Taran Killam & Little Whale Teeth | TigerBelly 116

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[Music] zip recruiter zip zip recruiter zip recorder zip zip record if you need somebody for a job you go to zip recruiters recruiter zip zip recruiter oh yeah good hey guys man if I had a business mmm any kind of business and I need to find employees and people that like fill positions what would I go we were rehearsing this guy's I know we should I wrote the song we rehearsed this but anyway tell them about zip recorder Gil because I'm a big fan zip recruiter you can post your jobs over 100 of the web's leading job boards with just one click yeah not two clicks about one click one click so find out today why zip recruiter has been used by growing businesses of all sizes and industries to find the most qualified job candidates with immediate results right like Facebook uses it but then you even have a small like pastry shop it's from from pastry shop I mean you can use zip recruiter there's no size too small or too big and right now our listeners can post jobs on zip recruiter for free that's right free just go to zip recruiter comm slash belly that's zip recruiter dot-com slash belly lose the guys use it guys we use it one more time you think we got Jason zip recruit a record of zip zip recruiter let me tell you about the recruiter boom man George Clooney I was at a [ __ ] rave in the desert all right what rate was this Burning Man - OH then a second one they had a second one right I'm at Burning Man - I'm dancing I have my glow sticks right I have my little green bell-bottoms on and George Clooney taps me on the shoulder what's up George he was completely naked I don't know why George Burning Man yeah cuz I have a why because I'm launching a whiskey company oh right it's fine oke oke tastes Clooney Oakes yeah cooling eoqs right that's what he said right he goes I need a staff I go zip zip I've seen the song I sing the song and then we took some ecstasy and we [ __ ] each other but my point is I can't put that kid no you can put that in okay I'm being real though that happened and also I'll go to the zip recruiter zip recruiter calm / belly one more time to try to get it for one more time to try it for free goto zip recruiter calm it / Delhi do it cuz George Clooney does five four three two one through welcome know enough another [ __ ] flat face [ __ ] thank you so much so my bad are you [ __ ] Filipino Tiger barely podcasted I'm so excited today because um we have a guest but I want to introduce the people in the room before we introduce the guests we have um I'm so sorry for say even saying that which one calling your flat five face that was rude up front unless I should open that way it's accurate you're a human thank you you go look at but you are I'm pretty sure okay we got um kalila my girlfriend yeah all day every day Hollywood nights 2017 we got georgetown USA aka she just [ __ ] carve your skin to make lampshades oh right here we got skin skin and then when our poking my [ __ ] brain right now behind it [ __ ] yo do me his nose poking my [ __ ] from behind stop talking to Shane ethically and [ __ ] bro and we got dude on we got taran killam give him a round of applause everybody that's so nice thank you God Ali Madrigal goes would you have taran killam on your podcast I didn't think we could even come on what could we know each other yeah I consider you a bud do you not is that not nice not even a putt though you know what I said to you yeah thank you and I went to Nam together sure yeah like you know like when you go to see somebody from Nam for a while huh huh right well I mean Miss Saigon yeah yeah I know you do have ever been them nah me in a war situation nice I have a lot of Canadian friends who vacation there now that's what it's become you can even my wife is yeah that's good they're great people don't know this and if you do you don't but let me tell you learn and unlearn okay is that when I my first show was AB some people a lot of people know was MADtv and I tested to get on the show with Karen was young I ride us to us yeah Oh their lives which one would we want [ __ ] or regular white yeah I'm sure that's not what they say said in the road were you 19 Dan how old are you 30 [Laughter] no we hung out cuz we met they brought us in for rehearsals - and we met there we went to Hollywood Center studios and did that hold like studio session things yeah it was either you or handle it no no it was not like a we tested we auditioned rehearsed and then tested together we played video games afterwards right at that lot they did Fox at the time they had like two or three like up right video you know yeah they want to be about James yeah yeah and we just played in the lobby after after testing you know and then saw Nicole in the parking yeah she was like you guys both the grade don't worry about it and then I got called that day how do too yeah so but I didn't see you again until virgin megastore do you remember that no I ran into you but like a week maybe two later at virgin megastore at Crescent Heights and sunset and I didn't know if you got it and I was like hey yeah alright and you're like and I was like hey I got it oh wow and I was like oh and then the first thing you said is have you used it to get laid yet and I said no yeah we yeah I think I probably my voice crash oh my god some people so perfect this guy yeah Wow oh my god you're both [ __ ] killed me just now but bro don't ever do that again kidding no you're so good and then so there was no internet by that back then you know didn't research Google like yeah yeah yeah and and and the first thing I read was TV Guide they'd like announced it in TV Guide and it was like like a hard meeting a hard copy exactly yeah I get 3/4 rectangle did they have the Internet I don't remember they did he was like that yeah dial-up oh that's something out of there and then uh talking amanda Bynes at the time that is true yeah huh but this is uh you don't talk to her anymore I had no no she we were dating a little over two years and then she wisely broke up with me Wow we were very young as you know but that she did that destroy your news I was very sad very sad really yeah yeah oh my god very very since I remember her because she would show up to LA he came and would hang and hang out and stopped and I'd be like oh she's so eight in fact every time I would run into her after that just so sweet she's just the nicest yeah charming and imagine them at that age hello Dean Hirsch oh yeah I did it was sort of my first job out of high school was like I did like ended up doing seven episodes of her show thanks man it's a testament I'm standing yeah look at this it's a testament to your talent that you're able to go from Nickelodeon mm-hmm and also due to sketch shows but only to really that was on at the time really you know it really is a it's it's amazing thanks buddy how do you feel it was nice good color on you go I'm the [ __ ] or no no I would never do I would I look and I go okay I go that's that's pretty cool that's yeah impressive so we did a year and it was it wasn't but we did like a like 13 right come on I hired four four and then and they and you me and Catherine Catherine got tired a little bit later than unless it Fiori if you're right and and and it was like in the first the first 13 episodes we would overlap so you and I all needed like two episodes together and then you do it too with Catherine and then you do two by your side it was so weird yeah it was so weird and also it was like almost like they were you know you you think that you were you're inviting to this family and then you know because there's guys that have been on this show for a very long time and it doesn't feel warm sure you know that some people are like no yeah like hi you go good morning they go no yeah okay for sure and then there's some people are gay ka Will Sasso oh the best is the best here's a guy who is warm Canadian Canadian and in you know my opinion I'm sure I'm biased now liking himself but the funniest - oh yeah what are the funniest yeah yeah in fact of one where was I was there like I'd like to come on thin he was like come to my house is a barbecue and like that kind of thing without that gesture yeah I might have survived totally yeah hi there was there like I can count on one hand the people who went out of their way Mike Hitchcock was one from all he's the best the best yeah he really looked out for me when I sold the show after I yeah Jennifer Joyce was very kind one of the best Jewish yeah Scott King yeah I mean the all those guys even like Lauren Dombrowski was Maya yeah yeah same same I loved Lauren too but uh so then you did 13 in the nose at I did 13 and they asked me back but wanted to ask me back for 17 of 22 they're like trying to renegotiate cuz you know if you got what it was supposed to be the full 22 or whatever and my reps at the time were like you don't need it forget them that's insulting and I listened to them was that regretable or no probably not at the time it was tough yeah cuz even 17 is like a serious salary for a 20 year old yeah I left college to do the show and couldn't really get back in so like my parents were a little bit like what the [ __ ] are you saying no to work yeah long term they worked out good Oh amazing yeah because when you left then they brought Mike and Josh Meyers right and that's where my pain started because these two kids like if you don't know Josh is Seth Meyers his younger brother Ike Barinholtz is on the Mindy project and I never know everything right now and they work together they were a do on the August rocket right yeah you're so smart you know everything about that stuff yeah yeah and they and the writers knew them to rise well right sure and I was a stand-up and I didn't know how to do it yet I still might not know how I could even you know they say that the old term fake it to you makeup yeah do that well I mean like we attempted a couple of Tyra member us trying to like ride a snowboard sketch also because we didn't have real dressing rooms we were in a trailer outside of the building try we're in like that were the new kid yeah yeah everybody else had like DS and against a so it was the year that the Tenacious D album came out so I would go into his dressing room and he'd play the songs and we'd sing him again oh yeah he's the back yes and that was um that was the year where my first sketch was I played Jackie Chan of course absolutely played Chris Tucker and Will Sasso was Lance Bass and we're on see what happens and I remember lives on the cover of peeple right now oh really I feel like those amazing yeah that would be amazing they should do that movie or whatever but oh good so they had me on they had me in early I was the earliest guy for the call sheet but I was the last sketch this is about you know the kinetic with the prosthetic nose yes this is back in the day when otherwise it wouldn't have looked like Jackie Chan was that a racial dig no I'm just saying I had a killer channel but they had me in early but then I was the last sketch wouldn't like if I had to do it now I'm the last I'm gonna come in last right but they could just like put me in at five of the mornings only have me sit there all day you know man but anyway you get the Pat you get the the print out the email so obviously there's internet the night before of the list and you'd like I would go through and like which parts am I gonna read and my stress oh my the table like did help those are the yeah were they the worst they were tricky they were tricky in what way because you didn't get him emailed they would drop it off at your house that's right right by mail right somebody would literally drive round your house yes and packets were like this stage yeah they would read like 45 sketches and they would pick six and you sit at like a Last Supper table with all the cast right so you're all like side by side with everybody can't really yeah actor relate and it's just all the producers and writers across from him but network across from me I did you know get fired at these table reads like if you don't think so terribly me not in my time they're not in my experience well I mean not on our show but you've heard of it and our pilots pilots frequently yeah yeah but here's the problem all right so you're four there's 43 sketches that you get but you might be in for yeah yeah right and if the only they pick six then out of 43 that would mean nothing mm-hmm and I remember go that's what was hard for me is I would go through the thing your name's not and I would be Japanese businessman number one I have no line oh I'm a [ __ ] tree not a tree not be up there like a [ __ ] tree yeah and it had nothing to do with the sketch it was like I don't know what else to do with them all right yeah we got to put a minute you know and I remember I just didn't know how to do it and I remember like even just stuttering were you know what they did to meet Aaron when you left this is what they did left özkan here they made a there was a tape passed around to all the riders of all my flub lines and I was like a joke real kind of a thing they were passing around for a year it was like not you know afraid was like one of those things like you know how you like we'd watch youtube videos of like a lady slipping on grapes and breaking her back yeah but that was not me and yeah when I find that I saw the tape and it said Bobby and I don't know whatever Bobby's a [ __ ] idiot or whatever on the fan like what is that no there well that's every scene you do right God and I was just like you guys made that I think super funny the source was it's tricky because there's also such power and I found this true at SNL as well that the writers have this weird power where they are determining the material for the most parts and with no vocal risk right like no no no perceptible risk because you know forty sketches and you can barely remember but if you're the one who has to read it in front of all of your peers yeah it's a real unfair pressure and I'm sure like that was put together sort of like you know ha ha ha comedy people razzing and roasted but but without the empathy of like what you have to go to yeah every week yourself out asking everybody on the show out to the dance basically yeah yeah yeah yeah that was the pressure on SNL worse well I knew what I was doing at SNL after men TV all the people most of the people who were nice came from Groundlings so I started taking classes there after I left MADtv like I didn't know that classic Groundlings yeah so I felt more prepared and I did feel MADtv in some way prepared me for an environment for a harsh environment for critical and and and for disposable creative effort yeah but then you also feel the status of it and that's a different kind of pressure to of the institution that it is and and what it means to be there yes alone the guest stars on it I mean sure must be too sure I'm you're getting the cream yeah yeah I was more excited and giddy probably mostly because of my youth but also because the year I was there blink-182 hosted my favorite place at that point Tenacious D and Jack Black were there lost my damn mind I couldn't believe it so it's more of a nerd about that because there's also my first experience with that yeah and you learned pretty quickly at SNL to kind of get over them the fame element it's only gonna serve you to treat them like a like why yes yeah I mean will you like Lauren was that scary it was he certainly intimidating yeah absolutely intimidating and and over all over my whole time it's weird because I saw both very good and very kind and very complimentary and supportive and human moments yeah and then and then opposite very dismissive very cold very what felt like you know passive punishment type moments as well yeah yeah but you ever get like even on like a man I mean tickle sushi is not even the same element right sushi was our right producer but they were got to the point where I could call him sure and go what's up you know man yeah the Vicky is that if you can't do that with it I got email like that's the closest ago I got an email right but certainly like David Salzmann is much more accessible you can approach them and come to their house show up what's up I've been for yeah I before thing yeah yeah so yeah cuz I but everyone I found to know and if you read live from New York and just some of these it's just I wouldn't I honestly when I found out you were on the show I'm a good free him he's so talented but I just know for me I just wouldn't be able to do it it's tough it's out it's tough yeah you are a sensitive little bird yeah paranoid still paranoid yeah still paranoid oh yeah then it would it would destroy no I know what I mean I get destroyed now in the simplest things you know like video village I I can't I did it yeah you do a take and you're like your peripherals on video village yeah and then you just imagine what they're saying about you I do what I write right but you see you have the job see all those little thing you're doing right now you're a little bit crafty [ __ ] drone up [ __ ] director tactics it's great no it's no you're riot cash the check yeah but I know I know but that's the check let me just see something to you great did you learn that yeah certainly over time AI in that what are you gonna benefit from being paranoid or are you gonna catch them like is that is that the idea is your paranoia gonna lead you to catching them and then you're not made a fool they're the fool cuz they're caught red-handed and you were you have the upper hand for being so insightful and observant observant is that that's the best scenario right that's exhausting and who cares that's why this is exactly what I needed because their [ __ ] isn't your [ __ ] right people who make a tape about you and put it around and laugh and it makes you feel bad that's there that's on them that's not that's not a judgment that's not right reflection of who you are as a performer as it okay because I bought the tape up though right huh you could understand though when you experienced something like that yes right you think in your head it's you get PTSD from it sure I believe it so then you I carry that into every job now I don't I don't behave in an erratic way they don't think oh my god Bobby's paranoia I keep it to myself I come home and she gets it I mean this poor girl I mean it's like yeah last week's rap party it was like he was there for an hour and he came back just sobbing no one likes me yeah it's I know it's part of it like I think I think you have not you the Royal you either have a tendency towards that or don't you know our chemical makeup but I definitely if you're nice and you're a good person and your intention is good [ __ ] everybody else right yeah and you may have made a good point beforehand it's like if they're saying we're moving on yeah you know it's basically them saying we got what we needed yes your job did your job yeah thank you and we're leaving I just want them to suck my dick everyone's well but they're not gonna do that I hear you yeah yeah no exactly especially if especially on a scripted show where your character is locked you're hired for a weekly episodic yeah if they only need two takes and they say great moving on you did your job Wow right yeah yeah yeah it's their job to say to you we need something different and if they don't do that then either they're bad at their job or they have what they want and that's on them that's not on you Wow I needed him [ __ ] go baby that was out of whack man well I was wet as wet there's a shallow wipe time yeah I'm I'm at my age now I really believe it's not I'm breaking down 46 that's not that's fine what that's fine I understand by that but I don't live well okay I mean there's some healthy snacks what do we go we got a jug of brittle we have toffee brittle I hate these dried mangoes Lacroix right cucumber Lacroix let me ask you something about Lacroix I don't know sponsors no all of a sudden yeah for sure it is it is the zero calorie it's the flavouring but it's still not necessarily great for you because of the carbonation right for your teeth in particular what is that what does it do with your carpet now here's a new paranoia I know what is [ __ ] carbonation dude your teeth it it it erodes the enamel and yeah if you if you are constantly doing it if you you know they have those videos online you can see if you leave a tooth tell him oh dear he has four enamels a total maintain and the rest are just raw nerves whale teeth look like I mean it's like little straw there are just certain things I've learned over time you can chew meat with gum you can even death takes a while yeah it hurts but you better too maybe yeah but you know back in the day when you'd see like all those people would go to uni God you come gun you know yeah oh you look at my I hit look fine right you would you like my teeth right you look the same as when we met and I think you look exactly the same you look more of a man yeah your boyish back that I was very young you know but all the teeth that you see are the ones that exist the back there's no okay yeah there is no back okay because I don't floss yeah yeah I brush but once a day okay and I didn't go to dentist for like 15 years right but you go now yeah so do you have super teeth nothing you're not you just wonder if they could put just one giant molar yeah they're you know instead of pretty multiple molars or like a Bond villain to home chopper that's got like two giant metal like speed Stimpy for ones to be like a gigantic - yeah back there hey yeah that's a great idea would I have to suggest it to them they already have it they do that sometimes when they don't they don't put the proper tooth in the right place when they implant the teeth because they don't want to create gaps where things can get in between sure so the cosmetic dentists will usually say hey we'll put a bigger one here just so there aren't any gaps between your teeth oh so you can tell them instead of making a molar make a giant molar that's dope whoa or like have like just one long curved like yeah exactly like a mouth guard yeah just one giant one yeah like the grills like mask teeth like Jim Carrey's the masks yeah yeah yeah that's what I want that that's what I want but would they is that the type where they shaved down the tooth and then they put it on top and they drill it in and they have to like do they drill those veneers when they shave it down to like one of those stupid ears all the way to the battery your front teeth are fine those are actually those have to be implanted know what you did you shave down the front teeth right then you put the veneers on top of it but make the whole thing truly in choir for you I'll take a dentist let's ask that you have two kids now I have two children yeah yeah I know shailen and Joelle hmm Jill Wells a boy they're both female Karl Joelle is the girl's name joy Joel is Jolie that's not Jolie - God are they twins no eight and three years old you have a [ __ ] eight-year-old yeah yeah yeah bro wait wait so when I am when I am your age she will have spent a year at college oh my [ __ ] god this isn't blowing my [ __ ] mind out of the water right now yeah a little behind on the game but we aborted to [Applause] [Laughter] literally clean the game there one down seven again not gonna dance again but my point is is that so before you got SNL you had your first daughter correct how did that see you Lou you were living in LA yeah and then my wife I was on a TV show here Jaime oh yes exactly and so for the first four seasons I was flying back and forth between every hiatus week I'd come back to LA oh my there's a locking God for years yeah there's a ton Wow yeah do you come back for a week correct you wait wait you so you would shoot three weeks and then or how it does it mixed it up yeah like three on one off two on two off it's all choppy all right right right and you come back yeah and then spend a week correct I think I have to go back the worst yeah the worst and did they pay mm I don't know how much you made but like in the beginning will tell you this what the you can say it if you want I made starting on SNL yeah three thousand dollars less a week then we initially got paid on MADtv ten years ago and I know that number really yeah that's in suede haha yeah see that's and they do they put you up they give you a relocation fee okay one time and if you have kids it's a little bit bigger yeah wow that's insane yeah yeah and they can do that they do it yeah you think people go to the Comedy Store and they go wow look at this lineup right how much you getting paid 15 bucks all right the people can't believe it why do you do it it's just you have to do it to compete yeah they're just certain things you do and you go this is gonna be beneficial to my life because in the long run you're gonna make so much more I mean that's just the beginning right and it did so much for you the opportunities that have come your life yeah yeah yeah I mean you became like the guy yeah the funny white dude on SNL yeah and it you know get it so funny because you know you and I it's whisper you now haven't you know each other and then like you'd be then you got on that and I was just like maybe he'll forget about me no you think that in your head like oh they're in a different club remember when we're two that CAA party I'm like this is the clubhouse like now I'm story getting invited to like the club again okay because I was out for years so I was holding her hand and we're walking in the music was playing and you get the little foods back into the club right and so you think that when people go to the clubhouse they forget but they don't know why you're not looking at me babe you're just a difficult face to forget altogether just your shape your overall shape very it was an intimate experience I think us getting hired on that show - yeah like and I and I would go and see you perform at The Comedy Store and I like done that and watching you do your thing and then hanging out in the parking lot after what you know like yeah it was so many first so intense so exciting yeah yeah you know when we did was I'm gonna name the name like you won you and I where that's testing for the show yeah we hit the studio at Hollywood Center studios and there was an actress there who we left I go oh you get a test you guys nah I'm asking for 10 grand what's what she said well at the time it was about $6,500 yeah if you think like fifty five hundred dollars I think 75 was what I remember that's what you got right and she never tested she won't ask for the money in they said well right 12 years later I'm at a restaurant and she was my waitress egg the first thing that she said to me not even high was I shouldn't take in it I should have taken it Wow damn and I go it made me want to cry sure because it's like one just one ego decision like that you know he was when you know what he didn't go back to Matt I think we were all fine he's a young guy he's talented you had already done stuff before that but with her it was the first thing I just don't think you can make those kind of decisions especially now now it's so difficult do you think so there's so much more to do now yeah but you don't sue in order to make it you to read I think it's hard to make it but Mikey look at like what are the the brothers that do videos on you to the Paul logo the Paul's ambition it's always ambition right hard work and ambition always but it but Paul I don't know the two you're talking about but that's lighting the bottle [ __ ] right they don't I mean like everyone here's the thing as well what it is is you guys YouTube guys and and and that sort of celebrity is all about access right there willing to give all of themselves to their fans welcome to my house here's my bathroom here this is my ad lucky they give the address and like some crazy show up and hang out yeah yeah and that's a different kind of thing but they make a very decent living very good living yeah you know and then but I preferred the style now as soon as mad happened did that help stand up didn't that help like your your booking yeah but what happened was i after mad i had a deal a couple of deals and i did a couple of pilots didn't work out and then I just slowly started not being invited to getting auditions you know it couldn't get back in the room and then I just was talking to my agent he was like I go I don't know how am I gonna make money it's been a couple years now and he goes you gotta do the wrong and so I started doing the road and I stayed on the road for a while and I would headline and it's fun you make great money but it gets to the point I love meeting people and I love you know the experience some of the experiences but it gets to the point where it's really dreadfully depressing you know because you're in the woods like some club clubs you're in the woods for like a week yeah you turn on the TV and you see your friends doing [ __ ] you know man I know why you're laughing you like my pain right I remember being in like my forever being in Nebraska or something and I remember like my friend was on TV and I was on in the shitty hotel room and just tears yeah during the dick comic it was so hot it was coming down my face yeah yeah and then what happened was I just you just let it go yeah years ago that's not my life now I had to figure it out and then once I accepted my situation I started doing Chelsea Lately and then um they got then that one year I got animal practice the dictator a bunch of [ __ ] you know I mean and then it's been fine since then but my point though is is that you know there I believed that that was good for me yeah anyone listening now everyone listening now let me just say something right now right feedback in you know the bad times are good you learned so much from the better well you laughing you [ __ ] nut you all [ __ ] whip your my I can't what might they got any more I know everyone's seen it I have only seen it in a performance that's what I'm saying like she was saying even in performance well just to be just to err on the safe side since everything's really you know dangerous right now I'm just saying you're you're seen already by a lot as like someone who's sexually deviant because that's the image you you put out so let's just err on the safe side and don't farm on stage don't you appeal it Toki the dumb dumb want to come out I can't print okay the double you can't yeah wants to play though yeah Toki's going on sabbatical put you on a cruise but let me say something though in a pile give you an example alright a stripper great sure a stripper goes up you write your case and shows you Katie in a vagina that's one thing she's performing right keyboard there to see that but if people already know that I'm old I'm kind of a stripper and I don't touch them in a sexual way right and a sack falls out I mean what if toki is like my limbs now where was it what was it in before what do you mean why did where do the sack fall out of the crew [ __ ] no God I gotta got it I have a hole it's exactly way to put buffet right Toki comes out the sack is up inside of something what do you mean exactly yeah yeah no this is the SEC I had work clothing were hokey can breathe dot it all right they're like Windows uh-huh okay my jeans have windows great and everyone said well Toki we'll stick on a limb and go it's hot through like through like the the potty hole yeah yeah yeah you're pulling him out of there yes and he brings a friend along yeah it's a part of him being a friend I get you're saying yeah yeah yeah so if it okay all right so Toki peeks his little eye out of the little window yeah yeah and a human seer sure in a show environment okay could that get me in trouble I don't know I don't know he's that Toki I don't think it should but I know he's not going I want it I want to go inside you that's not what Toki's doing that's not Yankees character he would never get at you so well we did share out to be Michael McDonald won't talk to you Wow bro yeah and then one day can I tell you the most hurtful thing he did yeah it's the second year I was there and I was friends with Ike and Josh mm-hmm and I was one weekend and I called I can I go what are you doing let's go watch a movie or something because we're all out in Sonoma you know who that's about and Mike had invited everyone there mm-hmm and I wasn't invited that's rough and so for years you know I would be scared of him and stuff but because because eight years and then like year four five yeah really good friends like yeah exactly where he's been he's only to me now yes exactly you know I like you know what I like guys where I have to earn their friendship I agree sometimes in some situations I agree because it's like you know if you know you look at guys like um like back in the day when I was a young guy like dice mm-hmm you know you guys they think what you want but as a stand up diced wasn't inviting in the beginning and then once you years go by and he could tell that you're not gonna go away you know your own kid that's like in it then when there's like a king oh you used to call me ching-ching are you doing and you go oh my god you know if he hadn't done that right away and he still doesn't know my name but so you won [ __ ] YouTube Jeremy or whatever but like I'm glad that he I had to earn his you know min respect yeah prefer I prefer when people are just nice that's good yeah yeah you know yeah a little bit better but don't sometimes people don't turn no this is true some people just stayed dicks yes that's true and I have I've had to learn that too mhm you're not gonna like everybody and not everybody's gonna like you and but in this rule a nice [ __ ] [ __ ] that is true yeah I think there are because you've always been a nice guy but you also have the talent hear me out okay you're nice okay so you're cute as [ __ ] that's cool what thanks cool you're welcome yeah you're welcome thank you okay am i all right you're great thank you you're adorable I want to that's all I wanted I your hair loopies phenomen okay okay let's move on too much yeah pushing down your cutest [ __ ] you're super funny dude I was gonna legitimately when I'm about to cry I lifted me illegitimate would think that thanks - all right number three um you're sweet you're sweet guy okay so when somebody like you works I go okay I get it he has all of it right you have the same thing you're not cute but you're nice guy sounds good he's got inside you you've done things George you're a good dude you do things for me and I really like it what about skin skin everything but your nose is great I love you hey you know we're gonna say this I'm deposit what I just did you got you're a child of God and you are who you are and I enjoy everything about you no but but back to the tape people made where they made fun of you and do you ever worry that maybe you do that to other people I do now I do do it in jest I think you probably justified like I'm in jest yeah I can do it I know she I stopped doing it only you can answer that Oh guys gray 15 years I'm [ __ ] Yoda oh yeah that's it really 15 I haven't seen number two why it hasn't been I mean I like it they're feeling we've crossed paths either at the store or yeah or it functions yeah I've seen you yeah we see you it's nice yeah yeah I see me well maybe you do you do that you do that with all of us yeah you do you are you able to tell the difference when you're giving somebody a hard time because you're joke because you're doing bit you're in bit mode and when you're doing it cuz there's really some truth to it can you can I just say this 99.9% of the time there's never truth to it right I never I'm never harsh on anybody if it's not a joke I do it just strictly on joke yeah on that level I don't even remember the last time where I was really berating somebody because I was so angry that's true that's true right I mean I and so on I used to tackle guys and just like tickle is done in in a in a in a pro way heterosexual way yeah Ollie sure Polly sure goes you know you learned that for me I did right and I remember yeah because four years he used to pin me down oh wow and tickle me and so you know I've learned all this bad behavior you remember that like like pot commercial or the dad standing over the bed he's like where did you get this [Laughter] tickling yeah the tape thing maybe the tape thing sparked something in me maybe all these little things that I'm speaking more to because I've always found you to be very kind and very jovial very joyful in my experience with you limited as it may be I've never got super personal but always very pleasant and comedy in itself has a cynicism and has a negativity and has especially comedians with comedians I have found you remove tact or or manners or you know you can get two truths faster because you take you take for granted sometimes for good and sometimes for bad that we're here we're here to laugh we're on the same page there's an unspoken rule that what we're doing is we're getting to the laughs by any means necessary and it's you know with an audience you have to find the line but with comedians you I at least speaking for myself feel more safe breaking the liner or pushing it around or cross it you know yeah and it's and it's a very different thing that someone who isn't existing in comedy would hear some of the things said and be horrified like yeah truly mortified right and you have to then like backtrack and go no no no understanding this is not who I add kind of a character and we kind of say it because it's not the appropriate thing to say cuz that's funny and it's taboo and we're trying to shock each other yeah and it's tricky it is tricky and sometimes it bleeds over by accident exactly right oh sure you'll say something and they'll be like what right oh [ __ ] yeah bad you know like when I first met Chris D'Elia two meals in he goes bring out Toki so I took out my penis and I did a little show for him right yeah hey and I talked about this yeah yeah and I would have put the little sacks on it with the hand you say you know very talented as well focus focus it's like a baby or an animal but you're like kyndra - when I met you a childlike theme that you but then you you do that like you know I'll go to on the road and some like doorman will pick me up to bring me to press right and I'll poke him in the belly you fat [ __ ] hear me hello good morning you know yeah like all through high school in college like dead baby jokes was a thing yeah all right and like now I'm a father of two there's no way I can get away with doing a dead baby joke get like they're potluck baby joke what what's what's grosser than gross what trash can full of dead babies what's grosser than that what ones alive eating its way to the top I got one yeah but then I'll just say it and then you guys you could delete it okay I can't write a Christmas tree joke oh okay another comic constraints I love the classic street what's the best thing about making love to a 12 year old girl all right boy I'll just go boy okay daughter's right what is it I believe if I'm recalling correctly from memory yeah your penis so looks so big in their little heads lubrication [Laughter] [Music] yeah that's not the worse that you could do yeah but imagine doing it like you know anyway uh did you guys read The New Yorker oh boy lady no well not that much of a seg because it still has to do with well sort of not pedophilia but Weinstein you hear about read about his army of spies on the New Yorker so it turns out this guy hired actual like Israeli intelligence to go after the women who were making allegations about him to suppress them journalists who are about to journalists who were gonna out him Rose McGowan and a lot of other women's he would he basically had it's a company called black cube and it's a great name it's so cool so he so a good eye as a civilian hire black cube if you had the money I'm sure but you know at the end of the day I don't know if I've said this before and I'm gonna tread lightly all right much is that Harvey Weinstein has a disease he has a mental disease it's sex addiction I know it's it's abusive power is not a mental disease no it's there's he is a bad guy I'm at he's he's got all that other stuff too but at the end of the day it's also a treatable thing that usually it's treatable I mean it's treatable but you know by way higher yeah by putting the guy away otherwise he could if he would have done this for the rest of his life even if he was actively getting treatment my belief is when you're so drunk on that power as he was and he's going through you know going going as far as to hire that in like Israel yeah yeah yeah that's crazy yeah you're right sir what isn't right that's beyond there's nothing to defend him about I'm just trying to look at it in a way if he was my uncle if Harvey was my uncle what would I have to do Bobby forgot about the uncle rule this has been addressing sex yeah with Bobby Lee and then Stacy do Spacey - it's like yeah I mean the people that are on the set of house of cards yeah are saying yeah I was telling her in the car ago I've been on many sets all right mm-hmm not to brag where's the camera that's dough okay and um I don't know like I show I try show up uh-huh you know I mean I I think I'll go to the dress code at makeup I'd do it huh we need you on set I go I do it and I I don't know how you get away with like squeezing a guy's dick you know like what what yeah it's job right right and then they let him do what they I'm a few years people just kind of go I know oh it's Kevin Spacey that's what he does insane thank goodness it's coming to light yeah yeah yeah yeah imagine but do you think the guys like that at Home Depot that's a manager at Home Depot aneesa's ago everywhere that guy would get fired right away it's because Kevin Spacey is talented and he's a movie star and all that stuff right you think people go I'm afraid yes right true yeah I'm afraid that I'll never work again this is my dream like other actors are like yeah that's what's [ __ ] up about it it's like he's taking advantage of people's dreams mm-hmm right like a young actor who's 14 this is what I want to do for the rest of my life this is amazing this guy just [ __ ] grabbed my dick right he's in man he has a lot of power right if I say anything I can get it I'm never gonna work again so they they get surprised that's [ __ ] off the brothers right and at the end of the day here's the message of the end of the show here's a message don't do it Brit could be gay you could jerk off or to pasture allowable yeah yeah just put your dick into cruise ships sail away you really understand the complexity yeah I don't like your tone there what are we doing that time our we are close to it's amazing wow this is what we do at the end turn yeah we do this thing called unhelpful advice okay and people email us questions I just want to say this too like I've had I we've had guests but you're in the excellence of the top Oh buddy you Stonestreet Jordan it's the same kind of like I just so glad that you did it thanks man appreciate it too but ask the question now I'm hopeful bars with Bobby kalila in taran killam all right this question is from sorry it's from what just happened I don't know Second City bro Derrick second city Oh naturally is that a filter is that just oh that's low that's amazing dude did you ever watch mr. show I can't we're at the end I know you could do whatever you want yeah mr. show was the show David Cross and it but you don't even need the hand Michael Clarke Duncan that's awesome that's a great back to deedstown I have a girlfriend that I've been with for almost five years and I have three kids with her recently she started doing drugs meth and drinking and the next time I seen her she had hickeys all over her neck decided this made me angry but more than anything I was deeply hurt should I work it out because we have children together or should I cut her off oh it's ssssss out yep read it again it's so crazy you gotta read it again I have a girlfriend okay I have a girlfriend that I had been with for almost five years five years and have three kids with her it went fast three kids died young recently she started doing drugs Matt Matt and drinking look [ __ ] this drinking it back and the next time I seen her she had hickeys all over her neck either meth scars or bruton that meth bruises or she's [ __ ] other guys decided Biggie's let's go thick use the side of this maybe the kids all right the side of this made me angry but more than anything I was deeply hurt should I work it out because we have children together or should I cut off all connection with her I am lost right now help me your fan this is called unhelpful advice right I do how I mean the real is you got to contact a lawyer you got have you got to keep track of everything that's happening you get a journal get a little moleskin keep track of well she leaves do a plug for moleskin they got they got unlined lying bored square also they have a little answering where you keep your place yeah it keeps its place right your place with a moleskin strange moleskin it's leather and also it's like what Edgar Allan Poe used Wow alright celebrity endorsement right go ahead so what well you just gotta keep trying you and you have to contact because you need to protect the kids yes first and foremost that's the real reality if you've been together five you have three none of them are older than two years to two and change me so you're saying you can't work you can't whip it out no I'm not saying that but I'm saying like order of business is we need to protect these children we need to contact either you know child services if you need help or or legal representation or family if you have that even if it's extended Bobby will pay to have your children taken to a family member yeah right travel even if they're out of state yeah Bobby will pay I'll pay for taxes yeah no but but protect the kids first and foremost is number one you and then begin the dialogue of is she willing to get help is she willing to you know address the certain issues but God if there's three kids get them I mean I I read an article this is not to be funny but um this meth couple they had a newborn and they boiled it yeah they boiled a baby alive in their stove okay that's how delusional and I would add baby Joe I would have believed that it wasn't meant to be funny without the I have a work at the punch salon yet but they boil the babe to this bit yeah I sense some things amuck something's problematic from your short email how can we possibly know the specifics and detail and back store in history of your relationship but that is not the priority the priorities not the relationship it's the children exactly and [ __ ] your own feelings if you're hurt that's not the priority all right that's the kids yes yeah it meant as a dangerous drug and we don't know how much she's doing it or what not but also at the end of the day it's like if she has a drug addiction yeah and she's [ __ ] around behind your back she's Nikhil obviously just she's innocent she's she's neglecting the children right unfit mother you got to get out of the situation you got to protect the kids Yeah right now the funny answer is this right unhelpful what recipe for boiled baby it's like mad [ __ ] is the best [ __ ] last for a while last for a while I'm going to defend it what it is is this is that if you okay I was I have the job that I'm on right okay show that I'm all right where you work on children no yeah yeah but to make my makeup artist is this gigantic bear of a man okay and he's up he's up oh my god I'm sorry anyway he told me that he was sober and they used to do math and then we talked to because I would I'd done math right and as a guy when you're doing that you jerk off for like 24 hours watching porn and you can't even come for you it's not the fact of jerking off or coming it's a fact that you just want to keep doing to feel yeah that's what I mean about meth [ __ ] is that she might not like it but she's gonna want to keep doing it you know I mean where's a regular girl that's not on math a boring sobieszczyk just not feeling it let's focus on you [Laughter] messy messy poses the greatest guy sorry oh so I suppose say this to you have you probably not entered the UFC but we need to talk about it real quick yeah yeah do it I'm sure Kallen do you hang with Cal yeah my most of my UFC viewing experiences are through Bryan Bryan Callen yeah rides one of my brothers yeah you dare you have done fight on the kid yet uh-huh yeah you know it some of my favorites yeah recently friend we could go to a nicer place we want to stay at home but last Saturday's fights I honestly three really good one yes yes the greatest card they've ever made I believe and the biggest upset in the history of UFC in my opinion Johanna eun-chae check getting knocked up by Rose namajunas in the first round was what did I do babe you were there on the ground and stay there crying you ran around for a while good while who she did you I did I ran a circle I fell on the ground did jumping jacks don't be jacked up when your brother started like hugging each other and flailing yeah we did that but the old move yeah the old the Korean way why is it an upset our favorite fighter is a woman okay so there's this guy I'll tell you why my friend yeah I'm glad you asked me yeah she was 14 to now undefeated yeah that's toughness and and she was destroyed I mean I mean it's like when she won the belt right it was like an adult fighting a five-year-old kid I mean that's the difference of skill level her 14th fight of no no no no no no no when so Johanna is 49 oh okay but when she got fought for the belt their championship belt yeah she was like seven - no okay okay and when she flosses champion she destroyed her the path that point was like oh my god she's levels above everyone right and this group that she fought last Saturday Rose was seven and four was a record she had lost a bunch yeah she was young yeah yeah and there was a what was that 99 to one chance percent chance to shoot oh wow yeah she was a crazy upset plus 400 and the end the way they said the only way she could win is to choke her out if she got real super creative and one minute within one minute yeah knocked her out yeah champion out girl that everyone thought was one of the pound-for-pound best fighters on planet earth yeah with men including yeah not just in general he's one of the greatest Wow and this girl from Denver just walked in there and she [ __ ] took care of business and it was shocking mm-hmm you know it's like you know it's insane Ronda Rousey hosted after she lost that fight oh wow and it was interesting to hear talk about it cuz she said what happened was very early on one of the hits knocked out her vision so she had no depth perception dance so it's like sometimes it's just something like that like yeah you got she got a fist to just the brow and it and it she was just seeing white in this eye and then had no depth perception so she could engage the English is what you know how she told it and and that was why you know it was it was over so fast for her - wow so it feels like when you're kicking and punching and hitting in the face yeah really anybody's game but you know what that's exactly exactly yeah yeah because and that proved it Saturday because I was obsessed with Johanna in fact I I still am but I was just like she did seven times through everyone Pato this girl did it it was a shocking and then like GSP coming back after four years pretty good another Canadian we love okay okay and then you know TJ Dillashaw doing what he did or care business yeah it was just a great night of bonding and it was nice it feels very close to the McGregor fight right is it yeah does it feel like a big event close to million a way you have what's up in his little bits a little bit this guy right here right here is one of those cons at white dudes right cgw yeah yeah that is just can survive in any situation this [ __ ] could be like in the polar icecaps yeah I mean like talking with a scientist and can talk about she'll like shelving we want to focus you want to focus on warming your chest right cuz your arms will take care you can get what ms-13 and they're like open game should have had it you know what you know what kind of whitey is Gigi I've said it before what GW give taran killam a round of applause everybody thank you so much easy to plug his movie uh uh yeah I directed a movie and wrote and acted in it with Arnold Schwarzenegger I saw the trailer it's on iTunes right yes so funny it really does it's really fun it's really dumb and what was huge real quick sure amazing amazing such a pro your direct user rock did it yeah he grabbed I'm so quick let me ask you this how did did you how did you get him um I had offered it to a different actor and that actors agent is Arnold's agent too and the other actress maybe I'm not good I wanted I don't want to know who spotless okay yeah I was at a gas but oh sorry and he said we give you Arnold Bruce thought about it for two weeks and they said would you consider Arnold and I was like yeah of course well yes and no only in that like I couldn't have before you said that yeah yeah yeah and he said they they just said he's doing smaller interesting stuff and looking to do a comedy and and so he read the script and we talked about it and we would meet with him we FaceTime together Oh awesome it was awesome first I always FaceTime and the first time he was like at Sun Valley he has like a big Sun Valley home in Idaho and his one of his assistants picks up first you know to be in case they called the wrong or whatever he's like hey town I'm gonna hand over Donald I know great and then are Lagasse smoking a cigar yeah yeah huge desk yeah and he's in front of a six-foot-tall oil painting of himself yeah that's the before this is the after amazing every interaction has just been like wow what I would be scared of his epic star yes did you give him notes yeah yeah and hear it and he was like just tell me what you want yeah let's get it let's do that's [ __ ] great use such gratulations that's amazing what's up movie called killing Gunther killing Gunther check it out guys and then you just did a movie with Kevin Hart yep and those guys hip knee Haddish Kevin Hart al imagine al Madrigal yes and Rob Riggle right Scott that's amazing cast it's a really that called it's called night school night next September amazing yeah and you do it some other [ __ ] to would talk about later okay thank you so much not really but yeah I love you and I'm happy to see you will we be back well yes we'll be right back guys hello guys we are back Taran Killam is awesome yeah so nice I'm surprised we didn't ask about it movie to the very end I know I was like I want to hear more about the holy night killing got there yeah a dog could impede good you want to sit down and talk with us yeah I wanted to expand on the fights a little bit more so as we could it it's hard I mean I have guilt when we talk about UFC when there's somebody who's like you know not into it blue all the time yeah the codeine till TJ oh bobby was happy about that I was very happy I'll tell you why I guess correctly - because if you look at if you look at the way PJ dismantled head and Burrell twice okay you have to remember head and Marah was pumped for fat pound when the most dangerous men on planet earth people at that time especially before the first fight no one thought that they could they could beat that he would lose yeah and and he just he picked him apart him and Duane Ludwig when Ludwig was first training him and and also it's like you know when he lost the belt to Dominick Cruz it was a lot of people thought that he won that fight he I was very close they say it was close fifty-fifty that was his only loss in a while right and then Dominick went all five rounds with Cody right Carmen went to decision and in my head I'm like yes it did five rounds in my head I'm like you know what I find I mean I loved Dominick Cruz San Diego guy whatever but I think teaches better at angles better at movement he's got a he's that he looks you know like when Dominic does it it looks loopy and you know his body kind of goes in a you know I mean like a but like I think TJ is a little amorous Chris yeah right I just never I didn't think that he could lose and also I I don't give a [ __ ] that he was an alpha male guy and then he wanted to move on let him move on you see he's a [ __ ] American citizen could do whatever he wants to he's a I think it could have gone either way and I if they were to rematch I still think it can go either those guys are so equally matched and you know TJ was hurt in the first round yeah really hurt I I'm sorry a cody gar Bret is good he's amazing he's amazing right but in terms of skill I think they're just Willie max I think to use more tools more tools cuz you kick I feel like his comments at kicks maybe I've never seen punch or kick once I think they're still pretty evenly matched up and Coe I don't think Cody's wrong and saying that he feels like he's a better fighter i I do think that he moves extremely well and it could go I it's one of those fights that it can go either way you're not wrong and picking or in predicting either fighter to win huh and then the championship fight I guess GSP has to fight Robert Whittaker now I don't think he should why I have you seen Robert Whittaker not lately we don't even know who he is he's new he's like well he good yeah he's a nerd a sob nope I was keeping the conversation going Bobby he said why though who was Robert Whittaker where's he from who cares why are you trying to very well known yet but he said he's interim champion you're right for the conversation ball right I'm sorry all right say what you said again tell us more about he used to be he used to be at 170 yeah wonderboy Thompson would bindu didn't fare as well there he went up in 185 he's he's amazing and he's our he's one of my favorite fighters and I think he's just so I look GSP at his peak peak peak younger I think that would be a pretty fun matchup very fun but you know he's he looked amazing he looked great and he actually exceeded my expectations of him a lot more aggressive in the past but I think what Robert Whittaker is one of those guys were he's in the he's in the Octagon and you can see him thinking maybe his IQ is so high which is Sosa was the same Sosa yeah Jacques Parizeau job so JA shows or whatever his name is who's in itself who in itself is a feat but then he beat what's his name the overmare O'Neil Romero which is like a demigod demigod so it's like could you you'll Romero was oh my god this guy's the next champion Whitaker went through him I mean Whitaker was broke his foot and he he just is amazing that's good future the future right yeah that's the feeling I had when John when I first saw Sir John Jones I feel the same way about Whitaker mmm yeah but we talked about that you wanna fight so yeah that was honestly and I'm glad that happened I'll tell you why because number one it's gonna make You Hana so much better it's like if you ever watch the Bones Brigade documentary how about Tony Hawk and how he was getting really depressed he wanted to quit skateboarding at a time at one point when he was young Rodney and the rodney mullen Tony and Ronnie were talking he's like you seem happier Rodney and Rodney goes yeah I just don't compete you know I don't do those competitions anymore I don't just skate you know like Tony Hawk as soon as he stopped wanting to take first place at tournaments you still do him yeah but it's okay to take a fifth Danny the fun and joy came back into skateboarding for him I think the same is gonna DP with Leona it's like okay I'm not undefeated I can lose I'm gonna have fun that pressure of being championed that pressure of being perfect and undefeated it's a lot it's a lot to handle for somebody and I think that we're gonna see a Johanna jung-jae check that's gonna be much more gruesome yeah and beast like I was just very much annoyed with people who had never who don't know Johanna this is the first time that they're seeing her they don't know what she's done for the sport and they see because of things like hood clips or you know on Instagram they see snippets of this girl who is staring down and you know acting you know selling selling the site basically that's and yeah and then they they're like ah she deserved to lose you know she's she like she she didn't have humility so she deserved to get knocked out it's like these are the people that have never watched a [ __ ] strawweight fight in their lives they see it on Instagram now they have an opinion and she deserved to get knocked out I hate that anyone that does that I have a message to you boom put your face in a [ __ ] cows [ __ ] dick hole I'm sure I could come up with something even better than that but I that's what happened okay this chick has been instrumental for the sport and this weight division there is no better example of a great champion than you want to achieve if you think that chop your [ __ ] dick off and send it to Mars and I think Andros we've always loved Rose I've loved her since the Ultimate Fighter and I am excited for her I didn't think that she was going to end it in that fashion but the fact that she did means that she's series she's at the top of the game and now it's exciting and but it's not it's also what you think about it it's why I watch why I love the sport cuz you don't know yeah it's unpretty and you know [ __ ] you know Mayweather can do what he does for fifth ave that brings large he knows that he can you know but with [ __ ] mixed martial arts there's so many different ways that you can go down all right that no one will ever stay undefeated forever it's just too many elements against the exact you know that's why I love watching it so that's that fight was literally a life altering experience for me all those fights were no no huh no one no one really got that one made me realize this you do anything anything's possible here heroes are not safe right I love you on and I can't wait to see her come back thank you her reaction has been so good to afterwards like it's very fishy you know what years she was gracious she was emotional about her thing but she was like look this is the risk that I take being a fighter and there's no shame in that Ronda lost to Holly you couldn't see her she didn't do any interviews she got snuck onto a plane she snuck out of Australia severely injured - she broke her jaw okay but still straight to the hospital that's why GSP wasn't at the that post fight conference okay but after Amanda Nunez you couldn't see her after that right no please you see what you hear what you wanna said yeah because the the the guy was like why are you here usually when you lose you're not obligated to come to these post fight she's like no [ __ ] she's like you know what you're gonna get the best and the worst of me on my up times you're gonna have me on my down times I'm a profession that's what made me I was like wow or even more I love her I love her yeah and I rose but Rose deserve that win I know but can I say this yeah I swear to God that rematch if there is one I feel I'm gonna feel bad for Rose I think that you know it's gonna come back hey I think Rose is going every fight that I've seen her since her each one is exponentially better I think that she's gonna be a freak of nature she's so agile that girl she's very bright she's evolved and she's finally gotten she's able to harness all that emotion yeah because when she was on The Ultimate Fighter that was your main thing when she fought like horlicks at Carla Esparza tripping she she was a little weak or just not mature minded where little elements outside elements like got to her she's very sensitive but now she's like no she's a total boss now yeah she came in her eyes look so dead we know she like she said she prepared for everything she knew everything you wanted was gonna do to try to get into her head and she came prepared for it Stoneface now now the challenge is this because you know when you're when you're a champion you that your media obligations go up everything else goes up and if she's a sensitive bird you know that can and I think it affects everybody differently well you all heroes back in Poland yeah she deserves a family Dobies you'll never never listen to this but we love you so much and we're you're fat you're one of my favorites of all time yeah you're up there with me and but that was a life-altering I'm glad I saw it because it changed my life yeah it really did it made me go oh my god I might win an Emmy you can win at me anything you have to think about it everybody's got a puncher's chance that's what that's what that fight clinchers chance because when she when I saw it I felt I didn't know how it ended up on the ground you're I was on a cement ground looking up at the stars just questioning everything questioning my life questioning life in general my ideas about life it was really amazing it's inspiring inspiring that was [ __ ] amazing it was the best night of fighting I've ever seen every for every card everyone that was there too and everybody who says they don't like you wanna being well you know how she is during those stare downs you're you're really stupid are you this is that's the reason why you watched it compelled you I think she will and I think they herself that's also a mental game you can't like get it like that's part of the whole match you're starting when she fought Carla Esparza she didn't really do that she goes under you know she was she was a little bit elqui before that I mean against the first claudia against all the she that's not her she's this thing that she does yeah right I think that she's gonna find a pocket a different personality that's gonna be still aggressive but a little bit more stoic you know I think that's done I think he's gonna be different whether it's to sell the fight or the mental game judge people by how they act after the fight yeah but she's like she's the most gracious loser exactly yeah that was amazing she's the best I love her and I love rose good job girls you were the best fight of the night yeah for sure oh my god that was amazing anyway it shows for Bobby Kyle oh yes this weekend Bobby will be at American comedy company in San Diego buy your tickets now yelling he's dealing up the dog okay no he's no he's doing he's practicing his lines yeah November 30th to December 2nd Yuk Yuk's in Vancouver Canada BC I always get confused my with my abs and be seized and but it's BC yes and then the week two weeks after that levity live in Oxnard California you can go to Bobby Lee live.com for more dates cool George shoutouts oh I got a shout-out Gilbert like this one to Khaled nd 369 on reddit [ __ ] he found Gilbert's a great silent acting skills so you can put the reddit to see or you cannot post it can we post it oh yeah I love my mom even called me like I would say three years ago say before you move la make sure you call that your friend who posted those videos I was like no one's gonna see that stuff was like but I would email them but he won't take them off the internet okay YouTube has it forever case you don't know it's a Gilbert playing a mime for three and a half minutes so it's an acting gem guys you have to get that under under edit look for future Oscar winner that's the title it's also a fat bird so we got a posted on her yeah a quick shout-out to Chris and Dave from congratulations just met them super nice guys shout out again to a reddit user fungus foot for he wanted to correct bobby's uh take the Jerry Lee Lewis did not get in trouble actually Jerry Lee Lewis did get in trouble for marrying his cousin he did yeah dude Jerry Lee Lewis was married his third marriage at 22 was his 13 year old cousin oh if you just look this guy has an interesting life just by marriages third marriage that was the second longest marriage I think from of all of them and yeah it kind of tanked his career for a while but he's still like he still had a career but it it went down from like what he could book well right he had returned from tour and everything else there are a lot of good discussions about tiger belly prom I think we're getting good feedback that we how would we do that what would we do what would it involve you wouldn't all the same thing as we do the live shows which is like a lottery system I mean probably not so much a lottery we would probably have to like pick and choose you know how people submit something but we have to how do you get the awkward like asking somebody to the prom that has to be part of it and you have to ask another Tiger belly listener do you have to ask someone outside because imagine someone who doesn't know anything about the podcast show up to an adult prom it's just weird I mean but prom king and queen are Bobby and I so no one can win that okay whoa you cannot vote let's do it runner-up you could be the prom prince and then you can be I just want like Steve Harrington oh wait hold on we should we should have a prom court though we should really show your problem but if no one knows each other how is everyone gonna vote based on will do like interviews for the top four dance-off but your peers are supposed to vote you into into King you know anyways how would we do it we would get like a hall right you'd rent out a hall the Ritz Carlton yeah and we would have a red carpet with like a little area we can take pictures and stuff and it would just be our own you know little party it would be for sure weird it's cruel it's just so real tickets is essentially make this a tiger belly prom theme but it's good like a legit famous DJ like Steve Aoki oh I'll show you how Bobby does it was oke oke oke oke oke okay yeah we can throw around some ideas but let us know what you guys think George desperately needs his prom you guys member remember in high school he he only had a banquet Hoppa yeah hop a message via that she had all day like she'd had the same experiences make banquets la Sierra the same banquets that was okay anything else George I see your notes from here very lush it's a lot no no reverse shout out today we'll just skip that because Klaus shut you down which former shut up I had a couple Dorothy for going around the the your party telling everyone that she saw me at the mall oh yeah you were the one Dale it's like the first time I've been to a mall in a year well why is that a bad thing if Dorothy saw you well why did she she seemed like it was a bad thing and let everybody was laughing that I was at the ball because I just imagine you and all white at a mall it's creepy I know baby you brought them home from Rite Aid I wanna do a shout out to Dorothy because she got me some so end fan piece from the Philippines oh yeah and if you don't know what so and panties are they're basically you know and in the Philippines or anywhere here I think they have the Avon lady or like the pepper where a lady who like sells you know products in your home they had a so end lady which she basically comes with boxes of underwear and you choose which panty you're going to buy but the designs are very old school it's like full-on granny underwear that's the most comfortable thing ever and she got me a whole box and then reversed shout-out to Jessica for stealing out of that box what she saw them she was like oh hell no and she just took him she's like I'm taking a few because they're so amazing so Dorothy you're the best reverse shout out to my to my appetite I decide I was eating so healthy and then I took a small bowl and I just filled the whole thing with potato salad I went to everyone by myself and ate it wait at our party your party but that's the sweet potato salad it's it's I should have made a bowl of it but a sweet potato salad that my sister makes is very healthy then I had a bunch of chips whatever oh yeah what else the whole layer people reminder a zip recruit calm slash belly for all your hiring needs Oh ed what live final things I'm not no more stickers some people who are like just starting at the beginning of the episode are still messaging me for sticker we're gonna stickers we're gonna be selling them with the next batch of mercs coming out soon also new batch of merch very very soon so keep that in mind when you think of holiday shopping for your loved ones is by very very soon disclaimer that can be from two days from now or three months so it's definitely before Christmas yeah very very soon before Black Friday yeah it better be ready before Black Friday well my word is my life I don't promise anything until I know the date I get to talk in the factory from the factory oh that's really sad we're getting some more special things there's a longer turnaround for somebody I sorry yeah cloud want to just accept you again you know who okay we're all okay all right guys [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 129,980
Rating: 4.853128 out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, taran killam, snl, killing gunther, interview, comedy, stand up, saturday night live, cast, late night, funny
Id: X1ccnonScA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 30sec (5490 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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