Adam Ray is Our Neighbor | TigerBelly 148

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[ __ ] lipless cameraman we have here Jason's back in town your butthole must be just a slit you know me because every opening right if you have lipless like this guy right here right he has no front upper or bottom right so his butthole might not have the actual rectal muscle it might just be a slit oh wow you know and his poo is this like yeah yeah yeah yeah your fart sack we've just sounds yeah yeah yeah your fart sack weaves and that's strange but I like it makes you different and it stands out in the crop okay so on won't you be I guess don't over could you under up to me know I'm Bob captain cult leader but also your friend and your neighbor and we I want to introduce to people in the rooms we've got um George wearing his Argentinian soccer jersey you know Argentinian but your what your white from the farms your white from the farms and I know where you're from and it's dumb what you're doing is dumb and don't like it we got Gilbert so oh cool what's up man what's up da some beers a neighbor Sam yeah didn't say it we got kalila Kuhn you know my beautiful princess she too is a part of it and she's a part of me he's in a she's an extension of me me too me too we got lipless and we have a very special guest today and this guest I don't know man I have feelings about him good and bad I really do he'd like irritates me but then I also like him his name is Adam raki Marone applause everybody's comedian how are you so Adam Ray our rendition of the mr. Rogerson it's not a rendition it's get on oh that was the board for work yeah it's work for were very it's done okay and that's ridiculous that you even started off that way do you have a Korean mr. Odgers growing up or did you have the regular yeah - cool but he never put his shoes on because it's inside now you know he came in yeah right right can went into the closet guys come on oh yeah right and then the fish yeah it's fish tank yeah all that yeah but they were already wrapped so the fish yeah they were already skinned there in the thing right but the rice and the seaweed wrapped around oh so you could eat them sushi yes come over oh wow yeah and then you would go to take the train but wasn't a dream it was a futuristic like it was like a future with no rail techno music yeah it was like one of those trains with no rails future no magnetic right and it would go to never never never never never ran yeah yeah so mister Otsuki and kind of yeah but it was kind of miss based on mr. Rogers but instead of mr. McFeely who did he have who was his like mail guy mr. Faruq furriers like that too so when I had to learn who mr. Rogers was yeah and I felt really stupid when I didn't I didn't even know what the Cabbage Patch dolls or kids yeah kids basically know what you're saying yeah is you were a part of the world you grow up you weren't a part of the world I came out of the cave at about 15 but we did have someone somebody may be equally as endearing as mr. Rogers and his name was quad germs I love them tell me about him yes he show called That's Entertainment which is like a knockoff of like the original that by the way that's how you know the show isn't good if he has to tell you like honey that was supposed to be funny that was but that's not a big thing in the Philippines variety shows oh right it still we still do the whole thing the show you can do looks like there was the go to bid on that entertainment like would they close the show with every like one thing that was like alright guys it's time for the I think they did some like games yeah there we go I should say I'm very good at accents but Clea germs was was a sweet man quia germs oh yeah he's older brother and germs as in germs yeah because her his real name Herman Herman yeah no yes so it's queer germs yeah Filipinos just butcher every good name out there yeah yeah but what set it apart from me it was just a regular variety show yeah but he was beloved he was the only beloved person I can think you tested well focused like high number they gave ya high number yeah so um Adam and I I rarely rarely do I go watching movies with comedians I've done it like three times in my life so Adam goes you hey hey watch mr. Rogers like the way he sounds so we watch it every one I get the trailer if you see the trailer it's like powerful the most powerful I mean it rivals the dividers the Godzilla trailer more than what the Bryan Cranston oh yeah that was a great trailer was the movie sucked it was okay the movie was okay but they didn't live up to the trailer right so this trailer was just like that it was just like wow and what does that trailer have to do for you to make you a want to go see the movie but a like to feel how you're feeling about the trailer right now like yours well obviously hyped up on it well what the trailer did was it gives you hope yeah right I mean you're Lila the trailer death so does the movie yes but it's rare for a trailer to do that yeah but that almost the trailer in itself because it's so condensed it just was more impactful yeah okay that's true because I didn't know who mr. Rogers was and I cried when I watched the trailer yeah so I think that the way it was just put together and the kind of feeling that it brought out of you was very like like the movie though is great yeah it's wonderful it's unbelievable but as watching it as a comic right you just have I mean I would you I saw you well uh palade you see me well up at all yeah well I heard you sounds like Bobby's probably what yeah but but in the whimpering but like also I mean when we sat down you go I need a space in between us because I don't want to we can't cry next to each other you didn't sit next to each other no no I love the space like a new space for my tears yeah and because the last time I did that with a Aron Kader I went and watched a Korean movie with Aron Kader it was about the Korean War was called Tengu Pookie it was about two brothers in the Korean War it was so emotional that I sat next to him and he could see the snot bubbles coming out of my nose in the darkness of the theme you hear a pop you know me do you try to hold your cry in or do you and no I love that one girl yeah yeah cuz I thought a hold as long as possible and then it just then I let out like a very jewy whimper where it says yeah yeah yeah yeah he I didn't realize the backstory was incredible on how even got into like saying his senior year of preacher school right yeah like [ __ ] I'm gonna be in TV I mean I'm paraphrasing he didn't say that yeah he didn't say they didn't go to pot dad [ __ ] it I'm gonna be a DVM he genuinely he genuinely loved children not in the way some of us do I know okay he genuinely loved them and and cancer TV is a tool like he cared about their development yes and he and he wanted to encourage them to get out of their shells and he would say things like I like you just the way you are yeah right that's one of his terms I know it's sweet or entertainment yeah and he had a little puppet of the little little [ __ ] cat thing yah-yah-yah meow or something which was like kind of his alter ego alter ego but people were saying that's really him right the guy in the puppet yeah he would get angry King Friday the 13th was his other alter ego yeah but the puppet was his him as a kid and the público was i mistake and then some other lady would be like no you're not a mistake you know but can I just say this some people are mistakes I've met some very questionable people that I'm like wow how are you outside by yourself right now yes so when you're watching you're like I get what he's doing yeah you know right trying to encourage everyone saying that everyone's meant to be here yeah and everyone has their purpose yeah I want you to have but that's not really the reality I think the reality is there's some people that should have been aborted well if you stick around for the end of the movie he does he does come out the credits roll any ghosts now I just want to say that I do care about all kids but some of you can go [ __ ] yourself ya know is that too much I don't think that was I don't think that was too much I think that was your point is look your wording might be yeah for life I'm so if you have a everyone worshipped everyone should be alive I think so but not everyone is like you know special I think not I think everyone's got something great inside of them look some of you were supposed to be aborted and I go yeah and look some but also but maybe but also yeah look Jacob there's been some things you've done today that shot up right the floor to school yeah right is that kid we don't need that special no but also mr. Rogers would have said was he nurture did he yes mr. Rogers and his right to tell him like hey I didn't have anybody in his life that told him that he was that he had something special inside of them because I think a lot of these kids that do go down the wrong path are coming up in environments where they have no nurturing and no encouraging thoughts or and and as simple as it is as Miss Rogers being like I like you just the way you are like no but like these shooters were probably getting like oh I like nothing about you and you're like and they're not getting any redeeming qualities shined upon them like you know for them to acknowledge like oh cool maybe I'm maybe I have something to offer the world if you feel like that if you feel like you don't have anything to offer then of course you're gonna want to like lash out yeah a bit dangerous to tell every single person on this world that they are unique and special until they become because then it turns into this type of entitlement yeah sometimes people forget that you're you're just part of the masses and you grind it out you try your best to be a good person no you're not it's about baby thank you so much that was also that was clear yes it was the very sweet like yeah that's kind of see both sides this like what's worded a little softer you were just a very dude version of just like I'm just going to tell you out right and let me say this too what because he was in my life you know what did you grow up with him oh yeah so remember that episode with the kid in the the wheelchair that came out that wrote to him that like one of his last wishes was like to smeet mr. Rogers and then not only as mr. Rogers meet him he brings him in on an episode and sings a song to him that was a noble he was like I was like it doesn't matter that your arms don't but and then the kid yeah here's when I lost it like he's talking literally like singing this imp like later like and it's so cool that you're here right now and the kids like you're a great and then he goes and then he just the piano starts playing and you start singing and then the kid they definitely didn't rehearse the song the kid just starts singing a staple mr. Rogers something like it's a it's like he was singing livin on a prayer and the kid just knew the words start singing like his go-to like I like you just the way you are and that kid starts singing it I [ __ ] oh yeah I love that's what I heard that's when I was like a great guy I want people to listen I'm not saying that I'm cynical and I didn't enjoy them you enjoyed the movie immensely I know but there are pockets where you question like what good at it do you know they did what did more good than bad I think for yeah that's the thing because I wish I would have showed more people like they had that one scene where that woman came up to him was just like yeah that you changed my life like and you could see how good of a person she was in a momentary exchange and she was just like you affected me so much but she said you know my parents weren't around so I watched you know your show and you raised me you were my childhood and she was meeting him you know for the first time it's like I just can't thank you so much and she hugs him and he's you know and he goes care to ask me no no it was a great guy it was Andy and I loved seeing the human moments of them - that's what I love about documentaries when you get to see you know it's why people love podcasts to get an extra layer of insight into like how comedians are but like getting to see him like during the filming of the show like break or laugher at one point he puts on his shoes and they gave him like the wrong shoes and so he's putting them on and they don't fit and he just starts cracking up he's saying yeah yeah yeah and he wasn't anal or like weird like there was a guy you know a lot of the cameraman and the grips they were all like working-class yeah you know guys tattoos the eyes right and there was a camera laying around and one of the guys took a photo of his ass remember and then like you know six months later or whatever they get him developed and you know he forgets about it the guy that took the photo and for Christmas mr. Rogers do it up and gave him the photo of his ass you know so he was like funny yeah I have a guy you know pretty cool yeah but um you know but there was also thoughts of like when you're watching you just think yourself you know what you should have the show Jerry Sandusky how that's how would that show be I mean look I don't know if there'd be puppets oh that would be puppets ooh yeah he'd be controlling with his dick well if it's yeah you would yeah because you showed me the trailer of that other movie where they had a three identical twins oh that was another lower yes that was one of those amazing cases of seeing a movie and you see the trailer and you're like well now I want to see that movie you know okay so the short the synopsis is that a kid walks into college and everyone's saying hey Jerry what's up Jerry and he was like what the [ __ ] it's Jerry right and it turns out he has an identical twin that ghosted at same college but here's an oh yes been separated at birth to further complicate so now so now now right there on you know they do a newspaper article yeah yeah another guy looks at it and go he looks just these two lies like me so it's now three brothers identical twins and they they're they can't they're not they can't separate I mean I'm like associations basically but then things start to unravel yeah that's the trailer so that's that looked great what would you do if you walk into a place and all of a sudden you meet an exact justice funny just this talented version of yourself I'd kill him I love you but I hate you or imagine two other nosotros papaya slap Kings right imagine three of us yeah and we had a podcast Oh God that's a good hook nobody else has that not only that it would be we would be banned for life the things we wouldn't edit each other and we would just like add onto each other yeah might get annoying right you're stepping on each other sentences or yeah go to for you how pissed are jealous things Steve with me if he all of a sudden you had two identical brother best friends it's a great question I think Steve would enjoy it yeah yeah yeah because there's no way I mean sure they're identical and maybe they have similar personality traits but there could be one brother that like listens to my brother in a in a specific way that right down yeah right or another brother that helps my brother in a certain way that I don't or that knows more about basketball yeah like my brother give it to the man man who put in this the bucket hoop you know like it's so weird that you would even bring up basketball and segue into your own [ __ ] I'm not so into my [ __ ] well no you know what you ladies and gentlemen know what I love about I want to I want you listeners to know how you talk to me about basketball is one of my favorite thing it doesn't matter don't segue into that that's all I want to say what I'm saying to you I'm segue into they think it's a funny thing I don't know if you're listening either it's a Grampa I last yesterday right I don't want to talk about this why no we can't I'm joking I just wanted to give you I want to say this though and I'm gonna Adam ray is a fancy [ __ ] what do you mean by fancy well first of all his podcast right who is who is your guest who have we had on Sondra bolo just sat on senator bloke venom Jason Derulo Dana Carvey Susan Sarandon upset Neil Patrick Harris that's right there stop right there stop that so yesterday you were at the basketball convention what was it the the NBA Awards it's like the Oscars you were there with your another fancy friend of yours a very close friend of yours yeah yeah Adam Devine yeah also not fancy I mean like gets to do cool [ __ ] because of yeah you know you get to do cool [ __ ] I like Adam a lot he's a great dude but can I just say this yeah and I'm gonna say this out loud yeah he would I don't think he would I mean I've always wanted a world with him yeah I don't think that he would ever you know it hurts me I disagree we just had a conversation about you today when I said I was coming over to do the Holocaust yeah that's great that you would even do that and that's why you're a good guy yeah you know why you're doing everyone I told you about Paul Feig when you were like I [ __ ] it up with Paul Feig and then I was doing this pilot with him and I brought that up to Paul and Paul was like completely explain the story and was like how Bobby miss read it and then I love Bobby what is wrong Paul goes I'm trying to find something to work with the Bobby and what's wrong with him and I went out of my way to tell him because I'm like do you understand what the biggest economy directors think she the [ __ ] and he was like I thought he [ __ ] hated me because I screwed up this dinner or whatever and it was completely ass-backwards yeah but we all do that we all like don't have any resentment yeah I think that part of your thinking that people hate you is tied into your narcissism you think that people actually stop to think about you much more than they actually do are you looking to a mirror that's not there are you looking the camera what you see you hear what I'm saying yeah yeah it's a part of my bit though it's a part of my yeah but when does one of the lines get blurred there's never lines and they're no blurring I don't know what it is it is just the fabric of my own being yeah but when you see like Adam doesn't want to work with you why do you you created that somehow based on because in my head cuz I I'll tell you how I can tell you why it was like a weird externa it was this it's like if I had that beach house thing Adam joins house party yeah house yeah I called my agent I said I want to be on that he's like you're not gonna get on that but it was a stand-up show for like up-and-coming calm I know but I wanted to be on it did you do it yeah cuz I was up and coming and doing some other people that weren't on a whoppin coming like who I don't remember she's now you pretty established at that point you you I can't didn't bid on it no that's a straight up debts that doesn't make it if you were producing what I do it [ __ ] yeah you're doing in here we go yeah that's what I'm saying yeah but but but he didn't go on the road and open for you and I know have a great friendship and get you a pint you for me you were all my strongest opener thank you when did you guys first meet oh it's a comedy store I just started coming around more because I was dipping one foot into improv and sketch I wanted to stand up and then when a girlfriend was living we went to college together then she moved to New York to be a page and the ABC program so we're doing long-distance and then she moved to Reno to be a news reporter and then [ __ ] the camera guy and I was like I think that's it I think that's a good sign well go ahead hey I'm done you know and I even made jokes I was like did he shoot you did he shoot you his stories in your face and she's like why would you say that I don't know how did you find my flew to Reno we were gonna drive to San Francisco to do Thanksgiving and and we were already kind of having a rocky patch but it was like you know we're gonna go out Thanksgiving with a family and it'll be great and her dad plays the French horn and he'll probably you know which was already that's maybe that's a red flag and so we uh we sit down and then she just pulls out a letter and she starts she starts crying why I'm getting to it some guys got the letter and she starts crying and I go oh you've been working on some short stories you're trying to make a joke about what happening and yeah avoid the obvious and then she just goes no and I was like did you see the mr. Rogers trailer like why are you crying she's like I well we've been separated is I remember Jeff the camera guy I was like I got anyone know these quite like it's such a weird yeah you don't want to know anything but I also know Mike I got to know everything what happened and then and then we drove I go to drive me to the airport in San Fran and then go home from there cuz she was just saw you were Phillip and we're done what you tell yeah that was a good yeah cuz I don't have that I couldn't have I don't have that kind of jealousy what do you mean it means what she did no they were broken up already right no we were in a well we had gotten in a rough patch and we had taken maybe about two weeks off that's what he say yeah Julie she have a letter was she gonna read a letter yes what she's doing she just wanted to they called off it wasn't it all right so it where we've been all of them that yeah and then that's yeah to my break but it wasn't two-week break me like and if you [ __ ] get yeah that's my camera guy yeah you know it was and and so then that was that and then I jumped in to stand up fully so I started being around the Comedy Store more and and then I remember doing a set this one was doing it maybe twice a month and I was upstairs in the belly room and Bobby was up there and you know he's so like so great about like seeing people and if you see somebody likes he'll stop you and say something to you and again if Bobby's so great about first of all not hanging around for a little bit and watching other comics and he would float around of the rooms and he was upstairs in the belly room and he saw me and then and I had a good set so he pulls over he goes how come I haven't seen you before and I was like oh I only come around a couple times a month because I just I've been one foot in one foot out my girlfriend [ __ ] the camera guy he's like that's not what I asked like how come I haven't seen give you too much information right out of the gate and he's like you're really funny is like could you follow me downstairs in the original room if right now for 20 minutes if I brought you down there and you know like but you don't want to be like I don't think I'm ready yet I just I think I need to work on so I was just like [ __ ] yeah I could you know she goes come on she walks downstairs he goes to Tommy the Booker and he's like Tommy put sky up after me and uh and Tom's like well I think he's gonna be around more and he's gotta like which was the right move because I would have tanked but also would have been great for me and isolated that that's ridiculous yeah and then Tommy goes and then Tommy goes I have seen him around but he needs to be around more like you used to hang on the Sunday money open mikes yeah and then you suggested maybe you should try to like work there just because you'll get more spots and whatever and I at that point had no reason to not jump in fully cuz you know when you first Arden stated there did you work there yeah I did the phones on Fridays I didn't want to do like the door or the parking lot right I don't know why I was uh I just wanted to but I wanted to be around and way to communicate cuz a lot of comics would call for avails and it was a way that I could actually like chump him up a little bit on the phone and the later that night day what's up man it's the best whoo I mean if you're a new comic it's the best way I was invaluable get into the ri side yeah because when you're there all the time like I'm bringing what's his a song to design Antonio this weekend oh cool I've never seen him but he does the parking lot yeah everyone says he's good yeah he's a nice guy yes and he's just there yeah right so I had a sight out of mind right that's a real other side I don't mind yeah I mean they're just there so I wouldn't you I used will Burkhardt but to oh you know what word that word of mouth but um with Brent Morin and Jason Collins speaking highly of him but that's rare most of my guys are from the comedy store yeah you told me a week after that you were like I have I think kevin Christie had couldn't do a college gig and you're like if he can't go you're you want to come and I just was like I gotta meet Ely G because that was out the one in Carolina there's North Carolina somebody in a I think Nick when it's it's somebody something happened oh well then you said but I'm gonna find it something else so you like what you all she didn't have to do and then I think the more I was around and then you and then you have to see me more you know and then uh but you did [ __ ] me a couple of times huh house on the road I lost six thousand dollars because of you oh no you remember I do remember yeah I had met a girl I was in a hotel admit it grows in Fort Lauderdale yeah yeah you know the story don't question I think the details are kind of coming back well we well by the way this was right we should mention this is I think after before we went to 7-Eleven Bobby does this great thing on the road with you to where he I don't know if it's a called taking advantage of his power is that the way that's the right way to word it is about what he would tackle me in the green room and the host is like welcome to say it's Adam Ray and he's look at this in Kansas City literally holding me down around and laughing and the and the Adam Ray and people carving and then the Stars and the hoses like are you bow are you back there are you okay and Bobby's just laughing and finally had to punch him to get me off yeah yeah or he's like a eat these 20 oysters I'm like I hate oysters Michael allergic I'm I might be allergic he's like you want to go to Phoenix next weekend I love oysters yeah and so I remove and so at one point he goes let's take these what were they the pills that they saw at 7-eleven over the counter to get your dick hard oh just no but they're just kind of like cheap ones you want yeah they'll see yeah yeah so how many do we take two or three at two or three yeah did you give me a Viagra no oh yeah that was the first time I've ever taken it worst item oh yeah yeah and so anyway so then I'm with this girl that I met and I know tell her what I think the phone must been off the Bobby had won six thousand dollars but didn't have de nemours ID so you then he said you said it was like my like my friends mmm what did you say this what happened so I sit there and I I'm playing slots I love slots yeah you do right is that it is that like a because I always see like old Korean ladies playing slots is that like a are you saying that sometimes you look like one when you're playing yeah I definitely have the hunter over and then you know what it is I like the repetition of it and I also like you know people go there's no skill you know there is skill please tell it's I'll tell you the skill the skill is finding the machine that's ready to pop and it's a gut instinct guessing it's no it's not guessing it's the costings war so like if you see some when writing out a machine for a while and then they get up to leave with like some sort of like my day like you go this is where I swoop in like yeah I do that or what I do is sometimes I'll look at a machine and see what they ended on if they ended on like a big win I won't play it because you know that that big one is present happen for a bit right so I do little things like that but it's also just you know if I see anything Asian stay away from it yes why I've never won on any other nation cancels each other out like no what if there's like if you get three pandas you'll want it all there's no way and I'll never get I don't even get one panda no you know I always do the ones that people it doesn't look like people play em yeah I mean like the themed ones like a willy wonka in the chocolate no those ones yeah oh yeah big like I I played the game of thrones one a couple weeks ago what's that we're gonna get to that oh you rat [ __ ] okay break that down I have so many things I want to talk to you about yeah but um so anyway the thing goes off right and it does its sirens and when that happens people freak out yeah but I didn't you freaked out I was worried because I knew my license was expired and they checked that right so before the person got there I was calling you to get Tim next to me to go this guy one right so that we could get the [ __ ] money so I kept calling calling it was taking a while for the delay to get there yeah so there's plenty of time for me there was a 10-minute window that seems a little long probably for now 10 ok yeah for the story - the story tag could have been 10 Way but point being plenty of time for me to pick up the club is near yeah I know that you're in the building yeah he knows attached to the hotel so exactly I could have gotten down though plenty of time to I that's but you didn't yeah so then the lady goes I'm sorry sorry your license expired I could put up I want six thousand dollars she was I'm sorry there's nothing we can do can they verify your information any other way like why I call the owner of the passport copy is he copy my calls don't suggest it you could have done that right you could have like know what they told me to was you gotta fly to LA get the passport you got to physically see one and then fly a pass not worth it and I'm like that's gonna cost me that I have a question so you could have theoretically held the 6000 there spend $500 to go fly back and forth and then reclaimed your money yeah that's not worth it to me send him or I could have sent my brother over at the time I didn't know where I was I knew was in the house but then they would be there was somebody different I never know whether you know that but anyway so you owe me secure but anyway we're going to take a second for responses ladies and gentlemen we endorse hims it is a one-stop shop for all the needs that men need they need it right like if you're balding and whatnot it gives you physicians to talk to and communicate with it gives 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yeah he's from Belgium good look up Marian Fellini but if you if you want Ron Howard from - that - the other thing go to hims doc hems yes for hams calm / belly oh we love I love ham hands hams men's products for bald pain not hams I did him yeah don't you love him I love it dude I love ham too I'm never going what do you base your hams is great you know the last time we were in Fort Lauderdale yeah I probably spent three hours trying to win all the money that you lost I remember I think he was so good $3,500 down and I was sweating so hard I was like wait that's too much money how did you lose that in six minutes I was just that so don't play blackjack no I play double down on like if I got a two and a five I'll double down yeah every time go fish yeah the wrong game craps is so fun because the superstition level at least for me I've only played like 10 times but like there's always some sort of weird collective chant with strangers or like maybe me and some buddies we end up like we were breathing on the back of this like old Pakistani man's neck but yeah we did as a joke like we're all blowing on them and we're like good luck man and then he kept winning so he's like please do not forget blow because he also like he was like I yeah yeah but that is very patient I did and I want all his money back and he would when I win it back I'm done I'm out of there I'm not trying to win more so you ever strain yeah I really do practice restraint I have no offense he was yelling at me think about anymore and I was like no I'm done good move yeah it's oh it's so tough I mean that's that's gambling right that's why people end up like being up 50 grand and then down five hundred yeah I mean it's probably happened right what do you think the most somebody has gone in and bent up and then just had a complete 180 well when I went with dice that when I was a kid younger Andrew Dice Clay took me to Vegas whoa and he lost $750,000 in front of me and then he told everyone yeah because he won it and you weren't around and you know IDs not expired trust me well what happened was I wasn't working the back door right and I barely knew him and he walks he was he used to call me Ching have I told the story more yeah he was Ching yeah cuz get in the car Jesus I'm working I told them we're going to Vegas I'm in my comedy store t-shirt we fly to Vegas and we're first-class awesome thighs were first-class yeah so a key Southwest what a group yeah yeah yeah and I am um I think I'm like 26 years old you know it's 20 years been to Vegas no ok at one time okay one time with Pauly and he's lost all that money what do you say Jim embers what do you leave at the end he said that to other people that I was bad luck cooler I'm a cooler damn which maybe I am know another thing that you did back then when I met you was you worked at Universal tell them what you did okay so my day job when I first got out here I got a job as a tour guide on the backlot tour first of all I like being like there's where you know backdraft was found in there and there's you know and I would fake you know when jaws would comes out of the water you know yeah I made a little girl start crying once because I'm probably I'm you know two months out of acting school so I'm still treating this is always like an acting exercise so much I'm gonna really make these people believe there's a shark in there yeah you know I'm coming to it so I stand up and I feel like you know that the whole bit you know I came over exactly the script but he's like and guys were just copy right at Amy Villa and look at the leg and there's our buddy Bob in the in the water just checking out things are safe for us and Bob is it oh he's gonna oh god okay okay no kids you might want to wait Bob oh my god yeah it was his birthday [ __ ] yeah and one girl cried yeah I got in trouble I guess it's been Africa if that was my daughter I would hit her in the face you're gonna cry that's [ __ ] after yeah you bought that yeah I know and so I did that hit her on the face I mean yeah yeah yeah a muscle tap like a good tap I also I made up so many movie facts because people think you know everything about movies yeah like literally people in these trams and it was just so like you're doing it like do five a day five these our tours and I get these like you know trams full of tourists I had like a tram full of a German tourist one time it's like maybe a hundred of the 200 people and I would just start like making up movie facts because they were taking pictures of everything right so I bet we drive along these bushes on the way to the Desperate Housewives street I was like you guys are gonna love this after you gotta get your camera's out this is a photo op you cannot miss the bushes the bushes from the film bushes one and the sequel bushes to it yeah you guys remember that scene when Al Pacino was like that's a lot of bushes and they would take pictures of them and the driver just likes in there laughing and then again I get in trouble for that like you know I mean I point out people said that their stars very--it facing a balding man yeah Stanley Tucci everybody right or new cheese or black guy I just say that's Vincent D'Onofrio yeah they would believe it so they did that and then and then I was like I want to make more money but still stay here and and be around just be around the park more so then they don't opening for a Wolverine and so I did that I did he was Wolverine at Universal and by the way I don't even walk around with claws fake laws fake abs fake fangs sideburns the claws I I'll give you a couple quick stories I don't know [ __ ] about Marvel comics especially women they gave me books and DVDs to try to be like really do some character research like I was number three Wolverine right there was like third string Wolverine and there was one guy ahead of me who'd been doing it for like five years because you go like you know you rotate there's like two a day myself right he would come in one he would come in wearing a Wolverine shoot shirt and you rode on motorcycle yeah and like he'd be standing there like offset anybody yeah ground himself and I'm like mark what are you doing hey Mark your name is Mark you draw it you drive a Jetta you are not the real guy oh my what's your is like how do you get into character I go you don't know what I do I go I'm Wolverine and then I walk out there and then I try and I try to continue to pretend you know yeah this kids like my second day there and I used to say so my actual these kids would they they know the [ __ ] out cuz they're just like they think you're the real guy which was so cool on but you know my daughter in the arm oh they were just like what's Wolverines favorite food of like potato salad [ __ ] off you know yeah yeah and and they just they don't they don't hold back with with questioning your and the audition was crazy cuz you walk in you had to audition yeah and we're like a tight black muscle shirt and they're like you know what's that you're not getting it you think really yeah cuz there's like ten of the guys that audition for it I walk in and there's a whole row of the boss isn't it well can they just interview you as Wolverine so they go come in ink and it skin character yeah an interview but again I don't know [ __ ] so I'm walking in I'm just walking real slow my chest puffed out I go oh my gosh they go what's your name I go alright they go also Logan right I go yeah then they go who you who your friends and they go yeah yeah dogs pretty cool yeah like what about storm Captain America yeah yeah yeah yeah you do nothing's I knew nothing yeah yeah yeah and then they're like what's your super super uh your super powers like your super strength and obviously now I know it's like that he can heal right like very good yeah he's um laced with atom an atom and yeah and and they're like what's your superpower and I and I just you didn't know I did a jump kick because I was like I can't [ __ ] jump kick it is you know yeah and they laughed to my bosses I thought I was funny so they were like they hired me I think based on that anyway I looked enough like you yeah me you do have a grizzly Jew econ yeah this was the most Jewish Wolverine has ever been yeah really yeah I was wishing people happy shabbat shalom and but that theme-park world is so it was he was it you that was adopted your sister was a da sisters oh your sister oh that's right I was I was a real girl they couldn't see my peepee and so my mom was gonna need me Rachel and then are they and then obviously that came out and they're like that's the biggest beans we've ever seen you know it was overwhelming you know but they couldn't see it at first but then we wait by the way we simply office studio are like an Oprah taping when we see her fall off her chair in an unexpected moment what happened I [ __ ] my pants on loss that was as close it straight to [ __ ] your pants is I'm at that at that out no I am enhancing we're gonna push too hard what you push that sounded like it was gonna come out on its own yeah that sounded like it had no problems making its way to the air so then after Wolverine there's another side here's another side job that you do that people don't know yeah yeah is is that you're you do voiceover voiceover yeah yeah for Bruce Willis I did yeah I did his ADR you know so when Bruce Willis right isn't movie and you know when he's like running down the street or you know they call an atom to do his movies I mean you do die did you die not for GI Joe I did like chunks of monologues because apparently he just talks so and it's not something it's not like a you know it's not like an impression I can just go into right and you know I can I do like that if I'm doing Bobby big you know and I can do I can just go into an impression you know but the Bruce I had to really listen to to mimic so like I have to have them play it back a lot to really hear it right it was a lot of yeah breathing a lot of grunts and then a lot of it but some chunks of dialogue because he talks so soft and apparently these directors would tell me that like any back Bruce just a little louder and you just be like we got it and then you just walk off set oh [ __ ] we got to get that jewy Wolverine in here yeah [ __ ] know the words this one's got we got it we already get it let's move on instead of like maybe do all more having that kind of you guys ever done that on set we got it oh no I know hundreds of times I'm you know I'm doing I'm doing a Sony animation movie with uh I did it with Jimmy O yang and John Chow my dragon oh but they called me in three session and I don't I don't blame them yeah this is just the job but you're doing five scenes a thousand times that same line over and over again just different variety and there's no point where you can go I'm done because there you go oh you again okay yeah and then sometimes I think the last session was just me and they had us in together yeah because I play to like bully like now but um mafia grunts yeah as your people you know animals yeah we're a I'm a big mafia guy with a little one and um and at times I would look at Jimmy and we would just be like how many other times can you say it but you can they find it yeah you know they find it and then eventually you'll see to the cube you know the little yeah and the window yeah them because you can't hear them which I hate because you do a take and then they they go you know their facial expression yeah I'm happy you guys okay with that is that good yeah yeah or we're fine do it again what did I get you know they get crazy but then sometimes don't go like that ago you know that smile go I think we got it yeah and then that's when you know you know I'm the voice of this talking horse for Shira it's coming back oh I'm her sidekick basically it's a talking horse yeah swift wind oh you are that end of August early September but so that's what I'm saying like so many take and and and at somewhere you do kind of get frustrated where you're like I've done so many times like and I think we got it and then and then they'll be like now just do one and throw everything we've set away and whatever and play with it and then like there always will be some little thing that you'll do and you're like oh [ __ ] there it was worth doing it yeah right 71 there was one little thing little affectation or you know intonation that you do differently and you're like I guess they do know what they're talking about yeah the only time I don't didn't like doing a voiceover is because I did the awesome so it was fun with the wires but I used to do a couple of things for her family guy yeah and when Seth MacFarlane would be there I would get kind of nervous nervous of course and it just didn't feel fun because of the because he's right there yeah and he's like faster you know I'm faster you know and you're just kind of like just trying to get and I just I'm just not having fun man yeah I like him you know he did a couple of sketches out MADtv yeah that's how I knew him and he's a great guy nice give super talented all right if you're listening sup we love you on Tiger belly but um yeah I would get nervous you guys got so many big people on MADtv which I feel like we could have benefited from well we're gonna get to that we will get to that yeah so the next thing I want we have another ad before we continue these leads leads ELISA a mattress redesign [Music] guys guys we sleep on this mattress called Lisa it's better than tempur-pedic guys Durrell it's as it's like your you could absorb by life and you go to sleep instantaneously le ESA Lisa and for every metrics you buy you save somebody yeah or they drink what yeah for every mattress you save trees true and together with the Arbor Day Foundation Lisa plants one tree for every mattress they sell that's what I'm saying okay just what it commits guys what confirm yeah a planning and their plan is to plant 1 million trees by 2025 yeah eventually when you buy at Lisa mattress they're gonna give African kids new eyes yep verify that's completely unverified I just made that up but to collaborate that's how cool they are they do stuff like that they do stuff like that right now is the trees and the next time next time it's gonna be a Puerto Rican heart yeah specifically a kid doesn't have a heart yeah I'm verified for sure at least I have that kind of intention to save the world amazed so not only do they have a good product but they want to help you know the world good you have people here yes unverified unverified Lisa so don't so don't miss these summer savings get $160 off of Lisa mattress at Lisa dot-com slash belly that's Lisa dot-com slash belly oh the best mattress in the world yeah Lisa Lisa Lisa Donna no yeah no sleep around Lisa mattress I do I look great my favorite bed thank you yeah thank you I have to sleep I have options flooring you let me see something out of the young guys that I used to bring on the road you were the one one of the ones I think the only one they started doing real things like you were in the heat that's how you knew sounds wrong and you died Melissa yeah embolism getting really good what a [ __ ] [ __ ] but you had a really big role on that I thought yeah you know I was doing a lot of web videos remember you would do some sketches for me too that's like the thing you were always like little Hollywood hustling over here because I was doing a lot of and that's how you know because when you started out again you have you know you're just trying to do as much stuff just to gain experience and like I came from the sketch background was doing a lot of videos in high school and then even in college and then YouTube hit and it was like oh I should start trying to put these things together and and and you did a few for me which were really funny and favorite one was with you and Andrew Santino and he did gymnastics and ready to go with that guy that character who was duty and he improvised all of that I mean I basically and that's what was so great about these videos it was like you know I saw my guys my buddies Kyle Mooney Nick Rutherford Mike Bennett who you know the neighbor but they were so they would know but here's the example they were went to what the college would be this guy this guy acts as if I'm like new to the [ __ ] pound hey papa Knicks will open for me to fry know they had their sketch group and I was so envious cuz I was like I never bro yeah I was like I want guys to be to do [ __ ] with all the time but I couldn't find guys that consistently to shoot every week to write every week so I was like [ __ ] I'm gonna do it on my own I'm gonna write I'm gonna produce it all I'm gonna direct it and I'm gonna just get buddies to be and stuff and so that was a blessing and a curse because it was stressful but then you're like it's how I'm getting better I guess but that that Olympics one it was like I found that little gym out in deep in Van Nuys and it was so and you know I had to node you to make sure you weren't because you were like what is it really I was like but I had a little script but an outline and I was like this is what the character I think is and it's gonna be and or not you're trying to teach us but you're this old school coach and you end up just like physically abusing us and you're like alright I'll do it yeah and you but like I mean the character was so [ __ ] right like when you want to watch a whole about this old coach it was so funny that's pretty accurate I feel like that's truly how an Asian coach like a Chinese code that he like war and the beanie yeah do more some of the lines you're saying you're like you could do drugs the champions in your heart I mean you know how I knew that sketch was good is I auditioned for Allison Jones once yeah and she before even said she goes I love that [ __ ] Olympic thing you did with Adam is Andrew next to Toki Fung it's my favorite character of yours oh wow let's do it let's talk about it later okay all prints written and done man I'll do who the duty I'll [ __ ] find it man and you crush it yeah oh thank you see the backstory I mean come on UK something you were they find old footage of who'd like coaching these guys yeah yeah you did the he did yeah and then you did Ghostbusters yeah big part I didn't see it uh it was I mean I voice Slimer which a lot of that ended up getting trimmed down which was pretty cool the part was you know I played the lead singer in this rock band where they caught a ghost for the first night I was like the myth it was the big ste in the movie it took ten days to shoot I probably on paper had ten lines Paul at me improvise I probably when I walked out was like you know added another ten lines I'm like alright out of twenty things that I've said in this scene and if three of them make it cool you know nobody jokes I mean none it was the singing I sang two songs all the way through and and they just had to trim me down Paul even when I was waiting sent me an email before the premiere and he was like just you know like you know I because I I would come out and and and acknowledge the band and Ozzy Osbourne was like headlining this big show so I would come out and like be you know talking you know be like you guys ready rocking like pointing doing a record exec who Paul was playing as a cameo on the corner I was like hey man like I got DVDs and [ __ ] I'd love to stop working bar mitzvahs and quit the copy beans okay yeah let me know if you want to talk after the show all your doing yeah and then I'd be like are you guys ready to rock and then somewhere to go you suck and I go hell yeah two three you know yeah and then I get attacked by the ghost and you see that in the movie like it hits me into the amps but then after that that's where it cuts off but then they had me do these stunts were they had a stunt guy pull him out of the amps off the stage in out of the air thirty feet in the air in one motion it looks so dope and then they put me upside down in this whole contraption and and and swung me around upside down and had me screaming and they had a camera at my head I almost passed out like four times because I'm upside down blood rushing to my head he would say action I would lean back be upside down and then they would start spinning me and fly me around yes they could have a shot of me up in the air and then they drop me into the crowd I get back so all this [ __ ] and none of it was in there I know it so what do you do only always Maja's it's still cool Moore also gave it to me so what was like yeah because I know Adam will be up for it so I had only imagine you doing it and in your hot thoughts you're like cuz I've been there too if you go right you literally do yes you can't help it you told me and this is a great week this is why I get another compliment and how you've been a good friend and a straight shooter when I got the heat remember I was getting ready to go and you were so genuinely pumped for me yeah but also you were like hey man it doesn't stop after this like you're not gonna you're so pom to know like I see you like Hollywood walking around a little swagger like you did some YouTube videos now you're in a movie oh you know whatever he has my balls but then you were like when you come right back here man you still gotta go to the comic store you're still gonna do your late sets you still gotta like grind because you know you can't help but like let a little bit of it affect you and be like all right I'm in movies I'm a I'm a movie star now right is this work yeah like you know now it's peeking open for me now that was a pineapple Express me and Ken had a whole storyline in the movie right Wow so we had like this all on side caper right they cut all of it out oh my god are you devastated yeah but you know that scene there was a scene where Seth Rogen shoots me in the head right yeah that room or your scene reminded me of mine where they had a metal plate on my head and they had to put an explosive on my head so he puts the gun right here right so they go three two one and it exploded I couldn't hear and I went like that right and then I felt like my brain like I was brain dead like I was spinning Jesus and they look we got it no oh we're gonna do it again oh no right so they put the metal thing back on my head yeah yeah put the explosive we did that like four or five times by the fourth time I'm like I think I'm gonna go completely deaf yeah you know and but you do all that work and in your head like this is gonna be people I would know how well I react I wasn't a premiere you weren't no yeah I was invited the premiere and um I didn't work for like three years after that everything jug but you unloved and like it all comes around right so anyway Lisa mattresses are so good it's you know it's it's you know but I'm proud of you because you you did these things even know me from the very big idea when I like I mean to see you go from there to you know hanging out with these people and then you know you met the [ __ ] yes you met the little [ __ ] Brad Williams I can say that because he's my friend yeah and he calls me [ __ ] so we're for it's fine you have to have a closeness thing it's like you know when you have a [ __ ] friend you can see you can't if I have a [ __ ] friend can I call him a [ __ ] I can probably grandi the retail you can call Matt yeah if he's your friend yeah yeah some people take liberties and call me certain things that you call me on the podcast like what yeah you're my you know I let you inside me so you're allowed to say certain when people don't like strangers they be like you know they say the exactly mimic you dude I had three people this weekend say with saw flat face [ __ ] in public in my defense I was excited to see you yeah yeah we're like you know what's still a thing George is a pink dick boy I people yell it out in the middle of the show that's pretty cool during a punchline yeah I was about to tell upon it George is a pink dick he's not here and also you have to understand that maybe 50% of the audience doesn't even know what that means so then I like what yeah but I love you Tiger Billy found do what you want you know you know I'm going back to in a couple months the first time since I've been to with you which is another great thing about you bringing on the road with me it's like getting to I mean the road you don't realize - isn't gone comic like how valuable that is like I'm over Tommy would bust my balls didn't know you wrote now huh I was like you mean like I'm getting a amazing opportunity open for a guy who sells out all over the good so you're just always gone doing the road I was like oh yeah sorry I'm I got to quit my job as Wolverine and make some money and do 30 minutes yeah before a crusher and and and learned those times is its I feel like fun or when you're featuring oh that's a sweet spot it's the Suites yeah come on you're unknown you have no expectations you go up you curse you get off doing half the time yeah as a headline are you having fun I love it you do also because well it took me a couple years to even feel like a headliner because there's and again you know you learn a lot from from from being on the road and watching not only just a way you're conducting yourself on stage but off stage you know because you know the first few years I was doing it I didn't have the the headliner confidence to make decisions on the show like if they put a host on who'd only been doing it six months and they happen to 15 minutes and he's garbage yeah I just be I don't wanna ruffle feathers like all right like look that kid just do his thing and then I got to a point where I was like he's [ __ ] the show up and this is my show yeah let's go to the club be like you guys got to get a different host whoa or cut this kid to five minutes and they do that and I didn't feel like a dick about cuz I was like oh it's all about your intentions I'm coming in at the right way but yeah but man it's challenged I mean going from 30 to then like an hour it's like a big jump and I didn't realize it so it was like you know I'm you know trying to it made me work harder and and write more and uh and now and trying to figure out a beginning middle and end or I or don't work harder or don't work hard that's what I do the same yeah sometimes I'll do a set and like how much time to do 28 minutes I remember in San Jose I remember in San Jose when we were opening open for Bobby Sands it was New Year's remember Nicole Parker was there too yeah and she we for New Year's they brought down a big screen and they had Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin and Bobbie and Nicole and I basically like lip synched to or we they put it on mute and we just did their comment like yeah amin teri yeah and then but you got offstage on one of the shows and and they were like the show's over and and the host goes back out and and everyone's like having gotten the checks and was like what happened right Bobby did 22 minutes he's supposed to an hour yeah I think on that one too you look rough you told me you were like 245 or sorry yeah it was a rough I'm going back to DC which I haven't been to since I went with a DC yeah all your some headlining though and I've been give me amazing eight years ago I work with them and which was cool too because I didn't think I was one of the first weekends I went on with you and I was like I don't know if Bobby's gonna like you know he's gonna sleep all day and like force me to take like boner pills or is he gonna like are we gonna go see the sights and number I dragged you out because you don't want to be asked to something when do I ever do that okay it was special yeah it was so special that I came out of my [ __ ] hotel room to go see things I've seen in the movies like the monuments I love yeah yeah yeah yeah you introduced me to Maggiano's so uh solidi so people another thing that people don't know is that um I was on a show called MADtv for eight years no one knows that nobody goes out but um and they did the revival they riot reboot the reboot of MADtv and I was so excited because they hired two of my friends yeah you Adam right yeah and the Indian guy okay yeah Iran whatever but are they hard human Amaro yeah yeah and you know you I do who's genuinely [ __ ] excited because how weird is it that one of my openers is now on the new revival show of the show that I used to be on it's crazy it never happens never it's like it's magic I'm so sorry yeah I know me too what a bummer it was a what a real bummer they thought it would have got I thought that would have just been I mean again one of those things we go Game Change a game changer right and when I did it though can I be honest with you yeah it was like super [ __ ] fun to do when were that sketch that I did with you and Ike Barinholtz yeah and I'm here where yeah and I'm area that where it was the Ike's dressing room yeah and I was in the wall yeah you got trapped in there for 20 years right are you in great maker right yeah here's another weird thing about that is is that Ike's brother John yeah who when I was on matching with Ike John was in high school Wow okay he was a kid and he used to come visit and I used to tease him and whatnot now I'm doing your MADtv with Ike and and John wrote the sketch oh yeah that's right how crazy is that full circle you think about that stuff when you do it yeah oh yeah yeah no I think about yeah I think about cyclical and magic and coincidence and I take it all in yeah I think it's cool it was I mean yeah it was unbelievable for me cuz that then I also felt like and the fact that you guide you and Ike and and will in Nicole it came back and mo Collins to like help because you're like man we are so unknown and like this will obviously help people watch yeah I mean I did too right yeah all I remember doing a blind kung fu with you and being in the you know so I'm in the prosthetics right is applying to another unbelievable care and I'm I'm literally like doing my thing and I'm looking down at Adam Ray because you're playing that you know the James an area and I just thinking how surreal it was yeah that what the [ __ ] this guy used to open for me now we're doing like television yeah sketches I'm being tied down again but this time it's not before going yeah and then and then you know it just went away it's cool to hear you had fun cuz um it was fun and I mean I you know you you it's tough to not have negative feelings about it because there were so many things I felt like that just weren't being done to give us a fair shot like a the CW I mean this first table read we had was like I mean again one of these moments where you're like oh man like there's no way the show doesn't do at least five years and so much screentime and I've been doing sketch and just video so much stuff to prep me for this moment that I feel like I'm just so ready for I wasn't nervous I was just so pumped to be like man you were really I'm gonna be real you were so [ __ ] good no thanks no you were you Amir Amir Amir reminded me of me when I was on mad which is paranoid a little bit on your Shore that's why I felt like I I was I was able to talk to him here and go yeah dude that's I mean we're a comic and this is what it is yeah we're I'm afraid of I'm not from sketch so I was afraid of pitch you know I thought my idea sucked you know I mean it was difficult yeah but you seemed very like I was going in a coffin if they were like I don't know about that I was like well then what about this you know I just was like and then to have Carol Leifer as her own legends writing you had old guys Jim wise and guy yeah all those guys back yeah you got Scott Scott a little bit for a couple of weeks come on the live audience taping was so aspect was so cool but it's a CW just clamped it down and put too many this first table read we had so many edgy things that were in there that they were like fired up about and I'm like if they're gonna let us do this I was like this is this could be a real they should have gone to Netflix I know and then they yeah they I think they were trying to go streaming out of the gate and CW made such a hard push as like and they had a thing a thing with Warner Brothers already so it was like a an easy thing but they didn't promote it people didn't even know that it was on I know I mean I would get into it on emails with the woman who did social media and I'd be like hey you have to take a page out of SNL's book in this day and age if you don't have clips of everything the day after we're already shooting ourselves in the foot I was like you guys got it took like I think five out of the eight episodes for the first season for them to get a YouTube page up and I was just like are you kidding me yeah a show that you're not promoting people are you're also not going on your way to give him a way to find it's like and so that was really frustrating but then somebody what I'll control what you can control and don't let that take away from the creative part so I was like I got a what Oliver and Jenna did for splitting up together was they did Ellen they did a huge thing yeah to promote the [ __ ] out of it yeah you need that push now there's no way there's a million things things so much [ __ ] but you know what do it at the end of the day still though you got a glimpse of what it was and there was another one where we're doing that invention where we're pitching was that thing that live we did it live me and Ike and you were part of the panel of the shark tank shark tank that was so fun yeah oh you're there yeah you were at the table that was so fun fun were you there you were everyone was there oh they were that was so [ __ ] fun you get to improvise a lot - with that - that was just yeah that was a matter and there was another thing that was really great because it was like having a built like again like a built-in super comfortable familiarity with you and those sketches it was like I felt even more comfortable to like try to just do anything you know within reason obviously but like and you guys you and I were just so good it was cool - to watch you're like oh man you haven't done sketch and so long but you guys just likes that was so [ __ ] fun and I felt bad but also good for you you know the last thing I'm going to talk to you about and it's a very serious one and I hate to end on us we already done No ok no we're not even close to going on you just are the last thing I want to talk yeah that before the question I'll go right you're all jacked up on Red Bull yeah you know maybe insert another don't tell me what no oh he's so cute I wanna oh well he needs to be with another dog though why because he's an orphan puppy which is different than a puppy who's had siblings and mothers they need another looking for someone to adopt we need a yellow sweater yeah very trained just please tell me if he does like one of these is like I'm a cat [ __ ] I will I'll be real pissed he's look at him he's a puppy he came up with nibbling on my leg I know what's his name Frederick oh you can read animal no I love that name you like critters eyes which bigger you gonna get and probably no more than 20 pounds I don't think yeah what is he that what is that right now like 8 pounds 6 f 525 okay that's not too much bigger how about this why don't we do this okay well then we'll have us towards we'll have a conversation I almost adopted a kid three months ago by the way you did yeah that's don't do that I'm not okay but will for what what color was it black that's good yeah I mean little light-skinned yeah but I'll go darker I will and any also just bring him before I would do a trial run he was going to the track you know you might see what a kid audition yeah all right I'm gonna post that and fYI anyone listening you know and you're going oh my god that was so racist I wasn't no I'm just saying I'm done with that yeah I'm done defending jokes no I'm just gonna say what I think is funny I'm done with that I'm done with like in my head going you know censoring yeah head censors there's a lot of that going on in the world I know you know and there are a lot of things that I say that we should censor which we do we should we do a lot yeah she does it what do you really is there any today on this ship program I don't think so I think you have to ensure that you keep a network job yeah that's true yeah but um but this this last thing was nothing know if there was nothing okay good thank you also if the president can be like I moved on earth like a [ __ ] yeah and then you can say whatever you want but but he cannot you can't you can't because right for some reason is able to all those trappings and things that normal people get in trouble for he's able to just do it and no one seems to especially on the right side of things yeah seemed a really [ __ ] give a [ __ ] and it really is the most frustrating thing in the world and I'd see what I know we're not a political show yeah and I want to say this okay and I just need to get off my chest I'm so sorry okay but Sarah Sanders getting thrown out of the red hand right which is that restaurant yeah you were about the oh yeah and the the gay couple wanting to get the cake are two completely different things of course the gay guy wanting to get the cake from the Christian Baker Baker yeah the gay guy has no choice about being gay okay he was born that way given the cake what type of cake did he want before his wedding but like was like a dick shaped cake that's a real question but that is a very good question to Dixie's it was just a regular girl in the groom there's a regular cake okay yeah yeah made out of come protein no they are they're way different yeah they're different because Sarah Sanders yes right being the voice piece for somebody like that is a choice yes she chose to do that yeah no one's forcing her right so you all that really deserves to get kicked out if you want killed her with kindness that's not the route I would have taken I would have given her a great meal on the house and then as I give her the check I would have written a note just so you know just be there that would have done it but she I don't think she would even read the note she write few minutes she probably wouldn't read it and would have any effect on her I think your heart is so no on the check I mean just on the check she's reading that yeah I mean I love your approach I mean how long I mean the first of all the check say this is the check right you have that much space yeah so what can you go knowing a [ __ ] job lady yeah that's worse I think that's worse I'll switch over the meal and then just and then what I would do is serve as a meal and go and give her a great meal put it on the house and come we'll go up to her and go I just wanna let you know what you're doing is just god-awful and then she can't say anything bad about the food cause she clearly you have already finished it you're both welcome you're welcome here anytime but what you're doing is awful yeah how do you sleep at night how do you sleep at night huge or you know yeah but you know what how do you sleep at night and she goes on ELISA mattress pretty good very good call that out as well thank you but you because I've seen a lot of these comparisons you know it's a psyche it's not there's no it's not even comparable but um the one thing I wanted to talk to you about disturbing yeah yeah is that you've not even seen the game of Thrones at all those or what Game of Thrones yeah okay well no let me ask you I'll be real serious you don't like did you watch the Lord of the Rings I've seen twenty minutes of the third the first one I was really you're not a fan I loved it no I loved it I was so baked when I start it and I go the last thing I remember is um what's the big guys name the wizard he's I Igor yeah okay and he goes uh I remember him just being really tall in a room and somebody small being like these don't and he was like you'll have the power you know yeah yeah or something I remember it's something that's a scene right I remember that being very high and I member at that point being like 20 minutes in 40 minutes in but I remember loving it and then just being so I was like I got to go to battle finish this and then look three three-and-a-half hours of a movie like that's a commitment and I'm always it's why I haven't seen a lot of great movies because I just that of that length because I just I would rather be doing I rather be writing I'd rather be died you know I just it's not I don't want to see the movies I do I have one point I want to go see the Lord of the Rings back to back to back I think that's how I'm gonna do it when they when they release him in the theater or just do that at home but with Game of Thrones same thing that style seems very interesting to me and I know the acting is great and and our d'Artagnan he said was he one of the him in the dragon er become like best friends and they go on a journey to find the quest yeah and they find the pebbles on Musketeers oh [ __ ] okay so anyway but you know and they just don't don't do that look I want to the first episode and again I go hey hey sick too thick Jim you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] oh you bear oh no ok what I'm saying to you right now I missing out on maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea you know what when you just framed it in that way that you just don't like entertainment then that's not it I don't I don't have no you don't understand I need to I mean I saw Shanghai Knights twice in the theater you're never gonna get that I back that time back I don't want it back I'm glad that I gave it up to jekeiti right right what I'm saying to you is this and is that I believe that number one it's a cultural phenomenon right hey everyone in the room thin lips you agree is a natural though for me to get a little turned off it's something that gets so popularized that and I look I am by no means somebody that's just like I'm gonna I'm gonna do things a little bit differently yeah I'm not trying to pull a Fergie and sing a weird national anthem yeah you're right late seventies I was what ten okay nine great and I was in school yeah elementary school whatever and the kids were talking about this new movie called Star Wars mm-hmm they had booklets everyone had it that's one with Harrison Ford right I'm kidding I've seen all those love Yoda do I know I love ya guess guess who voiced Yoda Frank Oz and I was a huge ma that's right boys Yoda and Fozzie Bear yeah where's his Oscar I know anyway but what I'm saying is is that um you know I was not instead of going you know what everyone's you know watching the Star Wars thing [ __ ] it I'm not gonna get involved Yeah right no I was like by what to my parents I go everyone seen it can I see it yeah my dad what do you know why and my mom on the side goes okay I think you oh do I remember my mom taking us to see Star Wars that's so cool and and being just completely blown away getting it going wow this is why everyone's talking about it I'd never seen anything like yeah so aunt knows the creak of the table yeah the original voice for Yoda but they're like maybe we should get Franco yeah yeah but so I feel like well I think those times I let too much time go by a lot of people's excuses to it is but it's real reason yeah cuz I feel like III missed the boat too because now look if I go watch the entire why on earth ins and then come back to you and I go hey let's do let's let's hang out or like let's do a podcast where I where you interview me about the show or whatever it is you're gonna be I don't give a [ __ ] man cuz that was that already happened oh no I only give a [ __ ] about season one oh really yeah they'll are very pertinent to the storyline of the last season because I don't want to just watch it and then just not have anybody to talk to about it you know I just say something so I guess you see a group and my person is Bobby Lee a person that when he says something he doesn't mean I think I am when I say something I mean it yeah and I'm gonna say something to you and I completely mean it yeah and this is the fact okay is if you don't I'm not gonna talk to you if I don't know I'm being real yeah I won't even be at a club if I see you at a club if you haven't seen two seasons of the show bye no I won't talk to you until you do oh of the of Game of Thrones yes okay right now yeah I am gonna commit to this deal I love it alright um I can go have you seen it and you go no I haven't seen it yet then that's gonna be the end of the conversation great you know walk away okay all right and well if I have seen it then you can go I saw the first two episodes but then ask me questions oh yeah oh great Allah okay cool sound like that cuz that some parking lot yeah yeah yeah so that's what you're gonna do great very excited now can I be high the problem with that is there's so much information what's going on yeah yeah my sister watched the Battle of the bastards extremely high and she says it was not a good experience for her really it became terrifying when it wasn't supposed to be yeah okay there's a lot there's a lot of characters I feel like that might be overwhelming to track if I am not sober right like there's every episode is there a new dragon coming in there's a new okay I don't even like your throne right now descent I heard the dragon is one of the those parts of the show is it yeah but it that's later he's rocking dragons dog in the beginning [ __ ] oh here's one here's what I want I remember in the first episode that I watched almost all of a guy with long hair cut somebody's head off and then there was a girl and she she walked in and she they showed her from the back and her butt cheeks and she got into a bath and then the guy and then and then and I was like okay alright now what this is a good segue what happens after this did they show her take the whole bath does the guy who cut the head off come back in with the head and go boo as she's in the bath you know yeah said I don't remember after that whatever your antics are I like that shirt by the way you say Mahalo yeah we're gonna Hawaii next Wednesday oh man I would man I I could have probably stayed there too lived there for a little bit after this last trip how long how many times have you been there you go with Adam Devine you have to do a show but I stayed after my girl you do go without in Devine yeah yeah you're fancy and dumb what do we had time we're over an hour but you know what I went before that with my dad because used to live on the Marshall Islands in Kwajalein anyway anyway okay submitting stuff about me I'm stronger so at the end of our thing yeah alright we do this thing called unhelpful advice right I'm hopeful advice with Bobby kalila ring hey guys my name is Allie and I've lived in Iran my whole life I'm 19 years old and I still get my ass kicked by my father but there's nothing I can do about it because everyone supports what he does and is actually considered normal so if I actually do anything my whole family and friends will turn against me what kind of advice can you give me number one you have to break the cycle that's number one number two its cultural take the beatings helpful advice so it could be good let me see this all the beatings I got my dad okay my dad loved to play golf do you know that no you know what his favorite golf courses Bobby's back yes my body meet you with this club yes what I was going to do is quite for serious yeah I used to before x-ray yeah photo and then like hit me as hard as he could with a [ __ ] and I took those beatings Wow hey you know what happened I got angry yeah resentful and that's where I learned the word rage now from him within my heart mm-hmm and but I used that rage to motivate me to get out of the situation take the beatings but at 19 he's 19 run away very common to just stay in a house and empower all your family members for a long what at this city is he again he's armed Iran man yeah well how big is this Iranian father typically pretty like five nine pretty pretty but culturally there it's like they don't fight back you if you fought back you get banned from the family I don't know so what's he beating you up for like what great question yeah like are the are the other kids getting beat up or dizzy or are you doing heroin on the house that's and that's one thing that's worth a beating right but if it's like I didn't high-five you when you left for work yeah that's another thing yeah and is everybody else in your family getting beat up too cuz then this you know you feel less alone I guess when your mom comes through with a bloody mouth you're like all yeah did you get hit get the belt a few times but also my dad left I was nine so sorry no it's okay no so yeah at the belt a few times I think I got spanked by my mom for sure wish your dad left yeah at all do you 9ez back in your life yeah let me get remarried so he was messing around on my mom with a woman he's not married to and then I had a couple kids and that's that where do they live he lives in Salem now and she just moved down that's Jesus no oregan huh and my mom is remarried up in Seattle still and my half-brothers live in Washington and but do you buy you close to you with your dad or not yeah I mean I think I took my sister was what 11 and she was a lot more aware of what was happening think she remembers him walking out on her birthday like being the day that he peaced out like officially so and I think I took this approach because I saw and then my sister ended up being kind of like going through some rough patches and I'm getting sent away to a girls school because she stole my mom's van was driving to Arizona with her boyfriend at the time she stole my clothes and and and stuff and my I as a result was just like I'm gonna just try to be as good as I can for my mom because not because I probably really wanted to but as default I was like oh I don't like I'm seeing what it's doing to my mom I need to also I need to do the flip side and try to not have my mom have two crazy kids so I'm gonna try to do good in school and do all the other did yeah and and so my sister has a lot more resentment towards my dad and then I was just like I'd rather have relationship with him than not so in college high school was a little weird because he was gone you know and those islands I was talking about and in Arizona Midway yeah and then he and then when I was in college he had a real rough patch and so I just was like well I'm gonna I'll pick up when he talks and we talk sports and talk to other comedy and it's not and he was having a rough time so I was like I'll be there for him and and I just didn't know any any different you know and so now yeah I'm I just had to help him out like financially a lot - yeah yeah but so now but luckily you know voiceover stuff is going okay - but I mean I would you know [ __ ] man I could I could have a cool podcast to be like this if I didn't give him so much [ __ ] cash but you still pay just stops and now I'm working it out to try to get some some funds back but also you you pet you help out with the intention of knowing like you're probably not gonna get anything but well I mean you know I would be able to sleep at night while she would Lisa mattress but I wouldn't knowing that that that I was single handily the only one that was in his world to help and didn't help I mean give me a break it's he's 70 - 70 yeah my I mean I I hope my parents yeah you just all the things that my dad did I still help yeah because you have to it's like you don't have to but you kind of like I think you do yeah I think you do I think that um what if my dad when he's what if I didn't help him and just goes and he's and he's not that better knee goes you don't have to help me but just please watch Game of Thrones but yeah you have to help you're making a mockery of it no I'm gonna see it my watch two seasons anyway that's I could my whole family I mean dude there's air some bonk or [ __ ] I could tell you but also I've never been that open about a lot of that stuff I mean on the stage cuz I I still need me one bunker honkers I spin off podcast when people need me a bunker oh boy um alright it's got to be bunker though better be bunker if it's like oh that's not marker I'm not gonna get any well god I've got a funny bunker that's like my brother-in-law is a rapper and he's white and he's not mmm lazy big I mean he's in the local Seattle scene on Instagram he'll post things on Instagram like looking for [ __ ] to change change my life smell in my house thought for the day and I'm like oh that's my sister really don't know why the father my nieces yeah Wow bonkers like my uncle used to stick firecrackers in there now he has no ass cheeks so by me look there's some lucky bunker to bunker it out boy I'll give a bonkers family yeah my boy I mean there's well there's some stuff about like my step-brother right now has had some bonkers [ __ ] and I feel out of you I mean what happened to you bunker what happened to me yeah yeah I mean my bunker stuff was being a real big fat kid and teased a lot oh that's why you were there and I don't wanna say like suicidal but like like give me the definition of bunker that's bonkers isn't it no could be over what kind of bonk what do you know I put a popped out of my ass what do you want me to say that's what you want I wasn't no I wasn't molested is that what you're trending no no no what's molesting affected first a guy that's good no one's the less ting a fat kid yeah yeah yeah I think I was doing a favor did I hurt you that make you handi-snacks you get hurt and hurt because you weren't molested I love how I thought for a minute to answer that because I was any can I just say in retrospect I was cute will you Boston no yeah you weren't was bad yeah your family that's right fat kids don't get molested trademark diabetes yeah all right what's it this Iranian kid um yeah I think he's got to move he got it was 19 you got to take move other country yeah move out of the country come to America yeah where the beatings are you know moderate do you have any do you have anything um to promote yeah that Shira show is gonna hit Netflix in the fall and American vandal I'm on the second season of that high school oh cool man gonna be pretty cool you already did it yeah cool and then uh who cast that my podcast about last night with Brad William that's a great podcast I did it you did you got one of the highest episodes I told you that so far yeah but the other stars get bigger numbers right not necessarily exactly you Bert Kreischer Melissa and Sandra in the last year the biggest ones McCarthy yep Brooke Christ sure yep it feels good what if I was like no Melissa Joan Hart also a good get though Clarissa explains it all yep I would love her to on my podcast about last night get it on iTunes yeah um what else Euler Teri Garr yeah she has MS yeah we watched all of her old stuff the other day yeah maybe if you see photos of her lately it's so sad don't get you're listening right if you're listening right now do not get a mess that's not a choice it's not disease you get anyway um give Adam a round of applause it's on Adam rate comedy yeah Adam rekha comedy calm bring all over the country to our con idea we'll be right back guys Adam ray was wonderful he has a really good voice huh Oh imagine just being born with a voice like that he must always feel like a winner fancy yeah he has a trailer voice you know the voice they use like when Mary was 12 that that's enough that was pretty good oh really yeah thanks Barry Shea the support guys one world go by like two sweats all over the world oh god I can't stop sweating you guys it's getting worse and worse oh if your sweats just don't let it be wasted catch it in something I suggest her latest Tiger cooter get off of there it's okay it's okay you can leave him here you can leave them up there here I'm just gonna raise this a little bit higher you guys we have new merch that's gonna be available Monday at 10:00 a.m. and we're not gonna watch it we're gonna [ __ ] it up this time on the dot we're gonna the site's gonna go live 10:00 a.m. on Monday that's what's the date June 2nd June 2nd and available will be this beautiful cup that says Tiger belly Los Angeles and at the bottom has a cute little inside thing that says in the citrus papaya secret message only for you guys mm-hmm and this merch run is are black on black on black sale so we have the black Matt mug and we got these two black tees our newest shirt is what we call this one this one supreme leader we do a 80's trio that's 80s trio that's the 80s trio with supreme leader Bob can you see that behind the cat and then we're bringing back or announcing right now on air we're bringing back a limited run on the og slep King t-shirt don't sleep on this one too don't sleep on this one so you guys check out those shirts on Monday limited amounts for both t-shirts and limited amount for the mugs and there will still be a also limited amount of sticker pack one so make sure you go by and support and rep rep is strong our energy is low we need to make it sound more enthusiastic you guys hey guys we got a murse coming on sec you clout take it away it's gonna be gone so get there at 10 o'clock a.m. Pacific Standard Time or else you'll miss out yes I would set your alarms I would do everything necessary to grab especially the slept king one because this one sold out very fast the last time and we are not going to be reprinting this this is a a one-time deal and also the 80s trio by that fast as well too because we may not reprint it for a long time 80s trios is specifically 2018 yeah for sure okay just like it we're really good at selling merch yeah energy how do you feel kalila your beautiful nice my favorite one my only oh wait no you hear that she was here alone is what I'm saying cuz her family had left my niece from the Philippines she stayed here with me for three months and it's a pity Bobby and I didn't talk about it today cuz we are devastated that she's little she left yesterday and it really brought us closer together yeah it felt like having but we were parenting a teenager sure granted she is very mature a very behaved teenager so maybe that made it a positive experience I wonder how curious to see Jesus [ __ ] Christ go be okay it was an emotional experience left yesterday at LAX International yeah we're Burbank no LAX um here here's going oh he's gonna relax now yeah it was just nice having her and I think to myself like would I be a good parent to a teenager like what if she was a shitty teen I wonder if I'd be able to to deal with her probably not I think so I think you probably did better a teen in any like of the live stages probably best at teen that's like yeah that's your wheelhouse I don't think that ten-year-olds are my thing you need high school because that's like I'm ready about to go 18 I feel like you have a lot of wisdom in that transitional period yes I might have given her like really wrong advice though yeah I think I walked in one time in you it just was something about sex everyone it was I basically told her that you know you live in if you live in a country where everything they shame you for everything especially your sexuality and especially if you're a girl and when I was telling her it's like you can do I don't care what you do with your vagina as long as you don't walk away feeling ashamed feeling bad getting an STD or pregnant those are my four rules whatever if you want to enjoy and explore your sexuality by all means do just abide by those four rules yeah don't get sick don't get pregnant and enjoy yourself if you're putting yourself in situations where you're walking away feeling like [ __ ] it probably wasn't a situation to have gone into mmm and she'll figure that on their own oh yeah the journey but yeah we were really sad and on many occasions Bobby like sat her down it was like can I legally adopt you I heard him saying that when I walked in so much he's such a great girl so shout out to Jules we missed you we miss you Jules and if you don't know who Jules is you'll see her follow our IG cuz she's modeling some of the tiger because she's so pretty so pretty um is there any oh yeah it was at ears at LAX did everyone hold their composure pretty well go be my [ __ ] god cut this out no we're keeping it in this is this is real life now what'd you say that cheese anyways are there any reverse shoutouts shoutouts you want to make to your peoples I know absolutely none absolutely none George shoutout to Argentina for finally actually winning and getting through to the round of 16 each other and somebody said that in the last was it like five years of internationals Messi has only scored five goals and in the last like 60 minutes of playing Harry Kane has corn five calls or some [ __ ] like that you know there's different teams surrounding each player so I know but Argentina is you guys there's don't you have de Maria yeah do you have a player strikers in the world there's just no defense there's no back that's true [ __ ] Argentina go Mexico Portugal although who cares like his eyebrows I know you know what's so weird I'm sure that I am the new minority for sure here but I don't find him attractive I know he looks grotesque now no I mean even in his I'm he's a handsome man of course you're like okay I guess but there's nothing about him that makes my inguinal region you know fire up I just like greatness so of course that's me and my ovaries are fine your ovaries are in tuk Gilbert's ovaries are in there okay everyone but come on guys Mexico all the way oh yeah oh yeah you're wearing a [ __ ] art most of the way well our dirty tub it scared me that way with you this year we'll see okay well let's go Mexico beat Sweden are you wearing it our Mexico kit let's uh me yeah she speak Spanish yeah babies live in LA he's basically a Mexican food I was an honorary Mexican buy it from the time I was like 15 years old do you have any quinceañeras I've been to 67 almost a first of all that's the most ridiculous never anyone could ever say this usually the third guy the third guy I ever made out with in the United States was like my friends older uncle at a quinceañera I was underage he was probably like 13 I swear to God don't see a therapist but I mean you know okay we trust you 67 kids in here as you are right well that's good everyone cloudless pass again very storied past you have I have I know you guys don't even know the name of the first guy ever that was in America Chico Chico no Henry no why would I make out with a guy named Henry Marcelo's no that's probably closer though no it was a it was a guy named Jerome I'll talk about it Jarek no Jerome German he was the only guy willing to make out with like [ __ ] I was like a meat grinder I had braces and a bowl cut okay he was nice enough it was a charitable makeout sesh storied past with Klaus all right guys makes you falls on Tiger belly on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at that tiger belly most any questions at the tiger belly at George where can we follow you did you uh George underscore camel added on Instagram and kalila working we filed at calamity K and hey Bryce he's not here but we still do now is we still trying to get Matt or a surprise we are month and a half and your if you already follow George Kimmel definitely on following and instead you should follow Bryce Halleck what do you want to see pictures of the tiniest fish I like fish and don't you make fun of his bait fish like that it is called species fishing our micro he has a point to all this I think that the world focuses too much on eating the four for seafood and we're depleting the ocean in a really bad way and he focuses on catching the tiniest fish possible sustainable George Kimmel well the battle continues so stay tuned with Tiger belly a thin lips where could we follow you plx thank you for saying je ne LX if you didn't catch that from off and then all bobbies tour dates and Bobby Lee live oh you guys Bobby will be in San Antonio this weekend so you're my tickets I will not be there because I have six animals to take care of okay including one puppy who is still very available and you can go to made a rescue to adopt ma e day mmm-hmm thanks George thanks man maybe that was actually a good thing because Mayday is usual yeah it's MA EDA why thank you and shout out to our sponsors for your three free meals go to blue apron comm slash belly and thanks to science baldness can be optional get a trial month for five dollars at four hams comm slash belly I think it's like fifty bucks so it actually has a legit deal I'm just gonna do it and I mean I already did do it don't miss your summer mattress tapings 406 dollars off go to Lisa dot-com [Music] [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 181,623
Rating: 4.7904058 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, all things comedy, Mr rogers, neighborhood, adam ray, wolverine, universal, back lot, hollywood, interview, audition, american vandal, about last night, stand up, laugh factory
Id: EGbQrJjUgFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 22sec (6322 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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