Contextualizing the Life and Mission of Jesus | Lecture

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snarl Haman hamdulillah salat WA Salam I am sooo did not why I mean he was a happy woman wala so a few things in shower to start this lecture offer tonight one of them is that this is a particular subject that has been a fascination of mine for a very long time studying the life of our East not the lice the life of Jesus peace be upon him and one of the things that I like to do with a prophet is similar to what we do with one of the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him which is to create first and foremost or to try to recreate an image of what the world looked like before that person came into it so that you can more properly appreciate the role of that person in society and one of the problems that we have as Muslims is that we often talk about these prophets only in the context of a theological debate not in the way that the Prophet SAW isone taught us when we were talking about MU Sarnia Saddam Moses peace be upon him nanu hola be more some income we love moosari some we are closer to Messiah some even more than you meaning we claim these prophets we love these prophets and if you truly love these prophets and claim these prophets then you have to know more about Esau day so now more about Jesus peace be upon them then our theological stance on any Saudis Saddam we also have to gain an appreciation for the life and the mission of Esau he has set up so a few things to start this off number one the Quran calls us to begin our dialogue with other people on the basis of commonality and then get to the differences that's a prophetic approach to Dara so you don't start with the difference you work up to the difference first you mentioned the commonality Tejano Iraq any mutts and so I come to a common word between us and you we worship only one God now let's talk about the implications of that tow hey let's talk about the implications of that monotheism so Muslims have a very specific way of approaching dialogue with Jews and Muslims have a very specific way of approaching dialogue with Christians how so when it comes to Jewish people you know any interfaith dialogue that I've ever taken part in as far as the Creed is concerned issues of theology issues of how we view liturgy and how we view our Sharia verses Hadassah and halal and kosher and the idea of the covenant and toe heed and monotheism Muslims and Jews will align on those issues even more than Jews and Christians will align on those issues meaning the theology of Islam and Judaism is closer than the theology of Judaism and Christianity and closer than Islam and Christianity and so often you'll find that when we talk things like scripture and and covenants and law and the implications of tawheed and monotheism and what it means to be observant of those things that will often have a lot of similarities between Muslims and Jews more so than Muslims and Christians or Jews and Christians even and that's an admission that I've had many rabbis actually make as well that this is a starting point for us when we're talking to Jewish people now a very specific connection between Muslims and Christians is some level of reverence and admiration for the person of race on Islam the person of Jesus peace be upon him it's special and if you think about it the fact that the two largest religious groups in the world both hold this man in awe and respect and admiration is special and it's not something we should take for granted it's something that surprises a lot of people actually did a podcast today with an Evangelic ol Christian about what event Jellico's can do better with Muslims as you can imagine it was a very long podcast it took a very long time about what Evangelic owes and Muslims have in common Evangel Christians and then what avenged Eliquis could do better in how they do outreach towards the Muslim community and you'd be shocked that many Christians have no idea they have no clue that we have any regard whatsoever for Jesus peace be upon him the idea that a nice idea sanam means anything to us is a shock to many Christians especially when you say yeah we actually believe in the return of Jesus peace be upon him we believe at Eastside Islam is coming back it's like wait what what are you talking about because the assumption is that we are Mohammedans just as they are Christians and so we replace Eastside Islam with Mohamed Salah Marnie was sinem and so all of the locations of what Jesus peace be upon him means to Christians Muhammad SAW Sena means to us which we know is not true in fact a very easy look at that would be that Jesus peace be upon him is mentioned more by name in the Quran then Muhammad sallallahu wasallam Jesus are you Saddam si some is mentioned 25 times the Prophet slice I mentioned by name five times that doesn't mean that a size num is greater than Muhammad slice on them that means that there is a heavy emphasis on the person of a star a son the story of racism the mission of race is not the the message of Isan Islam and Allah talks about Jesus peace be upon him in a very holistic way in the Quran it's not just that he's not the begotten Son of God there's so much more to the story of ISA it's not in the Quran and so as a starting point when we reach out to our Christian neighbors we have to start with the person of Christ that look we have something in common here now let's talk about what we have in common then let's talk about where our paths now differ and what the implications of that are that's the way that that Allah taught us to to reach out to different people to reach out to different communities and many of you attended the the four week class that we had with Reverend Andy Stoker at First United Methodist four weeks where we talked about birth life crucifixion and resurrection over four weeks and you can see what a loving dialogue looks like between Muslims and Christians about the person of a sorry snob without shying away from the differences but instead stating them after stating the commonalities after stating in the commonalities then you establish that look Jesus peace be upon him to us is not just to win an argument we don't just try to fit him into some broader picture he is a central figure in our Deen his birth his life and his return are central parts of the Quran and the Sunna of the Prophet peace be upon him and they mean something to us and I'll just point to you before now getting into the life of a Saudi snob I'll point you to that took to the final moment of that class that four-week class that we had at First United Methodist when I mentioned that Assad is not that in our tradition according to a narration and Timothy and that Jesus peace be upon him after he returns and after he dies will be buried next to muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam and abu bakr and omar in Medina and I said to the Christians in the church I said listen even I want you to just separate for a moment everything we believe about Jesus and everything you believe about Jesus and just think about what reverence this community must have for that man that they would save a spot in the most special place you know to us as Muslims for this man when he comes back that he would be buried next to Muhammad sallallaahu and he was solemn and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that the prophets are stepbrothers they are that they are they share a message they are stepbrothers and that they share a message and in that sharing of that message they are close to each other and so he says that I am the closest person the prophets my son says I am the closest person to her ISA ISA so think about it the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says I am the closest person to the prophet Jesus peace be upon him because there is no nabi between me and him there is no prophet that came between me and him he was the last prophet before the last prophet sallallaahu he was something so let's talk about the life in the context the very sight of Jesus peace be upon what does it look like in Palestine in Palestine in Judea before Jesus peace be upon him comes well you have to understand the political state first because the politics influenced the religion so since Julius Caesar the Romans practiced what's called syncretism where you had clients kingdoms so in semi independent kingdoms so a people that ruled but they really were ruled ok similar to our Muslim countries today their client kingdoms you know they don't actually have autonomy right that's kind of a joke but it's not really a joke so back then you had Herod who's known as the King of the Jews who operates under the Roman Empire but it's a semi-independent Kingdom it still has to pay taxes they still have to answer to a higher Roman Authority and something that causes a lot of a lot of hatred a lot of resentment amongst the children of Israel amongst many I saw either that we are still ruled from an outside power that the temple has been destroyed that we don't have autonomy and this Herod who rules from 37 before Christ up until 4 BCE before Christ he's a successful king but he's brutal he targets political opponents he murders anyone that he even senses threatens his rule and he's really taking away the the the Jewish character if you will be the Abrahamic character away from Jerusalem away from Palestine away from all you know these ideas of toe haydn monotheism he's removing all of that character and instead he's really focused on turning Philistine into Palestine into a tourist destination so he's the one to introduce sculptures and statues in that area even though these were people that believed in the oneness of God and everything in that context becomes about to the two bani israeel who is the Messiah that's going to come and liberate us from this humiliation from this rule so the focus becomes on a messiah that will liberate us from this domination that comes from outside and the wait is for particularly annasaheb new delwood not been their wound in hajj and umrah the messiah the son of david meaning a messiah that is a child a descendant of king david re his salaam and there are many messiahs in the Bible and messiahs are not necessarily prophets there are messiahs that are kings prophets rabbis in fact there's a huge debate in judaism about whether Dellwood ideas Lama is a prophet or just the kink right so a messiah means someone who's anointed and when it is stripped of its political and when it's stripped of its religious implications what it what the focus of that Messiah becomes is establishing the kingdom of God establishing the rule of God on earth particularly establishing the temple the temple of Sir Damon and his Salaam reestablishing Jerusalem upholding the the Torah ruling by that and the specifications of of this Messiah you know really speak to that right so he's a leader he's well oriented with the laws that are followed in Judaism and Orthodox Jews hold the Messiah the belief in a messiah is one of the thirteen principles of faith so it's a big deal to believe in this Messiah this messianic figure that comes back and that reestablishes the law and restores the dignity of the law and particularly restores the temple he's a great military leader he's someone that brings everyone to the worship of the God of Abraham and he restores the temple now the emphasis in that time becomes on just the restoration of the temple who's gonna come and restore the temple right and you have to understand in that context that there were many messiahs or many people that were looked at as being the potential Messiah the potential Messiah so the Messiah was never meant to be a child that a child of God or someone that brings about this new concept of salvation or that dies for it for the sins of man the Messiah was looked at as a powerful authoritative figure that really brings the political rule back to Benyus law and because theology now was missing from them Deen was missing from them spirituality was missing from them corruption was rampant the focus was all on that political power once again in that political autonomy so for example biblically speaking the Persian king Cyrus who is called a messiah he's called a messiah because he defeated the Babylonians and he restored the temple way before a Saudi his salaam and if you read in Psalm 137 verse 8 o Babylon you will be destroyed happy as the one who pays you back for what you have done to us move on to 137 verse 9 blessed is the one who grabs your babies and smashes them against a rock that's the passion of the restoration of the of the temple and a messiah that comes back and gives us back our power and because Persian the Persian king Cyrus who's not even from bani israeel defeats babylon and restores the temple he's given that title of a messiah judas maccabees 160 years before christ leads a successful revolt against the Seleucid Empire of the time purifies the Temple of Jerusalem and that's where Hanukkah commemorates because again the idea is the restoration of the temple the restoration of autonomy the ability to practice and to rule it really gives a lot of context to a lot of what happens now as far as the the arguments and the claims that are made to and puts that are made to Jerusalem in the time of Assad Islam so there's a documentary by National Geographic called the first Jesus watch it's really really interesting it's fascinating it's called the first Jesus it's about a man by the name of Simon of Perea he was only four years before the birth of Christ he was one of the slaves of Herod and he's a strong man he's very cunning he burnt down Herod's palace and Jericho he burnt down a lot of his other palaces so he staged this huge revolts against Herod and a lot of people thought he was him people thought that must be the Messiah because he was succeeding in doing a lot of things to Herod that had not been done by others but he was caught and beheaded and that was the end of him so there's this idea of any time a figure rises you know it's just like now by the way every every day on Twitter someone else claims to be the Messiah and the mandiant you know they tweet at us and say I just want to let you know I'm the Messiah I didn't know Jesus would sign up on Twitter and that would be his first actions but I'm the Madi I'm the Messiah I'm a little caught a name recently as well so people rise up but in that situation it's like who's it gonna be who's it gonna be right so there is a desperate weight that's on for a messy really for political reasons at that time now skip to re-sod he is set up Jesus peace be upon him if nope IM rahim allah says bani israeel the righteous amongst them was a small community a small righteous practicing community that's where the family of imran is a korean Mario Monti has salaam this is a small group of people under a hundred people according to opium or still holding on to the original laws of the Torah and righteous and practicing it according to its greatest commands and that are full of faith Mario Monti has Sadam gives birth to he Satya Saddam a virgin birth of Jesus peace be upon him without any human intervention and Muslims affirm the virgin birth and a loss of panettone says that the creation of Jesus peace be upon him is like the Creation of Adam Adi his Salam he said to it be and it was just like Adam had no mother or father re Saudis Saddam was created without father and so this was a testimony to the to the power of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and there's no need for any human intervention in the creation of the special trial there a saudi his Saddam and eSATA his Salam Maryam brings her a Saudi his Salam to that area of the temple and she's holding a sari his Salam in her hands she is scorned she is mocked Allah has honored this woman in the most beautiful of ways an entire chapter in the Quran named after her and it's really interesting there's a chapter in the Quran named after her there's not a chapter in the Quran named after Assad Islam after Jesus peace be upon him he saw hums mention 25 times she's mentioned 30 times and Allah says about her in surah tehreem can it's mean l-carnitine that she was from the devout using carnitine rather than pani taught which means she is a leader for men and women she is the best women want of women created and she is an example for all of us to look towards as a person of devotion a person of arribada she's not just the footnote in the story of her SRD saddam she's not just the chain between the dura of the wife of Imran and ISA ISA Dom she herself is a woman deserving of much recognition and much love and much respect now she's holding her inside a Salaam ana ihsani his saddam speaks from the cradle jesus peace be upon her speaks from the cradle and the thing he says is in the abdullah he declares that he is here in servitude to allah subhanho tada by doing so he immediately clarifies he's not God and he clears the name of Maria mati has setup so in the air abdullah so he is here as a servant of allah subhana WA Ta'ala a tiny al khattab regina nina beer then he speaks to the future italian kitab he will give me a book and he will make me into a prophet so he's speaking to a future context well Germany Mubarak and ænima quince and he made me blessed wherever I may be not just blessed in Jerusalem not just blessed in each with blessed wherever I may be in both comings both the first coming of Christ and the second coming of Christ while asami busalacchi was the care team Adam - hiya and he has entrusted me with the prayer and with the alms giving with the zakah as long as he is alive a nice Adi his Salam in both comings in both comings will uphold the law of the prophets before him if you think about it the first coming ASA upholds the law of Moses the second coming ISA upholds the law of Muhammad alayhi wa salatu salam so it's interesting because he comes with a mandate to uphold the laws that came before him as well while bottle on validity when ami has your needs about on Shakya and he has made me dutiful to my mother and he has not made me one who is wicked or one who who brings about some sort of deprivation - - to the one he is born - and even obey him says that one of the signs is very powerful he says one of the signs of the wickedness of any issue at that time was the disrespect to the parents was a disrespect to the parents and he said that this is also one of the signs of the Day of Judgment right one of the interpretations of the hadith that Amma to Toledo robbed AHA that a woman would give birth to her own master speaking to the idea of children treating their parents like slaves so he said that that's sort of the end of the road for a people when they reach a point where their parents are treated like slaves to the children then you know that corruption has become entirely rampant amongst those people so ihsani he said I'm up whole his duty to his mother that I have been sent and it's really powerful because it speaks again to the virtue of Miriam about one of the reasons for his sending was to honor his mother Miriam was afraid that she would be cursed and would become looked at in a certain way and forsaken in history but açaí his Salam will always testify to the honor of his mother Mario Martinez salaam and is a part of fulfilling that honor so above one BYD dirty la mia Johnny jab darlin Satya there are other prophets that came before Esau D his Saddam that raised the dead there are other props so you can actually read about some of the Old Testament prophets that raised the dead that raised seven hundred people at a time you can read about old prophets that cured the blind that cured the lepers but Ernie Sonya Saddam is the first baby ever and the only prophet to ever speak from the cradle so this is actually his first miracle and it's interesting because the prophets lie Salim said that there are three times that a baby spoke from the cradle and all three times that was to clear a slander so there's actually the clear someone's name the first one is the story of Esau D his salat when he spoke to clear his mother's name the second one was the worshipper George George was a worshipper of Benny Asturian who would worship Allah and his mother called him to come and to to serve her to do some housework and George said I'm too busy in my worship of Allah she made you out to Allah she supplicated to Allah that he would not die until he met the adulteress he didn't know what that meant Allah answered her Dora since an adulteress to jej clothing a baby saying that that's the father of this child and then Allah inspired the baby to speak in defense of George and say actually that's not the father so Allah both answered the door out of the mother while still honoring the worship of that man so it cleared a slander the third time and this is a this is a hadith in Bukhari as I said from Abu Hurairah it's a very powerful store the profits why some said a lady from Venezuela is so all three times from the children of Israel and the profits why some said had the thought on Bonnie's life and Fe him when a job strange things used to happen to the children of Israel so you should recount those stories but there was a lady from Beni is lucky that was nursing her child when a handsome rider passed by her and as she's nursing her child than that handsome rider passed by her she said oh Allah make my child like that man she looked at that man riding by stallion Knights and said o Allah make my child like that man the child spoke and said Allah whom Allah to Jenny mr. ho o Allah don't make me like that man so see then then he went back to suckling from his mother then another you know this woman is she's a slave she's downtrodden she is one of the outcasts of society another person walks by and this person is humiliated he doesn't look as brave and courageous as the other rider he doesn't have those characteristics and as this woman is holding this this child of hers and then the child sees a slave girl so I'm sorry it's not a man actually this time it's a woman's he's a slave girl the child she seized that slave girl and she says o Allah don't make my child like that slave girl like you know for some reason the titled spoke and didn't want to be this great warrior or stallion so don't make my child like that slave girl and then the child said Allah mahjongg name is for the ha oh Allah make me like her because he was a righteous woman and when she asked why the child responded at rocky bow javelin in a JBAB you know that be the one who was riding the night is an arrogant man he's one of the tyrants amongst the tyrants well Amma to Yakko luenell AHA Ciroc T's and 80 and the slave girl they blame her for stealing and committing adultery but she is one of the righteous ones so basically the child was clear what was was was expressing the difference between righteousness and wickedness that is completely free from any worldly attachment so our aside Islam is the first of these three babies to clear the mother the only prophet who has a miracle as such he faced the slander of his mother and himself and the scholars say that the the that every one of the prophets was slandered but the slander of aside Islam the slander of Jesus peace be upon him is the worst of slanders because they didn't just slander him they slandered his mother as well with the worst types of slander and it's really powerful because that same spot that I saw east Nam gave that Ultima from if you go to the Dome of the rock today which is part of a compound inscribed on the Dome of the rock are these verses of Surat Maryam we're a society Saddam will return once again where Jesus peace be upon him will return once again and it says on the Dome of the rock allahumma salli ala rasulina why I'm decrease of pneumonia oh Allah send your peace and blessings upon your prophet and servant Jesus the Son of Mary so this still stands in that same spot it is part of the inscription on the Dome of the rock Maryam was told as she gave birth to this child that he was the Messiah that he was in the Messiah that everyone was waiting for if Carla Tillman aka Yama Yama Yama Yama la hierba Saluki Michaela Menten min Horseman is more mercy hire a sub no Maria Wadi Halfa dunya will ephyra wah Minamoto ravine that Allah gives her the glad tidings of a Saudi his Salam is smoogle Mesilla recent ammonium his name is the Messiah Jesus the Son of Mary so Miriam is basically told that this child of yours is that child that poses a threat to the empire that people are waiting for but also poses a major threat right and that this is the awaited prophet that awaited Messiah and Allah mentioned Ruth Min Ho meaning a soul from Allah that doesn't mean that he's a part of Allah physically instead that is when allah awj something to himself la glorifies that that thing just as when I lost panatar dimensions you know the caribou as bait to love the house of Allah or other things when Allah ascribes something to himself its assigning a particular virtue to it so a particular soul from a loss of Hanuman Sanada Kenny mental la the Word of God the Word of God the implication of that in Islam is that he was created from the word be couldn't fea coin the name of a Saudi his Salam what language did ISA speak Hebrew but his first language was actually Otto Mia Aramaic the word of acai his Salaam the name of a sorry Salam in Otto Mia and Aramaic is Ischl Aisha so it sounds very similar to ISA I know that a lot of people be surprised but the letter J is less than 400 years old and it doesn't exist in Hebrew or an Aramaic okay it's one of those the gene an equivalent of g m-- doesn't exist so there was no name Jesus until very recently and it also wasn't hey soos okay it's a very specific name that was given and in East Side East Nam did not speak with a British accent and aneisa Aslam did not look like like like Mel Gibson or whoever it was those portrayed in passion of the christ' I forget the name of the actor who was struck by lightning twice by the way on the set that's a different story you can read about that but the guy who played Jesus and Passion of the Christ got struck by lightning twice on the Sun so he didn't look like that guy just like Musa Islam doesn't look like Christian Bale Batman or any of those things his name was ischl aramaic is very similar to arabic in arabic it's Issa does anyone know what arab christians call him anybody yes sewer so it's really interesting because arab christians call him yes sewer whereas we call him Lisa and there's a book that I'm not gonna go into detail with now from an author by the name of dr. Jim Aladeen oh shut up ah we wrote a book called the Asura and there isa in Arabic and basically he talks about how Christian Arabs basically arabised the Greek translation of yeshuaa turned it into a sewer but in the Arabic language it would mean he perishes as opposed to switching it into harissa which means he is saved subhanAllah so it's a really interesting debate I'm not gonna go into all the implications of it it's a very it's a very interesting book a lot of the early Mufasa teen the early scholars when they talked about the names they tried their best to derive what his name actually meant so you'll find for example al-qurtubi who who says that Mousa Lisa he says that sir is shutaura like tree so musa alayhis salam was tied to the trunk of a tree and put into not into water so musa and he sorry his Salam sir is again the tree Lisa was born under a tree and the East refers to light so a light came out of the womb of maryam when he was born and that's why he's a Issa all of these things are at the end of the day HD HUD they're not factual the scholars did their best to try to reason with it but we we can say pretty confidently that his name in Aramaic at least was Esau now why is there Issa threatening just like moosari son because Herod had a dream this is in the Gospel of Matthew by the way in the New Testament as well that Herod had a dream that a young man from Bethlehem was going to overthrow him similar to fit our own having the dream about Moosa going to overthrow him and like musa alayhis salaam for their own decided well hey if a child was born that's gonna overthrow me I might as well kill all the children and so that's where you have the massacre of the innocents and that's where you have the fleeing of a very Saturday his Salaam of muddy I'm with Orissa to Muslim to Egypt for some time and then eventually she comes back from Egypt and she goes to Nazareth Nazareth is about a hundred miles from Jerusalem it's an interesting City and Philistine it's poor in the time of reciting Saddam its port its overpopulated it's dirty it has a lot it has dirty water lots of disease and free of the Roman influence Harrod and a very religious place so they were very strong to following the toda and that's important because it's usually the poor people that follow the religion more seriously so it wasn't like Jerusalem which was a tourist destination and had been had more Roman influence it really stayed very true to rabbinic law and to the Torah and things of that sort so ISA grew up in a very religious place and his childhood speaks to them so number one Jesus peace be upon him was circumcised why is that significant because that shows that mobium and ISA still saw themselves as being bound by the laws of Moses on Islam the law of the Torah and practicing the law of Moses are a snob and when Jesus peace be upon him says even is quoted in the New Testament as saying I have not come to abrogate or replace the law of Moses but to uphold it and its truest sense then that speaks to it from the very early childhood that they did not see themselves departing or forming a new religion but instead continuing the tradition of Moosa idea Saddam the history of Assad Islam would show that he went to local schools where they studied the Torah but he was more knowledgeable than the rabbi's that were teaching the toda so he shocked the people by his knowledge of the Torah he challenged the people with his knowledge of the Torah the first miracle of Eros and salaam in islam is what speaking from the cradle the first miracle of reciting is Saddam in Christianity does not include speaking from the cradle do you remember that the Reverend Andy Stoker was mentioning some of the Gospels that were left out that mentioned some of the miracles that Islam mentions but they're not considered part of the corpus of gospels today so the first miracle to two Christians of Jesus peace be upon him is turning water into wine it's not speaking from the cradle speaking from the cradle is unique to Islam in its most mainstream sense what happen one of the mentions that the first miracle after that was gonna be a cumbia a cool una llamada de luna fee boutique oh that I inform you of the things that you conceal and that which you eat and hide in your homes and so some basically or SRT son was given knowledge he was able to tell people what they were hiding in their homes he was able to tell people of some of the secrets that they spoke amongst themselves so you have this child that challenges people with the Torah challenges the the established rabbis and scholars of the Torah at a young age as a child and he's also been given a miracle now of being able to say these things and of course that made people very paranoid about him what is this physical description the most debated physical description and politicized political the most politicized physical description in history is the image of a Satya sallam and no other prophet is described by the Prophet slice of them physically more than a nice on isla why because it's important to distinguish him from the Antichrist from animus he had the judge so when the prophets like son described their ihsani Saddam and his physical being it was that we would know him from and Messi had the job who also has his distinct physical look and Qatada rahim allah says now barthelona bian but allah has knowledge he has an assault that Allah never sent a prophet except that they had a beautiful appearance and a beautiful voice the prophets lysosome describes him as neither too tall nor too short Maharaja Min Dimas it was as if he just took a bath if you saw him his his hair was long it was as if pearls were falling from his hair beautiful skin and beautiful hair and then this is where it gets interesting now the one detail where there's difference in his description is his skin color all right even in the hadith so even Arbus describes him as a flaw she's having a reddish complexion even almost as Kesennuma your manhood Mary Judd the most beautiful of what you would see of a person with dark skin and then a little dialog enosis wallahi McCauley Risa mo that I swear the Prophet slicin did not say or ISA Aslam had reddish a reddish complexion but rather he said that about the gel having a reddish complexion so there was debate even amongst them about what Esau sounds complexion the end of it is what the end of it is that it doesn't matter so he was politicized obviously wherever you go Jesus looks like in his imagery he looks like that population so I went to Xavier University where the first time you know I went to Xavier for some time in New Orleans which is a historically black college and the first time I saw a picture of her a size numb I thought it was Bob Marley I'm so I was like why do they have a picture of Bob Marley on the wall but then you go to churches used to the European Jesus and it's just like when megyn kelly on Fox News a few years ago said of course everyone knows Santa was white you know what's the real or SIDS about well he definitely wasn't European and that image was used to to cause slaves to submit to say this is the image of your God and certainly used against them and it is a heresy in the way that it was used against people obviously but the prophets why some says that he looked the most like or it'll have been mr. root an other woman miss Ruth was the ambassador of Clarice at her day BIA who accepted Islam eventually and his description according to the Imam Azul Connie is that he was brown with a reddish complexion so it kind of mixes the two Hadees in that regard at the end of the day as Reverend Jeremiah writes that Jesus was a Palestinian so we can just move on from that we don't even have to think about it any further who was the prophet first in a recess time the life of a sanyasin Imfurst was actually following the dara of yah him howdy his Sunnah as a loyal follower to John okay yeah he already history yeah he was born a few months before a Saudis as you as you learn in the story of Zechariah being given the glad tidings and then shortly after Maryam being given the glad tidings and the prophet sallallaahu and he was at him suddenly Ethan have been had done and it has anyone who saying see you there shall be an agenda yeah yeah or ISA but it husband when Hussein may Allah be pleased with them are the masters of the youth of paradise except for yahia and ISA and when the Prophet peace be upon him ascended on the night of a start with miraj he found them together right even in the heavens together so these were two brothers that are together Hasani his salams ports the dara of yahia rd his salaam and yeah he riding his saddam is a as a person who has a story in and of itself a fascinating story but yeah he is really the scholar of the scripture the scholar of the toda so at that point yeah he is merely preaching the toda but he's preaching the torah in a way that really threatens the authorities in jerusalem it really threatens the empire it threatens the theology it threatens the corruption it's very it's very unlikable to people in power so yeah he has a person with a lot of compassion but he's a person who allah has given as he mentions in the koran alchemist lobby allah gave him wisdom and authority early on in life and he was the greatest scholar of the toda risa supports him in that Darwin and yahia generally avoided outputs he avoided Jerusalem because Jerusalem was where the Roman influence and the politics were at so Yale was you know if you look in history yeah is called the the scholar in the wilderness the rabbi in the wilderness in Jewish tradition too because he really stayed away from it all he Saudis said I'm studies with him follows him and Boldin's him and then yahia was given the Bashara was given the glad tidings that ISA was the awaited Messiah that he saw he is Saddam himself is the awaited massif and he pointed him out to the people as such and yeah yeah then was murdered why was yeah he murdered yeah he was murdered in brief because he refused to give a fatwa permitting incest to the son of Herod Antipas to basically because he wanted you know they had their their their government scholars back then to right so he wanted someone he wanted yahia who has authority to tell him that it was okay for him to marry the wife of Philip which would be incest and yeah he rejected that as a result of yahia rejecting that yeah yeah was assassinated he was beheaded because he refused to give that fatwa and you know first there was an attempt to seduce him but he was say you then waha surah he was a chief of his people master and at the same time he was hassle he was guarded in his chastity so he didn't fall for the seduction of empire money or in the case where a woman was sent to him to seduce him to give the ruling that would give legitimacy to that incest he rejected all of that as a result of that he was martyred and that's why some of the scholars mentioned that Allah gave him to name yeiiow that he lives he was given life by the word of Allah in the womb of the wife of Zechariah his son and then once again the Shaheed the martyr has eternal life so yah yah t his Salam was martyred after that he sati his Salam was given the prophethood the mission to lead at the age of 30 years old her significant to understand that the first 30 years of a satya sallam was supporting yaja and his missionary islam but now our esata his salaam was given the the duty to to lead as a messenger and as a prophet of allah subhana WA Ta'ala as scholars mentioned that ISA Aslam was sitting in a muscle-ups at the age of 30 and ghibli re his salaam filled the mustard with his light and said that a loss of hana hana inna llaha miraka biblically salad that allah commands you - now - now spread the message that he saw Islam stood up and said ya bani israel arabic become o children of israel worship my lord and and worship Allah my Lord and your Lord and this is where Allah mentions will attain adhesive memoriam al-injeel Houdon one who run one will suddenly maybe need a minute aura will know where he thought in Lynnwood sahteen so a lot of describes giving ihsani his salam the gospel keep in mind gospel here does not mean Matthew Mark Luke and John or the testimonies of those that came after gospel simply means here Beshara a glad tidings right a gospel means a be shot or glad tidings so that which was given to issa alehissalaam as an addendum to the torah confirmed that which is what it was in the torah with slight modifications binders and a light not contradicting its Creed but slight modifications particularly to the innovations that came after the revelation of the Torah and its purest form and the prophets lie sillim mentioned that esata his salaam was given the injeel or the injeel was revealed on the 18th night of Ramadan so injeel here is in the singular the glad tiding of acai has set up and again the idea here was that it removed all of the prohibitions that the children of israel brought upon themselves relax some of the laws that were being abused to manipulate others and then and you find her and this is really an important point when you talk about the person of any society has stood up that reciting his salam his you know he was circumcised as a child he followed the Torah he was a scholar of the Torah he upheld the mission of johani his salaam so he's coming with the same message at its core of musa alayhis salaam his prayer is described a standing kneeling falling on his face and prostration so standing rock or so dudes in the bible as it exists today so you'll find him constantly falling on his face and prostration and when the council of nicaea some of you took the class on some man without a seal all the aloha no the council of nicaea forbade the kneeling and the prostration but some of the Eastern Churches refused and so they maintained the sujood in the record the kneeling and the prostration and Salman saw the people in Persia the Christians in Persia still doing the record and subdued so Issa has described still as retreating from the people falling on his face in prayer and such de in record and bowing and kneeling and what was his data like well the mo illa of ERISA the the call of Jesus peace be upon him was to people of conscience was to people of piety and taqwa that the message has been spoiled from opposite guru become embodied Arika fahriye kalfa jarate OS ed Dukas wa that the hearts have been hardened and they have been hardened even more so than stone so a lot of his dara a lot of his all focused on softening the hearts a lot of his his examples were I'm thought were parables as we see and there are many parables of sids to them that are narrated by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in authentic hadith as well as some of the self as well some of the pious predecessors that focus on good character that focus on piety that focus on sincerity that focus on the spirit of that which musa alayhis salam brought rather than the the law of what the letter of the law that no society has salaam brought now what were his miracles lisa is the last prophet of a line of prophets of bani israel and bani israel was a nation of miracles see him on a job right so you find prophets that raised the dead you find prophets that cured people you find prophets that that did many of these are these incredible things and here in the last prophet - bene Islam Allah combines those agile than one man combines those miracles and one man so Allah says what as soon and inna have any and the Khajiit to come vit man what become any othe locouna community Nika hey at the platy Khun focal feature unum played on the Eden in LA he mansions and make him a messenger to the children of Israel who will say indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord I designed for you from clay that which is like the form of a bird then I breathe into it and it becomes it becomes a flying bird by the permission of Allah and I cure the blind and the leper and I give life to the dead the is nila by the permission of Allah and I inform you of that which you eat and you store in your homes indeed in that is a sign for you if you are believers so all of Reese's miracles are mentioned be even in love by the permission of Allah that's the first thing the second thing look at the sequence it's profound the first miracle that's mentioned is giving life to something that did not have life by the permission of Allah why is that important because remember now under Herod there was Roman influence in the city of Jerusalem so for the first time there you have sculptures and what does Allah say on the day of judgment - sculpture makers that they will be challenged to give life to that which they made so when ISA molds something and blows into it and shows that it's only Allah that gives life it's a challenge first the entirety of people that only Allah gives like the second one which is healing is repairing life so something had life but lost its quality repairing life by the permission of Allah the third one giving life to the dead the evening law by the permission of Allah so something that lived and then died and giving life to it be even in love and who raised you know and you might see that in you go how do you Muslims affirm all those miracles and still not believe he was God or the Son of God well in the Bible Elijah raised seven hundred people from the dead entire nations from the dead healed the blind called for rain and stopped it brought fire from the sky but we don't say he's God right all of these prophets operated with miracles that they attributed back to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala at the end of at the end of the day so you have re-signed Salaam in his miracles and then you have a sighting his Salam with the mission that he brings of obviously bringing people back to toe heat bringing them back to the law and calling them out on their corruption so what what does the corruption look like our ISA has a small group of disciples and what does the corruption look like number one you have to understand the politics of a Saudis hello okay there are three classes of people that you need to understand that exist in the time of a Saudi son number one you have a people called the Sadducees these are the high-class people that have secularized the Torah they are attached to the temple only there the tax collectors they steal money from the people all they do is maintain the temple they don't care about anything else from the religion in fact they even reject resurrection so think about flourish with the caveat it's a very appropriate example they're corrupt they make use of the temple of God they have nothing to do with God or God's law aside from that then you have a group called the Pharisees the Pharisees is the rabbinic continuation of any asahi right so this is technically the class they would have belonged to those that were supposed to be upholding that the integrity of the text and the law of the Torah and when re-sod Islam saw is that those who belong to that tradition many of them were abusing the law to exploit the port and we're defeating the purpose of the law in the process so silent in the face of transgression extremely selective in the application of the law only against poor people and people that could be taken advantage of and that's when the prophets lie some said the Benyus not even used to use the law to only punish the weak that at the end with corruption they use the law to only punish the weak and so you find for example in matthew 23:23 woe to you scribes and pharisees hypocrites you practice your religion very well but you have neglected the weightier matters of the law justice and mercy and faith if not I am Rehema whole law says that our Isan islam chastised there an amount of money is ieave the scholars of bonniest elite and he said to them yeah not a sewer altima dunia delusi come we'll ask Allah to talk to academic on polio come Shifa well I'm gonna come down it's a beautiful saying he said o scholars of evil you placed the material world over your head the hereafter under your feet your words are cured but your actions are a disease then you have the zealots so some of you might have seen the the picture or the book by reza aslan called zealots the zealots were the rebels against the Romans and the Jewish collaborators to the Romans and were staging a revolution to overthrow the Roman influence in all of its forms and so there are some historians that say Jesus was a zealot that he belonged to that group where he was anti Roman and he was anti corruption amongst the nice why you can have a 5-minute extension sharehouse I'll wrap up in shall the time so he was both against both of these things right and the the best opinion on restart Islam is that he was not a zealot himself but that a SRD Aslam was not that the zealots respected him because they knew he wasn't a hypocrite so he was trying a different way if you will of rectifying the people but he did not become violent himself against the Romans are against the the those from but he is slightly that collaborated with the Romans but rather preached truly in a la la la you don't might be home in hot oil a you know maybe unfussy him that God does not change the condition of a people until they changed the condition of themselves so ihsani his setup this Messiah that was supposed to come bring victory political victory said actually we have to clean up our mess and victory only comes when we attach ourselves to the way that Allah has taught us to be attached to his words that was not a friendly message so that makes him an outcast and someone that is hated by all groups of people except for the righteous and keep in mind there were always righteous people for many I saw you too they had a blood they had worshippers they had righteous people but in this situation now the wicked have overcome the righteous and I want to read this because it's very powerful in Matthew 23 29 to 36 that when Jesus came to Jerusalem this is what he said woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous and you say if we had lived in the days of our ancestors we have not we would not have taken part with them in the shedding of the blood of prophets thus you testify against yourselves that you are descendants of those who murdered the prophets fill up then the measure of your ancestors snakes brood of vibrant vipers how can you escape being sentenced to hell therefore I send you prophet sages and scribes some of whom you will kill and crucify some of whom you flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town so that upon you may come all of the righteous blood shed on earth and the blood of the righteous abel to the blood of zechariah whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar truly i tell you that this will come upon this generation so ihsani saddam is very aggressive towards the keepers of the temple the Sadducees and those who are selectively applying the scripture and the Romans as well so everybody hates the Jesus peace be upon him and that image of East Side Islam the social being of Assad Islam some of you might have seen they said GOP Jesus they had a Jesus that rejects people from the border and turns away someone comes to me healing and he says well you don't have health insurance so sorry I gotta send you away the social element of Hassan Islam is what he really hates corruption comes into the temple flips tables right whips the people that are stealing the money of the people in the temple anxiety his Salaam really really really upset people so he was a man of mercy and he preached goodness but at the same time he was a threat to the corruption that existed at the time my fifty minutes just ended so how do we understand re-size none well now you understand why there is an attempt to kill him why there is an attempt to crucify him because he really doesn't benefit anyone in the political scheme of things he's calling people to the purity of theology and the purity of applying that theology and upholding the law and spirit and letter and and and you know really doesn't bring any material benefit to anybody right so he can't be a Roman tool he also is not someone that will apply the law selectively he's extremely honest as a prophet of Allah and so you have a small group of followers that stay with him and this is where a loss of parents autosaved their Asahi Salam from the crucifixion and this is where you find the story of the mountain of the story of the the table spread and the story of ISA on being saved from those that wanted to kill him and instead an image being placed there or a person in his place and there are narrations in that regard of a man one of the followers of the de sade een of the disciples who who took on the image of a Saudis that I'm on the condition on the ass that he will be joined with a Saudi Saddam in Jannah either way the likeness of a Saudi a Saddam was placed on the cross and that's what was crucified allah says wahdahu la sala whoa what I can should be had a home they did not kill him they did not crucify him rather it was made to appear as such that Allah would honor a Saudi Salaam that when ASA called upon Allah he would be honored and saved from the plot of those who would Jim harmed and raised to the heavens until he would come back to establish justice on earth as and the law of Allah as the Messiah was always supposed to do what's the last point here that's important who gets to claim ERISA's story there's a BBC documentary that came out a few years ago probably a decade ago called the hidden story of Jesus and it really ruffled a lot of feathers because looking into Jesus from a historical perspective fit all of the descriptions of a prophet from Venice lead who upheld the law the theology the Creed the same concepts of salvation as the prophets that came before him and if he watched that documentary it's fascinating because it basically talks about how everyone claimed they're a sai-san I'm in a different way so who gets to tell the story of a Saudi Saddam and who gets to attach themselves to him objectively the problem is that when a sanyasin I'm left this earth was raised to the heavens there was no authority to establish an Orthodox Christianity an authoritative understanding or a sigh son I need you to just understand that point that it was up to all of those that witnessed him on earth and those that were hearing of his story and then telling his story in different ways outside to tell the story the way they wanted to there was no one to actually establish a uniform Orthodox authoritative version of the life of Christ so he was everything from God to an imposter right to a false prophet and that's the value of Abu Beckett to Muhammad sallallahu wasallam that when a prophet leaves this earth there is an attempt always to switch him in too many directions and if I am rahim allah says imagine had abu bakr told the law and who not shut down loose a lama and all the attempts to take the message of the prophets lice in them to a way it would not have been recognizable to us so objectively while jesus is the central focus of christianity the founder of christianity in any religion book is who is paul because the version of jesus that survived was not the version of the people around him it was the version of paul paul who lived after a saudi salaam who was who never met jesus peace be upon him and who said he saw a vision of geez is on his way to Damascus and Jesus told him to preach in this way and then went around the world spreading the gospel as he understood it from his own revelation of Christ so Paul is the Prophet here right the one who is receiving his own revelation who preaches a gospel of Christ who preaches a version of Christ and you don't have to look too far in history to see that the disciples of Jesus peace be upon him did not appreciate what Paul was doing that Paul fought when they heard about what Paul was doing those that were leftovers from the actual followers of Christ of Peter and others they argued with Paul that this was not the Christianity of Christ and you had other Christian groups that arose so followers of Jesus was very fluid there was no authoritative version the version that became authoritative would be the version of Constantine which is the Roman conception which is Pauline Christianity that does not mean it was the most accurate or authentic understanding of a Satya Sunnah if you really want to dig into any Satya salams life you got to go historically and you have to see that Islam poses a version of a Satya Saddam that fulfills what the Messiah was supposed to be from a biblical conception it's true to the Abrahamic concept of salvation doesn't uproot salvation in the Abrahamic conception it stays true to the Creed it stays true to the law of Moses idea snob with certain modifications and it upholds his honor and the most beautiful and dignified of ways so yes we make a claim to it he's already his setup we believe in Jesus peace be upon him we love Jesus peace be upon him we love chef subra just and and his phone book recommendation the so Dean is gonna be releasing a few papers inshaallah the week of Christmas about the Muslim claim to Jesus so please keep out a lookout form one of them is by an Oxford professor on the New Testament about the Muslim version of Jesus peace be upon him and we also have a longer paper on a Saudi Saddam and again starting off with our commonalities with Christians because we can unite around the person of a society Saddam and then we can go into the theological differences lastly a book recommendations the Abrahamic faiths by dr. Gerald Dirk dr. Gerald Dirk was a deacon of the Methodist Church from Harvard University who became Muslim and wrote a book called the Abrahamic faiths which just beautifully ties it all together and then there's a book called Jesus was Jesus a Muslim by dr. Robert shedding ger was actually just a religion professor who basically says that the Muslim interpretation of Christ's life actually stays true most true to his person and then inshallah Tata will do the rest in QA does Akmal oh hey Don so now I come on sarcasm
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
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Id: P5odPAlTOwA
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Length: 60min 34sec (3634 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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