Access Granted | Pastor Marco Garcia

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hey way family thank you for tuning in God has an amazing word for you so go ahead and check out this message and after don't forget to Like share and subscribe to our YouTube channel we love you god bless I'm gonna get into this word but before I get into this word I want to share a testimony I just came from South Africa I went to South Africa and I didn't know what to expect because all I know is what I've seen on TV I've never been there so I wasn't sure if there's just over two lions all over the place and giraffes and zebras and you have to fight to get through all these lines and rassa zebras to get to church I wasn't sure sure what I was I wasn't sure I was gonna enter into a third world country where there was massive poverty all around me I wasn't sure what I was walking into I got to South Africa and this is what I found when I got there someone picked me up and when they picked me up they began to share a little bit about South Africa and they said it's a at times a very dangerous place and in South Africa's we're driving I saw a whole bunch of Shack houses on our way to the hotel a lot of Shack houses I mean there's communities in South Africa that are just thousands of shacks and it looks that they're in a field with no electricity no running water and no plumbing but and then what I noticed also were some really beautiful houses and right next to the shacks were really beautiful houses as we slowed down and started driving through some of those neighborhoods I saw every beautiful house had brick walls around it right around five to six feet tall and on top of the brick walls were Rabab wire an electrical current going through the bob wire and I also saw cameras on all the nice houses and the reason they have the cameras which there's a lot of break-ins a lot of theft so it's not a very safe place a matter of fact some of the drivers and everyone out of all the drivers that were driving me around every one of has been carjacked at least once in their life carjackings happen all the time one of the drivers actually got shot four times different times in car jackings also find out that the unemployment rate is up to 70% in California I mean the United States of America it's right around 5% over there it's in some places up to 70 percent unemployment I get to the hotel it's a beautiful hotel and I look this is different this is in South Africa too they pick me up for church and when they pick me up to church I'm getting ready to enter their campus and the first thing I meet up with is not a parking lot attendant it's a security officer with a machine gun to drive into their campus you have to get through two machine guns and security officers so now you must be thinking man that church must be really suffering but what I found out the church wasn't suffering at all what I found out that the church didn't think nothing like their surroundings what I found out that the church actually thought they were a nation within a nation they actually thought this that the poverty that's in South Africa has nothing to do with us because our source is now South Africa our source is not the government we belong to a whole different government when I began to talk with them I started hearing that they had a Kingdom mindset that they had a king and their king was their source they started talking about debt-free living that they believed that God was a source that debt was in their source the banks were at their source God was their source and if they believed that they could receive it I also began to realize that they weren't talking about their problems they were talking about their God they were talking about their answer then we're talking about their source they were constantly praising God they weren't talking about the economy they weren't talking about the poverty they weren't talking about the violence they weren't talking about the corrupt government they weren't talking about the division they were talking about the kingdom they were talking about the word and what they were talking about they were experiencing crazy so I walk onto the campus and I walk into their for yay and the for yay is the mall a brand new mall that's there for yay with five restaurants in their mother in there for you I go into their sanctuary they got LED screens this is one of the churches I visited put that church up right now lit this is there for you of one of the churches I visited in South Africa debbye 57 Chevy I think sitting right there never grocery store right there to cafes to bookstores three stories 3,500 seat auditorium in South Africa there's not an inch of that building that's not totally a hundred percent decorated to the tea they're thinking the best for guy who said well how can that happen in South Africa because they're not dependent on South Africa they're dependent on God I want you to so I'm gonna continue talking about this a young man is driving me around he's 30 years old around there 30-some years old and he's just shares with me we believe in debt-free living oh that's fine he's 30 years old I'm thinking anybody could be debt-free at 30 years old you just don't buy nothing my daughters are dead free come on heels under no I'm not dead free because I don't have anything I'm debt free because everything's paid off because I got two cars they're paid off you guys I got a house that's paid I'll go what I go how do you get a house that's paid off and this what he says I've been libel Eve I believe that God will supply a debt-free house you'll never get a debt free unless you start believing the God supply a debt-free house so I'm married and my mother-in-law saying hey you guys need to get your own house he goes yes and I'm believing for a debt-free house you know what God told his mother-in-law he's believed for a debt-free house you got the money buy him a house the money for the house was available but God said once again God needed someone on earth that had some faith for the distribution of the wealth what God is saying there are no limits to my resources if we would just start believing that God is our supply could we just start believing a little bit bigger and realized there's access granted there was another driver and this driver is driving me around in the Mercedes and he's a millionaire I go what South Africa you know what God was doing us blowing my mind because you never thought that my people could be wealthy over here did you you thought they could be wealthy in America because it's a wealthy country but I could make any of my people wealthy because I want you to get that I'm their source I want to think why am talking about that this is not about financial gain this is about access and everything that God has for us to accomplish every dream a vision that God has put on our hearts and this man tells me a story he goes I came to the Turk Church an alcoholic I came to the church massively in debt with no hope struggling I started hearing the teachings and I started realizing I could live at a higher level I was a mechanic and I was working for a company for years and I was a really good mechanic as I started hearing the teachings I realized that I didn't need to be just a mechanic I could actually own a shop myself the teachers were raising my thinking I started saying over myself I am had I am NOT the tail I am above I'm not below he started speaking life into the dream he goes I took it a step further I wrote down I am a business owner and then he put scriptures behind it and every morning he would wake up and look at the dream and then look at the evidence the evidence was the scripture he had a dream but there was scripture that would back up what he was dreaming about what he was that vision that God gave him he said I want to be a blessing to a church there's been a blessing to me but I want to be an ultimate blessing and God put in his heart you could be an owner he's feeding the dream he's talking about a bright future he's not talking about his limitations he's not talking about his background he's not talking about no one in my family has ever become an owner he's not talking about his family is in desperate poverty he's not talking about that because his reference point and his source is not him it's not his family it's God I'm trying to get you somewhere we're gonna get there he said he's searching now for an opportunity I wonder how many of us in this room you're searching for an opportunity or has the enemy shuts you down to a level that you can't see hope can't see an opportunity not because it's not there it's just you've been blinded to it all you can see is your past hurt your failures your mess the circumstance you're in but there's a God that's bigger than your mess he's bigger than your path he's bigger than your failures and he wants to let you know there's more say with me there's more when he says I've come to give sight to the blind he was not just talking about physically blind people we have right here in this room spiritually blind people all you could see is darkness pain and suffering you're ready to give up you're ready to quit you're ready to throw in the towel and God says no I'm sorry I brought you here today to let you know access has been granted open your eyes opportunities all around you because your source is not this world I'm your source I'm giving you testimony so it could begin to talk about this stuff he said I found the shop a really beautiful shop that was for sale the owner worked I shopped for years and he was ready to retire one of my friends had money for the down payment I was a mechanic he had the money so I told my friend why don't we go in business together 5050 you bring the money I bring the skill and his friend says let's do it so they're going to ask her on the building and when they're going to ask around the building a week before escrow supposed to close on the building his friend backs out what do you do when your friend backs out you don't change the vision you go back to the vision you go back to the scripture right now there's a fire down the street a building some of you guys were had a detour you have to go to the other exit I believe there's some people than when they saw the detour they said this that's a sign I'm not supposed to go to church how many thought that though how many thought that like I did did that but you overcame that thought and you said it doesn't matter if there's a detour I'm not gonna change the vision I'm not gonna say the destination I'm still going for why because some does anybody have some faith that when there's some detours you don't give up on the vision you stay on track and say I know God told me and I wrote the vision down and I got the scripture to back it up and it doesn't matter if there's obstacles I'm still gonna get to the destination circumstance does not change the vision by vision changes the circumstance we walk by faith not by I don't care how it looks that's nothing to do how it's gonna turn out that's a leader that's how you got here to this word that's gonna give you access to heaven something spirituals happening here I believe that's why there's a detour you know that building that's on fire we just did some research on it you know what that is that building is bought by some lady in Beverly Hills and her purpose for that building was to be a marijuana distribution center and God says no not on hallmark we're gonna purify with the fire started right there near Lowe's and all the way up anything that doesn't line up with the vision it's gonna have to be come on it's gonna have to be eliminated God I want you get this I'm gonna say God burn the building up he sure did allow it though know some secret stuff happened over the gun I know secrets my church is gonna be inconvenience for a minute but I'm but I but I'm setting this up for success come on God is we know what God said I'm handling all of your invisible enemies stuff you can see stuff you can't see the vision will come to pass come on there's a sign that God is doing something access is being granted so you know what that guy did when his partner backed out he made up with the owner anyways heels look I believe that this store is mine I'm a great mechanic I have a vision I'm a man of God God has never failed me he's not gonna fill me with this he's telling the owner stuff like this the owner says but you got no money guys I know I got faith faith is more important than money come on belief is more important than money come on faith we'll bring money faith will bring breakthrough faith will bring healing there's the time you don't need a doctor you need a move of God come on faith is more important God could do more in this weird storm they never doing get done in the physical realm so he goes he talks to him you know what the owner says he does it doesn't make sense he goes but I believe you believe that you could do this he goes I believe also that you believe I can do this because I do and he said this give me a chance and I'll pay you back in six months the $300,000 you need you're taking no risk if I don't pay back you got your business back there guy goes deal he paid him back in three months $300,000 you know what it was always accessible well God is saying there's some things that are accessible to you and you've been talking yourself out of it and it's time for you to talk yourself into it God is saying there are no limits it's time to access what's available so now today this message is just an introduction it's an introduction because I'm just gonna talk about the goals of this message three goals of this message this is what God wants to get done in this message three goals and I believe as I talk to you about the goals it's gonna begin to happen in your life part two it's gonna be Wednesday night so I don't go to church on Wednesday night okay maybe you ought to start trying some new we're talking about this access granted but I want also want to mention this could it be that God's trying to get access to you and you're saying access denied it's a two-way street God's trying to get access to you and you're trying to get access to him but there's some things he needs to get done on earth but you need some access points someone say I'm an access point okay so the goal of this message is a very simple goal number one goal number make us aware that there's a spiritual dimension that we have access to make us aware that there's a spiritual dimension we have access to the most important things in life are not found in the physical realm but in the spiritual realm there are two realms than two dimensions physical and spiritual the spiritual realm created the physical realm the spiritual realm has more power than the physical realm the physical realm is limited the spiritual realm is on limited we were meant to depend on the spiritual realm Romans 14:17 says this for the kingdom of God is not a matter of Eden and drinking let's stop there for a minute the kingdom of God now there's this government there's this king there's a nation the God's talking was called the kingdom of God and it does not exist in this realm it exists in the spiritual realm there's a kingdom of God and there's a king and every believer is a citizen of that kingdom of that nation we have dual citizenship on earth and heaven but our main citizenship our main identity is not as an American but our main identity is a kingdom citizen because one day this identity will be gone on my spiritual identity my spiritual citizenship will last for eternity I am a citizen of heaven and I have a king I belong to a nation that's rich okay I'm an ambassador I represent him on earth but don't mistake this I'm not from here I'm from there were you from heaven was so homey we need to get our identity place in the right place the enemy wants you to be earthly he wants you to get stuck in reasoning he wants you to focus on facts and say come on get your mind off the things of this world because everything in this world will pass away get your mind on the things that are eternal because the things that are eternal will not pass away let's get our mind our focus on the right realm there's a kingdom of God it's not eating or drinking we didn't buy that is it's not physical is that you can't go there and have a meal physical meal because it's not eating and drinking it's not physical stuff but look what it says it is but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit that word righteousness is really important if you're ever gonna be right with God you're gonna have to get that from the kingdom or the spiritual realm you can get right through the physical realm it's a kingdom of righteousness whatever that is you cannot earn your way by any physical thing that you do on this earth to heaven if I've sinned I'm guilty and I might be full of shame and you might feel like you're nothing that's all in this realm but if you're ever going to get a sense of being right with God you're gonna have to get that from God you can't get that from man you can't get that from religion you can't get that from a person you must get your righteousness from a man I mean from a person named Jesus Christ it's in another realm he's the one that makes us right with him righteousness is a gift forgiveness is a gift right standing with God is a gift you cannot get that that gift from anything you do on this earth you could only get that gift from tapping into that realm it's a miracle when you get when you call upon the name of Jesus that he'll forgive you of every single one of your sins set you free and give you a gift of eternal life and declare that you're righteous in front of him what are you gonna do with all the guilt and all the regrets and the shame of your past what are you gonna do think about it you're ready thinking about that way too much could it be you're stuck in the past and you're thinking what can I do to fix this and as long as you keep saying what can I do to fix this your only answer is to self-destruct why did I say self-destruct because when you start looking and you start looking within yourself you start thinking do I deserve do I deserve you're gonna find out the answer is gonna come back no and that's why some of us when you're on the verge of succeeding you sabotage it you're in a cycle of destroying yourself because within yourself you think you're no good you think you're bad you think you're unworthy and you keep doing this is what happens you keep tearing yourself down because you're trying to find righteousness within you you're not gonna find righteousness and right standing within you you know where you gonna find you're gonna find your path you're gonna find your mistakes you're gonna find your failures and the more you look within you the more don't want you the more you magnify your mistakes but I thank God that your righteousness is not found in you your righteousness is found in Christ your righteousness is found in another realm so I don't look within me my life is hidden in Christ God Jesus died for my sins suffered for every wrong thing I've done no longer do I need to live in the past God has forgiven me of the past and it's time for me to accept his forgiveness and forgive myself who could give you that who could give you right standing but God it's not something you could get in this realm it's in the spiritual realm then and peace someone say peace so the kingdom of God is righteousness and what peace I think the biggest problem we have today is there's no peace where are you gonna find your peace at you know the most miserable person in this world is a rich person has no peace say why is the most miserable person in the world a rich man has no peace because he has the money and he has access to everything this world offers and he still can't find peace if you're poor at least you think you have hope you start thinking well you know I don't have that car if I had that car I had peace having a house I'd have peace if I could travel around the world I'd have peace but there's a problem you could travel all over the world if you have no peace wherever you go there's no peace you could be in the most beautiful beaches in Hawaii but there's a problem everywhere you go there's the problem there you are you could have a probably you can smoke all the weed that's why they have a weed dispensary trying to have a weed dispensary know why because people are looking for peace you're not trying to smoke me weed because you want to become a drug addict or addicted of marijuana you're trying to find some peace and you're trying to find peace in the wrong realm how much weed can you smoke to have finally have some peace you've never smoked enough weed to say you know what I don't need no more weed that delivered me I don't want to miss the Hyatt that I was so good I'm still feeling it to today but if you experience a little temporary false peace and the devil's dealing because it wasn't it's not a drug dealer it's a peace dealer but it's a fake peace dealer and no matter how much you go to that thing or you go to that place or how much money you make the truth is you still have no peace because you can't get peace in this realm it's not gonna be a girlfriend it's not gonna be a boyfriend it's not gonna be a husband it's not gonna be a job it's not gonna be a promotion it's not gonna be a car it's not gonna be a house it's not gonna be a drug it's a person his name is Jesus Christ he's the Prince of Peace and if you get it from there there's no other piece dealer how do I know I got peace but I didn't get it from this realm and you know why I love that because this realm can't steal it from me you can take on my car you can take on my house you can take away a lot of things but you can't take over my piece because it wasn't this realm that gave it to me it was another realm you know I got it from God and this is why we get all messed up when we start losing stuff you start losing stuff and you lose your piece and you know why you lost your piece when you last saw that was your fake God that was your source you lost peace when she left you lost peace when he you lost peace when you lost a job you lost peace when the bank account went down and we're gonna say come on it's time to get rid of that and get focused on the right realm access granted I'm the one that gives peace you get that in my room it's the kingdom of heaven that distributes peace what do you really pastor what do you really mean I don't need to live depressed yes all you have to do is receive it let go of the past and receive what's been paid for you don't have to pay for Jesus paid for it stop trying to pay for your own sins but look at this and I love this and righteousness and peace and I want all of it joy in the Holy Spirit's [Music] the Bible is saying the joy is in the spiritual room it's in the unseen it's in the Spirit of God it's a joy it's a peace that surpasses all understanding it's a joy unspeakable why is it a peace that surpasses understanding because your circumstances don't need to change for your emotions to change because it doesn't come from your circumstance it comes from another realm it's a joy unspeakable because you don't understand how could you be happy when all your world is falling apart because my joy is not in my world my joy is in another world it's in a relationship it's in the Holy Spirit and you can't take the Holy Spirit away from me so therefore you can't take my joy away from you unless I give you permission and I don't give you permission permission deny before the devil can do anything in your life he needs permission from you before God could do anything in your life he's permission from you could it be you're giving permission to the wrong side to rule your thoughts your emotions and your conversations you should be given permission to God come on it's time to stop complaining it's time to stop murmuring it's time to stop being bitter and it's time to get some praise back in your mouth God says will you give me permission don't open up your mouth with an answer instead of a problem okay you know what I love this it's available to the bridge the poor the lonely the broken the failure because it's joy in the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is accessible to any single person in here I know you've been diagnosed with depression and bipolar ISM and schizophrenia I dig that but there's a God that's bigger than your chemical imbalance there's a God come on that can set you free and there's a joy that has then to do with this world it comes from another dimension and it's accessible to you come on there's anybody ready to receive some joy the joy of the Lord is your strength because when you got the joy of the Lord you are strong so sounds strong in the Lord and the power of his might the I have the joy of the Lord that's found in its Holy Spirit the fruit of the Spirit is love peace joy I receive it thank God have you received the come on come on receive some joy you've been receiving the depression you receiving the fear you be recieving anxiety you be receiving the suicidal thoughts it's not for you to receive the joy of the Lord how are you gonna have a happy marriage when all you all you're giving into is unhealthy emotional thoughts meditations and conversations you're getting your stuff from the wrong source it's time to shut that thing down you know why you can shut it down because you have the right to shut it down change begins when you finally say I am done with life the way I've been living I've been going to the wrong source it's time I just realized I have access to joy peace righteous and strength I'm gonna go ahead and get it from the dimension that God says I've access to the kingdom of heaven is accessible to every single one of us we have access to God's peace forgiveness freedom power strength healing miracles provision wisdom joy salvation and eternal life what was the difference between society in South Africa and Church they were getting their resources their thinking their ideas their wisdom their favor their strength from two different dimensions and that's why you can have a church in the middle of poverty that's succeeding because the people in the city come on going to people that are sitting in those churches realize I'm a Kingdom citizen and I could be blessed and when I'm blessed I'm gonna be a master blessing to the church so you could be a blessing we were talking this week that there's a problem a lot of the foster children when they graduate they have no family they have no friends they just graduated into nothing no mentoring after they're done so we thought about this this next year we need to purchase a home and I believe with your purchase purchase a cache that free let's not put them under debt let's put them under freedom so while they're transitioning out they go into discipleship they go into mentoring and their fathers and they have brothers that sister and they have family I'm gonna be that's a good idea well you know how that's gonna happen God needs to bless you come up someone say bless me so I could be a blessing so we can materialize in the physical realm what you're already giving us in the spiritual realm that's how it happens goal number two of this message remind us that Jesus suffered and died to make us to make God and all of his blessings accessible to us Jesus suffered and died to make God accessible to us to make the father accessible to us jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father no one gets to the source but through me Jesus made a way for us to get to the the father and his blessings why did I mention the father first because it's relationship first we're not after the blessings we get the relationship we get the blessings some people have made their blessings their God and that's why when the blessings are a little funny their spirit is a little funny you got to learn that to have joy when you have and when you don't have when things are going good when they're not good you don't lose your praise you little come on you don't lose your joy you don't lose your peace because it's not there it's here it's in the spirit I got it from a different realm so Jesus died and suffered to make God and all his blessings accessible to us Matthew 27:51 and behold the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom and the earth shook and the rocks were split and you say what does that have to do with today a curtain well this is how it used to be humanity had no access to God before Jesus came there were a certain priests that were chosen that would have access to God it would be just one priests out of the millions and millions of people one person could represent all the people how it used to be was this there'd be a place in the church where the presence of God would live and it was called the Holies of Holies so it'd be kind of like this there would be a curtain from top to bottom on this stage and only one person could go behind if you if he did all the sacrifices he'd have to shed blood of lambs and bulls to prepare shed blood because sin deserves death so something would have to die in the place blood without such a life would be given for life so that blood would temporarily cover them to stand in God's presence so he'd go behind the veil if he wasn't right and he didn't do all the rituals properly he would die they'd had to pull him out with a rope they put a rope on him and if he he was a ride they said getting ready and they pulled him up might not be scared to come to church like that right so now he would go behind the veil and spend time in the presence of God representing mankind I got good news for you when Jesus suffered and died the veil or the curtain to stop people from getting access to God was ripped but it wasn't ripped from the bottom up it was ripped from the top down Jesus died he said it is finished and then God the Father took it to cut that veil and just ripped it from the top on the bottom and this is what he says every one of you have access to the power have access to the father have access to the blessing come everybody come it's available to you jesus paid the price and gave you access you're covered not by the blood of lambs and bulls but you're covered by the blood the perfect blood of Jesus when you go in the father just sees his son and what's accessible to his son is accessible to you because the same come on the same Jesus that resurrected from the dead that Jesus lives in you someone says I have access when that happened there was rips top to bottom just the priests the religious leaders have never seen something like that everyone not had access to God what the masses couldn't see they now could see what was hidden was no longer hidden he sent sons daughters there's no hidden secrets there's no hidden blessings I give it all to you we need to get that in our spirit because God is saying I've given you access to my blessings so you could be a blessing stop living like you have no access it's time to start praying it's time to start using authority that God has given us and we start need to start getting our identity I'm not in poverty because I have a God that's rich and he supplies all of my needs I'm not in lack because I my god he supplies every area that's weak God makes strong but I can actually say let the rich say I am gonna let the poor say I am rich I am rich because Jesus gave me full access you guys got that the Bible says this when that happened the earth shook and the rocks were split just think about that I don't believe that this was the earthquake that was just in a geographical location I believe the whole earth shook at that time I believe hell shook I believe every part of this earth had a earthquake and there was a shaking the enemy that had power the power was broken at that point because something supernatural happened and I believe that was a there was an alarm in hell you no longer are in control my son has died and this is a new dimension and now my people have access rocks were split I believe that represents obstacles every single obstacle has been split in half it's time that the rocks and the stones will no longer hold you everything that they're trying to hold you from gaining access God said I have power I split it in half move forward and the last thing last goal the goal of this message get our minds off our lack and focus on our unlimited heavily source God supplies all our needs from his and unlimited resources are ours Philippians 4:19 look at this and my god who I love what he says personally he's my god is he your God it's a say and God no no no my god I don't know who your God my god my guys are one who created the heavens and the earth my God sent His only begotten Son to die for my sin my God declared that unrighteous my god loves me God my God forgave me I'm talking my god the guy that God that has no limits I'm talking about the Alpha and Omega the beginning in the end Almighty God I'm talking about the god that's omniscient all-powerful all-knowing that's a god I thought on time about the God that just said let there be light and there was light I'm talking about the God the resurrected his son after he died I'm talking about that God I talked about the God that created the heavens or Earth that sees everything that you see that God I thought about that God that's coming back for me that God that saved me that God that delivered me from the drugs and alcohol and the things I couldn't overcome that God that gave me joy when I couldn't find any joy the psychiatrist gonna help me well my friends gonna help me somebody can help me but there was a God they intervened in my darkest moment I'm talking about my god right it's okay we'll supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus so where does he get the resources from his riches and where the riches uh in another realm and where they found in Christ the first step to get access to the riches in glory is to give God through faith in Christ access to you it's found in glory in Jesus it's another realm but it's this realm the sets this realm free is that realm the has a joy you can't find here it's that realm that brings miracle healings in relationships and hearts into families miracles how God's our Park God is waking us up he says son daughter you have access to my love to my acceptance to my righteousness to my peace my joy and eternal life you have access you no longer need to focus on your lack your failures your past I paid the price why are you beating yourself up I already did that today well you just accepted as a gift His goodness his love his mercy his strength his joy his peace his power and purpose for your life you can have it it's in a different realm but you could have it it's accessible to you today I'm gonna receive that word from God today come on I want you get this those that are spiritual get this I'm understand that it's a wait a second I want you to do this spend a half hour this week I said I'm making it easy I said I'm meditating on your problems pray so what should I pray about everything is stressed out about and either you're gonna stress out about it or you gonna start praying about it the boss says be anxious for nothing but pray about everything are you tired of living under the stress put on some worship music lock yourself in I don't care room walk around in the park I don't how you do it pray we're too busy and you know why we don't pray we believe we got to do it I don't got time to prep too busy stop it that's why you're so busy because you start praying God will start taking care of stuff that it's taking you so hard for you God would just do natural breakthroughs for you like if you have a business don't be too busy that you're so busy working your business that you don't have time for the father's business God has a way to sing you clients and give you breakthroughs and give you favor if you just spend a little time with him and half-hour try it I want to hear some testimonies I what happens and that half hour and you're never to take a big concordance with you and I'm not talking I'm learning more theology I'm talking about you spending time with God you speak the guy let him speak to you and go over the journal write down what God said or maybe do this don't come out until you have some peace just stay there until I got see here's some worship music I just stayed until you there's an exchange you give them all your anxiety all your stress all your craziness all your cray cray cray cray cray cray meanness all your anger all your give it to him and then you don't leave that room until you're full of God's Spirit and his peace and his joy how about how about let's doing something like that come on church when you get on fire your friends are gonna be on fire the city will be on fire your job would be on fire sigh first they get back get everything that God has for us so we could give it amen thank you so much for tuning in to today's message we pray that you were encouraged and empowered don't forget to check out some other messages we have in our YouTube channel and share subscribe to the way World Outreach org we love you god bless you have an amazing week [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,794
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Id: JSctNxT746k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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