Will this $1000 Nike Abandoned Storage Unit Pay off?

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[Music] hey guys welcome to Grimes fine it is Thursday June 17 17th because it is your birthday yesterday yeah Davis birthday yesterday yeah he's 53 years old anyway I just bought three units here at Extra Space Storage on Luther Davis's run great auctioneer here in Texas but anyway I'm a little nervous I'll be honest I'm a little nervous I bought three units here and I just spent $2,200 and the biggest moment was a ten-by-ten I have a stack full of shoes and all kinds of stuff like that I was bidding on the one unit the one unit that I did not buy you there's four units and I got three of the four I stopped at 700 there was four gun cases in it but I mean I every time I've had gun cases they're empty and I'm just you know I'm trying to play smart today I'm not trying to you know be out here risking a lot of money but anyway you know like I said it's hard to lose money whenever you piece it out down with the silverware that you find but anyway so we're gonna hop in here and see what we have then we'll see in a minute all right guys so we are here at Extra Space Storage unit 1066 this is the 10 by 10 one of the three that I just bought anywhere spent thousand plus Byron I just spent $2,200 here this was the most expensive unit so anyway with bars bringing them all that I'll have that just look beyond in the comments and I'll add it all up for you to show you and we'll try to follow this one process the through so you can see how much we actually profit it off of it so I'm gonna pop on my old man glasses and we are going to so why there's not a lot on here I haven't dug in anything you'll see this thing was jam-packed but I usually if I know I'm gonna stay here I don't throw a lock on it so anyway let's see what a thousand dollar ten by ten looks like okay so let's do the thing you know why I tell you why I buy units I did see this I saw the tape this looks like it's not expensive toys but you know that we're doing the hot toy auction right now so you know the toys can't be expensive I did see shrink wrap furniture that's always good I did see all these shoes I was hoping that these shoes were in here but if you look up here there's books in this one and they're shoes in this one so it's going to be a gamble whether these are in here now I do see a shoestring right here these shoes cost no no they're made in China then anyway so what people usually but this right here surprising this sounds sounds you know sounds good but anyway so we're gonna start unpacking this if we do if we do find something super cool listen let's do some about you I do some abox are all quick okay you two guys go grab his carts go grab carts dollies all that good stuff bring her for dollies so anyway now while they're grabbing our equipment let's go ahead and hop into some boxes and see if I if I just as much okay these were easy I saw these in here I could see these are Jessica Simpson these do look wearable these aren't too bad you know convers are sellable okay the Nikes what I'm hoping this in there okay so this I'm not familiar with this brand you know although in that a grocery store that's all these here we go oh that's a it's either a big steak or this is a lightning rod I think this might be a lightning rod okay Leo would say that's crap mo all right not off to a good start it is a nice iron though actually it's a black & decker it's clean it's actually looks no Nikes in that one I didn't sell my tennis shoes oh no all right kind of getting scared I'm not gonna lie not scared cuz I can still make money off of this you hopefully I don't know about these do you know about these they just feel cheap though so alright get more nervous you get nervous oh here we go oh so these are polo okay those are clean polos still got the sticker in them that's a good sign get some polos at the shoot locker ready 1 2 it's getting depressing guys I'm getting scared all right there's a little five dollar sign give up there good Oh check this now this is a nice lamp that's a nice lamp hmm these new shades got a little dirt on it but I put a lampshade aside so actually I didn't really care but it just said it made me scream collector to me oh okay so I'll check it out I hope we got some money in this box we got some money in this box all right okay so it's probably like a frost or something you know some kind of cheaper knife then shoot on so that sucks a little filet knife outdoor angler I got a little football in here Cowboys football actually have that football a little sound dome sounds like it's in there a little salt rock I actually I know these can sell for pretty expensive these Salt Rock lights and then you got a couple nerve pistols in here you know that's good for auction this 20 30 we got tubs boxes I'll give you all guess what is it well humina this yes for cigars okay that's cool this is cool okay y'all start putting all these small boxes and stuff see I'll start getting all those in there I want to get to this yeah I'm not gonna pack all this stuff for time sake business but maybe we got some purses oh oh hey pussy the tubs make a mess keep clean so I saw this at first okay just a little leather pouch didn't look like much but there's leather patches and stuff in there okay take that you're wondering what I saw why play the step back it's not I'm not gonna get lucky your dad down that looks pretty good it's actually pretty it's a good thing if it's fake but still well you can't tell from the outside so it's still you know a Louboutin bag I think we got some more persons in here though I'm not sure this is something Charlie Oh charming Charlie Charming Charlie help Michael Kors okay okay so I'm not feeling too bad these are the people with all the shoe boxes have you know joining shit like that oh sorry but then we see a cigar humidor I mean it could be some good so we'll see if my profiling was accurate okay okay if these are in here these are sellable that's nice so that's transfer that over uh-oh don't don't look down there okay anything like that in the bottom watch out there's okay so we will hey you guys can start taking these boxes off and just kind of line them up right there and then that way you don't start grabbing the furniture out crazy check this out we got ps3 get in here yes yeah also yelled all these money okay hey let's put this in a time this is actually these are it's a Senate sellable nice watch the knife this is kind of cool looks like old box maybe or something and I'm jonesing I'm sorry I'm gonna zone cuz I got five in it and about three weeks okay more detail later the games DVDs we got some core to love crosses crosses do well that's actually real pretty cross okay so a lot of good syllables actually kind of fun box did you find jewelry in these what does that go - oh look we've got some red bands down in here Samsung this is sellable yeah baby you know we like finding these oh look we know these sell old onwards mm-hmm okay so we're right we're rocking we're doing all right okay let's go ahead and pull this the pieces of furniture out and get those up on carts these are finishing spot these in here more phones I use are good like I said I talk on the cigarette more box trip let's kill them up with cell phones stuff like this Samsung's you know my brother cell by yourself Oh jewelry fucking gift cards within doing somebody's lease okay so we're gonna take this sand save these for everybody I accidentally peeked I accidentally peek but justin hasn't seen this yet it's full right y'all gonna love it like these fools we gonna have the truck that come in here and pop the door open on my um that's probably business that's what I told you stay right there Oh real what's real just the empty campaign yeah do y'all want to see now Joey wait boxes down there so hey I'm not too excited yet just cuz the Invicta case is in you doesn't mean jet ok Invicta watches can go anywhere from 50 bucks three four five thousand so this feels right this feels good cheap you can always tell the quality and the ID the the magnifying glass right there looks pretty quality it feels quality so it's no scrapes no dings no scratches on this bad boy so hey hey I don't know some people think I'm crazy for finding it that's just for spinning on units why new but it's a gut feeling I get asked him don't get gut feelings I'm always right mm-hm always right and it's not because it could be something from from God you don't know just trying to help me along my journey but I do believe he does that but I also believe in profiling units and I need to do a whole video just profiling units where did they shop at did they take care of their stuff there's all these different things that I spot in these units and I can usually tell us they're gonna be jewelry's they're gonna be small fine collectibles what told me and this one was all the Nike boxes regardless if they were in there in the Nike boxes were actually in decent condition you know so maybe we just bored Invicta watches as soon as this is okay this is probably cheaper just feels cheap you telling your hand made in Japan still a nice watch that Invicta I'm gonna say is real why was it smartly flinch so this one yes it is see what brand it is not familiar with it Singapore move so I don't I'm not familiar with this oh it works alright get out of my bag man it's like digging in my pants that's his nest ha I'm doing I don't even know what that meant but get out of my bag I'm going to show you a freaking spin kick to your chest never digging another man's box especially when he freakin front of the cat for the room hey let's just hopefully man let's keep it going are these in here no 1 2 3 this in here yes you said no nice to take I don't know if it's gold yet I'm hoping it's white gold that's not it's not to 5 but this is a very pretty ring and it's very clearly mark 9 to 5 in it and it's just it feels nice it feels nice ok so let's do this let's get those dressers on carts let's go ahead and get those out to the truck and we still have three other units to do and I'm gonna try to fill them all it's Tuesday so anyway we are gonna set up a time lapse right over here and I'm gonna keep digging and we will pop back in I'll set some things aside if I want anything but in what we've got so we will be right back hey guys so we are almost done with this unit kind of pop in here I like just a 10 by 10 thousand bucks for we did find some cool stuff I'm getting better at this YouTube thing if you look over here I haven't touched any of these boxes got a few over here and y'all know if you if you've been following me from the start this is super hard to not to tear into every freaking box right now so we did find these these just fell out of a box or a dresser where we were taking the Geneva but there's still nice twenty thirty dollar Washington auction for at least in ours so the only thing over here that I opened was this because it was in the air screws who's in here but it is in here that's not sure how much these are real definitely not sellable item little samsung printer for photos looks like all the other stuffs in here the cartridges all this good stuff so you know hopefully that's anyways that's in there [Music] so birthday cards I've told you we set these aside cuz it's not it didn't it's not it didn't produce money for me to sit here and go through every card like this scaring the dae-ho got somebody's wallet some ice kid no cash real quick but still this is our first unit for the day so we're taking another wallet hey yeah Jake y'all take that we're gonna finish up this video and we'll hop down in the next unit okay oh this looks like steel evolution sit there side oh look we got the key okay so I'll try to fix this hinge back not hard to do here's the thing I guess you probably types of cartridges out that's what keeps the humidity off cigars we gonna hear testosterone somebody was taking steroids and I know that unfortunately cuz I took like that's how I got so buff okay so anyways let's just try it back in here I'm in such a rush alright so we got the watch is it in here no 1 2 3 be mighty big cufflinks I don't know that brand yeah stainless steel genuine diamond okay oh yeah oh oh baby diamond yeah that's not so subtle you're not familiar with it but hey I know some standard still can go really well let's pop in a few of these real quick before you go down to the next unit and start some generic kitchen decor that's actually kind of cool oh no I think this actually might have some h2o how is it make sure to watch parts but in the clock anyway I don't wanna mess this up I'm gonna get something like a something with a big rubber screwdriver or something yeah we've done big clock auctions so we know our claws okay before we got some bookends what your Hey look man we need the gel the gel is a gel offense no no not really it's agility yeah you know but there's some little chigger bites on them so I have to disclose that but these are kind of cool do so Reader's Digest okay all right so not an exciting box but it's a profitable markers okay you look dad this looks like crap supplies so I'm not going to spend a lot of time here or your time on this unless I just pull something so this is all a bunch of boys yeah just looks like a bunch of books well better than this when we get back Rodney our long time all right I thought don't you have something over here - I did have some over there okay so this looks like it's trophies we did find some football helmets so I'm sure that belongs to be careful cutting into here okay so here we go so we found the Nike boxes didn't find the Nike shoes but looks like they're in here oh look I think these are older mm-hmm dude I thought these were the Reebok pumps I want some of those so bad there's the matching ones that smoked ostriches Little Chute to dinky for me to want to sell we could donate these okay so this looks like basically just athletic shoes Chicago Bulls and dirty boom at TCU love Louis Mavs all right so we got a pair okay we got more DVDs in here Oh woohoo is that wonderful oh is that one too yeah Ronda Rousey so that's good yep Batman Oh in there okay yeah so $1,000 didn't sound so crazy on this unit now that I'm looking at it but you know sometimes you make more on one you do the others so I went a little more expensive on the rest of the amazing so you get all excited this is what I see in the box and then I turn it around you see this business it's a rollercoaster of emotions people oh okay you know probably not an expensive watch but I'm not gonna be thrown off just because it's made of plastic because it couldn't be something good there's a hologram sticker on it I'll look this up anyway never assume anything I never seen anything Oh Finn bindi we have the purse yeah we know so it may not be in here but it could be in one of the other boxes so this person like washes yazell years old mm-hmm this might be a nice watch I don't know I don't know this friend okay all right so he broke his B's intend ODS baby Lulu all right let's see if it just turns right on for me cuz it wants me to make mine that's a good sign folks that is a good stinking son what guy was in there oh man that makes me sad actually that might go in my pocket oh my gosh this is one of my favorite games if I'm sowing to get it this long [Music] oh man that's world eight can't start on world a Jake it's like that ain't fair we're loading the truck hey man I'm making money too all right jump oh he's got turtle show on Oh get off me fool and this used to be my jam back in the day oh that's who okay okay [Music] no how do you spit fireball I should be a fireball though ah dude I thought I was about a little real cool didn't oh alright hey it works I don't know how much this is worth but it works we got a Mario do yes here near these actually sell turned out no that's classes so we're looking the other caucus Roger hey guys the box on these sides I'm done with - oh here's another watch here's the glasses are these oh you know what maybe those are these because they felt some kind of nice already put them up okay this is a u.s. polo but it's cracked Oh didn't I sell the watch Captain America oh that's cool that's pretty cool it's a shoe looks like all paperwork but we won't be fooled we'll look at this when we get back let's go over here check these boxes out and we'll be doing look this guy's what is this what is this at least a six plus what it's a s6x princess so your times right on is it gonna taro it all for me that's still how much do these work yeah at least hundred now CDs we got some kind of alright yeah we found the iPhone six any of those good crosses some red boxes we never return to break it so random okay so there's a TCU right in here still it's got the tags on it but they don't mean that because that's kind of style sometimes okay therapy we'll skip that box hey Ted see they ruined about foot no you on it oh is it here yeah Blair under one who's a mmm bandages [Music] what's in here here it is this is a gold coin all right nope I still probably good controller right there I don't know much about this kind of stuff okay so here's the oh no no this is a good brand nice little cufflinks mm-hmm doesn't say gold or anything on the back so anyway hey guys a thing over woman every phone iPhone 6s plus what oh now I got to so pumped boom now I can really look like a drug dealer with my pagers on top looks like maybe this for all right so that's good let me make sure we don't have any more boxes wouldn't want to go through we found a ring so the highlights of this for the effect of the Rings what else ton of phones that we read soon yes for games see without a ton of ps4 games those Jake we're gonna put and hey go ahead and grab that ring if you would then Invicta box let's go ahead and put this in a tub that will go on the Katie I'll take that [Music] I think these might have been the guys gotta Jordan alright what we got over here got the matching Jordan JustFab alright so I don't know much about these don't know add a lot of value but we will for sure look these up when we get back do we have any other what do we got here so that's like a sharp DVD player or something believe it's got Bluetooth capabilities so we got the speakers that's really good these are not speak this is all kitchen stuff all right guys so I'm not sure how long this video when I'm trying to shorten these things down to at least 20 minutes but anyway so we know it's way over yeah okay we're way over so I might try to edit it down but anyway I just want you to see the journey front to end and you know I don't want to just put videos out that show all the cool stuff because I don't think that helps anyone keep a realistic view of this business and I'm doing this to educate people because I know there's people out there who want to start their own business and just maybe don't know how so I'm hoping that we can be a help and part of that journey of helping you start your business so if I show you all the glamour and glitz and glamour people might run out with their jobs to do this and it's not it's not like that every time it's a roller coaster like I said earlier the emotions the buying everything is a roller coaster and this business is longer you stay at it you will make a lot of money anyway soon we are gonna get out here make sure to subscribe hit that Bell see it the next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 138,438
Rating: 4.5090542 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage hunters, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Nike, Sneaker Heads, shoe collector, shoe collection, yeezys, QrewTV, Streetwear, RetroSnickers, ToNYD2WiLD, WearTesters, Wynn, The Sneaker Addict, Brad Hall, Seth Fowler, sneaker reviews
Id: zaWM1FjSUjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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