Exploring A Notorious Abandoned Insane Asylum - Terrible Medical Experiments

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what is up guys welcome back to the next free photography abandoned mental asylum adventure i'm gonna go and attempt to explore an old building that i explored with pictures probably about four or five years ago but this building is uh unfortunately it's usually all sealed up but lately things seem to been a little more relaxed here and quite possibly easier to get into and check out and i've been really really wanting to come here and film a video inside and get some new pictures so i'm gonna head over and try and get inside so you guys skew the music to the intro and if we're lucky i'll see you guys inside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this video is sponsored in part by loom cube loom cube lives to help us create better content hit the link in the video description below to shop lume cube's wide assortment of products and use the code freak photo at checkout for 10 off your loom cube purchase okay guys made it in very very tight squeeze to get in one of the tighter holes i've had to squeeze through in my life if you know what i mean we're in the basement now dark and damp now this whole building is pretty dark because every window is covered up so i'm gonna need all my lights so again thanks to my friends at loom cube for hooking us up with the lights that we're using in this video let's check it out okay guys so we are in the dark and damp basement of this mental asylum i need to give my eyes a minute to adjust because it's very bright outside and i just got into this very dark basement so this is the only building remaining of what was once a very very large mental hospital mental institution insane asylum whatever you want to call it b13 and i will overlay some pictures for you guys to show you what this entire facility looked like many many years ago it's a bunch of wood here yeah this was a massive mental institution years ago guys and then they demolished the main building of the asylum and they only left a couple of buildings still standing which i believe have heritage designations so they can't be demolished so happy to finally be in here back in here [Applause] yeah and you guys will see from the exterior it's a very eerie looking building somewhere down here is uh a room that has they did dental x-rays and there's some dental molds so we'll have to see if i missed that room my first time here first time i came in here i got in through this window right here and i took one of my favorite pictures ever of this door right here so how about right now guys i'm going to overlay for you the picture that i took here the very first picture i took in this building when i first got in years ago let's take a look at that now now one thing i never looked at was actually behind this door when i first came in okay so this is a ramp going down so from the outside right there there's a ramp coming down that comes into this room which has been bricked over as you can see here we got some light here we go this is the room that i missed the first time with the dental molds there you go there you've got top and bottom molds and then you got that there and kodak dental x-ray filter and then we've got a couple of lights here this big old light here oh i got more stuff up here step up on this thing guys take a look see what's up here oh wow we got way more dental molds up here whatever this stuff is absorbent dental things so this is all pieces for creating a dental mold i didn't uh i don't know if anybody's ever looked up here interesting [Music] hot up here guys i'm sweating like crazy here you go interesting it's always good to finally see a room that you missed your first time around perfect example guys of paying attention your first time in so you don't miss anything your first time around to come back and take some photos of that later on there's a set of stairs that goes up there stairs are missing though that tv in here and then back here we got some bathtubs okay let's head down the hallway guys that go off but we'll make we'll cover the basement first okay what do we got in here boiler room another door to outside that's been bricked over a set of stairs there going up very eerie looking stairs this is a uh what do they call this a dumb wader it's not really an elevator they just move it to move stuff up and down i think it's called the dumbledore lips guys here is the sign-in board over the years and there's me from 2015. here is a storage room where they've got some interesting things there's a bedpan right here and these are stirrups right here and when we look into the history of this place you'll understand why they have stirrups in here for what kind of surgeries were performed in this specific building this up this building at one point guys was the medical exam building and when we get to the top floor we'll head into the examine surgery room so these here are for stirrups for holding the legs up here it's a sink there here is a very old mcdonald's coffee cup and a very old mcdonald's french fry container right here and this magazine doesn't have a cover so we don't know what magazine it is so i can't tell you guys what year this is from or what magazine it even is there used to be an old big mac container right here with this mcdonald's stuff but it's gone it's disappeared there's a there's a little wendy's bag all right guys let's head up from the main floor we'll head up these very soft sketchy stairs to the ground floor so okay here's your front door guys right here that's the front door the main way in locked from the outside with deadbolt there's an ashtray and a very old payphone check that out okay and then when we come in you've got an art arts doorway here arts entrance and all of these rooms are blocked off with boards because the floors are so insecu floors are so unstable you can see that they've put some some wood frame up to keep the floor from collapsing on itself there's a fireplace on the other side of that and then head over here and it's the same thing another room with a fireplace and you've got these beams put up here to uh keep it from collapsing okay now we are in the main corridor area and that takes us down to the basement oh we have a collapse down there that wasn't there four years ago so let's just go room by room guys unfortunately i can't tell you what any of these rooms are because i don't have much history guys if i'm able to find anything i know there's a lot of stuff online about this facility so whatever i can find for us i'll get it for a voiceover all right okay let's head down this way and see this uh this collapse back here here you can see the paint on the walls the designs that they had and then now you've got patient rooms one by one so this one's got a lamp still and this is room 114 and they've got diamond shaped windows and each room is very very small tiny rooms this room is bigger this looks like it would have been a uh what do you call this like a viewing room so here is where your doctors and your staff would sit and observe and this would likely be where the patients would just do whatever it is that they're observing the patient's doing that's my guess anyways don't know for sure though there's another patient room no beds in any of the rooms yeah so here you've got to sit here and observe whatever's going on inside there here's this room here which ceilings and floor is gone all the way up floor is very soft here guys oh wow guys look at this hole this must have been so loud look at the radiator over there the entire second floor and the roof came down guys right now i'm going to show you guys a picture of this room as i took it in 2015 and i also overlaid a picture i found of patients sitting inside this room here give you a pan over and now we'll toss in some pictures my okay so that is a stairway up but we're gonna go to the uh we're only on the one half we still have to go all the way to the other side of this weight on this floor so oh down here first so these patient rooms are so small hey what's up guys how many mirrors are left in this place check this out there's cups left [Music] so this is pretty much it for every window every window has these ventilator these fence ventilation openings to let air in and out but that's why it's so dark because every window is covered with a board and that's the only bit of ventilation and natural light to come in so that's why i have to use my flashlight for the whole place pretty much sorry [Music] this is going to be very soft this is a wood floor here so gotta be careful [Applause] so this guy's is exactly what was on the other side with the collapse this is the solarium on each wing and on every floor for patients to sit in and get some sun therapy and hang out see they fix the roof and they fix the floor here on the second floor so that it won't collapse so this one is in better shape from the second floor but this floor here is not in such good shape and years ago the pictures in here would have been very bright but not anymore very quiet in here very peaceful here's a light that fell from there green window frames we are on the second floor sun room and again they fixed the floor up on this one too so this wing has been saved and preserved for the most part i think this is an addition from the original building here i think this was originally the outside wall and i believe i read that this solarium and sun rooms on each wing were an eventual addition onto the hospital [Applause] check out this private when you get here this one gets full privacy this one you only get half privacy and this one you get three quarters privacy check out this wallpaper this room that's different the wall here plaster is coming away from the brick down there up there i mean and you can see downwards come off come down this place reminds me of a much much smaller version of uh buffalo psychiatric hospital so yeah here's another room with a really interesting uh it sinks i don't really understand this is so sketchy guys oh my god i have stood on that very floor that's down there in this room wow oh yeah i think this is the top floor i don't know if there's one more look at the little speaker right there i can't quite get close enough to it wow another observation room that's a mirror or i should say a window right there right here there we go so that's where we're going up to the search engine there's your really like your main front window right there collapsed floors radiator right there i'm talking too quiet there's another fireplace there okay guys up here is where the bad stuff happened okay be careful in there that guys takes you up to the observation room where you can go out and watch surgeries and i'll show you that room in a minute okay here's where i stepped this is i remember it being this bad okay hey guys where we're standing here is the main surgery room for this building where the doctor for the um institution performed most of his nasty surgeries mostly on women so there would have been a table probably right here and if we look up guys this right here is the observation area so those two windows straight up top that is where staff students could have stood and looked down and observed the surgeries that were taking place right here in this very room and i will link you in the comments i will link you i will put links in the video description and some information and over voice over for what types of surgeries were performed here now also an interesting fact about this room is right up there where you see the wooden ceiling and roof that was originally a sunroof so all of so that the doctor would operate on natural light so he had two large windows right here and there was a giant sunroof right there and you'll see pictures of it on my website linked down below of what the building used to look like on the outside and then that's where the giant glass sunroof was over here would be your surgeon's prep room right here so here's your sinks right here with your soap and this is where the surgeon would have scrubbed in and prepped himself for surgery and made his way into room 313 to perform his surgery so this is probably the most historically significant room in the whole building and here don't know what this is apparently that looks like the mona lisa somebody says hi i'm the mona lisa maybe i will take those stairs up to the attic if i feel okay about it i'm wondering if these are from that up there if there was glass there maybe and then over here guys there's a really cool thing i think it's an autoclave used for cleaning equipment there you go so here's the autoclave where they would have put all of their surgical tools in after the surgeries and cleaned them to reuse them again this thing's been here for a really long time okay guys so what's uh we've basically covered the whole building now so what i'm going to do is i'm going to play some uh some drone footage and i'll do some voice over and give you guys a little bit of a history lesson on this place i'll mix in some voice over with some drone footage exterior footage and some panning shots of some of the runes here and then from there guys we are done so don't leave quite yet you've got some history to learn you've got some information to see some exterior drone footage and then we're going to come back and wrap this up so don't go anywhere see you guys at the end of what's coming [Music] next for almost 145 years mental health care had been offered on the grounds of this insane asylum known as the london asylum for the insane it began with the opening of the london asylum for the insane in 1870 when this location was considered to be outside of the london city limits this site was home to the london insane which was renamed ontario hospital london in 1932 then the london psychiatric hospital in 1968 and finally renamed regional mental health care center london in 2001. in 1963 demolition began on the original ontario hospital london soon after construction began on a new mental health facility the london psychiatric hospital during the 1960s to the late 1990s the hospital was still a regional resource and people came from all over southwestern ontario to receive care details of the types of procedures performed in this asylum are shocking and knowing that this building was in use during some of the darkest days of psychiatric care just makes your mind [Music] wander [Music] at the time the main physician and superintendent of this asylum thought that he could cure female patients of their mental issues through gynecological surgery it was a widely accepted notion that disease in one part of the body was capable of producing symptoms in a distant region i'll let you figure out the rest [Music] a memory shared by a former employee of this now abandoned insane asylum when asked if he had ever observed any treatments this person recalled taking male patients for electroconvulsive therapy which was one of his duties as tenant staff he alludes to one of the hospital's major challenges which was having enough staff to manage the volume of patients he says you'd take one ward at a time 10 people or so by the time the next guy was ready he was looking and seeing the guy before him convulsing he also mentioned that the main doctor had ect done on himself to prove the safety of the treatment so that he was aware of what this treatment felt like this insane asylum began using electroconvulsive therapy in 1944 shock treatments were administered up to three times a week and could take place over several weeks the dangers associated with shock therapy included fractured bones from the convulsions and brain damage believing that there was a connection between damaged or misplaced female productive organs and mental insanity the superintendent at this asylum ultimately performed over 200 surgeries on mentally insane female patients [Music] of the 106 surgeries performed between 1895 and 1898 the superintendent claimed that 71 patients either recovered their mental health or had been improved a list of some of the surgeries performed include 16 hysterectomies 12 removals of diseased ovaries and tubes 22 operations involving the replacing and retaining of the uterus in the normal position 30 operations of the cervix 21 minor uterine diseases all in the name of mental health many doctors were publicly skeptical about the success of the superintendent's surgeries claiming that insanity could not simply be cured with a surgical procedure [Music] after the doctor's death the gynecological surgeries performed at this asylum decreased dramatically [Music] okay guys that wraps this one up i hope you guys have really enjoyed this one i've been wanting to get in here and film here for a very long time so glad to now have this available for you guys to watch on my youtube channel so guys as we always say do me a few favors number one hit that like button number two drop me a comment down below say anything you want but i love it when you guys tell me where in the world are you watching me from if you're able to share this video please do and last but not least guys if you are not subscribed to my channel hit that subscribe button down below follow my channel help grow my channel watch my old videos catch up on my new stuff stay tuned for all the new stuff that's coming up and a massive thanks to my friends at loom cube for hooking us up with the lights that we use to light up these very dark buildings that i explore for you guys that we explore together link is down below for loom cube on their website check out their assortment of products if you guys are a photographer if you're videographer if you use youtube if you use twitch if you use tiktok if you use snapchat anything that you guys need lights for lume cube's gonna have it use my code freak photo at checkout to get yourself ten percent off your loom q purchase thanks a lot guys this has been a great adventure i got some pictures to take now thanks for watching thanks for being here see you next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Freaktography
Views: 139,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freaktography, urban exploring videos, urban exploring, Urban Exploration, abandoned videos, abandoned places, abandoned, exploring, explore, explorer, freaktography youtube, youtube freaktography, freaktography abandoned, exploring with, urban exploring with freaktography, Notorious Abandoned Insane Asylum, Abandoned Insane Asylum, Insane Asylum, london asylum, london insane asylum, london insane asylum ontario, abandoned london ontario, abandoned insane asylum london ontario
Id: PS-tGh__gHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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