100 DAYS | Minecraft Origin Mod With Friends (Part 1)...

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my friends and i are going to be trying to survive 100 days using the minecraft origins mod as soon as you load into a world you will be prompted to choose an origin each origin has its own unique abilities but also drawbacks to make things even more interesting i'm going to be spinning a wheel to choose our origins for us will we be able to get through the hundred days or even kill the ender dragon you're gonna have to watch the video if you want to find that out so let's get started and spin the wheel for our origins jordan you're first let's see what you get evoker oh never seen this before okay ella you're next [Music] guardian okay so you're guardian ella and i am okay no way master of magic and a collector of totems you have the ability to summon fans when you press g totems have a 10 chance not to break on use and villagers don't like you pillagers like you that is cool guardian spikes spikes that have a chance to damage attackers guardian ally guardians don't attack you your skin is made of prismarine and you get natural armor for it you are weakened while on land while on land everything also feels slippery you can breathe underwater but not on land now she has to slide okay okay you may break blocks underwater as others do on land your water speed is increased when underwater you do not sink to the ground unless you want to as a bee my hits do poison damage i gain regen near flowers and i have a rechargeable feather falling ability i'm a vegetarian and i have two less hearts than a normal human ge summon spikes i guess whoa for the first day we were basically just messing around with our new abilities and getting the necessities oh and just to make things a little bit more fun for all of us i've created a system where you could switch your origins for the first time you wanted to switch your origin you needed to pay one diamond for the second time you needed to switch your origin you need to play a diamond block for the third time it's going to be another right ingot and for the fourth time it's gonna be three nether writing it's and lastly it's going to be a netherright vlog hopefully that's not too complicated on the first day i was fighting some skeletons and i actually learned the hard way that skeletons can't get poisoned let's see if i can poison him he doesn't get poisoned oh you gotta be kidding me i also learned that jordan's ability does a scary amount of damage that did so much damage on the start of day two i thought i'd make myself useful and get some food even though i can't even eat it because i'm a vegetarian being a vegetarian the easiest way for me to get food is to just start a farm so that's exactly what we did i quickly learned that i didn't really like my b origin i mean the cooldown's okay but i mean it doesn't last very long and to change it i'd need to find a diamond so i slowly work towards that if we really want to re-roll we're gonna have to get a diamond for now from days three through five we started making a house because we needed some shelter and it was coming along great later that night ella joined and since she's a guardian she can only be in the water which is definitely going to make things a lot more interesting hi oh there you are it pretty much took the whole night but we managed to get her to a lake right next to our base okay and now you can kind of reach our base i had an idea since ella can only be in the water and i wanted her to come to our base what if we make like a little uh underground entrance to like an aquarium in our house that ella can go in so on day six we started construction i needed a bucket and while looking for iron i found this huge cave a mine shaft jordan [Music] yeah for real well coming back up i encountered a baby zombie which quickly reminded me how weak i am and that i have a long way to go i'm just glad i didn't do this in hard mode now that i have the bucket i spent the rest of day 6 making the start of our aquarium yes i'm done okay ella now has a little pond it's now day 7 and that marks our first in-game week and by this point i think we're all pretty tired of our origins and we really want to change so me and jordan decided to go hunting for diamonds racing to die i mean that let's race to it the race was on since it's 1.18 the caves are massive and there's tons of area to explore like you'll you're more likely i found a diamond i won the race and i had found the first diamond this means that i can re-spin my origin now now you can re-spin yep oh okay i got one diamond two diamonds okay it is two diamonds i found another diamond we can all switch now that i got three diamonds we all wanted to switch our origin so let's see what we got i'll go first let's see what i got wolf we're gonna do you next oh my gosh please be good [Music] i think that means you can go through blocks so that's pretty cool what does jordan get [Music] wolf we're both wolf the basic premise of a wolf is during a full moon you get massively buffed you also have an ability to howl which temporarily buffs you also the wolves you tame are a lot stronger by no means is this origin bad it's actually pretty good but i found it kinda boring so i kinda wanted to change it and if i wanted to spin again i need a diamond block for pretty much all of day eight i was mining for diamonds considering i needed a block of diamonds i would need to find nine diamonds ladies and gentlemen i officially have enough diamonds to change again so as soon as i had enough diamonds i spun again what am i getting come on just give me something i want please i've been grinding [Music] let's go i got one of my favorite origins elytran you don't have electro wings without needing to equip anything every 30 seconds i can press g and i can launch myself 20 blocks up into the air and i cannot wear heavy armor being somewhere with a low ceiling for too long will weaken me and make me slower and i take more fall damage and more damage from flying into blocks now that i had an origin that i really liked i spent the rest of day eight working on the house and trying to improve it on day nine jordan was struggling to find the last few diamonds so he could change his origin so i went down into the mines to help him i found a diamond for he drink on two diamonds three diamonds okay that was only one it's not perfect and just like that i had the perfect amount of diamonds to give jordan so he could spin so i flew over this huge lava lake to go give it to him and just like that i fell in llama but somehow the diamonds managed to not get burned what the heck that is so lucky bro i know what are the chances because of this extremely lucky moment jordan is able to respin so let's see what he gets [Music] a merlin oh my god so the murling origin basically forces you to be underwater at all times you're a lot stronger faster and you can even see better underwater with the downside that you can't be above water for a certain amount of time since one of us is now only able to be in the water i continued making the aquarium that we started and from days 10 to 13 we spent the entire time working on our house and trying to make it better i love it look look i can go anywhere and then from days 13 to 16 we continue to revamp and make the house better we also finished jordan's aquarium yo jordan your aquarium looks fire now and there was actually a bug with ella's origin where she couldn't go through blocks because one of the other mods was interfering with it so we decided to get enough diamonds so she could spin again while we were getting diamonds ella was doing research and she was talking about how badly she wanted the avian race [Music] you got avian yay the avian race is kind of like a chicken race in the fact that she has infinite feather falling she has a movement speed buff and she lays eggs every morning from days 18 to 25 we built a better looking farm a pretty cool nether portal design and ella started making this mushroom house well we've made it through 25 gruesome days we are a fourth of the way to my 100 day goal the next episode will contain another exploration lots of building and maybe even fighting the ender dragon if you want to see any of that please leave a like and if you want to be notified for when the next video comes out make sure you subscribe and turn the notifications on thanks so much for watching peace and i didn't press start recording no way
Channel: Radfish
Views: 961,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days, minecraft origins mod, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft origins, minecraft mods, i survived 100 days minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft mod, hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft modded, hardcore minecraft 100 days, 100 days modded minecraft, 100 days hardcore, origins mod, minecraft origins custom origin, origin, origins
Id: OIXg6zFmW9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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