ACT NATURAL... | Prop Hunt #48

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M: Wait, who's? Is it- is it just me and Bob right now? B: Is it a 1v1? M: It's a face-off! It's a fucking face-off. J: We got a face-off, face-off M: We got a face-off! J: Clear the crowd, clear the crowd, make room. M: I got my sniffer ready. I'm gonna hunt you down Bob. Just like the- Oooh! A computer mouse.. are you? B: You know, I did try and become the computer mouse, but turns out-- M: That you succeeded, and then I'm gonna hunt you down like the rat you are M: Wait a minute B: Uhum Jack: Oh ohh ohh Bob: Nope nope nope (intense yelling and shooting from Mark) *Wade laughs* B: We're fine... sniff my butthole.. J: The sniffers working M: My sniffers! Mark: Really sniffed'em out there! W: How is stuff already knocked over? We just spawned in! Mark: Mmmhhnnn?? Bob: Oh no... Bob: I wonder where you are, stuff knocker over *laughs* J: Haha.. Wait.. M: You got him good B: I got your number now. B: Ah! it's just this error for me. You just carry around a big error. J: I‘m carrying a giant error! BEWAAARREEE W: It's a really long auto rifle like the clip going into the top M: Woooaaaaow. B: How can you see it?! J: Aaaahhh I know what you're trying to do M: Wait.. What kind of game do you need to get that? Wade: Do you guys have it? We didn't checked everything to make sure you guys have all the games and stuff. Mark: I DM'd all of you being like "Heuyy chek awt da-- to make shure you have th-- .. ..Ehhoor-urrgheurvuaorgh!! *Followed by laughter* B: I got you back dude J: Make sure you have the BLUEAGHUHU M: Sorry I just had to vomit at that moment *slow motion vomit* M: there was no hesitation on that grenade I didn't even get to barter B: I mean I saw.. I saw the plant and I was like-- B: Yeah, I think that‘s him Bob: I think we all know that needs to happen. M: Wait a minute, wait, wait. Wade, Wade turn around Wade. Wade turn around Wade. ..Ah you missed it it was there I swear. Bob: Oh no!! The timer! I forgot about the timer! Mark: *between laughs* I've seen thah-ahaha-aath-- Bob: *inaudible* M: There was a rogue bucket. There's a rogue bucket that was bouncing behind your head Bob: Na-Nah. It's fine, it's fine don't worry about it Jack: We're good, we're good. We're goochi. We're goochi B: It‘s fine, don‘t worry about it M: Cut'em off! Cut'em off! B: Don't worry about it, it's fine. M: Did you cut'em off? M: .. Wade, you idiot. Cut'em off... W: I‘ve never seen this bucket! W: I don't believe there's a bucket! M: Wade there‘s a bucket! I'm not crazy. There's a bucket. Bob: Mark is... Mark's just insane Mark: Nno. Wade: Where's the *bleep* bucket M: Wait a minute B: No, no no it‘s fine! Don‘t worry about it. M: Wade come back. Circle around B: It's fine, it's fine. B: Yes Wade come back J: Where the FUCK are you? M: Aaaagghhh I almost hit you Bob: I'm definitely real Wade, don't worry Wade: I don't believe in this bucket! Mark: There was a bucket! J: Where are you guys? W: I don‘t see a bucket again! Mark: Oh come on, Wade. Jeez, man. W: I don't know how you keep losing this imaginative bucket! M: There was a bucket, and it was mobile. W: Oh hey a bucket. I found a bucket! M: Is it dead? B: No! No! No, no, no, let's talk about this. I'll show you where Jack is! M: Wade? Wade! B: I'm right here, I'm the bucket M: That was my bucket kill... W: No no no, I found this bucket M: No that was the same bucket I was running after B: Wait wait wait, you guys— B: You guys want to fight over the kill I have an idea B: I'm gonna hop over here. W: okay? B: And then you guys go out there. It's a shooting gallery M: Okay? M: Ohh. A shotgun W: Hey, I picked the best one— M: Awww W: WHO GOT THE KILL? M: You didn't even believe in the bucket, okay? I was the one who W: You didn‘t believe in the shotgun! W: wHo'S LaUgHiNg nOw???2? W: GUN ENTHUSIAST! M: *dies with laughter* B: Is your gun full of poop? B: The shit blaster! M: MMMM M: There's a lot of suspiciously placed stuff that I don't remember being that way J: Aha! J: I'm using your own stupidity against you! M: No! My one weakness! J: I keep hearing shots in the distance, but I don't—I haven't seen anyone B: I don't understand how this worked. I don't understand how you did this B: Also, I don't understand why it worked M: I don't like this J: I told you Bob, own stupidity against them! (Mark no you just passed him) M: *caveman grunting* B: You‘re a godamn wizard, that‘s what you are M: *stupid voice* stupidness isn't weakness. We stupidness is strength J: Me brain are big strong M: *laughs* B: I'm less optimistic that this is gonna work, but if it does J: I mean there's 20 seconds left B: You‘re a goddamn genius M: Ooooh Wade! Combine our brain power, we am think through! W: I am combining so hard right now M: OOOOH W: I'm stuck in the window! M: *high pitched* Where is he?! W: ARGHHH M: WHERE IS HE? B: He was that file cabinet! W: DAMN ITTT!!! J: I was literally right here. M: What what? Where?! W: DAMN IT!! M: Aah, that‘s bullshit! W: WE SUCK! J: I don't feel like I deserved that M: I don't feel like you deserve it either W: You could've come out at any time M: Yeah, you could've come out uh *mumbles* M: *clears throat* B: Wh-what? J: There's a bin missing I know that for factoid M: You don't know that for a fact J: There was a bin right here, cause I sat next to it before M: I'm pretty sure if you do a count of all the bins in the office M: You'll find that there are exactly the number of bins that there should be J: Which is how many? M: Eh uh I DON'T KNOW WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER B: Hey douchebags, where are you? M: You know: around, next to you, in front of you, around you M: i n s i d e y o u M: I still haven‘t moved! I still haven‘t moved! M: I've been a GOOD boy! I haven't moved. *sings* You are my sunshine, my only sunshine— W: AHHHHHHHH W: Come on! W: I was paper towels by the door! M: Ohh, I don't even think you guys get to deserve to know what I was, 'cause I was very in the open J: Were you a bucket? M: No I wasn't, I tried a lot of things and I was like M: Heh, I'll do this thing that no one will know. I was a plant in the room where you shot every plant except for me M: So that worked out incredibly well for me M: Wade, let's be very focused about this. Okay, pay very close attention B: That‘s feeling smoky delicious W: Can we get a four minute clue? M: Yeah B: This is like uh, smoked—smoked shack almonds. M: Smoke? Okaaay.... B: No my eyes hurt from all the particulates from the smoke M: You guys should be aware, it's a M: NON-SMOKING OFFICE! Health code regulation state: you are assholes! B: *laughs* B: Is that our punishment for smoking? W: Hey, why is there a chair— B: Hey hey this is a non-smoking room B: Just for smoking, you're an asshole! M: *laughs* M: Yeah, doesn't it seem like an appropriate punishment? W: Detective Mark, I noticed a flipped over chair. M: suspicious J: *mockingly* Oh no! J: J'accuse! [French for "I accuse"] They are on the trail M: Alright W: AHA! M: AHA! M: Where were you on the night of the seventh? W: Uh, I fed Mark the whole time J: Right now it's the night of the seventh M: I know! M: Oh wait J: Right here! J: MURDERER! J: Turns out he shoots you, like, "I knew you'd be here on the day of my murder!" M and B: *laughs* M: Wait, Wade? Did you break down this back window? W: Yes. M: Oh, okay. Never mind. M, B, J: *laughs* M: J'accuse! [French for "I accuse"] I KNEW it was you! J: If you guys want to find us, you better "handle with care" M: Wait... W: They're milk. *Everyone laughing at Wade being stupid* J: I mean, I guess J: We could be a fucking...TV or something! B: Alright Wade, if you keep guessing like that I‘ll give you as many clues as you want B: Well okay okay in fairness in fairness B: We are smoke and/or a smoke-like object M: A pipe! Vape! M: They're vapes W: Coffee? Coffee? Smoke... Steam.. J: There hookah pipes M: Salmon! Smoked salmon! J: Chimney! Chimney! B: Wait wait wait Jack I've got one that will not help them at all J: Okay W: Okay B: What we are, we're kind of the same thing, and uh, I ship us M: THEY‘RE A BOAT! J: Yeah, I'd ship us together B: Yeah. W: Chip? J: Yeah, just be "fragile" with our relationship though M: They're lead-based paint! They chip! And you eat it! And you get smarter J: SHIP! M: Chip J: What gets shipped? W: I think ship is the clue... J: One of you is very close. B: One of you is an idiot J: One of you just ran past M: *markiplier noises B: Nope. you‘re still an idiot. J: Go back to that room! *Mark getting angry over his stupidity* W: It wasn't me, it was you J: We‘re boxes on the shelf! *Intense screaming as he realises how stupid he was* M: Ah, I get it! Box, smoke. I get it! *Whaaaat?!?! face* J: Fragile! Handle with care M: *laughs* *outro song* Subtitles by Claire and others! Have a fab day! *outro song ends*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,605,137
Rating: 4.9661984 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, prop hunt, prop hunt markiplier, prop hunt funny moments, act natural
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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