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hello explorers so welcome back to my channel so we filmed this in 2018 and we kept it quiet for reasons are we didn't want it to get ramsacked and trashed and after hearing a story from the local farmer who told us to not go there this house is bad news we asked questions and he said believe it or not in the 1920s the grandfather was committed for murder for killing his own wife but then it all charges were dropped this family lived here for generations the last couple lived here lost their son and she suffered from domestic abuse after she passed he was the last one which was an antique dealer and then slowly he passed away leaving this beautiful house completely standstill then literally the door banged by itself upstairs we had such a weird feeling in this place like somebody was watching us and didn't want to stare the whole time it's up to you what you believe but this is the facts and story we were told about this place lovely loads guys and girls please hit that like and subscribe it costs nothing and means the world to us hello guys i don't know if you can see me but we've just come to this house it's absolutely beautiful being quiet because we don't even know what's in here ourselves but this place is like insane so we can have a look around look at this place it's just completely left in time this place is absolutely mental it's problematic it's just wooden stuff in it everything's left look here little crooked staircase we like these crooked buildings something sit there guys look at this with a bit of elbows and friends this stuff's still saying look at here this is absolutely mental is it me with that toilet a weed shave well the toilet seat is absolutely crazy there's always shoes just left there let's pretend you're in 2016. isn't it oh look here's like a time warp it's well didn't it any pictures place is insane it's absolutely mental you don't see a place with this much old furniture really really oh look here anything for me i'm not the wood's a bit too much for me no i know what you're saying i think it's got to be it's a particular taste in it look at the old painting good beautiful mental oh this is crazy amazing in it this is about the best explorer you wouldn't think places like this exists would you look here you could tell it's a time warp just looking at all the old dark wood and okay maybe this was a lady it's in the scowl wait look at the washing how's the washing up still sitting there it's pins the clock that's pims o'clock it's crazy actually the radio what's the name on it can you read that i can't see it what is it is there a name on it okay [Music] you heard that ignore it shhh guys look at the old computer wash that's why we're doing this quick guys we're just some of the old cobwebs here slow yes head up look at this bathroom oh my god clothes are still hanging on oh this is crazy how many toothbrushes does this pill want what is that it might have been a few people living here oh yeah the toilet's definitely dried up want a bath marge on a bath towels are ready mate just jump in oh yeah why not i've got a big old spider out in my shed the other day yeah yeah there's some big old spiders in here as well just kind of grime on that door just to bump it was probably like that just bent but i think the best bit is it's quite it's all original yeah everything's left think of what's that oh look at that guys these cobwebs are [ __ ] unreal okay the old painting okay it's another store room yeah this place has been empty for quite a while guys look at it sorry at least no it can't be really surely that magazine said 2016 down there someone might be occupying it i don't know if you think about it that's um um only two years ago this ain't got like this in two years is it no i want to thought staircase it's absolutely mental look at that what's that figurine that was me shoot me out [ __ ] me out i seen the old scales look at that should we see if they still work yeah really yeah that's wrong mate i'm telling you that's not working probably that's too many cakes and biscuits you cake boy yeah all this crap in here ain't from two years is it i said wow look at it all like the dust build up the cobweb build up oh look at the soap who wants a little scrubby dub a bit weird they had carpets in the bathrooms back in them days it did didn't i this is proper retro i've got no electric oh it's mental why have you been through this way no i was going to go in there but you wouldn't strap oh look at that oh my god is that sorry [Music] a crap key so as mark opens the unit chessboard is it just i guess draw some chess it's quite a nice one that is lovely guys this place is mental look at it look at this house oh mate this is one of the best explorers yet let's do the time warp again well watch out dave you've been watched watch watching he's dangerous oh [ __ ] teddy bear yeah he's know what he is i see he had his eyes on me look at the old fire they're all here that's what i mean this is what what age would you say is probably older than the 50s or 60s isn't it this has gone way back before that and it has yeah oh my headset's just like 17 years that's got to be a platform oh yeah maybe well this is about the best explorer look at the bed this is mental honestly people this place honestly is crazy i'm going to keep saying it but it is this is some of the words this is proper excitement this has just look here how are you in a place like this who lived in a place like this mark do you remember the old telephones yeah y'all wind that one yeah look at the that even the doors in this place guys absolutely insane just look here watch your head so as we walk into another bedroom guy peeps peeps this house is so old mate i'm telling you it's so old oh look at the doll's ass oh my god did i not see that when we walked in oh jesus look at that mate oh my god look at the doll's house [ __ ] still all the furniture and bits and there's everything in here this is not the house we're in oh look at that little creepy baby creepy baby look at the detail oh grammar phone that's the good thing about the old days exactly nothing guys that is mental you're lucky even if i see that that's been the best bit of the explorer so far yeah never seen a doll's ass but as we said guys we leave everything as we found it that's absolutely beautiful just like the watch they all clock stopped the top of grandfather clocks in there how they are yeah a little cricket ball woolwich it'll sink don't have sinks in your bedrooms anymore now no we've had that though that mansion we did didn't it yeah all right this is crazy absolutely crazy that beautiful chested like mirrory it is a shame that faces get lift like this unfortunately the clothes still hanging up like this guys who can't hear noises in this place oh my god look at that look at that that's amazing it's absolutely beautiful oh look at the washing still here you know she's they've never carried it on see-saw rockets whatever you want to call it like the dyson's thing this is mental so we've covered the rock and also guys so i'm really sorry about this gimbal you don't want people coming in destroying this now you've been through that door oh [ __ ] that's a lot this place is crazy though absolutely crazy so just quick pan round up the uh out the holes you kind of see what um the rooms are kind of seen all the cricket bits up there i don't really know i think everything's crooked in it oh definitely that's how that round so that so guys just looking back the other way oh this place is beautiful i'm telling you now this is so in time it's a lot bigger than i thought it was huge you know compared to that size i've looked downstairs further down there but look see how the old paintings is [Music] we are there's no one in this house wait i'm going to look at it might be again ganguly dave so guys we're both standing here i have to go first excuse the language you're younger than me is this where it comes from was that cupboard open it wasn't it hello is there anybody in here oh they're gonna think yeah get out my ass let's get out of here mate now let's put the old jeebies out here a bit and i'll creep you out i'm trying not to look like a wuss on camera dave i hate just standing here on the other side so mark's standing there we're just gonna let the door go i suppose you never know if there's any squatters in these places do yours so guys that door's fairly stiff there so and that don't even paint even if you push it it didn't bang like i did done up here just a pan back as you can see guys up here is absolutely stunning we're just trying to get that door he doesn't want to play so guys i've got a light man mark's down there looking at the painting all want gorgeous yeah yeah let's come let's go let's remember the way that we've been in the kitchen just stood up [ __ ] idiot almost go go go let's go have we been we've been in here i feel like i'm done we've done that yeah wow just let me everyone look what we did in here ignore the door ignore the door we're not scared of no ghosts just want to show you though look at this we missed expensive champagne how old is that how old is that still sealed 1978 cleopatra probably what they call tankers or something i'm not oh that sure broke i don't know some idiot probably maybe there's a grandfather clock there oh yeah i think you see that look at the face that's beautiful there's a lot of account and stuff maybe there are accountants it's january 2005. maybe that's the last time someone's here obviously had a bit of money pantry what i'll tell you i'm gonna have a nice forearm after this might have killed you on it looks like it's gonna be on a slight slant so please bear with me it's a new gimbal i did think i set it up really well hill vhs flower scrubs and trees shrubs who lives in a house like this it i know we've seen here guys but we're just gonna we was on a bit of a quick mission earlier but we're trying to go back and give you a little insight of how it looks the old tv though sitting down there still work so yeah she will not how weird is that though there's a suitcase there that's full of stuff it's like they've packed you know just about to leave the old picture it's just weird sometimes isn't it how they are with stuff somehow it's absolutely crazy but this first something just a furniture oh definitely you can see it wouldn't even have been cheap back then would it because you know this stuff built to last isn't it so as mark was just noticing the glasses and sunglasses just sat there the old pictures just a beautiful wood beams though absolutely stunning i know they're not mark's taste they're not mark's taste but i do appreciate it i think mark's done his mansion out on gta so now he's sort of in love with that more than i've mentioned yet hey i think it feels so dark in here because of the wood yeah that's the only thing with his eyes should we i'm not recording again here goes talented mark look it's beautiful [Music] come on my son come on play that air play that [ __ ] suppose we didn't really show this one so just heading back to the kitchen because i felt like we rushed this a bit because we did [ __ ] ourselves i just kind of want to give you a little tour of this little side of how everything is just okay draining board it's crazy that's your mental i don't want this covered it's got a basement mark you should never ever a bit scary ah there's a basement look at the old drinks yeah oh it stinks down here so damp i don't want to switch them on but i bet there's power in this place so hello oh my god this is so damp in here it's creepy as hell down here so we're going to come down and have a look see there gorgeous george is here again what's wrong with me look at that the old home like all this is that honestly this place is beautiful jacket yeah yeah this is absolutely beautiful let's give it a tour of that side okay crooked she is oh this place is insane [Applause] thank you actually beautiful so guys absolutely beautiful oh yeah look you found another bite [Applause] so quiet [Applause] this place is huge [Applause] she's all locked up as i said guys who don't break entrances [Applause] it's a couple carriages [Applause] [Applause] so guys hopefully you enjoyed that explore [Applause] and there's so many noises in this place so anyway guys stay tuned more explorers come in sorry for that look at that is she beautiful yes she is anyway guys stay tuned playing world explorer like sub if you love us love you too you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 59,335
Rating: 4.9536681 out of 5
Id: NMiAOeuKDk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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