I Coded Your Terrible Potion Ideas into Minecraft

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Potions in Minecraft have always been pretty cool, but you know what's been super underrated? The luck potion. I honestly think people need to use this more often. It honestly- oh, uh, uh, that's not a luck potion. Today I'm coding your dumb potion ideas into Minecraft and hosting a potion- That didn't work. I was trying to say. Today I'm coding your dumb potion ideas into Minecraft and hosting a potion class with a ton of my friends. [SCREAM] Big Fundy! Oh shoot! [Screaming] [Screams] You guys always have some insane suggestions for Minecraft features, so I asked you on my community tab for the craziest possible potion effect ideas. You guys definitely didn't disappoint, and that's how I'm like a billion blocks up in the air right now. Thanks a lot, Decker Gibbs. I really need to get down from here without dying. Ugh, water! Water! Water! Ahhh! on your suggestions. Level one is a few potions that aren't super crazy. Level two is some potions that are a bit more crazy. And level three is the potions that we can't be indoors for. You'll see why, but this potion here, the "Launch thousands of blocks into the air" splash potion, is actually one of the level three potions. And it's gonna be really interesting to see what my friends think about this one. The best thing about each of these potions you'll see today is that they actually all have every potion variant, including tipped arrows. As you can see, arrow of the launch thousands of blocks into the air. So this of course means you can launch more than just yourself. Hiyah! And we'll never see him again. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Oh no. Ah! Oh! Hiyah! Yeet! Oh, there he goes. But I'm getting ahead of myself. We need to look at the level one potions first. So let's start with this one. A potion that makes a Skulk Shrieker scream and gives you the darkness effect. Drink three of them and you summon a warden. Alright, starting with the potion of shrieking. If I go ahead and just drink this... Spooky! I'm gonna drink it a second time. Alright, that's two, okay. And third time. Just give it a second and there he is! This one's pretty simple. I mean, at least you would think this one's pretty simple. But then you take into account that there's a splash potion variant. And that this also works on other mobs. So that's one. That's two. And that's three. [laughing] Look, another warden. Oh man. There's no way this could go wrong, right? No, of course not. Of course not. Of course not. No possible way that this could exponentially grow as this affects more and more creatures. Everything is totally... I'm gonna stop throwing them because... Oh no! [laughing] Yeah, that gets out of hand real quick. This is way too much fun. I'm just gonna throw a few more down. No big deal or anything. Oh! Yeah, that's insane. What is it with these videos and a ton of wardens spawning? You know, what's up with that? This happens in like every video. Alright, okay. Too loud. There are 238 entities. You know, at least it's an easy way to farm wardens, right? But this just gets ridiculous really quickly. So, you know, maybe it's not a good idea. [throwing more] Good potion idea. I'm gonna get out of here. Who's next? A potion of SystemZee. Drinking it immediately teleports SystemZee to your location and only SystemZee. Maybe he can stay for the next potion. Alright, let's see if this works. [slurping] --have never been added to Minecraft. Hey. Knarfy's here. What are you doing in my Minecraft world? You're in mine now. Wait, let me check the soil. Hang on. Yeah, that's your world alright. Much like bread, something is a rye. You know, you can stick around for the next one I think. I think that's fine. So that's what we'll let you do. I got things to do. Too bad because the next comment is... [screams] Make a potion effect called Shapeshifting that turns you into a random mob for a couple minutes. This affects your health, saturation, and abilities. You brought me here for a glass bottle. [slurping] Hey, hey. Next time something crazy is gonna happen. You Chiabatta tell somebody about it. It's like the joke is that you oughta tell, but it's Chiabatta. I'm changing again. Oh my god. Hello. Wait, hang on. I'm tiny. I wanna be Knarfy. [laughing] Ribbit. Hey. Subscribe to Knarfy. Knarfy. Oh Good lord. Hey catch! Oh gah! Wait wait yeah wait wait wait wait. Good lord, I gotta beat the squitter dragon. No, you can't beat me. I'm good at swimming. I'm also a squid now Lets go we have squid things to do! My fist feels awfully... Squiddy. Hang on. I gotta look up more bread puns. Hang on. Wait ask me any question. What do you think of this mod? Naan sorry. It's like no Let me think of another one.. Hang on. Wait! Lemme... Don't be so corn breadish. Aw darn it. Try and come towards me. Okay Sorry, but oh, do you get it I am the guardian of the C I don't know. I- Changing back into something else. Oh, hey, hey is for wait hold on wait Oh, hey is for I feel like I've taken medicine and not read the side effects. I'm gonna die. Oh wait fishy Hold for pun Holding... uh- the pig man... It's not letting me... I'm drowning here! Uhhh... I'm glowing! AHH HAY IS FOR HORSES I got there in the end. You got hay, oh hello Hey. Hey, you seem like you axolotl questions. Hey get back here. What am I? I like this potion! I don't! I- Stop! it's it's not fun. Let me see what's in here I missed. Knarfy. Something's not right here. We need to try and get back to normal. Nope. This isn't right Nope, nah, something's fishy here. Oh darn it. Oh Nope, darn it. Oh shoot. Oh, you're not tall anymore. Oh, no. Hey Moo. Yeah, we have a random rogue Enderman throwing random potions of ship Uhhh what is it called? Shape-shifting shape-shifting potions on random citizens. He's an absolute menace to society But we gotta go get gas the the helicopters gonna crash [SCREAMING] [EXPLOSION] Next up a potion of theme song. That's it a potion that plays an epic theme song Oh, yeah, this one's a fun one. I went ahead and added 16 different theme songs to the game now. Obviously, I didn't write any of these tracks, but if you drink this potion one of them plays It just got so epic so quickly and then if you clear the effect the music goes away, so let's drink it again Ooooo... Ooooo... Oooooo... Serene. I'm just gonna sit here and listen to the beautiful music So peaceful so tranquil so beautiful and now I will drink milk And it's gone. What's next? What's next? What's next? Some spy music. Okay. All right. I like it Yeah, I'm getting rid of it again one more one more one more I like this one This one's great! Very bouncy! Okay, okay and so with that the potion of theme song We're gonna use that during the potion thing to let my friends choose their own theme song and by choose I mean this the wand chooses the Wizards so the theme song will choose them. You'll see what I mean. In the meantime Let's move on to the next one. The subscribe potion that automatically subscribes to Knarfy when you drink it. I like the way you think YAAAAAAY!! That's all this does It just- It just- But hey you should subscribe! We've got some cool things coming in 2024 so get subscribed it's worth it YAAAAAY!! But that also means let's move on to level two of the potions These potions are a little bit more intense and we're starting with a potion of corruption that crashes your game when you drink it and I, um... adapted this a little bit since I'm gonna use this with a bunch of people I didn't want it to fully crash the game because that would just make life awful when we're recording that but what it does do Is it uh... Your game has been corrupted. It kicks you from the server. It's great. It's so fun I love it. And of course, there's also the splash potion which you can just But this actually also works on mobs. So check it out. It just it just corrupts their game too- look a sheep Hello sheep. How are you? Yeet! Gone. Oh what's that? The wither is corrupting your world and destroying everything? Not anymore! Oh Ender Dragon! Take the potion take it yeah This doesn't... didn't I think I'm stuck here Oh. So yeah ever just want to corrupt your friend's game or your own game Just you know throw this potion and easy totally something we needed in Minecraft for sure Yup, anyways, let's move on to the next one. Hiyah. The bird potion It will allow the player to see invisible extremely strong creatures and fight with them other players can hear the noises But can't see the creatures without the potion effect and once the effect ends everything just goes back to normal This is a fascinating concept and I ended up naming it the revealing potion because I just felt like that made a little more sense This took a lot of work, but look at watch this if I go ahead and drink this. Oh boy. There they are There's this one is really cool because obviously when I have this effect applied I can see these creatures But if I apply this to another player, I oh, I guess I can still see them. Here you go Boom they're gone. I can't see them, but he probably I'M BEING ATTACKED ANYWAYS So yeah, the bird potion also called the revealing potion also just really scary That'll be fun for people to experience for the first time that's gonna be- that's gonna be a good time I'm pretty excited about that but in the meantime Let's move on to the next one the despawn potion when you drink it you despawn the player is transported into an abyss Pushing of despawn and that's exactly what we're gonna do if I drink this I am despawned This is what happens when mobs are despawned is they're put here in this empty void Only way to get out is either wait this out and or or jump off nothing you can do even when this ends you just But hey, we've respawned we're back in the real world and you guessed it this works on other entities, too Hey there, mr. Creeper! Despawn! And if we also follow him in there, you'll see he's actually here. Hey little creeper guy How's it going? How's it going, man? How are you just be warned that once you despawn all of them, There's no way to get them back. So They're just kind of stuck here forever or at least until the the effects of this wear off because in that case, uh... Yeah, it doesn't end super well, this is totally what happens when something despawns this is where they go They go into this space. Oh, I do love how this works though It's just so it's so satisfying because then you just like oh, yep pocket dimension now apparently you just apply this in here And they just get this just oh no... That's unfortunate. This will also be really fun for people for the first time It's gonna be a it's gonna be a party Anyways, let's go to the next one the furious cocktail gives every single effect in the game all of them awesome furious cocktail I'm just gonna drink this and see what happens. Oh boy. I got the achievements So that works pretty effective. I like it. I like it a lot this one goes hand-in-hand with the next one a potion that gives every single effect as XVII also known as 17 in Roman numerals So we have a potion of 17 which for some reason lasts for 18 seconds I didn't mean to do that if I drink this you'll see it applies everything at level -7 - oh my gosh There's so many things you can also see that little XVII. I in the top right you could have means You know you're in XVII mode and since everything is applied at level 17 It gets a little bit weird when everything wears off because I'm now a little bit high up in the sky! OH NOOO! So the furious cocktail is the best way to get those advancements done You can drink it it applies all the effects to you for like a couple seconds at level 1 or you could use the potion of 17 and get um... All of them level 17 the potion of 17 is just the furious cocktail on hard mode as per usual It applies to these guys too. Here he comes! Bye. It's very cool It's time for level 3 of course starting with the launch thousands of blocks into the air potion Which we saw in the opening and next we're gonna deal with the Titan potion Which makes you bigger stronger and have more health, but you're gonna be pretty slow too. So if I drink this Now I am tall look at me and my tallness so much tall so tall I am NOT very fast Hup! Into the water I go. Goodbye. See you later. Swim away! Swim away! As I said before this is the Titan effect which scales you up really tall and gives you a few fun features for example The ability to walk up hills That's just kind of a cool side effect As you can see it also gives me quite a bit of health there, and I can deal some damage, baby three four Boom I killed that guy in four hits, so this is fun It lasts for a good like three minutes or so and you can do some cool stuff with it So I'm a fan also if I throw something on the ground and then clear my effects This thing is as tall as I am look at that big beef some that's some big beef right there bro beef it anyways Bro beefin' Anyways, that's the Titan potion and that means we have one more potion to show you guys before we show everybody and this one is a doozy. A potion that has a 25% chance to make you literally invincible with every good potion effect, 25% that it just kills you, 25% that it explodes everything around you with TNT and creepers except for yourself and the last 25% gives you every bad effect But not bad effects that kill you more so bad effects that are annoying like mining fatigue. This one's great I'm not gonna show you all of what this does, but I will show you one sip of it That's all the bad effects oh no And that's all you get to see for now cuz it's a surprise It's also completely free to download for yourself via the link in the make sure you download all the other required mods Beforehand because it won't work correctly without them But this does mean you can try any of the potions from this video yourself including the potion of 25% There's a 25% chance of four different things and it gets crazy so that's fun. But that means this box is empty and We got to show people now, so let's head on over to potions class yeet Hello, it's me Professor Knarflydore, welcome to Potions 101. Today we've got three levels of potions for you. And the first- sit down- And the first level of potions is level one! You are welcome to stand up. Oh no. I see a low-level levitation spell there, very nice. HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY Fight me. Fight me. Woah! AH he's gone! Where am I??? [Muffled Yelling] watch where you're stepping oh my gosh oh i think i'm this motivation inside oh it's incredible the power energy i have the SystemZee effect i am but a humble chicken fear me almighty fear uh- I need SystemZee over here. Ah yes hello! We need more music music OHHHHHHH help me i'm old and help wait i'll fix this. [SCREAMS] Professor! Yes! professor i just want i just want to let you know that this is a BEE grade potion right here. I gotta go find the skullkeaters gotta let zeedemort in into the into the place to kill to kill schmarry Is this the griffindoor common room the zee- the zeeindor i'm a frog my life is complete! I think this calls for a theme song! Ooo. Oh. I always wanted to be a frog and now my time has come to rule them all to get all the frogs back in town we're gonna hop all the way to the sunset man [pain] Oooh. That's sad. He didn't have any gillyweed [too many sounds omg] God he keeps dying hello? You know what I want to go to the the great hall My mom wouldn't sign the syllabus. Okay, on my screen it looks like you're offering the professor a bee right now. [Laughter] Here you go teacher. Ah, yes, thank you. -Sting! -Oh no! -Sting! -Oh no! [Laughter] [gasping for air] -Sting! -Sting! Where did Zee go? Welcome to SystemZee's tour of Hogwarts. I am Rubius- This is the Quiet Room? [Screams] One way or another, I'm gonna beat Minecraft in this world, and they're not gonna know how I did it. He gave me all these potions, like the potion of Shrek. I think we need to shape shift, so I don't take fall damage. That's not gonna do. Come on, I need something that flies. Give me something like a chicken. Nope, that's not it. I can't fit through doors!! -I'm stuck in the door. -I'll fix it. I didn't. I'm dead. [Laughter] What am I now? MOOOOOOOOOO Remember Monster School? Oh yeah, don't mind the potions of shrieking. They definitely don't do anything. And there I was, in the back of the classroom. No one was giving any attention to me. A little old cow. There in the-- Oh god. Uh oh, oh that's a bee-- What? WARDEN NO!! Okay, this is my chance. Everybody come back, everybody come back, let's reconnect, let's reconnect. This is the closest to being a seagull I can be, so uh... [Laughter] That's a chunky seagull. Go, go, go, go, go. I'm Fundy! Wait does anyone hear that? I can hear Zee, but I don't know where he is. He's like in the distance somewhere. Okay, I am looking for the Great Hall. I wanna-- I wanna feast. Here, I'll teleport him. But I gotta get there. Um... Here he is. Oh hey! Oh my gosh, it's the real Fundy! Today I'm gonna code, uh... Uh... Uh... You didn't see anything. [Laughter] So anyways, you've been trained on level one of potions. I have. Congratulations on graduating to level two of potions! Yay! So, I'm gonna give you those back again. But here is level two. Level two potions. Some of these are a little bit... A little bit worse. What does this one do? This is my potion. My potions. There's this really tangy orange looking one. Is this OJ? What's that one? Oh, I cannot see! I cannot see! I can't see anything! I'll save you! You literally cannot kill me. I have so many hearts. I'm unstoppable. I can see again! Oh hey, welcome back! I think I just like... died and went to purgatory or something. Yeah, the potion of despawn is real cool. I was despawned! Where am I? See ya! [Laughter] This is mine. This is my po... [crying] He's really good at breaking Minecraft. Alright, class, we're gonna do some potions. I'm back. Oh hey, professor. Hello! Hello! I wasn't taking over your class... What are you- Who do you think you are? I would like to perform a demonstration. Uh, Garrett, would you like to drink the potion of revealing? Ohh, okay. Oh, whoa, whoa. Oh my- Why? Hey, whoa, hey! What is this?? Scary! Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run! Ah! There's more! What the heck is that thing? Uh- Was slain by invisible. Your game has been corrupted! It's time for the furious cocktail. Ahhh! I wanna fly with you. Polar bear silhouette was awesome. Our one troublemaker student just keeps wandering off. I don't know where he went. I'm off to see the wizard. The wh- Oh, that's- That's the wrong show. I need a shapeshift into something that allows me to take fall damage. That'll do. That- That's- That's exa- Oh, that's exactly what I needed! I think- Is that it? Yeah, it is. I don't think they'll mind if I just bust through the window of Hogwarts. Oh, was he doing the Triwizard Tournament? We can't talk about that. No, I'm just not supposed to- We don't talk about it. I've got a great idea to get him back. The potion of SystemZee. All I want is to go to the feast, man. I'm late. Eyy! NOOOOO! I was so- He's just not here anymore. They had no idea that I am a bat. Oh! Oh, it's Knarfy! Which one is real? Oh my gosh! Wow! It's your cousin! YouTuber Knarfy? In this video, I'm gonna be coding your dumb ideas into minecraft. Man, this guy sucks. You know what, guys? I'm just gonna despawn from this situation. By- Mooom! Oh, man. I drank too many potions. Dude, you're shaking. Oh, he exploded. Oh, it's a bird. I'm Garrett the Parrot. Eh, oh! Garrett the Parrot! No way! Flying so fast. Ugh! I don't know my way around, man. I got expelled first year, man. I didn't have a chance. There she blows. How? I want your food! Uh, just gotta find a way. I think this is it. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Great hall! Let's go- Wait, I can't show up as a bat. I gotta have more respect than that. That's more like it. Yo! What's up? This kinda sucks. There's no one here. You know what this needs? A theme song. I agree! Yeah! Let's go! Yeah! Let's go! There's a second one. There's a sad one. This is so loud. It's so loud. I don't know where I'm going! This is so great! I'll drink another one. Oh boy. I've got it. Another one. Knarfy. Knarfy you smell so good- Oh, the music stopped- Excuse me? Aww. Knarfy, what- What are- These potions you're giving me, man. What are they doing to me? Knarfy. My, how you- You look a little different there, buddy. Troll! Troll in the dungeon! Yeah, I'm- You ever wonder like- Like, "Ah, the candle wax is dripping all over my food!" Like, how does that not happen? I give you permission, Knarfy. You can take me back now. Directly up. He's back. Ha- Wow, that timing. You mind getting out of that chair for me if you could? Thank you. I'm gonna take- Ferit. Come on. I'm just warming it up for you. A very important message for all of you. This is a toast. At how much I appreciate every single- um... Well this is a conundrum. I've got a splash potion. Here ya go. Oh! Alright guys! We've got one more level. You've graduated from level 2! One more level? Yayyyy!! Which means you get All of the potions from level 1, All of the potions from level 2, and now we're gonna go over here. Field trip! Field trip! Hey, everybody. Field trip! I gotta do something real quick. We're not going home. Not really. I'm doing a free cam bit. You just can't see it. I'm like doing a free cam- Alright, anyways, this is level three. Level three, you say? Uhhhhh... All I can hear is WHOOOOOP. Ooh, a potion of 25%. Knarfy, Knarfy help me, Knarfy! I'm Rubius Zeegrid. What if I fly up while I'm a giant? [Screams] I dropped my glasses. I cannot see. Don't look up. [Screams] [Screams] I'm big Fundy. Big Fundy. Knarfy, Knarfy, turn around. Oh, big Fundy. Whoa! [Screams] Big Fundy. [Screams] [Rah x100] Alright, I'm out of here. This is too scary for me. Look at that. It's a big old carrot and a chicken. Oh. I need to tell you something. How you doing? Come here, gull. Revenge. Run, run, run, run, run. You can't fight me in Veggie Garden. [SCREAMS] Behold everyone! I am... Giant sheep of destruction! Oh no! Oh no! YOU WILL DIEEE!! Oh, is that a sheep? Die! Oh my gosh! RUN AWAY!! RUN AWAY!! I swim off into the sunset because I'm a dog that swims. Food! Ahh! Oh no! Precious food! Fish food! Food! Oh no! Fish food! What is this? Yummy! Swim! I will fly. Class dismissed. Get out of here. Class dismissed! Go home. Get out. I don't have a home. Go. Get out. I don't have a home. Go away. I- I- You first. Remember to download the mod with the link in the description <3 - Subtitle Knarf
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 1,008,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knarfy, knafy, mods, minecraft, clean, family, friendly, fun, funny, gaming, youtuber, breaking minecraft, breaking, dumb ideas, potions, dumb, food, thanksgiving, goofy, syszee, systemzee, cringygull, garret the carrot, gtcarrot, feritwolf95, coding, custom, feature, new, update, features, narfy
Id: fNqU9o4Udy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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