Jesus Did It! | Pastor Marco Garcia

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tonight is going to be a bible study someone say bible study we are going to study the word and and this portion of scripture realistically as i'm going through it you almost need a teacher to get you through this portion of scripture i i was i was tempted to just go right through it but we're going through the book of matthew and we're going verse by verse and i actually thought that the team just skipped over this verse and just left it for me like that's a hard verse i'm not going to do that one but let's look at this portion of scripture but this portion of scripture we're going to go over really is important because it gives you the foundation for your faith someone say foundation for faith now what i mean by that is that i want you to think about this we are eternal beings and what that means is that you're going to live a portion of your life here on earth but it's the smallest portion that you'll live is here on earth the bible talks about this it says our life on earth is but a vapor and that means if you're all in in you're putting all your eggs in this basket you're putting all your eggs in the wrong basket time goes by really fast and for some of us that are getting older you realize that time is even moving faster and you start realizing as you get older what's really important and you can't just waste your time partying your whole life because you can waste your whole life and there's a right way to live a life and there's a wrong way to live a life but think about this imagine you live the wrong way and you end up in hell forever so why'd you say that pastor because after you die there really is only two locations either you're going to be with god forever and ever in a place there's just no pain there's no hurt there's no sickness there's no death there's no suffering or are you going to be separated from god in a place where there's pain there's hurt there's suffering but the problem is and you would say well that sounds a lot like earth it sounds a lot like earth with no relief with no hope because while we're here on earth we're making not only temporary decisions we're making eternal decisions and i talk to people as a pastor that are on the verge of death and everyone that's on the verge of death they're calling me just to make sure that they're right with god because nobody that's breathing their last breath is thinking about how clean their car is what's in their bank account or how good their clothes look or whether their nails are done what they're thinking about is i'm ready to believe breathe my last breath and i'm not sure i'm right with god i'm ready to go into eternity well this bible prepares us not only for this life but it prepares us for the next one and if you gain the whole world i'm you know what the boss is if you gain this whole world that means you get everything this world has to offer and what does this world have to offer it has to offer like they're all nice locations to visit if you want to go to you know i just went to puerto rico that's great but puerto rico has graffiti just like san bernardino right has problems just like san bernardino you know offers nice places to visit it offers cars but anybody that's ever had a nice car after you get the nice car you want a nicer car isn't that right if i get that car they'll be the last car i'm just going to buy that car i'm going to keep it forever it's going to be collectors atom i got no you ain't until the next model comes out that has more horsepower that looks a little better and and and you don't have to change the tires because it's brand new and your tires are wore out right you start thinking that way what does this offer what's we offer relationships and be careful that you're not exchanging a temporal relationship for eternal relationship and that's why a lot of us we think relationship is going to make us whole and then you get a relationship and then you abuse that relationship and you're waiting for the next relationship we treat people like they're disposable objects and you know why because we're looking for more we're thinking there must be more what is this i will allow for drugs drinking partying but no matter how much you party no matter how much you drink you still want another drink it leaves you empty so what was with the bible saying let's say you gain the houses you gain the cards you get the women you get the guys you get everything this world has to offer and at the end you lose your soul you missed it all so now this is the question god created you and i and how do we make sure we're right with god so say with me right with god and there's only two ways that people try to get right with god one way that people try to get right with god they try to get right with god by doing good left i if i ask people if tonight were your last night and you you want to stand before god are you sure you're right with god and they usually you say this i think i am and i will say why and to say because i'm a pretty good person and what they're basically saying is i got a code of ethics that i came up with or i've read a few things about the bible and i'm pretty good at obeying them but are you sure being pretty good at obeying scriptures that you know is going to get you into heaven i'm even going to say this are you sure if you obey if you obey the majority of scripture will you get into heaven are you sure that if you're better than your neighbor and you obey a little better are you going to get into heaven so jesus was addressing this eternal thing and he was addressing it to some religious leaders and he was telling them there's a standard of living that i've put in this word but the standard that i've put in this word is my standard what's the standard god standard not my standards god someone say god's standard he goes so when i gave you my word and i gave you my standards they were my standards he goes but you guys got a problem you don't live up to my standards you guys get this come on how many know that we fall short of god's standards so jesus was addressing this this subject here and let's look at matthew 5 17 and it says this don't misunderstand why i came don't misunderstand why i came i didn't come to be just a prophet i didn't just come here to be a teacher i came to get something done someone said to get something done i did not come to abolish the law of moses what he's saying is i didn't come to lower the standards of of what i've already taught you in the old testament how many know the bible is written it's written in two has a it's two halves the new testament and the what so at this time they only had the old testament and the and and the law of moses was really referring to the five books five first books of the bible which is also called the torah and in those five books god gives for example the ten commandments and he gives them these laws hey these are some of the laws he wrote down he said this um thou shall not have any the gods before me what he was saying is don't put anything before me i won't allow that's what he's saying i want to allow you to put me second and second will never be good enough for me see some people think they could get to heaven and jesus is not even second some people they think they're going to get into heaven and jesus is barely on the list he's not a top priority and we know it's not a top priority because we struggle giving him time and whatever the priority for you you give time to so you might be saying i don't serve other gods maybe you don't have little idols in your house that you're worshiping and lighting candles to but this is idea what are you get prioritizing over god that has more say than god in your life do you know a drug could be your god an attitude could be your god a car could be your god a thing could be your god your job can be your god your girlfriend could be your god your boyfriend could be your god your come on your family member could be your god your schedule could be your god your comfort can be your god if it's not easy i don't do it that's your god ease we're still talking about the he goes so i want you to understand this i didn't come what he was saying is i didn't come to lower the standards to make it easier for you guys because this is what we want to do the bible says in the last days there's going to group be a group of people that they're going to want teachers that teach them what they want to hear you know what the bible says tickle their ears they'll be like tickle me daddy like when i wanted this is what they're saying when i come to church i want to feel good it's because my god is feel good i want to feel like when i go to a baseball game they entertain me and that's what now and this is why we sometimes we can serve god because our god is a god of feel good whatever feels good is my god you can't be married like that because you'll be tempted by any girl to make you feel good that's not your wife come on somebody look there's another commander he gave thou shall not take the name of the lord thy god in vain what he was saying by that is stop using my name while you're just talking and cussing stop using my name as a cuss word homie why is my name in your mouth and you're not praising me why did you use my name more when you were in the world than now that you're a christian some of us are using god's name in vain and this is an issue we think is a big joke but understand this the idea i think every one of us have used god's name in vain and i know this see i got a problem with this law already because all this law is showing me i'm guilty like just going over that alone i have a problem with have no other guys before you i put a lot of stuff before you jesus look at this honor thy father and thy mother thou shall not kill now you say well i never killed nobody praise the lord i got it i finally found a commandment i obeyed hopefully judges me on just that one you guys think it's gonna be like a test and the only answer you know you there's three tests and you're thinking if i just get on this one that i do know i hope that's the one because i'll ace that god's not going to judge us on the uh i watch again he's not going to judge mankind on the best one that you're obeying but the truth is jesus came and said you know you've heard killing is bad but he said this if you're angry with a brother you've already committed murder in your heart so jesus was i saying you haven't killed nobody physically but you've killed people emotionally in your head you're seeing them dead i wish they were dead go to hell you and your mama and now sunday hallelujah salsa hallelujah acting all i'm saying say pastor why are we going for this because jesus is saying i didn't come to abolish allah what he's saying is i didn't come to lower the standards the standards are still the same so we're gonna talk about that say well we got a problem then don't we that should not commit adultery with another one that means if you're married you're not supposed to be sleeping around with somebody that's not your husband or wife but but but but pastor come on stop tripping my wife ain't treating me right i don't even remember the last meal she cooked for me and the last meal she cooked for me was with some with some with some spaghetti and i can and the other thing she don't respect me that's right and the girl at work she nice to me she respects me and you know what i'm thinking she wasn't for me from the beginning because what god puts together let no man separate i found a scripture god didn't put us together you know what you're doing you're lying to yourself to justify your adultery and i'm gonna tell you this we are good liars and justifiers and lawyers you all of a sudden using scripture to justify your adulterous affair if you're if you're married you can't be with nobody else it's called adultery it don't matter what you call it well someone said well you know pastor that was great great try but i'm not committing adultery and the truth is i've never committed adultery i've been faithful to my wife from husband all these years that's awesome but jesus goes on to say if you even lusted after a woman you've already committed adultery like oh oh well well now yeah i did commit adultery so jesus said i'm not come to abolish the law of moses and the prophets thou shall not steal now the problem is these laws are there but in the torah there's 613 laws these are 10 commandments but in the torah there's 613 laws they say well what's the big deal pastor this is the big deal that if you are trying to get into heaven by being obedient to these 613 laws you ain't gonna make it well how am i going to get in then this is the difference between religion and relationship with jesus jesus made a way for you to have a relationship with him to be forgiven of every one of your sins and and take you out from under the curse that you put yourself under by the bad decisions me and you have made because the truth is this is who we are or who i am who i am i've worshiped other gods i'm an adulterer thief i killed some people in my mind and you know what i mean by that is there's some people that i've thought in my mind if they die i'll be okay come on again quiet like not me pastor well you more righteous than me so when we talk about jesus not abolishing the law what he's saying is i've not come to lower the standards so but this is what he's saying if you think you're going to get to heaven and you're going to be right with me by trying to be perfectly by perfectly obeying the law you'll never get in so what what what we're talking about now let's keep on talking about this for a minute every law that jesus that god gave came with a blessing and a curse someone say blessing and curse what i mean by that is if you obeyed it you got blessed and if you disobeyed it you got cursed imagine that they did that to us on the freeway you obey the you obey the law of speed the speeding limit your car works you don't obey your engine blows up everybody be walking up in here have you ever got pulled over by police and tell them you weren't speeding it don't matter you are a speeder maybe that moment you're only going and you're talking about you're only going 10 miles over the speed limit what we're talking about we're telling what are we talking about every law came with a blessing a curse look at this law which was a cra look real simple law exodus 2012. look what it says this is a blessing someone say blessing honor your father and your mother then you will live a long full life in the land the lord god is giving you that's cool so i'm saying if you honor your father and your mother you'd have an extension of life in a place of blessing so would it be what he's saying is you'll have a long blessed life how many want to have a long blessed life okay now will you sign up for this blessing you would sign up only if you didn't know the curse if you didn't honor your father and your mother so if you dishonor your father and your mother look what it says here and leviticus 20. so if you obeyed it you got a blessing if you disobeyed it you got a curse leviticus 29 for anyone this before jesus came thank you jesus because all you guys would be dead after this scripture right here we wouldn't have a church because the consequences were severe for everyone who curses look at this his father and mother or his mother shall surely be put to death did i did i son what i hear from you what was did i hear underneath your breath i don't think i heard what i think i heard because you know i could take you out right now if you did the law tells me i could do this now would they actually carry this out they would once back in those days a child dishonored their parents by cussing them out they were brought outside the city and stoned to death and they this is what they figured if he's cussing his mother or father out now what he's gonna do when he's older the idea was that sin came with a payment and i think we've lost the fear of god understanding this that when you make a bad decision it's going to come with a payment getting quiet up in here today but just imagine you just die man so the law said someone said the law the law of moses demanded a sacrifice every time a sin was committed so there was no such thing as committing a sin without a sacrifice brought with that sin and if you didn't bring the sacrifice the curse remained on you so if you sin this is what's crazy this is what look what happened in leviticus 16 11 says aaron shall present the bull as a sin offering for himself and he shall make atonement for himself and for his house he shall kill the bull as a sin offer for himself the idea was every sin had a penalty of death upon it either the sinner dies for his sins or he presents a sacrifice to die in his place just imagine sinning and bringing a bull we would have a lot of bull in this church and you wouldn't just bring a bull they would cut kill the bull and let it bleed it was a life for a life this was actually the priest that would represent the people aaron he would represent the people because back in those days no one could come into the presence of god only chosen people like a priest could go into the presence of god and he could only go into the presence of god if he paid if he brought a payment for his sin we're thinking i want you to think about i think today just because we're not bringing instant payment we think actually there's no payment the difference between us and them is that we're storing up payment you know what that's called storing up wrath you know what i really believe there's levels in hell some people are gonna be in the big down the chambers of hell the idea there's going to be different levels of pain and suffering it's all going to be hopeless it's all going to be dark it's all going to be bad but there's going to be different levels because you're storing up levels of wrath and payment kill kill okay look then after the priest kills the this big bull and the blood is shed for his sins a life for a life he then kills the goat of the sin offering that is for the people and bring brings his blood inside the veil and and do with its blood as he did with the blood of the bull sprinkling it over the mercy seat and for the mercy so the idea here is is now he's he's bringing a goat for the sins of the people so how it was is you couldn't just stand before god because if you stand stood before god with no covering of blood you would die so someone had to represent you that was covered so basically what you would it'd be kind of like this we touched the goat and put all our sins on our poor little goat and said go die for me because the wage of sin is death and you would see the blood of that goat and you would know this it was that that goat died for the sins i committed but there would be no way to be forgiven of sin back in those days if there was no bloodshed a life for a life so they lived very alert they weren't saved they weren't born again but they were very alert understanding this that sin has blessed i mean i mean the law has blessings and it has curses it's a two-wedged sword so jesus said i've not come to abolish this law no i came to accomplish its purpose their purpose i tell you the truth in verse 18 matthew 5 18 until heaven and earth disappear not even the smallest detail of god's law will disappear until its purpose is achieved now what's the purpose of allah and then we're going to get to the good part someone said get to the good part now the reason i want you to understand this because it will get you to appreciate this what jesus did for you because jesus is the sacrifice for your sins do you know what that means is that we've all messed up and because we've messed up we could be in this room with a guilt trip i've really messed up and when you really mess up you kind of feel like you deserve to be punished you see when you feel you deserve to be punished you know what you do to yourself you self-destruct yourself you start doing stuff like this i don't care well i'll kill you i don't even care if you kill me i already die do what you need do what you need to do you know what happens you start living a reckless life there was a day used to be careful you're not careful anymore you can even start thinking about suicidal thoughts you're thinking you know i don't care i don't care if i die and you know what that is it's a guilt trip you've lost the value for your life and there's something over you that's telling you you're no good you're not worth it but there's a god that says this i gave you a law and i know you can't fulfill it but i'm gonna send you a savior that can't fulfill it for you he's gonna walk it out for you he's gonna live it out for you he's gonna overcome every single thing that you've ever faced overcome your depression overcome your addiction overcome your sin overcome your failure and he's gonna give you a victory he's gonna give you forgiveness he's gonna give you right standing he's gonna give you a new start a new beginning and all you need to do is have faith in jesus not faith in yourself and your performance i'm going to break the guilt trip off for you today say pastor i thought you were giving us a guilt trip no i'm not giving you a jail trip i'm just giving you some reality and then i'm gonna i'm like giving it to you take it away give it boom someone said we're getting some good news but before we get to good news we have to know this price i'm gonna say price so what does the law do like god gave all these ten commandments what did they do for us this is what it did it showed us how sinful we are because if god didn't tell you that lusting is adultery you wouldn't know it's a sin if god didn't tell you that stealing is wrong you say you justify your stealing and say no we're in the bible doesn't say stealing is wrong i'm like robin hood i take from the rich and i give to the poor that's what i do because we would be good at justifying our sins so god says you already know it's sin and i know how you could justify so let me just write it down so you know it's wrong and not only this i'm going to write it down so you know what's wrong but you also know there's consequences so look what the law did romans 3 20. no no person check this out will be made right with god by doing what the law says no person will be made right with god by doing what the law says he said wait a second so you're saying i can't get right with god if i perfectly obeyed the ten commandments this is the problem you can't perfectly obey the ten commandments homie before we leave he probably used god's name in vain by accident before we we're going to park a lot you might all suddenly lust after someone like accidentally before we leave here you already stole something belongs to god because you didn't give your tithes praise the lord little some little thieves up in here we put things before god some of us right now you got an addiction before your god that's your god small god gives you no power it destroys your dignity it destroys your future it destroys your peace it's destroying your integrity you're lying you're cheating you're doing all kinds of crazy stuff for that little god that's destroying you it gives you a little pleasure and it gives you a whole bunch of torments they got you stealing from your own mama you know back in the day you wouldn't let someone talk about your mom like what you say about but what my my mom those are fighting words and now you're stealing from her for your god hey i'm not putting you down i'm just saying how we all are apart from god so no person we made right with god by doing what the law says the law shows us how sinful we are what does allah do so these commandments are a mirror we look at them and we start realizing i fall short now what's so good about realizing you fall short you just realize that you're a sinner in need of a savior saving you from what the consequences the judgment and the punishment that comes with our sin so many of us know god as a savior and jesus is your savior if you call on him to save you but if you never call on him to save you one day you stored up the wrath and he'll be your judge look at this what is the purpose of the law the law showed us how sinful number two the law showed us how serious the consequences are for our sin it started making us realize that if i commit adultery you know what the price was for adultery death as well imagine you're living in a community where every week they're killing people in the public square for these type of sins how or where would you be girl get away from me i'm not trying to get killed up in here you ain't worth that crazy you better lift that blouse up dropping that cleavage stop it how many understand that was really happening say man did you hear what happened to samantha what she got caught in adultery she's out there in the public square she's dead what up what happened to hugo where that was committed adultery with her he running man he's in another town right now they're looking for him though they gotta hit on him too i guarantee you this you'll be like realizing i'm not about adultery honey i love you i love you so much i'll never look at another woman i promise you you know what we've lost the fear of god right now we sin like there's no consequences there's no price there's no future there's no judgment there's no god just because you feel like you're getting away with it doesn't mean there's not a major price waiting for you in your future death is waiting for you in your future judgments waiting for you and your future come on miseries waiting for you in your future pain is waiting for you in your future no sin comes without a price some of us when we get caught in sin and you get in trouble you get all mad don't get mad be grateful you got caught on this side of life i know it might be embarrassing and i know you might be mad or someone come on someone someone ratted you out i saw your husband at the bar the other day with another girl write him out you know why because if come on if you get him right here he could be saved here so you have to face it over there come on let's get it right if we have to come on we got to expose that sin [Applause] some of us are too loyal with our sin buddies to be loyal to god oh man the law shows us how sinful we are look at romans 4 15 says for the law brings is what the law brings is punishment what does the law bring why does it bring punishment because when god shows us his standards we break it and after we break it remember the law comes with blessing and it comes with curses when we break it we release a curse over our lives now and for later so this is the good news praise the lord i just thank god there's a way to get right with god without having to obey 613 rules because i think in every single one of us there's almost like a rebellious part of us they give you a rule and say oh really i'll break it don't you rule i promise you give another rule break that one too how many know that's the rebellious nature in us it's not right but we do so god has showed us a way to be right someone said get right with god so what jesus said i'm not gonna destroy the law abolish the law i'm not going to destroy none of it until until it fulfills its purpose until it fulfills what so the purpose was to show us that we are sinners in need of a savior show us that we're what sinners and of what do we need a savior because we're all in trouble because we've all sinned and we're storing up wrath eternal separation from god right now we got generational curses on our families because of unrepented sin our kids are getting depressed at a younger ages because we haven't repented of our adult sin so we're passing on curses to our children they haven't even got to do the sin yet but they got the consequences and the curse already because we've not repented praise the lord okay i can't get right by trying to obey the law so how did jesus accomplish the purpose of the law now how did jesus do this as a man jesus accomplished the law by living a fully obedient life who jesus lived a fully obedient life someone said fully obedient that means that jesus accomplished the law by fully obeying the law not sinning not not giving in to even one sin jesus was a hundred percent is a hundred percent sinless in first peter 2 22 christ did not sin or even tell a lie christ was with without guile no lie 100 percent pure so what did he do he took our place he goes you know you can't do it step back let me do it for you let me live a perfect life for you and let me gain a perfect record for you let me gain righteousness for you so when you put your trust in me it won't be your record that you stand before god with or stand before me it'll be my record i lived a perfect life and when you're in christ you get his record his credit not yours but if you don't have christ all you got is your your judgment and you're gonna die and hate it because you will not be in a better place you will stand before the jesus that could have saved you and to live the righteous life for you and he'll be judging you when he should have been your savior and for some of us right now we're right now reaping consequences and this is what god is saying to some of you stop being hard-headed what is it is it going to take for you to finally surrender your life to jesus look at this jesus accomplished the law by fulfilling this prophecy by coming as a savior so in genesis 22 18 it says and your seed christ shall and in your seed christ shall all the nations of earth be blessed this was thousands of years before jesus showed up it was prophesying that a messiah a savior would come to bless people jesus did not come to judge you jesus came to save you bless you help you strengthen you forgive you and we'll end it with this jesus accomplished what the law could not accomplish right standing with god instead of you bringing a sacrifice a bull a ram a goat or you bringing yourself to be sacrificed for your own sins jesus says hold up i'll live it and i'll die for you i'll pay the price for your sin i'll take i love you so much i'll take on your curse and remove your guilt you can be forgiven if you place your faith not a religion not in a person but in jesus christ your savior he paid the price for all the wrong we've done he fulfilled the law he showed us we're sinners in need of a savior he came as a savior and he paid the ultimate price he paid the price by giving his life for every single sin the blood of goats the bloods of bulls wasn't enough so god sent the perfect blood of his only son to die for you to show you how much your worth so you can be forgiven and have a blessed life you could have a new life today in galatians 2 16 it says this but we know that no one is made right with god by following the law because allah doesn't show us we're sinners and show us that there's punishment for sin we're made right with god it is entrusted in jesus christ that makes us a person right with god so we have put our faith in christ jesus because we wanted to be made right with god so we didn't put our faith in ourselves and our works and our goodness but his goodness and we are right with him because we trusted in christ not because we followed the law i can say this because no one can be made right with god by following the law jesus did this he died in your place and because he died in your place the father holds back his wrath that was directed towards us and he directs us towards his son so when jesus was on that cross you know what he's saying i love you so much you are hopeless you cannot help yourself because you're a sinner deserving judgment but i've never sinned and i don't deserve judgment so i'll take your sin and i'll suffer and i'll bleed and i'll take your guilt and i'll take your shame and i'll give you my right standing i'll give you my forgiveness i'll give you my freedom i'll give you my joy i'll give you my peace and this was so awesome and i'll never take it away come on give god some praise i'll never take it away i'll make you right and i'll never take it away come on give god some praise that you have placed your faith in jesus and he's forgiven you and the curse has been removed let's all stand up pastor robert can you close us out please because all the christians here oh chris is saying i forgot i thought christian wanted to take over the mic now guys how many receive a word for god tonight how many understand the bible a little better now how many understand what jesus did for him now now understand this believing in i want you to get this knowing that we're all sinners ain't nobody better than nobody here you look at those ten commandments we broke every one of them i think and because we broke every one of them the law doesn't help us because there's a blessing for obeying them but we broke them so all we're left with is the curse and the punishment and when we feel the pain of our sin this is what we do we try to escape it through drugs drink and escapism and we get ourselves deeper in the hole it's time for you to finally realize i can't fix me i can't save me jesus save me make me whole when jesus saves he'll forgive you he'll cut he'll bring his spirit inside of you to empower you to live a new life you come to where you are you don't fix yourself and come to god you come as a sinner just like me you come to god he saves you he delivers you you put your faith in he gives you a new life and today's your day pastor robert let's lead him in that prayer yeah how many joys that were tonight wasn't that great now here we go now here's our opportunity to now we we hear the word of god we just heard it now we have to take it in action right now this is the time now to apply what we just learned right now trying to obey the law the old testament can't do it's impossible jesus came the last scripture we just read in order to get right with god this is all we have to do is put our faith in jesus christ that's it that's it well where'd that come from pastor mark was like echoing off the things here oh there he goes he's back there i was like whoa where'd he go so here we are if you're saying pastor you know what i want to put my faith in jesus i want to be forgiven of all my sins everything that i've done wrong today is your day to get right with god today is your day it's not tomorrow it's not next week it's not next month the bible says today is the day of salvation pastor marco said earlier life is like a vapor we're here for a second and we're gone so before we leave this auditorium today before you disconnect online let me ask you this question if you were to die today and you would stand before god are you going to make it in heaven how do we get to heaven again just placing our faith in jesus so if you hear it today you say pass i want to be forgiven of all my sins i want to make sure if i die today then i would go straight to heaven i want to put my faith in god or maybe you're here today and you've been running and even backsliding running from god you're saying man i just want a new start today i've been going this way and i i just want to turn back with god i want to rededicate my life to jesus tonight i'm going to count to three all across this auditorium those that are watching online right now you're saying pastor i want to get right with god i want to place my faith in him i want god to forgive me of all my sins if that is you slip your hands up when i count to three don't let nothing hold your hand down this is you and god this is you in eternity right now do not let this moment pass you by when i counted three all those who want to place their faith in jesus raise your hands or rededicate your life to god one two three right now raise your hands raise your hands so i want to give my life to jesus i see your hand over there i see your hand over there way in the back i see a hand right here good job i want to i want to give my life to jesus i see your hand over here i want to rededicate my life to god i see a couple hands way over there in the back i see your hand right over here all those just raise your hands i want you to come forward come meet me here down in the front and i'm going to lead you in a prayer today to place your faith in jesus christ come on down even if you didn't raise your hands come come come yes today's your day [Music] today is your day come come yes the curse is being removed right now come we're gonna break all generational curses come come come come [Music] come the curse is being broken right now the curse over sin is going to be broken right now come come come [Music] you got 20 more seconds come 20 more seconds come come give your life to jesus this is your name [Music] 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 give god a big shout of praise 29 people up here right now say you know what i want to give my life to jesus this is your day this is your day every head by every eyes closed you're watching us online right now you're saying that's pastor you can't see me but i raised my hand i'm standing right there in my living room right there my job say this prayer right there with us you'll be saved those watching online as soon as you say this prayer you're gonna go to i got saved and we're going to help you with your walk with god every head by every eyes closed maybe you didn't come up but you're at your seat right now and you're saying man how come i didn't go down your heart's beating right now hands might be getting all sweaty said man what am i doing at my seat i should have went down there what am i doing it's okay just say that prayer right there you see god's gonna meet you there but i do ask this if you say it at your seat come let one of us know we just want to pray with you and help you with your walk with christ every head barbie eyes closed online get ready say this prayer with us as well repeat after me say jesus i ask forgiveness i repent of all the sins i've committed jesus i thank you for dying on the cross and paying the penalty for my sins jesus come into my heart become my lord and savior holy spirit fill me jesus tonight i ask you to set me free from all my addictions i ask you jesus to break every generational curse jesus i thank you me and my house me and my family we will serve the lords use me to reach my family use me to reach my friends thank you jesus i am saved in jesus name i pray amen [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,599
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach, San Bernardino
Id: aWKgWOF3g2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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