Britain's Most Active Haunted House | Child's footsteps can be heard | Family Vanished! SPIRT BOX

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[Music] so [Music] welcome explorers so this is a throwback video oak manor now the story of the old oak i'm gonna tell you a little bit of history that i know on this place and when i found the history out my video kind of made sense that the things i heard in the headphones while editing i decided to stop editing and put this video up raw hence why it's long but put your headphones in and listen to the noises you can hear in the background of this video there was three times we were in the place and mark kept holding and stopping me saying there's someone in here we kept hearing talking and also when i watched the video back you can hear a child's footsteps clear as day running up and down the stairs i'm going to slow that down as well so please listen for that a little bit of history on this oak manor the house was built in the 1920s it was owned by a lord the lord and his wife had two children and they also had a servant they had a son and a daughter the daughter suddenly passed away of an illness which apparently led his wife to go a little bit crazy and apparently locals seem to believe in what the history states he couldn't cope with his wife's behavior and how she kept reacting and story also goes he was having an affair with the servant and on this bizarre day his wife suddenly was found drowned two two miles away from the property people say that he was involved but it was put down as a suicide that she had fell in and give up all hopes she jumped in the river but i'm starting to think different that if he was having an affair with a servant and he couldn't cope with his wife's behavior maybe he did or pay someone as he was very wealthy to get rid of his wife so their son was growing up and he was noticing things with a servant and then one day his son found the servant hanging in the basement this literally broke the family what was left apparently the father started going mad and as in 1960 something he passed away and the son inherited the manner in 1970 he lived there for 10 years and apparently the house was like the walls were talking to him they were haunting him every day sued up and left so this house has been abandoned for over 30 years now completely untouched abandoned and what you're about to see in here is complete true the haunting of oak manor if you wish to see more videos like this please let me know and hit that like and subscribe also put a comment below if you wish to see more and we will do more of these haunted tales love you all guys enjoy the video again stay safe [Music] [Music] hello guys so we've just had a nearly a five hour drive to this location that's set behind us this is a long driveway to a mana house it's been closed for i would say what we've read and what we've heard about it's quite a few years guys uh the time is now obviously it's monday um thursday at 12. um and it's it's time time is now guys quarter to 11. so what we're going to do is we're going to try and spend a night in this place uh yeah so stay tuned what you're gonna find hopefully what we see inside it's gonna be amazing so stay tuned if anyone finds this if we do go missing just want to let you know we all do love you don't we yeah we're actually good people so stay tuned guys so guys we're in the manor house guys first room we've just come in freaking honestly we're going to give you a little tour and we haven't been anywhere else ourselves yet so it's the first room we've come into so we thought will it use experience what we said briefly exactly so guys stay tuned so guys the first room we come into office there's a ouija board there guys that creep is that let's start on this mate look at the stuff still except you know it's like this man of fire it is like a time warp the record player look it's in the wreckage [Music] look at the size of this room so what we've also got with us um through is it united paranormal investigation so these guys have lent us a apparently let's see what is it spirit box so we're gonna leave that on anyway in this one and also going to leave a this is meant to be an evp recorder it's also going to leave that recording as well yeah and this is a k2 meter guys it's supposed to pick up any sort of energy oh my god look at the stairs seen this look at this guys i could fit my house in this hall oh god look at the it's in the the woodwork this place is absolutely mental guys look at this absolutely stunning so apparently this is picking up something now it's going absolutely mental it might be because we're talking and that's said sharp not that i'm saying i believe in that sort of stuff but i've done it guys on it says placement how do you feel mark this place is serious we've come here the kitchen so guys we're doing an overnight here it's now 11 pm oh my god look at it all right this is kitchen how freaky is that guys a little cup and a baby chair my god look here the cuttery bit meat matched oh my this is proper eerie hell fridge fridge crusty cold can open it yeah you ready hopefully no funny smells nothing in there this is absolutely crazy why are you looking there looking here look at the food guys just still sat there look at it this place is absolutely insane well it's just like they've just up and left didn't it yeah but weren't there meant to be someone that may have murdered this yeah so guys this place we've read on there's got a servants courts servants quarters and there's a little rumor i don't know how true it is but someone else told me that apparently someone hung himself in this house look at the coat hanging out yeah there's a monster basement look at that beautiful front door guys all right let's have trouble getting your furnace during these things it's just look at that hole yeah something that we look around you're right the ironing balls it's like that'll start their ironing you've got funky tyre because we're i don't quite forget as eerie as i did when you first come in here no look at the snooker table were we going snooper and the argo guys and you know when you had money mate when you had argo that is old and there's the uh snooker ball counter so guys this is a mana house so it would have been a lord you'd get a lord title for living here you know look here wow caution wide load you need to shred a few pounds oh my look at it and that's solid everything was well built [Music] it this place has been empty for a long while by looks of things that's a toilet i look so this would have been a servant a bit mark we've got some money stairs going up there and down there i was just looking out look is that a dog pen or is that a cat pen uh a baby yeah i was about to say it but probably a kid's play pin in it look at your fire down here oh my god things so it's going to explore the rest of the house do you think there you go oh there's a man so guys this place is massive oh there's a little bat can't touch them now look at that all the other ones we've seen have flew blown it's always a chair mate there's always a chair on its own oh mate that looks like it's been converted it's a lot of commode or something yeah let's push with a bucket underneath here it's got a crack i look at that that's cool well that's got some weight too yeah probably real silver so you know these guys oh mate [ __ ] excuse my language sorry at least that's lisa this the gypsies haven't been in looking all the cockpit somewhere down here isn't it did you have a look have a look is that baby shoes look at the baby shoes oh look at that i'm not seeing them that's what i'm saying it's like how is it me i'm sitting in front of you you can go first hello hello promise me that weren't you that wasn't me man i was standing talking behind you i couldn't even see nothing around that there's not even nothing on the floor hello oh man i wonder where i was in something there's a bat in there what was that nice i don't know if i was probably shaking down anyway it's not a lot of freaks me out but this basement is fine even though i've not seen none i'm going to put that [ __ ] way to touch my head [Music] yeah where is that guy people this place is absolutely mental but it's british made where is it i'm gonna guess an old hoover maybe yeah no i think you're right look how rotten it is the old him and oh yeah factory fat tricks see all them stories wars and american pickers pay off they are paying off dude i'll follow you you could leave me the other way go go go go size of him i think they're normally awake at night that's what's saying it looks like some kind of everywhere you said drinks on paper bits of cardboard so it's like the wine everywhere we've been where there's bats they've always been scattered but for some reason in this place they're sleeping i'll follow you i don't six and a half selling price greatest lighter fuel look at that how old is that what's this cholesterol is that cholesterol i can't see it all in there look at the old bottle zone ideal food drink hey they all look like sort of medicine jars don't like the old bottles get out of here honestly do you not feel like saying rounds all the time yeah i'm just trying to ignore it yeah wait let's put the k2 on that's why i asked if you had how did you how dark is it down here guys it's the basement is there anybody down here hello maybe your light's too bright so we can't see them locked is there anybody down here is there anybody down here sorry he's got wind yeah squeaky so you need to use or something in there i'm not joking my art is getting tense with that yeah i'm being serious i heard footprints above us and i just heard that thing come up upstairs [ __ ] off no i'm not joking honestly dave i'm shaking i'm i'm honestly freaking out now i don't even want to [ __ ] go out there seriously i think someone's this is i swear oh that i'm sorry for screaming guys but i'm a little bit i don't get spooked i am spooked just get out guys i don't know where we are i work with a prankster another scary art i'm tender if there's anyone in here you jumps hello what the i might be the pipes oh my god i go for that door in front yeah let's just get out of this go for that door it might be getting gooey behind me i just want to get out of here i'm not even joking what the [ __ ] is anyone there no don't don't don't they don't please picking up little voices is anybody there [Music] no don't don't mess with shh we can't see just picking up [ __ ] [ __ ] where's the other door just downstairs can we just i'll just have a look for real quick get this house just want to see where the door is martin let's get out of here how many how many locations have we done yeah exactly that's what i'm saying like how many [ __ ] i've kind of freaked out about now oh [Music] on guys the beds are still made look at this what the [ __ ] yeah the funny thing is you know people are going to put it people are missing yeah exactly looks out about it i'll see you on the mirror mate i'm [ __ ] itching that my hands made that i'm actually probably shaking should we go three three yeah where did this go don't know i'm trying not to get freaked out because as you know i've got a lot look at that i just started swinging we've been you can see how long it's been done there's got to be someone just sticking around and showing if he knows someone else is going to be trying not to think about that i think that's the root guys even the clothes are laid out the shoes wait my hand's shaking i'm trying i can't there's another one that died right you see the jacket and silly jacket yeah hanging up and a little dress i didn't see that a minute ago either maybe because we're a little bit spooked oh maybe we've got to spend the night in it it's only like what early it's 16 minutes past 11 i think why did we turn that on your turn to open doors now i'm not another door i don't even like turning my back on places oh [ __ ] we could just get in there now and go to sleep yeah what is this about oh still falling down let's just make a move shut the door we left it all right that's picking up stuff downstairs yeah just can we ignore it please if we've got staying here tonight i'm already getting but i swear on my mum's grave i heard someone walking around up here yeah unfortunately guys this my friend lost his mum so mother's day and today is his birthday so i think if anywhere we're going to stay maybe our peter might be the best oh chess ball oh dog i'm actually a little bit spooked looking behind these doors not a lot too look at the holes in all look at that nice lip pink bath smells old didn't it droppings dropping [ __ ] help see it that's what i reckon that bang was down in the center [Music] but kind of did look like as we was coming in there there had been some kind of recent foot passage so guys um oh that was terrifying downstairs in the basement that was the worst bit i feel a bit better yeah i do feel a little bit worse downstairs when it's this place is like it's not a crystal maze you go through one door and there's another one and we still got the servants there's the guard it's enough stairs isn't it there's another set of stairs guys so we're gonna head up there and have a little look this place is making me wanna win is anybody there i'm not being funny if someone else was in here like actual people who would have come across this right now we're sitting there what's that guy over there that's where we come through but when we stand in the basement exactly nutrition animal reproduction so guys you can just see the mold look at this i hope people don't is a big foot of mate like the owners when it needs to be for the servants to run up and down without crossing over the main the elements of the mainstay oh guys this place just keeps going i'm not even joking it's like be careful floor just look at that floor guys and see look at the scene i want to walk over here so now this room is probably the most decoded room yeah that we've come in so far my heart ain't even beating nowhere near as fast as it did when you went to that murder race and yeah yeah we'll turn up when you're here for 45 minutes definitely look at the mold sorry i'm not being funny oh electronic nightstick attention a night stick battery replacement what's in there just shortbread ah little weights what's in there happy oh yeah yeah oh look at the old radio that's creepy doesn't it so wait that chair is actually cooking no wait not working wait that chair was actually moving i told you guys the rocking chair was literally rocking now you can believe whatever you want you can think we run a massive rope at the door you can think i hid someone in the room ready to do the rocking guys it was 100 real the chair was rocking i'm not trying to give you the whole rubbish you can all put your scenarios or how you think this chair was rocking that you just see but i can assure you one million percent we had nothing to do with that chair rocking all the old paintings strange little room give you a little view up here we can't see what's up there probably nothing does this look what's happening yeah looks like they've re-plastered it at some point don't let that oh does it just come out down yeah we decided to spend the night in there no i'm not going to the basement [Music] oh that's freaking out enough as well so guys we've put in a spirit box or something never early on but we borrowed this stuff from united paranormal investigators this guy called stephen runs a group absolutely wicked group and guy knows his stuff we told him he's come here tonight and he said to me take a few of the stuff but whatever it is in there just keeps picking up the voice isn't that it's awful it does pick up radios it could be yeah no it could be so we're not we're not saying it's going to analyze it later that's why okay so this is oh look at this what is that a cherry pie filling oh god this place has been empty for a long while look at the cherry pie filling and the small grilling mushrooms why is there even food up this bit there's no kuching what's this look at this no that's not 1942 surely time for cooking masonite model it is like a time warp sweet corn mate how cr weird is that it's like a garden gate on a bedroom that looks like something you've been shut off yeah what is that about poor it's not a perfume oh oh yeah i spoke that sorry [ __ ] gucci so who lives in a house like this okay okay i'll do a swimming i'll make sure that way i'm already freaked out enough in this ass i might look his weight the waistcoat just laid out a bag of clothes i forgot what they call these what do they call these they go around the waist i don't remember a little bowtie look at that 1898 wardrobe now these it goes around the waist you know when they dress up really smart there's a waistcoat there sorry for money so is that uh i'm guessing a weird pop yeah i love saber that has lots of it on the cover he's like worldwide huh it's not what will it [Music] [Music] might just need should we just walk out a spit [Music] oh he's open conveniently in a secret compartment that's creepy good anyway it's not oh my oh i wish i want to say that perfume honestly guys it smells like a woman or something it's just got oh guys just put his perfume on in there so strong what's this room tails and curtains let's run down hey little dingy cones i'm getting that feeling again mate no i don't know if i could i don't know if i could literally could do a night am i already done i don't feel could do a night here i don't think we've got hours yet we've got ours i spy in a we can't combined at that 1972 let's get out of this little toothbrush still sitting there that's what it's about it's a little [ __ ] course 18 000. what's this about him anyway sorry i can't booklet i don't understand what it's all for can you read any of it dave i've never been the best one hey what is this room it's not that there's something blocking its way now twilight so we've set the camera there just you can see that i unmark both so i mean it's like someone's pushed maybe i swear we came in that way it's not even moving this is how we come in all right actually we should be alright the door don't move much no but you think let's go back let's find another way out yeah there's got to be enough downstairs anyway and if i just feel like that we comb through that door yeah but i know we came up and down let's just go down and uh let's go back to record and have a look we're leaving there with a hole yeah but we shot this [ __ ] shut this door in that room [Music] so where does this go there are the old records all right just decaying my oh look at the mould in here it's going to get extinct that's where it's left six family members not all of them want to say yeah apparently um we'll explain about that in a minute what we've heard it looks like that might have been something there originally a painting or something look at the water damp on the walls oh what the hell no we haven't been in here no but this room looks like there's a load of people just sat here and had a party something like that look at them yeah so why is that mirror that'd be worth some money movies aren't cheap no but look at the desk yeah it's beautiful look at that what is that um guys if you know what this is comment below what is it it's that is a stan oh it's an old letter stamp i guess isn't it the old wax no no no no no it's all world letters and stuff john that's might have been the ink stuff or not it could will be nice shut up don't look in there oh yeah yeah but the old days probably that person sitting the sidewalk yes look at the piano [Music] is honestly stood in time so guys just want to say this place is absolutely creepy excuse my language in this but we've had she had to swear a few times yeah it's been a bit late honestly honestly i'm not even going to stress this place is creepy as hell i wasn't expecting nothing but that happened i think there'd be nothing in this place this house is literally like they've just up and left i'm not even joking it's just like they've just gone how do you feel about this place i felt eerie when we first came in weren't expecting anything and then the basement just freaked me right out i don't know the basement i'm not going in the basement but to be fair it's been coming and going i know that's what i said upstairs and always like the same mommy i felt eerie in the big boots and then another minute like something like a secret secret passage the wood there's all this wood though it's not me i wouldn't it's not for me no but it's period isn't it it suits the house and everything on the door was absolutely stunning that's the old pitch right there part of an old grand five o'clock i thought it was keyholding killing them guys is there anyone there so look something to steal their own drink 1973 oh that's like a little um what's it called you know used to put the old fuel in it sorry i'm there like the old-fashioned candle look at that yeah i see it there well there where's the quill [Music] how bourbon [Music] what is that so guys i'm going to take you back for the kitchen a sec i feel like i didn't show you much in here this is what we're saying about this kitchen the way everything is lined up and the baby high chair like is a little cup dinosaur i'll give you the wrong stuff i saved it this isn't that so i'm just want to tell you that we i actually feel pretty cool now it's not too bad yeah at the old cupboards these these absolutely are so old i like fiberglass okay everything's still there it was what is that it's just a little jug or something made in england you know what that's what i absolutely love yeah that's what i love and that's what we don't see nowadays that stuff's made in england that's what i'm saying yeah it's absolutely stunning it's ashamed to see the place back in its halls we've been here like maybe three hours foreign oh so we're going to try we're going to try it's actually freezing here as well i think it's warmer outside than it is in it i'm a wife i've got a weird so anyway see how we get on a few more hours to go yeah so guys this is a ouija board i don't know how i feel about these [Music] is [Music] [Music] away from home yeah just over five hours when it took us to gear yep i don't know let's see if we get caught with any traffic in there what do you think my earring guys [Music] i think [Music] right really no one's nervousness right really so we'll do two [Music] right is anybody there if so please move to prepare to yes let me know i think it just touched me if there's a spirit in here please use our energy to move to prepare and communicate with us i don't really know what i'm doing with this is there anybody there if so use that energy to move the pipette is it called a pipette creepy if there's anyone here what is your name if anyone wants players is there anyone here the [ __ ] is that is that you making that noise please is there anybody there yet yes or no that you move megan that's like metal tin or something as you don't want to be here tonight i promise you so guys still here it's now oh it's now 4 31. [Laughter] 4 31. i it's an old ass so yeah we've got respect that there's creeps in that but there's a lot of creeks in this place yeah even up to the light above us it doesn't look quite happy but guys this is a ouija board it looks like it's is or hand made by the looks of it just like some plywood it doesn't move very sweet though does it no maybe that's what it is oh actually knackered but do you want to sleep here is there any point yeah it's that time i kind of want to be brave and go back down into the basement but i kind of don't because that's where i hit the noises unless we do the basement and then i don't know what time can we get out guys if we do that tonight please please follow us i don't know should we ask this one question if you just basically do it as one two to the middle finger just one anything if there's any ghost here can we say ghost spirits we're very what's the word skipped skeptical so i don't know i've never heard well i've seen nothing but in the basement there's been some weird stuff going on there's definitely footsteps up there yeah guys we're not even there listen we do a lot of locations we don't wind up or joke about if we don't see name we don't hear nothing if there's anyone here move the pipette is it i'm not sure please use our energy to communicate with us we we mean you no harm this is something you'd like to say to us maybe we should have done it when we had the noises maybe we scared him off i can't stop looking around because it feels like someone's watching it's gone really cold and all you see that i'm telling you that it's colder in here than it is outside i'll tell you what i do i don't know what you meant to do i think you meant to go to goodbye so this isn't doing anything but this we'll leave this as it is everywhere i go so as we head back how do we even get to the basement we went down by the smooth table but is it back up the basement guys i'm going back to the video but tell me you heard the footsteps please don't make me feel like i'm crazy i'm look back at the video and i could hear it now i can hear it i'm gonna play that scene again listen please and as we went up the stairs watch out hello i joined this manager resident evil mansion wow what a mansion just ignore it i don't know what it was just like that i don't know what it is but it's not because of the dark because obviously you've been in loads of places to pitch black but i just feel like there's constantly can you play with my balls do you want to handle my balls should we even move anything i don't even think we should touch anything we'll be honest what's this for how do you let's talk i know no pretty sweet oh of course it is oh where's the basement i don't even know if i want to go down what's that so anyway guys we're going to head back to the basement do you leave that right oh that's creepy all covered in it no wires that's like the servant's bowels and stuff oh it stinks to me it smells like burning hair oh my nose it's is stinking burning hair it stinks these little shoes there i don't want to move them i feel like i want to put them on the side but i don't want to move them i straight away you're going cold again would be colder down here but i don't know i mean i don't think i i just personally wouldn't want to live here no not the way it's making me feel no it's creepy man my camera keeps like going blurry all the time not only that the money you spend on buying his hat and is there anyone here make a noise dude i don't like this place man so just get out of here we said we was going when we first got here and we're back in the [ __ ] basement this is where we felt earlier do we've all called it up here what is that oh that's an old pump jenna's a well below here look at that it still works oh okay see your eyes look holds if i timmy sweet brush it's so cold mates get out of here i don't know down here yeah let's go now let's get out a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys we survived the night we're finally going the crooked man the whole new mansion manor sorry i'm absolutely drained we're not going to sleep guys nice fresh drink cup of tea would do that so it's now what is done i think let's put it about ten past four past six what a night guys for loads more locations like that please like and subscribe our video please share it just so we can go on more obviously like but anyway i'm at myself abandoned world explorer out with mark obviously we both run abandoned world explorer and we're on loads more adventures sorry about the lighting guys there's not much we can do about it no anyway stay tuned for more adventures more coming loads more anyway we're absolutely knackered we've got five hour drive home anyway guys thanks for watching you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 61,116
Rating: 4.907598 out of 5
Id: jzCM16FHLgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 6sec (4266 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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