SPOOKY SCARY MAP | Prop Hunt #47

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B- Spooky scary map? M- Spooky scary map...? M- I'm with Bob W- Jack, you and me buddy! J- HAHA! J- I just joined in. M- Have we done this one before? is this new? W- well this doesn't look familiar M- ah all right, I'm gonna go... B- I like how all these cars have cones in front of them... B- It's neat. M- All right. Let's explore. W- One of them probably doesn't and you just pulled a fast one on us B- Well, actually there's uh, one car that doesn't have a cone. B- Well, actually theres uh, one car that doesn't have a cone. M-Woaaah... M-this is so spooky! :0 B- Spooky scary spooky scary! B- Spooky scary spooky scary! M- oooooh, can I be this? B- Spooky scary spooky scary! M- *gasp* I CAN! W- Spooky scary scur-urry B- Lalalaaa! J- My hype is pretty high right now so you better not be lying or I'm gonna kill you. M- Wait hang on, wait M- I'm gonna give you guys a good spoop when you- when you get in here. J- OoHoo! M- All right, wait... M- When you get in the front door... M- Just look out for the creepiest thing you could ever see... B- What of- what of these things can you actually become? Oh, ok... W- Oh my God It's a picture of Mark! M- No, wait... *Jack laughs* B- Wait, I found the scariest thing *Mark starts making very spoopy sound effects* *Mark proceeds to imitate a squeaky chair* *Mark is still imitating a squeaky chair* B- Is it uh... *Mark proceeds to imitate a squeaky chair* J- What are you? *Mark proceeds to imitate a squeaky chair* B- is it a "scary-thing off"? *Mark proceeds to imitate a squeaky chair* J- What are you? M- SqueeEEEEEAAAAK W- Walk to the front door M- SqueeEEEEEAAAAK B- OOOOOOOOOH (Wade yells?)wait, B- Mark did we have the same idea? W- THATS A CHAIR! *Mark proceeds to make a squeaking noise again* B- Look at that, thats cool J- Oooh M- Who's in the wheel chair?!?! B- Wait, wait J- Grandma! B- Can, can I B- Can I try my spooky bit? M-okay J- Okay Okay, Is this what's (Mark squeaking) going on? that's not a funny bit, spooky bits M-oh, B- I'm a chair! I'm a chair! I'm a chair! W- WOAH B- I'm a chair! Wade yelling, says where is it??? before yelling again, Jack joins Wades yelling while Bob continues to say "I'm a chair" and Mark laughs B- Mark Lesson learned chairs with wheels aren't scary. M- Oh J- Yeah, thats a cliche M- All right, fine (Wade yells) B- Thats just a lazy chair, thats what that is *Jack laughs like a cute cinnamon roll :3 * B- and no one's scared of a lazy chair, cuz what're you gonna do? Distill them to death? W- Oh my god it's a wheelchair squeak, squeak, SQUEAK W- NO M- squeak W- good work B- Mark you know what else is scarier than a chair with wheels? M- What? J- A child B- A wheel without a chair Mark groans Bob imitates a car/motorcycle, Wade yells, Mark says: "Thats so-Jee-Oh my god" and starts to laugh, Jack and Wade scream while Bob still makes motorcycle sounds B- Honk Honk Mark groans again while Jack says "Kill it! Kill it! J- Kill it! B- Woah M- why can't I be as cool as you guys? J- OH B- guys it was a, it was a bit guys goddam J- Well lets hurt them M- look see its going backwards now, squeak Mark makes spooky noises and everyone laughs, J- I like, I like how it looks like you J- Have one foot in the air as well (everyone begins to laugh) W- Take this rotting milk M- whoa rotting milk can't hurt me B- Just a casual chair, okay J- Wait, W- are you real??? J- I think that I heard that metal hurts them.W- metal? J- metal yeah, M- not metal! B-(in deep gravelly voice) BABY, BABY J- Not that kind of metal! B- Ok ok ok sorry. M- What if I go fast is that spooky too? - ah W- Its a bouncing chair. B- What about like whiny emotional metal is that the kind that hurts them? J- My soul is.. dark as oil. I am 15 and I have problems J- My mom doesn't let me hang with my boys M-Ow! I was just about to go on the merry-go-round B- I got my friend Ralph to buy us smokes Just to piss off my mom! M-i'll find you J- Whaat the fuuck? B-But what a-but what a way to go though right? J- Whaaat the fuuck? W-Boo! It's me, empty bottle M-Oh god that actually is terrifying W-You are thirsty! but I offer no sustenance M-I just saw error messages peekin' through the corner J-Full disclosure you're never going to find me M-Oookay B-Wade can you actually try, and not just pick the first thing you find M-Yeah Wade! W-This was like the fourth...thing B-Can you please go back to the drawing board and and really give me a spoop? J-Draw yourself a better Draw yourself a better, Wade! W-(lowly) Ok J-Wah, wah, wah, wahhhh (Bob laughs) That's what i imagine, Wade's orgasm sound is like (Bob laughs harder) (Mark finally laughs) W-Oh baby, Oh baby, oh im so-Wah wah wah wahhhh B-Are you from an 80's porno? M-What the frick is happening here- B-Oh the sex is so good! Oh, baby! J-Did you find the upstairs? M-I don't know, there's just error messages it's a room of errors B-Is it through a door? M-Woah, oh god! Ugh! These error messages are awful! B- Ohh here's the stairs,are you in the basement? Is there basement to this shit? M-Nah, i'm on the upstairs, there is like a way to get to the basement but i don't B-Oh it's locked but the door is locked, yeah W-You guys wanted me to try, I tried and I'm stuck J-*laughs* W- aww B-Is that way you say when you do it Wade W-Yah Okay, once I get unstuck there's usually a couple Wah Wah's B-Oh, wow, this is a fish that's not what I thought it was J-What did you think it was? B-I don't know. I saw it from Sort of a certain angle that made it look sort of dickly J-Stop breaking plates! Who are you Logan Paul? W-I hear the gunshots but i haven't seen any-OH I see an open door up there J-Yeah I see ya Bob M-Damn where are-you guys are hidden good B-I'm still in the same room i've been in J-Yeah, I was an orange on the table M-OHHH...shit B- FUCK W-Oh hey buddy! Oh see you buddy! I saw you off the balcony M-Wh-Where? J-Where are you? B-Are you trying to be spoopy Wade? W-No i see them on the balcony! They're standing up there looking my direction but they can't see me because i'm looking at them through- M-Who's 'they'? I'm in a completely different spot W-I don't know which one of you it is B-whoaaaa guys i can do a magic trick! J-Wait do i have a flickering light on me? B-Everyone needs to come here, everyone needs to come W-I can see you right now Bob J-Wait do i have a flickering light on me? M-Oh hi, well there you are J-Why am i flickering? B-There's a light flickering in here somewhere, it's like a- J-Ahhh B-Alright wait, but wait wait wait wait, everyone look at me, imma do a magic trick W-I'm watching Bob Nanana neneneneh nenene Nanana neneneh nenenene! nananana neneneh NEH! Nanananana neneneneh J-You duplicated it! wait wait, can i do this? awww that would've been cool J- Wow, thanks. M- Sorry Wait where'd you go? W-Over here! Hey! J-On the left in there W- NO M-Where?In there? W-Yah that one! *Dies* WHOO! J-You're saved W-Thank you Man that place was garbage J-This is why we're a team! B-Guys, I've found where I belong J-Is it in the trash? W-WOOW that's what i was gonna say B-It's cooler than that, so you guys can all suck a huge dick J-Wade you know this place, are any of these different? W-Hmm No this all looks like garbage J-I heard a door door?! Okay are you guys actually trying this round? M-No B-I'm not really trying but i'm somewhere W-Wh-That door doesn't open B-Or..does it? B- I found my favorite room, and I'm not leaving M- Mkay W-I found a padded room B-Oh Wade you found your own padded room too? W- Yeah! B-Neat! It's fun right? M-Yeah..fun B-Hey!Wait wait wait! This is my room, This is my room W-I gotta give you your shot B-Nope, nope, nope, nope, no I didn't ask for that (x1) i didn't ask for that(x2) I didn't ask for that(x3) i didn't ask for that(x4) W- Put your hands on the sink, bend over i'll make it quick B-What are you about to do to me? W-Just give you a shot i promise that's it but it's got to go in the back of your thigh B-It sounds like you're gonna do butt stuff to me W-No, you always think that but it's just a shot B-MARK HELP M-No! B-Help MARK! M-How can I possibly help you?! B-Haha! I got you to leave my room, good luck getting in now W-No! *Septiplier laughs* B-Nope nope, nope M-AH NO! I WAS LOOKING THE OTHER WAY! I WAS LOOKING AT THE SITUATION DOWN THE HALL! AH FAK B-No! You can't catch me ,you can't catch me i'm speedy! W-It's time, for your shot! B-I'm not gonna bend over, you can't put your peepee in my butt No! Jack help he's gonna put his peepee in mah butt J-What?! What are you gonna do? B-He's gonna do butt stuff to me Jack! W-It's just a shot B-Protect me! J-Back against the wall B-It's not a shot, it's not a shot! J-He's gettin' away! B-I'm not crazy i'm here against my will! These doctors are crazy! He's gonna do butt stuff to me help! Help! Help! I'm with crazy people. help! W-This is what got you in here! B-No let me out! I don't belong here! W-It's time for your shot! B-Who has my keys?! I drove here! Let me just get in my car and go! It's not your fault! It's not your fault! Tell me it's not your fault J-Where'd you guys go? M-They're outside, front yard by the cars B-I'm trying to find my car! Which one of these is my car? It's not that one i think it was yellow My car would accept me for who I am! Don't do butt stuff to me! W-Come here! Just, put your hands up B-Nooo! B-i'm not a traffic cone, you're a traffic cone! Don't! I'm not a traffic cone! You're a traffic cone! You're a traffic cone! You're, you're- J-Ok, ok, just leave him, just leave him just. Just leave him. B-He said just leave me! He said just leave me you're s'posed to leave me! W-I'm not doing anything B-I'll hit you with this mattress I swear to dog W-Alright alright alright J- 'I swear to dog' OK, sir have you calmed down? B-No! No, i'm not ready yet J-Okay, tell us when you're ready B-Um, umm, hang on i'm not a traffic cone J-You have ten seconds B-You're a traffic cone, you're a traffic cone! J-Ten seconds B-Alright i'm ready J-Yeah, you got the same idea as me Wade? W-Yeah *Wade throws one at the right killing Bob, making Mark sad* M-Awwe W-There's your shot! M-That was a good shot! W-The needle was my peepee! M-One of those new remote shots B-You guys are such assholes J-Yeah, we're the assholes B-What it's not like I was preventing you from shooting me that whole time You could've just shot me when i was a T-pose running around M-Your bit was so good they couldn't shoot you, asshole! B-I'm sorry. I know I'm so much funnier than everyone else here. It's not my fault It's a burden (haha me) W-Well at least you know J-Now you can work on improving yourself M-Alright B-Improv-ing myself? B-I just had an image of Mark like laying in bed with his ipad W-I'm in a great hiding spot that nobody will ever find me in J- Yeah people do that W-That's your team mate that's giving you a sarcastic laugh M-No that's my real laugh guys everything else has been fake W-For the past 5 years Mark has never legitimately laughed once his life is so terrible he's never once laughed till' now B-I just had an image of Mark like laying in bed with his ipad watching Rick and Morty or something and just being like "ehaha ehaha hehe" (Mark hasn't even watched Rick and Morty yet -3-) W-I'm in a great hiding spot that nobody will ever find me in B- There's even dead peoples clothes in that room, i'm into that W- I told you there were naked people here somewhere B- I mean they're clearly not here Wade they're dead and their clothes are here W- Oh yeah, they just left without their clothes J- Yeah people do that B- If i'm gonna die, i'm goin' out naked, so... yeah W- Where are you gonna go? Why not die here? Why get naked and leave? B- When uh just like make this painting a little bit creepier Everyone but that person Did that? m- Wh-what are you doing? W- Probably, what are you doing with one of this painting I? B- Just made this painting more creepy M- gotcha.J- Hellow? B-Well, I was looking for you. Can I see can I see something real quick? Yeah? W- Yeah, feel french in my pages now. B-Let me just squat over you yeah, and just uh Yeah B- OAHH W-I'm glad I died fast because that was horrible M- uh uh *peculiar laughter* M-Bob did the bottle Shattering Blitz B-Little-known fact boom the bump a little take a shy Magnum dump on wade M-I thought you were easing him into your ass and it broke on entry Bob and Jack laugh B-I was inserting weight in W-whoa Markimoo laughs again. That lil cinnamon roll :3 M-Godamn We're where are you guys? I'm completely away from everybody. B- I'm upstairs B-I'm fairly certain J-somebody came into my room and just left M-Ha ha HA B- No, it may have had me are you get how much time is left is like an upstairs or downstairs J-um upstairs Bobby? M-You near me B- I'm right here. M-Yeah B-I think he was talking about me being an idiot M-in this room? W -Oh this is were you killed the family J- I didn't say you were an idiot B-Yeah, no he is calling me an asshole W- is that Grandpa or is that a child in the middle that you didn't shoot their B- Eh uh it looks like a Sad child J- a minute left, I feel bad M- Why? Huh? J- I haven't died yet M-We're just making it here intense. We know there. We know what you are. We know J-OH OHP nope! M-Wait a minute. B-You were not in there. Why? M- HEAYAHAH B_Was he M-he was a book set. He was a set of books. B- Oh really here. I didn't think you could be that B-Clever boys J- I said I read it in a book oh Oh, it was a giveaway. I've got a winning strategy Maria bout it Anybody anything out here jump in the air if you're out here. I really want to I delete their lack of jumping to be oh oh oh That's a guy can I get a redo could I get a redo hi if you had walked inside after looking over here? That would have been so funny come on jump. No, I didn't jump because you were looking right at me You were like look at this you said that I was like ah shit. Why were you here? What are you not trying? What because I'm blue? I'm blue look I blend in no higher than I would write is he Is perfect what am I right here? I wha there is right, right? Yeah, just give me like a give me like a five-second independent head start and then Wait, two or three minutes will give you 30 seconds. Oh, I don't need that much time. I'm awesome at this game Are you really are you are enda best at this game? I don't know if you've seen my work, but Pretty far well that case. We're coming to now. Yeah, okay. Come at me bro. Aha Fucking come at me bro. Be like the best at this game He come and right inside the door Come at me motherfucker as I would on you if you're not careful. You could come on me. That's something that people have He's semen he's account. Oh, no. No come on me not. I'm not come I'm On me that's clue. He's market shockingly silent there. Yeah, no no, I'm listening in on this I'm just my green side is like casually doing something that's really try hard. I feel like you know 30 That's pretty try hard what I'm doing My scenario where I am pretty sure wherever that may or may not be if I'm even you piece of shit Yeah, yours always this guy yeah, well. Oh yeah in the chair at a table I'm something that people come on with regular frequency. Oh, that's true. Wow yeah fish We were we were both sort of it. They met yeah, I think fish fish we were both sort of come thing Yeah, we're come magnets is what Bob was saying Bob and I both yeah couch You know are you you know you're not too far off Are you this person that's bloody on the toilet no no no no come on bloody people on toilet all the time I mean you're not wrong, but that's not what he is yeah Okay, it's that whole square rectangle situation. It's like Everyone is not the bat. What floor are you in the first floor? That's I'm on I'm on the first floor okay that you will search while not finding anything differently is that the ground floor yeah? That one no, it's not no one is even close to him. I'll say that why don't you guys take a nap? We're being hired Like hilarious, why don't you come on me? Jenner we're even are you guys? What are you doing? Well? I know I do over there There's a combine here pick it up. Come on up here a mattress or a bed frame or flour There's a dead guy in my room. He's really dead. Oh, how dead like here the good dentist There's a broken mattress here. I Bought it Weird that you could see the courtyard. Oh have a good time I gotta Condom and there's a dead guy here like the dentist you wanted - are you Doors open just run around on the first floor, but be quick about it now take your time. You're good You're good. It's not that interesting in here eyes open on the first floor. Go ahead. You whatever this is a very dead guy. Oh And it's like a very bedless mattress uh-huh So you guys here for the special or what are you guys here for uh? Yeah, you know if you were here for all the time Tandy Now what are you going to come on? Yeah? What are you gonna? Do yeah, you got nothing Jack was the savior I've just I just I just feel like I just got to say that Mm-hmm Man, Jack is your own personal Jesus Christ Wade I? Appreciate that jake your own personal hasu I drink your blood and stuff No, well, no, that's that is actually kind of part of the deal jack so it's not really negotiable Yeah, I guess my body as well get a little bit at a time, but yeah, I mean, that's none of the deal I mean everyone doing it so it's not really that big of a deal. Yeah, it's it's fine, right. I mean you. Yes, all right Personal Jesus like do I have to like do Miracles from and shit Well like it's like him and his family too. So it kind of extends out and like um oh What do you find out that Floyd I? Am right here car you regenerate it. You make more blood yeah, all right can I just turn water into wine? We have a good nap during your blood into my meal. What the fuck, but I don't wanna like I Got you yeah Funny thing is those mattresses are like that when you go in. They're all broken. Oh. Yeah, there was no mattress on that bed I would like he's never fine I Found a great day, so I do have a grenade. What wait, how I? Listen good things happen to those who try me sick burn and Bob We all know Bob didn't try Yeah, I feel like I just went on the whole thing about how I did try though. Yeah, I couldn't see him I got inside I gave up Hmm. That's what I'm saying Yeah, wait doesn't make you look better well, you can watch me you want a Aren't you busy ghosting these guys? Yeah, are you good to watch wait? Is that what we're talking about here you I'm very good to watch you're a while. Yeah like I make you want to come on things you can watch things on me that make you it's it like a voyeuristic thing should I? Watch you like through some blinds, or is it more like if you want. I mean honestly you could just drop me up in one Neighbors have them hMM I know what you are, but I'm not gonna say it you know out loud Yeah, what do you think? I don't know what he are no, no I'm pretty sure pretty sure we all know what he is But I'm just not where you'd expect me to be I guess not where that would be oh We got a long wait hurried away right now. I really am yeah, you find anything there mark No, no, no I'm just rumbling for my own sake I just don't know I mean I wouldn't go any further to the other side of the building for sure yeah better than you do more on this side are we on the correct floor ah I think you're both on the second floor that wouldn't be right now for so you're unlike the stairwell in the basement No, nope not down It's oh, well. I would say I'm down a little bit, but I'm not down the basement stairs fuck i thought that was gonna be it He's got about one horsepower right now. Oh yeah. I'm really low power Doesn't make any sense. Oh Someone, someone's close look closer. Yeah, someone's Marco-Poloing their way over here maybe like oh oh Oh, baby. I think it's one of you bob - Bob. Hey there it not a Far way Yeah, get warmer. Yeah, no too far mmm Well, what do you suppose here? I knew the wrong started building you fucking liar Do that's why I call you on this side in the front room. I was on the other side Dick Handsome you raised Mlg right now yeah? Yeah, I'm only coming in if you're mlg I'm pretty much on fire You know what to see if there's a blue person here. I'm not outside. Okay calm down This is the Carrigan if you know what I? Don't know we've blended - whoa wouldn't that be pretty meta though if I just did that and dropped it right in front of you Again, it was just like uh uh and you didn't see it. I'd be pretty You're the person out here by this car step out you see that? Bob I'm doing the same thing now. I'm hi good to meet ya. how are you? Just need a little privacy if you can close the door on your way out That'd be great you get a loss no no no no. No I know exactly where I'm going I just I didn't expect a company this early. So you know if you okay, I see a good talkin' to ya Hey, oh neighboorrrss Opened it. He was a face on the ground Come on. What are you talking about? I'm just dinner's not ready and wait till the bell rings come on rapscallion kids Just opened it at the perfect time and he was right there Fuck alright. So uh you guys still out here? You guys still this is difficult when there's no hints ah Yeah, I don't - give you a hand all right Mark I'm back. Are you still still here? Big Naga there is here that here's a hint. That won't help you There's a light bulb in my room. Hey, I didn't die the funny Mark Run like you mean it have you seen any of us yet ah? This one's not for a good while not for a little while, okay. I'm so fun go on Mark come on in. I don't know man. I don't know man. I don't know what to do every time I try to come back and it's bright. Oh My God, laugh my stomach it hurts You're the worst part about outside docked in the way, but you reckon right back in it You know it was play because you guys see a fish. I've just kind of I've been a big error message like the whole thing the big Red Glowing error message
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,464,536
Rating: 4.9514194 out of 5
Keywords: prop hunt, garry's mod, gaming, gameplay, game, multiplayer, markiplier, jacksepticeye, lordminion777, muyskerm, funny moments, collab, laughing, spooky, scary, horror, maps
Id: FgxAgUPt4-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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