I Found Minecraft's Hardest Mod

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this is a crafting table and usually it takes about 10 seconds to make one in any brand new Minecraft world but in this mod getting one is a grind that will take literal hours and you'll be lucky if you can even survive that long welcome to better than wolves a mod created over 10 years ago that takes everything you thought was easy about Minecraft and turns it into a brutally hardcore grind want to break a tree with your fist well that's going to take a while trying to cook up some food you can avoid starving to death that's also going to take a while accidentally stood in the dark for too long well now you're dead almost every mechanic in the entire game has been altered in some way or another to make your life just a little bit more miserable I mean there's literally even a feature that makes milking cows harder called hardcore lactation so yeah this mod is kind of hard but I'm not afraid of a challenge so today I'm going to try to beat it and just like any other Minecraft world first thing I need to do is get some wood but it's going to be a little bit slower of a process than usual eventually though I will make it through the first layer and get a piece of bark which is basically useless to me right now so I need to go ahead and break a whole another layer but then finally at long last I get One Singular stick but this one stick actually is useful cuz I can put it into the crafting grid and make a pointy stick and now I just need to find some stone that I can use this pointy stick to mine oh and looks like there's some just off in the distance over here with this mod though I even need to be super careful and precise with basic Minecraft stuff like movement making sure to not cover too long of distances avoiding sprinting if possible and even try to limit the amount of times I'm like jumping and stuff because all of that is going to drain my Hunger which will become a problem very soon you will see anyways though now we just start to break this stone with my pointy stick and we make it through the first layer which of course gives me gravel which is not particularly useful to me right now so I just have to go ahead and break another layer of the stone and finally I get a loose Stone and just like the stick I got I can put this in the crafting grid and make a sharp Stone and the sharp stone is basically just going to act like this Mod's replacement for wooden tools just allowing me to break some basic blocks like Stone and wood a little bit quicker and so the first thing I'm doing with it here is just collecting a couple extra of these loose Stones because very quickly this one I'm using now is going to break and I'm obviously going to need more like there you go it's already broken but these four should be enough for now so I'm going to start heading back over to these trees and while I'm going over here I also need to start worrying about getting some food for later so I'm going to go after this sheep here just like my movement though I also need to be careful with how many times I'm swinging an object because that as well is going to use some of my hunger and this sheep is just tanking hits like crazy this is not a great situation for me finally though we kill it and get two pieces of raw mutton so that'll be nice for later I also see another sheep over here I'm going to go for oh oh okay and there's some zombies here I want to definitely stay away from these guys hopefully just let them burn to death here o they killed the sheep for me awesome we can grab the wool and rotten flesh was hoping to also get the mutton that sheep dropped but I don't see it anywhere so I guess I'll just start working on collecting some more wood because we are going to need a lot of it thankfully though this process is a decent bit quicker now with the sharp Stones instead of just using my fist or whatever all right and I don't want to use up all my stone so I'm going to stop on the wood collecting there and now the last thing I need to do before nighttime hits is collect some dirt to build a base and of course breaking dirt is also very slow and doesn't even reward me with a full dirt block I just get six piles of dirt which I can use four of those to make a dirt slab which obviously wouldn't be my first choice if I was building a base on any other Minecraft world but this is better than wolves so it's basically my only option at the moment oh and the sun is actually starting to set already so I don't think I'm going to have the time to set up like a fancy base or anything here I think my best bet here at this point is just going to be to dig underground and like block myself in or something but building an underground bunker here might be a little bit annoying cuz some of these dirt blocks have gravity so if I break them they're just going to fall and kind of ruin the whole thing all right I've only got a very small area cleared out down here but I think I'm just going to have to make do with this for now cuz I don't really have any other option so I guess let's get my campfire set up and going for the night because I do need to cook my food at some point if I don't want to starve to death and now I got to use this fire plow to start the campfire which takes a very long time and also consumes a decent amount of hunger so give me a second here and finally our fire has started I can throw that mutton down there now and I'm also going to throw on a bit of the sawdust we got from mining down those trees just to keep the fire fueled for a while oh wow wait I actually just uncovered some iron here by breaking that dirt block which might not seem that crazy if you're not familiar with this mod but I'm telling you this is going to be huge later that is actually the luckiest find I have had the rest of my first night was pretty uneventful though as I just collected more Stone and dirt while I waited for my food to finish cooking eventually though the morning rolled around once again so it was time to head out side and take advantage of the daylight oh looks like uh oh my God something dropped an iron sword are you kidding me oh my God that is actually insanely useful in this mod I'm telling you getting to the stage where I can make an iron sword is going to take a ridiculously long time obviously this one doesn't have much durability but hey I just literally picked it up off the ground so I am not going to complain unfortunately though my stroke of good luck was countered with some bad luck when I went to check back up on my campfire and noticed it had completely burnt out which meant that all the progress on cooking that piece of food had been completely reset okay main priorities for this day though I need to hopefully find some string that some spiders left around over the night I see some over there awesome and then obviously I'm also going to need to find some animals that I can kill because I have no more food to cook up tonight at the moment just like everything else in this mod though breaking down this string is going to take a little bit but there there we go finally a single piece of string but what you're going to see here is that single piece of string is actually crazy useful because I can use it to make a stone axe we can finally break down trees oh and it looks like there is a desert village up here but unfortunately this mod does not like to make anything easy on you so Villages that are super close to spawn like this are always abandoned and have nothing in them so this place is completely useless to me I do see a chicken up here that I am definitely going going to kill oh just killed itself for me okay a free raw chicken I didn't have to waste any of my own stuff to get that let's go oh and there's actually quite a few chickens around here and there's even a desert temple over there but like you might have guessed that's also abandoned oh I have now gotten the peckish status effect though from my Hunger being too low which means that I can no longer heal or Sprint so I need to head back over to my little bunker right now and check if that piece of food ever finished cooking up because these status effects get nasty really quick like if I lose even just two more hunger bars I will no longer be able to jump and I really can't afford to hit this sheet but I have to do it food is just always hard to come by when I have an opportunity to get some here I got to take it oh it's making me Chase so far after it all right we got it though another piece of mutton on top of the four raw chicken we already have that should hopefully be good for a bit oh my food never even finished cooking that is actually like the worst thing I could have come back to seeing I'm not going to lie to you I mean I guess I am going to need some more wood to cook up the rest of the food I have tonight so I'll go ahead and use my new stone axe to collect some wood here yeah I'm not going to lie to you guys this hunger situation is looking really really bad oh and I guess I should mention some of you might be saying like oh you're not even on Hardcore Mode like why does it even matter if you die you'll just respawn you can grab all your stuff again but like I've mentioned a million times this is not an easy mod so they actually have a feature called hardcore respawn that will respawn you in a totally random location when you die so it basically is hardcore mode cuz if I die I essentially have to restart from Square One one okay the Sun is going down now though you can see I'm moving ridiculously slow I only have two bars of hunger left and I have now completely lost the ability to jump so I really need to eat oh my God I let the fire go out again this is a disaster thankfully though by doing as little movement as possible I was able to preserve my last two bars of hunger and survive until my piece of mutton was cooked and now that I was temporarily safe from starving to death I decided to mine up those four iron ore that I had previously discovered inside of my bunker and then I just spent the rest of my night doing some knitting which would eventually allow me to craft some basic wool armor but I got to be honest this Mod's version of knitting might just be up there with watching paint dry as the most boring activity imaginable I mean I almost feel like falling asleep right now just watching this thing back while editing so I think we could all benefit from some gameplay that's a bit more exciting right now which means that it's the perfect time for the sponsor of today's video honky star rail honky star rail is a brand new free-to-play fantasy RPG from the makers of genin impact in the game you become an adventurer and grind to form your Ultimate Team by unlocking progressively stronger Heroes of course though the best heroes have some crazy rare drop chances but if you've ever seen one of my Sky Block videos you'll know that's kind of my thing the game's combat system is also super easy to pick up so even if you're a total newbie to this type of game like me you'll still have no problem figuring it out and your game data is shared across all platforms so you can grind out a new OP character on your PC or PS5 and then go abuse that character in battles wherever you go on your phone or any other mobile device they also just released a new Limited Time character Duo that's insanely strong called topaz and numby topaz is a Firebase character that sends out her cute little pet numby to inflict insane damage on enemies and and honestly I think numby is going to have to be my favorite character I mean just look at it and in the new 1.4 update the character seal will be making a comeback to the game and if I'm being totally honest I know nothing about her but these commenters on Reddit said she's really good so that's enough for me anyways if you want to get started building your dream team today in honkai Star rail make sure to click my link in the description down below and use the redemption code on screen now to experience these epic new characters and to get 50 Stellar Jade completely for free and now let's get back into it and after my exhilarating night of knitting I exited my little bunker and decided to pick a fight with a spider I actually I'm taking so many hits from this thing oh my god oh wow that was a terrible mistake there okay well I did kill it eventually though definitely not in the most graceful fashion though if I'm being honest let me see if I can figure out a way to get myself out of this situation now let's see I think I can make this right yep there we go oh okay uh that could have been very very bad I honestly feel uh very fortunate to have survived that I am down quite a bit of hunger after all of that for sure but uh definitely could be worse I kind of deserve to be dead after the mistakes I just made I was playing a little sloppily there and while I was definitely lucky to survive that encounter it had managed to completely drain my Food Supplies so if I didn't find find some more animals soon my survival was going to be shortlived so overnight I cooked up what little food I had left crafted myself a more powerful weapon using some bones I had collected and then headed out in the morning to hunt any surviving moms around my base okay we do have a spider last my fult one of these I took a lot of damage I would like to get the string off of it though can I do so without getting to hurt this time yes all right the bone Club is a way better weapon than my Sharp Stone oh my God all right and so today I'm going off in this direction a little bit to see if we can hunt down a few animals because if we cannot I'm going to be in quite a lot of trouble oh and there is a cow up here now these things can be a bit dangerous because they do hit back just like that so not the ideal mob to be hunting but Beggars can't be choosers so we're taking it oh my god there are tons of animals over here this is like food heaven for me I started killing stuff and now everything is running away though and I actually did not realize how useful this bone Club was going to be the fact that it kills everything so quickly is insanely helpful oh and there is some clay right here you know what while I'm in the area I might as well grab this I just need one stick one string and one of my loose stones and we can make a shovel and collect this all right and there we go eight pieces of clay and I know it's probably not immediately apparent what this stuff is useful for but just trust me for now that it is super important and I'll explain more about it tomorrow wow I am finding so many animals all of a sudden my God I have been totally saved in the food department look at this seven mutton four pork chop three chicken beef my bone Club is about to break here though so I guess this is going to be the end of my food collecting Journey cuz I don't want to use my iron sword for this and I don't want to drain too much more hunger either I'm going to go ahead and eat my cooked chicken now cuz we're starting to get a bit low on Hunger once again and I'm also totally out of slab so I'm going to grab some more dirt thankfully we have this Stone own shovel to do so now which is very helpful made it back to my base though just in time the sun is literally like just setting now anyways though I do need to set up some totally new campfires now these have completely burnt out so they will no longer work at all so there's one and two now just take out my bow drill and light both of these suckers and get some food cooking all right so by some miracle I've managed to survive to day five but main goal here today is going to be to collect a bunch of wood logs because I need to set something up for that clay I got yesterday also if you're wondering why I never chop down like the base of the tree that's because in this mod like you literally just can't but anyways the reason that I needed to collect some wood was because in order to make this clay useful I first have to turn it all into wet bricks and then I have to lay out these wet bricks to start drying in the sun and the reason I want to use wood for that is because if any mobs stomp on the wet bricks while they're drying it will totally reset set their progress but wood is the only Block in this entire mod that mobs cannot spawn on so they should be totally safe up there all right and now I also want to see if I can just start using this wood and some of the dirt I have gathered as well to just set up some basic walls around the little ledge I set up my base on over here and I think this will actually work here but the sun is now starting to set I guess we're about to see how my little Fortress here is going to hold up so I'm going to start digging around and expanding my bunker a little bit more and hopefully those walls hold up okay so we're about halfway through the night my roof is totally exposed and no mobs have gotten in to attack me so I think the wall is doing its job so far but very successful night in my opinion we are now doing much better on the food situation three cooked chicken saved up and I'm only missing two bars of hunger that is crazy but today my main goal is to set set out and collect some more clay because that eight that I've gotten myself so far is not going to be nearly enough and I see a big body of water coming up over here there's got to be some clay in there right oh yeah there is a huge patch right here and while I'm digging up this clay I guess it's probably a good time to fully explain why it's so useful so like I already mentioned once you pick up the clay you can turn it into wet bricks and dry those to eventually make regular bricks and then with 16 of those bricks I can craft an oven which will not only allow me to cook food insanely faster than my campfire does but it will also allow me to start smelting ores like the iron I previously found which is going to be the key to me finally getting a crafting table but there we go I've collected 45 more clay that is way more than I need for my current project and probably more than I'm going to need for quite some time but I figured if I was already in the area might as well grab all of it that I can find looks like my first eight bricks have finally dried though so I'll go ahead and collect all of those and now I'm just going to expand this drying platform a little bit and plop down as many wet bricks as I can all right and tonight actually though I'm not going to be mining any more Stone I'm going to be taking my knitting needles and going full Grandma mode for the night because I want to start getting some pieces of that wool armor and finally I finished my second piece of wool knit so I can go ahead and combine that with the first one I did and make my myself a little hat and look at that drip that is so fire and I actually do have a ton of wool here from killing sheep so I might as well like literally just keep going Grandma mode all night and knitting and see if maybe I can't start working towards a full set of armor oh my base is definitely not mob proof I just got smashed in the face by an arrow from that skeleton thankfully it just turned daytime though so you can hear he is currently burning to death that is what you get scumbag attacking a man while he is knitting that is just new levels of evil anyways though my bricks here obviously not going to be done drying yet because the sun just came up I think it takes at least one full day cycle for those to finish drying so we'll have to wait till at least tonight for those to dry in the meantime today though I would like to try and find some sugar cane because that would allow me to craft some basic storage and start clearing out my inventory just a little bit but I honestly have no clue what direction I would even start looking to find sugarcane right now actually I guess what I could do though is go up to like the top of this hill here and just kind of peer over and see if maybe I can see something off in the distance all right I can see there's a jungle biome that way oh and wait I think I actually do see some cane over there I swear this is legit I feel like that seems so sus right there the way I'm like oh let's just go to the top of the hill oh look there's some sugar cane over there but that actually all happened 100% naturally I don't know what you want me to tell you and it actually looks like a decent bit of sugar canane too which is very nice and we get seven cane and we get four sugar cane Roots so I'm assuming these can probably only be replanted oh and I just realized the rain is going to fully reset my progress on those wet bricks drying on my drying rack you've got to be kidding me well I guess that project will be taking a little bit longer than initially anticipated all right and it's back to Grandma mode for tonight let's go and there we go my third white wool knit complete I think now yes I can make some wool pants with these let's go the drip improves even more I am now up to One Singular full bar of armor let's go as the sun rose in the morning though the rain finally stopped and I decided to try and find a nearby water source where I could plant The sugarcan Roots I had found the day before because the seven cane I currently had wouldn't be enough for much since it takes four can to make one wicker and I would need four wicker to even make the most basic form of storage oh yeah and also if you couldn't tell this wicker I made from those four sugar cane works exactly the same way as knitting and so I also need to hold right click on it as well for a really long time here to even make it usable so yeah this mod just continues to find ways to make things even more painful the mod did finally cut me some slack though and there were no more overnight rainstorms so in the morning my bricks had dried and I could finally make a brick oven so now I'll go ahead and just remove my campfire there throw my Brick Oven down and then to add fuel to this thing I got to take a piece of oak wood throw it in there and then I do still unfortunately have to use something like the bow drill here to light it on fire but eventually we get this and you can't really see it from this angle but now I can start cooking my food in there but look at that my mutton has cooked already I not even joking that is like 10 times as fast as the campfires would cook food so this thing will be very nice to have but with the brick oven now crafted raed I was ridiculously close to finally being able to make a crafting table all I needed to do now was just find a couple more iron ore but I guess the mod wasn't very happy with how quickly I was starting to progress because right as I was about to go out and start exploring a massive thunderstorm ensued and I was now totally stuck in my bunker until it ended you know I'm not going to lie I feel like thunderstorms are not usually very scary in Minecraft but I am kind of terrified right now this mod has turned a thunderstorm into a completely new experience for me like I want to go out and accomplish something but there's just mobs everywhere and they're obviously not going to die until the storm stops so I'm just like totally helpless here can't do anything and meanwhile the whole time I have to listen to the ominous sounds of rain and lightning like all of a sudden I feel like I'm playing a horror game eventually though after what felt like an eternity the storm finally stopped yes there we go the rain has just stopped my bricks are drying again I can see a mob burning off in the distance what a beautiful sight and I am not wasting any sunlight today first thing I'm going to do is head over to my sugar cane here and harvest that and then I need to just start exploring again to try and find some open cave that might have some exposed iron deposits in them wait I'm actually a there's a huge Ravine next to my little base here and I definitely saw some iron down there so that is where I'm going to head in the morning how I forgot that was there I have no idea now the only is I can't really like jump down there and then build my way back up because you can't jump and place blocks beneath you in this mod so I'm going to need to make some sort of stair case down here to try and mine this maybe I want to just keep exploring some nearby caves and see if I can find oh wait iron right here perfect also if you're wondering why this looks super weird where it's just like pitch black that's because I'm using full Brite to make the video actually watchable for you guys but an unfortunate consequence of that is like weird visual bugs like this with the way the mod does Darkness but yeah let's grab this three iron really Qui quickly and then I just need to find one more piece all right no iron on this side and obviously cannot see any farther into that cave until I get some torches or something oh wait a little cave over here oh yes there's some iron perfect and since I don't break the block when I collect the iron dust I should be able to just stand on top of this thing and grab it right yes there we go eight piles of iron ore not going to lie that was way easier than I expected it to be all right and now we take these piles of iron ore and turn them into four chunks of iron ore and now I just need to cook up every single one of them which now would be a great time for these bricks to finish drying so I could make a second one of those ovens they look like they're insanely close to finishing surely they finish up before the sun goes oh that was like a crazy transition I just looked up at the sun back down and they were finished drying I kind of wish I did that on purpose that would have been insane okay so we turned those into brick slabs turn that into another brick oven beautiful and now I can cook two at once which should save me a lot of time cuz I think each iron ore takes like 12 minutes to smelt or something crazy like that and while I'm waiting for the iron to smelt I guess I can go ahead and weave this last piece of wicker that I'm going to need to finally make some storage and finally there we go now I can take these four wicker I've made and turn them into a wicker basket and just wait until you guys see this thing all right so now I can open this thing up and we can place One Singular item inside that's right 16 sugar can total a bunch of time to weave it all together and I can now store One Singular item in there but now I'm officially out of things to do again so I guess I'm just going to stare in my ovens until the iron finishes cooking a few minutes later oh yes there we go all right my first Iron nugget let's go this one should be done yes there we go iron nugget number two there's number three and there we go four iron nuggets so now I can take these four fill them into the crafting grid and make the iron chisel and now you might be saying that thing looks totally useless how in the world are you saying this is a massive advancement right now rage but uh let me just go ahead and show you so if I just head over here to one of these unbreakable tree stumps that I've made plenty of this playthrough so far and hold left click on it for long enough I'll make a crafting table yes after 13 whole Minecraft days I have finally created a crafting table this has been quite the painful experience so if the 90% of you who watch these videos that aren't subscribed could go ahead and change that right now I'd really appreciate it but what that means now is I can create a crazy op item that you might already know what it is the stone pickaxe we can finally do some mining now let's go and I'm going to need to do a lot of mining because as big of a milestone as getting a crafting table is in this mod it's obviously not the end and so my next big goal now is to create a portal and travel to the nether before I got started on that though I decided to just head out on a little hunting trip to end the day but as I was making my way back to my bunker the sun began to set and then disaster struck oh Gloom oh no now up until this point in the video I have not run into any issues with Gloom but if you remember during the introduction of this video I mentioned that standing in the dark for too long will just straight up kill you and because this particular night happened to be a new moon that meant it was completely pitch blackout right now so if I didn't create a light source soon I was going to die okay wait I think I actually have the stuff here to clutch I can use my stone axe to turn these logs into sticks and then use those to make a campfire really quickly but now I need to light this thing and I literally cannot see if my cursor is hovering over it or not so I just got to pray oh oh my God oh my God okay we are alive oh my God I did not realize this was going to be the new moon already oh my God okay I thought I was dead I need to make sure I have fuel ready to go for this campfire if it starts to go low now though because I'm going to have to survive the whole night out here uh-oh I hear a zombie coming for us oh no okay this is exactly what I do not want to have to deal with right now wait if we lead him into the campfire like that that'll kill him okay all right what I'm going to do is dig out a trench around this campfire that way I can sit next to campfire and then if any mobs come towards me they should just in theory fall into the trench right oh this is going out again every time that happens it is so scary oh my God and now we wait oh wait it looks like maybe the sun is starting to rise though yeah it's definitely getting brighter surely yes we've made it to the day all right oh my God okay now I just need these guys to start burning come [Music] on ow okay not ideal okay I need to get back to my base wait that thing just blew up so much stones and dirt though I'm going to collect all of that okay and finally the zombies are burning wait he's coming towards me though now is not the time please now is not the time okay we're alive oh and now oh my God there's still many shooting at me I need to get home please let me get home please just let me get to the base I might have to use my Sprint here just to get out of here oh my god oh and we are home we have made it how am I alive right now how am I alive oh my God I do need to go back out and keep collecting resources but I need a second just to be thankful to be alive oh my God all right healed up a little bit regathered my senses anyways for the start of this day I want to use my new stone pickaxe to go around and gather all of the coal around here because if I'm going to be doing a mining trip here anytime soon I am definitely going to need torches because we literally just witnessed the perfect example of what happens when it gets too dark all right 23 cold that seems like a pretty solid amount to me the Sun is setting and I'm almost positive that event we just experienced where it goes like completely pitch black like that I don't think it's possible for that to happen two nights in a row but honestly that whole ordeal literally traumatized me so I am not risking it I am heading straight back to my base and when I finally made it back to my base I decided to use my coal to craft the Torches and that's when I found out that not only does each individual lit torch take up its own inventory spot but they also only burn for a short limited amount of time so if there's anyone out there keeping track of every way that this mod makes Minecraft way too hard I guess you can add that one to the list too but now that I finally had all the tools I needed to go mining it was time to get to work work all right and first thing I actually want to do I guess is I did find iron ore in my base here initially right so now that I have a stone pickaxe I can dig out this area and look at that yep some more iron ore beneath it and now with the pickaxe as well instead of just getting some iron dust from this I'll get a full chunk of iron ore so it's twice as efficient as using just a sharp Stone there we go some more iron ore again bro I literally made my base in like the perfect place for iron it's so funny oh and my pickaxe bro we already got to make another one of those which like I mentioned before this is kind of the unfortunate part of the crafting table is that it's locked to this location so whenever I need to go make a new stone pick I got to run all the way over here to craft it thankfully though it's not too far from my base so it's not the worst all right I may have uncovered all this little area has to offer trying to think if I mine this just to check oh wait nope some more iron good thing I kept checking I'm trying to dig this all out without like totally griefing my base at the same time too it's a bit of a challenge more iron here too oh my God to be fair though I am going to need a lot of it because obviously each one of these only converts to one iron nugget which means I need nine of them for a single Ingot so something like an iron pickaxe for example is going to take 27 chunks of iron ore to make it seemed like I had finally found all the iron that I was going to in my little base though so I headed back over to that nearby Ravine to see if I could fig figure out a way to get down I'm just going to have to stack a ton of dirt and just make a staircase all the way down I mean this is going to require a pretty ridiculous amount of dirt but I think it's worth it cuz there's a ton of iron in that Ravine perfect there we go I have a staircase all the way back up now we are officially in the Ravine so let's start grabbing some iron oh and I've broken my second pickaxe already 21 chunks of iron ore though and I think there's still a bunch left down in this Ravine uh-oh uh-oh not what I really want to be dealing with right now I'm going to use my iron sword on that guy I'm not taking any risks oh now we got a zombie here too oh and a creeper over there okay this Ravine just went from totally peaceful to suddenly a lot more dangerous oh god oh and my axe has broken oh my god oh not the [Music] creepers okay I'm just going to let that guy blow up that's fine there are mobs all over my staircase back home there we go fight this zombie off okay oh my God another one oh wait he has an iron shovel though oh he dropped it he dropped it oh my God oh my God very low durability iron shovel but we take that let's go can I please get back home I am starting to get so beat up now oh no not not you guys okay I I actually need to run here I don't care how much hunger it uses I actually just need to run okay that wow that used so much hunger okay we're at least safe back in the base though but I didn't get much time to relax at all because it quickly became apparent to me that if I didn't want to sit around waiting for a literal hours for that iron I just mined to smelt I was going to need to get some more ovens so for the next few days I would head out in the morning mine some clay set it out to dry and then do it all over again the next day and I continued to do this until I had managed to create a total of eight ovens all right I'm pretty satisfied with this though eight brick ovens all going here even if I start to get a pretty significant amount of these iron chunks collected these will at least help me smelt it all down now at like a more reasonable Pace but even though I could smelt my iron much faster now I was still a few nuggets short of being able to craft the iron pickaxe that I was currently aiming for so I made my way back into the caves and continued to mine until I had enough and there we go these five have all finished we're up to 29 iron nuggets so now I can take these iron nuggets and turn them into three iron ingots and then just like this and boom I have an iron pickaxe 23 days to get this thing definitely a bit more of a journey than it would be in just like regular Minecraft anyways though with this thing now I'm able to mine the whole block of cobblestone like this which is obviously going to be a bit of a game changer for us unfortunately for me though there were still quite a few other iron tools I needed to get so for the next few hours I went on mining trip after mining trip after mining trip until I had amass over 100 chunks of iron and then I just had to wait like an hour for all of it to smell and finally there we go all of my iron has has been cooked here 172 iron nuggets I have smelted up here but now finally at long last I can head into the crafting table and turn all of these iron nuggets into iron ingots and we get 19 iron ingots in total which in any other Minecraft playthrough would be like totally depressing but in this mod that's pretty good progress and now of course I can start to actually make some iron tools starting with the iron axe which yes in this mod Only Takes Two iron ingots actually one of the few things that's easier than regular Minecraft but now you might be wondering what exactly does an iron axe do for me at this stage in the game like I wasn't having any problems chopping down a ton of trees with my stone axe before why do I need the upgrade and the reason I wanted this upgrade is because now if I put this in a crafting grid with the oak log I can finally make planks that's right after like 20 hours of playtime I have finally created ated my first wood planks and once again you might be asking okay but what exactly do wood planks do for you at this point in the game which I can show you if I just go ahead and break a couple of my wicker baskets here and turn those back into just regular wicker I can now combine that and the wood plank to create a hamper and just get ready for this because when I place the hamper down you'll see we get four storage spaces so now I can just go through and break down all of my my old wicker baskets that I had been creating an absolute ton of and then just make as many of these hampers as possible and now just look how clean my inventory is I have been waiting for more storage for what feels like forever oh and I should also go ahead and show in case you're wondering no I cannot make chest with eight wood planks otherwise I would be doing that but in this mod you need some other mechanical stuff before I can make chest So eventually we'll get there but not quite yet and that about does it for the usefulness of the iron axe but don't worry we are just getting started with these iron tools because next up I'm making shears which this time you're probably definitely thinking okay what could shears possibly do for you at this stage in the game but just wait until I show you guys what these things can do I am telling you right now you are not going to be disappointed but to show you guys this ability I first need to find an unsuspecting creeper somewhere oh and I see our Target right here so all I have to do is walk up to him and right click and he can no longer explode he will still follow me around in typical creeper fashion but he has lost his oysters thanks to my shears and can no longer explode it still freaks me out way too much to have one of these guys following me though so I am not going to allow him to do so sorry man yeah it just makes creepers totally less scary than before because you can literally just remove their exploding oysters so see I told you the shears were not going to be a let down but that's not even the end of the shears either because also up until this point I've been having to sit and break these cobwebs with a sharp stone for literal ages just to get one string but now with the shears I can break them for half a second and get the full cobweb which can then be converted into two strings so not only is it like 10 times as fast as it was before but I also get double the string so yeah the shears are actually kind of op and I am still not done making these fancy iron tools because next up I am making an iron hoe and yes once again only one iron ingot as opposed to two for making one of these so the mod is actually kind of being nice to us for the first time but what exactly can I do with an iron hoe well if I mine grass blocks with it I should eventually drop some hemp seeds which can then be planted and as you might have guessed eventually farmed for hemp Honestly though I don't really need hemp for any of my current aspirations so probably just going to put this one on the back burner for a while but I figed figur I'd show it off to you guys anyway but yeah that about does it for all of the cool iron tools I have to Showcase now I am going to also craft myself an iron sword because I am tired of using a stone axe to constantly defend myself and of course I'm also going to make myself a brand new iron pickaxe because my previous one isn't looking so good here but yeah as far as I'm aware the iron shovel isn't really of any crazy good use to me right now so we're going to hold off on that one and iron armor is just super expensive and I don't really have that many iron in to spare yet so we're also going to hold off on that for now but yeah now that brings me to my next goal of upgrading to a diamond pickaxe which of course in order to do that I'm going to have to find some diamonds and so I did a little bit of research into best mining practices for this mod and from what I was able to find it seems like my best bet to find diamonds is going to be to dig down to the very bottom of this like second Stone layer like you know how it goes from this first color to the second one well if I go to where this second layer ends and then just dig in like a straight line line I should hopefully be able to find a massive cave somewhere with that being said though I could also just get super unlucky and literally find nothing at all so I guess let's just hope that luck is on my side [Music] today okay this looks very very promising not going to lie I am kind of terrified to be exploring this but if I want to find diamonds this is basically going to be my oh my God no way oh my okay okay I realized that seems insanely scripted I swear it is not oh my God how am I going to get down there now okay I guess I'm just literally going to stack up these Cobblestone slabs like this until I can make a staircase for myself to get down maybe oh no I just realized though okay we can grab these two diamonds but because I can't break this version of stone I can't even check if there's more beneath so I still need to get one more diamond for my pick no all right it's okay okay though this cave looks absolutely massive so maybe I'll just get lucky and find some more down here somewhere probably not a bad idea oh my god let's go okay there we go wait that's L it three diamonds just like that okay my research massively paid off oh my God I got to start doing research more often and the mod does have a change for this crafting recipe you'll see if I try and make a diamond pick normally it's just not going to work because I actually need to go ahead and turn these into diamond ingots first thankfully though I have the extra iron and I stole some creepers oysters so we can make three diamond ingots just like that and now we can make our diamond pickaxe let's go that was actually way faster of a process than I thought it was going to be and now it's only about midday right now so I think I actually should have time to go do the other thing I want to really quickly as well because obviously the big benefit of getting a diamond pickaxe is that I can now mine obsidian and make a nether portal and thankfully I found thiser desert temple very early on so we have some super easy access to obsidian here and there we go that's everything that I need now let's head back to base and build this nether portal and we light it oh well uh I need to look up what I'm doing wrong all right well I guess I maybe should have been able to figure this out but all I have to do is make a campfire and then light this thing on fire and that should work there we go all right let's go in and we have arrived in the nether o we are in a bit of a sketchy spot and now obviously this isn't the end of The Mod I still have quite a ways to go if I want to beat it but that's going to take at least another 100 hours and I haven't uploaded in 5 months so I guess this is going to have to be a [Music] series
Channel: RageTrain
Views: 4,233,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ragetrain, Rage Train, Ragetrain Minecraft, Rage Train Minecraft, Minecraft, modded minecraft, hardest mod, hardest minecraft mod, minecrafts hardest mod, hard minecraft mod, better than wolvess
Id: IMm6DNZ40sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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