Exploring a $12,000,000 ABANDONED Mega Mansion | HUGE Indoor Pool

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hi what's up everybody it's big Banks we're back again for another expiration today we're walking through these beautiful Woods up to this abandoned 12 million dollar mansion and the little bit that we know about it is I think a Chinese family lived here but we'll go more into that here in a little bit but right now we're on a little hike through the woods to get to this stunning 1996 abandoned mansion that has what eight bedrooms or six bedrooms and eight bathrooms like it's a very massive house we are ready to go inside and check it out I hope you are too so let's get over to it let's check out the outside let's make our way inside and see what is left in this place so we'll see you out there we're merging Out of the Woods here and this is what we see this huge abandoned mansion 13 000 square feet it looks like two Mansions honestly because the hallway is just like this big piece in the middle and then you have a whole area for a pool and the whole living space there's bedrooms on this side though too so we're gonna check this place out you can see how overgrown it is yeah Chris has been to this place already so shout out to him for bringing us back a look at it it's a lot of glass it's very modern built in the 90s pretty cool looking spot looks like just a one story but it's actually got a half story up here too and this place is so large it's crazy that in these super rich neighborhoods there's these mansions that are just left here and left overgrown like how can they get away with this stuff normally they have to mow it to keep up with you know without getting fined and stuff like that but with this one it is all overgrown you can see the grass right here see where it is in my feet just look at this place getting around to this side looks pretty crazy sun is beaming check this spot out though you can get a really good look the living room is right through there see how modern this place is pretty wild looking so before we go inside let's do a montage and a whole story of wine this place is abandoned when it was built how many rooms there are everything so without further Ado let's get right into this video let's check out this gorgeous abandoned mansion [Music] this Mega Mansion was constructed in 1976 with six bedrooms eight bathrooms with a massive indoor pool this place seems to have been abandoned around 2010. and it is said that the family lies to live here were from China who had successful businesses around the area somehow they lost it all and had to sell the house it was then bought by a developer who possibly has plans to demolish the house or remodel today sits abandoned with many things left behind and hopefully this beautiful mansion can be saved and enjoyed again there's really not much else that we could find out about the family that once lived here but nonetheless we are ready to show you what's left foreign [Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone today we have made it inside of this marvelous modern abandoned mansion built in 1996. this place is 13 000 square foot has six bedrooms eight bathrooms and you would think that the size of this pool we would be in some sort of gym but this is just the indoor pool of this mansion and there's so much stuff left inside the power's on I believe that they're going to demolish this and just redevelop this whole area because it's on like four acres or something like that so we're gonna explore this place today I'm with KT explorers and Mr crayons somewhere over there but we have a lot to see in this place and I hope you're ready for a great adventure so without further Ado let's get right into the video so now that we're inside of the Mansion we're going to go through it I just did a little intro right here in the indoor pool area we have a lot to see and I hope you enjoyed the outdoor views the Drone shots of this place it's amazing super modern and we're gonna go through it thank you dude for bringing me here check this out everyone my goodness who has a pool like this this is like a pool for Michael Phelps or something this is massive and like why does it have this weird blue like thing inside of it along with all this trash foreign this is a crazy looking place and look up here ceilings are nuts what'd you find this is all written in Chinese what on Earth there's bedrooms a couple of bedrooms right here a couple of bedrooms upstairs and it's mostly a single story place with kind of like a half story above us so we're gonna start right in here with the whole thing floor is a little bit wonky right here but check out the size of this pool my goodness big steps to go down and I'd say it goes to about 10 feet there's even a chandelier down here oh I imagine they did have a screen oh wow oh so this was a screen yeah holy crap oh I see it it's like a slot so there's literally a TV like a projector that would come down so while you're in the pool you can literally watch TV God rich people stuff man this is nuts even have some workout equipment down here so maybe I don't know guys out of all the matches I've been inside with indoor pools this is definitely the biggest one and this is one of the bigger Mansions we've explored 13 000 square feet is massive and one thing cool about this place is there's still power you're going to see some cool things like the chandelier uh the bedrooms a lot of stuff is Left Behind so let's just make our way around this place wait trying to hit that light again this is the sauna oh snap yeah I bet this sauna still works do not exceed 30 minutes in the sauna so I believe that we're entering our first bedroom here and look at that wow lights do turn on and they dim but check this out this bed is still made closet still got a TV in here and here we have the bathroom still got some stuff left but not much still got the shower and it's like golden in there I don't know if you guys can see that very well but there is like golden knobs and whatnot and then there's more stuff that's in Chinese right here so this bedroom it's hard to tell maybe this was just a guest bedroom of some sort I'm not too sure but the bed looks very comfy yeah it is super comfy come over to another bedroom right here it's a bit dark in this one but maybe if we open the closet door you can see a little bit but the bed is completely off of the uh of the mat of like the bed frame there's still stuff in here I mean there's a TV right here the dressers are still here this is the closet then we have a bathroom over here wow it's pretty nice at the light in the shower actually this is a bathtub as well with a jetted tub you got a toilet that is full of some liquid so we don't want to mess with this bathroom too much pretty nasty but I want to give you a really good look of the place everyone looks like some kids have come in here there's used condoms and whatnot leave this room and just check it out again the pole it's amazing ceiling is incredible just wow [Music] all right everyone well we have made it above the pool now so now we can get this over look of it right here but guys there is still so much more to see in this place 13 000 square feet and this is the first thing we really see in the place got a big Skylight there this house is amazing let's see what's up on this side right here looks like we have a bedroom and we have a courtyard here wow check that out a whole Courtyard but guys if you want to know what this is right here I believe this is the master closet and this is a very huge room look at these big doors for your clothes they're all made of mirrors look there's an ironing board right in there looks like the master bathroom right there so we'll go in there in just a second but let's take a look at what's over here in closet space just a lot of closet space right here and a staircase it's a little spiral staircase it's pretty nice let's go straight in here to the master bathroom oh my goodness what is this you come down these stairs it's all carpeted by the way which is kind of not cool but check out this tub oh my gosh look at that and it has the gold accents how amazing is this the jetted tub you can fit probably two people in there it's pretty large probably some plants or something would go in these little slots over on the sides and then we have look at this this is your main sink look at the details that are in it the flowers and the gold and it's like pink too so maybe this was like a hers section we go more stairs there's a pink shower right here check that out really nice pink shower and it even goes further look at this it's like pink mosaic tiles up there here we have a sink still again with the gold accents and a toilet and a bidet so pretty you know common in these rich folks homes crazy that the lights are still on even though they're going to tear down this place but actually we see that a lot guys but we come into this room this is the master bedroom guys just check out the bed it's still made it's a pretty Grand Bed sucks that there's like holes in the walls maybe there was a four of these pieces right here that went on each end of the bed but check it out I mean you can see all the footprints of people that have been in here it's pretty crazy I think kids have kind of come and done their dealings on it a little bit but it is what it is but check it out this old plush carpet and this is the master bedroom ceilings are kind of high they have this floral wallpaper throughout but I'm ready to take you guys inside of this which would be another crazy bathroom look at that it's literally like a golden swan the lights are on it has these lights that are in the lips up here as you can see and then check this out double sinks here pretty large and these even have like swans on the ends of them on both sides this is just nuts but I'm thinking that maybe this was a was his side of the shower and look at this shower I want to just show you guys this real quick so it has a room temperature steam you can really set how you want your shower to be done really nice stuff here we have another toilet in here but then we get to the man's closet look at this there's actually like I don't know if you guys can see this or not but there's a design right here in the carpet and then this would hold his shoes all of his suits everything like that there's no clothes left behind but check it out there's spider webs you guys always ask where's the cobwebs and stuff there it is right there another thing I noticed in this bathroom is all these doors have super nice designs on them like right here is for the toilet and then you got this side which is the same design but this master bathroom is just something else you know guys I like to mix it up with these modern mansions you know I show you guys a lot of older stuff that's been left behind like a long time ago but sometimes I like to go into these modern ones because it just blows my mind it's so much wasted but we're entering another room I can't really tell what this is like what room this is but there's a couch here like an entertainment section and there's even like a little stove here but it goes out to the courtyard and this would add like the entertainment so there would have been a TV here VCR some of that stuff is still left right up there but then there's this really nice looking couch fancy looking I wonder if it's plush it is very much plush try not to rush through the place I really want to show you guys everything this is this room if you guys can tell me what you guys think this room was for maybe it's just a little chill room a little hangout room foreign [Music] all right so we've explored this part this section we've explored the master side now we need to go here and then to the whole other half of the house where all the other bedrooms are and everything like that but we still have an area over here a couple of areas this is like an Overlook for the pool a little area to chill that's where the sunlight comes in get a lot of natural light and then right through here the floor is like super pink you could tell there was a bed laying here where it's like kind of off colored so maybe this was a little girl's room or something used to be a TV here all the wirings are left they're either going to tear down or they're gonna remodel it but they've been waiting for a very very long time and nothing's been done so it's literally been left to rot and have vandals take over it but we're going to keep exploring see what we can find we gotta go to this side first looks like another bedroom it's a purple couch or if there's a TV left in here I don't see one got some cool wallpaper through this drone but trust me guys there's a lot more left behind by seeing a purple cops is pretty cool you'll see purple ones too often and then we have this closet and bathroom kind of similar to the one that's literally next door liquids in the toilet so it looks like people have been using it it's very gross toilet paper whole roll of toilet paper is still here though we got the Shoe Closet right here and then we have the closet fur clothing whatnot and the lights are automatic in here so let me open it up what do you guys think so far this Mansion I'm like really enjoying it uh this area has really provided a lot of abandoned mansions me and Chris have done other mansions in this area this is crazy man just keeps giving ones definitely this is the best one literally one of the bathroom yeah yeah that's for that's for sure man it's not how we've seen this side and I hope I didn't rush anything but we're gonna go through a whole story of this place in depth everything but I'm going to take you to the other half of the house now this is like the biggest half right here just because of the pool and I mean 13 000 square feet personally I couldn't live in in that much space it's too much to clean you'd have to hire somebody to come clean your house like somebody would have to live here yeah literally literally be cleaning your house like 24 7. and maybe they did maybe they lived over here honestly that could be the case but right here you can see all the broken glass from these kids that have come in but it's like what door how do they get all the glass right here because there's no windows right here even in this area the same area of the pool there's literally this seating area you can literally sit here while the pool is going imagine the humidity in this room probably very humid it feels very humid in here right now as we're walking around you can see kids coming here to smoke weed there's like white owls everywhere and I know nobody smokes white owls just to smoke White House but check out the stone work all through here real Stone very very nice and the woodwork is just blowing my mind look there's even a freaking iPad in the wall what the heck there's literally an iPad in the wall but now we're going to enter this half as you can see it has the large windows to look outside the stone work in here here's one of the the mini bathrooms check out this vanity that it has nice Granite tops another bathroom that's been used nasty it smells in this one might have been recently used but I want to take a look at how unique this is look at the the knobs they're like these glass balls water doesn't work but check it out remember those Fushigi Balls that's what that looks like and then look at the door it's like this Aztec looking stuff it's designed maybe Native American looking and it's pink long hallway this is actually just a closet a little storage closet looks like and then we get to the very front door of this mansion this is the two massive front doors and quite amazing to say the least look at the handles how shiny they are you got the the stone work throughout this place he got the little bench that goes across look at all this broken glass from these kids this is why we don't give out locations guys this is why if you ask me and I don't respond this is this is why because look at this beautiful glass is busted down here look at these doors the sliding door right here we just came from that side of the house you can see there's a lot of glass so a lot of natural light is coming in to this place at all times I mean this is the main living room right here so we'll take a look over here in just a second but check this out this is a marvelous Chandelier and it's been busted up that's super sad but check it out at least [Music] that would have been insane it still is it's just like barely hanging on now so I'm wondering what like this is just like a side entrance but maybe it's it's just more elegant it looks like that chandelier though and not only that we've got a lot of stuff left behind over here equalizer tape I mean not much not create anything crazy batteries it looks like there's a radio for a car so I mean there's nothing too crazy left yet right here but check out the door this is like a these sliding doors are very unique with this design get a better look at them and we're gonna walk up here and we're going to see that there's another iPad in the wall another touch screen and this is the main living room all right guys so this is the living room and we're going to do a little walk through this place but as you can see this is a massive living room guys we have multiple skylights it looks like four skylights are coming in the sun is literally blinding me in here these huge massive Windows a bar area down here everything you can imagine a mansion would have there's iPads in the walls and just so much natural sunlight coming in that you don't even need power in this place honestly but yeah let's uh let's continue exploring this half and we'll see what else is Left Behind and this incredible Mansion you can see it's a very large look at the wood up there the skylight's coming in so much natural light it's kind of crazy how much natural light there is we got a large couch left behind here very large couch more of the stone on that side so this is like mostly Stone this mansion we have a whole record player right here there's more Chinese stuff we got a rug over here in the corner and all these broken records everywhere like that like literally all this is just broken records you can see them shining like the rainbow colors of them so some kids definitely come in here and beat this up but there's a bar right there I didn't just notice that it's a whole bar in this place this is just super luxurious so down here we have all the all the records some of them are literally Chinese karaoke and Chinese one thing I've noticed about this general area that we're exploring in is there there's a lot of Asian people that live here a lot of very rich Asian people so it's pretty cool to see a different culture and and a huge modern mansion like this in America I love seeing that stuff this looks like a den area honestly we have the nice white couch here probably they might have had a TV up there but it doesn't look like it but honestly the TV might have been right here actually what it looks like it looks like it came down it's like a projector screen and then we have the bar check out the bar guys look at this so this is where that would have served some drinks all that good stuff like they're still like full cans of Diet Coke these look old too this expired in 1997. that's what it says it smells like food like poop back here honestly so it wouldn't surprise me if some kids took dumps in here very nasty and then back this way maybe another entertainment area for the house got this cool chandelier this might have been a game room too I can imagine a pool table being right under this light but look how much glass is here just so much glass it's like mind-boggling how many how much glass there is and you can just walk all through this place look at that I am blown away by this mansion you can see it gets moldy down here here is the kitchen and oh my goodness look at this look at the flooring look at all this I can't believe this is abandoned like what on Earth we have a door right here and then check out the fridge nothing left in it but it does stink it does stink uh skin lotion but it's in Chinese it's like crazy all this stuff we're finding in here this is in Chinese too the complete American Jewish cookbook never really seen anything like this place this is like the Little Pantry area where they put their Tupperware and all that good stuff and look here's a BMW 5 series owner's manual so they must have had a nice little Beamer they drove up around this place but you can see this stove is more modern than this this is a very old oven microwave and stove right here older than what's over here but there's multiple stoves there's even a stove right there I mean this place is loaded this is one of the coolest kitchens I've seen in the band in place and right next to it is even a little bitty Garden another little Courtyard so there's two Courtyards here and one is like a little garden all the plants are dead though they're getting some a little bit of sunlight but not much the glass is just busted but keep walking through the kitchen here and we have this that goes upstairs so let's check this out it's actually cold up here like really cold look at this Pool Patio exterior Outlet a lot of light panels looks like we have more bedrooms up here yeah check this out we got a couch here really nice and all this furniture looks really comfortable and we have a bed still has the the sheets and the comforter on it it's pink that's pretty nice and then we have our own bathroom right here not as like fancy as the rest of them though this one's pretty plain there's no pillows left but there's even like a in the oven right here like a stove closet here we do we have a low closet this Mansion is something else definitely it's something else so we're gonna go back downstairs and see if we missed anything I think there's a whole other section back here oh yeah look at this goes downstairs I wonder what that goes to back here we have the washer and dryer room washer and dryer is still here definitely older washer and dryer though so it hasn't been used in quite a while there's even more glass throughout here so we're going to try to find a different way downstairs because I want to just load it with trash so we're gonna go this way we're gonna try to figure out a way down there so we can uh see what else is left in this place but I think I missed the room right here oh my what the heck these are all deer antlers oh my goodness fur is still on it and there's actually yellow roses on the floor I believe that there's a way downstairs from the pool area and I think we've seen everything on this side we're gonna go over there see what's downstairs What Lies Beneath Us in this Mega Mansion here we have found our way to the basement we're gonna go down here and check it out and it's very tiny what the heck oh this feels weird bro yeah this is very weird I would think that maybe they controlled A lot of them yeah I think so and it just ends right there it's mostly air conditioning stuff so poor lights oh yeah pool lights right there this is probably like uh this is a cleaning system for the pool I believe right here look at this crawl space kind of wonder what's back there this place is uh this place is weird man very unique [Music] foreign [Music] all right everyone we have explored this entire Mansion today and safe to say this is one of the best in this area that we have seen just look at it look at the hallway I'm walking down I hope you guys enjoy this video just as much as I enjoyed exploring it guys comment down below your favorite part of this mansion and we're actually going to go fly the Drone now I'm gonna do a little walk through the woods it's a beautiful day today the weather's nice and that's going to be a wrap on today's Mansion we're gonna go check out some more places on this trip and like I said we're back in America and I hope you guys are enjoying the American series again but we're going to get out of this place it's getting hot in here but it's cooler outside and thank you to my friends KT spores and Mr Kranz back there having a good time today if you're new guys hit that subscribe button leave a like down below and again comment your favorite as part of this house thank you guys so much for all the support and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 223,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: LNsDU_petYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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