Abandoned Million-dollar Mansion Left Behind By Harvard Surgeon!

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This is the Mansion of Dr. Howard Heisenberg,   a place that holds the secrets  of a life lived to the fullest.   Dr. Heisenberg was an accomplished doctor,  known for his groundbreaking research in the   field of medicine. He graduated from the  prestigious Harvard School of Medicine in   1962 and went on to become one of the  most respected physicians in the USA. Dr. Heisenberg lived in this grand mansion with  his beloved wife and three children for the   majority of his life. They were a happy family,  spending their days surrounded by beautiful   antiques, rare books, and priceless works of  art. But after Dr. Heisenberg passed away,   everything was left behind. Their place became a  time capsule of a forgotten life, frozen in time.  As we step inside, we can see the remnants  of a life well-lived. The rooms are filled   with vintage medical equipment, antique  furniture, and family photos. It's as   if the Heisenberg family just stepped out  for a moment and left everything as it was. The mansion remains an important landmark  that reflects the life of Dr. Heisenberg   and his family. It serves as a testimony to  the achievements of a man who dedicated his   life to medicine and to the importance  of pursuing knowledge and excellence. Embark on this journey with us  as we explore the secrets of   their abandoned mansion and discover  the legacy of Dr. Howard Heisenberg. [Music] Welcome back, everybody, to another  episode on the Bros of Decay.   I'm Leslie, and today I'm going to show you  a fascinating home in the United States. I   actually shouldn't say "home" because this is a  mansion, and it's estimated to be worth around   $3.2 million. It used to belong to Mr. Howard  and his family. Mr. Howard was a medical expert,   a doctor, a surgeon, and he was very well-renowned  in the medical field. He has multiple awards that   you see there on the walls, gathered over  the years that he was a medical expert. Today, I'm going to take you throughout his home,  show you everything that's left in here. He left   all his memories behind when he passed away in  the year 2015. His wife also used to live here,   but she later moved to a nursing home. It's now  been abandoned for seven years. The children,   they don't seem to care about anything that's  left in here, and it's just withering away.   The properties around here that also used to be  abandoned have been demolished, and this one is on   the list to be demolished very soon. So, I'm happy  that we made it on time to document this historic   place that he bought in the year 1960 and where  he lived all his life, together with his family. Oh, it's so beautiful to be sitting here  in the most important room of this house,   where he did all his work, where he studied, where  he prepared his lectures. And from here on out,   I'm going to start this episode. I'm going  to take you on a grand tour throughout   this beautiful property. I'm so excited for  this one, so let's start this documentary. Let's start off our documentary here in this  wonderful room that I was just sitting in.   And the first thing you see when you enter  into this room is actually pretty devastating.   So, after he passed away, the word got out that  his house was abandoned, and people came in here,   scavenging through his memories and through  his valuables that he left behind, just to   find valuable items to steal. In the process, they  completely ransacked this office, going through   all his documents just to find some valuables that  they could resell. Sometimes, people are horrible;   they have no soul, as it seems, just  for a few dollars that they could make. All the documents from his patients are still  lying on the ground. You can see there are a lot   of receipts lying here, probably medical expenses  that people had to pay and bills that he sent out.   Wow, these shelves would have  most likely been all full of books   back in the time, but they are  completely empty right now. We even have this painting standing  here with a hole in the bottom.   One of the vandals probably broke this, put  it down here. There's no signature on there,   so it's most likely not valuable, but it's  a wonderful painting of these flowers.   I really love it, and I would have loved  to have it as decoration in my home,   but that's not exploring for me. Exploring is  leaving everything that you find behind forever. Here, we also have some sort of award. It  seems the President of the United States   sent this man an award from the Army of the United  States. Wow, this is an award for Mr. Howard.   Over here, we have a picture of him  together with his wife in his younger days.   You can see them with their newborn child. I found a treatment for cold  injury prevention from 1963.   Mr. Howard got his degree in medicine in 1962.  Before that time, he used to be in the war;   he used to be in the Army and had fought  in wars. But he changed his life around.   Not that being in the war is bad, but he changed  his life around to become a doctor at some point.   Maybe we can see a picture of him as well, nicely  dressed up, and this is his wife next to him. There's a beautiful lamp standing here. More degrees on the walls, even unopened letters,  and this one is from the police department.   Maybe he did something wrong, maybe a speeding  ticket of some sort. Is this President Kennedy?   Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that. He was  a pretty proud man of his country as well.   And then, this desk where he conducted all his  work from, a wonderful desk. Even a picture of him   still lying on top of there from the  time when he was still in the Army,   a pretty young man at that point.  He grew to the age of 86 years old. So, he was born just post World War II. The  typewriter where he wrote all his letters on that   he sent to his clients. Even one of the letters  that he ever wrote is still lying next to it.  It's such a sad sight to see all of this left  behind, and that upholstery chair where he used   to sit in. I can still see Mr. Howard sitting  here at his desk, typing away. If you imagine   the pictures that we just saw, you can imagine  the person still sitting here and working. I must say, I'm totally in love  with this display over here.   There are fourteen awards standing here  in this cabinet, in this display cabinet,   all different medicine awards ranging from 1963,  as in 1962 when he got his first medical degree,   until 1994 when he got his degree for being a  surgeon. This is definitely not Mr. Howard, but a   wonderful, ancient picture of  a young boy, nicely dressed up. And then, to the side of the room here, we  have this sort of sitting area. Maybe when   patients came in, they could sit over here and  talk to Mr. Howard and explain their case. I'm   not sure if he would welcome patients into his  house; maybe it was just for doing business. Wonderful curtains over here as well. I love  the flower design that they have on them. And then, the chairs underneath  here are also pretty fascinating. A wonderful table is standing here,  with a newspaper still on there   from 1965, just three years  after he got his medical degree.  I love the clock face as well that we have  above here. "Regulator" it says on there, a   beautiful clock face with the lamp underneath.  Oh, I already love this room. Going through here,   seeing the history and seeing all the things  that are left in here is just fascinating to me. That brings us further into the next part  of the household, and as you can see,   this actually used to be the living area of  the people where his wife, Mr. Howard, and the   children used to relax in the evening after work  was done and they just had some time together.   First off, let me show you this again:  this is the ravaging that went on in   here. People threw everything on the  ground just in search of valuables.   But I must say, there are some wonderful  things left behind beneath the rubble here. For example, this cabinet, this drawer  that we can see here in front of us.   I love it. It has some sort of gold  plating on there, and the design on   it is just wonderful. Let's see if I can  still open it up. There's, unfortunately,   nothing in there anymore, but wow, what  a beautiful drawer we have over here. And up on top of there, we have a few items.  This is from the university that he attended.   Even a random picture is still here. Oh, and this is just so beautiful to see,  beautiful and devastating at the same time.   This is his wife with their newborn child, and all  these beautiful memories are still left in this   household. Here, the child already grew a little  bit older; he's holding the car keys as if they   were going out. Let me see if there's a date on  there. It doesn't seem to be a date. This is just   wonderful and devastating at the same time, seeing  how these memories are still left in this place. Here, we have a cartoon of them. This  is Mr. Howard and his wife. "Here's a   wild and crazy guy. Rob the head for luck. Eat  your heart up." Oh, that's wonderful to see,   all these cartoons that they made of them.  "We are having a great time," it says on   there. This is probably their wedding picture.  "Do you believe in love at first sight? Oh,   I love this. Where have you been  all my life? Am I a fox or what?" This is probably a present that they  got when they got married to each other.   Their friends probably put this all together, made  this beautiful memory for them back in that time.   It's a very, very old album, maybe already  even 50 years old, because they probably got   married around 25-30 years old, and Mr. Howard  grew to 86 years old, maybe even 60 years old.   There's also this picture of this child lying  here on the ground, in between all the rubble,   and even a Christmas card still framed and  left lying around on the ground. Insane. And then we have the living room itself,  with all the display cabinets to the side.   You can see all the items that were once in  there have already been stolen by thieves,   but the main furnishings of the  living area are all still left here.   For example, there's a wonderful couch here in the  middle of the room where they would sit together,   a very big living room table, I would  say. And on there, we have multiple   more pictures and memories of the family that  once used to live in this wonderful household.   This is their grandmother, wow, holding the  child who's not very old in there. The child... I think some of these pictures might have even  been taken inside of this home. "The Lord is   my shepherd," it says on here. Wonderful,  really. Oh, and this is a beautiful picture;   this is actually on the front porch of the house.  You can see the swimming pool in the back there.   Here's another one of them sitting  together with their poodle. Oh!  These pictures are all taken  inside of this household.   They're a little bit stuck together, I must say. It's wonderful to see all of this,  again, and devastating at the same time. The couch itself, where they would enjoy their  evenings together, is now surrounded by peeling   paint and wallpaper. You can see the deterioration  taking place, only after seven years in this place   already. The ceiling is going down, the wallpaper  is peeling off. It's just crazy. Like every single   time I come to a house in the United States,  I'm just perplexed to see how fast these houses   deteriorate because where I come from, in Europe,  every single house has been built of stone,   and that lasts for hundreds, even thousands  of years. I once filmed a castle from 960,   and this place is still in perfect condition.  But only here, after seven years of abandonment,   the wallpaper is peeling off, parts of the ceiling  are falling out, and it's just crazy to see.   I don't think they will renovate this  house; I think they will just demolish it. You have another picture of a  woman sitting on a couch over here.   Oh, I also love these crystal glasses and the  crystal lamps that we have on the side here.   They're very fascinating as well. A  walking aid is still standing here as well,   maybe for when Mr. Howard and  his wife got older and needed it. Have a look at these curtains;  aren't they just fascinating?   And then the chandelier in front of them, wow! And  then, right next to the couch, we have this table   over here with many more memories left behind.  We can see Mr. Howard and his wife here together,   and here he is at an older age, together with a  lady, a younger lady. I don't know who she is, but   they are standing in front of the house, and back  then, it was not overgrown yet, like it is now.   I also love these memories that are left behind  here. You can see Mr. Howard and his wife,   and the love that they made it into some sort of  a cartoon. "Now, this is what I call a party!" We   see somebody dreaming here. "Why is everybody  looking at me?" I love this, how they did it,   and these are just such fond memories, and  they have all been left behind over here. Oh, and I forgot to mention the  wheelchair over here as well.   So they were pretty disabled, as you can say, or  in pretty bad shape at the end of their lives.   Oh, and then we can move on through these  glass doors into the hallway of the place   where the people were let in, where  the guests came into the house,   where they also entered into their wonderful  place. I love the display cabinet that they   had here in the corner, probably filled with  ornaments and artifacts back in the time,   but now completely empty, with the wallpaper  around it completely peeling off the walls.   There's also a lot of clothing left here on the  ground, as you can see, some baby pictures around   it. Nothing on these, unfortunately, but here we  can see some female clothing lying on the ground:   some dresses, a yellow pair of pants. Wow,  this has never been worn before. Even the   price tag is still on there. They bought it  but never were able to wear this clothing.   Still, the whole cabinet over here in the hallway,  the whole closet here in the hallway, is still   completely filled with clothing of hers. All her  dresses are still here, hanging here for eternity. Some mirrors on the ground, some beautiful  mirrors. I love the crystal design that they have   around them, but unfortunately, again, somebody  has spray-painted an X on them just to destroy   them. That's so sad to see. Oh, the crystalline  flowers on them, isn't that just wonderful? And   this over here was the main entrance door to come  into the house, such a huge door, a beautiful   wooden door that would enter into their beautiful  property. Over there, we can see that used to   be the dining area; we're going to venture into  that in a second. And then we have the stairway,   the grand stairway that will lead you upstairs to  the bedrooms over here. A wonderful piece as well,   but it has been completely broken, and you can  see that they already started renovation works   at some point in this place, but they stopped.  They ripped out parts of the walls and probably   were trying to renovate this place in some way  but never finished the job. There are even random   pictures lying here on the ground that really  show you that this used to be a doctor's mansion. Oh, this is also such a beautiful mirror that  we have here, standing against this closet,   still wrapped in bubble foil, waiting to  be transported somewhere but now waiting   here for a new home until eternity.  So sad to see. But now, everybody,   let's wander into this fascinating room that we  have here in front of us: the formal dining area   where friends and family would be invited  to have dinners together, where probably   Mr. Howard and his family also used to have  dinners at some point. Ah, a big pile of rubble   here in the corner as well. Let's have a  look at that. Still, even more pictures   lying here between the rubble. Oh, so sad to  see yet again. Oh, here's that same poodle   that we saw in the other room. And this is a  very funny picture; here we can see his wife   sitting on the toilet in one of the bathrooms  upstairs that I'm going to show you later.   They were having a party over here in the house.  Wow, so many fond memories still left here. And this is the booklet from their  wedding. It says over here, "Our Wedding."   Oh my God, Sheila was his wife;  okay, that's her name, Sheila,   and then Howard. They married in 1959 on  the 23rd of August at 8 pm on a Sunday.   And here, we can see all their wedding pictures  that they once made. What a beautiful bride!   They were such a nice couple together,  all the bridesmaids around her.   Oh, I want to see the groom as well,  I want to see Howard. At the altar,   here she was going towards the altar, and  here they gave each other their first kiss.   Why would anybody leave a book like that  inside of this house? That's just stupid. Let's go further throughout this  room. I love the wallpaper as well,   with the flowers and the birds  on there. It even represents the   same design as the overhead curtains or  the overhead cap of the window up here. And then have a look at the room itself. Isn't  this just a fascinating room that we have in front   of us? The big table with eight chairs around  it, where dinner parties used to be hosted,   where great memories were shared, and  beautiful conversations were held.   If the walls in this room could talk, they  would tell endless stories. I also really   love the chandelier that they have here above  this dinner table, a fascinating piece still   hanging here. And there are still some things  displayed on the table as well, some coffee cups,   some liquors that they used to drink. This bottle  of Bristol Cream is still completely filled. And here, the turkey would be served. Sheila  would serve the turkey for the guests.  Everything just left here. We have another  wonderful display cabinet to this side. All   her best china would be displayed in this one,  very valuable items. You can even see they have   display lights worked into the ceiling of this  cabinet, just to give it some extra prestige.   There's an Asian design, an Asian  Japanese design, on this cabinet.  And then, at the end of the  room, we have this drawer set up.   It's also very wonderful, also a  very beautiful piece of furniture. Wonderful. Let's see if there's something still  in the drawers. Nothing left anymore, but wow,   they slide perfectly still. All the cutlery would  be in here, all the beautiful silver cutlery that   they used to have. I love this basket over here  as well; it looks like a picnic basket that   they would take out into the park, a little  nice bottle of wine, some bouquets in there,   and then off to the park to enjoy a picnic.  A picture of a child over here as well,   some liquor bottles with one of those wonderful  mirrors, with these wonderful crafted mirrors   also here on top of this cabinet,  a fake flower in front of it. Wow,   okay, and then we go to this door  to the next room of this place.   Oh, this is a collapsing door. Oh, that's  funny, I've not encountered that much in   abandoned houses. I think only once  or twice I saw a door like this. Okay, there's some sort of a sitting area, and  then, ah yes, over here we have the kitchen of   the place. And this would be the informal kitchen,  where they had breakfast and dinner when no guests   came over or stuff like that. Then they would  have their dinners over here. It's still a very   fancy place, with the windows in the back there,  looking really cool overlooking the backyard and   the mountainside that they had behind this house  because this is in a pretty mountainous area. The chandelier that once hung from the  ceiling is lying here on top of the table.   This would also be a table for six people, even  though there would only be four people living in   this house. Sheila, Howard, and their  two sons would be living in this place,   and they have another lantern hanging  here on this side of the wall. Then there are also these built-in  cabinets we have here to the side,   and then the kitchen itself, where  some appliances would be standing. Oh,   I'm curious about this item. What's  this? I've never seen that before. Oh my God, is that a built-in toaster  for four slices of bread? So every   person in this place could easily  make their own bread in the morning.   Wow! Cabinets are empty, unfortunately.  Here the fridge would be standing.   And have a look at these glass panels or these  glass windows that they had in this place as well.   They're also very beautiful. Oh, and  these stoves! They are so intriguing. I love how they are designed,  they look very 60s or 70s. And then a very big, grand kitchen as well over  here. These cabinets are so low; there's no space   left between them anymore. A   stove to this side, what a beautiful  place, everybody. I am absolutely in love. Let's see what more we can find by wandering  through this property. That room, we'll save   for a little bit later, but let's first go to  this side. We have a chandelier here again,   hanging in this small hallway. There's  again a lot of rubble on the ground. Okay, what would be stored in  here? I have absolutely no clue   why they would put this mesh in front of it. Haha, that still wrinkles! I love it. This door  seems to be completely locked; there's also no   door handle anymore in here. I can't seem to open  it anymore, so we can look at it from the balcony.   Okay, I'd love to do that. Excuse me. And this  woodwork on the walls is also very intriguing;   I love that. Here, we end up in the bathroom. Ah  yes, a very small bathroom with these pink sinks,   gold-plated faucets, and  Japanese designs as wallpaper. So, it is boarded up, pretty  interesting. I'm not going   to show you the toilet because  that's disgusting. Wonderful. Then we have one more room to this... Oh, this  is such an intact room! Have a look at that,   probably one of the children's rooms.  We see a very small bed over here,   still made, the pillow still on there,  the bed sheets still in good shape.   I love the frame of the bed as well,  beautifully white, lovely shape.   Such a beautiful bed as well, the pillows are  still lying here. I wouldn't even fit in this bed;   I'm almost six feet, and this bed is probably  five feet five or something like that. For people   who use the metric system, I'm one meter 80, and  this bed is probably one meter 60 or one meter 70.   And they also had a desk in here, so the child  could do their homework. They even have a   picture standing over here of this young lady.  Okay, to my knowledge, they only had two boys,   but I have seen a lot of pictures of young  girls in this place as well, so most likely   they might have had a third child. You can see  another baby picture lying here, some flowers   with a mirror above it. Hi, everybody! What a  fascinating place! I love this room; I really do.   Also, the attention to detail throughout this  house is fascinating. You can see over here;   you don't even see the light switch anymore  because they perfectly covered it with wallpaper.   You only see the knob of the light switch.  On this side, they have it as well. Very good job they did in this  one. Back through the hallway,   let's have a look, and then we end up in  this room. Yes, some sort of a sitting   area overlooking the terrace and the backyard of  this place with the fireplace to the right of it. Wow, this is sort of a room where  they would sit in the evening,   as well as the living room. This would  just be a room for the summer as well,   where they could open the doors, enjoy a nice  breeze coming into the house, maybe also enjoy   the fireplace, and overlook the backyard when  it's snowing outside, just like it did today.   Lots of paperwork and books also left over here,  and I think this is some sort of an artwork that   the children might have made in school. "Flyer  Galaxy Airways," that's pretty interesting.   Open fireplace here at the end of the room,  must have been wonderful when it was lit.   Such a nice and cozy atmosphere  would glow throughout this house. The bucket where all the wood was stored,   and then this table here in the  middle is also pretty fascinating.  And they even had this bar area  here at the end of the room   where cocktails were served when guests came over.  Rusted lanterns above there,   bottles of liquor still left here.  Scotch whiskey, if you look behind here. This is funny. I'm sorry, Dr. Hersberry won't  be seeing patients anymore; he's on vacation   permanently. Probably when Mr. Howard went  on pension, this is his surname, Herzberg,   went on pension, they gave him this cartoon. Oh,  this is so interesting. I really adore this. Wow! He's on vacation permanently;  that's so fascinating.   The drawer back there, the artworks and  everything, are just immensely beautiful.   And then, everybody, let me give  you an overlook of the porch.   It's completely dilapidated, but now overtaken by  nature. Trees and roots are growing everywhere,   and this porch is completely falling apart.  The wooden pillars that you see over there   are falling into disrepair. I don't even  think that this property is fixable anymore.   It's ripe for demolishment, and I think  that's what they're going to do with it   in a couple of months or two years from now.  Their barbecue is still standing here outside,   where they used to grill on and  used to make beautiful meats. And even a vacuum cleaner is standing here  outside, a Hoover. This is a typical American   brand; we don't have it over in Europe. A very  unique shape for a vacuum cleaner as well.  I totally love the backyard of this place and  the porch as well. It must have been such a   wonderful place for them to sit outside and enjoy  their family and the time they spent together.  I'm now going to take you all upstairs and show  you the upper floors of this household. Here,   I told you before, I think somebody was,  or they were trying to restore this place,   and they broke the stairway in the process. That  used to be up here, the railing of the stairway.   Even to the side here, you can look into the  bedrooms that once were part of this household.   You can see the exposed wooden panels on here with  the graffiti, with the vandal sprayed on there.   I'm so surprised that some rooms of this place  are so pristine still, and some rooms are so   broken and in disrepair. This must have  been a wonderful hallway back in the time   with this wallpaper. They definitely were  in love with Japanese art, as you can see. Here, the railing of the stairway  would be back in that time. And then they had this insanely beautiful   gold-plated chandelier hanging above the stairway.  I just can't imagine how this must have looked   like when it was in pristine condition and  they still lived here, only seven years ago. And here we have the first bathroom, and this  is the one that I showed you with the picture   of the woman sitting on the toilet over there.  This is the exact same bathroom. Wow, I love   the style of this one, how it's so complementary  with the toilet over there, all in the same color.   Now we have the sink to this side, and yet again,  you can see the attention to detail throughout   this house. They completely wrap this in the  same style of wallpaper that we have over here,   so beautifully done. Even the symmetry on there,  it completely lines up with the upper wallpaper.   Let's first go to the left here; let's check  out what we have left on this upper floor.   Oh well, we have another bathroom to  this side. Wow, and this is in a red   kind of theme. The shower over here as  well, you can see somebody in this house,   I think it was Sheila because she lived here the  longest, was already in a bad state of mobility.   She had to sit down in her shower; she had to  have all these aids throughout the household.   The chandelier over there as well, oh,   so much attention to detail throughout  this house, it's just wonderful to see. How much of this wallpaper has  fallen on the ground, Jesus Christ.   And here we come into what used to be, at some  point, her bedroom in this place, but now has been   completely overthrown. You can see the jewelry  boxes over here lying on the ground; they probably   pulled them all out of the drawers, looking if  there were any jewelry left in this place. More   graffiti everywhere, unfortunately. Look at this  wonderful furniture that's still in this place. These lamps and everything are going to waste. I love the suitcase as well  that we have over there. And over here, on top of this drawer,  we have multiple pictures left   from when the house was still  in a very pristine condition.   You can see this was the kitchen that we were just  inside; here they were on a vacation together. So many pictures and artifacts of the  family at one point in this place.  It actually doesn't seem to be like  the same house as we are in right now. And this one as well, these are all different.  Oh, these are all from different houses. It's   also not the kitchen that we were in just a minute  ago, but this is definitely the family. This is   one of the two boys that used to live in this  place. Again, another Japanese antique cabinet   over here. I love the design  that we have on this one as well.  Okay, let's go further. Let's  go further, everybody. We   have a completely overthrown room  to the side, completely overthrown. And then, one more room on this side as  well, and I think this used to be the   master bedroom of the place where Sheila  and Howard slept and lived together.  The wallpaper on the ceiling has completely  peeled off over time, but I love that the   bed is still made after all this time, and the  colorful bedsheet on there, it's just wonderful.   Beautiful wooden bed as well. Let's see what's  in here – there's nothing in here, unfortunately. I have to watch out and not step on  the mirror that's lying on the ground   beside the bed. Oh, and in the cabinet, you  can see one dress of Sheila still hanging.  A last ring that she wore herself,   still standing here on the nightstand  with some contents still in there. And then, have a look at this cabinet  that we are seeing here in front of us.   This design is probably the most  intriguing that I've ever seen.   Look at all the details and the carvings – every  single piece is beautifully carved. It's just   wonderful. Let's see if there's something still in  there – no, it's completely empty, unfortunately.   The curtains, as well in this  room, are all just so fascinating.  From the hallway, we can go straight  into the basement over here,   with a stairway leading us down into the  serene space of the household. It looks like   we're going into a dungeon, looking at the  lamp that's hanging here on the wall. Okay. Here we are, entering into the basement of  the household. It's like a storage area,   maybe for some wine bottles or just a  pantry for some food and stuff like that.   A lot of the wall design with all the  wood in this house is very special. Let's first go to the right here. Oh, look at  that – we have a piano right in front of us.   What kind of room are we entering into? Oh my God,   this looks like some sort of a man cave that we  just entered into. That's so interesting. Wow,   a chill space, I would say – a man cave  of some sort or maybe a playroom as well.   I love the piano that we have in front of us here.  The decay on it is very present, as you can see.   Oh, I just touched it; I shouldn't have touched  it because I made a mark on it that I didn't   want to do. But look at that beautiful piece.  Does it still play? I'm so curious. No, no,   what would you expect? It's not playing anymore;  that's very normal after such a period of decay.   Actually, only seven years,  so it's very fast. But yeah,   one of the presidents – unfortunately, I can't  name him, but you have to excuse me because   I'm European. I don't know every single  president of the United States, of course. Trick pony, what? I love the shape, design, and  everything about this piano,   and now we have this wooden calf lamp  standing here – a wonderful piece.  The drum down below here, oh! There are spiderwebs covering this book;  nothing really interesting in there. It's   Pioneer from 1958 – this  book is from a very old book.  And then, here in the middle,  they had this sort of sitting area   with the couches all around it. They  probably could chill in the evening,   sit together, as there's even a television  worked into the frame of this cabinet. Lots of magazines about art pieces, I can see  from Cork laying over there on art pieces.  I love these couches as well. Let's have a  look if there's anything in these cabinets. All seem to be empty; all seem to be emptied out.  So, I'm not sure why they took all the valuables,   maybe the thieves did this, but not the pictures.  This picture of the cats playing a game of poker   together, or a game of cards. And here's somebody  who won a lot of trophies. See the basketball,   and more. Oh, accordion playing! Oh, it's for  playing the accordion. And I still remember   these devices – it's like a little movie theater  when you look through it into the light. Different   pictures will be displayed in front of your eyes.  Some people might know them, some people don't. Even a plant is standing there  in the corner of the room,   and all this wallpaper that used to hang on  the walls is now coming down onto the floors.   This place and the furnishings used to  have a lantern in this room as well. And then we have this one last room  here at the end, and they made it into   a beautiful bar, as you can see. All  the liquors are still standing here,   unopened bottles of wine from 1978,  product of Italy, it says on there. That's so beautiful to see, all the  spider webs around the bottles, and   even this painting that's hanging on the walls,  completely chipping apart and falling apart.   And the lanterns above the bar here –  this is such a beautiful place, everybody. And the table where they could sit, have  some drinks together in the evening. Even though this house is so expensive,  3.2 million dollars, these people   just couldn't take it with them.  That's just the way of life.   It's so sad to see they've spent so much money  and effort making this place, and at the end,   it just gets abandoned and lost forever. And  yeah, I'm just not sure why anybody should   spend so much money on a house. Don't get me  wrong, I think it's very beautiful, but I would   rather spend my money on experiences that I  will hold in my mind forever, instead of all   these materialistic things that would just  be here and at the end hold no value anymore.   I really love it; it's really beautiful, but  it's also so sad to see all this go to waste   while our world is so unequal. Let's look a  little bit further to this side of the household. Okay, what do we got over here? Alpine Council  – oh, he was in the council, and it says Howard   Hertzberg wanted to become a Republican for  responsible government. Oh my God, I forgot   to show you in this room; I didn't even see it.  Have a look here in the corner of the room – you   have this beautiful cabinet with a record player  on top, worked into the design of the cabinet.   Wow, there's even still a record laying on  there. Isn't that just fascinating? A big   collection of records down here as well.  Wow, and have a look at these wooden doors   that we have over here – they're completely  splitting apart and falling into disrepair.   Oh my gosh, do you want to be in a video, Marcel? Everybody, I have to introduce you to Marcel.  So, everybody, you know by now that I've been   on a trip throughout the United States and meeting  fans of mine that watch the channel, and this is   Mar actually. He decided today to come with us  to an abandoned place. What do you think about   this place, Marshall? What do you think about  your first experience with an abandoned place? "It's pretty amazing. It's very intriguing,   yeah. I think to look at people's  lives and how they live, and then all   the accumulation of things that people have." Yeah, we were just having a talk about that,   right? About how all of this is left  behind and how you could rather spend it   on experience instead of such extravagant,  all the stuff that you don't really need. "Exactly, there's so much of it, you know.  I feel like it's... I agree with Lesley.” And how was your first time exploring?  Is it different from watching the videos,   like now doing it in real life with me? "Completely different, completely  different. Because the mood inside,   you feel the mood of the  places. Yeah, so different." "Yeah, you get so much atmosphere in here.  I always try to portray that in my videos,   but it doesn't come out like in real life." "No, it can't, I think. No,  that's impossible, exactly." But I just want to thank Marcel. We've  been staying at his place right now;   he's been such a wonderful host, and we  just decided to take him on this trip.  "It's such an exciting, really fun trip  for me, yeah. I've never done this before." "Thank you very much,  Marshall. Thank you, Lesley.” "Yes, such an amazing place for  this adventure, yeah, absolutely." Okay, now we're going to go outside of the  place before it's dark outside and show   you the remainder that we still have to show  you, the front and the back of this household.   I'll turn off my light for the neighbors.  But, yeah, go through this broken window,   and we come into this sort of  area underneath the upper terrace,   as you can see. Plants are growing everywhere  throughout this place. Nature is truly taking over   this property right now. Oh  my God, this is just insane. Here we have that patio that  we saw earlier on the pictures,   and you also saw in the intro of the video.   Everything is completely overgrowing.   And then, everybody, my favorite part about this  house: the pool area in the back. Have a look at   this. And because it's wintertime right now,  the whole pool is completely frozen. I should   be careful to not fall in there, but I don't know  how stable that ice is, but it's just fascinating   to see. I never saw a completely frozen pool in an  abandoned place before. It's also a first for me. Wow, and then the house itself behind here,  the lanterns in the backyard, and everything –   so beautiful. I love walking through the  snow of this place. Fascinating experience. Oh, and here we come to the garage area, the three  garage gates in front of the house from the side.   And then let's have a look at that  beautiful front of this mansion. Oh my God,   the driveway goes up to the front porch of  this place, wonderfully made out of stone.   Plants are already growing up on the  side of there, and four big pillars   here at the front of the house. That is just  insane to see. I love the style and design of   these American houses. This architecture is  so different from the European architecture. So, everybody, I want to thank you very much  for watching this episode. It was an amazing   place to explore, the doctors' mansion, I'm  going to call it, and I just love this place.   A $3.2 million mansion, everything left in  it, in the United States, just unfathomable. I want to thank you all for watching  this week's video. If you liked it,   please give the video a like, subscribe down there  if you're new to the channel, and there's also a   link in the description for Patreon, where you  can help us out, support the channel, and help   us go around this beautiful world and explore  every single building it has to offer. I will   see you next week in another beautiful episode on  the Rosa DK, and I love you all very, very much. [Music]
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 308,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, abandoned, urban exploration, urbandecay, decay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, exploring, explorer, Abandoned Mansion, Abandoned 3.2 million dollar mansion, exploring abandoned, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, Harvard Surgeon Mansion, harvard surgery residency, Million Dollar Mansion, Everything Left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned castle, exploring an abandoned mansion
Id: JZJSxcS75p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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