God Is Good | Part 3 | Pastor Marco Garcia

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if this is your first time here so glad that you're here and what we're going to be talking about is god like really who god is can we love a god that we don't know um can we have great faith in a god that maybe we don't have a lot of information on or maybe some misconceptions of who he is there's times in your life that you're going through a difficult time and because you're going through a difficult time i've seen a lot of people do this big mistake they start blaming god for the difficult time just because you're going through a difficult time doesn't mean that god did it god is your answer he is not your problem but the problem is if you see god as your problem he cannot be your answer so if you're sick god is not the one that made you sick he's the one that provides your healing if you're bound today you say man i'm really stuck i i feel like i'm stuck i feel like i'm in spiritual chains see jesus is not the one that puts you in those chains jesus is the one that will set you free if your relationships aren't working and there's a lot of division jesus is not god's not the one that caused the division in your relationship he's the one that wants to bring reconciliation to your relationship god is not your problem he is your answer so in james chapter 1 verse 16 it starts off we're going to read this portion of scripture 16-18 because we're in a series and the title of the series is god is good stay with me god is good and i want you to recognize that everything that's good comes from god and then we're going to make a statement that everything that's bad does not come from god and it's going to be important for you to get that because i want you to have the right concept about god the right perspective about god so you could have a great relationship with god so in james chapter 1 verse 16. through 18 it says this don't be misled what does it mean that we can't be misled my dear brothers and sisters whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from god our father the scripture is saying something really simple whatever is good and perfect that word perfect doesn't mean this is what it means it means lacking nothing so when something's perfect it doesn't lack anything so when god gives you a gift it's a full gift it's complete it meets the it meets the need but goes on to say this from your father from god our father who created all the lights in the heavens this week we're not going to cover the lights in the heaven but all it's saying is that god that created all the lights in the heaven he's the one that's good and all he's saying is that god is all powerful to have light you need to have some power you know and some there are times when we have storms or big winds here in this area and one of the concerns we have when those winds hit is the power going to go out because when there's no power there's no light and what this scripture is actually saying is that god that god that every good and give perfect gift comes from him is all powerful as well he never changes or casts a shift in the shadow he he chose to give birth to us by giving us a true word and we out of all creation became his prized possession you are god's prized possession the focus of all creation is you as an individual you need to know this that god loves you and he cares about every detail your life and believing that can help you start receiving some of the breakthrough and some of the help that you need is there anybody here needs some help in life so we can be misled i want to talk about that just for a second satan uses deception about even about our perspective about god to lead us away from god to lead us away from god you could be so led away from him that you could become an atheist or you'd be you could become an agnostic saying i'm not sure god exists where did all that doubt start from because the reality is every single little child is born with faith they're believed that there's a god but as we go through life if we don't watch it we can be misled that there's no god that he doesn't love you that he doesn't care and that he's not all-powerful so saying uses deception to lead us away from god and his people and second corinthians 11 3 says this but now i'm afraid that just as eve was deceived by the serpent's clever lies your thoughts may be corrupted now when our thoughts are corrupted this is what happened and you may lose your single-hearted devotion devotion and pure love for god so when our thoughts are corrupted with doubt and unbelief or even wrong thinking this is what it stops it stops us or it could hinder us from having single hearted devotion and pure love for christ does anybody here love christ is there anybody like i'm single-heartedly devoted to christ devoted to god and the only way that can happen is if you know god if right now you're saying pastor i'm not single i don't have a single-hearted devotion to god or or right now i don't know if i love christ i might know about him it's okay you just need to know him better and i pray by the end of this series that you'll know who god is and today i really want to just hit this subject that god is good now satan wants to deceive us and destroy our single-hearted devotion to god he started this with the first person on earth the first couple on earth adam and eve satan lied to eve about what about god satan lied to eve about what about god this is look at this let's go back to that day in genesis 3 4. now saying is hanging around this tree um jesus god told adam and eve not to eat of this tree if they eat of this one tree they'll surely what they would die so don't participate in that because if you participate in that it will not go well with you see the bible is not here to take away your fun the bible is here to protect you to make sure you enjoy a full life that he has planned out for you so he goes so now eve said adam go i mean the serpent says to eve is it true you can't eat of any of the trees in the garden and then she says um no that's not really true we could eat of all the trees of the garden it's just that one tree in the middle of the garden because if we eat of that tree god warned us that we would die now same begins to speak now he goes you won't die like you could live however you want there won't be no consequences look what it says the serpent replied to the woman god knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it and you will be like god knowing both good and evil so he tells her you know what the problem here is baby you i mean you you're really short-sighted and realistically you're old-fashioned and god is not see you know what god you know what the real trip in here is god's trying to stop you from knowing what he knows what he was saying is god's not really good and he's not really for you he's just trying to stop you from having a good time and we think about that when we have teenagers in the house and they want to do wrong stuff and you say hey don't go there and they say man i want to do what i want to do you live your life let me live my life you know this is what this is what they're this is what they're saying i i want to do it the way i want to do it and it's not that you're trying to stop them from having fun you're trying to protect them some say protect them so when god gives us instructions it's never to hurt us it's it's there to help us live the good life how many want to live the good life well follow god's instructions but he says now you won't die the truth is you're going to know both good and evil the scripture says the woman was what convinced she saw the fruit she saw the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious not everything that's beautiful and delicious is good for you isn't it true that the stuff that's beautiful and delicious actually is not good for you right it's all that pretty food the stuff that doesn't look that pretty like broccoli is good for you but that cake with all that frosting or that twinkie looks so good right but but the scripture says she saw those beautiful and looked delicious and she wanted the wisdom it would give her so she was thinking satan is right god is trying to withhold something from me but the reality was listen to what satan offered her this is what i'm offering you you're going to be like god both knowing good and what evil the truth was she already knew good and if he dissected her her his statement she would have realized i ready no good all he's offered me is evil because i already know good well how do you know everything was good around her this is how we know because the bible says that everything that god created was very good so we serve a good god that creates very good things so god is very good he does very good and he creates very good things and genesis 1 31 has said this then god looked over all he had made then god looked over what and look what he said about it and he saw that it was very good he said it was what so everything he created for mankind is good this is what we're saying we're making a major statement god is good and everything he has for you is good and i want you to build that up because if you're seeking after god the end result will be good and if you're listening to satan well how do i listen and sing he always comes with delicious offers that look really pretty is there something in your life right now that looks beautiful and delicious and you're developing an appetite but you know it did not come from god is coming from satan and if it's coming from satan it's god not gonna lead to good it's gonna lead to what evil so the word good every he saw everything was good it's a greek word tobe and what it means it was pleasant it was excess everything it created was very valuable it means happiness somebody wants some happiness in your life there was it was prosperous it was kind it was what was right what is right was beneficial was morally good it was the best it was beautiful it was love it was joy it was wealth this word tobe means all of that how many want some love how many want the best right how many want prosperity how many want some kindness and what is right and what's beneficial and morally good and what he's saying is when i made the earth i made it and everything i looked at was this it was tobe so so sane was telling eve this is what's going to happen the reason god doesn't want you to eat of the tree because he doesn't want you to know he doesn't want you to know both tobe and the word of evil is ra someone say raw now raw sounds evil raw like it sounds like a word that they would say in a egyptian movie where they're trying to do some kind of witchcraft to open up a cave or something so saying what's tall and eve you see god god's trying to keep you from knowing both both tobe and ra now she already knew tobe but she was falling that she needed to know ra now god didn't want her to know raw because he wanted just good you know in heaven there's gonna be no raw it's just going to be told how many want some good in your life what is pleasant what is accent what is valuable serve god and you'll start seeing it begin to come to pass in your life so the word evil raw means this unpleasant bad pain misery unhappiness of no value worse getting worse unkind hurt sadness immorality distress wrong adversary adversity injury sickness calamity sorrow trouble so where did all this evil begin it began with attempting offer see we have little boys and little girls that grew up in our house and they're so innocent and they're so cute but i do know this that just like eve was tempted every little boy and every little girl is gonna face the same tree they're gonna face the same deceiver and he's gonna offer him this deception and he the deception is that you can receive the goodness of god through this pleasure that i'm gonna give you right now you know that thing that's missing in your life you know what you're missing you're missing some raw and and could it be that after a while you get addicted to raw some of you ladies in this room you don't you're not even attracted to a man of god if they're not evil and they're not a gangster and they're not gonna beat you and abuse you just a little bit they're not man enough for you so it doesn't matter where you go you keep picking the same kind of guys because you develop an appetite for the raw and this is what god wants to tell you that temporary pleasure that you're getting is going to lead to long-term pain long-term misery it's going to kill you it's going to make you sick it's going to ruin your family it's not going to be pleasant in the future so don't be deceived thinking that i could live however i want to live and i'm going to still experience the top of god but how do you convince her he convinced her into thinking that what you're looking for is not in god it's in the club it's with that guy it's in that lifestyle the goodness is not here in the church the goodness is not with god it's somewhere else big fat lie the happiest people in the world are those that have a restored relationship with the god that created heaven and earth and jesus came to restore the goodness of god in your life god is good all the time all the time god is good let's say one more time god is good all the time god is good i don't know what i'm saying but i'm getting better than last week is god good you know this would be a little this would be a real easy teaching for little kids this should be teaching god is good devil bad and some of us right now we're older and we can't get that little big that little lesson god is good devil back we got to think about this because some you know what the bible says in the last days good will be called evil and evil will be called good and it's crazy we're living in a society that if you're living for god you're considered bad and if you're living with the morals of our society you're good but no matter how much you convince that that tree is good and it's delicious and the devil could convince anybody you know what i was thinking that was probably the same lie he told satan told they told eve with the same lie he probably told one-third of the angels in heaven to follow him like god's trying to withhold something good from you he's trying to withhold blessing from you knowledge from you god's not trying to withhold good from you he's trying to withhold bad from you that's what the bible says in the lord's prayer lead me not into temptation me but deliver me from all evil god's not trying to take you to a tempting place he's trying to take you to a good place but you cannot get to a good place if you keep letting satan convince you that the thing that you've been searching for the goodness of god that he's been offering it's still going to lead you to good it's not someone say it's none see so what is the truth about god we're not saying says well god's trying to withhold good from you will we get that truth from the word but what is the truth about god and i want you to get this in your spirit this is the truth about god god is good and i want you to get that i want you to get that that you wake up in the morning and just say god you're good and the reason if you could start believing that god is good you can start receiving the goodness of god but if you believe that god's against you why are you causing all these problems in my life because i didn't cause those problems so let's let's talk about this for a second but god is good now we're going to talk about where does bad come from all right in james 1 17 let's read that again whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from god our father so whatever is good comes from where where does it come from everything that's good the breath in your lungs that's good it came from god a nice sunny day that you get in a tan out there on the beach where that come from came from god the brain that you got that you're able to use on a daily basis to even talk yourself out of god who gave you that brain it was god the family that you have that you enjoy sometimes enjoyable times came from god and all that division and all that fighting came from the devil it's not god so we'll talk about where does good come but good comes from god where does good come from so that means i want to have a relationship with god because he's a source of peace he's a source of joy he's a source of power he's a source of healing he's a source of happiness he's a source of peace he's a source of all that i want in life that's good god is my source you guys get that so when you have a relationship with god you know god is good you're full of god and if you're full of god you're full of good and you know what happens when you're full of god you're full of good you become a source of good people wants it how do i get some of that stuff i go just hang out with me let me introduce you to my good god i was bound bad but now i'm free good i was sick bad now i'm healed good i was depressed bad but now i have hope good god i used to be full of hate bad but now full of love good and that change started with my relationship with jesus christ the source of good see good comes from god and everything he created wasn't just good it was very good see when you follow jesus jesus when you follow him because you don't have to follow jesus you can follow your own crazy thinking on we got some crazy thinkers up in here that's how you end up all messed up all jacked up all crazy all up in jail click click you have to think crazy before you end up with those crazy results see some of you guys you need to look at the relationship you have around you because if everybody's crazy you two are crazy man my friends are crazy i'm glad i'm not like them yeah you are you just like them so now look at this that if you follow god and you learn how to love him i'm saying the reason i want to go where god is going having us go through this this whole series that god is good god wants to introduce himself to a of who he really is and not let the world define who he is but i want to introduce myself this is for my word everything that good comes from me i want to show you how good i am because i want to give you my good so you can start loving me see i'm not here to stop try to change your behavior i'm here to change your heart because see if you have a sin that you keep going to it's just that you love that more and you love god when you get to the point that you love god and his goodness those things aren't as appealing because i don't need that anymore because i'm getting my fulfillment i'm getting my peace i'm getting my joy i'm getting my prosperity prosperity from a different source is that right so good comes right so you follow jesus you follow god god's gonna work everything out for good look at romans 8 28 look and we know someone said and we know with great confidence that god who is deeply concerned about us i'm introducing you to god he's deeply concerned about you and you might be thinking i don't even know god like that but god knows you like that you say i don't i don't even know if i believe all the stuff you're saying right now i want to go to denny's and you could be thinking all these crazy thoughts and not even you could be pushing god away and god says i'm still deeply concerned about you your lack of interest in me does not stop my my interest in you i'm deeply concerned about the thoughts you have in your heart because it's leading you away from me it's leading you away from good it's leading you away from your purpose it's leading you away from your destiny it's leading your way from success don't let it lead you away i'm good some of you guys are using the wrong words for stuff like that high man that was some good stuff it's so good it's destroying your brain cells it's so good it's putting you in prison it's so good it causes you to lose your job it's so good it causes you to stop being a good father and a good mother that's how good it is a little high is not good it's destroying you it's just a little temptation to ruin your life and say and take you away from good look but follow jesus and we know with great confidence that god who is deeply concerned about us causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love god to those who are called according to his plan and purpose so this is what god is saying when you love me and you're busy fulfilling your purpose in life follow my lead i'll cause whatever say i'm not saying that you won't have some struggles in life i'm not saying you won't have some challenges and difficulties and losses in this life because you will you'll have some failures you can have some letdowns you can have some people that stab your back there's abusers in this life there's bad in this world but what god is saying no matter what bad comes your way if you just get focused on me and my relationship with you i will work it all out for good and every good and perfect gift come from me don't you get focused on what they said what she said what they're going through focus on me i'm bigger than the economy i'm bigger than your haters i'm bigger than your financial problems i'm bigger than your sickness i'm a good god i'll cause all of it to turn out for a testimony on how good i am so you got to be that crazy christian like man you're going through a lot man i know but i know this it's all going to turn out for good well how do you know that because god calls for me see i i might respond i just love god i worship god every sunday i wake up in the morning and i just say god is good i read his word i'm about i'm about my father's business i'm here serving the needs of the community i'm loving some people i volunteer in the church i'm leading people of jesus i'm sharing my testimony and it's god's job to work everything out everything else will work out for good i know i just got fired from my job but that's gonna work out for good too [Applause] it's gonna work out for good i don't know how but that's not my business that's god's business when my daughter got sick she's in the hospital with cancer dying according to the doctors i got to say right there i don't know how it's all going to work out but it's going to work out for good now she's up here worshiping singing worship to god with a testimony it's all going to work out for good my mom died last couple years ago but that's going to work out for good too because one day i'm gonna be with her for eternity god's quirking everything out for good [Music] [Applause] it's all good i'm going to work it out for good that in the hebrew in the in the greek it's a word it's it's it's not tobe it's agathos so i'm going to work everything out for agathos for you someone said agathos if it's not agathos it's not god that means excellent useful beneficial joyful pleasant you know what that means my happiest days my most fulfilled days my best days aren't behind me they're ahead of me i'm going through some challenges right now but i thank god that i serve a good god and everything he does is very good depression is leaving right now because you had too much faith in circumstance and people someone has a broken heart in here and you were thinking if they would just come back i'd be good and god says nah [Music] they don't even appreciate you the way i appreciate you if you just come back to me you'd be good hallelujah so when god calls good there has to be like a reference like how like what's the standard of good the standard of good is how long it lasts see some of you guys think good is bad is good because you experience some pleasure but it's a fleeting pleasure something that's real good lasts you can't say you got a good product and you're selling a product and by the time they get out of the the parking lot it breaks it's not good because it doesn't last and all the devil offers you is a bite of a fruit but that taste even maybe that fruit tasted real good but the damage that it did was long-lasting a little bite for long-term evil it's not worth it man the sex was good it's not worth it to sell your soul and your future and your integrity you rather live a pure life with god and let god give you the right type of sex oh lord why you gotta talk about sex that's all we talk about in our society nowadays we better talk about it in the church what's right sex all right we'll get into that everything outside uh husband and wife being married committed is outside boundary sex it's called lust it got hard on that just like a heart right here you know why because sex is a god to many people it's such a god to you that you'd be willing to give up god for your sex life you've made your sex life your identity instead of your identity being a child of god that loves god and i'll give up whatever pleasure to serve god and get the pleasure that's right see god wants you to have pleasure and because good means pleasure but he wants you to have the right pleasure that doesn't hurt you that doesn't separate from god doesn't separate from your purpose that'll separate you from your rightful identity in christ okay okay so now good someone said good god is good devil bad so what's the where does bad come from only two sources and they both start with s where does bad come from two sources they both start with what s it's like sounds like satan but the first one is sin you know what that means bad comes from sin you know what sin is wrong choices corrupt desires within us that lead us astray um and so sin comes from where does back come it comes from people sinning and sinful where people that come from people sinning and sinful people it wasn't god that beat you it was your boyfriend that beats you it wasn't god that made you drunk and drunk drive and you got a car accident and now you have to pay a 5 000 fine and they pull your license that was you and i've learned this that if we can start taking personal responsibility for our choices we can start turning bad and the good stop blaming everybody including god take personal responsibility i don't like the way my life is it's my fault wait it's getting hot up in here galatians 6 7 says this do not be fooled do not be what you cannot cheat god people harvest only what they plan what are people harvest so what he's saying is you get back what you put in if they plant to satisfy their sinful cells their sinful selves will bring them ruin so when i give in to my sinful lord pleasures and my lusts this is what it's gonna bring me back ruin it's gonna ruin my life it's gonna ruin my relationship with god it's gonna ruin my heart my body but if you if they plan to please the spirit they will receive eternal life from the spirit all i'm saying is this the scripture's saying i'm not saying it sin always ends in ruin and following god always ends the fullness of life eternal life most of the bad that we see in our lives is self-inflicted or others inflicted self-afflicted and what that's where the bad comes from so where does bad come from sin what where sin start with sinful people or people sinning and sinful people source number two i already told you that one satan saint wants to convince us that the pursuit of our lustful desires will somehow produce the goodness of god but it only ends in destruction and we're getting hit with this every single day on a media we're getting hit non-stop with conversations that are ungodly and corrupt and you know when you expose yourself to all of that you start acting like them talking like them and desiring what they desire some of you guys some of us in this room you got a custom problem and the reason you got a custom problem because all you've been listening to is cussing people well you thought i was going to say some bad words i was like okay okay pastor come on bring it but it's because you've been exposed to that and saint has this this media the set up to expose you to his values to expose you to the world to expose you to corruption and if you don't watch it you're digesting that and it's what's happening you're becoming what you eat so it comes from saying and john 10 10 says the thief only comes in order to steal and kill and destroy [Music] but this is what's good about this look what the bible says i came that they may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance to the full till it overflows what god is saying the devil's out to kill steal and destroy your life but i've come to give you an enjoyable life i've come to give you a good life i come to give you a powerful life and it won't last forever come on what i'm ready to give you is better than a temporary high i'll give you a high that will last forever why don't you come to me this is good stuff because it comes from a good god see if you don't believe that god has more good for you than what you're tasting out there in the world you'll never come to god because i'm going to end it with the whoa devil tried to trip me right there and i was kidding satan all right there we go i'm going to give you just two just major statements as we end this believing that good comes from god is the key to receiving the goodness from god i believe good comes from god you know what i received from god good this might be a tough situation but i know god's gonna work it all out for her good and i want you to get this too that god's gifts are are gifts don't be deceived that you have to earn the gifts that's why it's called a gift and it's a reward say every good and perfect gift comes from the father of lies what he's saying is the good the get the good i have for you you don't have to earn it i'll give it to you because it's a gift i want to do good to you eternal life is a gift forgiveness and righteousness is a gift the holy spirit is a gift that come on freedom is a gift peace is a gift joy is a gift provision is a gift wisdom is a gift prayer is a gift his word is a gift healing is a gift what god is saying everything that's good is a gift so stop trying to earn it let me just give it to you today god is good he wants to give me some gifts imagine all these gifts he wants to give you and you're over trying to earn them well how much do i have to pay for that you guys said my son already paid for the did he hear what he said right before he died he goes it is finished he goes all of it's been paid for all you got to do is receive the gift by believing not by doing someone said receive the gift and i'll end it with this all of this starts from the beginning again eve gets deceived by satan sane tells her god's not good he's trying to keep you from knowing good and evil the truth was she already knew good all he did was introduce her to evil and every single one of us have been introduced to evil and you god is really concerned about you as a person he loves you so much and he hates seeing you separated from the good his goodness he doesn't want you depressed full of anxiety stressed out in major lack and it seems like everything you're touching it's just ending up in ruin it seems like it's just the same old cycle so god brings you here today to let you know that i'm good and everything i have for you is very good but it all starts with receiving a free gift that you can receive right now and how do you receive it by believing how do you receive it by what how to receive the gifts of god just believing not by doing god's not saying hey show up to church eight times before you can get saved because i want to make sure you mean it so i'm not going to waste all my gifts on people don't appreciate it you know what god says i love you you come with your pain you come with your her you come with your difficulties i'm deeply concerned about you i care about every detail in your life others don't care but i care and i know it may be hard for you to start receiving care and love because so many people have let you down but i just pray that you use a little faith some say little faith the little belief that you have today start receiving the good that god has for you that good tobe was joy peace prosperity it was power excellence pleasure what is pleasant what is right i want to give you that now and forever and then what i want to do is fill you up with my presence my goodness so you could go out there and give some goodness to others we got a world that's so evil we need some come on god people that are full of god's goodness to go out and give some forgiveness and love and all this division and craziness let's do it today's your day so how do you receive the life that god has for you jesus came to pay the price for all the evil we've done yes evil ends in death but god says i never jesus says i never did the evil but i'm going to go ahead and pay the price for all the evil to remove the evil from your life forever god wants to give you a new start you can be forgiven today but all you have to realize is that god i right now i'm making a choice i'm ready i want to surrender my life to you i want to i want my relationship to be reconciled with you i need the goodness of god in my life today and you can make that choice like eve made a choice to eat of the tree you can make a choice to leave the tree so i'm ready help me lord and you know how you come you come the way you are you don't fix your life and make it good you come the way you are with all the bad with all the mistakes and then god says watch this i'm going to work all this out for good it's not time to kill yourself it's not time to give up it's not time to throw in the towel it's time for you to choose a new god in your life it's time for you to forgive the people that hurt you or maybe some of us need to realize god i've been blaming you forgive me for blaming you you're not my problem you're my answer you're my solution you love me you're deeply concerned he's concerned about your future he's concerned about your relationships let's all stand up and i'm going to pray in a second but if you're saying pastor i'm not sure i'm right with god i feel like i'm eve like been separated from the goodness of god i've experienced a lot of pain and hurt in my life but i want some change in my life i want to be saved and i want you to think about this that only those that have christ have eternal life someone say eternal life eternal life you know what it is fullness of life someone say fullness of life see apart from christ there's something missing no video game can fill it no party can fill it no material possession can fill that no title at your job can ever fulfill what's missing in your heart because what you're missing is the goodness of god he's the one that could take out the anger could take out the hurt he could take out the misery why don't you try it the scripture says taste and see that the lord is good you're one decision away from receiving a new life a new beginning and god is not just a god up there in heaven he's a god that affects your earth right now your life right now and what he wants to do is come into your heart and change you he's the only one who can do it give you new desires give you love where there's been hate and anger he's the one that can set you free from whatever you've been trying to set yourself free from but i'm going to ask you a real serious question if today were your last day on earth do you know where you'd spend eternity where you'd spend eternity will you be with jesus or will you be separated from jesus and being separated from jesus already know what that is it's raw pain hurt suffering and some of you guys are thinking man my life is a whole bunch of raw right now pain suffering and hurt and all i'm saying is it doesn't need to end that way let's turn it around right now give your life to jesus he's your savior he's your delivery he can restore you he can make you new but you got to say yes when i count to three say pastor that's me i've been separated from god i know it i can feel like the evil in my life the pain the hurt the suffering is just non-stop cycle but i want change today i want jesus to save me i want a new life i want eternal life i want to be forgiven today's my day when i count to three or maybe you're a christian and you backslid by a little temptation go come to either the fruit doesn't it look good and you ate it and you said man i got i went through a loop for a couple months couple years i need to come back home you need to come back home you tasted everything the world has for you and you're still empty come back home son come back home daughter god loves you he just wants to turn your life around today's your day one when i count to three i want you to raise your hands all this building when i say three say that's to me i want to give my life to jesus i want to see the goodness of god in my life i need to turn our one two and i say three quickly raise your hands all those buildings don't hesitate this is your moment publicly let everybody know i want to live for jesus one two three raise your hands on this building i see the hand i see the hand i see that has time to come back home anybody else over there i see the hand i see the hat come on it's time to come back home i see the hand in the back anybody else anybody else way in the back over there i want though i see that i'm proud of you come on see that over there i want those to raise their hand come on there's still somebody else that today's your day this is your turnaround it's not one more time around the block you don't even know if you're gonna make it one more time around the block same i will try to take you out one more time around the block today's your day to surrender at all you can feel god speaking in your heart i want those to raise their hands i want you to come forward will you give me the privilege of praying with you i know this is a big step but you're saying i'm leaving my whole life behind and i want to follow jesus come on if you raise your hand come forward even if you didn't raise your hands i need change in my life i need a new beginning of my life i need love back in my life i need god's goodness back in my life ask your neighbor you want to go out there go after with you [Music] anybody else come on they're still coming up come on receive the goodness of god it all starts with a decision [Music] come on you could get on the right track you got off the track time to get back on the right track [Music] all right come on let's give the lord a hand first just reaching your soul come on ask your neighbor you wanna go up there i'll go up there with you steal somebody out [Music] is it all right let's pray this is what we're gonna do you've made a step of faith i'm getting back on track i need god i need forgiveness i need a turnaround i need healing in my heart i need a breakthrough today you know i got to stop there's somebody else that's out there supposed to be up here and [Music] everything you heard today has spoken to your heart and it's almost like a war going on in your heart in your mind like i know i need that but there's a voice telling you you can't do it and this is what god's telling you i'll help you i'm not expecting you to do it i want to help you who's supposed to be up here right now i want you to leave your seat you ask your neighbor are you supposed to be up there because right now there's somebody right now that god is fighting for your soul tomorrow's not guaranteed she's up here there's somebody else come on there's somebody else you're supposed to be up here tonight today i mean this is your day you're supposed to be up for surrendering all to god and something's trying to hold you back there satan is speaking to you not today tomorrow don't let him convince you don't let him trick you come up here right now come on come up here with your burn come up here with your pain come up here with your broken marriage come up here with your difficulty come up here [Music] come on let's give the lord a hand come on [Music] [Music] them a hand church they're still coming [Music] proud of you proud of you proud of you come on we're not offering you religion we're offering you a good god [Music] proud of you proud of you let's do this anybody else come in there's someone coming we'll wait all night come on we'll wait until night this morning but we'll wait all night come on someone's eternity is being changed families being changed our minds are being changed habits are being changed hearts are being transformed [Music] god is good all the time all the time god is good proud of you guys it takes a real man and woman to live for god let's pray repeat after me i want you to repeat after me these words it only matters if it means something to you in your heart but give your life to jesus today there has to be a time that you're done with the evil i'm done with it i want the goodness of god in my life i know living for god is not the easiest thing in the world but it's the most worst wild thing in the world it's worthwhile repeat after me say jesus i believe that you're a good god i receive your joy your peace your forgiveness jesus i believe you died on a cross to pay the price for all the evil that i've done set me free from all bad habits addictions fill my heart with your love with your joy with your power with your holy spirit from this day forward i make up my mind i'm following you jesus for the rest of my life i want to be on fire full of your power full of your love full of your goodness use me lord to give the goodness to others lord i thank you jesus i'm saved i'm born again i've recommitted my life to you in jesus name i pray amen let's give the lord a big hand i want to pray for every single person that's here let's pray let's get your information your next step is starting at the way and after that we got prospering out the way their freedom at the way continue have a great afternoon if you have not um signed up for the women's advance i mean women's um conference sign up now we have they have still they have limited seating don't be left out we got limited seated for that so get your spot lock it in god's ready to do something great in your life you need prayer for healing for breakthrough for whatever come up here we'll pray for you god bless you love you remember this god is good
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,290
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach, San Bernardino
Id: 1Gkz_4t3IyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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