Abandoned Family Home Frozen in Time (1974)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up guys welcome to another video today we're inside a place that I love to film I love abandoned houses abandoned mansions homes anywhere that people are that once lived inside of I think those places are the very best there's nothing like walking literally back in time and this house is that exact way it's like walking exactly back in time we don't know too much about the house we had photographer friends find out about this location and they were kind enough to give it our way so now here we are we're gonna look around the house maybe for clues I saw a calendar I said 1974 and by the way this house looks I wouldn't doubt that it was left that year but we're gonna check it out if you enjoy leave it thumbs up and let's go this has to be one of the oldest TVs I've ever seen I don't even see a brand on it usually old TVs like this there's a brand that sticks out but I don't see any if anybody recognizes it throw a comment down below and let me know there's even game still left behind at the moment I can't think of what this game is called but I've seen it so much it's hidden old game I know that too she's not coming to my head I'm sure everyone in the comments will roast me anything in that room yeah oh wow it's an old picture yeah it's really cool is there anything on the back yeah nothing so this must have been I guess an office somebody love birds okay leaving the living room and the I guess office we have a pair of overalls just chilling here still on the UH on the rack honestly look kind of new in recent this piano is huge gallon burg and involve all if I'm pronouncing that correctly okay looks like we're heading into the kitchen wow that's something I've never seen actually in person and I'm surprised this is a coal furnace maybe wood it says duo therm so maybe that implicates it was both what the heck I don't even want to know what that is I'm I've been getting close for the most part everything's kind of still here things are tossed and turned but still got some looks like coffee in the show sovereign vacuum-packed I love seeing the old logos I feel like they used to these to package things so much better a long time ago wow this must have been like their storage closet there's like no room to walk or anything so this is probably the best view we're gonna get of everything in here I haven't even seen like half of this house and this is already like one of my favorite houses I've ever been to you have an old Lantern here some medicine or do some cleaning products maybe okay we're gonna go across the hall now and this maybe was the master bedroom we just have a bunch of stuff thrown around and pictures everywhere I thought this maybe was a master bedroom but it honestly looks like a woman was living here at least in this room but we do have some makeup and stuff or nail polish and stuff like that it's probably like a little guest bed or something oh it's another hallway right there see attic so these look like kids rooms to me these are you know much tinier much smaller beds it definitely was a little girl's room because we have little baby's clothes still hanging up I wonder what happened here to make everyone vanish because this is so odd here we go you could see the cobwebs use the paint chips that fell into I'm actually just floating this place has been sitting here for I'm gonna guess and say probably from when the dates say but it's it's it's a miracle that it has stayed the way it has some way down always like a sewing room but it's probably as far as I can go very cool though let's take a look in the bathroom okay just your prototypical bathroom but little soap dishes is unique it's cool look at this you saw a toothbrush oh there's another one in there oh my god that Gillette logo is so old this is actually right next to the room we were just in just stuff all over the place here ooh that looks interesting it's only one area this house we didn't explore yet that's the Attic Wow you could really smell the dust up here look at this chest oh my god it's beautiful who knows how old this thing is just fold the blankets and whatnot got a walker right there it sounds like brand-new and you could tell this is from a super long time ago updates or anything [Applause] 19:58 just a bag of newspapers or just one bag actually you know what this is the bag the newspaper came in in 1968 oh my god that's crazy I could be in his attic for our just uncovering old stuff I didn't look over here yet for comprehensive control of bronchitis oh it's frozen oh no it's not this is one of the most interesting things I've ever found I looked at this and I immediately thought what the hell is this what's what's dance wax so I turned around as instructions and everything so basically you just pour this powder on the floor right before you're about to dance and then boom you could moonwalk like Michael Jackson essentially it's kind of cheating if you ask me you could see 1944 and I looked through this briefly and a lot of the articles here just about soldiers in World War two corporal Rogers killed so these are just that's like an obituary for that soldier this isn't the original copy but just being able to legislate ledge ledge early read it and everything is amazing sitting history right here 1902 it labels how this is a whole great condition caring for the sick in the home home hygiene and care for the sick engagements 1942 inside this book about caring for the sick it shows a room and it said an attractive bedroom which can even easily be transformed into a room for a sick person and honestly the kinda looks like the bedroom downstairs kind of crazy all right we have finished exploring this place at the end of it all is definitely a top probably five location that we've explored what do you think Lee absolutely that's absolutely insane literally frozen in time mmm 1960s 1960 we saw calendar from 1974 we don't know once again why it was abandoned I did see a lot of medication I saw things in the Attic that say that there was somebody in you know Meade and they it looks like they transformed the upper floor to like a medical wing sore in their last days yeah someone definitely got old passed away and they didn't have anybody left and that's what happens here and that's why we explore so many places god preserve this history got to preserve the history before thieves looters and straight-up demolition teams come by and knock out history one building at a time so thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed leave a thumbs up like and subscribe leave a comment if you don't like it tell us now we're off to the next band Oh booth
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 153,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: 0EWTcLjDasM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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