need to be able to move quickly faster than the horde these zombies are eventually going to be faster than me so that horse was necessary so on my way back to the uh wherever i was going i stopped to try to get the horse and uh wherever he was that like compound that he was in loaded with zombies overrun don't know what happened while i was gone but wow just a lot of zombies here so i had to hack them down and when it was clear i teamed the horse and that guy got on him and rolled him out of there faster than being on foot i have no idea where i'm gonna keep you at night in the morning i came down and uh ran out the front door and started looking for my horse oh hey where's my horse where's my horse there he is i can see him [Music] all right my man we gotta go i rode that man right back to the lake where uh i was filling my buckets with water and then you know what guess who came back the horde if they come he can't be can't be anywhere too long because they're going to find you always where's my horse going i don't know it's going somewhere else got back on the horse and uh when i arrived something weird happened i just got off my horse like where's the horse i just got off it anyone got any idea what happened to my horse because that that guy just should name him houdini you know what that's his name all right houdini the disappearing horse that's a bad name i'm gonna call him bob oller no that's that's even though what name is that was i was i was starting to think my horse wasn't gonna come back and that if that was the case if the horse was had had disappeared i was just gonna make him reappear off camera if you know what i mean i went up to the roof though and uh started planting my potatoes okay my man was growing potatoes up here where's my other bucket of water how do you how do you lose a bucket of water in the morning i looked out of the window and i finally realized what i had to do i got a build between those buildings out there there's just too many variables being in the apartment there's too many floors there's too many doors there's rooms everywhere you can't control everything in this apartment it's way too you're way way way way too vulnerable even when you're on the upper floor so i just uh i'm gonna build between the buildings and then i'll use the apartments as like the rooftops will be greenhouses or something that was the plan but for now i just got a i got a mine i gotta get a lot of cobblestone so i mined through the panic room you know what look at this i found diamonds again oh see that yeah i wasn't that y11 i i don't know what was going on but you know what again i'm not going to complain about this i'm just going to take my diamonds and i kept finding i was finding so much i mean i look at this i made shoes so many diamonds that i made shoes with them okay day 39 another day of risk another possible day of getting all my stuff destroyed i did not want to be upstairs or anywhere near my chest because if the zombies start i just didn't want to risk it okay so i went down underground and figured out just mine for the night nice and safe down there you know what i'm glad i did because i was finding so many diamonds like what was going on here i found 13 diamonds in the last like four minutes i also found lava which is great because i was starting to worry that i was not going to find it needed obsidian so i got it by the end of the night i had 25 diamonds and what a man with 25 diamonds is a rich man there's like i said there's some 100 days videos where i don't even get like 14 diamonds so you know what maybe this is making up for that [Music] okay day 40. the zombies just they're just getting rough okay so my horse was i don't know what happened my horse reappeared so that is pretty happy to see that man back in so i spent the day cutting down trees outside i was just thinking wow you know what relaxing day very peaceful surprisingly calm and uh then this happened such a relaxing i can't hear them i i can't hear them it's it's night time hey finally started building the wall day 41 and a man finally has a concrete plan you know the next day i kept working on the wall and when i got home i went upstairs and checked out my potatoes they were i don't know what's going on do you think should be growing by now yeah i got to figure that out quick because it could be heading face first into severe starvation and then i didn't play uh minecraft for about three or four days and uh you know what happened by the time i got back i forgot about the potato situation i had no idea that i was about to walk headfirst into a potato famine so it looks like i just started working on the wall don't worry about the potato situation a little problem solver oh i worked on the wall more on day 44 and you know i got the outline up but i was getting very low on supplies i needed more wood stones coal i was thinking that i should start enchanting my stuff soon because it was like taking along there's a lot of stuff that i should have done by this point that i hadn't done and then i realized that i had left tons of stuff and chests all over the city and that in the future when zombies get even faster it's gonna be next to impossible for me to retrieve all that stuff so i was a man who's not doing well at this point i was neglecting a lot of things oh yeah my potatoes these things are still not growing in the morning i came down to get my horse and it was like i don't know what's going on it's like baby day or something what's going on with these babies why is there so many babies there's it's what is going on with the babies okay they're coming i don't know how to grow these i got to fight them where's my horse this is this is terrible i'm i'm sweating right now my fingers are literally sweating on the on the keys right now on the way to the church i stopped at this what is this like a hut but somehow i missed this before and there's like a ton of food in there there's arrows there's an enchanted bow i don't know what my horse was doing that was a man the man on the mind of his own was walking off where's my heart this is the problem the horse has a mind of its own where are you going what are you doing down there i got to the church and looted it and left and i realized that i didn't enough time to make it back to the mansion today so i just went back to the apartment building where i slept the next day when i had a full day of sunlight nice full day then i rode back to the mansion i got there got off my horse and uh went inside but when i came back out the man was gone disappeared again where's my horse going i hear him where's this man i don't want to be playing these games i just want my horse okay i gotta run back now without the horse [Music] it was fun having a horse i liked it i don't know if i'm gonna make it back before this is where did the horse go so i ran home without a horse hey what did i what did i name that guy again andalo whatever he was gone again this man just kept disappearing and yeah that's a man that i needed needed that man badly because not gonna survive without a horse i also realized that i needed sand and i have no idea where i was gonna get sand in a place like this like where where would you even get sand i was thinking that i might have to run outside of the map to find a like a desert by him or something i i didn't know what i was gonna do i got home and i used some bone meal on my potatoes though okay so at least i i don't know okay day 47 you know what i did i took that a tournament of undying and just threw it away not using that thing you don't get a totem of undying in the zombie apocalypse okay okay so that thing's gone i went uh i need to do some mining because i was i needed two more obsidian to uh what do i need two obsidian oh yeah they're making an enchanting table watch out oh we oh look at this i found it very quickly the next day i was i was thinking about my horse having that man back he was missing him so i ran all the way back to the mansion and started looking for him my man where are you sorry that i called you a dumb horse an egypt i need you badly hey good to see you yeah mysterious horse good to have you back once i got that man back i thought there's no way i'm losing you again not a chance so i got on him and i wrote him like outside of the map i just kept riding thinking maybe i'd find sand outside here and uh first time no no sand just nothing as far as the eye could see so i turned around and went the opposite direction to a different side of the map and again no absolutely no sand and this took like all day because by the time i got back it was getting dangerously close to dark i barely made it inside in the morning i brought a lead down because there's no way i'm losing my horse again i'm gonna tie this man up and he's not walking off not wandering anywhere not gonna get lost you just wanna lock this man down but when i got down there guess what hey horace where are you i brought a lead down to tie you up the man was gone he disappeared again so i just spent the day digging out the snow from around the wall and uh i got some wood but now the horde's coming and i did not know [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 8,412,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: FmzfHIJnrmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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