The Source Of Success | Pastor Marco Garcia

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[Music] hey guys we're here today at Cal State San Bernardino and we're gonna be interviewing the few students and maybe some faculty about what they think of this word success let's take a look I really don't know to be honest I don't I can't I'm not gonna sang here to tell you exactly what I think I define success about the merits of your values of what you've achieved in life so far okay I think success is something that it comes in regards to like having a balanced life I think being financially stable spiritually stable emotionally mentally and just having great friends around you but having a standard or a source that helps you grow in your success [Music] success isn't gonna come to you you're gonna have to put in the effort so first you have to be spiritually okay mentally okay emotionally okay so then just planning getting great advice and input and learning through trial and error [Music] anything hired like anything higher than immediately where you are to me the source of success is faith faith and you know our Heavenly Father God and also just faith in yourself a person in society that you can balance both your your job but also be a very compassionate you know tender man at home you know willing to help your friends we want to give back to your community being happy do it having fun I would say that success is just that sense of fulfillment and joy and happiness within your own heart today marks day one of success seminar 2018 and we want to welcome you to a journey that is gonna change your life forever this four-week seminar you're gonna learn everything from how to overcome obstacles to success what the source of success is and we're even gonna hear from a man who went from janitor to executive in his own company now do you want to stress this this is a four week series and just like any puzzle if you don't have every piece you don't have the full picture we want you to come to every single one of these four weeks to make sure you get the full package here at success seminar today's message the source of success please help me welcome senior pastor of the wait world outreach Marco Garcia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so before we go in real deep into success what I want to do is define success today we're going to be talking about the source of success is there a source and if there's a source I want to tap in to the source is there a source we're gonna talk about the source of success there's no need for me to talk about the principles of success if I'm not talking about the source of where I got the principles from so if if you go to any success seminars or or leadership seminars there's what they're gonna do they're gonna get principals and they're gonna get principals that they that they they've taken from somewhere where did they get these principals from they got these principals from a source so I want to introduce you to the source but before I do I want to define success I'm gonna give you two definition of success one is a dictionary definition which is a valid definition let's look at our dictionary definition of success I would I would advise you as we're studying write the information down I found out this that after an hour you'll forget 50% of everything I taught you within within 24 hours you'll forget 70% of everything I taught you within a week you'll forget 90% of everything I taught you that's just the way it is so if we don't like really gather this information whether we're recording it or writing it down we'll just miss the information and how can we apply information that we don't concretely have so some dictionary definition it's in this is the definition the accomplishment of one's goals the accomplishment of one's goals so this is what it's saying in the dictionary definition that you can't even succeed until you have a goal now success is not an accident success is intentional and you must determine to succeed if you want to succeed in your marriage you must set goals to succeed in your marriage if you want to succeed in raising children you must set oles to succeed in raising children if you want to succeed in business or in finance or in ministry or your spiritual walk with God first step we must set goals in areas we meet we want to succeed in if we do not have goals in an area we want to succeed in we will not succeed in that area so how do I know if I have goals this is how you know you have goals you've written them down if you've not written down goals about your marriage your family your finances ministry your spiritual walk you will not you do not have goals you only have wishes and God's not going to give you your wishes this is not a birthday party you blow out the candles and wish this is important if we if we really want to succeed it's important to set goals in the areas that we want to succeed in and let's be intentional first step to goal setting is put in vision in right in if we don't have the faith to write it down and speak it we will never achieve it we will net and we will never be bold enough to actually do it Habakkuk 2 2 it says this it says and then God answered right this what did God say what did God say this is what he's saying when I'm speaking you're writing write what you see now he's not talking about what you see with your physical eyes he's saying what do you see with your imagination what do you see by faith I'm speaking will you write down the vision I'm giving you will you write down the ideas I'm giving you have you ever got a good idea I forgot to write it down then you forgot it altogether it's a matter what was that oh such a good idea I've been there myself so I'm learning every day to write down when I get a good idea even if it's at 3 o'clock in the morning I'll stop everything and start writing okay it says write what you see write it look at this write it again write it out in big block letters so that so they can be read on the run the vision message is a witness pointing to what's coming so you know what goal-setting is all about and writing down vision you're writing down what's coming I should be able to ask you what's coming what's what's in your future God wants God wants to give you a download of what's coming up I already know what's coming up we're gonna be planting churches in inner cities across the United States of America I've written this down every single thing that I've experienced in my life I got a vision and I wrote it down this is what I'm doing by faith I'm receiving what God is speaking when I write it look at it says the vision message of the witness pointed to what's coming it aches for the coming it can hardly wait and it doesn't lie if it seems slow in common way it's on its way it will come right on time you're really saying if I give you a vision it will come a matter of fact it's akin to come it's trying to get to earth through a human being this is what God is saying I got some amazing ideas some amazing books some amazing ministries and I'm aching to get them to earth but I need some people that receive the vision and at least have the tenacity to write it down what I want to do right now is take you to my office I'm gonna take you to my office and my office I do a lot of writing and I do a lot of praying so just bring this point home let's take a look at my office real quick welcome to my office I wanted to show you an illustration of the point that we're making about making goals or writing down goals right here in my office you'll see all over my walls I pray in here and this is what God does he speaks he'll give you ideas he'll give you vision he does it for me and you know what I do I write them down when I write down so when I write down the vision I'm actually receiving it this is my first act of faith when God gives me a great idea write it down just remember this whole sentence is the first step to success goals and the suah success means it's accomplishment of one's goal so this is what we do we write down our future right now this is what God wants to do he's giving you vision he says in the last day he's gonna pour out his spirit upon all flesh give us dreams visions prophetic words our responsibility is to write it down on this board I got finished a book imagine that one of these days I'm gonna have my book done this year matter of fact we're gonna have it done we got launched in the church and and our launch at our first church long-term goals we want to launch 50 churches and inner cities it all starts here with writing it down it doesn't cost us anything to write it down it's okay to dream big because we live we serve I'll really big God let's take this point serious the application let's start setting goals and areas that we're believing for success in I want to drive this home because if you don't have a this so it's gonna happen if you don't write down goals this one's gonna it's not that you want to accomplish some things but you want to accomplish a lot of things this church is here it's here every seat every person is here but before you ever showed up I dreamed about you God gave me a vision for about you about this building and you know what I did I wrote it down and I kept speaking it I already know where you're headed by what's coming out of your mouth what's in your heart what are you meditating on we need to get certain thoughts out of our minds and we need to get certain thoughts it back into our minds there's certain conversations we need to get out of our mouths and then there's certain conversations we need to get back in our mouths let's stop talking about problems and let's start talking about solutions let's stop talking about people and let's start talking about purpose come on let's start talking about our past and let's start talking about our future so when God speaks is what do we do we write it now these are four areas that you should set goals in you should set goals in these words and I'm gonna go from the least important to the most important now the world has it backwards they go from the one that they think is most important they actually use is actually the least important now the least important you should set goals in your career your business and your finances no one's gonna do it for you and and what does it hurt to set some goals in your finances in your career and in your business set some goals we should set some goals in our health health and that could be exercise or eating we should set some goals and you're eating and I've learned this areas that we don't set goals in will be forced to set and later if you don't eat right and you don't exercise you know what's gonna happen you will get sick and then the doctors will tell you you can't eat that anymore so it's okay so I gonna have to be a health nut but set some goals in your health another thing set goals and set goals in your relationships have some max goals have some relationship goals that maybe get a book on relationship but get better at your relationship maybe you need to forgive some people set some relationship goals you can make your relationships healthier if you start focusing on having healthy relationships you'll never have healthy relationships without setting goals to have them and the most important is spiritual goals and that's our relationship with God this will help us in all the other areas we need to set goals in you know so set some spiritual goals goals could be I'm gonna get through our discipleship process I'm gonna join leadership university I'm showing up for the next four weeks not only say it right it you know why it's important to write it because you can change your mind but you can't change what you wrote and you know what happens when we when we don't write it down we change the vision God didn't change the vision it just got hard or it got difficult and this is what we do we start changing our thoughts but God's saying I didn't change the vision I knew was gonna get difficult I knew you would have some challenges that's why I wanted you to write it down so you would not forget the original word stop giving me this what's happening guy said stop give out in a word that I didn't give you all right you guys get that so now that is the first definition is they is a dictionary definition one has to do the accomplishments of one's goals so you can't have success without having some goals number two biblical different definition it's a Hebrew word so call and this is what it means it means to give the skill and knowledge needed to succeed through teaching and instruction it's called wisdom so when the Bible talks about success is talking about wisdom the know how to do it you'll never succeed in an area you don't know how to succeed in so what he says don't worry about the goal worry about how to get to the goal so it's important to sharpen your skills sharpen your mind sharpen your spirit so God calls wisdom success wisdom equals what success you know have you ever heard this saying that that person's not the sharpest knife in the drawer have you ever felt that you're not the sharpest knife or the dry fell that way and we don't need to remain dull we can actually sharpen our minds sharp poka poka sharpen our knives look at the scripture here and Ecclesiastes 10:10 it says if the axe is dull and one does not sharpen the edge then he must use more strength but wisdom brings success but wisdom brings success is the point wisdom brings success so let's get some wisdom wisdom is this is what wisdom is to me it's knowing what to do and doing it see smart being smart doesn't mean you're wise there's a lot of smart alecks you know what a smart aleck is they know everything they're actually know-it-alls but they're not do it all they know I already know I already know I already know you don't have to freeze your freezer to quiet you don't already know already I know you know you're smart but you're not wise because wise people know it and then they apply it wisdom is knowing what to do and then doing it we can have successful marriages if we know what to do and do it we can raise successful children if we know what to do and do it we got successful careers and businesses if we know what to do and do it we got successful ministries if we know what to do and do it we got successful emotions if we know what to do and what that's wisdom so God calls success wisdom see if we have wisdom wisdom bring success if wisdom brings success why not seek it with our whole heart and ask God for it I remember when I was in the car business i i i ended up in the car business because me and Lisa got married at how old was I when I got married to you honey 22 thank you very much said 20 last service but I don't know she's so good at these numbers and if I same Ross you don't correct me anyway so so this is the truth that I was 22 years old and and I went on my honeymoon I got fired from my job the like the week or so before the honeymoon so you know when I go well at least we got Lisa's job she's working for Nordstrom at least we got that job to Balan because because this is why when I got married this my parents did they're here they left to the farthest part of the United States that could and my dad had a speech with me he's a back there he told me Marco you're not coming back you got to make this marriage work and we're leaving and they didn't joke I mean they left it all the way to the farthest East Coast place they can find Florida so now we and my wife go on a honeymoon and we come back and you know what happened we found out Lisa didn't have a job either because she took off time for the honeymoon and she did have time comes used to new on the job so they let her go too so now I have no Jo B and now the first time in my life I'm paying rent I never contributed to the home so I never paid and I was living with mom and dad they provided the food the guys for my car schooling everything so this was the first time in my life now I got a real rent payment real ice cream after go to the gas pump and put some real money in I got a real gas bill electrical but I am freaked out and I don't have a job and she don't have a job and and she goes you're the provider I know so I need to learn how to make money quick so I started thinking and and and I remember going to a car dealership and and there was a guy two years earlier that he said if you want a job here I'll hire you and now I was desperate and I started going through my art cut our archives in my mind I go I remember that guy said give me a job so I went over to that car dealership and lo and behold that guy was still working there was a miracle he goes I remember you I told him I remember you you told me if I come here you hire me I'm here hire me that was my interview he goes are you serious I need a job right now he goes you got a job so this is what I did I had some goals I had to gold some whistles to go I need to make some money I some folks so what I did was I needed some wisdom now I need some wisdom how do I make it so what I went to a board they had like 30 sales per people and there was one guy way at the top and he had a lot of stars and his name was different it was circled stars and and it's a top salesman so I my first day on the job I go who's that guy he goes he goes he's right there in the front I with him is that guy that tall guy he goes that's him and this is what I did I hung out with him for two months because he knew how to get to where I wanted to get to and this is what he did was the craziest I don't even know what he did it he took a piece of paper and he would put it in his pocket like this and I don't know why he did that but before you know it I had a piece of paper in my pocket too he was standing on this this place I was standing around him he never met me I go I'm gonna hang out with you because I heard you're the top salesman and I want to be like you so I'm gonna be your shadow everywhere you go and everything you do I'm gonna be doing exactly the same because I need to learn to get the results you're getting I need some wisdom come on see if you don't have a successful marriage find someone that does if you have a successful business find someone that does stop hanging out with your own level seek some people admit you're not where you want to be forget about the pride let's get humble let's become students there's a way to get there let's start learning well I found out later on what it was this was just a paper to write down the information when he was ready to when someone's ready to buy a car he'd write down information that's all it was but you know there's a couple of months later I was at top salesman and then there was a year later that that guy ended up working for me because I never stopped doing it I didn't want to go to the next level you're not starting to find out managers are we're at the next level find out how they got there see there's always the next level in your life and we can learn how to do this thing how many believe we can learn how to succeed now I'm gonna give you so wisdom wisdom causes success wisdom equals success I'm going to give you a just a quick example of this the richest man that ever lived on the face of the planet earth now I'm going to give you some of some of the richest men that ever lived on the planet but I'm gonna focus on the richest man at the end of this and we're gonna find out how did he become the richest man on the planet earth if if you could read if you could talk to the richest man that ever lived would you at least want to talk to him for a minute I don't want to be rich that's okay we'd like to talk to him at least how we got there I don't I don't Yeah right because if you're really really rich you could really really help people we're gonna talk about that in a minute but look at this let's talk about some of the richest men Henry Ford he was worth a hundred and ninety nine billion dollars when he passed from 1863 to 1947 he's a founder of Ford Motor Company and developed the assembly line number four richest man ever lived Andrew Carnegie 310 billion from 1835 290 10 he was a Scottish Scottish American industrialist he led the American steel industry number 2 richest man ever lived john d rockefeller 660 3.4 billion even during the Depression he was an oil tycoon richest man in modern history but the richest man that ever lived maybe you don't know who he is gonna get to be his neighbor and his name is King Solomon King Solomon 19 9 72 931 BC King Solomon held a fortune that dwarfed any and every person who lived before and after him making him the wealthiest person in the world this is King Solomon was worth two point one trillion dollars back back in the day now how was he worth so much he had a secret that's available to every single one of us your goal doesn't need to be a trillion and we're not talking about that we're talking about being successful and living a full life and accomplishing everything that God has for us how did he do it well one day God came to him in a dream spoke to him and said Solomon what do you want what do you want you you know why God asked him what do you want because he was seeking him and while he was seeking I'm because what do you want and you know what Solomon asked for he asked for wisdom he could have for money he could ask for fame because God told him what do you want whatever you ask for I'll give it to you imagine God coming to you right now saying whatever you want I'll give it to you what do you want well Solomon got that opportunity and he said and he could have said I want Fame I want power over my enemies I want to be the most powerful man on earth sigh I want I want this girl I want this I want this car back and they'd have cars chariot real nice chair with gold wheels and spinners right right he could have asked for that but didn't ask for that you know what he asked for wisdom I want to know how to lead your people I don't know how to do it and look what God says first Kings 3:10 says the Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for wisdom so God replied because you have asked for wisdom in governing my people with justice and have not asked for a long life or wealth or the death of your enemies verse 12 I will give you what you asked for I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has had or ever will have and I will also give you what you did not ask for riches and fame no other King in the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life what are you saying this since you asked for wisdom you get everything that comes with it we need to ask for wisdom there's no area that you and I cannot succeed in with God's wisdom you can have successful relationships you could have said come on you can rase successful kids go on we could be happy we can accomplish great ministry there's nothing we can't do with the know-how and guess what God knows how and you know why we don't know how we don't ask um I got this you got this really how's it working out for you why do we need to succeed let's answer that question we just cover the two definition of success one is its accomplishment of one's goals that's the dictionary definition we just cover in a second a second definition of success is its wisdom or the teach in or through wisdom and skill and knowledge that's given through teaching or instruction it's wisdom now why do we need to succeed this is an answer we succeed to help others succeed we want to maximize our success so that we can be a maximum blessing to others God has a goal to save the loss bless people heal the sick teach the uninformed feed the poor take care of the orphans he is looking for some partners to share his wealth and ability with anyone want to be a success partner with God God has said I want to get some stuff done on this earth I need some partners you don't have to have it all together he's looking for partners he goes I got my wealth I got the ability I just need someone that's willing to share the wealth so now let's go little deeper and this is a question when asked what does God and the Bible have to do with success what does God and the Bible have to do is success number one God wants us to succeed Jeremiah 29:11 look at this I know the plans I have for you announces the Lord I want you to enjoy success I where the scriptures hear my 29:11 I want you to enjoy success what does God want does God wants you to enjoy success come on you know why I'm you know why we're hitting this because there's almost like a negative negative teaching throughout the church like there's something wrong I'll say this with with us prospering and succeeding now I understand this there's such thing as a prosperity gospel that was preached the wrong way and what they were doing is teaching prosperity to line their pockets so that that's third the goal was themselves so we this is one we've almost done throughout the whole gospel throw out scriptures that say we can succeed am i right not only can you succeed God wants you to enjoy success see Jesus wants us to live life to the fullest listen well look at the scripture John 10:10 hey thief only comes to steal and kill destroy I have come so they may have life I want them to have it in the fullest possible way so God wants you to have a full a full complete life God wants you to enjoy life at the fullest oh you can have some full peace some full joy so full love come on what God wants you to overflow so you could help others a matter of fact God takes great pleasure in your success oh man I want to make God happy go succeed look at this scripture Psalms 30:5 27 says let the Lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servants you know what the purpose of going through scriptures is to let you know that God wants you to succeed maybe you've been questioning as God really want me to succeed well Scripture is saying yes I want you to succeed you know what they say is I want to be able to give you an assignment and I want you to come back and say it's done it's been executed see either we come back with a whole bunch of excuses or we come back with execution it's done I'm tired of making excuses I want to see God do great things through me and you how many are agreeing with that statement God do it [Applause] so what does God has said God and the Bible have to do with success and the one he God wants us to succeed number two let's prove this point God will help us succeed God not only wants to you to succeed he wants to help you succeed Nehemiah 2:20 says I replied to the Umayyad replied the God of heaven will help us succeed we and his servants will start rebuilding this wall you know what he was saying this God's gonna help us succeed and we're gonna rebuild this city that's broken down we're gonna start right here with this wall maybe this is something you need to say God will help me succeed and now it's time to start rebuild in my life rebuilding my family rebuilding my marriage rebuilding my business rebuilding my ministry it's time to rebuild time to give up it's that time to quit God is saying I will help you rebuild every ruined area of your life it is time to get excited it's gonna be better than I ever was see Christ will give us the strength to succeed Christ is the one who gives me the syrup Philippians 4:13 says Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do see as long as I have the Lord and as long as you have the Lord you will succeed I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but I want to get you I want you to get this major major point if you don't have the Lord you can't succeed in everything you'll have partial success I can all think through Christ who strengthens me but if you don't have Christ you can't do all things you could only do some things you can only do natural things you can't do supernatural things you can't do eternal things you can't make do things that make an eternal difference you could do some things I want I want the source I want the source see as long as we have the Lord we will succeed 2nd Kings 18 7 and the Lord was with Hezekiah who was with the Hezekiah who was with Hezekiah now it's it's it's saying it because the Lord wasn't with everybody heard let's put it this way not everybody was with the Lord see God doesn't change he's walking the question is are we walking with God well Hezekiah was walking with God and how he was walking with God he was walking with God according to his word and his instructions so the Lord was in his akai but look what it says about this he was successful wherever he went do you see the correlation he had the Lord with him and he was successful where wherever he went you know why I say this success is not a destination success is a relationship and when you have the relationship with God the success goes with you to your job come on goes in your marriage it goes to your educational place it goes everywhere and wherever you go with the Lord there will be success oh I love this look another person oh it says God will make everything we put our hands to do to prosper God won't cause you to succeed I've seen this happen I remember when when when we first started this church we we went to the streets and God gave us instructions knock on doors and invite everybody and I remember our first service we had around 500 people from the neighborhood that came and you had drug dealers come prostitutes come a lot of the homeless come if you woulda came to our first service you would have been scared and when to the papen in the community center because we ran in a community center that got oh my gosh she got a really bad crowd so they were scared of the crowd we were bringing in and we were just bringing in the neighborhood but they never seen him all together in one place so you know what they did they kicked us out of that building just because of the crowd so now I'm saying man god I need your help help you succeed it was my idea from the place firstly you're gonna be okay and I remember I go we didn't have a building and we had one week to find one so one of the homeless guys that I met in the park first guy I met homeless guy I met in the park I asked him one day what do you need he goes we're hungry I went to I went to Baker's and bought it everybody number ones whole bunch of number-one Baker's burrito fries and a coat everybody the whole park got it my daughters thought it was for them they were so excited go it's not four years for them and I remember saying what kind of church is is it right but after after we got kicked out I Franklin the homeless guy met he came up to me he goes Pastor Mark oh I know somebody I go who do you know Franklin he goes I know Congress a congressman me and him went to high school together and I set an appointment for you and him to meet and I'm like you don't know nobody you'll be surprised who God says to help you you'll be surprised God's already setting this all up he's not come up he's not putting a carrot in front of you and say it's not gonna happen he said come on let's go get it I already got all this setup just received the vision so he told me that meeting is that on Thursday so you know what I mean Robert gotta go Robert Franklin says we have a meeting with Congressman Joe Baca on Thursday he goes who IRA Franklin now he what we weren't sure to believe him because a week earlier he he brought his girlfriend in and he put a pillow underneath her stomach to make her think she make us think she was pregnant to give her some more food it was the same guy so Mia Roberts show up we show up the Lord was Hezekiah and he prospered and he succeeded everything he did the Lord was with Joseph and everything he put his hand to do prospered because the Lord was with them I can do all things through Christ nothing's impossible with God so we go to this meeting crazy thing and we meet up with them and they say yes we've been waiting for you go what I go Franklin got some connections right said what do you need and we eventually told we need a building he goes okay you don't they left that office in with an hour they called us that we got a builder for you downtown we got a build in downtown San Bernardino 25,000 square foot building Robert calls me up he said they call him first and go rob Marco we got a built in I go where he goes it's right down downtown San Bernardino it's a 25 thousand square foot building three-story building with a full commercial kitchen it's way better than the community center we're renting I go Rob that costs a lot of money if it's a dollar a square foot it's like 20 grand a month so we called the owner because they didn't negotiate that these final building they put the owner the owner said you could have the building 4,000 servus so it was like 16,000 a month we couldn't afford not even half look at afford nothing we had no money it was not a homeless people come we don't have no offerings so so I go Robert set up a meeting with the owner anyways so Robert sets up a meeting with the owner I'm just trying to help you right now to let you know God doesn't always show you how he's gonna help you he just promises you I'm gonna help you and that vision that I'm giving you it's not a tease I will help you bring it to pass be patient happen write it down events you'll never be more than you are now until you start believing that there's more that God has placed in you so whenever happening we set up a meeting with the owner and then the night before God helps me he goes Marco this is what I want you to do when you go to that meeting I know you're a Salesman you're gonna try to sell them aren't you oh yeah I got ready I'm ready for him and God says no you're not gonna sell them I'm speaking to him I go so who's gonna speak he goes I'm gonna speak I go how is that gonna work out he goes this is how you're gonna do it so see sometimes God helps us with just instruction it is what he did he told me God told me this he goes Marco when you're a robber go just say hi to him but you can't negotiate a deal nothing I will speak to him so I told Robert Oh Robert this is the plan when we go speak to the owner that building you can only say hi and smile no other words and Robert so we show up to this meeting and when we show up to the meeting he's a Korean guy and if you ever heard someone in this Korean when they speak there it sounds very aggressive it almost sounds like they're mad but I think he was mad and he has his architect we walk into this office with a long conference table and we're sitting in the office and he's screaming at his architect he screaming us in the near engineer and he goes you go and they leave and he goes you next I go we next go we next go right between the X and I just stop bad timing so we I said hi Robert said hi then we sat down on the table and we couldn't talk because God says don't say nothing I'm gonna speak to him you know God said I'm gonna help them see there's connections that you can't get for the rest of it your whole life and God says I got those connections I need to do is write it down believe and hold on to the dream so we sit there and I remember he rubbed his head like this he's at the head of the table he rubs his head he puts his head up and me Robert just do this then he put his head back down and when he put his head down look at Robert go he puts his head back up and he looks at Robert and he looks at me and I know one saying that he ain't saying nothing I'm not saying that that Robert ain't saying nothing what kind of meeting is this the third time he puts his head up he says this craziest words you've ever heard I don't I don't know him he knows we want to cheer for a church I don't know him he hasn't run my credit he knows nothing about me and he says like this he said God told me if I do not bless you with building I will not be blessed you have built in and I started talking career I go we got built in what God is saying come on I got a plan I'll help you I want you to enjoy success it's important for you to know that you got a partner in business that will help you succeed in every area of your life and I just want to mention one last thing not only that God wants you to succeed he'll help you succeed but number three he's giving you a success manual this book every single inspirational teacher I've ever seen business leader that speaks all kinds of principle the actors are so smart you know what they do they steal the principles from the source without giving credit to the source I'm gonna show you something this is the last scripture but check it out check it out James 1 ain't real quick I mean Josh will one day look at the scripture we're done you don't want to miss next week next week I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna teach you some how to identify the three top obstacles to success and learn how to overcome them three top obstacles this is this idea if you don't know what they are they'll deter you and stop you because you don't even know it's just an obstacle you'll do a u-turn when you should be going through the obstacle so next week you do not want to miss it you do not want to miss it and then a week after that we're gonna I'm gonna teach you about if you believe you could succeed you can it's gonna be powerful no week after that actually Richard Martinez he's here right now he's gonna be speaking and he's going to show you how to go from a janitor all the way to I want to top CEOs in the country how did he do that how did he do that well he's going to share that with us you don't want to miss that you want to bring your friends and relatives tonight I'm gonna give you the gods look for success tonight God's formula for success and this is it A plus P plus o equals success what's a what's P plus o what is that well tonight you got to come or you won't know God's formulas licks ads gonna be tonight but look at this scripture this it this book this book of instruction changed my life at 17 years old as a senior fontana high school i let go of a I let go of the girl's hand I let go come on I let go of the partying I let go of the gangs hand I let go of all those hands and I grabbed on to a Bible that began to show me and give me instruction for life that changed my life my senior year I read through the whole Bible I'd have no girl for my senior year this was my friend I got this as a foundation for my life and this is what it allowed me to do succeed in every area of my life if there's a book that has a source for success wouldn't you read it Christa's have Bibles in Teredo that's why they're not succeed in this book reconstruction this book of instruction must not depart from your mouth you know what he's saying we got to learn how to get the gossip out of our mouth they're complaining out of our mouths come on that we're bad words out of our mouth and we got to see we'll never change our lives until we start changing our conversations you are to meditate on it day and night let's get the thoughts of the past out of our lives thoughts of failure out of life reasons why we can't do it let's get all that junk out of our out of our minds and let's start meditating not on a problem let's start meditating on these structures let's start meditating on the how-to let's start meditating on the wisdom let's start meditating on the answers you'll never change your life until you change your thinking your transformed by the renewing of your what my by the time we're done these four weeks you're going to think they're friend you know what that's gonna do I allow you to accomplish things you never were able to accomplish and you couldn't accomplished because you didn't have to know how to do it this that you may carefully observe everything written in C says just don't meditate I do it for then you will prosper and succeed in whatever whatever whatever not just church life not just ministry life come on in whatever everywhere you go if you meditate on my word and you put me on the table at your job come on in your career in your education everywhere you feel succeed because my book doesn't give instructions for failure if you do it you'll get the results it promises man we need car back in our country we need God back in our homes we need God back in our businesses we did God thank you so much for tuning in to the way world outreach sermon would you allow me to pray for you in this moment father thank you Lord that you have given us a word I pray that our hearts were opened for that word Jesus I pray God that your child knows that you love them that you were here for them that you have an amazing purpose for their lives I pray that right now they receive you as their Lord and Savior they know that you died on the cross for them God and they know that without a shadow of doubt that you love them and you have a calling for that God in Jesus name we pray amen thank you so much would you do one more thing if you would like to make a difference in someone else's life would you join together with us by going to the way world outreach dot org slash donate so you can make a difference in someone else's life thank you again god bless you and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,168
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: churches located in San Bernardino, Churches in the inland empire, On fire churches in San Bernardino, Sunday services in San Bernardino, wednesday services in San Bernardino, Pastor Marco Garcia, Pastor Robert Cuencas, The Way World Outreach, The Way Outreach, World Outreach, Jesus, God, Christian Churches in the Inland Empire, Christian Churches in San Bernardino
Id: mlsm6cav0bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 56sec (2996 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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