Abandoned Portuguese Hotel Used to be a Palace of a Coffee Tycoon

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this is the story of mr pedro a portuguese man who was born into a family who had nothing and throughout his life he worked himself up to become a multi-millionaire he moved to brazil started a coffee business and exported it all back to portugal with the revenue of his company he wanted to do something extravagant so in his hometown he built an enormous palace for him and his family to enjoy but his money started to dwindle from the construction of this enormous place and he had to do something and at a certain point he decided to convert the palace into a hotel and run the hotel together with his family but over the years the revenue of the hotel started to dwindle there were just not enough tourists in the town to keep it afloat and in 1960 they had to close it down now 60 years later the hotel lays their forgotten abandons and nobody cares about it anymore today we're gonna take you inside and show you what's left behind of it what a fantastic place we have in front of us here this was the main entrance of the palace slash hotel later on that we are going to film today a truly portuguese place that has been left behind since the 1960s i'm going to give you a representation of how big this front entrance is let's have a look at this it's crazy right and let's type the dive deep now into the story of this place and tell you how it all came to be so there was a portuguese man and to make his fortune he decided to go to brazil to start a coffee business and he became a coffee tycoon over those years and then afterwards he came back to portugal and he decided to build this enormous palace you see here it's just in the middle of a city for him and his family for him and his family alone that's just crazy to me but his fortune started to dwindle because there were unexpected construction costs of this place and yeah over the years he had to find a solution because his money was running out and he decided to convert his place into hotel for rich people to come and have a nice vacation and over the years he run this together with his family until the 1960s when his fortune started to dwindle further and further and he had to leave this place behind and now it's just crumbling apart over the years you even have this romantic garden out here with these grapefruits hanging here completely covering the roof of this they took beautiful pictures in here and there's a wedding hollow over there that he also did this besides his hotel to earn money wow it's come true i think that the garden is still quite perfectly trimmed actually this is still really good does it get kept up or something like this it's just natural it's just natural wow it looks like it has been kept up over the years yeah look like this flower for example looks beautiful here let's go into the wedding hall and see what's left here here the people came had a wedding slept in the hotel the coffee machines the cast the cash registers everything is left in here i think we should take a look behind yeah for sure for sure let me see look at this gas ready to register oh it's an old currency because there are like high numbers on there skilden scooch scooch that's all portuguese currency i have danny with me of course today our portuguese friend the number is still like it's rotating yeah but zero zero zero on there shouldn't touch that and the espresso coffee machine is here that's amazing there's graffiti and everything inside of this place but that things like this don't get stolen that just shows that portuguese people have sorts of respect yeah yes a little bit of respect other places in portugal also don't get destroyed it's a very respectful country and i really like it here exploring portugal is a blast let's go further into the wedding hall you can see over here there were some chairs for the people that came here for the party the smooth looks not like the this looks like a coffee drinking area or something like that right lounging area here what's there oh you feel oh you don't feel the style is oh yeah i feel them on my head wow the chandelier coming into here presenting this entrance hall lovely to see just bathrooms yeah tinted glass windows above there and then you enter into the wedding hall what a magnificent place it wasn't for very big weddings in my opinion like small weddings 40 50 people maybe could sit inside this room but the room itself was amazing i think this one yeah around christmas it got abandoned no no it's just there someone put that put that there but it's cool it's a cool decor yeah yeah lovely curtains as well they have all been tied up why is that so police can't see us yeah the police station is literally right there and see there's a cop car even waiting there but it's particle here you can get some drinks there's also a kitchen behind here wow with everything still in there was this for a cake or something like that or maybe for little snacks to put on there with snacks and good things yeah it's for breakfast or something oh yeah with a lot of things and this way for wine you see on the window there johnny big wine jars okay now it's time to take a look in the main hotel or palace as a good colleague okay now gonna take a look inside of the hotel itself you can see over there is even portuguese style on this side that just looks amazing this is not the main entrance you just saw the main entrance over there this may be a side entrance definitely not a staff entrance they immediately come into a beautiful hallway when you are greeted with these lanterns hanging from the wall from the ceiling wow oh this looks like the bureau of the man itself of the owner of this place a lot of accountancy books behind there a lot of binders and over here also some papers let me see these are the room numbers oh so the staff could write down which room they needed ah this is an ordering list for all the things you could get for room service just take out of one of these interesting oh my gosh there's even a vault inside of this room wow let me have a look no it's closed damn let's okay we almost crashed through the bed but you have the alphabet alphabetic numbering system over here for the lock and even a keyhole probably holds millions or something like that what what what did we do no we just fell off the mattress oh okay okay let's go in here danny you know this place show us show us around and let us see some beautiful rooms because of course we can't film all of it oh my god yeah oh my god let's have a look inside of this room jordy completely falling apart after the 1960s nobody cared about this place and it just fell apart over the ucs some graffiti on the wall but not that much it's still good here you have another look at the room itself i'm gonna show you one hotel room so you can see these were the smaller hotel rooms the downstairs hotel rooms for the less rich people upstairs you're going to see amazing rooms in a second viewer discretion is advice for this part okay we're going to show you something inside of this place animals of course house after those 60 years that is abandoned and this cat probably wanted through this hotel slept here but also died here passed away deepest respect to them wow so this may not seem like it but this is the big entrance you just saw so this little pathway oh wow this little corridor that they could use the staff could use to go to the hotel but it was not available for the guests watch out where you're walking oh my gosh this is a very small pathway yeah just film me just turn around there and just film me going through there jordy you can you could go a little bit more back but if i stretch myself a little bit i can barely walk through here but look at the tile on here and we're coming straight into the yeah yes we're coming straight into the main hallway over here let's say we'll show the other side yeah this was the front entrance door that i was just standing in front of where i started the video you can see the rubble falling from the ceiling above you over those years that it was abandoned here's the check-in desk wow registration for the phone numbers and the rooms and everything where would the keys be back there no in that cabin or in here oh yeah down there wow see graffiti artists have had their play inside of this place they made some graffiti but they left the ceiling untouched and that part is one of the most beautiful this hotel just the design and the wind at the doors and the ceilings and the collars that's amazing look they made a little graffiti sign to warn us because we are now upstairs here in the room we just saw downstairs that was falling apart i don't understand how this room has completely collapsed and the other ones are still in good shape that's that's crazy to me let's look over here as well here you can get another view of that room you feel the floor bouncing a little bit this is not still little no this hotel is gonna fall someday it can never be restored only option for this hotel is demolishment yeah the hotel is literally just made of wood so yeah danny told me look at this this is this this this wall it's just wood yeah you can see like you would guess it was concrete but it's just wood in portugal we made with concrete so it's weird yeah we also built with a concrete in belgium every building is built with concrete it's so weird that such a beautiful and big place was built with wood maybe for cost saving maybe maybe yeah yeah maybe he just wanted to pretend he was rich he was a coffee tycoon people around the town tell this and they said in the 1910s he came back from brazil with his business and with his money and to build this place and he wanted to have a air about and he wanted to just present himself be there be present and it didn't work out for him he got on big financial troubles through building this place and he might have done some cost savings and that's why this place has collapsed so fast but it's it's still very very beautiful you see even the skylight here in the middle of the hallway can you imagine that he built this place just for his family back in the day just stupid to me here's a pretty nice bedroom left behind still two beds a nice vanity back there lovely decay we of course are the brothers of dk and we like decay of course wow ceiling is falling apart this place is also had a bathroom the toilet the bday and i bought it oh watch out it's really small yeah it's very small and narrow indeed then he just told me up here is the channel here i just thought it was a rope hanging here and there used to be a chandelier underneath but this is literally the chandelier because there would be a light bulb in the middle of this isn't that crazy and now we come into a part that has literally burned down you can already see it's getting black here from the smoke over here as well and over here in this rooms you see it even more but some kids had been inside this place back in the day yeah like some time ago and decided to start a fire in here and this place burned literally burned the firefighters did their everything they had to keep it from completely burning down and only these rooms are burnt through that fire they did a pretty good job in my opinion lamp hanging here am i seeing this right i believe down there there's another cat oh my god another dad not a dead cat wow inside of this bedroom there's a little drawer here see a marble top and everything a pretty nice place it was i believe over here to the left we have some sort of a ballroom let's have a look oh yes oh wow what a magnificent room you know what this used to be danny i think it's a ballroom yeah a ballroom yeah look at the woodwork on the ceiling and everything these look like crowns worked into the ceiling these shadows are also really nice okay and here we go into the stay stairway of the place i want you to film up there johnny give the people a look how many floors there still are but this is the spire of the place there is one more floor up there but over here is the kitchen that i also want to show let's see there's still some dishes left behind loosen all the cups and everything wow this might have been for sauce or something like that still some water in there there's also a lot of salad yeah it surprises me that there are still dishes that are not broken that's what surprises me because this place is such a plain view but the worst marvel thing over there the sounds first marble sink in there excuse me for people with headphones and then we come into the main part of the kitchen beautiful fridge huge american fridge i would say but look at this stove this is literally one of the most beautiful ones i've ever seen and also the biggest one this was back in the day a wood stove it would burn wood down here you can open and close like this it's pretty heavy you can open and close for higher or slower fire stronger fire and yeah you could cook something in here these were ovens up here these were cooking tops and over there we have more marble sinks for all the employees to wash the dishes oh some sort of alarm is going off in portugal the fire department has a siren voice why do they have a siren at 12 o'clock it's lunchtime so people now go to lunch people to get out of work guys that's strange right that's strange let me know in the comment section if you also have an alarm for 12 o'clock a few more things here from the employees jordy jordy i want you to let people take in the size of the hallway over here because we're now going upstairs we're going to film over there and this part used to be for the very rich people these were the fancy rooms the three-star hotel they presented these rooms but upstairs was probably for the staff and for the less wealthy guests of the place so we're going to take a look there right now and you can immediately see what you want let me walk in here walk on this doorway because there's a hole underneath this floor it's way smaller there are hotel rooms up here but they are also way less fancy no high ceiling just simple bats and even the sink and the top and the toilet inside of the hotel room itself not even a separate room inside of the hotel room just inside of hotel room that is not done today no you can do stuff like that oh wow look at the bidet over there hanging by a little rod isn't that crazy huh we have another hotel room in here just the same one as the other one watch out there's a little small door yeah that's what drew my attention it's like a secret passageway just filming there wow looks like another world like a storage thing yeah i don't know maybe for the hosts and the pipes and electricity to run it through here or the ac yeah that's possible that's a possibility right have a look at this room you can't even sleep in these beds right because of the angle of the of the ceiling it's just crazy but i think these rooms were for the staff you know why i think that johnny no come outside i'll show you there's no number above the door and other ones i'll have the number above the door 204 204 and here's no number interesting right yeah and we even up here you can see the skylight that we just saw from downstairs there are a few what what's with the room yeah it's still made there are still mattresses on there yes i agree i like the marble nightstand even though these rooms weren't that fancy they still had their own charm and they tried to make them fancy with the furniture and yeah the man used every little inch of the hotel to sell to the public and like my thinking process of this place he wasn't money and need for money this room is completely decaying wow okay forwards is even more corridors up here but i have to watch out where i'm walking it's like a little attic space up here as you can see look here next to the stairway he used every single inch of this place to build rooms i can't even walk in here properly i'm just hitting the wall but there's a bedroom inside of this little corridor behind the stairway like i told you every single inch of the hotel he used through rooms it's crazy it's just crazy and now walking further up the staircase because we want to see if we can get at the spire here you saw the spire from the outside with the drone and now we are inside of the spire here you just quickly up underneath here let's see is this stable it looks not stable we just have to take little steps to go up here yeah let me with two people is just not safe right oh you can't go up there there's no latch or anything damn why do why was the stairs here then i don't understand yeah it's weird it's pretty weird that you can can't go up there there's even like a ladder going to nowhere but i do want to show you the outside look at this we're now on top of the hotel wow this side and here you can see the shape of the hotel the u-shape like this amazing what an incredible place this was right yeah this is just incredible it's a beautiful hotel i'd really love the history surrounding it of the man coming back from brazil with his fortune that he made of his coffee plantations that he had over there came back to his birth down and uh just to show off to his friends and family he built this the whole town he built this to show the whole town how rich he was and and this is just massive i like that it didn't work out for him showing off was never a good thing in my opinion but what an incredible place beautiful architecture and i really loved it thank you very much for watching this week's video go and go down there subscribe to the channel if you want to see more of us like the video if you want other people to see it as well and check out danny as well his link will be in the description also amazing videos and we also if you want to support our channel and help us get to these amazing places around the world because it's not cheap for us you the students just go down there patreon is there you can support us there get some benefits as well mouth masks your name at the end of the video you name it it's there thank you very much guys i'll see you next week and bye bye love you you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 65,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, urban decay, Abandoned Portugal, Abandonados Portugal, Abandonado Portugal, Abandoned Palace, Abandoned Hotel, Hotel Parque, Abandoned Walkthrough, abandoned mansion, abandoned places, urban exploration gone wrong scary, abandoned millionaires mansion, Abandoned Millionairs Palace, abandoned places then and now, Historical, Historical Abandoned Antiques, abandoned five star hotel
Id: U89uNdOCYAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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