You Ruled and you were Just. You felt Safe, so you Slept - Omar Suleiman - MASCON2018

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welcome Masami human wada so I actually want to as we pick up now with the story of all not only a lot of time I'm home what I'd like to do is actually compare not styles but circumstances and to sort of understand better how these two would be looked at in the spectrum of how things are unfolding number one you know the saying the title of the session about all model in the allotted on them all model is the companion that everybody falls in love with everybody wants to be everyone looks at the homeowner says I'm gonna be that guy and he just has such a story to him in hamdulillah that's very profound and truly Allah put the love of Allah in the hearts of people where you read about him and and you feel an instant connection to him and the thing is is that the standard of justice that he set was absolutely remarkable and the character of his is so distinguished to where once you get to know her model the allow a divine hole through his character then even his harsh moments become endearing because you start to realize what place all model the along town and who acts from the story of the saying that is a line of poetry about all model it's a very famous incident where homos on who was one of the leaders of Persia is in Medina and he asks where I meet and what manin is where the leader the commander of the believers is and his idea is that this is going to be a very pompous man the name of all model Delano has spread throughout the world and the greatest quality of all model of the law I onward that which is associated with him is a sense of power and the Persians their Emperor's were very pompous they lived in huge palaces they had very lavish things and so the idea was you know I wonder what type of Palace this great Khalifa Pablo the Ilan who lives in I wonder what type of a person he is I wonder what type of of things he possesses so he comes into medina and he asks to see Omar may Allah be pleased with him so they go first to the house of Allah and they don't find him there they then go to the mustnĀ“t and they don't find him there and then they find the most powerful man in the world at the time sleeping out in the open under a tree with his shoes under his head and one leg on top of the other and he is taking the nap of his life with no bodyguards whatsoever just out in the open and you know think about any head of state right now taking a nap out in the open with no bodyguards under a tree and not having to worry about themselves that's very special that all muddled a law and let's set the type of environment and you know the Persian rulers were very used to lots of bodyguards and as you would see particularly the hyper paranoia the way that the average Persian Kingdom would last about three months once you know once the time well modeled the alot I know stops its rebellion after Earth starts its rebellion after rebellion after rebellion this person kills this person this person kills this person this person overthrows this person so the idea of the most powerful man in the world sleeping out in the open with no worries and no concerns in the world was this mind blowing to him and so he made that statement Hakim - Farah Delta Aminta pennington how come - you ruled for a delta you ruled with justice for Aminta and so God bestowed upon you a great sense of security pennington and so you were able to sleep out in the open so again a counter you ruled for a delta and you ruled with justice and because you ruled with justice Aminta allah gave you a great sense of security finita and so you were able to sleep out in the open in this way and the description of all mater may Allah be pleased with him actually when he entered into Jerusalem without shedding a single drop of blood one of the patriarchs said to him that we read that the keys of Jerusalem would be given to a man heman Adila a just ruler a just ruler and so the best way to describe a model well the alongside animal is as a just ruler and the great gem of that is that the prophet sallallaahu as I mentioned that the very first person I'm sorry the person from the seven categories the first person mentioned the hadith of the seven categories of those who are shaded by the throne of allah subhanaw taala on the day of judgment is what first persons are just ruler and so that represents security and safety in the hereafter that you're under the shade of a las plantas throne and that description is literally the description of all model delano there's no person in history who you can find just ruler identifying more with then Alma may Allah be pleased with him and so he has a great sense of security not just in this life but in the Hereafter as well and one of the things that that's very important to take from here is that the most beloved quality of a lost planet Eire attribute of Allah is what close what's the most beloved attribute of a lot mercy but the description here that's given is not a merciful ruler but a just ruler and it gives you some pause for reflection that it's not a merciful ruler a just rule ruler even though Rama raha woman fell out of the atomic Memphis Emma have mercy to those on this earth and the one who is in the heavens will have mercy upon you and the way that some of the scholars mentioned that is the reason you know one of the reasons why or the reason why it's not a merciful ruler but a just ruler is that even though mercy is a la's most beloved traits without justice mercy cannot prevail without justice mercy cannot prevail in its most wholesome form I was just listening to dr. Cornel Weston in Canada and a lot of people not understanding what he was talking about in Canada but obviously doing Cornel West things and he has the saying and he mentioned it there - justice is what love looks like in public just like tender the tenderness is what love looks like in private - say that again sorry justice is what love looks like in public just like tenderness is what love feels like in private and so what they're in amount mention here is that justice sets the stage in the public domain so that oppression cannot take place in the first place Mercy Mercy is usually shown to victims of oppression and so if injustice is eradicated in the first place there are two types of LACMA there at least or these are two categories of LACMA there is mercy that you show to one who is oppressed and that's a form of compassion and then there's Exxon as in an elevated form of compassion above justice and so mercy cannot flourish or Exxon cannot flourish in its highest sense unless justice properly sets the stage it puts everyone on even grounding so that people can aspire to their highest selves and that's the best thing that a ruler can do write that up then an authority can do is to set people to put people in a position where they can aspire to their highest selves and so the most beloved person the closest person to Allah is a just ruler he sets the stage so that compassion can flourish in society and there's a hadith of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam where the prophets might seldom saw this dream who's better Abu Bakr Dharma virtue eyes Abu Bakr is better than all more in terms of virtue there's no doubt about it but the prophets lysozyme saw this dream of Abu Beckett drawing water and Abu Beckett all day long I had some weakness and drawing that water and so I'll model daeul on who came and took the bucket from him and he drew water with more strength than double bucket and he quenched the thirst of everybody in there including the animals everyone that was there and that was the ability of all model the Elan whom to serve as a vessel for Allah's guidance for a las Justice that a lot of the allotted animal was a man through whom Allah chose to spread so much good that he's like that man that's just drawing from this well of guidance and able to spread it all over and of course Abu Bakr was dealing with a very unique situation which is the first person to take over after the prophets lice alum has the most difficult job of establishing a sense of clarity in the message itself so you're you're more focused on preservation in that first phase after the Prophet peace be upon him our model de la animal was more focused on spreading right so it kind of represents their roles their respective roles as well so to sort of contrast our model and response styles in this regard one of the the people that would be a troublemaker in the time of AA model Delano who did a lot of what Aerith man are the people the rebels in the time responded was someone that would start to pose all these baseless questions someone that would start to just confuse people by just creating all of this fog and one of these men one of these men was named Hakeem boo boo geobella rock came to Banja Bella so rocky brujah bella he was a highway robber and he used to you know go around and create a lot of confusion and the same types of things that he used to do in the time of her if not all the Olano time I'm home there was another man by the name of Jose bees who say beef so these are the first people that are sort of stirring up the trouble in the Ummah of Muhammad sallallaahu name is sanam so this man's name is Jose beef and Jose be used to also you know he started doing a lot of what these people were doing in terms of posing these questions and creating all this fog and creating dissension in the Ummah so let's say vehicle happened in all motors time Hakeem in Raja Buddha happened in a response time will say be is when all model dia law and who found out about was say bees he lashed them he took him he lashed him he isolated him from the public he punished him pretty severely he didn't torture him but the point is is that he was detained and he was kept away from the dissension in the trouble that he was stirring up and Oman will be law on who whipped him years later when the rebels and the time the earth man came to say be it because he sort of had that reputation as being the troublemaker in the time and they're all motors dead now birth Lana's in charge I came to a job on a ghost him and others go to him and they say to him are you ready to do this again are you ready to join this revolt will say be he lifts his shirt up and he shows his back where he's got the marks from the last scene and he says I know many alleged little Slovak the rights this man taught me a lesson like I'm done with this okay so yes I'll model the Aloha I know was definitely you know more heavy-handed in terms of dealing with these types of things as a ruler as opposed to if Monell D a lot I don't know had a very hands-off approach and you can see what that translated into in terms of the fits and a growing that are all modeled the Alana really dealt with it in the very beginning and that was a homeless style you know you had the Christian man in Egypt who was a client and he was racing with the son of alma manaslu the Elano townhome and the son of Amon rose because you know was racing with him in Egypt and as the the Christian man beat him in the race you know he took a whip and he hit him on the head with it and he said you know how dare you compete with me I am a nobleman the son of a nobleman so he praised himself the Christian man complained to Oh model I'm gonna brought them all to Medina the Christian man the son of armour and honest who was a great companion of the prophet sallallaahu on e wa salaam and he handed the christian man to whip and he said you can you can put the whip on both of their heads and he said well why why and he said because his son lost you in his name right so to put everyone back in a humble place to sort of equalize you know that the the situation he says you need to you know you need to take you don't just get to take your vengeance on the man who hit you this is justice but also the men in whose name you were hit because he faulted on that for not curbing that arrogance in his son right so it you know he wanted this was also a special type of tara bia it's not Kasasa it's not like it's not the actual type of allotment that would take place in the case like this but Amin was very close to Alma and all model DLR and who also wanted this to be a moment of Terra BIA a moment of mentorship for Amun that it was in your name that your son acted this way okay so you should have done more to curb the arrogance that came out of your son where he thought that he could do this to this Christian man because he was he was a freed slave and because he he wasn't a Muslim and he didn't have any noble type of lineage and he was living under Muslims but what made almost all Mona's harshness was not not personal and everyone knew that Al Motta was harsher on himself than anybody else and that when he was harsh on you he wasn't harsh on you out of being mean-spirited but because he wanted you to grow to your best self so all modest harshness on himself and this is very important it's very easy to want to be their own model diya law I know who disciplines people it is very hard to be the hallmark with disciplines himself it's very easy to hold the stick of alma it's very hard to stand in the piano roma you cannot be harsh with people unless you're that much harsher with yourself and that's the thing with the whole lot of everyone knew that he held himself to a higher standard so he wasn't an hypocrite he didn't hold you to a standard that was unreasonable or they didn't hold himself to it was well-meaning and it wasn't mean-spirited and he didn't do anything to humiliate anybody he did things to set a tone to set a culture of justice Omar was not humiliating around that Alma was setting a culture of justice in his rule in his qaddafi and that was the way that he collected himself he conducted himself also almost justice was never selective it applied to Muslims it applied to non-muslims it apply to people that were noble people that were slaves it applied to male and female and applied to everybody across race across economic class his justice was not selective you can't point to a time where Omar withheld his justice because it was inconvenient to to carry out justice in that moment or because there was a personal bias he always maintained that standard and he invited his own to hold him accountable the way he held them accountable and that's just remarkable how many of you guys took the class I taught on Staten Island fantasy not many so this is the incident right it's really powerful I'm not only Ilan who stands up in front of the omen he says listen and obey here and obey which was obeys probably not but but this was the way that a head of state would start in addressing the own mind you know listen and and obey as I'm about to give the orders right Salman stands up and says well lie him down that's not what I know clear he says I swear by Allah we will not listen to you nor will we obey you all mod is the Khalifa he's of the most noble in terms of lineage he's in a position of power Samadhi Allah I know is a Persian migrants right who rose to prominence by his knowledge and his closeness to the Prophet slicin he's definitely not as strong as all model d alone ho and he has the audacity to stand up and to challenge him that way how modem doesn't say to him sit down and don't you ever do that again or wait till we're in private and then come talk to me almost us to him why are you saying that he actually asked them but why are why won't you listen to me and consider what I'm saying there must be a legitimate reason so can you tell me what's holding you back so he said when you distributed the cloths from the Treasury you gave everyone one piece of cloth which you reserved to for yourself and you know as I said in this online class can you imagine that being our only complaint with Muslim rulers today like that would be great like hey CC MBS what's going on here can you guys call you know where why are you why are you taking two cloths for yourself two folks for yourself and only giving one thought to everybody else can you imagine if that was the nature of our complaints there's a reason why the guy can sleep under a tree and not worry about anything because that's the type of care that he shows to his own ma that that's the expectation that he created not only Allah I know it doesn't say like give me a break something on like I'm the Haditha I could take two cloth and you take one instead I don't matter the Ilan who says where's my son Abdullah so he points to Abdullah and he asked a lot to explain the situation so I'm the law stands up and I'm the love nor mother says my father is a very tall man so I gave him my cloth so that he could sew his cloth and my cloth together so it could come it could fit him as a garment so senado the law I know goes ok now we hear and now we obey and he sits back down that's the culture in the Salaf of Allah that's incredible inviting accountability like that shows you you know when people when let me tell you this is where you know that you're trailblazing for justice and your outrage for good is based out of ego and not for Allah when you're held accountable by the same measures and you react with ego if Al Motta reacted with ego then you would know that the harshness he supposedly displayed and the way that he held people to a standard came out of nuts came out of self not for Allah but the fact that he created a culture where you could hold him accountable and he invited that accountability and actually sets of the people around him lie about min Kamini I even in larvae but not one of you see a flaw in me except that you pointed out I want to know I want to know if I'm doing something wrong I want to know if I'm sinful I want to know if I'm being too harsh where a young child could come to homeless oh so I'm gonna didn't speak in abstracts right like all model D along I know has this famous saying that I fear that he lost sleep at night because he feared Allah or he feared that Allah would hold him accountable for a donkey complaining against him on the day of judgement in Iraq because he did not properly pay for the road he feared that that donkey would testify to Allah against him like he's got a lot of big things to worry about but for him that donkey is part of my flock so it's under my rule I got to take care of that donkey right so it's not like I'm gonna said that and then people said all that's so beautiful and that's so sweet literally any / any woman or child any man woman child male-female but a king servants wherever it is could walk up to Alma and say to him it suck it love fear Allah and he would cry and say why tell me what I need to do better so he set a culture so I actually want to give a very very practical lesson here for all of you social media hot take people all right for everyone that likes to weigh in on social media consider the tone you have with other people would you accept that tone for yourself and do you use an even harsher tone with yourself when you're disciplining your nufs there are two different things number one when someone talks to you gives you a taste of your own medicine how do you react right if you react with ego and foul you know and your foul and your aggressive that means that your only act you're operating out of nufs you're not operating out of a lot the other thing is the tone that you use when you're all alone by yourself and disciplining yourself should be even stronger than the tone that you use for anybody else right so it's a measure that you actually consider yourself you weigh yourself against like wait a minute why do i why am i strict on people or why am i hard on people and what you realize is that what gave a lot of the license to be that hard on people was that that was actually the place that he was operating from so he wasn't calling you to a place he wasn't at all ready right so it's not just being harsh on people because they're doing something wrong it's on living up to the standard that you call other people to live up to Allah or the Aloha I'm hope did that and everyone knew it not that I don't want to put on this like PR campaign like all model the Alana didn't tell people you know about history our didn't tell people about his secret good deeds or didn't tell people about his you know his private acts of disciplining himself but it was so obvious in the way he carried himself it was just obvious that the man was a person who intensely would undergo spiritual purification it was so obvious in his character was obvious and his humility it was obvious that he operated out of a sense of justice from a place of conviction and not some from some place of it being personal the FIR the first people he held accountable were his family so he wasn't you know he started off in creating that culture in his household and that's why I wanted the greatest gift that all modeled the alotta animal gave to us we're his children Abdul of know our motto for the allotted I know preserved the Sunnah half some of the illallah and have preserved the Koran the greatest gift all know the law animal gave to us is two kids that were like him he taught his child Abdullah to love the sinner as much as he loved it and Abdullah even surpassed all not only Alon in some respects not in virtue but in some respects even surpassed the whole model the allotted on so by creating that culture not just in the Ummah but in his house as well and everyone knew it as we said before the poorest house in the umma was a haunted house and I was a saying that the people used to have that there is no off there is no poverty in the Ummah of Muhammad so I solemn like the poverty in the house of our model the allahu taala animal no one place that expectation on himself he put on him he placed that expectation on himself no one put that expectation on him no one told him that you have to hold yourself to that standard but al modeled a law and who did not feel like it was appropriate if people were in poverty on his watch that he himself be in a state of well-being he used to say it all the alongside iron kar anemia shuttle raya but um you'll see when he is alone how can I claim to be a shepherd of my flock when I am NOT struck with what my flock is struck with so if my flock is struck with hardship I need to feel that hardship there struck with pain I need to feel that pain poverty I need the field that poverty and that was his style of leadership another thing the Ramadan the Elana that's probably underestimated about his leadership is that our own model of the law on Hope always grew not so much physically he was a big man but you know what's really interesting many of the things that our model the allow I know objected to when he wasn't in leadership he himself did not hypocritical but for example leniency that on model the allow and who thought was undo or objected to when he was not the halifa himself if he objected to leniency shown on the part of the Prophet peace be upon him horrible but could he himself which showed that same leniency and that's important so once again a lesson for us in our personal lives it's very easy to make bold statements when there are no consequences to your words like the only thing you have to worry about is someone disliking your status but there are no consequences to what you say so you can you can be bold you can make the most audacious and sensational you know sensationalists and and just attention-grabbing statements on every single issue and claim awesomeness out of that but the reality is is that there are no consequences to what you're saying when you actually are in a position of leadership things change to where you have to consider things and this is probably one of my favorite things in terms of you know having had the blessing to and i'm the lobby around a lot of people that grew into positions of leadership is to see how they matured into those positions right so you could see that they grew and that they got it when the any leadership could be being in charge of your youth Holika being in charge of your owsla being in charge of some department or some effort some work but you get it now like okay i have to be more responsible i have to be more measured that does not mean cowardice that's not cowardice this is recklessness is not courage okay being measured is not cowardice I just I have to think these things through better because my words have more consequences now but on model the allaha tada on hold when he positioned himself and he and was the Challenger to to the leniency that he felt like was being shown when all modeled a law on who grew into that leadership he wasn't arrogant he exercised leniency as well and some very important and crucial matters so if I was to tell you for example a model of the Aloha I'm more Earthman which one do you think raised the salaries of all government workers because he didn't want them to be susceptible to bribery it was all mine if I didn't tell you that if I just gave you the profile of Amon on the profile of Earth man and I said which one of them do you think raised the salaries of all of their in amount and all of the state workers because he didn't want them to fall to bribery you would think it's not it responds the generous one but our model the elan who took advice from people like earth man if I was to tell you that someone lifted the heads lifted the punishment for theft because the Ouma was in famine and people got into a position where they needed to steal to eat and to live and someone said there's no punishment for theft the Hanifah of the time so there was no punishment for theft your mind not knowing who it was would go to his mom but it was almost so all not all the Elan who was not you know he was not limited by his justice right he wasn't limited by his sense of justice he had the right people around him and he grew and this was reflective of his personal to skia because personal spirituality means consistent growth right so that reflects itself in his leadership as well usually people that are very justice oriented become extremely unreasonable all model the Elohim who was not unreasonable he thought about things he was careful he took advice from people again as we said and he grew out of those things lastly and then we'll go to Q&A what time is it okay so lastly one point on all model the alone I'm hope that I just find very beautiful about him and his personality in regards to leadership and where his concern where his heart was always up when a model the Ilan who was stabbed so he's in the Masjid leading Salah and he was stabbed number one the pretext of that that the men who stabbed him no matter the allaha time I'm home was threatened by him he saw him outside polishing his arrows doing something in our little deal on was said something to him he made a comment at all not and I can't recall what the exact comment was but the comment reflected a threat to homeland I would have told the people around him that he just threatened to kill me they said why don't you do anything about it he said because he was ambiguous it's not fair that's my interpretation of what he just said I think the guy just threatened to kill me but I'm not gonna you know preempt it and go after him when I would look go I stabbed him in the messages as he was praying the very first concern that Oh model the law one had the first question he asks is what was it a Muslim who stabbed me or not that's some hella that's you know people are thinking at that point now you know what are you thinking about in those last moments all not only allow on who is asking the man who stabbed me was it a Muslim or not and you know that they said that he wasn't a Muslim a normal day alone who said at hem did Allah Allah did not allow me to be killed by a person who says that Allah had a lot that would be painful to my heart to bear and the consequences of that going forward of a Muslim killing a Muslim leader would be detrimental so his concern was for himself in the hereafter and his concern was for the believers after him with the precedent that that would set and indeed Ali and Earthman were both killed by Muslims by someone inside so how did it not the person who killed me was not from the followers of Muhammad sallallaahu he was set up you know it's really interesting here by the way he almost used the exact same rhetoric when the plague hit and he said Allah Monahan helico mental sallallaahu santa monica d o Allah don't let the nation of Muhammad slice and perish on my hands and then when it came time for his assassination he said it hamdulillah Allah did not allow for the hand that killed me to be from a member of the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu wasallam so he's still thinking about the ummah the consequences he still has concern for that right and that's that's special that's not something that you're going to find in everybody some of you may have attended I think I'm teaching in Chicago so the class on on Malcolm after Mecca what grieved Malcolm at the end of his life is he said it he said you know what's what's sad is that two black groups have to kill each other off that's what really pains me in all of this like I always knew that I was going to be killed but it pained him that the trigger that would be pulled on him would be from someone who he loved so much and someone that he would try he was trying to help that it would be a black finger that would pull the trigger on him he hated that fall because he didn't want that because he knew what type of a precedent that would send and he knew what that would perpetuate in terms of culture so all modeled a law and who was concerned he didn't want it to be a Muslim that would be responsible for his death and you know you talk about culture and what this sets if you go back to the fits and I don't know how much you guys actually got into it or if you got to talk about I'm gonna probably a long time I know and I'm the Loblaw learner in particular well they allow I know but when the fits in a broke out when when trials and tribulation broke out and people swords actually started being raised Muslims actually started picking up words against each other I've the love Norman was like I'm not having any part of this he said you call me the prayer you call me the good deeds but you call me to kill another Muslim I'm staying home I'm not I'm not taking part in this right that that was something that he took from his father right that that you know this is going to end well this is not the type of culture that we want to perpetuate so those are some of my thoughts just on the leadership of our model the Ilana I know may Allah be pleased with him I'd be pleased with her if not we'll be a long time I know and allow them both to be amongst those who are granted Shahada and to allow us to be joined with them Ilana I mean so we'll go ahead and we'll take questions and so on it's a summary of a lot of the same question just asked in several different ways but a lot of a lot of attendees and a lot of people when they hear about this tragedy with say North mental Delano asked a lot of Hawaii questions you know why did the prophets Laura 7im if he knew about this why didn't he warn North man or you know why did dark men why did an earth man step down or why didn't just a lot of why questions you know why couldn't it have been a different way and so on what did what are your comments regarding that you know there's a doubt that the prophet sallallaahu is not made so that you can think about why the Prophet slice and I'm says oh - Robbie fell off I asked Allah for three things I asked him that my nation would not be wiped out by an army that's one or by some sort of a disease a famine or a plague that's two and three that he would Aleya janabat something home that he would not put their misfortune amongst themselves meaning that he'd protect us from disunity and the prophets I some said Allah granted me the first - but he withheld the third and one of the things to take from that first of all there's the umma wide outlook that Allah will take care of everything on the outside for us we will never be defeated by something on the outside we have to focus on ourselves we have to focus on the inside so that's the now they know now that our our trials are always amongst each other and even today when you think about this in the political sense the complicity of the Muslim were in every single conflict or I don't want to even use the word conflict in every single case of the oppression of a group of innocent Muslims there are other Muslims that are complicit in that oppression for whatever reason political gain economic gain whatever it may be and it's pathetic so on the political sense or in the political sense Allah has given us everything around us to succeed we have to get our stuff right and in the local sense your messages your organization's I can't tell you how many incredible Muslim efforts have been ruined because of the ego of one person how many messages have foiled how many institutions have come apart how much turmoil has been caused and it all boils down to the egos of one or two people and so Allah will always protect us from the outside when we do what we have to do on the inside so that's just sort of a general rule now when it comes to the fitna as it took place there are several dimensions to it you know for one the prophets I some warned the Companions about it he did warn the Companions about it and sometimes you forget time goes by we're talking about you know 30 40 years after the prophets light Sun passes away and then you recall some of those things he told you so for example as is available the Ilan who was sitting without heat on the Elan think about the scene as available the ilaha I'm hope has his arm around the idea of the Aloha and the prophets licen I'm a surveyor to her body do you love Ali and zubayr says yes and the prophets wife says to cotton hua aunt ilaha volume one day you will fight him and you will be in the wrongdoing as the bear said me of course not and he said you know what it what a miserable person I am then and like he'd complete like I can't believe that that would ever happen because they were so close I'm until those moments if man is being assassinated as is obeyed and einie are both holding swords defending earth man trying to defend earth man protect earth man and then suddenly they find themselves facing off in a battlefield and I Lee reminds a zoo bayad about that incidents and as we had totally forgot it and he recalls it and he walks away from the battlefield like I'm not doing this so the prophets lie son did warn them told them that a battle would arise and you know the righteous or if you want to know if you want an indicator at the end of the day is where truth lies then you look to the army where a mob or the a lot of time who was killed and so I modeled the along on who was killed from the side of I D well the illogical and then some of the people from the other side this is how this is how we get where human beings at the end of the day they said well it's really I leaves army that killed him because they laid him bare to be killed so they put him to be killed so therefore they're really responsible for his murder and what the prophets why some says was those would be responsible for our modest death that's what happens to human being that's what happens to people and we need to learn from our history now the prophets lice alone taught us to also you know be be able to look back at that and to do what when he holds his son at Husson and he says in any how I say it when I'm online you'll see happy he fiat on our limit on mean and mostly mean he holds up in Hasson may Allah be pleased and he says that this son of mine is a leader and it may be that Allah will bring together through him two great armies of believers two great armies of Muslims so the prophets like some acknowledge that that these two armies still remain righteous people they're Muslims they're believers so when you say well why didn't the Prophet slicing them stop them right why didn't a lot stop them so first of all that's a cut that question Allah does not stop us from making our choices even though his will remains dominant at the end of the day this is a whole discussion of divine decree we can't blame Allah when we mess up when we do the wrong things so we have to own those things ourselves when we look at the companions of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam abu hanifa all day long time I know him Allah has a very beautiful incident that took place with him and I think I should end on this note when talking about how to contextualize those things Abu Hanifa was asked who was right Holly or mahalia now beliefe could have given a really drawn-out answer to that question you know what he responded he said I doubt on the day of judgment Allah will ask me about Nehemiah I got a worry about myself so the mistakes that were made the way the conflict arose there were great people and unfortunately things you know went south and it was an instigated issue you learned this by the way as you study the history that the rebels essentially attacked the army of Ali and the army of Aisha because they saw them coming together and they were worried so they launched an attack on both armies so that each army would think that the other one attacked them so initially one those armies not at the battlefield the intention was not to kill each other the intention was to demand the justice of the earth man once IV and Aisha spoke they went back to their camps with the understanding that we're good now the same people that killed her if non-written attacked both camps to embroil them in that controversy with each other so they'd be too busy with each other because if if they don't you know kill each other then they're gonna come after us that means they're coming after us now right so it was instigated from the outside and sadly here's our human nature when the door opens it doesn't close once that door opened of Sahaba killing each other fighting each other that door opens and unfortunately it took a few battles as well where that took place we should not burden ourselves with trying to decide who gets what and what's gonna happen or busy ourselves too much with those types of things instead read history in a way that's instructive benefit from their examples take the lessons from the tension and the fits not the lessons of what led to the fifth and and how we can protect ourselves from that Pfitzner and make sure that we don't fall into that our solution we ask a lot to protect us and to grant us the the station and the virtue of any of those companions of the Prophet nice one [Music] you
Channel: MASICNAConvention
Views: 56,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: you ruled and you were just, you felt safe, so you slept, omar suleiman, mascon2018, masicnaconvention, mascon2020, mascon2019, knowledgeretreat, masacademicconference, islamic conventions, Islamophobia, MAS-ICNA, competition, Leaders, MAS-ICNA Convention, Facing challenges, MuslimsGotTalent, american muslims got talent, Confident Muslim, mascon2017, Convention
Id: OiDmYx9KieQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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