Uncovering the mysteries of a Creepy 40-year Abandoned Forest Mansion

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We arrived at the location of the day, and I'll  welcome you all back to another episode of the   Bros of Decay. I'm Lesley, and we have a very  special mission for you. We are still in Georgia,   United States, and a few days ago, we found  a massive mansion completely abandoned with   everything still inside. It's a fantastic place,  but it's very difficult to enter and even get to   because there are neighbors in front of the place  who are watching it like hawks. Right next to it   are also neighbors, so the only way to get to  this place is to go through the forest. Mia   Moreno and I are literally in the middle of the  forest now. We parked our car, and this is the   only piece of land that's not private property.  He already has his jacket on because it's hunting   season at the moment, and hunters are shooting  all the way through the forest. We have to be   careful right now. Like I told you, we're going to  make a hike. It's probably going to be a two-mile,   half-hour hike through the forest. It's  pretty exciting, but let's take you guys   through there. Let's show you this place, and  I'm ready to take that risk. So, let's go. So, a quick update right now. The mission has  failed for today. We tried to go through the   forest, but halfway there, we started to hear  gunshots right in front of us. Our lives are   more important than filming a location, to be  honest. We're going to try to do it another day,   but for today, mission failed. See you  another day with the same location. Hidden deep in a forest we discovered a forgotten  mansion from 1884. This mansion was once home to a   family of six. The dad worked in the oil business,  while the mom cared for the home and children. But as we began to explore the corridors of  this mysterious house, it became evident that   there was much more lurking beneath  the surface. The Seemingly innocent   appearances gave way to a series of disturbing  discoveries, shattering our initial perceptions. A   strange sight greets visitors in the main  hall - a mysterious letter on a table,   and next to it, two knives.  Our only question was, Why?   Exploring the mansion, was unlike anything  we had ever done before. Some beds have blood   on them. And while moving around, we could hear  heavy footsteps from something big in the attic.   Also, there upside-down crosses on the  walls of multiple rooms in the house… Since the mid-1980s, this mansion has remained  untouched by human habitation, becoming a sealed   time capsule, locking away its secrets from the  prying eyes of the outside world. But today, we   embark on a daring adventure to unravel  the enigma that this house guards. Let's dive into inside to see what  really happened in this house. So we made it inside the place. I unfortunately  didn't film the way we entered, but I will explain   it to you right now. After that dangerous  walk through the forest with the gunshots,   Mia and I decided to sleep in the car, a little  distance away from here, about a mile away. Then,   very early in the morning, we decided to  walk towards this place and go inside.   It was really scary, and it's still very  scary at this point. We have already taken   all our pictures, but we hear so many noises  from the neighbors, and we really don't want   to get caught here. But the place itself is  also really strange because we found some   strange notes, blood on the beds, and just the  place in general has a very eerie vibe that I   can't explain. In my eight years of exploring,  I've never experienced something like this before. My heart is racing at 200 beats per minute,  but I'm still very excited to show you what's   left behind here. So, let's waste no more  time. Let's film this incredible place.   Excuse me for having to talk softly at  this point because if I talk a bit louder,   the walls in this place are very thin and some  windows are even broken, so the neighbors would   hear me. Unfortunately, I haven't found  any history or dates about this place yet,   but together we're going to figure it out. There  is one date over here in the kitchen, I believe. There is a calendar that's stuck on  February, but there seems to be no date   on this house whatsoever. So, hopefully,  we'll still find something inside this   place. For now, let's just explore it.  Let me show you what's left behind here.   The first room that we've ended up in is actually  the kitchen. It's at the back of the house,   and here I'm going to start this video.  Literally everything from the people who   once lived in this place is still here. This  is my boyfriend. A very good clue to watch.   Timeless place. Got abandoned, so we  got Coca-Cola for 80 cents. Refunds,   okay? And they seem like very old-school  bottles, probably around 15 to 20 years old.   Here, we have a newspaper on the  table. This one's from 1957, actually. Okay, lots of plates and pans and  everything on the table. I love   these barrel chairs that we have around  here with the big barrel in the middle.   Interesting. This is a back door  to the place. As you can see,   it hasn't been opened in a very, very  long time. It's completely stuck in time,   waiting for somebody to ever open it  again. There are some plates above there,   and here we've got a little  preparation desk with measuring marks. Let's see if there's anything still in  the fridge. Maybe the lower one...only   some water. Not much, really.  I think this used to be some sort of hunting  cabin, but it also seems like it might have   been a house at some point because there are  numerous paths, but there are no personal items   or almost none inside here. That's why I think  it used to be a hunting cabin of some sort. The dishes are still in the  sink as well. Over here,   the spiderwebs are again covering  everything in this place.  What a creepy and eerie vibe. The mouth   stopper for people who can't shut up. The cabinet is still filled with plates. Okay, I love looking at this wonderful cooker  that we have over here. I've never seen one   like this before. I love the design  of it. It's a Roper trademark made in   Canada. Oh my God, that's very interesting. There's a little display item above here. "But all things work together  for good to them that love God." Glasses and everything have been left  behind after this place got abandoned.   We've got a bit of dust up there, a few display  items, a few bottles, and some ornaments as well.   And another bottle up there.   Wow, look at all the cooking utensils  that are still in this pot over here. And we've got some sort of jar,  it's still filled with apple juice.   Place that back very gently, and  let's go further into the hallway.   We first have one more room here to the  side. Okay, this is some sort of storage   room or maybe also a preparation room with  many more newspapers left behind. Here's   the Telegraph from 1957 as well, so it's  actually the first and only date that we've   seen so far in this place, 1957. But it  can't have been abandoned since that time,   that's not possible. Then the whole  house would have fallen apart. And here we enter into the very beautiful  hallway, completely made out of wood. At the end,   there's a stairway that leads up to the  second floor, but there's also another   stairway inside this household. There's some sort of fridge,   maybe to store carcasses of animals whenever  they were shot in the fields around this place.   Wow, lots of storage for furniture in  here as well, chairs and everything.   Bed frames as well. I don't know why there are   so many artifacts and so much  furniture inside this hallway. There's a large spoon and fork on the wall. I  actually saw one of those in an abandoned place   in Germany. I will link that place up there.  It was a very interesting hunting cabinet as   well. There's a peacock on the wall here, and  this is a very cool style of building, a window   like an actual window inside your household. I  just love that. It's sometimes seen in Portugal.   This is only the second time, the second  country ever, where I've seen this style of   design inside a place. I completely love it.  And here we have the boiler in the hallway. This is most likely an exterior  door that leads outside, but   I can't reach it, of course,  because there's a lot of furniture   in front of it. Now, for the rooms here  downstairs, because they are incredibly weird.   Everything is packed with stuff, furniture, and  antiques as well. And that's why I loved this   place at first, but on further investigation,  this place seemed more and more strange. If I haven't mentioned it before, it's a  cabin in the middle of the woods. Literally,   there are two neighbors next to it, and then  there's nothing anymore, just woods, woods, and   more woods. And that's what makes this place so  strange because everything is just left in here.   I see Scott Joplin records still on the table.   Oh, here we have a wildlife calendar from  1983, as you can see, a wildlife collection.   Wow, and a layout design of a house on there.  Lots of fake plans on the table as well. It seems they started to pack up things with   newspapers. They're starting  to wrap and stuff like that.  Thank you, Robert Wood, for making this  wonderful painting of a prairie land. And in the corner of the room,   we have a copper plate hanging on the wall with  a very intricate design. It's so wonderful.  I love to flip this lampshade to the side.  Here, some deer are painted on there. A chandelier is gently laying  on the floor in this place. Oh, a big upholstery.   Can I open this up? It seems to be completely  locked in some way or another. I don't want to   make too much noise. It says that  there is upholstery inside there.   Okay, and here you can definitely see  how long this place has been standing.   Spider webs are starting to scroll over  the boxes that I placed here years ago. Now we have a built-in cabinet with some  very nice china for when guests came over.   Place it on the table and treat them  with it. Wonderful grapes on the wall,   and even some Christmas decorations still  present in this place. That's fascinating.   Okay, let's make our way back over here.   Let's go further through. Have I shown  you this already? I don't think so.   We have another lamppost in here, and there's  some sort of terrarium with a fake plant. There's   some sort of bell or something like that, and then  behind here, you've got this miniature wall clock,   a wonderful piece standing there behind.  Incredible, and even an exercise  bike here in the middle of the room. If there's a stove, yes, this is it. You  can see the holes over there where the gas   used to flow through, and this used to be  a stove. It's completely made out of iron.   Wow, what a beautiful piece. Absolutely lovely. And a big key that's used as a candle holder  hangs here on the walls of this place. In the next room, let's go  further into the hallway.   You can even see in the hallway here, they've  got numerous things stacked on the floor. Maybe   they were using this place as storage after they  didn't use it anymore or for some other reason. There are beautiful blades here on the wall. Here, to the side, is also  completely stacked with stuff.   We're going to tell you already, the upstairs  is very clean. The downstairs here is very, very   cluttered. And that's why I think that they used  the downstairs later on as sort of a storage space   when they didn't use this house anymore. There are so many furnishings inside here. This  used to be a hall tree stand in the hallway when   you came inside the house. You could put your  umbrella on it. Look at the mirror there. When   you went outside of the house, there's even this  lovely painting of a young farm boy above it,   holding a check of wine in his hand.   And then we've got a vanity standing  here in the corner of the room. Lots of fake plants again. It seems to be  a theme in the United States. Every single   abandoned place I go to, like fake plants are  very, very present. You see them everywhere.   I think behind here, yes, we  have a bedroom and a bathroom.   Look at this piece of furniture that we  have here to the side. It has sliding doors   on there that have an intriguing design from  top to bottom. You can see this lady sitting   in the corner somewhere playing a guitar. Then  there's this man here to the side as well.   Wonderful antiques. These are by far the best  antiques I've seen so far in the United States. Why would you leave a place like this behind?   All the stuff inside there. There seems to be  a rocking chair of some sort here on the floor. Then a lamppost and some other things, lots  of cutlery in there. Okay, this is a sort of   representation of how the house used to look like  from the outside. Now, it's completely overgrown.   You can't see them even anymore. There's no  wheel to the side, there's no water wheel   to the side. This is an element that is very  interesting. It looks like it probably didn't   like that because it represented their house. Here we end up in some sort of a living area   again. I think this used to be a dining room area  over here where we went earlier, but this used   to be some sort of a living area. You can even  see the couch still standing here to the side. More beautiful ornaments  and artifacts on the wall.   And in here again, there are so many chairs  stacked on top of each other, all probably used,   like I told you before, for storage. There's   a wonderful fireplace standing here  as well, with a mirror in the middle. Have a look at the back over there. Even books  and everything are left behind. Well, and here,   behind this one, behind all these chairs, we can  see a wonderful couch that's completely covered up   with a blanket. A wonderfully upholstered  piece still in good condition. There's a painting on the wall. And then we come to the last  room on the downstairs floor,   with even more couches everywhere, falling  on the ground. Wow, can I stand on this?   I think so. They even tried to cover it with  plastic, as you can see. And on one of them,   there's this price tag that says five dollars,  with a rocking chair on there as well. They're   talking about this rocking chair for five  dollars. Probably a beautiful piece of   antique that's worth way more. Maybe they want  to sell it for money or something like that.   Wow, there are so many things in  here. I don't even know where to look.   But let's first look at this fireplace up  here. Smith on the top of there, working on   a horse. It must have been lovely sitting in  this cabin when the fireplace was still on. We've got a desk back here, Drew,  all the accounting from the business. What a room, everybody! What a room!  Unfortunately, I can't walk through   here. There's absolutely no way that I can  show you everything in this room. You can   see over here a torn-apart book, completely  torn apart. I don't know how that happens. I just came outside of this room and looked over  here. I didn't even notice it when I was in this   room before, but we have found the first sewing  machine in the United States, and it's probably   down here in its holding box. I'm not gonna take  off these covers anyway, but it's a very nice   piece to find. I love it! I love these pieces  of sewing machines. These machines are amazing,   and I find them all over Europe, and I'm  happy to have found one in the United States.   Okay, now we're in a hallway, and everybody, the  strange things of this house are gonna unveil   themselves, so get ready for it because it's  quite... I got scared whenever I saw it. Let's go. We have this lovely hallway over here, a  wooden hallway leading up to the second floor   with the doorway right in front of us.  Oh, mountainside, most probably in the United  States. Upholstered chair here to the side,   then a grand bench inside the hallway for  when the guests came into the house to sit on.   Lovely side table as well. But this is the first  strange thing that we encountered when we got into   this place. Mia Mourinho came in and looked  at this note that's lying here on this table. It reads, "Kelly, I love you." Mom, "I love you  more, Kelly." There's now a game between us.   And then literally, these two knives were lying  here beside it. This is not made up. This is   exactly how we found it, and I got really  scared when I saw this. This is some sick   stuff everybody. In my 8 years of exploring,  I've never seen something like this before. A little shiver runs down my spine from reading  something like that. It's maybe a sick game or   something like that, or it's real. And there are  some more things upstairs, so let's go over there   first. Have a look over here. This  was the front entrance of the place.   The house number is still displayed  above there. Yet people came in. I   barricaded the door a little bit because  we were in here very early in the morning,   and I didn't want anybody else to come in  here, especially after reading that note. Okay, let's go upstairs. I'm quite excited to go up  this wonderful stairway.   Lots of leaves in the air as well over the  years, probably blown in through an open window.  Spiderwebs are also very present on the  stairway. It's leading us to the top floor. I can... I'm just going to call these  stalactites. But I love the protruding   stalactites from the stairway. It's  probably just carvings that they made.   Very lovely, and there's design  everywhere on the stairway.  That leads us to the top floor.  You can see that the stairway is   already falling apart a little bit.  Yes, a little bit, a lot actually. Beautiful piece up here. Flowers in a basket. And then we come to the upstairs hallway with  a very weird cabinet standing here in the   middle. Looks like a torture device. Possibly  something they used in the past. I'll have to   move everything out so that it doesn't fall  open when I carry it down the stairs. But it   has been standing here for a long time now.  See, there's even animal feces on top of it.   Okay, that leads us to the  top floor of this place. I   switched of the camera for a second because we  both got really scared of a noise that we heard.   We thought that somebody might be coming towards  the matter, but it wasn't the case. And I have to   say it again, this is one of the craziest and  most stressful places that I've ever explored,   but also a very, very beautiful one. So I  really want to document it. So let's waste   no more time and let's now go through this upper  section. Let me show you what's up here because   it's quite spectacular. It's great. Let's grab  the camera. Oh, let's go through this place.   It's actually a very long hallway with  numerous bedrooms to either side of those.   But first, let's go to the right here because  this is a single bedroom that we have over here.   And the first thing we see when we get into  this bedroom is this wonderful fireplace.   I love the design that we have  on here around the fireplace.   Fire screen still around it. Okay, I want to  show you something. If I turn on the light,   turn off the light, do you see this? Yeah,  the light from outside that goes into the   chimney comes into this fireplace. You  can definitely see it on the camera. I'm always wondering if the  light comes into the fireplace,   there's also rain and debris  falling into the fireplace as well,   and I can see a lot of leaves have fallen  into this fireplace as you can see.  It's quite crazy. We see it in European  castles and manors as well. A lovely   piece of art above the fireplace. The glasses  again, everything American written up here. A bottle of Gordon's gin left behind, seashells,  some fake plants again. Lovely. And here in this   room, they had this enormous vanity, beautiful  piece standing in the corner of the room.  Sailing ship right behind there, and this looks  like some sort of a Spanish hat. Maybe it's a head   of a bullfighter. Okay, very interesting. And then  a big couch hit it right. Yes, I think I'm right   about the bullhead because you can see there a  bullfighter, Spanish bullfighter fighting a bull.   Look at that wonderful piece of art on the wall.  Maybe the person that lived in this room was   sort of some sort of a sailor because these are  all sort of sailing ship and all these things. Then we have the bed itself with an eagle still  on it, lots of stars around it, typical American.   But Me and Maureno, when we came into this room,  we were really wondering what happened over here.   You can see this huge stain on the  bed. It almost looks like blood.   And then you've got a few more stains all  over the bedsheet itself. See over here,   this is most definitely blood that has been laid  on there. That's why we find this place so creepy.   Rocking chair in the corner of the room and  a lovely nightstand with a lamp on top of it. The windows behind there are falling  apart. Everything is lying loose.   Some rooms even don't have windows  anymore. They've all slowly fallen out.   This room also has its own bathtub and  bathroom to accommodate it, very nice. Here we see the sailing anchor  coming up again, back on the straw. More sailing ships on the wall.  Definitely, something to do with sailing   or maybe very interested in it. It's  also a possibility. This is actually a   very small bathtub that we have down below  here, paws on there, the lion's paws. Wow. Very nice room, definitely. Let's give you  one last overlook. What a fascinating room.   Let's go further into this place. And here on this side, we come into another room.  I'm not sure what this one was used for. Maybe   it was a common sitting area or something  like that. I love the blue on the walls,   and they have these sort of lamps that are  like poles, and then lambs protrude out of it.   Some fake flowers coming from the side. You can see some deterioration  is happening in this place. The   paint is chipping off from the ceiling. Stand again, a blue stand with some fake flowers  on it, and there is also a mattress in this room,   so that might tell us something. Admit this  might have been also a bedroom at some point   because downstairs we saw some bed frames, and  they might have taken this out at some point.   An Arctic air ancient ventilator  right next to it, what a nice piece.  Blades on the walls, blue birds on them. Some blankets in here, nothing from the memories  of the people. I've literally found zero memories   yet of them. What does this bag contain? Do I  even want to know? It's literally wet and leaking.   Ah, that's strange, or like  it shivers from my back. Beautiful painting on top of  here, some flowers in the vase,   and then they had this fireplace, the  woodwork around it. I truly love it.  Wow, something has happened in this room as well.  You can see the plants are completely torn apart   and spread over the floor in a ruthless manner.   Look at this child. This picture is very creepy.  It's looking straight at you with his black eyes. "France No Sale" it says in there,  France. Probably made in '62, 1962. Yeah, lots of clothing on the chair over there. Then we go into the next room, and this is  actually the room where I slept in last night.   So we came into this place around 4:35 a.m. in the  morning, and it was still night out. So we decided   to take a little nap still before we started  filming. And I literally laid myself on this bed   without even knowing what happened in this place  and the things that we found today, like the plot   and the animals running over the attic. And  it's just a crazy place, and we just literally   peacefully slept in here without a sleeping bag,  so it was really cool in the morning. But it's a   wonderful bed. I chose it especially for the  design of it. It's a canopy bed, all-around   sort of having that. There's no drape coming  down, but it's still a very, very nice piece.   I would love to sleep in there every single  day. An extra little lamp, pretty nice.   All the pillows are still at the top,  still made after all those years.   And we even got this sort of vanity behind  here, a miniature vanity. We could see a lot   of miniature things throughout this  place already, miniature fireplace,   miniature vanity. And this is actually the  first picture that we see inside of here,   sort of a very old picture, very vintage. And  it's of a young boy. Okay, let's get a good look   at him. He might have been somebody that used  to live in this place at some point in time. Again, a lovely fireplace in this room  as well, the same wood design all around   it with a lush mountainside above it, just  wonderful. Miniature cuckoo's clock over here. There's still wood in the fireplace from the  last time they had lit it. I think this one   also lets sunlight protrude through it.  So let's see if that's true. Yes, look,   the light from the outside is going right  into the chimney and into the fireplace.   Pretty interesting. There's even this bottle  down here. It looks like a bottle of moonshine.   The lid is very stuck. I can't open it anymore.  This definitely looks like a bottle of moonshine.   I haven't tried moonshine yet, but I  definitely want to try it while I'm in   the United States. I'm not a big drinker,  but I'm someone who lives by experience,   and I want to literally try everything in  my life, and moonshine is one of those.   Blue guitars hanging around the  wall as display pieces. Lovely. The very old television here in the corner  of the room, probably no remote with it,   so you had to go towards the television to change  the channel. These pieces have a lovely design. I   love how they made the television. It's beautiful.  Back then, they really thought about design and   not just functionality. Nowadays, it's just  vice versa. Every single room seems to have   a couch in there, a place for people to rest,  maybe read a book, or lay down for a second. Then we have another painting  above here. This is from Paul,   that left the lesson that lives in. That sounds  like sort of a German name, in my opinion. Okay.  And then, there's even a shovel standing here  in the corner of the room, right next to this   chair. Quite crazy. Not that the shovel is  crazy, but what is it doing in a bedroom?   Oh, and I just noticed there's also  a washing room to the side here.   I literally just noticed that  there was also a balcony outside,   but I'm gonna show it to you in silence  because I literally can't say anything. I   just opened the door so we can easily go onto  the balcony. Let's go there now in silence. (Laughs) Wow, there's even a bed outside here.   This must have been a very nice  resting place back in the day.   Let's move the swing to this side. Okay, let's go back inside.  I didn't even notice it yet,   but there is this African-American black baby  on top of this chair, plastic gold navy. Wow,   let's close its eyes and let it sleep because  it's looking really at me. At least its right   eye doesn't close anymore, and its hair is  falling out. This is such a creepy piece.   But then, onto the next room, and  this one is actually quite spectacular   in my opinion. By far, the design of the bedroom  is my most favorite, not the bed itself, but just   the design with the pink and the curtains. The  path there, I just love the style of this piece.   You can already see in this  room, plants are growing inside.   Nature is taking over. It's literally  wrapping itself around this painting.   Over the next couple of years, it's gonna  dissolve it. It's gonna take it, wrap it around. Holy children praying towards an angel in the  corner of the room, and even more fake plants   all throughout. You have to tell me, everybody,  isn't this place just completely strange?   Because at this corner, you have the two, the man,  the boy, and the girl praying towards an angel.   And then you have two turned-over crosses. And  if I'm right, this means satanism. If I'm wrong,   I don't know. If I'm 100% right, please let me  know in the comment section. But I think I've   heard that upside-down crosses mean satanism.  This place, oh, it gives me chills, really. Got a rocking chair here in front of the bed.  Love these pieces. You can even take this out.   It seems like you can take it out and maybe  put a cushion into it. No, it doesn't function   anymore. I just put one fingerprint on  there. You can already see how dusty   this rocking chair is after  all the years of abandonment. Now we have the bed itself, still made.  At first, I wanted to lay on this bed,   but I almost lay down last night, and then I  noticed that there are animal feces on top of   it. I don't even think these are feces. It's  just a decomposing animal on top of the bed. Lovely! I love the pink walls,  the curtains, like I said before,   and then we have a Spanish lady with a top hat and  castanets above her head, dancing away, and the   man beside her. A lot of Spanish influence also  coming back in the design of this house. I really   love that. It's one of my most favorite countries.  Spain, I've been there many, many times, and even   if you haven't gone yet, you should because  it's amazing. And then, above those crosses,   we have a vanity in the corner of the room and  again, one of those lamp posts beside it as well. Very interesting. Oh, we also  have these built-in cabinets. Oh my God, there's still food left in here. This  looks like some sort of syrup, still very viscous. Let's close this beauty up because this one  also has a bathtub or a bathroom attached to it.   So, we can see here in the corner a lovely  bathtub, a lovely toilet behind here. Now, we got   a clawfoot-style bathtub underneath. Wonderful.  And even the plants are growing into the bathroom. Their towels are still drying. And the place is also deteriorating  over here. Not a lot left of the people.   April 21st, May 21st. The bull. Okay. We can walk straight back into the hallway. Okay,  here we have that one stairway that I pointed out   in the beginning of the video that can also  lead us downstairs. So, they had two stairways   leading up and down this place. In the corner, we  have another beautiful vanity to sit at, and this   bottle truly intrigues my attention. Some sort of  liquor or something like that. Is this sauce? It   says on there, "Fashionable sauce for seasoning."  Okay, there's still liquid inside of there. Is this on the floor? At first,  I thought they were keys.   These are nails, all scattered over the floor.  And down, we have one more bedroom over here,   and another one to the left. This is actually  a very tiny bedroom, so maybe this was the   guest bedroom. But again, you can see all  those blood stains coming back on the beds. Oh my God, what a place, what a place. I love the  flower curtains that they have around this room.   Very beautiful. The bed is still made,  and a vanity here standing in the corner. And then, over here, we have one last bedroom  inside of this place. And this one, yeah,   it's very special. Every single room is  actually very special. Like I told you,   we have the blue room, we have the pink  room, we have here the orange room. And   every room seems to have its own theme. Some  have the sailboat theme, some have the Spanish   theme. It's really beautiful to see this place.  There has been a lot of thought gone into it,   and I like to see that. I love to see that  whenever I'm visiting residential places. Again, a lot of stains on top of the bedsheet.  I've actually never seen blood stains on top   of a bedsheet in an abandoned place, so  this is the very first for me. And it's   literally all throughout this place. We  have these creepy children coming back   above the bats on this side as well. Look  at them, looking right into your soul.   Then the bats completely being  taken over by spiderwebs. Wow. What a place, everybody, what a place.   Back here is also another vanity. Looking  at this device over here that's behind it,   actually no clue what it is. These seem to be  lights that are maybe integrated to the sides,   and then a mirror in the center, maybe  to do makeup or something like that.   Fake flowers still on there. Wow. And then there  is a bed frame with a door behind it. I think this   door literally leads to the outside. Without  it, you pretty much fall down a few meters to   the ground when you exit this door. It's quite  crazy. And this sort of looks like a gun vault   or something like that in this  room, or maybe just a closet. Okay, I think we've covered everything. Maybe this  door? No, this leads back into the hallway. Okay,   then we've covered everything.  I have to sit down for a moment.   I don't say this often, but I'm actually quite  happy that we managed to film this place and that   we are now ready to go out. Because, to be honest,  I'm a person who is not easily scared in his life.   I've seen a lot, I've done a lot, and to get  me scared, it takes a lot. But this place,   for some weird reason or another, maybe it's the  previous events with the gunshots in the woods and   the neighbors and everything, and all the things  that happened in here with the paper down below   and the stains on the bed, those combined give me  a really eerie and scary feeling. I'm literally,   at this point, sitting in this rocking chair,  and I'm getting shivers over my back. And   I'm happy to have filmed this place and that  we're done with it right now. I don't think I   will ever come back to this place, but I'm happy  to have recorded it. I hope you liked this tour   through this abandoned forest mansion, and I  hope you weren't that scared while watching   the video and could enjoy it in a nice manner. If  you did like the video, please like the video. Oh,   sorry, I'm having difficulty talking right  now because my heart is beating really fast.   Subscribe to the channel if you're new here,  and if you want to see more of these kinds of   explorations. And there's also a link in the  description for Patreon, where you can support   us. We are currently traveling the world to film  these places and documentaries, and your support   makes this happen. So, thank you again, and I'll  see you next week for another crazy adventure. Bye bye! I love you very much.
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 612,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploration, brosofdecay, abandoned places usa, abandoned houses, bros of decay, abandoned haunted mansion, abandoned creepy mansion, mysterious abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion in the woods, mansion lost in the woods, abandoned mansion in georgia, haunted timecapsule mansion, 40 Years abandoned, abandoned house in woods, abandoned mansion with everything left behind, ghost caught on camera, haunted house, abandoned house us, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned us
Id: 6poV43UnaCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 32sec (3032 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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