Beautiful 205 year old Abandoned Southern Mansion in Georgia *Reupload Not in HDR

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all right here we are today checking out this beautiful old house built in 1815 to 1820 really incredible place the insides just beautiful let's check it out look at how the house is built like four feet off the ground man all right here's the way inside look at that fireplace wow that's really pretty big windows look at these huge windows looks like the original ceilings as well old hardware still in the doors let me show you this it's an old enamel doorknob pretty door i mean that's an older door as well rosettes above the doorways look at the sliding doors very pretty oh look it's even a custom lock too that's really pretty these doors would slide look at it wow look at the interesting ceiling i've never seen a ceiling like that then this fireplace is beautiful holy cow that is gorgeous this house is 200 years old look at the woodwork on that that's incredible just imagine having to carve that man yeah right i've never seen a ceiling like that's really interesting i love all these windows all this natural light let me get my flashlight on wow look at this knoll post there we go oh look at the hardwood floors that's a fancy design right there that is too cool wow still got some of the original wallpaper up on the ceiling man this is the front door right here this is cool there's like a little sitting room right here man a lot of stuff a lot of old stuff sitting around still the original shutters for the windows man that is grand look at the designs man it's pretty let's keep going this way there's a room here to the left all right let's keep moving this house does not have a basement that i'm aware oh it's like built six feet off the ground i'll show you the bottom side here's a little pull out mattress no nothing really there another pretty fireplace not quite as uh ornate as the other one still pretty though jeez wow so this was the kitchen of the house that's a little backup servant staircase definitely gonna take the main staircase look at all this i mean there's a lot of trash left oh they so they closed that door way up kitchen sink man this is a pretty house okay let's check out over to the left now man this place is pretty that's a new doorknob an old door i'm guessing that's the back door of the house probably leads to i'll show you the back side of the house has this nice little back porch looking out to the woods transom a lot of clothes and stuff left that's newer probably 1920s 1930s doorknob another pretty fireplace let me give you a close up the door columns on the fireplace not corinthian not like the other house i did in georgia look at these these are cool what's this i want you to cleaning stuff or is okay let me show you this little closet right here pretty small closet that's the room i started off in okay just did a little wrap around very cool let's keep on keeping on can't get over how pretty the staircase is just the designs and too cool yeah what is that stuff oh is that what it is is that like a local thing down here i don't know oh south carolina no like colombia i got my buddy zane with me here today you'll see him throughout the video hopefully not too much you're fine man that's ornate look at the woodwork much more light up here let's go left first just do a little wrap around this is a pretty big house man all the fireplace in this house just beautiful look at the window it looks like i'm not sure this is pretty looking out to the town this house would have been something in its heyday i mean it's still something now honestly absolutely beautiful i really hope this place gets restored i'll include as much history as i can on this house but i don't want to give away a location very pretty a little more simple fireplace than the other ones but still nice wood carving very pretty nice little closet right beside it i love all the windows in this house man so much natural light you have as uh doesn't even lead anywhere it's just a little add-on who knows this could have been a little porch back in the day too pretty hmm sorry my hands shaking a little bit it's kind of cold this morning surprising for uh georgia let's keep going right should be three rooms left that's weird there's a laptop sitting here it doesn't even look that old either okay let's check out this room i think almost every room in this house has a fireplace yeah just about every single room in this house really cool i could have sworn there was a servant staircase in the kitchen it's got to be it leads up right here what is this a doorway to nowhere it's like a two two or three story drop right there i don't know why they would build that oh this is where the servant staircase would lead up from the kitchen i didn't even have to walk up it yuck definitely not an original bathroom i don't know what's in those oh that's cool sink built into the wall there very pretty wrapped around okay here's the very final room very pretty i thought it was going to be the first room to not have a fireplace but no i really like that about these old houses every fireplace is built kind of differently at least i mean this house you can tell was definitely something in its heyday still something now i mean just not as good condition as it used to be just beside that fireplace i don't know if i want to walk up there i'll give you a look at it from right here but you can see the what it's built with and stuff that is a very narrow staircase i don't think i'm i don't think i'm going to try that the giant windows six by six over six over six window panes mud dauber nest man i think that's a whole house let me see if i can find like a date or something so i can show you when this place was last lived in orange juice here we go october 15 2013. so it's maybe been empty seven or eight years the squatter could have brought these in huh people always ask me to look for expiration dates so there's that and if i can find a newspaper i'll show you that as well i know people want me to do a close-up of the wallpaper i'm getting this look at the wallpaper that's cool the floor pack it's not too bright though definitely digging the floor i don't know if there's anything else i can show you i'll show you the basement or the underside part but yeah there's a basement was there stairs under the house but i don't i haven't seen any doorways have you that go down yeah so we got to go out here i doubt there would have been a hot water heater when this place was first built yeah look at this handle for the sliding door now close it that's pretty cool this old box this is cool old 50 caliber ammo box no 50 calibers in it anymore just a tool box now treasures of that's cool cool book i didn't even notice this look at the built-in shelves this isn't the very first room i checked out some mannequin in the cab oh wait is this a oh it's like a pulley system for you can uh you could bring the send the food up i'm pretty sure i'm almost positive that's what that is it's a dumb weight a dumb waiter that's what it's called thank you it's a map on the wallpaper too it's all the wrong now you see the where the house is built six feet off the ground i'll show you that part but it's pretty filled up with water the brick foundation really pretty i guess an above ground basement technically look at the beams the house was built with support for the fireplace pretty flooded what a cool place really glad i was able to film this house this is the back porch of the house back porch is kind of falling in now but just wanted to show you the back view nice view always nice having woods behind your house you
Channel: Urban Exploring With Kappy
Views: 790,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tv-WxQUiZ8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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