Overcoming Emotional Challenges | Pastor Marco Garcia

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hi and welcome to away world outreach sermon here at the way we believe that god's word is going to transform your life now let's get ready for this week's work we started a series called overcoming life's challenges and today what i want to talk to you about is overcoming this is what i want you to understand overcoming emotional challenges and i think one of the greatest challenges that we're facing as americans as people nowadays is our our in negative emotions that are taking control of our lives in america we got a real problem i'm going to give you some stats right now over 18 million adults suffer from depression and and depression is now the leading cause for disability so people right now are disabled and because of a pressure in their minds it's not a physical disability it's not because um it's not it's not because of their nerves their back went out they're actually they're actually being they're disabled because of depression it was it was something that overpowered their minds and they were never able to overcome it right now 28 of people right now this is what they're saying in america are saying this when i get angry um i'm not i'm not real sure that i won't lose control i'm worried that i'll start saying things i shouldn't be saying there's times that i get angry and i totally get out of control i lose all sense of what's right and wrong i'm really concerned about my anger problem right now over 40 million adults right now suffer from some type of anxiety disorders 40 million people and these are people that they've actually diagnosed and i believe that number's way higher because if i talk to every single one of us in this room i think every one of us would say at times i felt anxious at times i felt worried at times i've got angry and done things that i regret and i said i wish i would never did that i wish i'd never said that but now this is the issue we're running into is that we're not only having problems as adults but we're passing it on to the next generation this is what i've learned what we don't over overcome we pass on so we overcome we pass on a victory what we don't overcome we pass on to them as well right now 25 of of young of teenagers right now from the age of 13 to 18 years old also are suffering from some type of anxiety disorder and even our children are not suffering from from right now some kind of depression and anxiety i had a young kid nine years old and he's and he came up for prayer a couple months ago and his mom's saying he's constantly talking about suicide in alta loma the school district in cucamonga in alta loma school district the first month of school they had three students in august there's three students committed suicide and this last month um this last month they had a teacher in the same school committed suicide right now this day 3 000 people are going to commit suicide 3 000 people that means every 40 seconds someone has taken themselves out this year a million 95 000 people will commit suicide that's bigger than any war that's happening right now it's really a genocide and people it's not because they're dying because they got in a car accident it's not they're they're dying because they have cancer they're dying because a thought overpowered them of hopelessness and they feel i just got to give up i'm done so we do have some emotional problems and negative emotions that if we don't learn how to overcome them they will overcome us so this is what i want to do i want to give you some facts right now just three facts about negative emotions fact number one either you master your emotions or your emotions will master you but that is the truth either you master your emotions or your emotions will master you there's not a third option in proverbs 29 11 it says this it says a fool gives vent to all his feelings but the wise thinking of afterwards steals them so look at let's look at this scripture a fool gets full vent of all their feelings this is in this scripture we see two groups of people the fool and the wise the fool is known by this they flow and give full vent to all their emotions if they're anger angry they go rhythm if they're depressed they go right with them they don't resist their emotions they flow right with their emotions their emotions lead them and the scripture says they're fools because this is idea they don't get good results a matter of fact this is probably what they do later on they say i am so sorry that i said what i said i'm so sorry that i did what i did but this is a problem until we master those emotions we're going to continue apologizing and hurting people because our emotions are leading us but there is a second group it's the wise and what do the wise do they check their emotions they challenge their emotions what they're saying is before i say what i'm ready to say before i do what i feel like i want to do let me think about afterwards afterwards means this after i do this what will be the results now it takes some wisdom to do that and it takes some self-control to think before you act and then what he did what does he do this wise person he steals his emotions what that means he masters in his emotions so the fool is mastered by his emotions and the wise person masters his emotions or her emotions so fact number one either we master our emotions our emotions will master us so what we want to do in life is we want to say i want to get control of these emotions and many times what we do is we try to control our emotions or manage our emotions or overcome our emotions in an unhealthy way i'm gonna give you some unhealthy ways to deal with your emotions unhealthy number one is denial that means acting like you don't have or i don't have an emotional problem acting like i don't have an anger problem acting like i'm not really depressed faking it but understand this you can't fake it till you make it you have to address it before you make it address it now the problem with denial this is the whole problem with the denial you start bottling up your emotions bottling up and if you bottle up your emotions and you don't deal with your emotions this is the only thing that's gonna happen in your future you're gonna explode or you're gonna have an emotional breakdown it looks like you're doing good until your next explosion and the explosion happens and then people say what what happened i mean they look like they were so common that was like nothing and they just blew up see if we don't learn how to deal with our emotions we will blow up and this is going to be the problem we're going to blow up at the wrong time and it's never right time to blow up but we're going to blow up where it costs us a lot we heard a lot of p we heard a lot of people that are around us and what god is saying don't bottle it up admit it and let's deal with it and overcome it does anybody want to overcome these emotions these negative emotions number two unhealthy way to deal with emotions is self-harm that could take many forms including cutting yourself um binging and persian you can also participate in danger dangerous behavior this is what this is what could happen you could get involved in in stuff that you said i would never otherwise get a but right now i'm going through so much pain i'll risk it all dangerous behavior binging and persian the problem without what so why would someone self-harm themselves because it gives them a false sense of control it makes them feel like i'm in control but the truth is they're really out of control and it's not going to get better the emotional pain is going to get deeper self-harm cutting yourself dangerous behavior binging and persian none of that works a third way that we try to deal with our emotions is substance use we use alcohol and drugs to numb our pain numb our emotional pain we're living in a society that's alcohol and drug driven why are we so consumed with alcohol so consumed with drugs because we have pain and because we have pain we're doing everything we can to numb it but this is an unhealthy way to deal with your emotions because substance use and abuse all it will do at the end is create more problems now you not only have an emotional problem you now have a drug or alcohol problem so it's adam now you're making decisions based on the alcohol and drugs losing your job is affecting you financially it's affecting the decisions that you're making in your relationships you're losing money you're taking money that you should be using for rent and now you're using it for your drug habits what's happening and the worst thing about a drug habit or an addiction it could lead to sickness it could lead to early death it could lead even to suicidal thoughts and actually committing suicide that doesn't solve the problem so i have an emotional problem the other way the fourth way that we deal with this that's unhealthy is withdrawal it's when a person doesn't now he doesn't wanna hang around nobody he no longer wants to participate in activities with other people withdrawal brings its own problems extreme loneliness misunderstandings anger and distorted thinking when we start separating ourselves we start just thinking up we start vilifying everybody we start misunderstanding what's really there we start distorting our thinking and the worst thing about it you start feeling extremely lonely it doesn't solve the emotional problems so we have good news because there's fact number two fact number one was either we're going to be master master our emotions or we're gonna we're gonna or master our emotions fact number two we can learn to overcome negative emotions we do we do not need to be ruled by these emotions anymore we can learn and when i say learn learn because we must learn this it's not just a gift it's something we're gonna have to discipline ourselves and practice the scripture says that the wise thinks about the future what is it going to do what's going to happen if i give into this emotion the word wise means learned or it means the intelligent in that scripture what he's saying is that every one of us can learn how to master our emotions learn how to steal our emotions learn how to overcome negative emotions this is good news it can be learned we can get the skill to manage our affairs and manage our emotions what we call this nowadays if if you read any business periodicals or business books they used to check iq iq means it's intelligent quotient how smart you are and that was a big big deal long ago no longer is that the big deal what they found out in the business world they studied very successful people and they found out that the most successful people not necessarily have the highest iq but they also found out that the people that are actually the s the sharpest and and the most successful have a high emotional iq emotional they call it emotional intelligence emotional intelligence means this the capacity to be aware of your emotions control your emotions and express one's emotions properly it's called emotional intelligence because you can be real smart and there's a problem if you don't have emotional intelligence and you're not control controlling your emotions your emotions are gonna be controlling you and this is going to be the problem you're going to ruin good business you're going to ruin ministry you're going to say things that hurt people because your emotions are out of control god wants us to have self-control and i wanted to get this emotional control no one should be able to press your button buttons and make you angry if you get angry and you go wacko understand look yourself in the mirror and say i'm responsible for my wackoness i don't know if that's a word but you just learned something today because this is what we do in society we want to blame everyone about for our emotions for our decisions no one can make you feel a certain way unless you accept it unless you believe it and it's unless you start acting on it we got to take control of our lives and our emotions that's why god's given us his holy spirit so we could have some self-control so we can learn how to overcome negative emotions and i'm learning i'm learning my wife has mastered this like she's the kung fu king on this like my wife has no mood swings she's not up she's not down she's never angry she she's she's always peaceful and no anxiety and someone told me this he goes someone told me this morning she's because you're her husband i don't know that's not the reason it's not because i'm her husband because if i compare her to me like she's a saint and i'm a double like i feel like she's that much different than me you know i i i when i go on vacation i have sometimes a hard time like calming down it takes me five days to just settle down and get into the moment because i'm still thinking about church i'm thinking about what needs to happen next week what has to happen next month and i and i'm so driven by my thoughts that it messes my moments i could be on the beach of hawaii and not enjoying the beach of hawaii because i'm still thinking about san bernardino have you ever come out that ever happened to you like man i'm like i mean you know but i need to learn and even while i'm studying this this week thoughts of worry tried to hit me and i go whoa whoa whoa and i started saying i don't have to receive that thought i don't have to receive that feeling and i don't have to give in to that and i don't have to be ruled by that it's my choice so fact number three god wants to help us overcome our negative emotions god wants to help us overcome our negative emotions now i want you to get this i did not say god wants to help us overcome emotions because god wants you to be emotional full of emotion full of love full of joy full of peace he wants you to have emotions we serve an emotional god he's full of love full of glad it's full of peace but he wants you to also be full of the right emotions when we're talking about overcoming emotions we're talking about overcoming negative emotions god fact fact god wants to help us overcome our negative emotions in john 16 33 i have told you jesus said this all of this all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind so this is what this is an emotion piece of heart of mine is an emotion he goes i'm giving you my word so that you can have say with me have so i want you to get this god wants you to have emotions and god wants you to have peace of mind and heart peace means freedom freedom of the mind from annoyance anxiety it means tranquility in your mind serenity calm god wants us calm and he's saying this i've told you this thing so you could have it peace of heart peace of mind i've given you my word and instruction so you can have this quality of life we do not need to get to heaven to have peace we can have peace right here on earth in our families in our church right now may the people in this world see something in us that they're actually all looking for they can't find it in the drugs they can't find it in the things they can't find it in the money they can't find it in the materialism they're searching for what jesus has given us and then he says here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows emotions you'll have emotions you'll have trials you have you'll be tempted to be depressed there's going to be part of life but he says this cheer up another emotion for i have overcome the world this is what god is saying i want you to have peace but and then he gives you a command cheer up you know what god is saying this word cheer up means a shot of encouragement congratulations be glad that's what he said be happy be filled with joy start applauding there's a time in your life that you have to start the applaud before the rally begins like in a baseball game a football game you start cheering before there's a rally come on god is saying there's a time in your life that you got to start come on taking control of your emotions and start praising god and applauding god for the victory that you know he's already won we walk by faith not by feelings not by sight not by emotion by faith you we can turn the tide by our applause we can turn the tide by our shout of praise freak out the devil when he thought he had you against the ropes and all of a sudden in your prison cell you start singing a song of praise you start glorifying god and you start i want you to get this your depression will have to leave the room because you cannot be praising god and be depressed at the same time it's a choice jesus is saying this be emotional cheer up so now does god say anything else about negative emotions now when god speaks about emotions or speaks about any subject he's very clear say with me he's very clear now when god speaks he speaks in commands and the reason he speaks in commands because he doesn't want you to have any doubt this is what he said thou shalt not commit adultery i wonder what he means that means be faithful to your wife says it says thou shalt not lie what does it mean very simple don't lie so when god speaks he doesn't speak in opinions he doesn't speak his suggestions there's a reason he doesn't want you to misunderstand the direction to your peace the direction to your purpose the direction to everything that you want in life in god's instructions is your victory in god's instructions is your joy in god's instructions is your peace so he gives us commands so what i'm going to do is give you three commands that god gives us about our negative emotions three commands but before i give you those commands i want to show you a scripture and it's in philippians 2 13. and i want to show you this scripture because when god gives you a command he gives you the ability to do it god never asks us to do something that he doesn't give us the power to do it that's why we come the way you are we the way we are right now if you're dealing with a drug addiction problem you come with your addiction and watch god set you free and give you a new desire and give you the power to overcome it you come with your depression you come with your hopelessness you come with your suicidal thoughts god not only can give you a new command to be happy to rejoice in the lord always but he could give you new desires and give you the power to walk out a new command over your life look at this in philippians 2 13 for god is working in you where is god working in you his project is us i'm working in you and this is what he says this is what he's working in us i'm for god is working in you the desire and the power to do what pleases him so this is what god does this is what's so amazing and this is why we have testimonies of this young lady that was suicidal god sets her free how does that happen and then of this emotional emotional strain she was under to the point she wanted to commit suicide he sets her free and then she gives her testimony and now she has desires to go to classes she has desires to worship god she has new desires how does that happen that's what god does so most people that they want to change my feelings and i'll come to you and god says no you come to me and i'll change your feelings set me free and i'll come to you guys no you come to me and i'll set you free so when god gives us a command he not only gives us a command he gives us his desire and he gives us the power to fulfill the command stay with me we can do it so now i'm going to give you three commands and i don't think they're going to be complicated at all three commands when it comes to our negative emotions command number one do not worry and matthew 6 34 says this therefore do not worry about tomorrow like we wonder what he means do not worry it's not hard at all every people well you know how you interpret scripture this is how you interpret it he says don't worry don't worry that's the bible excuse i read the bible i understand what it's saying what can't you understand about that don't worry now you might not understand how to do it but you understand what he's commanded you to do don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow we'll worry about its own things all it's saying is today has enough problems in it that you're bringing tomorrow's and next week's and next month's problems into today let's deal with just today those are old songs that we used to sing one day at a time sweet jesus give me the strength just to believe one day at a time that's what we need to focus on let's not get so focused on our future and what can go wrong that we can't even enjoy today enjoy this moment right now enjoy your lunch after this right now enjoy this beautiful day right now stop worrying now i'm going to give you some keys on how to overcome every one of these com these emotions that we're going to talk about today first we're going to talk about worry then we'll talk about another motion in a minute how do you overcome worry now the key to overcome worry is actually in the definition of the word worry now the word worry in the greek means if you read if you read this scripture in the original greek it would say this take no thought about tomorrow what you're gonna eat what you're gonna drink what you're gonna wear where you're going to live it says take no thought so how do you overcome worry this is the key to overcome worse stop receiving the thoughts of worry well how do you know a warfall thought comes it comes and then you feel it hit you you're no longer enjoying that moment this like oppression that just hit you at that moment an edginess it just hit me and what god is saying here just because the cross the thought crossed your mind doesn't mean that you need to receive it and meditate on it and go with it and start imagining the worst case scenarios so this is what god is saying challenge your own thoughts so when a thought comes and a feeling of worry comes with it admit it just admit okay man that just hit me but i'm not receiving that thought anymore i command that thought to go that thought that makes me feel in my future i'm gonna be alone get that thought out of your head in the future i'm not gonna i'm not gonna have enough get that thought right out of your head god will supply all of your need according to your riches and glory get rid of that thought and replace it with god's word what he says about your situation we got to get rid of that challenge those thoughts it's kind of like this a bird can land on your head but it doesn't mean you need to let it make a nest in your head and that's the same thing with the thought just because the thought hits you doesn't mean you just need to let it stay there there's a time in your life you got to learn how to do spiritual warfare and the devil when he taxes our minds and we got to guard our minds guard our thoughts and not every thought comes from you there's certain thoughts that come from the devil and you gotta acknowledge those thoughts challenge those thoughts and then resist those thoughts no so i gotta work on that so yesterday some worried thoughts came i got to stop you know some war thoughts came about this message today is that gonna prepare and get ready and hope i got the right word and then i was with my wife and i'm worried about i gotta get this message i gotta go and god told me here we go you know the message you need to stop worrying right now while you're driving with your wife and talking to your wife and eating lunch with your wife you can't you can't work on your sermon learn how to reject that thought and enjoy your moment oh lord now i got to live this thing out yes because see if i don't learn how to overcome it here i'm going to mess up our next vacation because those same thought patterns are gonna take into my workplace i'm gonna take it in my vacations i'm gonna take with my time my kids it's time to conquer these emotions conquer these thoughts and resist them i'm done i'm not i'm not receiving that thought and i'm not receiving the feeling that comes with it command number two i'm only giving you three god commands us not to let anger control us ephesians 4 26 and don't sin by letting anger control you hmm i wonder what it means very simple don't let anger control you don't let anger control you don't let the sun go down while you are still angry for anger gives a foothold to the devil key to overcoming anger forgive forgive forgive daily forgive forgive forgive daily the scripture says it's not a sin to get angry it's a sin to let anger control you what he's saying is this is what he's saying it's a sin to hold on to the resentment to hold on to the grudge and desire to pay a person back that's the sin and that what the scripture is saying that is letting anger control you so listen you can be angry but don't let it control you don't let it control your emotions don't let it control your responses don't all of a sudden start cussing come on christians road rage on the freeway with your weight world outreach sticker on your car please don't do that mom mad they come stop it you're not being a good witness right but this is what the enemy's after you're saved but this is what he's after he's after your witness we cannot be a witness full of anger we'll never lead someone to the lord if the lord can't even lead us out of our emotional come on this function god is saying i command you do not worry i command you do not let anger control you so forgive forgive forgive let it go never so there's a rule of thumb rule of thumb rule of thumb this is the rule of thumb the rule of thumb is this when you go to bed before you go to bed forgive everybody never go to bed with vengeance on your mind me and lisa been married for 30 years almost 29 something 29 years and some months something like that right and and we go to bed in the same bed every night we've not always had good days we've had some difficult days everybody has right there's not always every day that i agree with everything i'm the issue lisa's not the issue i'm the one but but i want you to get this that every day we gotta handle our stuff for that day because if i sleep on the sofa and i say something hurtful and i don't say honey forgive me and we don't make peace what i'm doing is multiplying my anger multiplying my resentment and before you know there's walls up but god says warning warning if you let the sun go down upon your wrath and you hold on to resentment you hold on to payback this is what the bible says you're going to give a foothold to the devil now a foothold means this a license to the devil a place a marked out place for the devil to operate it means power to the devil it's kind of like this if i want to build on the property across the street i need to get approval to build when the devil wants to build a stronghold when the devil wants to infect you with demons destroy your life and steal from you he needs a license to do it he cannot do it without a license and where does he get his license not from city hall he doesn't get his license from hell he gets his license from you he said will you give me a license to destroy your life will you give me a license to fill your heart and life with demons i've done a lot of deliverances that means i've cast a lot of demons out of people and the number one cause of demon of demon oppression is unforgiveness i've i've seen more demons come in through unforgiveness than any other way and say can a christian actually get a demon the scripture is speaking to christians here he's saying here if you hold on to anger and resentment you're the one that's going to give a place for a demon to enter your mind enter your family enter your finances and he will enter to kill steal and destroy and this is what we got to do we got to forgive and kick him back out he didn't take your salvation but he did take your peace he did take your prosperity he did take your dreams he could do it but don't we don't we thank god that we can get restored though in christ we can't get restored let's not give him permission i remember um i don't know if she's here today but there was a there was one of the young ladies i prayed for a couple months ago and and when i prayed for her um she was really crying and all of a sudden while she was crying a demon manifested and started speaking through her and it was no longer her was a demon speaking through her mouth and then i said who are you and the demon responded he said parkinson's parkinson's and and her hands started shriveling up i go how do you enter he goes unforgiveness she's not forgiving her husband so i talked to i brought the girl back up and i go honey we got to get rid of a demon that entered through unforgiveness and this demon recently entered entered just not so long ago you gave place for him to enter give him license to come in so she forgave her husband and this is what happens i was able to cast that spirit out of unforgiveness and sickness that came with it and how that demon entered was because she let it come in we don't need to pray for the demons that come out of your house we need to pray for the demons that come out of your life your house is not possessed they're attracted to the spirits that you're given license to be there i'm going to get that i'll give you some spiritual warfare it's time to forgive and let go and let's not let anger control us and command number three do not be anxious now anxiety is is is this a feel of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune it's fearful about something that might happen when you have extreme anxiety this is what a person with extreme anxiety does they they they always think through the lenses of worst case scenario so they think like this i got a headache right and then they say this i think i got a tumor because that's the first sign of a tumor a headache they make a mistake at their job and they immediately see themselves being fired the next day and they go further losing their home losing their car and they go even farther than that they see themselves down kendall with a with a cart homeless and they see themselves hooked on crack and they just made a mistake at work anxiety will mess you up you're a boyfriend and a girlfriend your boyfriend doesn't call you all of a sudden you're thinking oh man he found somebody else calm down he's just working right now that's what this crazy thinking will take you to places that you shouldn't be at and mess up your life mess up your relationships anxiety this is what the bible says about anxiety in philippians 4 6 it says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god and the peace of god and the peace of god emotion and the peace of god and the peace don't be anxious and the peace of god is what i want to get to which passes surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds through christ jesus so the key to overcoming anxiety prayer god commands us to pray about everything and be anxious for nothing so what do you pray about you pray about those things that make you anxious as soon as you feel anxious or worried about something you put that on your prayer list bring it before god cast your cares on god because he cares for you he loves you let's stop worrying let's stop being anxious and let's start praying what's the benefit of praying when you start praying your expectations change before you prayed you expected misfortune you expected all these wrong things to happen but after you prayed you're now expecting blessing you're expecting healing you're expecting breakthrough you're expecting provision so prayer breaks the power of negative expectation and it gives you the power of positive and faith expectation this is why the devil doesn't want you to pray he wants you too busy to pray he wants us hooked on on youtube and hooked on instagram and hooked on everything else entertainment and you know watching movies but the problem is you're trying to escape but after you're done you're still anxious you could go watch the end games three hour movie i heard right marvel movie it's three hour movie that's what i heard after you watch it you got your little escape when you come back out anxiety spirit will be said are we ready to go back home and you go walk home with that spirit because you didn't overcome it let's not be so busy that we're overrun by anxiety overrun by anger overrun by worry and there's a problem we don't pray could it be that we're receiving every thought the enemy throws at us every fire doubt we just give we're just giving into it could it be that we're not forgiving people and could it be that we're not praying but yet we want to overcome our negative emotions because if that's the case we're not wise and we can't overcome by just a desire to overcome we're gonna have to overcome by the instructions come on god's gonna teach us how to fight and overcome these thoughts so we can start being a church that's full of love full of joy full of peace full of hulk or full of breakthrough it could happen so we need prayer prayer the word prayer means a place set apart or suited for offering of prayer worship and thanksgiving the scripture is saying you could set a place aside for the devil but you could also set a place aside for your prayer life god is saying this you'll never pray unless you set some time to pray aside when are you gonna pray you know i work out i work out i just started working out but i work out let's say four or five days a week so i wake up early i used to ride my bike to the gym but i was getting there way too quick i was gonna do what you got so so i just switched it up so what i do now is i walk to the gym and when i'm walking to the gym i'm praying before i get to the gym when i go home i pray back home i pray there i pray back you know what i'm doing setting time aside for prayer i'm dealing with my anxiety the worry the depression will try to sneak up on me i'm dealing with all that in the morning so when i'm working on my body i'm working out my spirit and the last key to overcoming anxiety the scripture says here it says and the peace of god which surpasses i'll understand and will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus the last key to overcome anxiety which is the most important key is christ peace through christ say with me peace through christ peace through he goes this is and jesus said this in john 14 27 i give you peace the kind of peace that only i can give i give you peace the kind that only i can give it isn't like the peace that the world can give you because the peace that the world can give you is only temporal it's not lasting it really isn't real so don't be worried emotion or afraid don't i he commands again do not be worried or afraid but he says i want to give you peace that the world can't give you are you thinking today what you think if i got this i'd be happy if she changed i'd be happy if my husband if he just got his stuff together man i'd have some peace if my children switch their lives around i'd be happy if i got that promotion i'd be man i'd have some peace i've had that car man i'd be cool if i changed neighborhoods or i change wives i change if man if i just got a certain amount of savings boys i'd have some peace if i wanted a lot of wood and this is what they're finding out people that win the lotto this is what happens usually they ruin their lives because they thought it was going to give them peace and it didn't and the only place that we could find that tranquility of mind and soul is one place then marijuana can't do it the drugs can't do it come on the substance abuse can't do it a person can't do it a car can't do it a house can't do it a position can't do it a career can do it there's only one person that can give you the peace that you're looking for and he says jesus i got it for you
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 8,818
Rating: 4.8853045 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach, John Ramirez, Bill Wiese, Pastor Marco Garcia, Elevation Church, The Way, Sermon
Id: RHyi1v5CO1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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