How To NEVER Have A Bad Day AGAIN!

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a bad day you know i think all of us have had a you know a bad day one time or another now life is not full of bad days but there are difficult days and challenging days that come but i really believe the bad days define us more than the good days because in the good days your your character is not being tested and there's no promotion on good days the promotion comes on the bad days those are the test days most k most students don't mind going to school on regular days but if it's a final that's the day they would like to miss if it was possible but without that final there's no graduation because the final is just testing everything that you've learned all year long and it's the purpose of a final is to discover if you're ready for a graduation now bad days are finals they're just testing grounds that's why you don't always have bad days as a believer every day isn't a bad day there's a lot of good days but there's some struggles and there's some tribulations and there will be some challenges but when those days come up they're not there to defeat you they're not there to discourage you they are there to promote you are you ready come on that's why the bible says count of joy when you fall into diverse trials and tribulations because you know something that this trial this tribulation is there to promote me this this is under you must understand this difficult days prepare you for greater purpose as a believer you got to know that so now we're going to go through one bad day there's a 24-hour period in in these apostles lies in acts chapter 2 acts chapter five uh just one day that one day and and three things happened on this day one they were arrested not once twice imagine being falsely arrested twice in one day let's look at that arrest in acts chapter 5 verse 17 it says the high priest and his officials who were sadducees were filled with jealousy they arrested the apostles and put them in public jail but an angel of the lord came at night and opened the gates of the jail and brought them out then he told them go into the temple and give the people this message of life so they arrest them the first day it's within and and an angel comes at night and opens a prison door they walk out they walk out now they're free and they're free with an assignment god doesn't set you free just to be free he sets you free to tell others how you got set free tell them your story so set free not just to enjoy life but set free for purpose so now they're free they begin to look for them where are these guys they heard that they were doing exactly what the angel told them to do they went out with purpose and they were in the temple or they were in church and you know what they're doing preaching they were sharing why were they arrested because they were preaching and they were sharing when we begin to walk out purpose there will be some resistance to stop you and i from moving forward and progressing and advancing the kingdom of heaven is part of the warfare so it's important to get that so let's keep on going they can't find them they find out they're in the temple so now these guys that originally arrested them they're coming back the captain and verse let's go to verse 26 the captain went with his with his temple guards and arrested the apostles but without violence for they were afraid that the people would stone them then they brought the apostle before the high council where the high priest confronted them didn't we tell you never again the teach in in this name man's name he demanded instead you have filled all jerusalem with your teaching about him and you want to make us responsible for his death so now what do they what do they do they they say didn't we tell you to shut your mouth that's what we arrested you the first time you got free you didn't learn your lesson you're still talking about jesus shut up didn't we tell you so you know what they did they arrested him one more time one more time when was the last time we got persecuted for preaching jesus but this happened for real being persecuted and arrested and the prisons weren't like the prisons we got today there were dungeons rats i understand they don't have no bathrooms i mean they would they would go to the bathroom right there in in their jail cell they smelled it was a mess that's where they were put for preaching the good news not once but twice in 24 hours in the morning they're preaching in the afternoon they're re they're arrested again you might be asking yourself in a situation like that god why'd you let me out of the prison in the first place if i'm gonna get re-arrested they didn't ask that question but if you're asking that question why would an angel set them free from the prison and allow them to get re-arrested i'll tell you why because them getting arrested had nothing to do with them the purpose of them being arrested was and the purpose of them getting set free was to show the people that arrested them you have no power over my life i'm in prison because god allowed me to be in prison so he just showed you he could set me free any time he wants you're not in control god is still in control when a christian goes through a trial stop giving the devil credit for it god is the one that's allowing you to go through that trial and understand in that trial there will be victory and in that trial you will glorify god because there's times that god needs to show someone that doesn't believe what a believer looks like under pressure see they don't know if your faith is real until your faith is tested and sometimes god tests your faith publicly they were put in not in a private jail they were put in a public jail so sometimes your trials go public to see how you respond and the world see when they see real faith they become believers i don't know if you really believe i know you really believe when the pressure's on right so they're rearrested but the day's not over crazy so the day's not over let's look at let's look at um verse 38. now let's go to verse 40. so now they're re-arrested and this is the plan that they have they have a plan to kill them they didn't do nothing this is a bad day they even got a hit put on them you know who was good and you know what's so crazy who was gonna kill him some religious priests were gonna kill him it wasn't even some gangsters it wasn't mafia it wasn't a drug dealer they had a bad drug deal they weren't being executed because they committed a crime there were they were there to hit on them because they were preaching jesus this is what i want to tell you the minute you start sharing your faith and living this life out you got to hit on you they're putting a green light on you but this is what's so great no weapon formed against you shall prosper you could put whatever hit you want to put on me but i'm not going to die a day before my come on before i'm supposed to die i have an appointment with death but you're not going to set my appointment devil that's why don't get intimidated by bad reports by doctors by what people are saying and the threats the devil's trying to put on you to shut you down because he doesn't have power over your life over your destiny and over your eternal life only god determines that try to kill me now i want you to get this these were these apostles were the first believers ever persecuted ever on the face of the planet there was never a believer person christian persecuted before this time jesus was persecuted but none of his apostles were persecuted while they walked with him even when jesus was put on the cross they didn't arrest none of the disciples none of them were persecuted but now they're ready for a little trial we know they're ready for the trial because before they met up with this trial god empowered them for the trial god won't allow you i'm going ahead of myself right now but god will not allow you to go through a trial he's not empowered you to go through before you get there so don't ever think like it's too much god said it's not too much if it was too much i wouldn't allowed it we'll get into that a little further but we're just setting up the bad day bad day but hit on them but you know what's so crazy one of the guys that's with them that's ready to you know they're ready to put a hit on him let's kill him one of the guys stands up and says you know what i don't think that's a good idea bro i don't think it's a good idea to kill these guys because let's just put it this way if they're not real you don't have nothing to worry about them just gonna fade away anyways it's just a whole bunch of talk but if they are real and they are representing god you could find yourself fighting against god himself so if i were you guys i would just take your hands off these guys and let them go because we don't want to get in a fight with god see and i want you to get this when someone's messing with you they're not messing just with you they're messing with the god in you so when you mess with a believer devil come on when you mess with the believer devil and you're messing with some believers that know who their god is this devil we know you're not messing with me you're messing with my god and if you're messing with him you just pick the wrong fight [Applause] so after hearing one of them come up and say hey man i don't i think we could be fighting with god here i mean just within 24 hours the angel came and released them don't you think maybe that might be a sign that something's happening see the miracle wasn't for the apostles in prison because they never asked to be set free from the prison see this is what's wrong this is what happens to a lot of christians we're so interested in comfortable lives that sometimes god's allowing us to go through a trial so he could reach somebody but but this is what's happening we can't endure the pressure and we walk out of our testimony there's a time that god allows you to get in a fire furnace so he could reach nicodemus come on so he could reach a city so he could so he could show his power do you know that when you're in your toughest situations your toughest battles god says endure it he don't say run from it he don't say go to drugs he don't say start drinking he don't say leave the church he says stand there and fight and endure that thing because that thing is good for you and it's good for the people that are watching you why is it good for you because it's building your character how could god give you a fight if you keep turning your back against the enemy there's a time in your life that you got to learn how to square up what the enemy is saying i'm not backing up is there anybody here ready to square up and set a run [Applause] god's taking you somewhere but he's also taking the people that are looking you somewhere because this is all about leadership and influence see the reason that guy stood up and said hey man we might be fighting against god because he already seen how the apostles were reacting while they were in prison and he saw he saw how god showed up this is what happens so this is what happened in verse 40. the others accepted his advice they go yeah let's let him go man they called in the apostles this is a bad day it doesn't end they had them flogged then they ordered them never again to speak in the name of jesus and then they let him go he says what happened within 24 hours arrested twice falsely imagine if you arrested false twicely what would you be saying would you be like videotaping it and put it on youtube i know why they arrested me the color of my skin all right you were preaching the gospel and that's why you got arrested understand this this is what god is saying can we stop making it about ourselves i'm not saying there's not some real issues in our society i'm not talking about that i'm talking about when you're preaching the gospel and you're living for god it's i'm gonna say when you're living for god this let's not make it another issue you know what the issue is the devil hates you and he wants to stop you and this is what happens he wants to conquer your spirit he wants you angry he wants you fighting he wants you to get a lawyer he wants come on he wants you fighting back in facebook he wants you to do all this stuff and forget about your mission because long as you're distracted he conquered your purpose i remember one day i was in car sales and this guy came in and he was super prejudiced he called me every every derogatory term he could on tests on the test drive you know he goes you know you you mexicans are all the same they say you fight one bean you fight the whole burrito he literally said that i go yeah man you mess to us we jump on you i just played along with it you know i'll tell you why i played along with it because the purpose of him test driving that car was to make a sale he was not going to distract me and get me offended from me getting a paycheck so i could pick so i could put food in my kid's mouth he was gonna be prejudiced no matter no matter what but he was gonna pay for his prejudice i wasn't gonna let him conquer that sale i can't believe pull over the car walk out right now nah you're going to pay for every statement that you're making and they're going to be no discounts for you today sir a matter of fact we're going to raise the price on you because you're going to prep see you know why i'm saying that stop letting the devil conquer your purpose and you start fighting with people and god is saying you got a purpose stop allowing that enemy to distract you [Applause] so they flogged them flogged them i mean right now do you understand that there's they still flog people in certain countries there was a guy that a british teacher that was flogged in 1993 has the article on a little blog on on on the internet that i seen today and let me give you what he felt well he had 40 40 lashes for for supposedly bringing alcohol into a muslim country he didn't do it he pleaded innocent it didn't matter 40 lashes this is what he said every blow the skin softened and the pain grew and grew to the point my whole back felt like it was on fire soon it was unbearable but they kept coming after a while i had no idea where they were hitting me the last ten strokes were agony pure agony and bloody any movement set them on fire after that i couldn't i couldn't lie on my back for days and in two weeks two weeks later i was still in severe pain today the scars have healed but i will never forget that ordeal scars now when they flogged these apostles they ripped their backs open this was a really bad day i started off preaching helping people healing people setting people free by the end of the day i get arrested not once twice and the end of the ordeal we both we we get flogged our our backs are ripped wide open and this is a true truth we'll be scarred for life every time we look at our back it will have the scars of that flogging now that's a bad day so i want to just talk about for the next few moments how do we respond to a bad day have you ever been flogged well you haven't had a bad day like these guys have you ever been arrested twice for not preaching the gospel in one day ready for preaching the gospel for one day none of us haven't but we've all of us have experienced pain hurt struggle loss and the enemy still wants to put you in a spiritual prison and you have an enemy he's not into putting you in a physical prison but he wants to put you in a spiritual prison of doubt of fear of unworthiness of worry come on he wants to put you there of anger of unforgiveness he wants to put you there we're not going to let him put us there keep us there right because we have a choice so what's the proper response now the response is important because the enemy what he wants to do there's three things he wants to do this is bonus because not even on my notes he wants to strip us of our praise number two he wants to strip us of our identity our identity number three he wants to strip us of our purpose these are three things he wants to strip us off and that's why he's whipping that's why he's bringing these trials that's why he's bringing these tribulations there's a purpose he wants to strip you the devil's out to kill steal and destroy but just because he wants to strip us doesn't mean we need to let him strip us why because we have power over the enemy you guys understand you're walking a position of power over him i don't care what he does he doesn't need to conquer any part of you you could take my things i might go through some trials but there's one thing you're not going to do you're not going to conquer my praise you're not going to conquer my purpose you're not going to conquer my faith you're not going to conquer my identity because when i'm going through trials that does not mean i'm worthless oh man i'm going too deep now let's go let's go look at this so now they just got beat flogged now let's look at this last thing in verse 41 the apostles left the high council they they just left they were released and they let them go and they they just left rejoicing what i thought they'd be complaining because i mean shouldn't they be saying that's so unfair we were we were falsely arrested and then we were falsely punished let's get a lawyer no they laughed look at how he left they left rejoicing that god had counted them worthy to suffer this grace suffer disgrace for the name of jesus and every day in the temple and from house to house they continued they continued they continue to teach and preach this message jesus is a messiah so these are the three responses say how did they respond one they said this i will rejoice say with me to rejoice is a choice it's a faith response it's not a feeling response that means you know what rejoice means this is what the word rejoice means it's it means to rejoice exceedingly it means to praise and it means another word have you ever heard this word god speed god speed is almost like a wish like godspeed you know we're saying um it means it means this to wish or expect a future to expect it means to get excited about a future or the next journey it means to look at the future with great expectations so this is what they did godspeed we're excited right now so why can't it be exciting we're excited because we just went through a trial and we know something that there's no trial that god allows us to go through that he's not ready to open up more opportunities see i'm ready to go in another realm on another dimension another level of influence so i just went through a test so i'm excited because i'm in god's timing see this thing they thought was gonna stop my praise but actually it's accelerating my praise because i understand i'm alive i still got my mouth i still got opportunities and this test has made me stronger because i'm a lot more like jesus after the test than i was before the test jesus was stripped jesus was whipped and now i've been stripped and now i've been whipped a matter of fact i went through it the way he went through it because i have his spirit in me i'm just recognizing that god has given me the ability to go through hell and still have a praise see i didn't know why i had me in me until i went through the trial i didn't know i could handle all that pain and suffering see i didn't know how strong the wonder was in me is i didn't know greater is in me i mean greater is he that's in me that he that's in the world i didn't know that god would comfort me and he would not leave me i didn't know that my relationship with god was so strong that after a beating i could still have a praise [Applause] you know what happens the next trial you can't get me like that because i just discovered how big god is [Applause] you thought you had me devil but you know what happened you allowed me to discover i got a revelation see see this is important sometimes god doesn't deliver you from a trial god delivers you in a trial he goes in and with you and say son daughter we're in this together don't you feel my comfort don't you feel my strength don't you feel the faith [Applause] someone say rejoice [Applause] say it with me again rejoice fighters don't i mean fighters when they go in the ring when they go in the ring they're going to fight and they're happy to do it because they know this how can i get a championship built if i don't get hit a few times christian's the only one christians are the only ones don't want to get hit in a fight the fact that you're getting hit a little bit proves at least you're in the fight [Applause] but you're not in the fight alone there's somebody in the ring with you and no matter when you get you get knocked down he's the one that the resurrection and the life is gonna pick you up it's important for you to realize it's time to rejoice in the middle of our trials and even after we go through stuff end it started with praise and end it with praise someone said to rejoice is a choice it's an attitude i'm good it's gonna be fine it's gonna work out great i'm gonna keep on praising god i'm not gonna let you conquer my my vision my faith my identity i'm not gonna let you conquer my joy i'm okay i've been i got some bad news but i'm okay god's with me we're gonna get through this when my daughter got diagnosed with cancer she's sitting on the front row i told my wife i go honey i had to rejoice or i had to get the i was gonna rejoice i was gonna get that get depressed i got a choice so i told my wife after she stopped crying i go honey i'm excited we just got the report my daughter has cancer i go honey i'm excited and she looked at me she was startled i was i was taking my wife out of the fog i go honey look at me and i i'm excited she looked at me remember when i did that i go i'm excited baby she goes what i go i'm excited to see what god's gonna do see honey we've been talking about faith a long time and now we're experiencing a bad day and the enemy doesn't want our daughter he wants our faith now god's allowing this to happen so so we can be tested because god has a church for us come on a church for us a pastor thousands and millions of people for us to reach but sometimes you got to walk through the valleys of the shadow of death so you can start pulling people out of the places that god brought you through [Applause] how are you going to get people out of hell if you've never been to yourself that's what jesus did when he died he went straight to hell and he took the keys from the devil he said devil let my people go see now he can take you out of hell because he been there see every trial gives you some keys for your next victory [Applause] praise look at romans 5 3. look at romans 5 3. it says this not only that but we but we but we us not only that but we rejoice in our sufferings i don't know how you react but when we go through trials and we go through tribulations we this is how we always respond we always rejoice knowing that sufferings produce endurance you know why we rejoice because every time i go through those trials and tribulations i become stronger it builds an endurance in me you know what that means an ability to handle weight and not buckle so god doesn't see i want you to get this the bigger the trial the stronger you are so god starts you off with little baby trials because he'll never give you more you can handle you feel like you're going to be crushed under the weight he said don't worry but i'm with you son i'm just building some muscle in you i'm building some endurance in you i'm building some character in you you're going to get through this trial you're going to get through this difficulty understand i'm the one that's allowing you to be under this pressure right now we we rejoice i don't know how you guys act that's what he's saying but we us us we we rejoice because we know god's working this song out because see you know when you don't rejoice because you this is when you don't rejoice when you got more faith than the devil then you do your god you think that the devil could destroy your destiny he could only destroy your destiny with your permission [Applause] see what the devil wants you to do is acknowledge him and not acknowledge your god see see the devil's besides the point that's why you don't see the apostles talking about being arrested you don't see them talking about their trial you don't see them talking about the flock because it has nothing to do with it i'm gonna praise god that god allowed me to be worthy to go through this thing say with me god's in control a second response say with me i am valuable why because enemy wants to strip you of your death your dignity your worth your identity this is what they said we rejoice because god counted us as worthy not unworthy worthy worthy to go through this trial you know what that word worthy means fit it means excellent it means ready that you're ready for the straw we're just so grateful that we get an opportunity to show the world how how big our faith is that we get to suffer for jesus we are totally we're just we're that god allowed us to go through this and represent him and he knew that we would still represent him that we wouldn't buckle that we wouldn't run i am so thankful god that you allowed me to even suffer for your name see the enemy wants us to feel unworthy and go into a spirit surrender to a spirit of self-pity or get angry at your enemies or think about revenge see that's what the they were they were that's what they were fighting they're being arrested and what are they fighting anger can't believe they did it see well see they got released from a physical prison but they could have walked into a spiritual prison not know it anger be careful that you don't get trapped in a trial and start focusing on the people that hurt you walked out on you betrayed you and lied to you and you get trapped with a spirit of anger or start thinking that you're not worth anything i'm not valuable i'm unworthy i deserve this just because you got abused doesn't mean that you need to become a victim and take on a victim mentality just because people have walked out on you you don't have to receive the spirit of rejection that comes with it that's trying to strip you of her identity they might have walked out of you but they walked out on the best you because they haven't seen nothing yet you got to understand my identity is not in a relationship my identity is not in my money my identity isn't how many fans i got my identity is who loves me and there's somebody that loves me he's a creator of the universe and just because i'm going through a tough time it doesn't mean that god doesn't love me i got worse i have worth and since i have worth see this is basically it if you weren't important the devil wouldn't be messing with you if you were part of god's strategic plan to save souls and turn this world around he would just let you do what you do but the fact that you're so valuable and you have so much power and you're so loved the enemy's coming against your mind he's coming come on get your relationships he's coming against your money he's coming against your health and the reason is he wants to make you feel like you're no good that you're not worth it and where is god don't sound valuable look at romans 8 35. romans 8 35. romans 8 35. it says can anything i'm valuable i'm valuable you're valuable you're just trying to mess with me because i'm so valuable you're trying to mess with me because i was a nobody devil you'd leave me alone because i'm not a threat to you but since i'm a threat to you you're trying to mess with my kid bring cancer you're trying to mess with my other kid and give her a huge heart condition i see what you're trying to do my dad dies when i'm six years old never love me i see what you're trying to do my dad will punch my mom in the stomach to try to abort me before i was born literally punch her as hard as he could i see what you're trying to do i must be really valuable some of you guys come come on you went through some serious abuse come on you he thought he had you he put addiction on you he put the past on you come on he put abuse on you he put depression on you he put bipolar on you he put cuckoo on you he put everything on you and you're still here and you wonder what happened the devil said what happened and god says they're valuable i called them and i knew that they were going to get through and they would call on me that's okay they're going to make it because they're valuable to me say it with me i'm valuable [Applause] you got to get this because if the devil convinced you that you're worth nothing this is what happens the way you see yourself is how you give him permission to treat you say may i beat you yeah some words i'm not worthy may i abuse you yes you know how he does that when you see yourself as a grasshopper he sees you as one when you see yourself of a as a daughter of the most valuable come on as a daughter of the king of kings that god loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you it changes everything because see the enemy could only get away with what you let him get away with in your thinking every trial we go through i will rejoice every trial we go i go through i am valuable you gotta strip me in my worth my dignity my call just because right now i'm doing a transition don't you try to talk to me in a transition and make me feel like nobody wants me and i'm not loved i'm valuable i'm just walking towards my destiny right now it's gonna be okay how come no one visited me in the jail don't worry about them they don't need to visit you in the jail because you're coming out that's not your permanent dwelling [Applause] there's sometimes we got to stop acknowledging the devil and start praising god for the future breakthroughs come on godspeed get excited about the future can anything can anything can anything romans 8 35 can anything ever separate us from christ love does it mean he no no longer loves us if we've had trouble or calamity or persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or being threatened with death you know he said all that don't convince me it doesn't matter if i'm going hungry i'm struggling i'm destitute it doesn't matter if they're threatening my life there's one thing i'm convinced about that none of that can separate me from one thing i know i'm valuable and god loves me god that's something that you gotta say because the enemies it's important for you to say because the enemy will make you think that your circumstance is proof that god doesn't care about you that's the warfare if he really loved you why does he allow you to go through it that's the devil he said no i'm going to go through this i'm going to go through trials and there's one thing you're going to do devil you're not going to steal my faith and you're not going to steal my fur with my my identity and my worth and by the time it's all done this is what's going to happen i'm going to realize when it's all said after all these trials and all these tribulations there's one thing i'm going to realize i'm going to realize how valuable i am because god's going to always show up come on eventually how many know god has the last word and the last attitude this is it the last response one i will rejoice number two i am valuable i'm worthy number number three i will continue to talk about jesus everywhere i go i don't care who i'm through i don't care who's threatening me there's one thing that you can't do you cannot shut up my testimony look what they did after that after the two after the death threats after being flogged and every day i love this acts 5 42 and every day not some days every day in the temple and from house to house they continue to teach and preach this message jesus is the messiah [Applause] you thought you were going to conquer my identity you thought you were going to conquer my praise you thought you were you thought you were going to conquer my purpose you thought that you could intimidate me to stop talking and representing christ you got another thing coming every day every day every day with threats every day good days every day bad days every day struggles every day trials every day temptations every day when i fall every day when i get up every day in the morning every day all day 24 7. i'm gonna represent christ you tried everything to shut me down but there's one thing i'm proving right now that that i'm proving right now jesus is still on the tip of my tongue and he's still the messiah the savior the deliverer and he's coming back to get me and he's gonna alpha he's omega he's the beginning and the end that's right i still gotta praise in me that's how you get back the devil you keep your praise you keep your joy and you keep your purpose come on someone smile someone smile there's nothing worse than that you hitting somebody with everything you got in a fight and he just shakes it off and just [Applause] that's scary when the devil hits you with everything he had and all that comes out of you is a smile and a praise and then you show up here wednesday night no one knows the hell you're going through and you're worshiping god and you're praising god and you're smiling right now and you're looking at the devil you thought you had me but i found that tonight i'm valuable you can't stop this
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 3,113
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: churches located in San Bernardino, Churches in the inland empire, On fire churches in San Bernardino, Sunday services in San Bernardino, wednesday services in San Bernardino, Pastor Marco Garcia, Pastor Robert Cuencas, The Way World Outreach, The Way Outreach, World Outreach, Jesus, God, Christian Churches in the Inland Empire, Christian Churches in San Bernardino
Id: fF7si-goLxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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