Study of Genesis: Genesis 1:1-2 "In the beginning"

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if you have your Bibles with you go ahead and open to the book of Genesis it's the first book in the Bible if you have our Bibles from out in the foyer it begins on page one that's an easy one right let's bow our heads in a word of Prayer our Father we thank you for the chance to gather and to consider how great you are so we pray this morning father that by your Holy Spirit you would speak to us not just to our minds but to our hearts that we would be a people who are in awe of you and that you would be glorified through our lives in Christ's name we pray amen well we are starting our study in the book of Genesis today it's been said that the most important thing about a person is what they think about God what they think about God the way you see God will greatly affect how you see the world and it will greatly affect how you see yourself so if you are wrong on your view of God you will also not have a correct view of the world and you will also not have a correct view of yourself so it's very important that we learn about God and the Bible is a book that is about God it's a book that reveals his will it's a book that reveals his nature his essence his attributes his dealings with humanity and his relation to everything that exists in the universe the Bible is not about you although that's certainly not to say that there's nothing from it that you can gain or benefit from by studying it because to have knowledge of God's will to have knowledge of his nature his attributes his relation to all of the universe is of great benefit to us because when we see what the pages of Scripture reveal about God we're left with no other conclusion than to believe there is a God and when we understand him the more fully we understand them the more fully we realize there's a God and it's not me the first sentence of the Bible makes this much abundantly clear Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth if you read just as much you will realize that you aren't God in any way shape or form since you weren't there in the beginning and neither was I by the way just in case you were wondering I wasn't there none of us were there God was there God was there in the beginning now you might ask the beginning of what and the answer is the beginning of everything the beginning of everything the beginning of time the beginning of space and matter the beginning of God's story of redemption which ends with him reigning as sovereign lord over all with those whom he has redeemed for himself forever existing in his presence as he had purposed from the beginning it's the beginning of everything but it's not the beginning of God God was prior to creation he's the one who caused it now people might wonder this is a common question what was God doing before creation anybody ever wondered that I know I have shame on me because well in one sense it's a silly question because it's really asking what God was doing during the time that existed prior to time hmm yeah see how the the question kind of falls apart on itself Saint Agustin the one who wrote confessions was asked this question and his response was twofold he obviously had a sense of humor his response was twofold his first response was was kind of funny he said that first of all before creation God was creating a place called hell for people who would ask this question what was he doing before creation but secondly and more seriously he answered that there was no such thing as time prior to the spontaneous existence of matter a truth which modern physics confirms by the way and thus the question is at least in one sense meaningless and yet the answer is kind of lacking that ants are still kind of lacking because this verse Genesis 1:1 reveals the eternal nature of God we understand that prior to and God was and so since there's a prior there's something this verse reveals that he's out outside of time and space but if God caused all the things that have ever come into existence to come into existence then obviously he never came into existence but it would seem that he had to be doing something given that he exists eternally we have to figure that he was doing something throughout all of eternity before the beginning right or if we can't speak of a time before time maybe we can at least think of it in terms of being outside of time dwelling in the eternal realms indeed scripture does reveal for us that God was doing several things in eternity past before he created in eternity past God developed a plan of redemption for creation so that means he also developed a plan for creation but he developed a plan of redemption Hebrews chapter 13 verse 20 mentions an eternal covenant that the persons of the Trinity had made with one another a plan through which and elect people would be redeemed and brought into fellowship with God the first person of the Trinity would send the second person of the Trinity to redeem a people whom the third person of the Trinity would draw to the second person of the Trinity the father would send the son the Holy Spirit would draw people to the son this is a covenant plan that was drawn up in the mind the unfathomable uncomprehensible from our perspective mind of God in eternity past between the three persons of the Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit and it all played out within time that brings us to the second thing that we know that God did prior to creation Ephesians chapter 1 verses 4 and 5 tells us that the father quote shows us in him that is Christ he's speaking about Jesus Christ the father chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy blameless before him in love he again the father he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ according to the purpose of his will this is an eternity past from eternity past God knew all things which were going to happen he he does not learn he is all-knowing so he cannot be taught anything he cannot be corrected but from eternity past in accordance with the purpose of his will he elected a people who would be brought to him by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone so the glory of God alone so number one he made a covenant with himself number two he created a he elected a people for himself third the person's of the Trinity had glory and fellowship with one another before creation when Jesus was praying to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before his crucifixion just prior to his arrest he prayed this he said and now father glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed so that's a third thing that we know that God was doing he had fellowship within the three persons of the Trinity and there was glory that they shared speaking of the Trinity isn't it interesting to note that when it says that God created in Genesis chapter 1:1 here it's referring to God by his plural name Elohim that's plural and yet the word created here this is also interesting created is written in the singular tense we should also know that this word created is a word that is ascribed only to God bara that's the word only God only Elohim creates nobody else has that word following their name in all of Scripture it's only used in conjunction with God only God only elohim creates in the bra sense if we create in any sense we're creating in a much lesser sense a different sense at best were borrowing what God has already created he creates ex nihilo meaning from nothing he creates from nothing with the power of his word only you and I if we create something we're using materials that existed before we created so everyone else who creates can only do so in a lesser sense than God let's also notice that God's existence is presupposed by the author here it's presupposed he doesn't make any kind of attempt to reason or to present arguments for God's existence he makes no attempt to prove the existence of God before he makes a statement a meaningful statement a deeply meaningful statement about God see it's not a belief to be negotiated into it's not a belief to be compromised in any way it's a belief that must be embraced and affirmed with all of our hearts all of our souls all of our minds all of our strength and with this one statement in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth with this one statement so many false beliefs about God are exposed as being false the atheists the one who says that there is no God is exposed as a full and or a liar as his worldview is shattered with the truth of these first five words of the Scriptures the Scriptures tell us that only a fool would deny something as obvious as God's existence and it tells us that it's it's for its folly to argue with the full the Scriptures tell us that the only way to deny God's existence is to deny what you instinctively already know to be true and when somebody denies what they know is true what does that make them makes them a liar the person who affirms the eternal nature of matter is also exposed here as a liar indeed this is what many in the ancient world believed philosophy developed very very early in humanity with with goals like answering tough questions questions like why are we here how did we get here and where did everything come from and so on and so forth of course we've probably asked those questions too but philosophy philosophers tried very early to answer these questions in a meaningful way and one of the conclusions that some philosophers reached and which modern-day scientists many of them continually strive to support even today is the idea that matter that everything in the universe is eternal it's always been there that's what they would argue scientists will speculate that before the Big Bang there was just this point of singularity an eternally existing point of material and energy that suddenly exploded and voila everything that exists came into being not because of God but because of this point of singularity but see what this does is it posits the eternality of matter which is logically impossible it posits that there was this condensed piece of material and energy that existed forever until it blew up and the universe came into being but the problem is that it's logically impossible for this point of singularity to have existed forever until a certain moment because hopefully you caught the contradiction existing forever until a certain moment because it would have eternally had the potential for explosion which means that it should have actualized its potential eons prior to the moment that it actually did after all it had eternity to actualize its potential let's say that you you've got your combination of chemicals vinegar and baking soda and you put them together in a balloon and you say okay someday these two things are going to cause it would instantly do it but let's say that you had a way of separating it in there and you said someday this is going to explode these chemicals are kind of going to come together and the only way for that to happen is if something causes those two things that the barrier between them to break down or if somebody comes along and pops the balloon and they come together something outside something other than those chemicals has to cause their potential to be actualized so if you've got forever for it to happen and there's nothing else to cause those things to actualize it's never going to happen hopefully you follow just trust me if you don't it's logically impossible for this point of singularity to have eternally existent so this verse reveals that atheism is false it reveals that materialism the belief that material is all there is and all there ever will be is likewise false pantheism is also revealed as false pantheism is the belief that all things are God and God is all things so the contrary this verse reveals that God is outside of all created things he is other van he created all things but it's as impossible for something to create itself as it is for you to lift yourself five feet off the ground with nothing but your own shoelaces just bend over pick up your shoelaces and lift yourself five five feet off the ground let's see how you do yeah it's not going to happen we recognize that that's not going to happen likewise something can't cause itself to come into existence this single verse reveals for us that God and God alone is the omnipotent eternal creator for whom nothing is impossible God is the originator of all that is God is the initiator of all that ever has been ever or ever will be true sound theology must always start with God who he is the many false religions of man all make the same fatal mistake of starting with man starting with creation and working backwards to God but Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 tells us that we must we must start with who God is and then work our way to creation and man now we should understand that any good book study is going to begin by asking a series of questions that help us understand the context of the book so we need to ask some some fundamental questions such as who wrote the book when did they write the book to whom did they write the book why did they write the book now it may surprise you to realize that Genesis actually wasn't the first book of the Bible that was written the book is written by Moses but as you read through Genesis and Exodus and and so on and so forth you realize that there were there were several several generations that came before Moses even enters the picture before Moses will need characters like working backwards Joseph Jacob Isaac Abraham Noah going backwards and somewhere in the midst of those generations there was also a man named job whose book seems to have the earliest date so while Moses is an ancient character there are certainly characters in Scripture who preceded him who came before he did keep in mind also that Jesus himself affirmed that Moses wrote this in fact that he wrote the first five books of the Bible which we collectively called the Pentateuch in John chapter 5 verses 45 and 4247 he's to some Jews who had sought to kill him he said do not think that I will accuse you to the Father there is one who accuses you Moses on whom you have set your hope for if you believed Moses you would believe me for he wrote of me but if you do not believe his writings how will you believe my words so Jesus affirmed that Moses is the one who wrote this the Old Testament also ascribes authorship to Moses in Joshua chapter 8 verse 31 the first five books of the Bible again the Pentateuch are referred to as the book of the law of Moses now this might provoke you to ask how in the world could Moses have known all this stuff how could he have known what happened before his day in his time in such incredible detail after all everything that takes place in Genesis took place prior to his birth well it's entirely possible that some of the stories and the narratives that were that we find in the book of Genesis were passed on to him by man but the Christian mind should have no problem accepting the fact that God revealed to Moses what God wanted to be written in this book after all all Scripture is breathed out by God it's inspired by God God is the primary author of all of Scripture and Moses for the Pentateuch is the secondary author so while it's true to say that Moses wrote Genesis in one sense it's equally true to say that God wrote it in another after all God was the only one who was there to witness creation and cause creation and so there is no other source from whom Moses could have received a detailed account of it because God both caused and witnessed the creation of the universe God is the only one who can speak of it of the creation of the universe authoritative Lee the scientific and the philosophical experts are thus authoritative on their ideas of the beginning of the universe only insofar as their testimony agrees with the testimony of God himself as revealed in his word so Moses is the author secondary when did he write this that's a little bit more difficult to determine obviously the further back you go the more difficult it becomes to pin down an exact date if you find an eighth an ancient parchment you know with Genesis on it and it's dated you know such-and-such BC you know it's fake because BC before Christ you know they weren't counting backwards like that so it's hard to pin down an exact date the most widely accepted answer is that the book of Genesis the book the Pentateuch was written while Moses was leading the people through the wilderness most likely sometime between 1440 and 1400 BC the fact that it was written while they were out in the wilderness being led through the wilderness is very significant because during those years God was teaching the Israelites about him he was teaching them to trust in him but that had to start with knowing him knowing about him and hence this book was written you see as the Israelites were journeying through the wilderness the Israelites had deeply deeply flawed views of who God was even after he had delivered them from slavery in Egypt their view of God was shaped by the Egyptian culture that they've just been delivered from and I don't know if there's a place where that influenced the influence of Egyptian religious culture becomes more obvious then when Moses comes down from the mountain after receiving the Ten Commandments from God and he finds the people worshiping a golden calf that Aaron had made for them they had a deeply flawed view of God and God loved them enough to correct them Genesis offers a perspective of God that is vastly vastly different from the pagan gods of Egyptian culture that the Israelites had grown up hearing about learning about and being surrounded by the idea that the Israelites should have gathered from the way that God is revealed in Genesis and the Pentateuch in general is that there is no God and there is no Idol who compares to Jehovah unlike the pagan gods of the Egyptians the God who is revealed in Genesis is a God of grace upon grace upon grace this period of time is summed up by the Apostle Paul when Paul wrote in Romans chapter 5 verses 21 and 22 he said where sin increased grace abounded all the more so that as sin reigned in death grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord the Egyptian religious system was both polytheistic that is they believed in the existence of multiple gods they were both polytheistic and pantheistic their gods were not United in any sense they certainly were not moral they certainly were not righteous by any stretch of the imagination their myths the Egyptian myths included stories of wild love affairs that took place amongst the gods and of incredible wars that the gods waged against one another in the opening words of Genesis Moses is revealing to the Israelites and to us that low views of God are insufficient low views of God have to go contrary to the false God and the idols of Egyptian culture who had mouths and yet could not speak the one true Living God is spirit he doesn't have a physical mouth and yet he speaks with such power with such authority that things which do not exist yet will leap into existence in unquestioning uncompromising obedience to his word unlike the false gods of the Egyptian religious culture who could be manipulated who could be bribed bought off the one true living god is righteous and he is self-sufficient he doesn't need anything from anybody contrary to the false gods and idols of Egyptian culture Genesis shows us also that God is a personal God he's a personal God he interacts directly with mankind he doesn't leave us guessing who he is he doesn't leave us guessing what his will is he tells us he speaks to us notice that Moses doesn't even have to mention he never mentions the false gods with whom the Hebrew people were so well acquainted instead in glorious and majestic fashion he simply reveals the one true Living God the opening pages of Genesis are some of the most necessary words in all of Scripture for us to understand because they reveal to us that this God who existed before anything else existed who spoke everything into existence he's not only eternal he's also all-powerful and he is also good and everything that he makes is good instead of making up stories of pagan gods to explain the corruption and the wickedness and the suffering in the world instead Moses shows us in the opening chapters of Genesis that the evil the wickedness the brokenness the sin the corruption the suffering that we see in the world doesn't exist because God created a world that was corrupt corrupt from the beginning God creates with the power of his word he is all-powerful and he is all good and everything that he makes everything that he creates is good and that gives us the who when why to whom of Genesis I guess the only remaining question is why are we going to study it why does this matter I believe that the book of Genesis is one of the most important and yet neglected books in all of Scripture in terms of recovering and embracing a biblical view of God our culture our culture has a view of who God is and it is deeply flawed it is deeply flawed it is a low view of God and many who can be found in American churches week after week after week have inevitably absorbed at least some of this low and inadequate view of God at least to an extent because it's so pervasive in our culture but Genesis corrects this thinking Genesis reveals a very high view of God a great and glory view of God further there are multiple contemporary issues which are either directly or indirectly addressed specifically in the book of Genesis as we go through the book we'll find answers to some some questions that our society has tried to answer questions like where Adam and Eve literal people is it possible to harmonize the theory of evolution with biblical creation how did all the languages on earth develop or come into being what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs who assigns inherent value to things who assigns function to the created order who determines how everything is supposed to work and how things are supposed to be and what's moral and what's not moral why do sin and suffering exist and last but not least there are more what pleases God what pleases God not only are these very important questions but they're questions that our culture has tried to provide answers for the question that we have to ask then is are those answers are the answers that our culture offers ballade and I'll say this much they are valid only insofar as they are in agreement with the Word of God only insofar as they are in agreement with what God reveals to us in the pages of Scripture and Genesis will give us crystal crystal clear answers to these questions and other questions understanding Genesis is also crucial for the sake of understanding the New Testament one commentator notes that there are at least 165 New Testament passages that either quote directly or allude to the book of Genesis if you consider that many of the passages referred me the passages and Genesis are referred to or quoted more than once that number goes to well over 200 there are over 200 references in the New Testament to Genesis of course some of those references come from Jesus himself we'll see that he unequivocally and uncompromisingly affirms all that Genesis teaches and thus one can't claim to believe Jesus and yet deny what Genesis teaches renowned philosopher jean-paul Sartre once asked a big question why does something exist rather than nothing why does something exist rather than nothing let's think about that for a minute if there was a time where nothing existed it is infinitely more probable that nothing would still exist but this answer this question is answered with startling clarity in the first verse of Genesis see we all recognize that it's impossible for something to come from nothing and yet none of us can doubt if you're saying that something exists that things do exist there is something the question is why why is there something why does anything exist and the way that you answer this question will reveal so much about you your answer to this will affect so many things in life if you believe that we exist because chemicals came together you know natural forces randomly just kind of came together you will believe if you're consistent with your worldview that life is meaningless it's absolutely meaningless and thus the best that we can do while we exist is just indulge ourselves find a way to make ourselves happy and live it up because tomorrow we could die and it's all over we just go into nothingness so the culture would say well you know people should just make themselves happy what makes a person happy they should do it the person who thinks that we're here as a result of random chemical combinations would conclude if they're consistent with their worldview but we should just be happy just do whatever it takes to make yourself happy Clarence Darrow was an early 20th century American lawyer who held this view and it's from this worldview that he had that he wrote this listen to this he says quote nothing is so cruel so wanton so unfeeling as nature she moves with the weight of a glacier carrying everything before her in the eyes of nature neither man nor any of the other animals mean anything whatsoever the rock-ribbed mountains the tempestuous sea the scorching desert the myriad weeds and insects and wild beasts that infests the earth and the noblest man are all one each and all are helpless against the cruelty and immutability of the resistless processes of nature end quote and man all I gotta say as that is a hopeless hopeless view Genesis 1:1 corrects that type of thinking it gives us hope Genesis 1:1 tells us that something rather than nothing exists because God caused it to exist in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and if you were to study the way that the phrase heavens and earth is used elsewhere in Genesis and throughout scripture what you'd find is that that's really a colloquialism that's referring to everything in general Moses is affirming that everything that exists in the material universe is there because God created it the whole universe have you ever stopped to think how big the whole universe is it's really really big Stephen Hawking in his best-selling book a brief history of time describes our galaxy just our galaxy as being average in size in comparison to distant galaxies and yet our galaxy is 100,000 light years from one end to the other so if you were to start walking now yeah at the speed of light you'd get there in a hundred thousand years translated into terms that maybe we can understand a little bit more clearly that means that our galaxy alone is 600 trillion miles from one end to the other Hawking writes quote we now know that our galaxy is only one of some hundred thousand million that can be seen using modern telescopes each galaxy itself containing some hundred thousand million stars end quote some estimates by astronomers say the galaxy most distant to ours is eight billion light years away in comparison to our own universe being a hundred thousand light years across and astronomers tell us that as the universe expands these distant galaxies are moving away from us at the rate of over 200 million miles per hour so if you start walking now yeah you're never gonna catch it it's huge it's huge if you're going at the speed of light it would take you so long to get you can't even fathom how long it would take to get there and yet we know that all this all of this didn't come from nothing because nothing comes from nothing all of the beauty and all of the glory of the universe had a beginning and it had a beginner a God who spoke it all into existence God says through the prophet Isaiah chapter 45 verse 12 he says I made the earth and man and created man on it it was my hands that stretched out the heavens and I commanded all their hosts the psalmist writes in Psalm 33 he says by the word of the Lord the heavens were made and by the breath of his mouth all their hosts he gathers the waters of the sea as a heap he puts the deeps in storehouses let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him indeed how how can we not stand in awe of this God who created all things when we consider the unfathomable size of the universe maybe you can relate to the awe and wonder that the Israelites must have felt as they gazed up into the clear skies above the wilderness before they saw the stars of the sky in all their glory declaring the greatness the awesomeness the glory of the God who called them into being by name that's very difficult to do in the city isn't it we have a few things working against us especially here in Seattle number one we have clouds you know nine months out of the year number two we're by a city that has a lot of light number three there are trees everywhere so these things are all working against us but if you've ever gone out into nature where there are no city lights where there are no clouds and you look up it is awesome it is absolutely awesome but you have to understand that that's only a faint reflection of the awesomeness of the God who spoke it all into existence in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth this simple statement is the first creation account in Scripture there are three total creation accounts with each one zooming in and providing greater detail but this simple verse this simple statement reveals that the universe did not create itself and it is not random in any way it was created with a purpose it was created intentionally there's a purpose behind all of it it was created by the uncreated eternal God by the power of his spoken word the next verse verse 2 will bring our gaze from the heavens back down to earth verse 1 how does considering a tall verse - zooms in to earth we read this in verse 2 the earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters the earth was formless it was void it was dark the picture here is that life is nowhere to be found that earth is completely lifeless in fact the earth is at this point uninhabitable the idea is that it's kind of like if you've ever done pottery or if you've ever watched somebody do pottery it's kind of like the lump of clay that the Potter heaps upon the potter's wheel and it's just a mess all it looks like is a mess the clay is nothing special to behold until the potter puts his hands on it until the potter begins going to work on that lump of clay by the end of just the first chapter of Genesis the opposite of what we see here will be true pure we see that it's lifeless but by the end of Genesis chapter 1 the earth will be filled with life and beauty but in the beginning prior to God's work it was lifeless it was useless it was dark but we read that above the depths of the waters the Spirit of God was hovering and we should understand that the Hebrew word for spirit is the same word that they used for breath the word is rule its automata play it poetic it's supposed to sound like the very thing that it's describing it sounds like a deep breath when it's pronounced correctly so the picture is becoming clearer God's Spirit like a creative breath is stretching out and hovering over the waters of the earth why is he there why is the Spirit of God there why is he hovering above the water he's preparing the work that will take place in the days to come what does breath do breath prepares for you to speak you take a breath because you want to say something or if you want to say something you better take a breath first because if you don't have breath you can't speak the Spirit of God hear the breath of God is preparing the way for the word to be spoken by the word of the Lord the heavens were made says the psalmist and by the breath of his mouth all their hosts just as the Spirit of God prepared the way for God's work in creation so - the Holy Spirit's role today involves the preparation of God's work within a person think about this when Mary was told that she's going to be with child she asks how can this be I'm a virgin she's a virgin how could she be with and she's told the Holy Spirit will visit you he will prepare the way for the work of God he'll prepare the way for the Word of God and today it's no different the Holy Spirit prepares the work of God the Holy Spirit proceeds from the father according to John 15:26 he convicts the world of sin and righteousness according to John 16:8 he regenerates us according to Titus chapter 3 verse 5 that is he gives us life and he draws us to faith in Christ I hope you see the parallel this is so cool in the beginning the Spirit of God is seen preparing the lifeless and dark planet for God's transforming work and prior to a person placing saving faith in Christ the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit is hovering over the heart the dark lifeless heart of the person who is dead in their sin preparing the dead and dark heart for God's transforming work through Christ Jesus the word this parallel wasn't lost on the Apostle Paul who likened the dark lifelessness we see in the beginning of Genesis to the hearts of unregenerate man Paul writes in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 the god of this world that is Satan the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God in other words they're in darkness he goes on to say in verse 6 that quote God who said let light shine out of Darkness has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and then we learn in the following chapter in second Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 that took place saving for and Christ is to be made a new creation or more literally a new creature the same word that spoke life into existence in the beginning continues to speak life into existence today by shining the truth of the word of the glory of Christ Jesus into the hearts the dark lifeless hearts of anyone and everyone who will place saving faith in Christ the same God who took what was lifeless and filled it with life can fill you with life today a life that is everlasting this is a God this god that's revealed in genesis as a god for whom nothing is impossible nothing is impossible this is a God who deserves all glory this is a God who deserves our deepest devotion and our highest praise this is a God who's worth forsaking all of our false gods all of our idols all of our low views of God for this God deserves to be our all in all this is the God who reveals himself in Genesis if it's true that God in His sovereignty our and wisdom created the heavens and the earth and it is true then we must forever put to rest any notion that we will face things in life that are bigger than God he's bigger than the biggest mountains we'll face may he grant us grace insight and greater faith in him as we study this book in the months to come let's pray Oh father we thank you for these two verses that seemed so simple and yet they are unfathomably deep we thank you Lord that in your word you reveal yourself to us we thank you Lord for who you are for showing us your greatness for revealing your glory through your word we pray Lord that you would help us behold your glory help us Lord to forsake any low views that we may have of you teach us Lord through the power of your word through the power of your spirit to be a people who adore you who see you for the great God that you are and empower us by the power of your spirit to be a people who strive with all that we have to live lives that are pleasing to you for the glory of your name and for the sake of the glory of your son Jesus Christ
Channel: New Beginnings Church, Lynnwood
Views: 78,364
Rating: 4.6915889 out of 5
Keywords: New Beginnings Church, Lynnwood, Genesis, Creation, Bible Study, In the beginning, Pastor, Toby Logsdon
Id: Z8yislm6ksI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 31sec (3091 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
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