Umm Ayman (ra): The Woman Who Never Stopped Caring | The Firsts | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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it's not a human hundred nine I mean what everyone in there and what I mean when I refer to Lilith chuckling a lot mostly wasilla Mubarak and I've Dakota so he came home and saw a lot already he was selling all right honey he was like we were selling to seamen kathira so tonight I was thinking about going into I leave no I'll be toilet or the alot of time I'm home but I'm saving Ali for January for a reason inshallah which you'll understand in late January so just sort of and an understanding of how we're gonna proceed insha'Allah so tonight we will cover the life of a very particular special woman or Maimon well the allahu taala an huh and then next week we're actually gonna take a break from this series and we're instead going to talk about the Antichrist that the jud the false messiah unless he had the job and we're going to talk about the second coming of Esau D his salam so we're gonna talk about jesus peace be upon him particularly about the return of a saudi sanam so we'll break from the series for one week and shout lots to talk about that and then we'll take two weeks off and then we'll continue in shout lotta in the second half of January with the story of Allie about the allahu ta'ala anhu but tonight again we're going to talk about a woman that doesn't usually get spoken about so before that I need to set my bodyguards in shallow so someone to guard the member and someone to guard the camera and chawla to make sure that no one goes in front of the camera be denied Atta and of course none of the children or the adults run up to the men but inshallah some of the adults were thinking about I concede in your eyes second half of January we'll go to ID and we'll continue but who is this woman I'm Aiman well the allotted honor on the Amon is someone I spoke about in the past in the stories of the particularly a series that I did a long time ago called black and Noble where I talked about some of the famous black companions of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam but i'm gonna go a lot deeper into her story today because this is a woman that is unlike any other woman in fact unlike any other human being is that in that she was literally with the prophet sallallaahu on e wa sallam from the mall that he was born until the moment that he died there is no one else that could actually claim that distinction okay cathedral de laranja knew the prophets line salaam when he was in his 20s he shoveled the Aloha and her new the prophets lie salaam when he was an adult this is a woman that would carry the prophet sallallaahu snow when he was born and stay with the messenger of allah sallallahu centum until the moment that he died and even outlived the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so to set the scene of Mecca and to understand where this woman comes from she was born approximately 13 years before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so approximately in the year 557 because everyone knew that the prophet's life son was born in 570 right okay two of you know hamdulillah so she was born about 557 and she was from Abyssinia and she actually was a slave from Abyssinia of course they used to have particularly in the days of jahiliyyah and the days of ignorance the slave market and sukhorukov which was the famous market in in mecca and she was the only the only one purchased by the father of the prophet sallallahu wasallam Abdullah ibn Abdul Mutallab as a young girl and he was the only one or she was the only one that was ever brought into that household and so in the household of the Prophet sly salam you had abdullah amina been swab and this one girl Baraka her name was Baraka bint Sahaba radi allahu ta'ala anhu so Baraka been that lava Abdullah and Amina lived together in this in this home and soon after the marriage of Abdullah and Amina the parents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam abdullah actually set out on to a journey where do you think he went for his trade route where do you think he went Syria a sham greater Syria I want to test your knowledge as we're going week to week to see if you're connecting things to the previous lesson because every single one is going to connect to the previous lesson one would they go to Syria and the or in the summer they had to trade routes Yemen and Syria right why would they go to Syria in the summer because if you could go to Yemen or Syria in the summer which one would you go to no offense to the Yemenis if you could go in the winter to Yemen or Syria where would you go Yemen okay good so they they used to go to Syria for their trade routes in the in the summer when Abdullah actually left for a sham he did not know that Amina was pregnant okay he wasn't even aware that his wife was pregnant at the time so he sets out to ash um and a few months after he sets out to ash um Amina had a dream and in that dream she saw a light coming from her stomach lighting up the hills and the valleys of Mecca all the way to Assam all the way to Greater Syria now there is only one other person in the home at this time and who is that Baraka okay this young girl Baraka so she told Baraka this Abyssinian servant of hers what she saw and said what do you think and Baraka said you know hopefully it's a blessed child with good news you know that's the only thing I could think about and she noticed that Amina was getting sick more often so she thought maybe these are the signs of pregnancy and indeed they were so Amina became pregnant she spent a few months on the bed all by herself longing for the return of her son of her husband Abdullah and as she waited for her husband to return she used to send bottle cap to the place where the people would return from Assam every single day to see if the news have come that Abdullah had returned from Ash um so Baraka would stay with her she she used to entertain her with the stories of inhibition of the stories of Abyssinia the story some of the things that she had heard she kept her good company and every day she goes out looking for the return of Abdullah the husband of Amina bends Wahab until finally she went out and she was told that all that had gone to a sham had returned and that Abdullah had not made it back with the caravan meaning that I'm the la the father of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away da roca was the one who was tasked with actually giving the news to Amina that her husband armed Allah had passed away on that train on that trade route to a shop she consoled the mother of the prophet sallallaahu hani wa salaam through that difficulty she was the one that had to stay with her throughout her pregnancy and when that day comes when amina goes into delivery to give birth to muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam the only other person in the room was this young girl Baraka the first one to hold the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam think about that the first one to hold the prophet sallallaahu hani he was seldom in her hands she said i saw a light when the prophet sallallaahu Harney was southern was born it came out of the house and i said this is the interpretation of your dream she held the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam she cleaned the prophet sallallaahu Arnie who assalaam she handed the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam to his mother Amina bent web she's one of three women who would nurse the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is authentically narrated it of course is the mother of the prophets Isum herself Amina bint web and Baraka own Amon and thirdly Halima acedia Halima or the allahu taala I know would nurse the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he went out into the open desert which was a ritual they would spent they would spend some time raising the children in the open desert so this is the first girl first woman to hold the Prophet slice Allah nurses the Prophet slice of them takes care of the mother of the prophets a nice alone in the house it's only those three when the prophet sallallaahu them goes to Halima she brings the prophet sallallaahu and he was sitting back and Amina and there are different narrations about how I mean I've been to I have the mother of the prophets lie some actually passed away some of them say that she went out to actually visit the grave of her husband and she got sick on the journey of going to visit the grave of blah the father of the prophet's alaihi Salam and her husband and I want you to think of the scene now when the prophets ice of them came out of the womb of his mother into the hands of Baraka now she's sitting Baraka is sitting there and the mother of the prophet sallallaahu Harney wa salam is dying in front of his eyes six-year-old orphan who never knew his father the prophet's my son never met abdullah never knew him and he's watching his mother pass away amina actually whispered to barakah and told her that I'm dying now after she had gotten that fever and what Baraka she gave she she entrusted Baraka while the allahu taala and as she said take care of him as if you are his mother take care of him as if you are his mother care for him stay with him make sure that he doesn't know any sadness beyond this so barakah well the allahu ta'ala anhu was there the moment that the prophets y salaam came out into this world out of the womb of amina and he was there the moment that amina passed away in front of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and had to console the prophet sallallaahu said him a six-year-old boy at the death of his mother Aminah so think of the scene seem to holding the prophets lie salaam comforting the prophets i Salaam at this point now she's only about 19 years old and she is the only woman that the prophets when salem really knows as that figure then the prophets my son goes to the house of Abdul Muttalib his grandfather and AB the motive dies when the prophets lie son was how old just nine years old once again she consoled the Prophet SAW my solemn at the death of his grandfather so she was there when Amina died she was there when I did ma Pullip died she stayed with him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam throughout his entire life technically technically the prophets like some inherited her but the Prophet slicing him freed her so technically she was the inheritance of Abdullah to the prophet sallallaahu heart he was at him but he freed her solo Lahani wa salaam as an adult he stays with her and when the profits my son marries Hadid about the allahu tada an huh this was the woman that was with him his entire life he introduces Baraka to Khadija with the following he says he only doctor only she is my mother after my mother and that was the way that the prophets lie son would always refer to this woman she is my mother after my mother meaning this is not just some servants not just some woman that's to be disregarded he only died the only Baraka did not get married throughout that entire time so just like the prophets my son did not want to get married he wanted to take care of Abu pontiff and his children and and serve as a productive member without without being distracted by marriage or anything with that sort Baraka also did not want to get married because of the prophet sallallaahu Hani he was sullen and so when he introduced Baraka to Fallujah he only by the Oh me she is my mother after my mother the prophets Allah while him said to her yeah Baraka I'm married and you're not so maybe you should think about getting married now she said never she said I'm gonna stay with you llaves with Allah I'll move in with you and Khadijah and I'm going to stay with you I'm not going anywhere the prophets lie Selim told her you donated your youth for my cause now go out there you know it's time for you to get married and to have a life of your own she's free she's not property anymore she's free right she's not bound in any way to the prophets allah la rasilla and she insists Khadijah about the allahu taala an huh told her also insisted said that i will bring you the best of men and i will pay for all the expenses of your marriage remember hadith I used to do that for the poor women she used to pay for their wedding expenses she used to pay the maharshi's to do all of those things she said look I'll bring you the best of men and I'll also pay for all of your wedding expenses but ok had said something very beautiful that just sticks and and shows and shines in her life Baraka said I never left him and he never left me not talked to who what I'm here through I never left him and he never left me I'm always been by his side but after they insisted upon her she agreed to get married khadijah valle de la Habana actually found the suitor for Baca and his name was obeyed even Zaid obeyed a Benz 8 and he was from al-azhar o j-- the tribe in Medina and Europe at that time it was still a trip so he was a good man a noble man from Yathrib from the tribe of al Hajj they got married before Islam so this is actually before the prophet sallallaahu Selim receives were he she had a son from him who can guess what his name was Aemon masha'Allah you got it all right I was I said if no one gets this one I'm just gonna shut this off and just stop right it's no point at this point all right Amon right Amon she had a son named amon and amon would live to see islam and amon would believe and Amon would actually die about the allahu ta'ala anhu as a Shaheed as a martyr but her husband died before Islam her husband died before Islam so she moved in with Amon back into the home of the prophet sallallaahu re wa suleman Khadijah or the allahu taala an huh when the prophet sallallaahu salam received revelation on the messenger of allah salla Lawrence Allah received revelation we know that he came to the arms of Khadijah or the allahu taala and her and obviously all of the family members were going to embrace islam at some point the second woman to believe in the prophet sallallaahu arnie wa sallam was this woman Amon all of the allow China I know so she's considered the second woman to believe in the prophet salallahu ardi wa sallam did not hesitate believed in him immediately when she heard the message and dedicated herself to the prophet salallahu ardi wa sallam just like anyone who had loved him that way or knew his character and his salat wa salam would do so now when she believed in the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and her husband had passed away the prophet sallallaahu sallam said something about her seeing her her grow in her age and she didn't have a husband she just had her child Amon the prophets life Salim said and this is still in Mecca man sallahu and yeah Tazawa rotten mean ali jinnah philia Tazawa John Amon he said look whoever wants to marry a woman from a woman from paradise let him marry oh hey Minh all right she doesn't her lineage is unknown she's not wealthy she's an old woman she's a widow but the profits like some said she's a woman from Genma guess who volunteers to marry her they didn't Hattie phone well the allotted on st. was at least at least 20 years younger than her okay Zaid was at least 20 years younger then Oh Raymond had never been married before Zaytsev if she's a woman from junga I want to marry her because if she's in Jena then I get to be in jemna too right so he said I want to marry this woman and he volunteered herself he rushed to marry her and this was about six years after the profits I son received the message why because the child that would come from them Osama knows eight was 17 turning 18 when the Prophet slicing him passed away okay so this is about six years after the prophets will align sent and received revelation is a total the along tire iron home has a similar background and that Zaid also was purchased from the same soup the same market and freed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but they thought the allow town and who was freed and taken as a son by the prophets why Salaam Baraka own Amon was freed and became like the mother of the Prophet sallallaahu RT wa sallam but somehow Subhan Allah they were married and she was not expected to give birth she was passed the age of childbearing she wasn't expected to give birth but allah subhanaw taala brett blessed them with osama bin zaid about the allahu ta'ala anhu he burrows Hibou Rasool Allah Habib Allah so Allah the beloved one of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the son of the beloved one of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so it's an interesting subhanAllah way that they both came into the prophets line Saddam's house into a very through a very unique story and they were married in a very unique way and they had a child Osama bin zaid who the prophets like some loved like his own children right Osama blues aide would jump on the back of the prophets lie some and sit on his lap with a Hassan Hussein Zeynep oh mama it known that Osama was like his own child and the profits like some appointed him to be the commander of the Muslim army after he had passed away and of course this was to the objection of some people that this young man how is he gonna lead the way lead the army but this was the son of Baraka Ayman and they didn't Haritha about the allahu ta'ala anhu ajma'in so she believed in the prophets why some she marries a though the allotted are home she would give birth to Osama bin zaid even though it wasn't expected of her to give birth and when the hit rock came around when the migration came around she made the Hitler in her old age and it was a very difficult journey for her and there's an authentic narration about something that happened to her that would that was miraculous and that would have an impact on her for the rest of her life during the hijra of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and at that point she was over the age of 70 years older she was reaching the age of 70 years old so she's an elderly woman now making the HIDs about making that difficult journey between Mecca and Medina Omaima mode the allahu taala an huh found herself in a situation where she couldn't find any water and she was starting to worry that she wouldn't have anything to drink that she was going to die of thirst and of course this happened even to the prophet sallallaahu Arnie who was solemn that there was a point in his journey where they go to the house of Omar but they found they found the house of Omar but and that's where the Prophet slice em got something to drink many men will the alotta ana has a similar situation and while this was happening she tells the story she says fella Marhaba Deschamps either ana bina and more luck and Roxie she said that when I was when the Sun set she saw a bucket coming down from the heavens at her head and there was a rope that was holding and she said well llahi I could not see the top of that rope and she said so I took from that picture from that bucket I drank from it and there was still water inside of it after I satisfied my thirst she said I dumped the rest of the water on my body to cool me off and she was known for something she says better Dalek - Magda Dalek a soulful yeoman ham from tofu fish amps Kay Kay Arthur she said that I used to after that day I would fast on the hottest of days I would do toe off Under the Sun I would do all these different things I would and she said well llahi I never became thirsty again in my entire life so fasting was the easiest re bother for me the easiest act of worship that a lot of parents not even provided for me that water from the heavens in that difficult journey when I migrated for the cause of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when she got to medina her feet were swollen the prophets like some looked at her with her face covered in dust and the prophet sallallaahu Arnie was that I'm said to her yeah well ma o my mother indeed for you as a place in that agenda so this was the second time that the prophet sallallaahu Harney was some time actually mashallah ha been a gentleman I gave her the glad tidings of a place in paradise so he looked at her covered in dust this woman that was with him all the time that was undergoing these difficulty still with the prophet sallallaahu our newest element said that you have a place in an agenda Ayman witnessed every battle of the prophets Allah Hardy hua Selim she used to follow the prophet sallallaahu dear cinnamon Anna so the allahu ta'ala anhu says that she would go around the battlefield and she'd keep her eyes on the prophet slice of him like a mother and she just kept her eyes on him the entire time making sure that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not become hurt at the end of the battle she used to care for the wounded she used to she used to to bandage those that were hurt and she used to she used to give even from her own about from her own clothes to wrap the wounded as much as she could in the Battle of hood she was one of those who grabbed a sword and who started to swing around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we know in the battle had many people fled from the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam and she was one of those who actually grabbed the sword and went to the side of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to defend defend him while everyone was fleeing away from him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam her life was basically the life of the Prophet sallallahu taala mechanic Ivanova alaihe salam a hearty whistle amia cool heavy Heba piya to elevate e when the prophets y son used to see her he used to look at her and he used to say this is the entirety of what's left of my family this is the entirety of what's left of my family so he would call her his mother yeah ma he addresses her as his mother he introduces her as only guide to only my mother after my mother and he says happy Heba piya to alla Beatty that this is the entirety of the rest of my family this is all I have this is the only mother that the Prophet slice and I would know throughout his entire life the only one that would stay with him throughout that entire time what Canada his salat WA Salam yazoo Roja could Lyon prophets my son used to visit her every single day and on one of those visits the prophets like son asked her yeah oh ma oh my mother caifa hey looky how are you listen to the answer that she gave she said Mohammed Islam will be high for unabie fate she said as long as Islam is good I'm good as long as Islam is okay meaning as long as your message is protected I'm okay as well and that's just some kind of law something extremely beautiful that she's showing the Prophet sallallaahu selling her dedication to his cost that at no point at no point am I ever going to forsake you I'm not going to complain this is a woman that would live to see into her late 70s in the life of the Prophet sallallaahu Hani who seldom would not tell the prophets lying Selim you know my feet are hurting my eyes hurt I'm swollen I've gone through all of this I miss Mecca she just tells the prophet sallallaahu he was southern Anna behaved that I am okay as long as Islam is okay and that was something that would comfort the prophets voice of them let the prophet sallallaahu rd who a set of know that that she had his back that she was dedicated to the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam throughout his entire life and no matter what he needed what are some of the stories of the prophets licen with her her moaka her station with the prophets line salaam well for one she was extremely motherly and there's a funny narration from Ana's all the alot I'd I knew him sahi Muslim that the prophet slice of them would visit her and if she was if the prophets lie son was fasting or he didn't want to eat the messenger so that she would actually take his ecologic speaking of food and I'm not fasting by the way my throat just hurts and I thought the Italian who says that the prophet slicin went to her home and as he sat in her home whom a man will allow and have brought out the bread brought out all the food and the prophets why Selim if he was fasting or he did not want to eat that she would force the food into his mouth Salah Hardy was settlements they couldn't she would put the food right in front of him say eat eat eat just like a mom would do right so that's the relationship that she has with the messenger sallallaahu Hardy who is seldom a very quiet woman her reputation which is just a beautiful thing to have with the prophets lie salaam canna to logic ooh-hoo sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she was the person who would make the Prophet slicin laugh there's no one that would make the prophets lie son laughs like I'm Aiman all of the allahu taala an hon you can actually trace several of these incidents through the cielo it starts off with her language she was an Abyssinian woman modern-day ethiopia her arabic was very poor and she had a hard time pronouncing things so sometimes she would say things with the opposite meaning so when she when she would say Salaam alaikum instead of saying Salam Allah here at a comb some one time she said the problem to the prophets why Selim said I'm not equal which means Salaam alaikum may peace not be on to you just because of her tongue just because of the way that she would speak right and she had a hard time saying Salam alaikum so she would say Salam aleikum so the prophets why I seldom told her you can just say a Salaam all right so you know when we do text and we say Salam all right or Salaam we got the the narration except we're not tongue-tied but still the prophet sallal our aim is that I'm told her you know what when you enter upon we just say all right you don't have to say more than that aboot awaiteth he narrates he says that women love the ilaha used to be behind the battle lines in the battle and she would give these encouraging messages but sometimes because of her language she messed things up so the prophets lie son I'm used to look at her and he would laugh and on the day of her name she was saying Sabet allahu al qaeda Michael instead of FEHB bets may Allah make your feet firm she was saying sabot Allahu al Qaeda McComb may Allah make your your feet it actually has no meaning submit right so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked at her and he laughed and he said escutia i'm aiman Funaki eres rottenly son said be quiet Oh Haman you have a you have a you have a rough tongue all right so even on the date of battle the Prophet slice of them would joke with her he wasn't saying that to be mean to her one of the famous stories between the prophets will I saw them in her am a man came to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said to him a human knee carry me now she doesn't mean carry me physically she means bring me a camel or something so the Prophet sly sallam said to her you know kiala what I didn't knock off he said look I'll bring you the son of a sheikh hamad child of a she-camel the baby of a she-camel to carry you so i'm aiman all of the allahu ta'ala anhu said loyalty clean you redo it's not gonna be able to carry me nor do i want a baby of a sheik camera so the prophet sallallaahu them said i'm not going to carry you except on the baby of a she-camel and she was confused by their said what are you talking about you want to get me a camel so he said to her yahoo amon is there any camel except that it's the child of another camera all right so the prophet slice alone Kanimozhi hoo-ha he used to always laugh with her joke with her call her his mother but this was the woman sallallahu wasallam that when the prophets nice and looked at her he was comforted when she looked at him she was always looking at him with the eye of care but that I have loved and of course in the serious moments she followed the prophets all the hardiest of them through and through they've been our best of the allahu ta'ala anhu he actually narrates that when the daughter when when a young child of the messenger so allah hardy wa sallam was dying the profits I son picked up the child and he held the child to his chest sallallahoalyhiwasallam and the prophet sallal I saw them put his hand on the child and then the child died in front of the prophet sallallaahu are you some so there's a child that died in the hands of the messenger sallallaahu arne wa salaam and on a man well the ilaha and how was present so the prophets like some started to cry and so an Ayman saw the Prophet slice I'm crying she too started to cry right seeing the death of that child in the hands of the prophets lie summon the prophets my son was very soft hearted and his eyes were swelled with tears and so she started to cry as well so the prophet sallallaahu hardy who has sent him said to her yeah I'm aimin at f king om a man why are you crying she said the eldest oh Allah I'm crying because you're crying you know that of course I'm crying you're crying - were both crying over the same thing and so she said mandala f kiwa hirsuta la ilaha illa Allah Miyake why should I not cry when the prophet sallallaahu asylum is crying so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Neal s2 f ki when I can her Rahman he said look I'm not weeping but instead it is a mercy what he means by that solo I said I'm is that the crying that I have is not one of displeasure or questioning of God it's one of compassion I'm crying out of compassion and love for the child just so she does not mistake the crying of the prophet sallallaahu aunty who was seldom as one of questioning allies decree with the with the death of that child so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her and mock me no be Haydon hakuna had turns our own f su home in vain agenda he Muhammad Allah Azza WA JAL said the believer is in good the believer is isn't good whatever the situation I mean the believer is is fine and is in a state of contentment no matter what the situation is she the prophets lie some said even when his soul is being pulled from his body he remains in praise of allah subhanho wa taala he remains in praise of his Lord meaning that this is compassion this is mercy but I'm not questioning the decree of Allah even with this child even with this death even with some that naturally brings out the LACMA the mercy from the heart of the prophet sallallaahu anywho Selim not crying over that authentic hadith and soon in Asahi that's narrated on the part of even our bath of the allahu taala and Homa so my email all the Ilana has this history with the prophets I Sam that's mainly in the background right you don't actually have many narrations from her but you know that she is his mother you know that she is the first one to carry him you know that she is someone that the Prophet slice that I'm honored throughout all circumstances and you can imagine this woman when the prophets my son died can you imagine her entire purpose in life was defined by that moment that she held the prophets isome it's a miracle that she did not die when the prophets nice I'm done and what's said about Amon will the allahu anhu was with the prophets licen and when that child died and heard those messages from the prophets when salem and a second thought that she went completely silence wouldn't talk to anybody sort of would drew from society she watched the scene in medina as the people wept and cried and as they buried the prophet sallallaahu our newest and the only person that was in the room when the prophet slicin came out of his mother's womb and she sees this ummah of over a hundred thousand people now crying and weeping over the death of the prophet sallallaahu some and she watches from afar as they bury the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam and she keeps a distance from the people she becomes very quiet very silence doesn't really talk much doesn't really joke much anymore being the only person who was with the prophets Lysanne from the day that he was born until the day of his death and his salat wa salam and she was someone who witnessed some kind of law she witnessed the death of her first husband then she witnessed the death of her son Amon and Habashi who was martyred at the Battle of her name then she witnessed the death of her second husband Zaid ibn Haritha who was martyred in the Battle of mata then she witnessed the death of the prophet sallallaahu he was set up then she witnessed the death of her second son Osama bin Zaid while the allahu anhu my sole aim among the allahu anhum actually lived some of the scholars say she lived to see the age of a hundred years old so she lived all the way through every single person that came into her life from the prophet sallallaahu ardi wa salam onwards and she lived through the feedeth of abu bakr and she lived through the Khilafah of all may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with them both and she saw all of those people that were beloved to her one by one buried there's a story a narration in abou Fadi that after the death of the prophet sallallaahu RT was sent a bucket and all not wanted to visit him Amon because the prophets like son used to visit o mainland think about your status in society when a bucket and all mud want to visit you after the death of the Prophet slice of them right there they're going together to visit her to help her grieve to help her get over her situation and they get into the home they sit with the prophets little army sinem and as soon as they sit I'm sorry they sit with a man or the allahö time huh as soon as they sit with her she starts to cry when they see her crying what are they assuming why is she crying she misses the Prophet slice of them right there they assume that she's crying over that and they would that's a pretty safe assumption to make this is the only purpose that she had in her entire life was being that watchful eye right over the prophets lies I'm trying to to preserve him to protect him to take care of him and so as she starts to cry abba bucket and ahmad they start to tell her don't cry Oh Ayman don't you know that Allah had in store for the prophets lying some is better than what he had over here meaning you know they they're speaking to the natural emotion of a mother that don't you know that what is with him now what Allah has given him now is better than that which he left here and she says something extremely profound she says to them I know that what Allah has given to the Prophet sallallaahu our newest alone is better than what he had over here she said that's not not why I'm crying said then why are you crying she said epic e Leanna wahi Akkad in Pilar - Emma she said I'm crying because the revelation has ceased to come from the heavens and so Abu Bakr and Umar started to weep a nun asymptomatic or the allahu ta'ala anhu said they all three of them wept for a long time together it's probably imagined the scene of amon abu bakr and omar all sitting together crying over that profound statement that we used to have a direct connection to the heavens in the presence of the Prophet slice em right the revelation was coming fresh through the mouth of that man solo I saw him that boy who I carried a nurse than took Kara and now that revelation has ceased to come down so it was a longing for the revelation as well when the prophet sallallaahu Arne was saw them passed away she then outlived Abu Bakr and then she lived to see the assassination of Allah and she died about 20 days after Amin rebuttal the allot of time who was assassinated and she was buried in Alba pier which is the graveyard right next to the measures of the prophets of Allah resented even our socket as a beautiful narration says that when they buried on a mom of the allotted on hunt they made sure that they buried her with the direct where she was directly in line with the grave of the prophet sallallaahu our newest of them so it's like she's adjacent to the prophet's life son she's facing the qibla just like the prophet's alaihi salam buried there in al Bakir while the allahu taala an huh looking forward that way and there are so many lessons we can learn from this woman and her life obviously her place in history the character of the prophet sallallaahu re muslim and honoring this woman and upholding her right when the Prophet Sawa Salem says that there is no virtue of an Arab over a non-arab or a non Arab over an Arab or a white person over a black person or a black person over a white person the prophets lie some elevated this woman in her status despite her trot not having a tribe despite her skin color despite her gender despite her poverty despite all of that the Prophet SAW my salaam held her in that esteem and it forces society as a whole to look at this woman that otherwise would be neglected and look at her with that status of being the mother of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so it's the attitude of the Prophet sighs I'm the testimony of the prophets I some towards her that powerful it's also her connection her love of the Prophet slice alone her sacrifice one of the things about home Amon will the allahu taala an huh is that you find a woman that never once complained never once complained about being in the service of the prophets not being in the service of something greater about the hardship that she faced in that purpose because she understood that it was something purposeful and you see that humanity of the prophets why Selim you see that that deep love and that affection of the prophets although I saw them but you also see this deep commitment of this woman to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and you have to ask yourself that question you know when we do work for this higher purpose codeine right and someone asks you how are you and you say you know what muslims are driving me crazy the mazda does this these people are this sometimes i want to just give it all up right I'm sick of dealing with it all and what was her answer I wanna be clave my Dominus zombie later I'm good as long as it's not was good meaning you know for the cause that I'm dedicated to I'm okay I'm okay so that that that idea of commitment is something that you find in Cathedral of the Alana and something that you find in this remarkable woman vaca-oom Amon while the along Tana and we ask the lost parents out to be pleased with her to to elevate her and we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to reward her for her care for the Prophet slice on her sacrifice and to join us with her and with the prophets Elohim in the highest level of genitive for those
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 344,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, omar suleiman, islamic lectures, khadijah, prophet muhammad, women in islam, sheikh omar suleiman, first woman in islam
Id: QrrIdK5AjgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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