Bloons TD 6: The Secret Achievement

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I found a secret achievement in balloons beat a boss Bloon oh I'll just use Dart monkeys without any monkeys what monkeys are the only defense in the game and I need this achievement I get comments every day calling me bad at blo I have to prove them wrong I just don't know if I can do it the boss will appear in 39 rounds first I have to face regular blo they reach the end of the map I lose usually I'd Place monkeys down to pop them but I can't do that now I'll click on them like cook cies it's not working this is all I know how to do do I have to give up already wait I have a sword ha nope didn't work I give up wait it might look like the only Towers in the game are monkeys but what about the TAC shooter none of the upgrades show a monkey I think this is just a machine so I can use it it's popping balloons now what else did I have to do oh defeat the boss that has 5 million health I'm going to need something more powerful than a tack Shooter two ATT Shooters he is never going to win how painful after studying all the towers and their upgrades I have found four more towers that are not monkeys the bomb Tower is just a cannon that shoots bombs the spike Factory is a machine that places spikes on the track the Monkey Village is a building that gives Buffs to other towers and the banana Farm grows bananas that we sell to the monkeys that are off screen so we have enough money the reason I need to win this is because one year ago Morgan Ellis commented on my first balloons video that me making mistakes caused him physical pain someone making a mistake in a video game shouldn't hurt you but since then I've been training to get stronger and I have a chance to win this challenge since technically I'm not the first person to attempt it people have beaten levels without monkeys before using these five Towers getting to round 80 but no one has beaten a boss without monkeys the first tier boss will come on round 40 and each 20 rounds a stronger version of the boss will arrive until the true final boss appears on round 120 the tack Shooters bomb towers and Spike factories got me to round 40 then the boss arrived and well I promised something very exhilarating happened but you can't see it because all my footage destroyed itself you heard of 60 frames per second well this is 60 frames per hour oh this part is working when I got to round 95 the footage is fine and so now you can see how I died on rounde 95 ah there's a program using 98% of my Ram I disabled not Mor spying on you anyway I can play again without the footage lag but I'll just lose again one huge problem of this challenge is I can't use one of the most powerful things in btd6 Heroes they're special characters you can take one into battle they have powerful abilities they even level up throughout the game without you spending any money the problem is they're all monkeys sword monkey big monkey useless monkey way too much fan art of her monkey alien monkey wait alien that's not a monkey through hours of scientific research and Consulting with experts I have come to the conclusion that monkeys are not green so I can use this guy his regular self is a monkey but because this game has microtransactions there's a skin of etn as an alien absolutely not a monkey so now I'm ready to go back to the boss battle with five towers that aren't monkeys and an Alien Hero I started with a T shooter and a banana farm and it may look like Bloons are getting through the exit and I'm going to lose but I start with 200 lives can let 200 balloons through before I die letting the lives go while I spend my money farming more last time on around 95 I had a single Spike Factory left wait I'm actually going to lose go etn abduct them he has a UFO that shoots lasers and if I struggle he has an ability that summons four more UFOs for a short time on round 26 I had my sixth banana farm and 43 lives then lead balloons came through immune to my attacks and UFO lasers each one will take 23 lives if they get through I will die but none of my towers are popping them luckily there is an exploit we can use if you pause the game and exit to the home screen then you can reload your save and it goes to the start of the previous round this mechanic was designed to allow players to take breaks you can play for a bit then go for a walk come back and keep playing then go to sleep play the next morning but I don't take breaks or sleep so I restarted the round and spent my farm money on a bomb Tower that can explode the lead balloons which turn into black balloons which pop into pink balloons and so on the balloons gain more and more layers as the rounds go on a red balloon exists within a blue balloon that exists within a green balloon and so on until the boss balloon contains millions of layers of balloons usually I'd save up my money for around 40 and then spend all of it trying to instakill the boss for a fast time but we don't have the luxury of getting a fast time it's impossible to get high on the leaderboards when I'm using zero monkeys and everyone else is I just want to win so I'm going to let the boss stay on the screen for a few rounds while I keep farming and then buy defenses and here here I am ready for the first boss the armored dread blue but the dread blue has a rock Shield that you have to pop before you can deal any damage to it it is immune to a certain damage type at a time it starts off being immune to primary damage which is both the T shooter and the bomb Tower so the only thing that can deal damage to it are etn and the spike factor I believe in etn we can win the oh a ceramic is getting through that will take all of my lives what if I put a spike Factory at the end nope still dying I have to face my worst fear selling my farm so that I can afford spiked mines now the spike Factory sends out exploding mines and now it's going great I broke through the dread balloon shield now I can deal real damage to it the first tier only has 7,500 health and once the mines take down this first layer it gets it Shield back is immune to a different class of damage and miniature Rock balloons spawn that are stronger than any regular balloon but at least my tack and bomb shooter can now damage it I can also go back to farming this money will be important remember these $20 I still need more damage though so I upgraded my bomb Tower to Moab assassin giving me an ability to launch a missile directly at the biggest blue on screen dealing 750 damage the problems arise when on the final Shield layer the boss becomes completely immune to support Towers the spike Factory is a support Tower these Rock balloons are also immune so almost every balloon on the screen is now immune to my main source of damage and at times like these I remember what my mentor once said to me use more explos iives I bought a recursive cluster a bomb Tower that shoots bombs that shoots bombs it destroyed the rock Bloom boss tier one defeated the tier2 boss that has 25,000 health is only eight rounds away I have to prepare properly so I meditated practiced my swordsmanship and bought more marketplaces I put a spike Factory at the top of the screen luckily the dread Bloon goes around the starting Circle twice giving more time for the spikes to hit it once I have 30,000 cash I'll upgrade this to Perma spike a tower that has the ability to almost solo all regular levels each Spike does 900 damage and lasts four rounds on the track it go through the first shield and health bar easily these Rock balloons got close to killing me but overall the second boss was going well maybe this won't be so hard oh [ __ ] it's immune to spike factories now I forgot that happens now it's just etn holding back the entire world I bought more bomb towers that shot bombs I bought more Moab assassins to kill the boss I'm so close to losing I got to pause it no no no it's fine I got this yes and finally I beat the tier 2 dread blo only three to go ha this much effort to defeat the tier 2 boss pathetic your Spike Factory is three pixels too far to the left you'll never win dracoon no one can be perfect hey why is my computer lagging the third boss is here and my Perma spike is not doing nearly enough the boss has 120,000 Health not including the Shields and each Shield is half as strong as the health bar meaning the total health is actually tripled this has 360,000 Health but someone should check my maths because I was wrong last time everyone was so incredibly mad I almost had to end my career and go into hiding is this would being cancelled is but as I was about to lose those $20 finally compounded into $120,000 so that I could buy the truly greatest Spike Factory upgrade super mines they explode for 1,000 damage each and set the balloons on fire dealing 1,000 bonus damage per second each tower has three fifth ter upgrades you can only only have one of them in each game and with them the third boss was easy as hell until it was immune to all support Towers why do I keep forgetting this happened I upgraded my Moab assassin to a MOAB Eliminator dealing 4,500 damage per ability I beat the boss this time in eight rounds instead of 12 also my villagers can now cannibalize each other I dragged my mouse across my beautiful desk mat that only has one week left until it's gone forever to collect the bananas last time on round 95 all I had was a single Spike Factory and I can proud Sly say that I have more than a spike Factory now but I've never beaten the tier 4 boss without monkeys I need some extra Firepower so I've placed Spike factories randomly across the map and I'm going to use my excess cash to upgrade them all to spike store an ability that makes each Spike Factory spew spikes across the entire map I also bought a bunch of myob Assassins for when it's immune to the spike Factory see I'm learning this time I remembered that's going to happen I filled up every space on the map getting every tier five Tower available to me I started the boss and sent one Spike for every comment I've received about physical pain the spike shredded the boss's Armor after a few more rounds it was down to quarter Health now to IM mune to spikes and the challenge Begins the mob assassins deal extra damage to the boss but not to the Rock balloons I just don't have enough damage they're going to the exit I have to restart but when I go back in it puts me halfway through round 108 the balloons are already at the exit I have to be quick so I started again sold the two spy Factories at the end of the track and replaced them with t Shooters and I pray that they could beat the balloons I can't tell if they're going the first or second loop around if I'm about to lose or if I have one more chance Spike storm it does nothing but I just have to okay okay okay it worked it barely worked the tacks are able to Kill the Rock balloon you may have noticed I bought a few a lot of Moab assassins that's because that's the only thing that really damages the boss now but 750 damage at a time to the 260,000 health bosss is slow but eventually I beat it and have 10 rounds until the final boss that has a million health I went outside to prepare if I fail now I know Morgan will bury me with hatred so I touched the grass raised my sword and sung to the Moon Moon help me huh he's made it to the final boss without monkeys well I doubt he'll win from here at least he didn't delete definitely not Morgan spying on Morgan you're late to dinner 0.1 seconds late hurry up I'm on my way it's two rounds before the final boss I decided to properly prepare for the fight I sold all of my farms and I think I barely have enough money and then I replaced this entire plot of land with Spike factories with some villagers to boost their attack speed spent a million dollars to upgrade those Spike factories to spike storms and the rest of the map has tier five towers and Moab assassins the only other thing are these Villages The Village has an ability that boosts attack speed of everything on the screen and if you sell the tower and Rey it with perfect timing the ability is always activated I didn't figure out how to do that this was a waste of space but the boss is here and I have 55 Spike factories to use there are thousands of spikes on the screen right now and it's actually shredding the tier five boss it's working it took a few minutes for the ability to recharge a few times but eventually I tore through all three skullets of the boss with Spike storms now for the real test beating it without Spike factor is because it's immune and to do that I have a simple three-step strategy sell all your Spike factories replace them all with Moab assassins and press the Moab assassin ability faster than people are buying my desk mat it's almost sold out and the result barely any damage it has 3 million Health 750 damage is low even when you have 70 cannons but I just kept pressing the ability the Cannons are disappearing slowly it's slowly working no he can't win who am I going to abuse in the comments it's fine I can insult him for not even getting on the leaderboard round 130 if it gets to round 140 I automatically lose what is even happening on my screen my God come on moon help me yes yes yes Morgan Ellis look what I've accomplished I've beaten a boss without a single monkey I used 1,198 abilities my time was 30 minutes worse than the top place I am finally not finished I may have won but if I'm not on the leaderboard what's the point Morgan would just keep insulting me coming 2700th is not something I'm proud of I want a real win I want to get top 50 on the boss leaderboard in the world without using monkeys something that truly nobody has done but that is impossible unless something very rare and special happens so I waited for a [Music] week a new boss challenge comes each week and the next boss was FaZe no one likes FaZe then the next boss was blo arus the first boss ever created but importantly the ranked leaderboards this week are not based on how fast the boss is beaten it's based on how much money you spent the least cash spent on defense while still beating the boss is the winner and since I have limited Towers to buy I should automatically not be able to spend much money so my goal is to get top 50 least cash spent on this boss and prove I am good at this game that I've spent over 600 hours playing but before I started the level I had something important to do I got a punching bag with Morgan's face on it and started practicing my swing then I started the level and put etn down since I don't need a farm this time I just saved up money for a while and around 20 I got my Spike Factory to deal with the boss and a T shooter for the regular balloons and I forgot about leads again so I went back and set one of my t Shooters on fire I was close to losing but I have 13,000 cash saved up so I spent all that money on a spike to my INF Factory this boss isn't immune to anything but once you pop one of its skulls it releases a bunch of balloons that run directly to the exit can my Spike Factory deal with it no but I can pay 200 monkey money to retry from round 40 if I realize I'm about to die I can go home and try again if I die too fast to even notice I can pay 200 monkey money to retry from the beginning of the boss this time instead of the spike Factory I tried using two t Shooters this actually dealt way more damage remember to use this combo in the future once the boss gets down here the TX can't do much but that one UFO will solo it nope but it does come back in time the balloons go around a few times before exiting at the top and the attacks were enough to defeat the boss with 21,000 spent my plan is to not use any banana Farms but spend all the money I get from popping balloons they should be low enough to keep me in the top 50 my total spend will be around $200,000 the second tier was taken out just by permaspike it's going well small problem though by round 80 I will have less money than I have Terraria serieses to finish on the last boss I used super mines here I need $90,000 more for that I can't win this damn it I came so far that's right you can't win you aren't perfect just like me if only I was perfect Morgan you call it upside the lines I'm disappointed in you Morgan you ate your dinner in a suboptimal amount of bites your gr are causing me physical pain get out of my sight none of us are perfect none of us are good enough better to just give up maybe the comments were right it's impossible to win I'll always be a failure unless I use the ring of fire is the final upgrade for T Shooters it does insane damage to all balloons near it and shoots a global Fireball around the map attacking blun arus wherever he is and with that it was not good enough not even close lunaris exited the screen and I lost but that's okay I don't have to win on my first try I can go again but I need more money all right screw it I can still make the leaderboard if I do a little farming I'll farm for eight rounds then use the money to buy Super mines here we go I sold everything this has to insta kill it I still don't have enough money [ __ ] here we go again round one this time I'm going to do a bit of farming I can spend 400,000 cash in the game and still be top 50 at the time of the first boss I had just one farm for a bit more damage and I completely forgot that I learned that t Shooters are better than spiked mines for this I lost instead of fixing my mistake I denied that it ever happened and I bought a bomb that shoots bombs that shoots bombs I was reminded again of my mentor's advice if you make a mistake use more explosives and at the last second I beat the first boss tier two boss Four Farms and no damage until I got peras Spike then I won the third boss spawned I kept farming until around 83 I sold all my farms and Tack Shooters so I could barely afford the super mines and it paid off this time with 300 Grand spent I beat the tier three boss two more bosses for my top 50 medal are you scared Morgan are you impressed tier 4 is here and it's going pretty well superm's is dealing damage and then I just lost balloons got through I don't even think it was from the boss that sucks all right I paid to restart the round and bought a few more bomb towers and it actually worked but I'm over 400,000 money it's fine at this point I just want to win please not another game over no I can't even beat the regular balloons now let alone the boss and this isn't even the final boss and I'm above the spending limit what am I doing you you can't get top 50 on a boss without using monkeys it's just not possible no one has done it no one has done it alone that is good thing I have my alternate personalities to help me introducing my mentor draon and his mentor draon you see the leaderboards for this boss show that first place spent 185k second was 189 then 2011 but that's the one player leaderboard if we go to the three player leaderboard first place is 289k then 316 533,000 get you third place having three human beings work together well in a balloons game is impossible so it's much more difficult to get a good score you could say I've cloned myself and taught everything I know to my clones to work together in a genius way or you could say I'm playing on three devices at the same time to give myself less competition either way I'm going to get top 50 on the leaderboards without using a monkey the map gets split up for each player I get the top section draon gets the right draon the left and all of us share the bottom each of us start with 400 cash but since draon and draun are powerful Godlike creatures they have no need for money so they give it all to me so now I only get part of the screen and I have to constantly transfer money and the boss has even more health because there are three of us it is more difficult I placed down etn and began from the beginning all over again but at least this time I can let myself Farm a bit I think I can spend a million cash and still be top 10 but I'm already out of space to place any Farm then the boss arrived I used the same strategy as before not the one that worked with the tack Shooters the terrible [ __ ] Factory Strat and it did not work I was a full skull away from winning this time I used everything I'd learned T Shooters place the Farms better whack the screen when it was almost on its final run I bought a MOAB assassin to finish it off beating the first H boss in three player mode by the second boss I had two banana factories etn UFO flying around waiting to buy Perma Spike the rest was the same as the regular run I just have less space I beat the second boss kept going and the third was dying from Super mines but I just don't have enough room for anything else I want to farm but it's so difficult I'll never earn enough or place enough Spike storms this is impos wait wait I can use the bottom of the map I think the endless sound of popping is rotting my brain but I beat the third boss in six rounds I could sense Morgan was getting mad at me he could striken me in real life at any moment I need to train to stop him attacking me the fourth tier I used my good old Spike Factory strategy and this boss never gets immune from them everything is perfect draon has disconnected ha see how you can play with draon DOs you can't win no one is allowed to no one can do things without failure we are all fails and I will prove it die draon it's fine I shared my internet with Dron we are back and the tier four boss is dead only one left one more boss and I will have top 50 in a ranked leader board without using any monkeys and then I died to round 111 balloons how not enough Spike factories of course in preparation for the final boss I filled the screen with [ __ ] factories and Moab assassins you can see them in the double pyramid draon and draon can place towers as well in their sections but they new accounts that don't have all the upgrades unlocked they don't have [ __ ] storm and getting them would take hours of farming so it's all up to me it's already Mayhem before the boss and now it's time every Tower is matched 1.8 8 million cash spent total I just want to win spikes are flying everywhere the game is lagging so badly the super mines are dealing damage my God it has a lot of Health my footage isn't breaking this time it's just really laggy on my computer I was activating all the different abilities Moab elim assassin Spike factories Homeland and more drones giving myself cash from the other two accounts it was getting insane and it was nearly over I'm so close 200,000 health I'm going to win ah blon arus more like [ __ ] a wait no no I can't lose no come on yes I was so close and worse still is that I had the entire screen covered in the best towers that I could have had it's impossible for me to get any more damage you cannot beat this boss getting top 50 without monkeys unless I actually play three player for real there's still half a map I didn't use it's time for Dron to take over and dominate this game you know how I can only have one super mines in the game well draon can also have a super mines and draon can as well I just have to grind for hours on other maps to get enough XP to unlock those upgrades on those accounts and so I did that after playing on logs on my laptop and phone at the same time I unlocked super mines and Perma Spike I hope this is enough etn what language do you speak banana Farm bankrupt the world balloon arus you will regret the day you were inflated I remember that I could farm at the bottom of the map and destroy the tier one boss I can't even see what's happening with the tier 2 but it's dead just like my channel after I failed the maths comment if you're the one person who's still watching I have enough banana research facilities to finally Dre the research I've always wanted our bananas are fruit they're a herb what the [ __ ] my superm's killed the tier three I trained harder than ever before and now I gave all my money to draon giving giving them the ability to build their own Super mines by the time the fourth boss arrived I had three super mines and three Perma spikes and I'd only spent 800k I beat it but it was getting close to the exit and the finaly has four times more Health this is not a good enough defense to win draun has disconnected Morgan you'll need to face me in real life if you want to beat me more Spike factories he's not stopping he keeps trying again and again after he's proven to be a failure does he not feel his own physical pain why does does he keep training I have to stop him but how wait he's so predictable he only trains that one side he always does a long side swing leaving his left completely open I can beat him I have to go it lagged I thought my computer was going to break the spikes were everywhere but it was so close who is that Morgan has challenged me to a jewel I thought you'd never come outside to face me you will not prove me wrong we are all flawed and you need to accept that you're right we are floor and yet we push further we try we deserve pain and anguish fight me ah the wide strike I knew it goodbye what [Music] no you weren't the only one spy I hope at least now you are no longer in physical pay I went home beat the boss and was ranked 16th in the world without using any monkeys
Channel: Dragoon
Views: 1,481,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kzRWDJL0Pb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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