She Fought for the Survival of the Household ~ Abandoned House in USA

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The Schubert’s house was a place of love, heartbreak, and family for many years. William and Hildegard met in Germany in the 1940s, just before the start of World War II. Despite the turmoil of the time, they fell in love and decided to get married. After the war, the Schuberts were disillusioned with the actions of their country and decided to start a new life in the United States. William was a talented young man and started his own construction company, while Hildegard took care of the children. At first, they had two children, but later in life, a third child was born.use The Schuberts lived happily in their home until William's untimely death. Hildegard was devastated by the loss of her husband, but she was determined to keep the family together and keep their home running smoothly. She took on extra work and sacrificed her own happiness to provide for her children. As the years passed, Hildegard became elderly and needed extra care. Despite her declining health, she refused to leave the home she and William had built together. She lived out the rest of her days in the house, surrounded by memories of her loved ones, until her own passing in 1995. For one last time we will give you a glimpse into their lives and make their story eternal. There we are again, everybody! Welcome back to the Brothers of Decay. I'm Lesley, as usual, behind the camera. Danny, say hi man! Hello, hello. And we are again in the state of...oh no, we're in New Jersey right now. A new state. Have you already explored a house in New Jersey? Yes, yeah, yeah. The one with all the blue paint. I will link it up here, but we're gonna explore a very interesting home today of William and Hildegard. As you just heard from the story, they came from Germany and they, yeah, they made a new life over here in the United States like a lot of people have done back in that time period. And here we see the first clue of their new life: Alpauk. That was William's construction company that he started when they came over to the United States. He had this construction company for decades until he eventually retired and everything is still left here, like you see this was this construction company. This was a truck that he used to go to the customers. Well, everything is still here, even the engine is still in it, but the tires for some reason have been stripped off. And these must have been the barns where William stored all his equipment for his company. I don't think, yeah, these have been completely overgrown by nature. We're gonna not be able to open those up. Maybe from the back, there's a possibility. I see a little window to the side over there. Ah, oh yeah, that's completely open at the back. That's just the deterioration since 1995 when this place got abandoned. Oh my God, Danny, look at that! This is his tractor, wow. Okay, I think we can go into fun over here. Maybe give the camera out to me, I can show William his tractors. I'm just wondering why he needed those tractors. Maybe this was also for his construction company or he might do some formwork on the side as well. Those things are unclear for me. Look at the dartboard there in the corner. And here behind is another tractor of Mr. William. Wow, these are vintage machines. Look at that metal seat on there. Definitely very interesting. Oh, even a little cabinet below here. And then we have to be careful because this is about to fall apart. Okay, I saw something at the end. Oh, there are a couple more cars down here as well. So many cars are left behind in this place. It's a vintage machine. William himself was a big collector or a big fan of old and vintage cars. I'm not sure what brand that this one is. Maybe I can go over it give the people a closer look at this one as well. Yep, thank you. This was one of William's vintage cars. The big inside of it has been rusting away over here for decades. Oh, nine, nine thousand kilometers, nine thousand miles on the odometer. That's absolutely nothing and still looks in a very good condition on the inside even though all the dust. Here we can see the engine. Probably if you start it up, we'll just run all the gardening equipment is also in here, and a very nice upholstery chair right next to us here. Look at that beauty. Oh, it shouldn't be standing here over in this garage. This should be preserved. Oh, okay, lovely again. Honey, there you go. You have to be a real monkey to explore these places and to crawl through everything. I think this was one of the last guards that I used inside this place. This was probably Hildegard's last car, our last car excuse me. Look how the three branches have literally grown throughout the engine bay. Oh my gosh, the tree is literally taking over this car. That's absolutely insane and this is kind of a new car I would say from that era from the time that the place got abandoned. And back there are a couple more cars and a couple more things spread throughout the backyard and another tractor of course. Okay, I think it's time that we go inside of the place and see how these people lived, see what their story was, and maybe we can puzzle something together even more than we already know about them. Oh my God, Danny, I'm struggling going through here. I'm really struggling here. You can see the back side of that wonderful place. I'm very eager to go in there, very very eager. There are a couple of things about this house that I really love. First and foremost, you can see down there the stones, the big stones that they constructed around the foundation. You don't see this very often in the United States. Mostly, everything is made out of concrete or out of wood. And I also had a water well down here so they've probably produced all their own water through rainwater. Still filled and then over here you can see the complete exposed stone. Absolutely love this design. This is very very French I would say or very European to have these kinds of stones. But these stones were for the chimney that you can see up there so not the whole house is made out of wood. Just a small, uh, made out of stone. Just a very small part of the house is made out of stone. Okay, let's go in, let's go inside this place, let's see what's left behind in here. Oh, knock, knock, knock. Welcome! So, we ended up in the kitchen of Hildegard and William and the children of course that used to live here. But, as you can see, this room and the dining room are a complete mess. I promise you the rest of the house is going to be fantastic. Only these two rooms are a big mess, but I still want to show you a couple of things inside of these rooms. As you can see, in 1995 when Hildegard left, everything was left with her disappearance with her passing away. All the pots and pans where she last cooked with are still there and even the dishes are still on the drying rack. Is this a refrigerator? 3G Dairy, oh no, it's an oven, a 3G Dairy, oh, of course, it says oven above here. I thought it was a refrigerator. Excuse me, everybody, but here we see the calendar. And it says 1995, the eighth month, that's uh, that's August right here, that's August, and I say the 9th of August, happy Nana. This is a beautiful calendar. I think it's from Germany, yeah. This is a good calendar from Germany. He's in Bagans, there's there's this obas Landes here or Jaffa, yes, they got to Germany and they bought this calendar over there or they they just bought it online because they missed their home country a lot and I must say Germany is a beautiful country. Okay, let's have a look through here, there are a lot of letters still lying on the grounds that were sent to Mrs. Hildegard as you can see, handwritten letters all left behind, and this is in German if I'm right, yeah, Zoo specialty go Warden that's often mile. I'm not very good at reading cursive so I'm not going to do it properly but you can see these letters from 1971 completely written in German. There are even more letters lying here on the ground that have all been sent to Mrs. Hildegard. Look at this, is one of those electric scooters, oh yeah, they were like the ones you see in Walmart or people are driving around. But Mrs. Hildegard at the end of her lifetime or at the last years of her lifetime, she was a bit disabled. We're gonna see it throughout the house, disabled, I shouldn't say but she wasn't in bad health and she couldn't move around that well anymore at the last years of her life. Okay, and this, like I told you, was the dining area also completely overthrown. A lot of junk in here, there's a couple of things that we can look at, for example, the lovely copper plate that's still on the wall there, and then right below it, have a look at the tile around the fireplace's magnificent. Postage cards have not been written, they have never been written. She probably bought them on a journey somewhere in the world and then wanted to write them to somebody, but never did so. I believe this is in Florida. Which is still a very far away from here. Look at this glass display cabinet that we have in front of us here. It's still filled with Mrs. Hildegard's most beloved dishes, her most beloved China, all the crystals or glasses are still in there. Everything is preserved. Oh, Lufthansa, the German flight company, Boeing jet 747. That's lovely. Oh, and even her perfumes are still left here, Colonia spray. I always want to have a smell, exactly how Mrs. Hildegard would have smelled back in time. No, it doesn't work anymore. But then welcome inside of their living space, their living room. I, to my opinion, have one of the most beautiful rooms in this entire house. And then we start off with the first piece of furniture and that's a piece of furniture that we see a lot coming back in the United States. It's a record player right, uh, I've not opened it. Danny, you've seen it right? Yep. Uh, do I open it like up fold it open like this and let's see. No, no, no, no, no. Just that. Oh, oh, it's down below here I thought I would lift this up. See, there it is, the record player, where they would play tunes on when they were sitting here in the living area enjoying themselves, and then this record player make for a nice atmosphere inside the house. And this is a radio above it, if I'm not wrong, yeah, stereo phony sound system. Very lovely piece, and then you could close it all up and it would make for an awesome cabinet when you were not playing any music. World War II, like we see the World War II, and the things that happened in Germany never left their lives, it followed them through their entirety. They escaped Germany to the United States probably to escape the things that happened in Germany but we can never forget events like this and for them it must have been very very terrible. We have over here a lovely book. Which country is this, Danny? Germany, of course, and rated probably, and I recognize this town but I I know it from the features but I cannot directly say which town it is. Awfully braided in there. Mozart, we have over here, oh, I dropped something. Oh, postage card. We have a little notebook as well, it's not a notebook and Gilbert, ah, it's a German book. Okay, and then we have this cabinet over here, completely filled with books at the topmost. A lot of books in here are German as you can see, and even the German encyclopedia, I believe. No, Encyclopedia of Nature and health, so yeah, I thought it was German but in a Tour held this is the German version of this one, the health of nature it says on there, and even a yearbook from 1976. Okay, and then we have this cabinet over here, completely filled with books at the top most. A lot of books here are German as you can see, and even the German encyclopedia, I believe. No, Encyclopedia of Nature and health, so yeah, I thought it was German but in a Tour held this is the German version of this one, the health of nature it says on there, and even a yearbook from 1976. Yearbook of the Jehovah's Witnesses, okay." Here we go to Jehovah's Witnesses, interesting, maybe they were part of that society as well. Oh, let's close this up and down below we have a lovely secretary desk. Look at that, everything is still in here. Hildegard and William used to do all their accountancy. They would write our letters on here, write books, and everything. There are even still some posted stamps left behind on here. What are you laughing at? Nothing, I thought you were laughing at me. Daddy, did I say something? Just trying to not cough in the video, oh excuse me, Danny. Yeah, it's a bit dusty inside of this house, I would say. Instructions for operating power take of pulleys, okay, that's definitely something from William from his Construction Company, some manuals. See, as I told you, they would do all their work on top of here. Okay, lovely, then another sitting area over there, a beautiful upholstery chair that has unfortunately been deteriorating over the years. What peaks my interest is that there's a straw inside of the chair, fulfilling. I've walked over the exact same bridge when I was in Germany, exact same, so it might, I might have walked over that bridge, that exact Bridge, and then over here we have a lot of pictures of the people left behind. You see a lot of group photos, maybe from the time when they left back in Germany, still amazing pictures, vintage ones. This might have been our beloved Hildegard. Picture of two men together, so many things, a lot of these pictures are postage cards as you can see. Maybe they did it themselves, but I'm not sure. And over here we got a picture of a lovely child, and I think this might have been one of their children that got older and they had a child of themselves. This is definitely not William or Hildegard. I love of these types of pictures. Here we got another family picture. Okay, William as you can see was a big fan of Automotive things, all things automotive, and vintage cars as well. I believe now, I'm not sure about the brand but I think it's a PLS that says over here, an auto car down below. I'd first want to say that it was a Ford Model T, but it's definitely not a huge torch carriage wheel horse couch wheel still left there in the middle of the living area. Oh, this is very very heavy! Pops Festival, it's filed, well there's oh these are all finals. This cabinet is made for vinyl, really, yeah, maybe you should have a look inside of it. It's completely filled, it's amazing, here they come. That looks like an old piece, lovely vinyl, it's completely filled, they were definitely also big music lovers as you can see. Oh, another town Germany, today Modern Love Songs by Wolfgang Sauer, these are all German songs, they definitely were looking back to their Heritage a lot of times. They probably didn't want to move out of Germany, but they got they've probably felt like they were forced to do so at some point. You can still they still have a lot of love for their home country. Here we have of course the American reclining chair that William or Hildegard used to rest in at the end of their day and as we can see they could recline the chair put it back. We don't have chairs like that in Europe, oh we do but not as much as here in the United States. I'm always fascinated when the lamp is devoured like that. I, that might have been done by animals, I don't think humans did that, that's just time. And then that television setup with a buff, there are some negative pictures. Can we see what's on there? That might have been William sitting in a lake somewhere, and here he's rowing a boat. Even more books down below here. Okay, again a lovely poster over here with these vintage cars. And then Danny, we have this side of the room which is my absolute favorite, the setup, the sea to the side, and a piano right next to it. I'm curious to see if this one still plays, oh it retracts in there, no, no, no, no, just like this, just like this, yep okay. Yeah, some keys though still play after two decades more than two decades even almost three decades WM Kanaba and Corporation was established in 1837, a very old piano company. Oh, where's this map from Greenwich? Well, this seems to be from England. Hybrids, yeah this is Greenwich main time. This is the time when we base the world's time on the place. This is from England. Of course, American people, and German people also cannot live without their Liquor. Carol lands we have over here finest Cream liquor, and then the couch where they used to sit on together in the evening, the lovely clock above there, what a beauty. I also love these curtains that can lead us into the next room of the house. there we are let's go into the hallway next section of the house and this is also a very interesting section then he just walked into the room where Hildegard the woman of the house last slept and literally everything from her from her last years inside of the house is still here so beforehand of course she used to sleep upstairs together with her husband William but at the end last year's of her life she wasn't a bad health and she had to move her bed downstairs I don't know if Hildegard would live here alone but it seems like it it seems like you would just have somebody with game in and help her out but for the most part she would live alone we can see on our nightstand over here a lot of things that indicate our bad Health we have coughing syrup we have fixed formula and we have some other medical products and even a pack of cigarettes is Left Behind here latex gloves are lying here trash cans standing here and then of course these chairs are how what's the exact name for them Danny do you I don't know I think these are in English I don't know a shaver pot would be in here but they are chairs to do your duty that's how I'm going to describe it and she would do that inside of a room and that yeah this is definitely a diaper from her and everything of that is still left behind and that's why I see that she that she wasn't a bad Health at the end of her life a lovely drawer over to this side I think this might have been the head of William that's still lying here looks like a very luxurious piece yeah even still some leather in there I love these crests that we have on it product of Adam who have leave plastic flowers as well lying there a couple of napkins on top of here oh this is the same chair as we saw in the living room wow this is a work lining chair no this one is not it's just a lovely chair and I choose her high heels are also still standing neatly in front of that chair isn't that just lovely oh Mrs Hildegard her handbags still lying next to the drawer over to this side. And this over here Danny was her jewelry box her earrings and everything still in there. Here she would choose what she would want to wear during the day. A lovely box but even a drawer at the bottom of it. Oh, it's just a couple of things in there lovely box. Arm hand company fruits there'll be fruits inside of here. This looks like a cigar box to me, there's nothing in there anymore, unfortunately. And then I was really intrigued by these postcards that we have on top of here. We can see a man and he's making like a porcelain porcelain statues over here and artworks and this is again from Germany. German riding on there Johannes Meyer the Volks, the people, the person who made art for the people it says over here. Even her night dress is still left here, wow. And then, of course, to this side, Mrs. Hildegard was a real lady. She had her own vanity, of course. Everything is still on there. See how the road runs? Her perfumes and everything, and down here are even still some letters directed to her left behind. Here we can see Schubert Hildegard, a letter directed to her in 1900 somewhere. These are, this is a bank letter from the bank, all still left here. Nothing anymore in the piggy bank, and here also her alarm clock is still left here. This is one you would wind up. I haven't seen one of those in a long time. Does it still function? No, it doesn't seem to function anymore. It's broken, lovely vanity though. I absolutely enjoy it. Look at that. Chair on wheels and I don't know why this is here or why they constructed it because this is as you can see made by William himself or by Hildegard herself but I have no clue what someone would do with a chair on wheels like that, very interesting. One last glance at the bat before we go, lovely made bat and this brings us back into the hallway. Danny, before we go upstairs, I also want to show the people the basement of the place, so let's head over there. Or a couple of things over here as well that I really adore, for example, this shoe spoon, we would call it in Dutch, I don't know the exact name of it in English, but there's even a crocodile at the end of it, lovely piece, it's very dirty though. Even our knitting equipment is left behind. Okay, another cabinet is completely filled with lovely plates, but let's head over to the basement. Are you willing to go first? Watch out, I have just made an entry into the basement, now I'm going to let you see it, I'm not going to spoil anything. Let's go into this. It's light up here and I stored some things too. Wow, watch out, there's a cable down below here. As you can see, there are a lot of things in here. This used to all be used, all the jars were used for food storage. The smell is terrible, I would say. The smell comes from over there. Can I show the people? There's a dead raccoon really lying there on the floor. Okay, I don't want to go too close. Got this lovely vintage freezer over here and a fridge as well. Okay, Danny, I need to get out of this basement, yeah, absolutely dirty in here. I just wanted to briefly show this [Music]. [Music] foreign [Music] Let's go upstairs now, but first, have a look at this lovely hallway here. The people came inside, we have the chandelier still hanging out, all the lanterns as she would say, and then this was the front entrance. Up there, you can see all the spider webs from the decades of abandonment, the decades that nobody has been inside of this house. And this stairway over here is going to take us up to the top floor. I love the carpet down there. Hey, let's go up, let's have a look. I'm really intrigued by the room that we see in front of us, Danny. Let's go in there first, but first have a look when you enter into the room how it's designed to shape over here on the door. I think this part of the house has been added on later because you can see this is definitely not made like architecturally, they just cut it out and then they made perhaps an extra room over in this side of the house. Wow, it's also strange how it's designed over there, you can literally look over it into the kitchen. Right, this is a side room. This is this is a room that we haven't seen yet. Kitchen is on that side. Oh yeah, now we got these two very old bats still standing here, lovely woodwork on them. The broken like the still made blankets on there but completely broken and devoured over time, even some excrements of animals on top of it. And I think this would have been their washing bin. Like all the dirty clothes they would put inside of here and then when it was time to wash them, they would take it downstairs to the basement. Lovely design and this one as well. Okay, I even have to sit in corner over here, beautiful upholstery bench right behind there. I love the design on that one. Oh. Look at these lovely letters that we have here. This one is directed to Robert Schubert, and Robert is a name that we haven't seen inside the place. Here's another one directed to Robert Schubert, that might have been the son of the people who lived in this room. I love these letters, the design with the black, red, white, and blue is typical of American letters. The stamp used to cost 7 cents to send the letter. Oh, and also one more thing, we have this bar of this tube of toothpaste. Oh no, this is for hair loss. I love these old advertisements, I absolutely adore them. There are even more of those letters lying here on top of the table. Now, I've got this drawer/vanity combination. There's a little mirror on top of it. There's nothing in there anymore, it seems to be completely empty. But I see a stairway down here, and I have absolutely no clue where it leads to. It's a fairly narrow stairway. into the dining area oh my gosh that's so cool okay but we have already been there so there's no need to go again to the dining area let's close this door up again okay I definitely believe that this part of the house has been constructed again later on let's go over to that side okay see this section first I see a very beautiful room to the left of mine but that's where we're gonna save that one to the last let's first focus on this side of the hallway I love the light switches that they have in here Danny have a look at that beautifully designed porcelain right it's amazing and then the oven standing up here for some reason there is an oven on the top floor but then over here we have their bathroom beautifully designed bathroom lovely pink walls pile and everything isn't that just fascinating and even back there there's still a towel hanging oh what's in here ah here we have it again the slot for the razors once before we showed in another abandoned house like what's behind her because people used to put their razors always in that disposal area over here and here's a little clip of what's behind a mirror like this okay all right down below here we have a very strange toilet as you can see it's unlike anything I've seen before but even the toilet paper is also still left here and that always gives me an indication like this is a true time cap so when you see a toilet roll still hanging next to the toilet okay this must have been a lovely area to sit and read a book back in that time period lots of books also left in here and here we end up again in a very small room of the house I think a child one of the children of the house used to sleep in here you can see there's one single bed left behind to decide you can see a lot of pictures left over here this is this is William and we just saw a distractor oh in the backyard wow William a distractor and here are pictures of the house here he is like with the struck construction equipment here is William again on the field plowing stuff so he was also a farmer besides having a construction company lots of pictures of him oh these are all the same that's lovely here's another one from William proudly standing next to his tractor these are all directed to him International correspondent School again lots and lots of letters all directed to William all still left in here the walk-in closet right next to here love how they made that a couple more things a broken picture of two lovely dogs I love that it says over here the good boy it was a good boy who was a good boy he was a good boy I have to be careful with that one lovely cabinet underneath here oh it's not really a cabinet what's this oh there's a swing machine in there there's a sewing machine in there I definitely want to check out that sewing machine always love to see sewing machines inside of these abandoned places okay let's move this to the side let's lift this up how would you perform this ah there we are and then you would open this up and then the sewing machine could lift out and you put this piece back it rests on top of there new home that's a brand I've never seen before me neither new home that's definitely something from the United States it says over here the small letters made in the United States wow what a beautiful piece oh I'm gonna put this all back nicely later on in the video when we are done filming that's one thing to say what's that is this a radio seems like a radio though yeah this lovely letterbox oh my gosh I can even open it up look at the inner workings with this machine there's a speaker in there so it's definitely a radio and this right next to here I have no clue what this is you don't have any idea at any that's a pinhole what's a pinhole it's uh one of the first cameras for photos oh how would you use this so you so no put filament here no no film on the other side it's not film that was uh glass or be careful be careful yeah I'm trying to be very careful you want me to open it yeah I will let you show people what this is exactly so in here you put or the the glass or the metal depends on which one it is and on the side there's this button and if you look inside it shoots for a second ah there's like a little uh shutter that opens and closes so this is the the lens and you can see from here and here the picture you're gonna take that's amazing how old is this device almost 200 years no way really it's from the uh remember the 1800s I found these glass pictures in an abandoned castle and they were made with one of these cameras uh it depends but yes it couldn't be made with these cameras that's absolutely amazing wow this is one of the lens this is for a big pinhole but this was never used it's amazing yeah gonna give this back to you thank you for explaining that Danny Albert has never known anything about that camera is the camera man yeah I study photography the Penny's still lying there or the dimes this oh this is The Flash yep The Flash from the camera it's definitely not from the pinhole but that's a digital one exactly lovely there's also a piece for my camera or this house is blowing my mind really all the things that are left in here what's this all these are earplugs look at that so many vintage things left behind there's a letter directed to Edward J do not have a quick look in here and all the clothes as you can see are still left behind the socks and everything are still in here oh look at there in the corner I think this used to be also a speaker it has been completely taken apart oh must have definitely been a speaker okay next room let's go last but not least we have the master bedroom of Mr William and Mrs Hill the guard this is where they used to sleep together before unfortunately Mr William passed away and held a guard moved downstairs to sleep down there as you can see the bat is still perfect from the time when they're left here together and when they were still fully in love and everything the wallpaper dough has been falling apart has been crumbling off the walls the last couple of decades that this place has been abandoned a lot of news anymore A Little Fall up here I think that's perfume yeah probably definitely oh that's not perfume and I don't know what it is it's like like kind of odorless kind of odorless we have this lamb over here that used to look like a candle holder but they made it into a lamb face and again also those lovely light switches to this side as well or in this room as well this sort of looks like a heaven bat doesn't it almost yeah like if you put a little bit of a curtain on top of it and even the suitcase is still here some blankets in there or some tablecloths I think these are lovely bed absolutely adored I think even the night dress of Mr William is still hanging here and for some reason his tie is also still over there nightstand I love how this piece of wallpaper just fell on here and it's literally balancing on top of this night of this lamp on the nightstand here and then in the corner of the room they also had this fascinating chair standing here the light next to it you can barely not see it but there's a painting right behind the Fallen wallpaper there oh these shoes have been from it's a very big size so they probably were from Mr William Mr William hat size I cannot see it there's no size in here but these were definitely Mr William as shoes that are lying here also always love to see these files not gonna smell this one doesn't seem like water no definitely doesn't okay I should stop should stop smelling everything lots of papers on top of here all from William this one's from 1973 and these are things he bought probably high speed drive that was probably to fix some of his cars here we see also a bill from John there the farming equipment company directed to William in 1973 again for some parts that he ordered uh The netting equipment from Mrs Hildegard is also still left there oh this one is from Benjamin Franklin it says on here 1790 is this a liquor first national state wow I think these are there used to be some sort of a liquor inside of there okay and look at this lovely setup that we have to decide chair we wrote a chair in front of it and it could sit here believe somebody would have watched television on this chair sitting over here maybe they went oh this is a reclining chair as well I didn't expect that and even all the notes and everything are still left on here September 8 1961 we have over here and I actually wrote it for this time they wrote it right they are German they're European of course yeah they write it right this is how we ride it in Europe first day then the month and then the year but then I was very surprised in the United States they twist that around but these people were of course German and even though this is it's an English letter they still wrote it the way they used to in Germany and this is the U.S army Personnel Center it says on there wow there's even a couple of pictures still left here with the dogs when I interest me as well as here we have a key from the house and even the name of the person still on there but it's not it's not the name of of William or Robert or Hildegard okay I was too comfortable on this chair let's get up again lovely setup and then a drawer to this side with a mirror still above it a couple of pictures up here this is the Grand Canyon then you Grand Canyon and Arizona and then we have another picture of the snowy mountain gaps or the snow somewhere here around this area what a lovely place or cabinets filled with some pants some other clothes one that's left and left still in this room [Music] we were almost about to leave the house and in the midst of everything by going through the backyard we missed this chat over here and here Mr William kept his brightest possession his Lincoln link Lincoln you God right Lincoln okay I'm assuming right okay this is a truly American car like you can see it's a real boat this place it's enormous if you drive a car like this through Europe you would get stuck everywhere damn Danny how could we have missed this during the video we're both stunned when we saw it let's look inside of this Beast I think you have to push the button underneath there see the button that's the one okay it's locked up this one's also locked up this hood of the car oh can you look inside this was Mr Mr William his workplace as well as you can see there's a lot of things inside of here lots of cans of paint lots of cigar boxes up there let's see this calendar is lying here from 1973 even as jackets are still hanging over here I think this was from Hildegard his wife oh no that's his painting jacket of course you can see all the smudges on there oh okay let's see if there are cigars in there it's very heavy ah of course of course yes what else would you do with the secret box yeah I even wrote on here screws hooks everything wow absolutely lovely that's how you would open up the boot I had no idea this is vertical not horizontal that's why I was working at it ah amazing fine Danny amazing find the Lincoln of William has Pride his possession [Music] foreign so we found out a lot about the family Schubert they had three children we know and we know one of the names already Rupert you know where William lived here we know that Hildegard lived here and for me it was a very fascinating place to go through this is one of those parts of history that interests me of the war a lot of people migrated to the United States we saw already the house of Croatian family but now we also saw the house of a German family and this is really piecing history back together Schubert family William Hildegard Robert and the other two children I want to thank you so so much for watching this week's video of course Daniel thank you again for filming with me you're welcome link is in the description like usual and if you like this video please like it subscribe to the channel if you're new here I want to see more of these documentaries write me a nice comment and there's also a link in description for patreon that you can support us and help us go around the world because we love doing this with that all said I want to thank you so much for watching this week's video and I'll see you next week in another epic exploration bye bye love you I'm not going to touch my hands dirty bye bye [Music]
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 205,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, abandoned cars, abandoned lincoln car, abandoned house usa, abandoned houses with everything left behind, abandoned houses, abandoned places usa, abandoned places, abandoned german house, abandoned house story, urbex dangereux, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned house in woods, abandoned places explored, urbex france, urbex chateau, urban exploration
Id: VWim2C8OGCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 51sec (3231 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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