STRANDED in SPACE - AGAIN! - Astroneer Gameplay

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it's my planet welcome toast topia oh dude what's I got this we got this oh you just went straight up and jumped it I did because I saw Oh what is it dynamite no oh my god what are you gonna do with that man I look at this look at this start dude yeah so it's really neat new features as well yes oh I better get we better get to air okay yeah so tell me TT future new features dynamite place space where it's space dude what happened what happened do we actually know seems not know oh oh god oh I did it and I'm gonna jump out so yeah oh I died again I'm gonna go ahead and terraform here okay can you do that yep alright we made it back we have made it back sort of after the great dynamite incident okay I just had to it's dynamite and so in the catalog we have a new tool called the catalog and there is the research has been redone because there's a research platform you can throw in different tools and stuff in there and it accumulates data and then you use the data to research more things in the system so it kind of starts off the same a little bit where we need to get wow this is really cool start we need to get the resin and the compounds and from there we go okay we do basic fundamentals yep celestial craft one might say the bare necessity butter in jelly like compound and resin there's some oxygen over here it's the peanut butter and jelly oh there's some resin resin over on that same stuff this is oxygen I'm gonna take it off yeah took all the oxygen so we can actually use that oxygen oh I got but you can yeah again oh there was compound here I'll get take compound you take the resin how's that so okay others more compound on the other side I love this is seriously the most beautiful game I think I played in the last leg I don't know in the history of my channel man do you remember even the sound effects did you remember old minecraft where there used to be a sound when you collected experience when it was first put into the game yeah that's what this reminds me of when you collect all this stuff I got I got plenty of photos yeah I did it I hacked the election places president president blitz so that's cool I like how you've got this big like blue like that's where blitz is oh really make it see each other easy yeah I got so much compound here in my face and surfing dude surfing like oh my god 50% of the o2 you're dead you're dead your duns oh that's oh oh I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it okay 5% I got this [Music] alien holy Sears what is that green flashing zone down there besides where I blew things up oh it's actually an interesting question you think it's like where I blew things up at ooh there's some goodies over here but maybe it's like maybe the satellite is calling to us be maybe it's like alien technology yeah I'm surfin in technology and build a Death Star blow up other planets what if you could make a Death Star probably Ken that's the whole point of this game conquer the universe the end goal is to make it best so what do you have for a gear right now we're thingies pods in your your bomb I think I just got a lot of is it resin okay you got the resin I got the compounds so I'm gonna make I'm gonna make you a small generator make you a peanut butter jelly sandwich dude let's see what we got okay where'd it go I could make okay I don't need a small generator me okay Oh an you gotta go in my camel where'd it go bytes are the research thing you have to make the research huh okay I don't know where my small generator went oh I could make a smelter can you so that make a small generator and I can make okay do you have to you take that yes we'll need that take that that's the small generator you'll need one of those where is it it's on the ground right in front of your face there goes my face now put that on your backpack like at the top I got a small generator and now on your generator no I'm trying to put it up on my dump on the top of my my spaceship thing here this is gonna make everything around here interesting yeah we'll have to flatten down the land so take that small generator you have that yellow bar in your backpack yeah all that we can really harvest right now oh this is really bad zone this isn't there we go there's some greens what am I trying to do with this we're trying to get the generator uses organics to make our huh it's coming back it's all coming back to me slowly but generally I think we'll be pretty good oh I got one okay so I'm gonna use that up on my generator that'll recharge my suit yeah we did technology yes it is which we haven't I'm gonna unlock the canister ooh canister canister researched perfect I'm gonna unlock tethers unlocked so I'm gonna create a canister for both of us I think so that's cool what is it okay Oh resin you need resin for the canister yeah cuz what we need tethers soon so I can start exploring this can you make us two canisters yeah cool let's see what I can do two canisters coming right up and I'll make some tethers for you it'll be it would be like we're tons you just put it on the ground click enjoy right there on the cannister I were to put the canister on the side of my thingy so the canister is new for terraforming yep you have to use you have to have a canister in order to terraform and then you can use the dirt to terraform so you suck it up and then the dirt goes into thingy and then once you have that you can tear it form a little better because where it's right yep you can get dirt and you see in the little canister there's kind of like a capacity for it so okay yeah the little white bar okay I'm gonna use that to try to flatten out our little base here try to expand okay so we're basically gonna spit out the sand yes collected it's a new resource you think this this plants made out cheese like the moon is the moon definitely is cheese I went there one time I think it's smoked gouda now you're talking about language yeah you know I had the other day the language of the I had a smoked sausage that was spicy and it had pepper jack cheese in it was really good and then you I'm hungry alright guys I'm going back to earth so you know what it you know what we did with it is we put it in some marinara sauce and we had noodles with it so it's kind of like a skiddy it was fantastic a really good kind of like I saw some skinny all right how's the base looking we are that's why we're gonna expand our technology a cool place yes because we got a satellite clearly gifted to us by aliens it had dynamite which we've already kind of used yeah which we used in the best way from pretty much it was you could say it was an explosive intro right man I think we've got a nice little opening so yeah in order to do that you have to click on one of these guys here and that expands now get that straight out and then you can put arisen so you have the resin so throw that on the top of that bad boy do you have another no I'm actually out we need to go cats well let's do it let's go where's dice and tethers you just look close oh there was that area that we caught cement right we could drop tethers why not yeah do I have any go ahead I love the system because it's also like a nice way to make your way back home yeah it's kind of like that what is it the trail there we go oh did you place that on my head it might have hey we can't always click it we're going into space yeah oh yeah there we go yeah I like how it's lit up so where where was that stuff that ah I can't find it okay you go there and I'll place it I'll place the gingerbread trail to you yeah how's that sound all right okay you got it yeah resin over here yep so we need lots and lots of the resin is there resonant company incoming tether line there it is spicy spicy Snickers you toast the bread they flatter it in butter see I I am much more of a fan of the wait toasted I was thinking garlic toast with cheese cheesy garlic bread I was wondering why you're gonna toast butter toast with garlic and peanut butter jelly I mean I know you know no way dude no way I know you like to put peanut M&Ms on your skittles together but yeah my life man I've watched you doing okay I've got my inventory is full we got to go don't go back people need me oh I think my holding that thing out in front of you like you're a little glitchy am i yeah I can't run as fast I know that for sure oh yeah I got more hang out so let's see now I'm gonna bring up my technologies yep technologies so we need to put this things straight out somewhere let's drew up that and then use this one up here right here a little bit a little bit of compound and now that bad boy whoop and I watch this guy the stretches out and we made a new one yeah yeah now what if I put two resins if you put two resins yep so go ahead and do that all right and we'll do the research station yes okay so right now we've only got the smelter in the research we want the research chamber because that unlocks other things so I put the two compounds in and we do it I love the 3d printing yeah back to this so this is the other reason why we needed a small generator is because now so can power this we power it and we can put in things say we we put in compounds in there and now if you click on this little guy it says you can get research in these so it's it's researching now see that so it is scanning the compound four bytes oh wait you put your tablet on it yeah did you know that's not mine that's that's one that's already there okay so it's it's researching that compound four bytes no and we'll get the bytes to unlock more things in the research chamber what's this little red button over there what little red button if you click it there's a little red button oh yeah that's the turnoff okay yeah we don't want to do that nope all right so now the other yep maybe we need to make another one up let's do another research station know another another thing yeah let's do one over here okay and we'll put in the smelter here why not okay I should have two on me okay here we go no yeah because those are the only ones that we have unlocked oh we need compound for this okay I have to I do not that's why we that's why we're a team teamwork banks the celestial body dream okay so we need power for that but we don't actually have anything to smell now oh dude we're gonna get we're gonna get swarmed by the storm oh shoot I forgot about that we need to get we get we got to go down maybe we should go down in this cave should we go I think if we right here seems safe okay let's maybe just go down can we go down in here and explore since we'll be underground so I mean right cuz there's two astronauts the ID or what moves oh oh that kind of hurt oh there's stones down there what come on I'm making a ramp for us okay now we'll be all right malachite oh oh what's this thing what's this thing new he's brave Wow oh I got hit by something Oh what was that noise always and guess oh yeah oh these things check it out these things you remember these the little poisonous plants no the hello poisonous plants a little pods so we can research we research those Cowboys and pods out diet hell don't I get out there I did go there so still the gas we got a mission to achieve victory I've got laterite battery to Valentine I'm getting the malachite from over here okay Howard I get the ladder right shirts aluminum or aluminum or aluminium aluminium or yes cuadrado job we've got aluminium okay I got most of the malachite so this will make us copper I also got one of these research puddles here that's awesome put these on our dead corpses we got a dig yeah our little ramp sucks we got three of these things or is this yeah that's not good wait yeah we got to get the right what the right angle and then you guys kind of think that'll do it wait it's it's blowin down here does that mean they're still Stormers or just like the king maybe the caves I'm building up into space that made it out made out of life yeah okay so I think there's just the cave might have its own kind of weather system that's awesome I'm gonna go down I'm gonna grab these research pods and we'll bring these up hey wait can you just grab it what is that going on up there oh are you harvesting oh that's so cool looking yeah one more it's kind of a fun slide oh we're out of we're out of juice on here oh look at this Hot Diggity Dog I actually got real power give me give me that give me that back I guess I ain't got enough organic that's okay we don't need organics when I got raw power all right someone put the ladder right here turn in more ladder right here oh this thing takes a lot of power what is that what oh that's my old gun I was like what is this contraption stick well I got a gun in my face all I got tethers you got is that yours that's malachite is that four-story oh this is a smelter good yep so we need to we need to get our research done I guess we've got these organics wonder if we'd yeah we need to go I could go harvest some organics yeah we need to do that I think that'd be our best choice right now yeah let's go let's go get the organics for energy okay and it won't come back and we'll research this isn't a very good spot for organic harvesting like nothing around here for plants what about 25% oxygen and storms coming in get to the chopper oh wait a minute I we tether I don't know what's going on I'm suffocating yeah storm just do that to you I'll try coming I'm trying to come in can you can you make it yeah I can't run oh I'm so easy down man down very now so storms make you go slow yep Plus Michigan we I was super close to saving your bacon on that yeah we were hmm yeah I guess another good one went down hello my name is Baron 3.0 I've got I click did your stuff so okay yeah I had some good stuff oh god I'll just stay in my pod till the till these rocks are done see I don't want to get hit would it be cool if they had like different types of space storms or like different type of like they're a big that's what the other planets are for oh I want to see like a volcano go off and then all of a sudden there's ash Emma huh and dinosaurs attacking in hurricanes and dinosaurs there you are rocking around I am because I'm not a so I wasted oh hey wait I think it worked did it work did we get the research done oh did you put that up there man way up there now we got a you got my organic right no there wasn't any what I had a ton of organic oh dude this thing's worth two thousand six hundred bytes what oh it takes 45 minutes to really okay so we've got some like long kind of technological research do you think we should maybe check this up we should make a few of these yeah there so I'm gonna expand me to sell minutes but it gives you a lot of bytes which should unlock a lot of things that's kind of cool technologies a lot more ooh hey we can unlock the beacon and the work light Oh will work like that's cool and oh that's the rover then so we're we're if you'd looked at this thing yet try to figure out where things are there's the habitat all solar I want that it's 400 bytes to get a small sort where's that it wind we're oak can you these are under the fire I guess that's power right Claire we should probably oh yeah let's get the small wind yeah that would be good for I did it research small wind turbine platform oh my god I learned that yeah oh so the smaller wind what is a small wind take we did get some metal right somewhere open we don't actually have metal we have smelting what does that thing take le iminium aluminum odds I saw boost mod yeah in an air mod in a hide what are these what are their months I think they're for the drill that makes sense OOP it's sunrise sunrise on the morning there's caves up there too so I'm gonna we unlock the wind the small wind turbine overnight yeah so we and it takes aluminium so yeah so I'm gonna try doing this I don't know how well this will work with our you start derpy stuff okay go oh oh wow that was easy that's fast this thing look at that burning it man that's the world's best smell forever not even burn yeah copy pin oh never mind are you trying to pop where's that birthday aluminium go ah right here oh I got it okay a small wind turbine I'm gonna build it so now we can have something yeah I got one too oh it's right up here it's right up here so you can build one it's on the top here you see it up okay yeah okay is that gonna work maybe okay so if we put this small wind turbine on here small wind turbine all right oh okay so that's not working too well I think the wind turbine is only for us maybe no it's only during windy times well yeah it's but there's that you can see that there is a little bit of a breeze yeah so also you notice that there's yellow pulsing through these veins yeah because this thing yeah this small generator is powering the solenoids powering everything we need to really work on an efficient power so should we should probably get a little bit more resin let's see if we can go find another arisen be nice to find it there's something up here maybe we should go down in the cave I've got two things of resin oh cool so make up that one I've got some compounds will do another research station of the research yep all right we need compound I've got one thing to come you got it ha ha oh that looks so cool beautiful so now let's get this bad boy over here yeah do it we're searching the Space Age do we are maybe we'll get a blast off into space there we go okay they're both researching an age now the thing is we need power for it right maybe we shouldn't use that big thing like going and we should just research like compounds and stuff there's no power in it wonder yeah no I mean this wind turbine here doesn't isn't yeah it's not hmm so that's yeah we got a I think that's just a personal turbine I want to see maybe there's some power down in here on this uh this thing sometimes there's power connected to these aren't there something yeah I did it oh my god I'm surfing surfing you as a surfing where what what are we gonna name this planet Oh satellite down it's like a Hubble telescope was nothing into Hubble that was where the Dynamite's wolves so there's power on the wall over here we lost our tether did we we good I think those search connected to each other we got it we got to right this wrong before we die of dive whizzing okay it's working out oxygen we also got light hello sir free go Oh some more minerals yep the blue or the yellow one in here oh what's that what are these oh that's the elem yeah a lot it right I believes aluminium okay and then that's an unknown research pod more poisonous thingies that's also power down there oh no mind if I do yeah just harvest all that up hi red and blue extreme yes so dark it is we need those working light see I'm losing my mind down here in the cage I totally can't see maybe we should go to the surface since it's still daytime and get yet yep ah so the power okay so the amount of power we can give to it affects put in another organic in that one okay boom there you go so that is seven minutes with both of those charging up oh nice hmm I really want to go fight more more organic or more more more more resin so we can kind of filter out our base a little better yeah is that that's that's resin right there okay I found it oh by myself hey that's not connected well we're getting bites look at this so the reeds is getting us bites is it over time it is we could we could get a work light but that'll just consume power and how many bites do you have how many bites 89 and going up okay so it takes a little bit of time interesting yeah I got some young risen in this big holes I could get a Power Cell which would just store yeah yeah we don't really need that just yet a solar panel more solar panels 2,500 bites Wow a small solar which is what we're going for I think right for Heights we'll be there in a matter of moments okay matter of moments before technological breakthrough so guess what I'm gonna build another one because I want to okay maybe a research in researching deep pools hmm oh I don't have any compounds using a small or go generator right Oh what organic generator I mean yeah we don't really need one we could have one we don't have any compounds either so I'm gonna go find more compounds alright I just I'm gonna I might need to go harvest some more organics meet you back at the base why base is gone oh I wonder hey I got a question do you see look we can put o these other high snow another research chamber right do you think we can put we have those what are they called these things oh no take that out take that out okay we want to get the lower things cuz it takes less time we're just gonna put a soil in there can we research soil sample ii detected oh it's 15 bytes hey that's kind of cool so just wait just a solar a soil I put soil in there you see that what is it we're researching soil oh you guys search anything any key yep that's what I was wondering keep researching soil you just research it for one time right yeah yep so this is the Science Center dude this is a cool base it is I like this having three along the side very nice nice and stuff is we can have the two big ones going at all times now I build another generator Oh a blast power out the top byah hey do you got you got more organics you can throw in that third one nice no no wait yes I do okay right here all right we're gonna power this we're gonna get it researching so what do we got oh we're just getting 15 bytes of researching soil yeah I wanted to try it it's free all right I think oh my god another day I wonder these these day/night cycles they seem relatively quick I think each planet actually has a different one because there's all sorts of different I like that all depend on like how far you are from the Sun the star no depends on the rotation Hey look the the wind turbines going since the little wind turbine we made is going I know scientist and got none of the brain learned about have actually a colonial Marine here to fight the xenomorph do you see over here is you know Murph that there's that little small wind turbine that's working ooh okay now it's working yep I'm gonna put that up here yeah we're doing it dude check it we're out science we're got the science there it is buddy there look at this beautiful base look I got I got one more ha ha I did it Hey weird doing it man we're researching all the things we got a really good start here tonight I love this game think we'll have different bases on the different plants oh yeah you better believe we're gonna have different bases on the different planets we can you know just think of all the soil that we can do more power more power but okay wind turbines yes can we make big ones yet I guess I haven't really looked what do we have how much oh we have over a thousand bytes dude oh let's get the small solar ah you know what I think that'd be grid for the next video oh I am do hope you guys are as well I love it okay bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 952,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, Astroneer, astroneer gameplay, astroneer game, gameplay, games, astronaut, let's play, space, video game, gaming, game, pc, lets play, base building, astroneer part 1, astroneer ep 1, astroneer trailer, astroneer xbox one, astroneer release date, astroneer shuttle, astroneer planet, shuttle, planet, Astronium, Astroneer astronium, AstroneerS01, astroneer multiplayer, AstroneerS02, 2017, Dec2017
Id: 4xrCAkb8Kjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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