Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra): Courageous & Steadfast | The Firsts | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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well let's talk about Eileen well the allahu  ta'ala anhu today so we know who his father is   who's his father I just want to see how awake  you guys are elbow caught up good all right so   his father is a bull pileup that would mean his  brother's name is Jaffa I'm just trying to see   if you guys are awake okay yes he has a brother  named father there's Talib there's a teen there   is Jeff up and then there is Ali okay so polyp  is the oldest son of abu talib does anyone know   what of the Abu Talib's actual name was what his  real name was his name was abdomen F abdomen F   okay so abdomen hath abu talib obviously because  his oldest son was pileup and it comes down to   as we said it's toilet and then it is appeal and  then Jennifer who were gonna have a very special   session about at some point about jld allahu  ta'ala anhu and then finally ali radiyaallahu   ta'ala anhu each one of these brothers was a  decade apart from the other so there are ten   years between approximately ten years between each  of the brothers as the the children of abu talib   and actually something that really stuck out to  me was the naming that was chosen for them and   i'm gonna talk about that on Gemara and Shalala  so we have two weeks to really live with this   family when we talk about these special people as  they existed around the Prophet slice Allah what   was the name of Ali's mother does anybody know  don't say on polyp okay what was his mother's   name Fatima I mentioned that there are very few  Khadija in fact I could not find anyone before   Khadija of the allahu taala and her named Khadijah  but when it comes to Fatima there is Fatima the   mother of ali fatima bint mohammed the wife of  Adi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all day Allah   and Heather's fatima bint hamza fatima bint sheba  so Akhil also has a wife named Fatima there are a   lot of Fatima's that exist in that time but the  mother of a needle the allahu ta'ala anhu found   him a bint asset is so special that i thought  about doing a whole lecture about her but then   I said this series is gonna get way too long if I  do a whole lecture on on her and we're just gonna   end up having to dig a lot deeper but she is a  first as well she is the first Hashmi woman to   accept Islam the first actual person from the  family the first woman from the family of the   Prophet slicing him in terms of his tribe to  accept Islam so unlike Abu Talib who of course   had held out because of the implications of  his tribe Fatima bint Asad about the allahu   ta'ala and her immediately accepted islam  so she's considered the first hashem iya   the first woman from been hashem to accept the  snob some of the scholars put her as the tenth   or eleventh person as a whole to accept islam  so she is one of the first ten or first eleven   to embrace the message of the prophet salallahu  alayhi wa sallam she did not hesitate at all when   the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam informed  her about the message she immediately believed in   the prophet's lights on them and she always knew  there was something special about him she's also   like i'm aiman someone that the prophets i son  referred affectionately to as a mother because   she served that role as a mother now we know that  the prophets like some used to call abu talib his   father and abu talib would call him his son and  one of the nicknames of the prophets why some was   yeah team abu talib the orphan of abu polyp right  so there a hadith where he would say we remember   the story in a sharm we're all taught have said  this is my son and the priest said that no no no   this the the young man that's awaited his father  would have passed away and then he explained that   it's his nephew but fatima bint Asad essentially  raises the prophets lie Selim particularly from   the age of six to the age of 25 the age of six  to the age of twenty five when the prophets lie   sallam got married to Khadijah well the Allahu ta  Don huh the prophets lie salaam recalled the times   of hunger particularly where fatima bint Asad used  to sacrifice her own food for the profits I summon   for her children remember elbow polyps family was  struck with extreme poverty and poverty stayed   with that family all the way until Islam okay  into Islam and never actually left the family   of ABBA thought they were people that lived in  extreme difficult poverty and the prophets why   some would recall the times that fall tema bent  Assad would not have would just have a little   bit of food for herself and she would instead  choose to distribute that amongst the prophets   line Selim and her and her children and as we said  she accepted Islam instantly she even considered   making his law to Abyssinia with her son jaffa so  we'll talk about Jaffa well the Aloha I know again   in a future Holika but she even considered making  that hitted a migrating to escape the persecution   in in Mecca and she especially loved Jaffa out of  her kids for a reason because Jaffa looked like   the Prophet slice of them so she loved Jaffa  particularly for his physical resemblance of   the Prophet sallallaahu and he was in them so she  had a preference a soft spot for Jaffa while the   allahu ta'ala anhu she suffered during the boycott  as we talked about the boycott on banu hashim and   binormal pub of course that would cause the death  of abu talib and would cause the death of Khadijah   while the allahu taala an huh and she she also  suffered obviously from the death of her husband   abu talib in those in those difficult days the  prophet's licen i'm used to often when he would   receive something he would say divide it amongst  the fat limas okay so I did all the along tire   iron who would take some of the food and some of  the things that would come and he would divide it   amongst the faulty must in the families I did all  the allahu ta'ala anhu says about the prophets lie   some and his mother he says countless Ortolani  solola hani wa sallam yazoo doha Amman while   you'll plead will fee Beatty har the prophets my  son used to go and visit her and he would enjoy   her company and sit for a very long time in her  home and when she passed away shows you the love   of the prophets I some poor this woman when she  was dying the prophet sallallaahu Hani Misenum   came to her home he removed his own shirt and he  wrapped her in his shirt sallallahoalyhiwasallam   and he sat beside her bed and he made you out for  her while she was passing away and she passed away   with her eyes on the prophets eye salam wa haroon  aha while he was making draw for what a way to   leave this world some challah wrapped in the shirt  of the prophets lie salam staring at the prophets   line so i'm sitting by her bedside making dua for  our loss of hannah horchata to forgive her and   to ease her transition well he told the allahu  ta'ala anhu said that i remembered the day the   faulty mah bint Asad was buried and she's buried  in al Bakir al gato clad so she's actually she   made the Hitler to Medina and she was buried in  Medina and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam   himself jumped in the grave and he he cleared the  dirt for her you know obviously there's a task to   get inside the grave and to make sure that there's  no obstacles no hard rocks or anything that would   prevent the body and he cleared the grave for  her himself sallalaho and he was said of them   and then he asked for her body to come into the  grave so the Prophet slicin actually received the   grave of the body of this woman himself sallallahu  alayhi wa sallam and praised her and then led her   janazah fatima bint Asad also through her children  there are 46 a hadith narrated from Fatima bint   Asad while the allahu ta'ala anhu waddled aha  so this is the mother of ID and the reason why   i wanted to spend a little bit of time is because  you know abu thought it but you often don't hear   about the mother of our needle the allahu ta'ala  anhu thought he not been tested the first of the   Hashemi women to accept islam so I need all the  alongside on who was born according to Ben Hajj   Oh about ten years before the prophet sallallaahu  on he was southern received revelation okay about   ten years before the prophets my son received  revelation farlap was the age of the prophets lice   in them and then there is a team ten years later  and then there is Jeff up ten years later and   there is Ali 10 years later and then the prophet  sallallaahu Ani was sent and received revelation   of Court of course as I did all the aloha Tata and  who was a young boy in his in his home and there   are a few things that that are to be mentioned  here when he was born I said that we're gonna   talk about Ali's name Angemon inshallah because  it's it's special how uh both autumn chose the   names of his children his mother named him assets  so when you hear the famous narration where I did   all the aloha and who says and that led Issa not  to UM oh I am the one whose mother named him high   low or Asad a lion he was actually being offense  this was actually a fact that his mother named him   Asad named him a lion but when Hubble pilot came  back he didn't like the name he was on a journey   so he changed his name to a T which means it was  shut off which means someone with great nobility   and subhanAllah hurt his her intention for him to  be named a lion to be named Assad was of course   realized later on when the prophet sallallahu  alayhi wa sallam would refer to him as Asadullah   as the Lion of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala because  of the way that he would carry himself in battle   there's also narrations about him being born  in the Kaabah now if he was born in the Kaabah   it wouldn't be the only he wouldn't be the only  one to be born in the cab but there's a authentic   narration about Hakim ignore Hazama the nephew of  Khadijah about the allahu ta'ala anhu Hakim Azam   was also born in the cab and so there are some  narrations as we mentioned of ideal of the along   China I know being born in the cab as others were  now the prophets like some tells the story about   how Ali came into his house and this is narrated  in Auto Body and mu jihad that when they were   young Clarice was struck by a famine and it made  it very difficult for people with large families   especially those that were especially those that  were already in poverty so the prophet sallallaahu   any who seldom went to a lab bus of course is  his uncle and he said to an abbess of the Aloha   I know that Abu polyp is going through a hard  time because of all of his children how about we   make things easy for him and we take two of his  children and raised them for him so that he can   focus on getting himself to a financially healthy  place and the prophet sallallaahu hani who seldom   had just gotten married to hadees of the allotted  on huh shortly before that so the prophets license   financial circumstances had changed so an Arbus  of the allahu ta'ala anhu agreed and I did all   the allahu ta'ala anhu was literally an infant  so he was just born so that we're talking about   ten years before the prophets lie son receives  prophethood five years after the Prophet slicin   I'm got married to Hadiya so they go together and  they say to Alba thought oh that our bus and the   prophets my Selim give us your children so we  can make things easy for you and we'll raise   them for you so Abu Talib said you can take you  can take them so long as you leave me appealed   so I bethought have insisted only on keeping our  appeal with him and so the prophet sallallaahu   hani who was seldom went up to idea of the allahu  ta'ala anhu as a baby picked him up and embraced   him and he said I'll take him and a bust of the  Elat iron who went to Jaffa if no I be thought of   and he said I will take Jaffa so Jennifer though  he was a little older than ID as we said about a   decade older than I he would be raised in the  house of a bus and Ali would be raised in the   house of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam  and Khadijah well the allahu taala and her and for   the benefit of ali i want you to think about  this because you know Mujahideen's this as an   amazing miracle it could have happened that the  prophet's my son could have adopted ID he could   have officially made him his son like he did was  eight right so he made Zaida Zaida bin muhammad it   also could have been that Khadijah of the allows  Iran huh could have breastfed our knee which would   have made Ali her son and a little and Khadijah  of the alone had flowing milk right there were   other children of the prophets why some that were  born at the time of a knee and had cathedral de   laranja breastfed adi then he could never marry  fatima because he would have been the brother   of fatima right he would have been the brother  of faultiness so allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala was   protecting this and obviously decreeing this as  such a way that this marriage would happen from   a very early age even though it would it would  have been understood and it would have been only   natural that Cathedral of the aloha on how would  either breastfeed him being the young child in   her house or the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would  officially adopt him and there's no actual stated   reason why the Prophet slice I'm never adopted  him and wife Khadija well the allotted on had   did not breastfeed him except that it's a miracle  from a loss of Hannah Matata and something that   Allah subhana WA Ta'ala was planning for him very  early on so he's growing up in the house of the   prophets like cinnamon Khadijah as a child of the  Prophet slicin I'm and Hadees all the allotted on   huh and he's witnessing everything that we talked  about with the prophets I Simon Khadija will do   I have from the perspective of a child so he  sees the prophets i son when he comes home the   stress Khadijah of the Aloha on her embracing the  Prophet slice alone going to waraqa obviously the   fatwa he witnesses that pause in Revelation where  the prophets lie sanam is trying to figure out   what's happening to him and before the prophets  like some would approach Adi about the allahu   ta'ala anhu this young boy who was again 8 9 or  10 years old to talk to him about islam the first   exposure would be a liitle the allahu taala I'm  home watching the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa   sallam and Khadija well the allahu taala and her  prey on the first night one surah talmud f it was   was revealed okay so remember certain with death  that was revealed to the Prophet slice Allah as he   was in the arms of Khadijah of the allahu allah  and allah subhanaw taala commanded the prophets   like some to pray now how the prophets lie some  would pray was it the the full exposure at that   point no it was a developing concept of Salah  but still the Prophet slice and I'm was starting   to pray and so the Prophet slice um is praying  with Khadijah and Eileen notices that night and   obviously I need all the allow I knew I've been  seeing things are changing in the household of the   Prophet slice of them something's happening here  that's not normal right our lives are changing so   his first exposure to Islam he said that I saw the  Prophet sighs Simon Khadijah praying at night so   I waited until they finished and I'll eat all the  Allah and who walks up to the prophet sallallaahu   Artie was son when he says ya Muhammad Mahathir  he said o Muhammad what is this I have no idea   what's going on I don't know what you're doing  how are your praying what is this so he said that   the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded  Dean Allah Allah this father who leaned FCE well   Martha B he rose una said this is the religion  of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the religion of God   which he chose for himself and he sent messengers  in accordance with that so the prophets lysozyme   said to him Federica illallah wahdahu la sharika  lah what in re bada teehee well untuk for ability   will erisa so the prophets lies I'm told to me  so I call you to Allah and that you worship Him   without associating any partners but at the same  time you reject a lot and a loser you reject the   idols a lot and in erisa you can realize that the  prophets like Salaam is giving ID a very serious   message he's not treating him like a child he's  not saying don't worry about it we'll talk about   this when you get older he's imparting on him the  seriousness of this this is not something small or   just do what we're doing right you're a child just  go ahead and follow along with us he's making it   very clear to I did all the allow under what he  was doing now Ali says I grew up in the house of   the prophets why Selim I never worshiped an idol  because the prophets why Simon Khadija did not   worship idols so I never even worshiped an idol  but when the prophets like some talked to me with   that seriousness a daruka illallah I'm calling  me to Allah wahdahu la sharika lah no partners   associated with well untuck for bilateralism that  you disbelieve in a lot and Arisa I did all the   allahu ta'ala anhu he said to the prophet saw  solemn he's a very mature child he said Heather   amrin lam a smartly he Pablo young he said look  this is something I've never heard about until   today for less to be pardon Emlyn hat who had  little be he about Allah he said and I can't make   this decision without talking to my father Abu  pilot so he said I've got to talk to a boat Allah   first noble polyp had not heard yet of Islam okay  and this was the maturity of idea of the allahu   ta'ala anhu where he doesn't say this looks cool  let me go ahead and do this too he's he gets that   the prophets lie some is imparting a very serious  message to him he's a mature young boy says to the   prophets why some I need to talk to habla Pato  he said the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam   smiled at me and he accepted that and he said even  l'm Teslin affect him he said listen if you don't   become Muslim be quiet don't go blurting this out  to everybody what we're doing in this house that's   a lot to put on a ten-year-old right eight nine  or a ten year old he was between the age of eight   and ten right so this is what I'm doing this is  the religion this is our happy that this is our   Creed and if you're not going to become muslim  then that's fine just don't tell anybody okay   so you've got to keep it to yourself I need all  the allot of time and who said that I said to the   Prophet slice and I'm okay he said that I sat back  in the room and he said I watched the prophets lie   summon hadiyyah-lah d11 huh continue to pray when  is this all happening I did all the alone and who   said the prophets lie son received revelation  on Monday I became Muslim on Tuesday this was   the very first night of the prophets light summon  Khadija well the allahu taala an huh making your   praying together in this way as muslims okay so I  did all the alone who said I watched the Prophet   sallallaahu Harney with Solomon Khadija praying  and that night I felt something enter in my heart   and I couldn't sleep meaning the message the  profits line salaam what he was doing the words   that he said to me i kept repeating them to myself  trying to comprehend what I heard from the profit   slice on them until it entered into my heart so he  said the next morning I said to the Prophet slice   em can you remind me again what you're calling me  to can you repeat everything that she said to the   Prophet slice I'm said sure and he repeated the  the message - I did all the allahu ta'ala anhu   he said that I'm calling you to Allah why'd he  kill everybody he went up for Villa to an ERISA   that you worship Him without partners and that you  disbelieve in a lot and an erisa so I need all the   allahu ta'ala anhu said as slumped I submit myself  so he actually never went to abu talib to talk   to abu talib about it he just decided the next  morning to accept the message and he said that   from that day i started to pray with the prophets  I summon Khadija Lodhi allahu taala an huh so it   been our best of the along taught at home you know  you'll find a narration in Bellotti webinar bus   says Oh Roman Salah Arleen the first to pray  was a neat about the allahu taala i know what   he's speaking about is this obviously right to  follow along the prophets lie Salam and Khadijah   love the allahu taala an huh literally on Tuesday  he says the prophets my son received revelation   on Monday well Aslam - and I became Muslim or  accepted Islam that next morning on Tuesday then   the Prophet sallallahu wasallam started to invite  people in small groups to Islam particularly Ben   Hashem right so now the prophets license mission  is to focus on his own tribe of Ben Hashem and to   focus on some of the smaller the smaller groups  that allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has called him   to to call upon around his family okay so the  prophets like Selim would go and before that   call at Asafa the very famous call that a Suffa  there were actually family gatherings where the   Prophet SAW Elam privately starts to speak to the  small groups of people and the rumors are starting   to spread amongst banu hashim and benimaclet  that the prophet's life son is calling to a   new message so I did all the aloha and who says  that I used to accompany the Prophet slice of   them on those little trips where he would go and  he would call them to a dinner or he'd call them   to a lunch and the prophets my son would speak  to some of his immediate relatives about Islam   and he said sometimes I would go with the Prophet  so I saw them and it would just be me and him and   he said but I would not speak I was obviously  a little boy so I wouldn't say anything and he   said sometimes it was a bucket of the along time  and when the prophets my son Abu Beckett was of   course just two years younger than the Prophet sly  Salam he was far senior to Aidid all the allahu   ta'ala anhu so he said sometimes the prophets why  Simon abu bakr at all the allahu anhu would become   muslim soon after would go out and they would call  people to islam and he said i would go with them   but i would remain silent so i lee himself being  the young boy did not publicly call to islam but   it was understood he's like the son of the prophet  sallallaahu hearty was said him and he's with the   prophets i said i'm on these journeys and then he  mentions Asafa right where the prophet saw some   decides at this point to broaden his call to make  his first public call to islam and it's still to   his family but it's to his extended family and  the prophets like son was doing it out in the   open which is when the prophet sallallaahu alayhi  wa sallam stands on a sofa and he starts to call   the tribes to a sofa and the prophet salaallah  alayhi wa sallam says if i was to tell you that   there's an army that is behind that mountain  that is coming to attack you would you believe   me and they said of course you're asada I mean  you're the truthful one you'd never lie and the   prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam calls them to  the oneness of allah subhana allah and warns them   of a harm a punishment in the hereafter so he  presses a great sense of urgency on them so the   Lahani wa sallam when he's standing on a sofa  the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said   so who will follow me so before abu lahab would  curse the prophets lie Selim the prophets lie   Salaam gives his message all of these people just  responded United and said you're asada kill I mean   we would believe you right if you said that there  was some harm coming to us and then the prophets I   said I'm said so who will support me I'll eat all  the allahu ta'ala anhu looks around and he sees   dead silence you imagine how you know this is what  Allah's message to the prophets lysyl I'm starting   to come to him now right that this is serious that  all of these people who just enthusiastically said   we would support you you're Assad or we would  believe you you're Assad open I mean now are   completely silent they love the prophets like some  too much to insult him but at the same time they   have you know they're completely out of sync with  what the prophets why some just said to them so   I'll eat all the allahu ta'ala anhu he raises his  hand this is first time publicizing he says Allah   so Allah I will believe in you and what do you  think that does to the situation I did all the   allow and who are showing his support but it it  actually further alienates the prophets lie some   from the crowd it's like the only one that stood  up and said yatta sold a lot I will support you is   the little boy right his little son and that's one  a Buddha hub looks around and Abu Lahab says to   the Prophet SAW said I'm tab Binaca ya Muhammad  Ali Hodja maratona may you perish o Muhammad   is this why you gathered us together so we could  gather all of our gods and worship this one God so   Abu Lahab insults the prophets line Selim everyone  walks away the Prophet sallallaahu ardi wa sallam   is completely shocked by the incident that just  happens this is there's no table bucket in this   this is his fan this is his family it's just  the Prophet sighs I'm and I need all the Allahu   I know who wanted to support the Prophet slice  I'm enthusiastically he walks up to the Prophet   sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to to support him in  those difficult moments and you can imagine what   that conversation was like between the Prophet  why salmon hadiyyah-lah d allahu taala an huh that   night right waraqa who told the prophets line some  that your people would run you out was dead now   an ally walks home with the prophet sallallaahu  and he was at him who was not physically harmed   but who had just gotten a taste of what was to  come of the alienation with this message I lead   all the allahu ta'ala anhu said i would walk  with the prophet sallallaahu heart he was at   him and he said after that the people would turn  their faces so there's a there's a clear message   that's being sent to the messenger so i some at  this point he says well la he every single stone   and tree would give salam to the prophesy some in  Mecca but the people would turn their faces away   from him so you imagine the little boy walking  with the prophet sallallaahu and he was seldom   in those moments and this is of course building  character for him as well in Mecca I did all the   allahu ta'ala anhu said that I was good at reading  people's behavior so he said that the prophets   why some appointed me to go and to look out to  see if there was anyone that was coming around   that looked like they were there to learn about  Islam what does that mean I did all the allow   and who stands around the Kaaba little boy young  young man and he looks at the faces of those that   are travelling in particular to see if there's  anyone that's potentially looking for the prophet   sallallaahu anima Suliman you know who he found  by the way abu dharr ali fatty so i without all   the allow and who would become Muslim specifically  through I did all the alone her going through the   marketplace looking around analyzing people's  faces saying Salam two people are interacting   with the people and getting a sense of who was  potentially there to to inquire about the message   of the prophet sallallaahu I do a Selim and then  you have this stunning narration think of the cab   but right now the cabin particular and think of  all the people that are always there now I want   you to rewind to this narration there's a man by  the name of our thief al-kindi our thief al Kindi   IV filk indeces i was a merchant and he said I  came to Mecca in in the early days of jahiliyyah   and he said I used to stay within a bus a la bas  of the law I'm who was the merchants of Mecca our   bus all the alone we used to sell clothes he used  to sell perfume people used to have debts with an   apostle the alone I know so he said that I was a  close confidant of Allah Bassel the allahu taala   and so he said I came to Mecca to stay within our  bus one day and he said I passed the Kaaba and the   Sun was at its peak Jonnie it was like the middle  of the day the Sun was at its peak so he said I   saw a man a young man facing the kaabah with his  hands raised and a boy right next to him raising   his hands like him and a woman standing behind  them and everybody ignoring me so senses a strange   sight I saw this young man with his hands raised  someone next to him raising his hands next to the   Kaaba and a woman standing behind them doing the  same so he said I didn't know who they were what   what was happening he says so I watched them and  he said then they bowed down and then they made   such that they prostrated so our thief says that  I went to an a bus all of the allahu ta'ala anhu   and he said I was late to him and I told them  I just saw the strangest thing happening at the   camera and a bus says what is it so he told him  he said I saw this man standing in front of the   Kaaba with his hands raised and then a young boy  next to him doing the same thing and then a woman   standing behind them doing the same thing and  everybody was ignoring them and no one was doing   this ritual with them so that bus of the allow  and who said do you know who that is he said no he   said that's my nephew Muhammad sallallahu alayhi  wasallam webinar on me he Heidi and the son of his   of his of his uncle so his cousin Ali and his wife  Khadija he said my nephew this is an abbas talking   to our thief he says my nephew says that his lord  is LA bolsa Marathi o Allah Allah is the Lord of   the heavens in the earth and that he's given him  a new religion and Allah said I don't know anybody   in the world that follows the religion except  for those three so our thief said interesting   state it within our boss he did some of his trade  and then later on he would become Muslim later on   our thief and kindy would become Muslim once Islam  grew and our thief used to always cry and he would   say I wish I was the force I wish I was the force  yeah late and he Quinto guavian I wish I was I   should have been the force I should have been  the fourth right I had an opportunity in those   moments when it was just the Prophet slice alone  and Ali and Khadijah and I could have been that   next one but instead he waited until Islam got a  little bit more growth in popularity and then a   fee for the allahu ta'ala anhu would become muslim  as well so it kind of just gives you that incident   if you think about the growth of islam and you  think about the this first family standing there   worshipping allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala the at the  Kaaba and al imam al khor to be rahim allah tala   he likened this to he said it's like ibrahim  alayhis salaam and ha job and is married think   about when the car was first built and think  about the moment of ibraheem alehissalaam and   ismaeel alehissalaam and how Girardi has salaam  raising their hands to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala   and then later on the fulfillment of that it's  once again it's a prophet with his wife and with   his child standing in front of that house of allah  subhana wa ta'ala declaring the oneness of allah   subhanahu wata'ala and and and showing their  support to that so i do you know the alongside   who maintained this position of being obviously  extremely close the first child the first young   man to accept islam and he also remained in  poverty right so the family of ruble thought   have obviously remained in deep poverty and there  are so many different stations and virtues but the   first one that we'll talk about beyond just being  in that close capacity to the prophet saw some in   those early days and being in that close capacity  of Khadija all de la Lata is the day of the Hitler   when the prophet sallallaahu Hani he was seldom  asked I need all the aloha on who to sleep in his   bed on the eve of his departure knowing that there  was a plot to kill him and the prophets I seldom   asks I lean to sleep in the bed and to take his  place now there were seven tribes that conspired   to kill the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and the  idea was if all seven of them had blood on their   hands then they wouldn't be able to particularly  target one of them for the murder of the prophet   sallallaahu Hardy was seldom so it would do away  with that fit enough tribalism it wouldn't start a   tribal warfare because it was so many tribes that  would be implicated in the murder of the Prophet   sallallahu wasallam the prophets I seldom left  idea of the Aloha anhu there and he could have   the prophets why some obviously had foreknowledge  he could have just left and not put anyone there   and they would have simply burst into the house  and they would have found nobody now having a   deetle deetle are and who their gives some sort  of a presence in the house so they could see the   body of someone there and the bed of the prophet  sallallaahu Hardy who was on them when they're   waiting and I need all the along time who had no  hesitation whatsoever to take his place not only   that I need all the ilaha Tata I'm sleeping in the  bed knowing that seven people are about to come in   there and what are they gonna do if he's once  they if they even take the time to uncover and   to see that it's not the prophets lie some they'll  probably kill him anyway at this point now they're   killing people regularly right they're persecuting  the Muslims regularly so they probably kill him   anyway elbow pot of his dead who's gonna take his  revenge right it comes from a poor family at this   point they'd probably kill him anyway I need all  the allotted on who said that that night I slept   like I'd never slept before he was snoring slept  nice and calm peacefully knowing that it's only   a matter of time before they break into the house  and they kill him or they try to kill him I need   all the Ilan who was in complete tell what could  in allah subhana wa ta'ala and even our boss till   the alongside and who said that wallah he he freed  every part of his body from hellfire by putting it   all on the line for the prophet sallallaahu he  was that night right sleeping in the bed of the   prophets I saw them knowing that their plotting  outside to bust in and to attack him absolutely   no hesitation absolutely no fear complete courage  all alone knowing that allah subhanho wa taala is   with him right and the prophets lie son is with  Abu Bakr door the allow time I know in the cave   and allah subhanahu wa tada obviously settles  their hearts and Zarate his Sakinah lost parents   Allah descends tranquillity upon them and he also  descends tranquility on to the how the heart of   Aidid all the alongside I know as he did on Abu  Bakr Siddiq for the allahu ta'ala anhu in the   presence of the Prophet SAW Allah so they bust  into the house they uncover him and then they   see it's not the Prophet slice of them they're  disgusted I did all the along tire I know just   gets up and walks away he they didn't kill him  and he's completely fine right and so this was   a way of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala raising his rank  but then look at the prophets lines on them the   prophets lie some told I did all the allow entire  animal to return all of the Ummah not the trust   of the people before he makes the his run before  he migrates these people are trying to kill the   prophets lie saloon and this is the moment where  the prophets lie some has left medina prophets lie   some could have said you know what if abu jahal  wants to kill me i'm keeping his watch right i   could keep their stuff they knew that even as  they're trying to kill him that the prophets   lie son would still have the honesty to maintain  their belongings and not to do away with them and   the prophets lie some entrust I did all the alotta  and right after they came in almost killed him he   said you know he tells them to spend some time  and to go and to return all of the amana the   trust that the prophet slice on them was was  holding I need all the allahu ta'ala anhu said   then I made the hijra and he said well la he I  had no companion and I had no camel Ali walking   from Mecca to Medina with absolutely no body and  nothing imagine making that journey in the desert   by yourself and they were so poor he said I didn't  have a camel I was too poor to afford a camel or a   horse gave away all of the amounts of the people  and he said that as I was making the journey from   Mecca to Medina he says that it was so hot in  the daytime that he made a strategic decision   that he would sleep in the daytime and then he'd  wake up at night and then I'd he told the allahu   anhu would try to make up as much of the journey  by himself in the desert at night to avoid dealing   with the heat of the sun and the dehydration of  making that journey and the prophet sallallahu   alayhi wa sallam was waiting for a needle the  allahu allah and the messenger so I seldom would   go out and look for I did all the alot I'm the  last one to make it because I was all by myself on   my foot the prophets lie some left me there so the  prophets lie some is waiting at pull back making   their out for his safety and then the Prophet  sallallahu wasallam sees him when he comes into   Kaaba and he embraces a little the allahu anhu  and and and inducks him into this new system in   madina munawwara i lead of the allah and who said  when i got to medina the prophet sallallahu alayhi   wa sallam paired me off he was doing maha he was  doing brotherhood he paired me off with sahib no   phonate braudy allahu ta'ala sahib nor Hanif was  from the Oh stripe and he's one of the people that   was an archer that supported the prophets lie  sillim imbedded and I heard very close person   to a deed of the alar and who would actually live  all the way to the philosophy of our idea of the   Aloha tara anhu and become one of Ali's Amir's he  would actually become one of his generals in Kufa   in Iraq and pass away and idea would pray jenna's  on him now what about the prophets lies I'm making   him a brother to him right there's some narrations  their prophet slicing them when he did them aha   he made Ali his brother and we'll actually see  that next week in one of the authentic narrations   where the Prophet slice some mentions that in the  capacity of the marriage stuff altima it doesn't   seem to be a contradiction right so there's some  that would say the narrations are not necessarily   authentic but it doesn't seem to necessarily  be a contradiction since there is actually an   authentic narration the profits lie some called  him his brother that the profit slice I'm still   symbolically called him his brother as he paired  the Mojave Dean and the unsought and referred to   him as such when he brought him there and there's  no doubt that the profit slice some saw a tea or   he treated either you know the alone who more  like a brother than he did a son okay so even   though there are thirty years between the prophet  sallallaahu he was seldom and idea of no I'll   be plotted you see the relationship between the  profit slice I'm entitled the Aloha tada and home   very much so like that of a brother the joking  of Ali would the prophet sallallaahu idea was to   them this is a beautiful narration re told the  Ilan who again he's lived in poverty his whole   life and when faulty model Diallo I'm have married  him they still lived in poverty their whole lives   and the prophets license house was one of poverty  and I did all the allow and who said that I used   to take up these odd jobs between supporting  the Prophet slice I'm in battle and being in   this companionship I did all the allow and who  was a contractor right you need someone to pick   something up you need someone to build something  say take these jobs with his hands and one day he   said I worked the whole day for this woman and she  paid me in Tamil so she paid me in in twelve dates   how Allah how these people would work no minimum  wage in Medina you get twelve dates for working   the whole day doing hard work in the heat so he  said when I got the twelve dates I knew that the   prophets my son was hungrier than I was right the  prophet slice I'm used to go out at night looking   for food sometimes so he said I took the twelve  dates the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sat   with him he said I took six for myself I put six  in front of the Prophet slice alone and then we   ate the dates and he said the Sahaba came and they  gathered around us he said when the Sahaba came I   pushed my sixth date seeds in front of the Prophet  slice Allah so he had twelve date seeds in front   of him and I said to the Sahaba look at what's  little lost a little ah honey was seldom he eats   and he leaves me hungry that's the type of jokes  that's the approach ability of the Prophet slice   of them and the Prophet slice I love responded  and he says look at I leave when he eats his dates   he swallows the seats so the profits like some  reciprocates his jokes right and this was the type   of relationship that they had Annie's favorite  name was Abu Turab the father of dust because I   was the prophets lifetime his nickname for him  Abu Turab and it was endearing to the prophets   lice element even in his own personal life you see  the prophets lie some would seek no see huh would   seek advice from ideality Ilan who despite the  large age gap and despite the fact that he would   become his son-in-law not just like his own son  that he raised but also would become a son-in-law   when he marries fall tema after the Battle of  bed that in a medina which we'll talk about in   Charlotte's honor next week so what are some of  the other virtues there are some of these a hadith   that are so beautiful and I'm only gonna focus on  the authentic ones it's very hard to sift through   when you're looking through the new ayats about  ideal all the Alonso because you have some that   from the perspective of the Sun are exaggerated  and some that are you know depreciating but it   was Imam Ahmed r-rahim o Allah who said that  there is no Sahabi of the prophets when some who   had more narrations about him than I did all the  alongside I know so the prophets lies I'm praising   him talking about his love for him and that does  not take from the maqam of Abu Bakr well the   Allahu tire I know or from the hood of that from  our perspective right we'll get to that later on   in sha Allah we don't see a contradiction between  these two the authentic hadith where the prophet   sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said man kuntum allah  who thoroughly mo na who whoever takes me as a   sincere you know when a loss pronto talks about  the meaning and the me nots being only at to one   another being close loved ones to one another the  believing men and the believing women and the last   part says Allahu Allahu Allah Dena Amman o Allah  is the wali of those who believe the prophets   like Salim says whoever takes me as a Mona then  I did all the allahu ta'ala anhu is his molar and   the monastic porn they used to they got jealous  obviously of the relationship that the prophets   lysozyme had with Arde and this is something  that's widely narrated and so on the prophets   lie son went to Tabuk realize the prophets lie son  would leave our little the alarm on ho behind to   do some things at times and this was not to take  away from him this wasn't praising him so just   like he left him behind in Mecca that's not him  leaving I leave behind because he doesn't care   about him it's because I need all the Ilan who  has very particular qualities of trustworthiness   he's the representative of the prophets lysa l'm  someone that the prophets like Sam loves dearly   an idea of the Ilan who was a warrior too and a  warrior hates to be anywhere but in battlers so   you have all these stories of the you know every  single battle of ideal of the Ilan who taking on   people that everyone else would was afraid of and  the pre the pre battle you know duels that would   take place I did all the alone who going forward  with hams above the allahu ta'ala anhu fighting   before the battles so when the prophets lie son  went to Tabuk he left i leave behind in medina to   take care of the women and the children that were  left behind in medina and some of the manaphy horn   they started to make fun of any to say to him that  this was a sign that the prophet slice of them was   putting him aside so this started to annoy I'd  eat all the alarm because he started to think   about it he said you know was this is this some  sort of you know degradation was it am I being   lowered in my status because the prophets of Allah  heart he was something left me behind so when the   Prophet sighs I'm came back he noticed I did all  the Ilan who was bothered by what seemed to be a   demotion of sorts in the ranks and he said to him  - I did all the allahu ta'ala anhu EMA table and   takuna many demands ility Harun min Musa aren't  you satisfied Oh Ali that you are to me like   Haroon was to Musa except there is no nabi after  me there's no prophet after me okay what does that   mean when more Saudis that I'm left who did he put  in charge of the people how do right and this was   a sign that how Denarius salam was on the same  wavelength as him right so he's leaving behind   i deedledee Ilan who in charge of that area in  Medina not because he's taking away from him   but that's the prophets lies I'm talking him up  and saying this is the same thing like when Musa   Selam put Haroon in charge when he when he went to  to Mount Sinai abu sa'id about the allahu ta'ala   anhu says makuu this is authentic in sahih muslim  hakuna narrative narration moon a subpoena the   rasool allah he sallallahu alayhi wasalam in la  be balding him nearly that we knew the hypocrites   in the time of the prophet slicin and by their  hatred of a liitle the allahu taala animal and I   did all the Elan who used to say also an authentic  hadith he used to say that the prophets lice and   I'm told me that no one except a moat men would  love me and no one except the hypocrite would   hate me that only a moat Minh loves our idea of  the Aloha times when only a hypocrite would hate   him imam muslim includes this right after the  hadith aya - munafa bulled and unsought white   sand what men have begun saw where the prophets  lie son said that the sign of a believers their   love for the unsub and the sign of a hypocrite is  their hatred of the unsought and then specifically   the prophets of allah Hardy wa sallam specified  I did all the allahu ta'ala anhu with that type   of love there's also the narration of hey bub  where the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam in   the Battle of high birth said that tomorrow  I'm going to give the banner to someone who   loves Allah and His Messenger and who is beloved  to allah and his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa   sallam and almond ha ha Brody Allah and who said  I never wanted so badly a position of leadership   than that day and the Prophet SAW Allah kept  the people waiting and then the next morning the   prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called the  idea of the Allahu taiidan where he called for   Ali and I did all the alone I know had an issue  with his eyes where he couldn't even see so the   prophets I said I'm took some of his saliva and  he applied it to the eyes of idea of the allahu   ta'ala anhu an ID could see once again and the  prophet sallallaahu idea was that him gave him   the banner and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala granted  him victory in on his hands so that was also   one of the the moments where the prophet slice of  them really gave our ideal of the alongside I know   a special type of love in those moments and and  most I thought I could hack in there an authentic   hadith where a man said to Salman and father said  all the allahu taala and how extreme is your love   for I need all the alone I know and he said I  heard the prophet sallallaahu hiding it was let   him say whoever loves him loves me and whoever  hates him hates me and will see some of those a   hadith next week in sha Allah Tala with a little  bait with the family of the Prophet slice and   I'm from the books of the Sunnah finally a very  special narration because I love anything that   has to do with jublia his salam also a senator so  here and muslim am ahmed that the Prophet slicin   looked at Abu Bakr and Ali on the day of bed and  he said to them man Hideko ma gibreel Muammar al   AAHA Micahel one of you right now has gibreel with  you and the other one has Michiel alayhi wassalam   we know that the maniacae were sent on that day  of bed to support the believers so the Prophet   sighs Sam said abu bakr and to Ali one of you has  gibreel the other one has Mika eel with them as   you fight on the day of bed and I want to end with  this because it's really interesting because again   you can't talk about I did all the aloha without  the politicizing of it right if you talk too much   about him even from the authentic hadith then  are you exaggerating are you sure these are from   our books right there's a counter-reaction and  then sometimes there's a fear of talking about   the love of ideology allow I know because it  would suggest somehow that you're taking away   from the other companions in the capacity of that  discussion and guess who else was accused of this   Imam Shafi ash a ferry Rahim ojala has poems one  of the four Imams of a lucinda where they accused   him of being shiri because he loves Adi too much  and he talks about a little bait too much this is   a part of arts and this is a part of the prophets  lie salam and he says that in cana them be haughty   Mohammad Fahad Iike them them less to a tube he  said of loving the family of the Prophet slice   and I'm is sinful then that is a sin for which I  will never repent loving them is what the prophets   like some taught us to do and loving aidid all  day long time and without the exaggeration that   would that would contradict some of our credo  points as part of our religion as part of who   we are and it's not something that we should shy  away from and again I could go on and on and on   about him will reserve some of it next week and  shala to talk about the makings of that marriage   with faulty model de la haute on huh we ask Allah  sponte to be pleased with him and to be pleased   with the family and the companions of the prophet  so I summoned to join us with them allow me
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
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Keywords: yaqeen institute, islamic research, islam, muslims, prophet muhammah, omar suleiman, islamic lectures, ali ibn abi taleb
Id: In91yLh_WFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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