I Tested Your Bizarre Minecraft Mods...

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today I'm testing your Minecraft mods from The Good the Bad and the Ugly and without lying I have to give each of them a five-star review do you have what it takes to be Minecraft's next big developer let's find out and if you enjoy the video consider subscribing and without further Ado let's get started this is a mod called effortless building which adds a bunch of different building tools that really do make building effortless and the best part is that it works not only in creative mode but it even works in survival mode how crazy is that for example it even adds a couple of different items that give you different building tools in survival mode like this leather randomizer bag which as you can see has its own inventory which represents various different blocks that I want to build with and as you can imagine if I start building it'll actually randomize using those exact blocks I mean how amazing is this not to mention I can very easily build out long different lengths and Direction that's so cool I mean imagine how easy it would be to build different Pathways and add noise and texture to any of your your build I mean this thing is actually crazy and it can do so much more for example if we go back into creative mode I can also very easily get rid of a bunch of different blocks but as you'll notice right now it's kind of building in a giant wall I can select a various different types of selections that will help me in my building hold up got to fix the sand real quick we can easily fill this in just like that I mean how crazy is that that is so cool and probably the best part is that it's got undo and redo something I wish I had in Minecraft all the time so let's get building shall we I don't know exactly what I'm going to build but it's going to be something and it's going to be something cool now who am I kidding it's probably just going to be a basic house and now let's fill in the walls and see how that go oh hello now we can use the randomizer to fill in the walls I mean how crazy is that that's so cool I mean it's not the best looking house but it's definitely coming together now I'm not saying I want to live in this house but I'm not saying I wouldn't live in this house I mean I'm just saying when are the building speeduns going to start this mod is crazy and done hey skeleton I built a house you can move in today I mean look it's nothing perfect in fact it's missing a lital wall but I would certainly live here it's a little claustrophobic the best part is if I just want to undo all of it I can erase the house it never existed I'm going to Thanos snap this thing out of History one block at a time oh that's as that's as far as I can go well it's not out of History it's someone else's problem it's the skeleton problem now there are a couple of bugs like if I were to try and get rid of this entire thing it would definitely be a little confusing to do hypothetically I could make it work oh hello I messed up I think it's going to crash it's getting rid of 9,994 blocks while we sit in this crash screen I think I've seen enough despite corrupting my Minecraft world this really did make building effortless five stars and now for a mod dedicated to Bringing Minecraft to its true potential and might I say I look fantastic this is a mod called redev which adds a bunch of I'm sorry which adds a bunch of features from the entire universe of Minecraft from different games to even old past mob votes like the Wildfire or even a mircat or the crab oh how the crab is missed every day and he looks amazing he's it's a big boy oh my god oh how the crab is missed every day we voted for the armadillo the crab would have been great did they add the crab they did they added the crab cloth how does it work here oh my gosh that reach is crazy that's insane look how far away I can break this and we didn't vote for the crab what oh and be sure to join our disc and send us your Minecraft mod who knows maybe I'll test them in the next video I'm a guard now and you know the guard in me has always wondered what would the vulture have been like had it been added to M that flying animation is not great but it's okay I'm not going to judge you for it now they never said that we wouldn't get the vulture but it's definitely been a while don't what is going on with this Cactus oh look at I'm it's unnerving that is unnerving you know maybe it's good the vulture wasn't added to my Minecraft I'm a turtle now they added armor to go with the turtle shell which I mean you know it makes sense and I'm in a stronghold right now and somewhere around here there should be a stone Golem oh there he is hello my friend I don't know what you do I don't I actually don't think he does anything what do you do are you just a paper weight or or a stone weight oh he's dancing I'm yet again another Warrior now where are my eyes and now I'm fighting the wildfire in the nether with a a luckless feather and a dynamite that basically did nothing okay all right all right I'm going to use my feather you're really not that scary I got to admit I think I can see why you weren't voted into the game oh God I'm going to I stand in corrected okay this mod also adds a bunch of biomes and structures and all kinds of things from other Minecraft games like what are these they look like spiders wearing a Halloween costume honestly I don't really know what to say you guys just continue to impress me mods like this that add a bunch of different things and not only do that but look amazing while they do it really impressed me okay you guys just blow my mind I'm honestly speechless there's so many amazing different items and textures and mobs and models you guys are really committed to making mods oh my God look at all the painted planks this is amazing I love this and there stools are you kidding me sit I can't I can't sit down I I can't sit on the stool but that's all right I'll believe you that it works my friend you should really feel proud of yourself there's so much in this mod that I can't even show it all but something I really appreciate are these smithing templates that I think completely change the look of your weapon for example this smithing template allows you to make a Cutlass which is just so cool that said I mean there's just so much to look at in this mod and once again I think we have ourselves another allinone there's so many things to explore I don't think anyone would have a bad time with this one I mean it's got sliced bread what more could you want you know what I think I've seen enough this mod really is rooting for some gluten five stars and now for a mod called bark let's do this okay ironically in order to show you this I'm going to need to chop down a tree so that I can chop down trees hopefully that'll make sense boom and boom crafting table nice and where the tree Once stood so the crafting table and now we need to make a wooden axe okay so this mod has to do with stripping logs which should produce spark how cool is that now honestly the inventory management in me would say yikes I mean this would get out of control very quickly but they've actually kind of accounted for that look at all this bar can I eat it now there's one very important use for bark and this isn't necessarily it but you can actually use it for sticks which makes it somewhat better with inventory management at least it has a secondary use as for its primary use I'm sure you know what to expect it allows you to rebark logs and I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally stripped a log and had to break it and place it all over again so honestly this is a pretty nice utility and it's little simple mods like this that somehow end up inspiring the developers who knows maybe you're little mod could actually be added to Minecraft one day for now I'm collecting all of the bark all of the bark so that I can I my axe broke I don't know I kind of feel like it shouldn't break a wooden axe so quickly part of me feels like it shouldn't use the durability on an axe but I guess it does kind of make sense it would be really cool if you could make an all bark block though I guess realistically you can already do that it's just a little expensive I rest my case there it is the all bark block boom and boom bark meet bark all right I think I've seen enough bark more like wolf get it five stars oh man woo I just went through the ringer who know it would be so hard to type creative mode and and get a couple items out jeez all right as you can see I've been all over the world I collected a bunch of resources from the Crea I can now craft an item called a netherite totem now this is actually really cool and I think this should be in Minecraft hear me out I have a feeling you're going to really like this okay so if I right click the ground although I don't exact oh there we go so I now have an enchanted netherite totem and withering apparently you'll notice I don't know if it'll still work let's see now I need to find some danger H bad fluffy bad no no he got out of his cage oh come on no bad sit sit no ah it didn't work uh all right let's try that again so I'm going to right click the ground okay and I'm going to go find a Golem and I'm going to punch him until he tries to kill me oh Mr Golem I've got a present for for you and it's my fist what's up man ha take that oh hello there I bet you'd like to kill me wouldn't you I don't know why it's not working I need some Band-Aids okay let's try this again all right all right Iron Golem where are you I came back for round two hello oh oh there he is um hi okay okay hit me once oh oh it worked thank god it worked that was actually really sick so that allows you to teleport back when you're in danger okay I mean I got to try that again where that that Golem okay let's try that one more time there we go what's up Mr Golem yeah it doesn't always work but you know what it works sometimes and that's good enough for me but you know I'm going to be honest if you had all of these items which are seemingly from every corner of Minecraft itself there's a good chance you probably don't need this anymore you know I'm just saying you're probably going to be geared up enough to where you don't need this totem but nevertheless I've seen enough I like that it doesn't work all the time it keeps me on edge it's like a fun game of Minecraft roulette five star oddly enough this next mod is called Pathfinder spade and it also is a building mod I mean I'm just saying at some point you guys need to get together and just make a building mod pack and for this one to work once again I need to chop down a tree it's crafting time this time I need to make a wooden shovel though I guess any kind of shovel would probably work all right it's shoveling time you know what never mind I fooled you we don't need this shovel we need a completely different shovel okay so maybe no other shovel would work you do need the Pathfinder Spade okay so I think the way this works is as I walk around you can see that it's creating a path beneath my feet how cool is that this is another mod that makes building effortless oh sorry that's someone else's name this mod makes building really easy I mean like I said you guys just need to make a mod pack and this mod does actually have a menu this is so cool so not only can you change the radius which naturally I want to see how high it can go the answer is five but you can also change all of the different blocks based B on what kind of pathway you want doesn't necessarily seem to be working completely flawlessly over the tall grass but you know what I can't complain so if I want to leave a pathway and let the warden or any other Minecraft villain know exactly where I've gone this is the mod to do it wa I just noticed it actually mixes in various different blocks that's so cool and I guess if I would have read I probably would have noticed that as you can see some of these just have different blocks listed that's so cool now I don't exactly know if this works in survival mode but I suppose there's one way to find out it does that's actually kind of not a good thing it doesn't use any of my items so this is just kind of a way to get free items which is kind of rule number one when it comes to Minecraft make sure that doesn't happen but hey you know what I won't say anything if you won't that said there's only really one last thing to test it's speed time I feel like Sonic I got to go fast you know what I'm having a really good time and I got to admit it's handling curves very well how does it handle transitions oh okay so it will replace any block that you walk over okay I wonder how it handles the water oh it stops there okay how does it handle water if you've got frost Walker iron boots this is going to be interesting okay it's smart enough it doesn't replace the ice I kind of wish it did that would have been a really cool way to make a bridge unless someone else just wants to make a Bridges mod that kind of does that and then I'm saying a mod pack for Builders would be amazing and I mean just like that we have created the most chaotic looking pathway ever seen in Minecraft I mean why is there a random Loop that's useless but this feels like I could go for a job dog and get one mile in a day that's the lamest thing I've ever said but you know what I think I've seen enough keep it up developer because you're on the path to success five stars paully want a cracker well I don't have that but I do have Paulie's pet and I'll take that thank you very much look all I'm saying is it's about time that we add various different dog breeds to Minecraft this St Bernard look at him look at the guy oh he's so adorable oh yeah and it has cats too but look at the doation the Dalmation is awesome okay look we already have cats in Minecraft I love that we have cats in Minecraft but why don't we have dogs why don't we have dogs in Minecraft it just it doesn't make sense I'm here to get to the bottom of this with my empty net all right for testing purposes can I capture the no I'm glad I can't capture the dog okay it feels wrong but but I I got to test this too can I capture the oh no there's also a reptile with a snake and you know what I've got to say this is a really wellone snake I've seen a lot of people attend him to do snakes in Minecraft and I got to say you did a really good job here this looks great hello Mr Snake do you bite me do you bite me it doesn't appear as so it's a friendly snake I'm here for it so I've read that this mod basically does just add a bunch of new animals mainly pets to Minecraft and so it has a bunch of dogs a bunch of cats but probably most importantly a hamster oh you already know I'm excited for this oh my God hey little oh no the snake the snake stop no no what a what a bad snit you know what I'm sorry but this is for the hamster oh I kind of feel bad about it now I've personally got a couple of dogs in my life and I want to see if I can see those mobs here so we've got a German Shepherd my other dog is kind of a Labrador with a pit M which it doesn't look like there is a pit unfortunately but there is a Corgi German Shepherd oh look it looks just like my dog Navi oh I love it I love it okay the labrador which come on a labrador they're just perfect I'll name him Comet after Full House you know and then the Corgi oh he's so short look at him I'm going to name him narfi oh there's little puppies they have little puppy versions oh my gosh that's so adorable and the dodson's just so small he's just so low to the ground little stinky boy stinky all right I think I have seen enough wolf more like bark am I right five stars it's time to go on an Epic Journey this mod is called unearth journey and uh I don't know who built this but can you build my house please no for real I mean this place just looks really really nice I mean it's a little dismantled is that a ladder Al let's go win and out go into the deadly deep mind I can tell by the skeletons that this is a friendly place um hello that's not how you build a Wither this is how you build a wood I'm just kidding I'm not no thank you no part in that I am leaving this place is oddly comforting I'm assuming this is kind of like the catacombs a diamond Don't Mind If I Do gold as well hey more bones this place really is friendly I feel like I'm in the catacombs but oddly enough there's like no mobs here I guess they all died that's where the bones came from I've got a bone to pick with whoever built this place no for real I need you to build my house I haven't found anything down here I don't know if there's something I'm looking for or if there's any sign of life I've kind of going in circles I'm freaking out man I'm freaking out oh hello this is new what do we have here it's so dark in here light up these candles what do you guys think you're doing huh that's oh hello cameel oh a spider no thank you no thank you why do I have a fishing rod with curse of Vanishing how is that going to help oh that is some texturing oh are you stuck I I literally can't even hit him I literally can I set him on fire I'll just punch you slowly how do you not burn come get me oh no no no no you stay back please never do that again ever in my life I never want to experience whatever that was oh oh yeah oh fantastic oh oh great yeah hey uh Hey guys take the fishing rod I'll be back oh my God the next best thing Cactus oh I actually just jumped but that actually just freaked me out spiderling no thank you a where am I see you got anything good in here Fortune 2 a clock nice and an axe you know honestly that might do I've got to say all of these mods that you guys have showed me today have been so cool and this one reminds me a lot of an old video I made a long time ago where we had a scorpion in a giant desert temple what can I say creative minds think a like a bunny look at him it's mobest time oh every time I hit them these guys spawn I don't like that it's just not fun oh my gosh I need a sword is oh dude dude dude dude my it broke it already broke hey I got my fishing rod back ban of arthropod that's handy okay I have an idea yeah what are you going to do now oh yeah come on you're almost dead I'm going to get you I'm going to get you oh God I like how this guy doesn't freak me out but the little guys do oh oh hey look back here sneak attack oh oh oh oh oh oh you're stuck in a web spider stuck in a web huh oh and there we go oh God those guys left behind no no no no no what is that give me giveme givee givee give me shiny indeed mysterious artifact what does this do huh oh hello oh no oh no I'm being taken back 65 million years ago to the cenozoic era oh okay all right looks like my mysterious dingham myob is kind of dead now no use that will be so this is the cazic era huh this doesn't really smell like 65 million years honestly I'm kind of vibing with this what happened in 65 million years for Minecraft to go from this to a normal oak tree so welcome to the unearth Journey this is the dimension that this mod is kind of all about all right tuls abilities it's the tuls abilities the pineapple looking I don't know I'm stopping that while I'm so I believe there's five different biomes and a bunch of new Mobs to interact with man I really got to say I love thee trees even the palm trees everything is decorated really nicely I can really see this fitting into Minecraft not to mention the generation looks sick this cave is awesome what is this Stone unrefined Church you big old church I I it just sounds like an insult and it also looks like we've got new ore that's oh hello CH copper ore you big old CH copper ore oh boy God this cave is so cool yo this looks an elephant no way and a dodo bird I think what is that are those Tigers dude there's so many animals this is crazy and to think literally all of this was made with IM Creator which just goes to show you that if you guys put your mind to it you can really accomplish anything M Creator makes it just a little bit easier to make mods when you don't know how to program and honestly everyone who's used it in this video has done a really good job I was right it was a Dodo points to Gryffindor and uh oh that's not an elephant so 10 points removed from Gryffindor I've always wondered if I could outrun a tiger in real life this is Minecraft Let's Go give a shot oh stay back help me what is that no no no no no no thank you no oh he's what happened to the tiger now this guy's following me but you know what 65 million years ago they didn't know how to swim bet you didn't know that did you John Stamos that's right stay back I think I've seen enough what can I say this was a prehistoric party perfectly played five stars all right what do we have here this is a mod called Adventures Beyond and honestly it adds a bunch of new things to Minecraft first and foremost a bunch of incredibly large structures look at this place and you know I don't think anyone is home so I'm going to take a look around first things first we've got books which is perfect I don't know how to read hey I could go ahead and get started if I could reach it uh next to not being able to read I'm also short what do we got what do we got hey not bad not bad okay what do we have up here H I love the books honestly any chance you can get to decorate at Minecraft we need it there's like no way to decorate with cool items in Minecraft I mean just look at this there's a book on the table which makes me wonder who was here you know and the candles are lit the fact that this place is empty is kind of eerie and I don't like it I'm going to take this shovel for protection I'm definitely going to need it yeah there's chains I'm starting to kind of pick up on some weird patterns here is that a tomato this mod adds literally everything this is actually kind of nice you know never mind the fact that this place is completely empty I kind of like this if you were to spawn in a Minecraft world and find this much like I did you kind of already have a base what oh my gosh these enchanted books are crazy not to mention there's so many book shelves for enchanting it might be a little too easy I hope they don't mind if I break their pot and just get a pot back wait I thought these could break hello okay this is cool but what else we got ow ow ow hello oh no wonder someone buried me underground do I at least have a tombstone I do but I can't read it I wonder how I died is that is that like actually an enchanted torch I mean is it no no it's no of course not that would be crazy oh hello okay yeah I uh I don't need to stay here long I mean hey you know I think we need graveyards it would definitely be a fun place to bury my pets when they I don't want to talk about it oh how do I get up there all right let's check this oh I love the sword that's so cool looking honestly first note the builds are actually pretty good I got to hand it to you all right time to open the door open sesame no that did not do it there's definitely something in here uh is that a ladder where the door was okay I guess I'll be going through the window there was a there was an opening right here here we go what do we got other than an amazing view oh my goodness look at this beautiful place but yeah there's there's nothing up here you know I'm starting to feel like this mod is a little peculiar there's a bunch of structures but so far I haven't ran into any sort of life but at least I've got my tomato all right let's do some investiga wow oh my God okay there are so many items here what is that Enchanted sh okay molten fragment ruined Hilt I mean this this mod adds a little bit of everything lettuce got more smithing templates fite essence of fire water Earth and air it's got ice cream not to mention a bunch of amazing new weapons and armor Crystal crossbow totem of thieving echoing pickaxe I'll be honest I don't even know where to start it was easier when I just had my shovel okay okay okay okay let's just put on Mythril helmet I've heard and I've read that the Mythril world is sort of the big element of this entire m I might be cheating by putting this on using creative mode but you know what I don't care and that was just the items there are so many blocks I mean this mod literally has everything this is crazy okay I'm thinking let's spawn one of these mobs I don't know exactly where to start so let's start with the Departed Knight that is the night oh hello honestly you look kind of cool man normally I would be against gold but you make it work dude that is so cool okay can you slow down just give me a minute to appreciate your golden outfit oh hello this mod even has magic that's that's crazy I built this Fortress you're not allowed here this is my house and there's no light nights allowed yeah I'm going upstairs don't you dare follow me I'm like Kevin mallister I've got this place booby trapped all right let's try the crossbow really really want to know what this does okay don't take another step I warn you oh right I got a Cobalt nugget and a gold nugget nice are you kidding me this mod even adds cave content this is crazy okay what do we have here please drop oh rubies it's about time we have rubies in Minecraft no way there's another one okay come on can we take your guesses it's not Emerald burial nice and along with that there are also a bunch of different biomes in the nether in the end and even here in the cave these are glowing mushrooms I've done glowing mushrooms in the past I usually make them purple but hey I kind of like the idea of it being green didn't drop anything but you know that's all right I trust it um all right onward to the mithil plane I I don't I I don't know how to get there so I just I got to this is just a transition um and so there I was in the mythal plane with barbecue sauce on my boots look at this place I drink a can of Red Bull I think now I'm ready to explore whatever this Dimension is honestly it's giving me Aether Vibes and you know what I'm here for it I'm here for it oh this place looks so cool are you kidding me I would love to oh hello who do we have here oh jeez I don't have a shield what is that guy oh he's so powerful oh no all right netherite Caster do your worst show me what you got it doesn't does it just not do anything I've got on my side stay back stay back I come in peace okay departed blade Master well done well hello who do we have here ow God oh yeah all right all right all right enough of this enough of this enough of this shouldn't you be burning jerk look at this guy oh he looks so adorable what does he do do something honestly this mod has so much to offer I literally can't even Explore it all I need to check out the other mod but it's basically an all-in-one mod it has a little bit of everything so if you're looking for a Minecraft mod to start your journey this might be the one oh my gosh what is this this is actually crazy mytha's Secrets okay you know what I would get carried away in a place like this I encourage you to download this and find out for yourself who exactly mytha is and what are their secrets like what is an enchanted shovel with the curse of Vanishing good for and why does it look like that wait it's literally called an enchanted shovel oh runstone Golem green campfire this feels like a mixture of every one of my videos from 2020 to 2023 I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of this place hello Mr runstone Golem I'm looking to give you an enchanted shovel I don't have anything else are you up here hello oh bro lifts hey dude that guy looks awesome I don't even care if I'm scared right now look at the way this guy's designed oh my gosh he looks so cool I he is very strong I'll give him that adventurers Beyond what's not to lie literally there's something here for everybody you know what I like it well done five stars subscribe
Channel: SystemZee
Views: 530,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mods, ideas, i tested, tested, 5 star, 1 star, review, minecraft mods
Id: B2-wLc9lphQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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