Body, Soul and Spirit - Three Worlds Are INSIDE YOU | Beginner's Discipleship #34 | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] tripartite being a man famously called body soul and spirit body soul and spirit I would highly recommend for you to read dr. up mins a little booklet on that one on body soul and spirit if you can pass these out thank you so much so we're going to talk about body soul and spirit this is from your outline okay so remember this official outline that covers all the theological studies is in our website BBC English org BBC English dot org and the title of this overall outline is theological studies and outline theological studies outline all right as we study the tripartite being of man this is a branch you'll notice from your official outline from anthropology anthropology anthropology is the study of man studying a man I took cultural anthropology the teacher asked what does anthropology me I said study a man and then she said well you know that way we don't act very male chauvinist you know in study of a human study of a human you know that's the kind of day and age we live in okay that's the kind of day and age we live in okay so I'm gonna be I'm gonna call it a study of man okay you got to realize this you got to realize that in the Bible that when the Bible says all men to be saved that was a term that referred including the woman why because the woman is a part of man alright but that's a separate study so I know I know politically incorrect but if you're gonna watch this online you gotta go by the Bible and if you don't like the Bible then hey you can watch something else all right three parts of man that's the first point three parts of man three parts of man turn to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 please first Thessalonians chapter 5 and we will read verse 23 man has three parts there is no doubt about that how do you know it because the Bible says so the Bible says so body soul and spirit body soul and spirit we're going to look at first Estonians chapter 5 and verse 23 please first Estonians chapter 5 and then we will read verse 23 notice that the Word of God describes man as the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit 1 and soul second and body third be preserved blameless Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 you don't have to turn there for time sake but the verse over here it shows that man was created with three parts God specifically created man with three parts and you'll notice how he created man with three parts right here how he did it was that man was made from the dust of the ground he received a spirit from the breath of God and will explain that more later why breath relates to spirit and then he was made into a living being a living person that's a soul I'll explain a little bit more on that as well about the real person being a soul undoubtedly all right functions of the part of man now the functions of the part of man is communicated in this way the spirit gives man God consciousness because God is a holy spirit right so it's where your God conscious and then the soul is where your self conscience that's where psychology comes from it's about self it's about you the person self conscious so I psychologists like to rack your brain see what's going on with you yourself body what that is is that is world consciousness world conscious there's no doubt about that because the your touch sight taste everything relates to this world so that's the functions of the three parts man now we're going to cover each of these three parts of man see how they function in the Bible so this is where it gets interesting again I recommend reading dr. Altman's book booklet body soul and spirit it would do a much better job okay let's talk about oops not number four number two the body of man shall we begin let's talk about his flesh so the body is a matter of fact it's pretty simple to know let's look at judges chapter eight verse thirty judges chapter eight verse thirty the body what it is is that it is how is it born how is it formed it is by birth birth from male and female well that's a no-brainer right there let's look at scripture with scripture because we're gonna do this kind of format with soul and spirit that way you can follow the logic and believe me alright let's look at judges chapter eight and we will read verse thirty okay the Word of God reads right here and Gideon had threescore and ten sons of his body begotten for he had many wives so notice right here through the intercourse of man and woman that there is the formation of the body okay we're also going to look at Psalms chapter 139 Psalms chapter 139 Psalms chapter 139 verse 13 through 16 Psalms chapter 139 verse 13 through 16 raise the volume alright thank you alright uh uh uh yeah okay let me raise it a little bit higher uh uh uh alright wow this thing is really low oh I see why it's low the stand is blocking the mic brother Mike part I think yeah uh uh uh okay it's still low I don't know why hello hello okay so just let me know if the volume is not high enough okay all right thank you all right so we're going to look at psalms chapter 139 verse 13 through 16 the body is a fascinating creation to be study covers the five senses the body is a wonder so to speak the body is a wonder and the psalms describes it perfectly about the beauty of the body the body is a wonder that's why scientists you can they can just major on this they can just major on the body study God's creation it is endless Psalms chapter 139 verse 13 through 16 it reads right here for thou hast possessed my range that was covered me in my mother's womb I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and that my soul North write well my substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth dyin eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect in thy book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them so notice right here that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator okay so we're also going to see that in Romans chapter 6 verse 12 don't turn there for time sake but what happened the body was corrupted by sin body corrupted by sin and you got to realize this is that but three parts of man are corrupted by sin so that's how detrimental sin was and then the body is doomed to die Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 consequently because it's corrupted by sin the body is doomed to die that's why we all turn to dust we go to the grave not only that the body returns to dust after death Genesis chapter 3 verse 19 Genesis chapter 3 verse 19 the body returns to dust after death so what is the afterlife of the body it just turns to done so this is considered to be after death for the body now you're going to see the same you're going to see how this functions as well for the soul and the spirit how it's corrupted by sin doomed to die and excuse me what what is the death of it and then what happens in the afterlife we're gonna see all these functions we're gonna cover the spirit of man now the spirit of man the spirit is a fascinating study and this board is not enough to cover about the function of the spirit is this it is extremely interesting alright the spirit of man let's cover several passages right here we're going to look at John chapter 3 verse 8 John chapter 3 verse 8 all right spirit it comes from breath wind thus back over here at Genesis 2:7 that's why we know that man was created with three parts by the breath of God that's where he got his spirit breath and wind all right we're going to look at John chapter three and then we'll read verse eight verse eight John chapter three and we will read verse eight the Word of God reads here the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is every one that is born of the Spirit so notice right here that a person who is born of the Spirit that is likened to the wind wherever it goeth wherever it goeth so we see right here that the Spirit is like in to win it's translated from Greek Numa and that's why you hear the phrase pneumatics which is the study or technology concerning air now there are five spirits in the Bible I don't know if you knew that we're gonna look at these passages John 4:24 John 4:24 okay what are they the first one is God obviously why because God is a spirit notice the verse says God is a spirit they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth first is God the second one is man look at first Corinthians chapter 2 first corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 first corinthians chapter 2 and we will read verse 11 notice that man is also considered to be the spirit as well man is also referred to as the spirit as well that's why you got to understand that sometimes when you see certain aspects where a man is capable of doing super power things in human strength and then scientists try to study it and see how it functions it's because it comes to the spiritual aspect where man has a spirit within him look at first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11 for what man knoweth the things of a man save the what spirit of man which is in him but this is distinguished from your spiritual nature the save nature because notice spirit of man which is in him even so that things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God see that so the Spirit of God is distinguished from here we're also going to look at Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 21 Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 21 the next spirit is animals animals have spirit pasture yeah that's right they have spirits believe it or not they have spirit notice in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 21 that the Bible says right here who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward and the spirit of the Beast that goeth downward to the earth so notice right here that animals also have a spirit within them it is important though to understand that the animals do not go to heaven after they die because you'll notice right here verse 21 spirit of man goes upward see where God is but the spirit of beef it returns to dust that's why there's a saying from atheist when I die I'm gonna die like dog like a dog so what does that mean meaning that there's no afterlife you just turned to dust alright Matthew chapter 8 please Matthew chapter 8 and we will read verse 16 Matthew chapter 8 and then we will read verse 16 all right the fourth category of spirit is Devils Devils we're going to look at Matthew chapter 8 and we will read verse 16 so the problem with people is that they think that oh you know there is a spirit that communicates with me and I'm receiving this power and they see a lot of beautiful positive things about the spirit but the problem is this is that a which spirit is they attribute everything to God God God God and something benevolent but that's not true because you'll see right here there's a demonic spirit so you got to avoid that good Matthew chapter 8 and then we'll read verse 16 notice that Devils are likened to unclean spirits there are demonic spirits when the even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the what spirits so they're likened to the Devils are likened to spirits Hebrews chapter 1 verse 7 Hebrews chapter 1 and we will read verse seven angels are also known to be spirits angels aren't also known to be spirits so these are five spirits in the Bible fresh review god man animals devils and angels are known to be spirits alright so we're gonna look at Hebrews chapter one and then we'll read verse seven he was chapter one will read verse seven and of the Angels see that he said to make us his angels spirits there you go okay we're going to turn to Ephesians chapter two verse one please Ephesians chapter two and then we'll read verse one okay let's see how the function goes now similarly with the body how it functioned so we're going to notice right here that the Spirit is dead current present tense spirit is present tense dad whereas the body it's future right but the Spirit is dead because of sin so that's what sin did body was corrupted by sin whereas the spirit died because of sin so we'll look at Ephesians chapter two verse one so when you're stupid dumb liberal professor who has pH DS D DS X Y Z's in Hebrew and Greek says in your liberal college I hadn't been Eve ate the fruit but they did not die how many professors have you heard saying that and these guys are PhD idiots what an idiot did he read Ephesians 2:1 this guy supposed to be a scholar of the Bible what in the world I betcha we got little kids in our Sunday School class we'll learn that ahead of your Greek and Hebrew professor I am sick and tired of these people making fun the Bible they didn't die what an idiot what an idiot we know what died it's a spirit all right sorry I'm in a bad mood today against professors okay Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 1 and you happy what quickened that means made alive there's something that died within you who were dead in trespasses and sins so notice right here that this is referring to a spiritual context especially at verse two you'll notice according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience so this is all a spiritual death we're also going to Romans chapter seven verse six will confirm this so we can look at Romans chapter 7 and verse 6 just to make doubly sure so this is also supported by Romans chapter 7 and verse 6 notice that we are revived see quickened made alive by the newness of the Spirit so there's something within us spiritually that must have died in Romans 7:6 but now we are delivered from the law that being dead wherein we were held so what died with innocent look at the contrast that we should serve in what munis of spirit see so this undoubtedly refers to a spiritual context a spiritual death we're also going to look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 and then verse 1 notice right here that the Bible says the spirit of man spirit of man can be corrupted with sin so remember there's five different spirits right one of them is man one of them is gone so you understand this currently right now you can send in your spirit and you might go wait I thought that we got a spiritual nature that's holy well yeah but remember who's part of your spiritual nature who's inside you God the Holy Spirit so thus there's a distinction with the spirit of man because remember before you got saved you still had the spirit of man within you okay we're also going to look at second Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 the spirit of man can be corrupted by sin so we're going to look at this passage notice what Paul says in the present tense resin tense he says having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God okay the fifth one we won't turn to this passage for time sake but John chapter 4 and verse 24 and then you compare that with the Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7 in these two passages it's going to show to you that the spirit of man returns to God after death the spirit of man what happens is it returns to God after death so when you die what happens is it's not like your soul where it goes to heaven in Hell what happens is is that remember the spirit of man came from who when you were created God's breath right thus it goes back to God because he is the origin of all life when you were created okay we're now going to talk about this is probably this is probably the most interesting aspect it's concerning the soul now let's cover the soul the soul is more interesting than the other two in this study now if you go to a deep study of soul and spirit which Lord willing maybe one day I'll do that but when we do a deep study on soul and spirit or just spirit you're going to see a lot more interesting things this is just foundational basic doctrine okay the soul in order to prove this remember it is what right here the soul is self conscious right so what does that mean I don't understand how the soul works I get the body I get the spiritual part but then the soul has always been the biggest mystery why is it it in between place the idea is this we got to first understand that the soul is self consciousness or in other words personality personality or person personage of the man so how this is proven is in these several passages we won't turn there for times sake but we know that it is personified here are several passages Psalms 42 verse 2 as thirsty it's personified as thirsty job chapter 30 and verse 25 its personified as grieved grieved and then Song of Solomon chapter 1 and verse 7 Song of Solomon chapter 1 and verse 7 it is personified as loving as loving jeremiah chapter 31 and verse 25 Jeremiah chapter 31 and verse 25 its personified as hungry and weary so we see right here that it definitely refers to a personality with emotions and thoughts and which branch in our cyant in our scientific world studies that that's where psychology comes in soul is translated in Greek as psycho where we get psychology from that's where we get psychology from it comes from psycho and that means soul the Greek word for soul hence that's where we get the English term psychology you see where they get that from that's why there's no doubt that it refers to the soul and then having studied psychology especially in many different classes and branches within that at a secular school it's it's intensely interesting about our person our personage it is very interesting and I can see why it becomes a very tender battlefield for the spirit world as well very tender battlefield for the spirit for the spirit world man can corrupt your soul too it's not just a spiritual realm but man can have the power of your soul it's very very frightening your soul soul can be controlled it is very very frightening ok now as I erase the board I want you to turn to Luke chapter 16 verse 23 Luke chapter 16 verse 23 then I want your second hand to go to Revelation chapter 6 verse 9 Revelation chapter 6 and verse 9 now this is something that you're not going to hear from your average pastor I don't think independent fundamental Baptist churches even teach this the only church you're gonna find that teaches this is Bible believing churches all other churches they don't teach this sort of doctrine there are perhaps people online who caught up with that one but as far as churches are concerned denominations and groups are concerned there is no other group except Bible believers our kind so here's an interesting doctrine that they don't really teach you didn't you know that the soul it has all the similar functions as the body it has the shape just like the body and has the same functions as the body it's not some kind of Casper ghost you don't understand that the soul exactly looks like the body now you might go wow really where is that in the Bible where is that in the Bible did you read your Bible we're going to look at Luke chapter 16 and Revelation chapter 6 these are the two places now notice this rich man in hell he's burning in hell so his body's already buried now look what happens with this soul in Hell Luke chapter 16 and then we'll read verse 23 through 24 the Bible says and in Hell so see he's out of the body he lifts up his what eyes being in what torment yes feelings and see if Abraham afar off see he has the eyes just like the body and Lazarus in his what bosom so notice right here a bodily feature and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me so notice that he has a mouth to speak he has a voice to speak and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger wow that's more specific it matches with the body shape and cool my tongue what a soul has a tongue look at that before I am tormented in this flame and then so you'll notice right here that is saw a Luke chapter 16 verse 23 through 24 let me know gentlemen if I'm out of bounds on both cameras but in Luke chapter 16 verse 23 through 24 you'll notice right here that the soul definitely has a bodily shape and also has bodily functions okay Revelation chapter 6 now right all right turn over there Revelation chapter 6 Revelation chapter 6 and we will read verses 9 through 11 notice that the soul is able to wear outfits how about that similar with bodily functions in shape verse 9 and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that was slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held verse 11 and white robes were given unto every one of them see the souls Sonos right here at Revelation chapter 6 verses 9 through 11 the soul definitely has a bodily shape and then it also has bodily functions which we saw at Luke chapter 16 verse 23 through 24 okay another thing concerning the soul is that it can be corrupted with sin we're not going to turn there for times sake so this is number three and we covered number two back there this is Micah chapter six verse seven in Micah chapter six verse seven you'll notice that the soul can be corrupted with sin that's the reason why your soul is eternal correct if soul is eternal how can you argue a temporary hell that doesn't make sense and then you argue an eternal heaven that totally doesn't make sense the soul is an eternal function within you thus it demands eternity for it demands eternity demands forever in the afterlife and this is proven in several passages before we turn to those passages one of the things I want you to turn to is Hebrews chapter 10 let's cover this point first Hebrews chapter 10 verse 39 and then go to James chapter 2 James chapter 1 verse 21 James chapter 1 verse 21 he was chapter 10 verse 39 now what part of you got saved the soul got saved not your body not your spirit even though your spirit did get revived but when we use where it's saved it's referenced to the soul the soul is the one that got saved at Calvary that's the reason why we ask are you saved what do you think we get that from out of thin air know that term are you saved is a reference to the soul because that is what Jesus saved at the cross that's why we asked you are you saved Hebrews 10 39 but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believed to the what saving of the soul now go to James chapter 1 verse 21 James chapter 1 verse 21 scripture with scripture shows everything wherein wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to what save your souls so that's where we get the phrase from are you saved it's a reference to the soul not a reference to body or spirit even though they will get saved and there is some part of it that's saved but more accurately what was more specifically referring to is the soul when we say are you saved now let's see right here we're not going to turn there for time sake by Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 these verses you definitely want to mark down because people do not believe the difference between soul and soul and body they think that they're the same there's a soul sleep and that the soul does not go to heaven or hell after death some people don't believe that but if you let Matthew 10:28 and 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 through 8 the soul is definitely different and the soul either goes to heaven or hell after death there is an eternity after you die my friend are you saved in the Lord Jesus Christ if you are not saved today you can look at our main channel video go to our home or our main channel I'll show you how to get saved if you're gonna watch this archived video then just keep watching till the end it offers you the plan of salvation let's talk about the salvation of man now let's see how this operates in all three of the different functions right here let's talk about the salvation of man now remember this in concerning body soul and spirit it was corrupted by sin death and hell played a part Satan all the powers of evil corrupted all three parts of man as we covered the salvation of man let's see how God and his ingenious plan was able to save all three different parts in different ways shall we let's see what our miraculous mighty God did let's cover the salvation of man let's look at John chapter 3 verse 6 John chapter 3 and verse 6 and then compare that with Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 1 Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 1 okay what happened to our spirit well is regenerated spirit is regenerated that's what happened regenerated in other words made alive again reborn so remember the spirit the spirit is what inside you dead right the Spirit is dead within you the only people who don't get that is PhD professors in liberal universities but the Spirit is dead within you so when you got saved in the Lord Jesus Christ God made your spirit alive he got regenerated let's look at John chapter 3 and then we'll read verse 6 through 7 verses 6 through 7 notice what Jesus said to Nicodemus that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit born of the Spirit in what way Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be what born-again look at Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 why why did you say born-again you hear the phrase new birth born again what does that mean this is a basic doctrine that you to know when people ask you where does that come from born again what does that mean what that means is this friend is that it's referring to your flesh is born the first time so you're born but you need to be born again why because your spirit is dead so remember if you're born we're all born right bodily we're all born but you need to not just get born you need to be born again what the body born again no it's your spirit within you that's where we get the term from so look at Ephesians 2:1 you happy quickened see God made you alive why who were dead in trespasses and sins so spiritually you're dead within the soul was cut off from the body look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 11 colossians chapter 2 verse 11 the soul is cut off from the body this is the doctrine called spiritual circumcision again another nugget right here I don't think any church except Bible believing churches will teach this doctrine called spiritual circumcision so even in this basic doctrines you see how many churches mess up in doctrine that's why this is very important in discipleship you cover the foundational doctrines and then get everything fixed out that way when you go to the deeper ones since you have the foundational doctrines all the deeper ones can connect more easily and unfortunately people out there go for the deep ones and because they don't have their foundational doctrines they can't filter out the deep ones that's why I stress so much on getting into the milk getting foundational doctrines it's good to have a hunger for the deep things of God otherwise you wouldn't be watching us online but you wouldn't understand that unless you get the foundation right first let's look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 1 okay where do you get this idea past spirit cut off from body what what what your doctrine is this okay in whom also ye okay so you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands okay two things here you are circumcised what is circumcision it's some kind of bodily cutting off right that's the plainest most simple English I can give to you it's some kind of bodily cutting off okay then which part of our body was cut off then concerning circumcision well that's not going to work because it says with the circumcision made without hands so this is not a fleshie circumcision this is some kind of spiritual circumcision then then what kind of spiritual circumcision is this what are we bodily cut off of whew look at the middle of verse 11 in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh Wow your entire body of sins that's where you are cut off from your entire body of sins you are cut off from your entire body of sins notice why is that possible because it says by the circumcision of Christ that proves this is not some regular bodily circumcision this is undoubtedly a spiritual circumcision Wow so how does this work pastor well remember you don't understand this is that we're going to cover it a little bit more later on but it says right here you right are cut off it's you who is cut off when you think about it that way you gotta understand this who goes to heaven and hell after you after you die it's it the body or the spirit or the soul it's the soul right so who is the real you then the soul so thus when it says you are cut off from the body of sins which part of me got cut off from the body of sin sin it's the soul so thus what it looks like it kind of looks like this let me try to put somebody right here so I draw the gingerbread man right here and then this gingerbread man or whatever this person is this is supposed to be a real human being okay so sorry about that but this is your body and then this is your soul inside so that's what happened that's how you're cut off even though you're still in your body you're not of you body there's a line that cut it off that's what happened it's like an ice cube tray so in an ice cube tray you fill it up with water the tray and what happens the ice becomes part of the tray but then what happens is when you break up the ice from the tray but you leave the ice in the tray there's a change the ice is no longer part of the tray it was cut off from there but it's still in the tray that's the same thing with us our soul was a part of our body that's why it makes sense why you're why God touches your soul for your sin how did that happen because your body committed sin because your body committed sin against God it was a part of your soul that's why it makes sense God judge your soul for the sins you committed in your body wait a minute then pastor if you're saying that the soul was caught off from my body then that means us to a saved person it's the opposite if the same person sins with his body it doesn't touch the soul then right correct wait a minute then the soul is not corrupted with sin no matter how many times you sin in your body right correct and doesn't that mean oh SAS once saved always saved absolutely correct see whether you like it or not you can foam at the mouth all you want but OSA S is still true whether you like it or not why is that because you are not more powerful than the circumcision of Jesus Christ no matter how much you foam at the mouth and you don't like that we're going to look at Romans chapter 8 verse 10 Romans chapter 8 and verse 10 now obviously we we are not condoning sin that is the common excuse every opponent accuses us oh you're saying that we can sit and do whatever we want hey my friend you're still in your body do you want God to judge your body for your sins on this earth yeah no okay no one has a license to sing if you think that's what I'm teaching from this lesson I triple dare you and don't you dare blame me after that when God puts you in a car accident god damages your health and he takes you home early too see if we condone sin in this church do you see me giving a free license to sin every Sunday when I point my finger at you and yell at you no that's not a free license to sin that's kicking your sin Romans chapter 8 verse 10 what happened to the body when we got saved it's considered debt to you the body is considered dead to you Wow really pastor yeah because remember you are cut off from the body so no longer the body is a part of you the real you which is a soul that means it's like a dead outer shell to you that's what this is to you Romans chapter 8 verse 10 the Bible says and if Christ be in you see if Jesus Christ is in you the body is what dead because of sin this but but the Spirit is life because of righteousness okay now we're gonna cover the two nature's of man and we will close it off here for the night let's close it off concerning the two nature's of man so this is where we get into some interesting stuff right here and one day Lord willing maybe I can advance this into a teaching so the two nature's of man this is extremely interesting now how does this function and work we're gonna look at job chapter 7 verse 11 job chapter 7 verse 11 and then also turn to Isaiah chapter 53 verse 21 Isaiah chapter 51 verse 23 excuse me Isaiah chapter 51 verse 23 first thing you must understand is this this is where Jehovah Witnesses and some other cults they confuse this doctrine they think soul and spirit is the same and they also think that soul and body is the same hence they teach soul sleep so there's this confusion going on the reason why is because the soul in the Bible is interchangeable with the spirit it doesn't mean they're equal but they're interchangeable so what I'll do is I'll just do equal and circle okay that means interchangeable so that's my own symbol I'd made up okay so let's look at job chapter seven and we'll read verse eleven notice how soul is used interchangeably with spirit at job chapter seven and then verse 11 the Bible says therefore I will not refrain my mouth I will speak in the anguish of my spirit anguish of my spirit I will complain in the bitterness of my what soul now go to Isaiah chapter 51 verse 23 Isaiah chapter 51 and verse 23 that's not all you'll also see the soul is used interchangeably with the body the soul is also used interchangeably with the body well what's going on right here pastor we already saw that there were differences why are they used interchangeably right here verse 23 but I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee which have said to thy what soul bow down that we may go over and thou let's lay thy what body as the ground so notice right here even though they're demanding the soul to bow the body is the one that vows why is there this interchangeable function we're gonna look at Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 what's important to understand this is an extremely important verse this verse is extremely important because it shows the soul is not the same the soul is definitely not the same as body or spirit because they're definitely divided one from the other okay there's no doubt we are Bible believing dispensationalists we believe in rightly dividing soul body and then spirit we do believe in rightly dividing if you claim that you're against rightly dividing you're a liar because you do teach body soul and spirit in dividing things we're going to look at Hebrews chapter 4 in verse 12 it's a very good verse to memorize for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit see that it divides soul in but it also divides and of the joints and marrow see that it divides soul from body and divides soul from spirit and as a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart so there's no doubt about that Hebrews 4:12 you definitely want to this is one of the main verses on the teaching of tripartite being a man so you want to have this a lot of people even memorize this verse so this is foundational you want to know that if one of our members can tell you all the branches of the alien family backwards and forwards they got some Christian in those Hebrews 4:12 and you don't please don't say you're from San Jose Bible Baptist Church they will think that your pastor was focusing more on aliens rather than this kind of foundational doctrine that's crying shame amen all right all right so I warned you now all right I highlighted it for you okay all right then the soul you got understand it is not a mixture okay it is not a mixture of body and spirit that is the tendency to think it may be some mixture of body and spirit that is not the case what the soul is which makes sense why they're interchangeable and why they're different what is the answer to that it is a medium that's what it is it's a medium a body and spirit it is a medium of body and spirit it is an interchangeable world that collides with the spiritual world spirit and the fleshy world itself the human world itself your flesh now that's where when you start digging in and you can find a lot of golden nuggets but that's just a bonus I'll throw in there and you can do your homework at your spare time but that's where I was able to I think one of my favorite teachings was where actually sister the sister here she came in the first teaching so I talked about all the elements of the universe and the Midway the interchangeable part of the Midway world how I was able to figure that out is this is the foundation here when you use this as a foundation you can see a lot of things all right some of you are gonna go do some homework and then brother Shawn's gonna blow up a text now after this he's gonna blow up the text and show us a lot of nuggets right here all right so let's look at Colossians chapter 2 and verse 11 here we go you ready okay it joins the physical and spiritual worlds that's why the soul is intensely interesting that's why psychology is very very interesting because the soul is truly that colliding medium between those two and you can see all kinds of things intensely interesting you can see science and you can see the spiritual world with concerning the soul where connects those two parts it's intensely interesting right there okay now anyway in Colossians chapter 2 and verse 11 let's begin we got understand before I got saved before salvation my soul was stuck to the body remember I kind of indicated that in the in this one right here the soul was stuck to the body that's why you'll see at times the soul interchangeable with body why because the soul was stuck to the body before we got saved that is why whenever people did something with their bodies the soul followed along that's why when God condemns you for lying as a lost sinner who will burn in hell you know what lied the soul even though your body lied because your soul was stuck to the body but what happens now is go to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 here are the two nature's at work well I'm sorry Colossians 2:11 I didn't read that but we read it before anyway right in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ so in that passage we see right here that you the real you is cut off from your body of sense when you got saved meaning you were once stuck to your body of sins that means now in Ephesians chapter 4 this is where again it's interesting here at verses 22 through 24 what you're noticed that after salvation what happened after salvation well what happened after salvation is that the real me who's the real you again we looked at Colossians 2:11 right who's a real you the soul right so the real me soul is trying to follow the spirit it's trying to follow the spirit and the spirit is known to be as the new man or the new nature new man or new nature but here's another thing as well and also trying not to follow I'm trying not to follow the old man the old nature which is what the body there's your answer concerning what the soul is then there's your answer the answer concerning the soul is simply this it seemed to be a mystery before but now it makes sense simply it is truly the real you the real person the real you and then it is truly a medium because what's going on is the real you can follow this guy right here and doing what's right or it can follow this guy right here in doing what's wrong the greatest evidence of body soul and spirit is your sinful struggle in life that is the greatest evidence you have to have body soul and spirit not just two and not just one that is the greatest evidence ever but see atheists don't like that so because atheists don't like that that's why they like to create another world within you in psychology so then they would like to create another person inside you another person within you and etc etc hey my friend if you bought a one dollar Bible from a Dollar Tree store rather than tens of thousands of dollars in psychology classes already got your answer right there body soul and spirit there you go alright then alright you can quit school any time all right all right Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 through 24 all right notice the Word of God says right here in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22 through 24 that ye okay who is that soul right one put off concerning the former conversation the what old man body which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts body and renewed in the what spirit of your mind spiritual nature and that he put on the what new man spirit which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness talk to a cult that does not believe in three parts you pull them up this verse and ask them what what is the three operating right here then what is the three operating right here I would like to know the answer thus we say okay I will do what God says and read my Bible not fall into laziness again that's one example of a sinful struggle did you notice the three parts operating right here when I said that that is proof of three parts within you let me repeat okay I so will do what God says and read my Bible spirit not fall into laziness again body whether you know it or not everyday when you talk with brethren in the room you'll see body soul and spirit operating when you're talking you're talking about body soul and spirit tripartite being a man alright so then we're going to give I'm going to give you your homework assignment so your homework assignment let's see last time you cover temptations of sin we cover victory of sin so we we could we finish the doctrine of home archaeology then that's good anthropology I want to do a teaching on this instead a flesh and spirit of man that's gonna be intensely interesting but ok you know what I'll teach on that that's not going to be your homework assignment then so I'll teach on that one your homework assignment is listening to sanctification sanctification the audio lesson sanctification I'll put the audio below let's close with the word of Prayer Heavenly Father thank you so much for an amazing book and thank you so much that we have the opportunity to grow in the milk of the word that we may be able to chew more on the meat how fascinating is your book how fascinating we are created body soul and spirit in Jesus name we pray amen you out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in Bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the Lord Jesus Christ in this Christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin God is a holy God and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then I guess I have to clean up all my sins I guess I have to go to church I guess I have to get baptized I have to I have to be a good person you know my friend good works can never save you Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor I do believe only on what Jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the Lord you might say well preacher I haven't prayed much before in my life I don't know really how to say it to God can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear God I know I'm a sinner as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what Jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in Bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and sings about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site WWB BBC english org and click on the resources link over there and it will give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you or should we just stick to the Sermon on the mountain a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application King James only ISM is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah I don't believe once saved always saved the god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control-freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal Phyllis idle pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this Bible is all about you know these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalize in the marijuana or a homosexuality or if the whole entire world [Music] people will leave the church over the color of the carpet what's wrong with our churches why don't we have a closer walk with Jesus why isn't everybody running around like little Jesus shouting screaming it hard thing you look in the mirror don't read the Bible you're lazy that's why you don't have it [Music] the wages of sin is death we offer so many Gospels back if you're walking away and you see them throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you are today to turn to God and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you left that book on earth on this week [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me your power Lord I just don't like this Holy Spirit power then we'll see so say then we'll see God do something with this truth then we'll see the Liberals and the homosexuals getting a thing then we'll see those apostate Christians getting that then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say we have not seen such a thing rather systems only one hope looking for that blessed hope that the glorious appearing of man dog [Music]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 28,060
Rating: 4.8983831 out of 5
Keywords: tripartite man, body soul spirit, spiritual being, spiritual human, bible believer, bible studies
Id: bHFGj4wU704
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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