Look Inside an Abandoned Portuguese Palace From The 1800s

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back everybody to the bros of dk i'm leslie behind the camera today is danny check him out he's a friend of mine helping me out with filming his link for his youtube channel will be in description and we are standing here today in an enormous villa in portugal this place literally is littered with history and has a beautiful story attached to it then i'm gonna tell you right now in front of this vault over here and the organ next to it you can film those in detail while i do that let me tell you about emmanuel that lived in this place emmanuel was a boy that lived in portugal but he had a vision younger in life he wanted to do something he wanted to do business and he figured out if he went to brazil brazil is also a portuguese-speaking country that he could make a fortune over there selling religious items so he did that he at a very young age at about 20 years old he took the plane and went to brazil and made a fortune over there after doing that he came back to portugal to build this place that we're standing in right now and he lived here all his life he got a wife he got children and they all lived in this place even his daughter maria currently 106 years old is still alive and living in the town that we're in right now we're going to take you today around this wonderful place show you how mr emanuel lived in here together with his family and also show you what's left behind of his life i'm really excited for this video so let's do it i turn things around today i start an attic and i go all the way down why i don't know just sometimes you have to turn things around and i always say ethics are the places where people store the most valuable things in life things that from back in the ages that they didn't use anymore we're going to see today what's left in here in the epic first first of wow i see already some amazing shoes left behind probably with mr emmanuel look at these over here was a little working bench where we made some things figured out some things probably read some books looking out through that window over there and also danny it's very unfortunate such a beautiful house is completely deteriorating away ceiling over here as well very costly to repair just so sad the pigeon that there was a pigeon at the window here we can see some awards that he got for i don't know what this game used to be that the man over here is playing wait i think i know the name is shin hidu which portuguese thing is just throwing heavy rocks at walls you're in rocks and bottles excuse me yeah you portuguese people are weird this looks like some sort of a camera bag try to open it up and see what's in there you think it's a camera bag yeah i don't know i don't know exactly right it looks like it looks like a camera bag it's beautiful back actually but for the most part this room is not that interesting so let's add further and here we can see the deterioration in this place even more present the whole ceiling has come out to these sides there's nothing wow watch out danny you almost fell watch out in this place over here there's a spiraling staircase that's gonna lead us down in a minute but first let's check out this last room over here on the upstairs floors and this was a little bit of a workout room for mr e manuel his workout machine is still here as well as the christmas tree so unfortunate let's go down let's stroll down this staircase this beautiful winding staircase that goes from top to bottom in this place and this takes us to the bedrooms inside of this place it's crazy to think that only the small family that emanuel had one child and a wife and himself left in this place it's so huge and over here we come into the first bedroom of the place unfortunately vandals have got into here there is some graffiti on the walls every time spray graffiti on walls outside of abandoned places or places where it's legal not inside of abandoned places exactly right we've got a beautiful portuguese bed over here coughed and crafted and just true crippling trip i really love it wow you told me that every single item and artwork in this place has been made especially for mr emmanuel that's very true we're going to see lots of artworks in this place all especially made for mr emmanuel he had lots of money and i just let them create this for him again lots of graffiti on the walls very unfortunate as well this drawer is very unique see what's in here the clothes of the people are still left behind wow look at this sweater with the teddy bear on there oh this maybe from maria his daughter when she was younger or his wife maybe she liked it let's look at this one as well all the clothes still in there it's got this beautiful chair that matches with the bed but the bed frame itself wow to this side of the bedroom i got first a television to the side then a little bookcase and up there we can see one of those first artworks especially created from mr emanuel [Music] and even in this bedroom to decay this present crumbling the place away the child seats for some sort of weird reason here to decide empty completely empty you may go further my good sir thank you [Music] wow we come here into some sort of a playing room and relaxing room with a billiard table in the middle of it this is where mr romaniwell played games together with his friends the ball is still left behind right here on the table just have a spin around this room show the people what how it looks like and what it is i really love the ceiling in this truly place but again the game being very present oh the queues for the leo table are all here this wonderful piece of furniture an antique piece of furniture to hold the cues then you know that somebody's rich check out this portage bench not really a very fancy one but it's kind of nice one common one here we have an escort board for the billiard table when you are playing you could hold the scores and on there wow a bookcase left behind all these books in there and up there the picture of a man and a woman those are probably the grandfathers and the grandmother from mr romanow can i see one thing yeah i don't know if a lot of people know about no i don't know what this piece of furniture is serious is this some sort of a relaxing show maybe no this is a chair that when people are sick yeah i use them for to treat them it's just easier because they are almost laid down okay so i'll share for the sick people i wanna i wanna take a seat and sit in there maybe oh yeah wow so the doctor could come and treat the participation okay oh that's awesome i was just looking at this picture and i'm wondering if this was emmanuel himself i don't think so i think he's the grandfather to be able to grandfather okay we have not seen many memories in this place of the mystery man well that's very strange little faucet here to wash the billiard balls as you can see yeah it's gonna be false it's everywhere in every corner yeah all sitting arrangement oh wow didn't almost didn't notice it that's like an amazing rocking chair over here it's broken but i really love to see those and to you as well right i love it yeah yeah they could sit read some books what's this it's like a bodybuilding magazine from 1915 or something like that no no it's not a baldi bodybuilding magazine yeah but it's like a little magazine from 1915. about vegetarians 1915. something like that i think yeah wow look at these magazines it's about the old people they're really they're really cool magazines let's check out one of the dates that's probably on here we see a date here 2015. that's not long ago wow okay let's head further inside of the house here we come into the hallway of the place first left what's left yes again the ceilings just wonderful we didn't breathe out wait wait first check out this chair there's upholstery chair here to the side what a wonderful piece behind you oh this is a true portuguese faucet with a sink wow i've never seen such a beautiful piece before i have a look at the design on it the crescent it says in there you can see that mystery manual was truly rich also the little painting or what is it yeah it's a painting involved with the old-school car truly adores that takes us further into this bedroom it's a very basic bedroom maybe maria used to sleep in here as you can see all that clothes in here let's check that out ahead and stuff like that please look indeed it's a purse or some sort oh no it's an apron or what is it i don't know it's an apron no no no no it's not yes why he has uh i have no clue what this piece of furniture is this looks also like a tall boy something i don't know there's something missing yeah very strange still made bed over there and the same kind of chair we saw coming back already this door is very stuck okay i can't feel through that you can fit through that yeah i know you're pretty small you're not a fat boy they even place the bucket here to catch the water while it's slowly seeping inside taking over the place oh i just get shivers from the graffiti yeah i can't ignore it it's hard yeah it's very hard sorry yes look at the style and design on this bed it's crazy and i know i don't know if you can see but there was something in the middle you think that was like a little painting or coffee here in the middle so i don't know it looks like a frame you know a round frame yeah this could be true the doll from maria from back in the day this is what she used to play with wow this looks really old-school these are all the little dolls and the things you had the toys wow the hallway itself is also very nice let me now take you onto the balcony it's raining outside but i still want to go i want to show you come out here had the statues over here on the balcony this one wow getting completely wet and this one to the side as well and they could overlook their beautiful garden and maybe you can show the house as well i'm not going to show more from the outside because i don't want to reveal the location but let's go back inside now and show you the rest of the house completely wet right now and the camera probably as well not much we have another room to show you not a bedroom and these i think might have been guest bedrooms because they didn't need more more beds than this you can see two identical beds on each side with nightstands in between the bells ringing in the background warning us that it's eight o'clock and it's time for dinner but we still have to finish this video oil some sort maybe holy oil there it go okay i think there's one more thing up [Music] here that's probably this side yes yeah a little bathroom maybe i see a little bathroom with some tiles yes the bathrooms of this place are wonderful really small but again really beautiful i really adore this style yeah but it's really strange because if you have such rich house yeah why why don't you have like rich bathrooms you should build big bathrooms in a big house i would do it if i bought a place like this of course crazy how people neglected it yeah of course maria is 106 years old she can't care for the place but you probably also don't want to sell it because it's like yeah it's from our father and i completely understand that as well one last staircase that's leading us down and that's going to tell us some more stories about this place see this face a wonderful face wow truly poly keys on this little stand very wobbly can't fall any minute and then turn around and go down thank you this chandelier just wonderful with the light on there wow this truly represents this hallway and even here danny downstairs the place is crumbling away that's just crazy let's see what kind of rooms we can find in this downstairs place first off don't show the furniture first show that ceiling there's like a globe and everything on the ceiling these look like pharmacy snakes you can see that and then we have the globe up there wow and it looks like we have just wandered into some sort of a conference room i don't know like this big long table it doesn't look like a dining table no and maybe with the globe as well maybe this is where mr romania did his business they've also have lots and lots of books over here religious books this is a book from 1930 basil this depicts the lives in brazil wow some automotive books as well magazines french french mexico oh yeah to deliver to your demand the the vehicles of the world it says i've learned some friends guys and these are all the vehicles from back in that day that you could buy porsche wow i also gotta have a look at the walls in this room they're designed so meticulously in this portuguese bench in front of it then this doorway will take us to the next room of this place whoa oh my god these were the artworks you were telling me about exactly oh all the paintings and the design on the ceiling are especially made from mr emanuel just look at it i thought i saw nice ceilings in italy but portugal you also keep surprising me with your abandoned places just wonderful look at these girls on the wall on the walls playing musical instruments vanilla flowers on the doors painted very nicely and i think there used to be a good cleaner yeah all this goodness wonderful we have this mirror and even that painted misticulously on this mirror just can't stop looking at the design features in this place look at the hop with the musical notes behind it yeah even the musical more notes have been scribed there's probably a song on the ceiling oh probably yeah a secret song a little vase on a stand [Music] the little elephant broke a snout reporting oh what a nice cabinet we got over here i exactly filmed the same one in another abandoned place here on portugal i'm gonna link an annotation up here to that to that video exactly the same cabinet and then downstairs for some sort of weird reason we find another bedroom why is that why are there so many bedrooms in these places the family was that big yeah but they lived with a very small family in this place that's crazy maybe when people from brazil came over i really love the style on this bed there seems to be a thing these types of shapes they are very common you see them a lot and also asian pillows portuguese houses seem to like asian pillars i don't know you don't have an answer for me me neither huge vanity actually not not a vanity no this is a mirror to look at yourself and your clothing but it's designed in a very strange way because it looks like it has two foot rests here at the bottom so you could stand on here for maybe stand on here try it out that's i think what you should do and i don't know what you would do next but i think he's for sitting like the sits yeah i don't know me neither is a very strange piece of furniture do you know what it's strange on this room yeah where's your wardrobe there's no water it is is it there yes it's just a special room for the world walk and watch up because it's that massive wow just the room for the wardrobe first let me show you the wardrobe i just saw something it seems to be locked locked it does i i wish i could show you better but it's so so so big yes and it's just masks can you go to to next to the wardrobe let me show you i'm like almost 1 meter 80. that's 5 feet 10 i believe and this wardrobe yeah it just dwarfs me what a place i haven't shown you this sink yet wow it's completely rusted but again like we saw upstairs beautiful sink with all the design very meticulously on there this seems to be close oh they are fake is this one real this that's weird oh i'm not going to open that destroy it wonderful danny wonderful and you can get a view of the hallway and we just went through with the chandeliers [Music] wow [Music] this takes us into another dining area into the tiny area [Music] but to save the best literally the best for last you can show the room go on let it a lot wait longer for the most amazing room in this place then it's of course going to start off with the ceiling because that's just wonderful breathtakingly beautiful and all the colors and things in this room match with the heritage of mystery minerwell living and making us fortune in brazil we have the dining table over here with this chandelier above it just have a look at it it's probably one of the most beautiful channelers that i've ever seen in my herbex career yes eric's career let me just see the sound that it makes when you go past a little glass on there and all the tables around the town around the dining table over here i'll show you one of these beautiful chairs the upholstery on them is just wonderful the carving as well especially made for mr emanuel we have the fireplace over here with a little castle painted above it as you can see here the fireplace used to light up the room back in the day unbelievable the palm trees on the brazilian beach you have another depiction of brazil i love these faces on these stands we have now seen a few of these around the place they're all different from each other here they would always display like plates that they were would most adore they would display for the people that came inside of this place to enjoy this marble top has unfortunately cracked into look at the design of this cabinet as well you can see these lion heads all around it they're wonderful right clothes for the table blankets oh what do i say blankets towels [Music] let's go further oh these wall paintings they truly amaze me daniel they truly represent what the men saw in brazil yeah this was indeed yes his vision in brazil what he saw and then he wanted to bring that home and he already went over it but we got the same lionhead above here all the glasses on top of here someone look inside of one of these yeah of course we can see all the plates and cups in here that's old that's all uh all the dishes that they used when cats came over are still in here oh little thing again that's what i was gonna say yeah you told me that there were lots of things in this place and you were not wrong we feel like you've seen lots and lots of them more of these paintings on the wall and then we got one last grand should i call it a cabinet or display cabinet with all the classes in there it's like strolling through a museum over here right exactly first off the lion had above there i'm too small you're too small can i lift it up for you wow the glass is on display here this is the big key that should open it up but it doesn't do anything oh it's open you can get a glimpse of the glasses that are in here champagne glasses all around there [Applause] down here this cabinet as well has these lion heads and even the floor of this place i haven't pointed it out yet is meticulously designed with this pattern going all around the room few more paintings up here flamingos are those flamingos exactly yeah yeah okay and then i'm gonna end it off with this wonderful upholstery chair here and this as well represents the lionheads but the faces of the lions are really deformed in here you see it yeah i think it's just to fit the chair yeah it's to fit the chair it's crazy right i'm going to take a seat i'm going to thank you all walk the rock springs in here it's actually pretty comfy i'm going to thank you all for watching this week's video it was a wonderful exploration around the home of mr emanuel if you like this video please give it a like comment down there what you thought about it and subscribe to the channel if you're new and if you don't know danny behind the camera also check him out his link will be in the description with that all being said i'm gonna leave you for this week and we'll see you next week in another epic adventure bye bye guys love you very much [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 12,558
Rating: 4.9533606 out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: oZLcQ_V6Snw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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