Their Fortune Vanished ~ Abandoned Fairytale Palace of a Fallen Family!

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Deep in the heart of Portugal lies a once-grand  palace that seems to have been frozen in time.   The estate was once home to a family that knew no  bounds when it came to luxury and extravagance.   Build in the mid-1800’s with a blend of Victorian,   Italian, and Portuguese architecture, the  palace is an impressive sight to behold,   with every detail a testament to  the family's wealth and influence. For generations, the family indulged in a life  of leisure, traveling the world in search of new   experiences and adventures. But as the years  went by, the palace began to lose its luster.   The family's heirs, Lucinda and  her husband, inherited the estate,   but as fate would have it,  they were the last in line.   Lucinda's husband passed away, leaving  her alone in this vast and empty palace.   When she passed away 2007, the palace was  left to the mercy of time and the elements. Today, this once-grand place lies  abandoned, a forgotten relic of   the past. The gardens, once a stunning display of  floral opulence, are now overgrown with weeds, and   the halls that once echoed with  laughter and music are now silent.   Despite its significance, the family's descendants  seem to have little interest in the estate,   having long since moved on to new horizons. Join us as we journey through  the forgotten halls of this   magnificent palace, exploring the secrets  and mysteries that have been left behind. There we are again, everybody. Welcome back to the  Bros of Decay. I am Lesley and behind the camera,   like usual, Mr. Danny. Hello, hello, everyone.  And we have something very special to show you   guys today, an 18th, no excuse me, 19th  century palace that was built around the   mid-1800s by the Nogueira family. And believe  it or not, we're going to take you on a full   tour throughout this place today. And I  am dressed in a completely new outfit,   also 19th century, and in this outfit,  I'm gonna take you throughout this palace.   Right now, we find ourselves in the laundry  room, where the servants of the Nogueira   family used to fold the laundry, wash the  laundry, do everything, iron everything.   I can see there are still pieces of costumes  and everything left behind, all in the closets. Wow, that's a uniform of somebody in  the house. Maybe Aldino, the father.   And do you know what that was used for? A  Portuguese Crest number two. It doesn't look like   something military or something, you would  say. I wouldn't say military because that's,   yeah, that's a formal jacket. It's more of,  for example, if you go to a ball or if you   go to something, if you want to represent  the country or something, you would wear   that. That's absolutely a really amazing piece. I  also love the coat hangers that we have in here,   very traditional for Portugal. And I am always  very sad that we don't use this style anymore   nowadays because we all use plastic nowadays,  and it's so disgusting, I must say. Okay,   let's close this one up. What a beautiful, oh,  and these hats, excuse me, sorry, I keep going,   but these hats are also very traditional for  boys. Yeah, absolutely. I absolutely love them.   And like, it's yet, see, that was a uniform, but  the Nogueira family, in general, they didn't have   a real occupation. They were mostly just  investors. They invested in real estate,   and that's how they earned all their money. And  it's also old money that they got over years,   decades, that the family collected and  just gave to the other family members. Let's go further. Here we come into  another section of the basement,   general storage section, I would say. That over  there in the corner really piques my interest,   and I think you can tell me a little bit  more about it. This is cork, right? Yeah,   it's a piece of, uh, is it like a storage unit or  something? I don't know. What I think is beautiful   is beautiful, but basically, they just cut the  tree in the middle and they sew it together,   like, like you see the, I see it here. Yep,  and this is a sort of a storage basket,   I would say. It was just to transport stuff.  Yeah, typically Portuguese again. Portugal is   the country of cork. You see it everywhere. Yeah,  if you've never been to Portugal, definitely put   it on your bucket list to visit because this  country will blow your mind. It's beautiful.   And of course, also a lot of port and a lot of  wine in this country. That's also very typical.   All these bottles, Danny, are still original,  still unopened. You can see there's a plastic top,   so it's probably self-made white wine, I  believe, or white port, maybe. Wow, this is   old. You can see the sediment floating around  in it. Oh, and also all these bowls up here,   probably liquors and foods and everything  they collected and stored here over the years.   I absolutely adore this wine cellar. These  are all empty bottles in here, jeez. That's   years and years of collecting wine all gone to  waste. Some champagne bottles as well down here.   Look at all the debris that has fallen on it  over years and years. This is what you think   of when you think of an abandoned wine cellar  in a castle or in a palace like this. And then   we also have these big jugs here in the middle,  also very typical for this beautiful country. You guys love your wines and ports. Yep,  I must say I've noticed this over the many   times that I've come to Portugal. Washing  line or the drying line hanging straight   throughout the basement. I am pretty sure that  the Nogueira family members, Aldino, the woman,   and everybody and the children probably never came  to this basement. This was just for the servants   and the workers. And now I will take you up to  the main section of the house, the living spaces.   Up this winding staircase into the main  section. Oh, here behind you, Danny,   we can see the kitchen. This is a room in the  house that is a bit overthrown and vandalised,   but still, I really adore it. I cannot  call this anymore. I'm exhausted. Can you   correct me on this one? It's just a chimney.  It's just a chimney because it doesn't suck   air. It's very typical for Portugal, these  very big chimneys above the fireplace and   the cooking place. Yeah, wonderful stove below  here. All the debris over the years that the   servants cooked food for the Nogueira family still  left behind. And this is a pizza oven, I suppose,   bread oven. Bread, you're not Italian. Yeah,  we didn't make pizza, but that's also a very   interesting talking point because we're gonna see  it throughout the house. There's going to be a lot   of Italian influence, Portuguese influence, but  also Victorian influence throughout the house.   And that's why I also really love this place. For  the most part, the kitchen, I'm not going to talk   much about it, just show briefly what we see over  here behind you, Danny. There's one talking point   I really adore. These faucets that we have here  above the sink. And this is very interesting. I   didn't notice, but back in the days, there was  no public water. So they had their own pits. So   sometimes these are water that is pumped  out from the pits to wash dishes. Okay,   so that's why they were special. Yeah, they were.  That's why there's multiple things. My grandmother   also has these. Wow, cheese, and even another  faucet down there. So four faucets. That's the   normal water. That's the newer one. Yeah, yeah,  yeah. So they kept the old ones at later times. I love the little teddy bear that's hanging here,  probably from one of the children. So lovely to   see. Wow, still some touches of the children  left inside this house. It's very interesting.   In this part where we're coming now, there are two  staircases in the house. And the one we see here   in front of us used to be the servant staircase.  So the Nogueira family themselves wouldn't come a   lot in this area of the house. This was mainly for  the servants. And you see there's a lot in castles   and palaces. They have different sections for the  servants so they don't run into them that often.   And then over here, we come into the entrance hall  for the family members themselves. And you can see   already that this is a fascinating entrance hall.  The first thing that grabs my attention in this   hall is this wonderful Arabian tapestry here on  the wall. Absolutely adore it. The wild animals,   the Arabian people fighting them, you can  see the lions down there. Geez, fascinating. A couple of keys are typically for a castle or a  palace. You can see the keys with a little note   next to them. "What does this say?" "Revillé."  So that was from the father or something,   right? "It's the iron gate, the iron gate. So  maybe it's the front gate of the house." "Oh yeah,   most likely because that's an iron gate." Cheese  plates are typically Portuguese again. And here we   were talking about this. This is them a little  bit more Victorian, I would say. The paintings   on the walls, the stenciing. It's beautiful.  Wonderful vase with some flowers in there.   Then you have the mirror here in the hallway.   You can check your hair before going out,  see if you're still neat. We got dressed up.   See, already the first upholstery  chair, a nice cushion on top of there.   "Oh, there's a bedroom over here,  Danny. I haven't even noticed this yet. Okay, oh, I get it. This is  the last bedroom of the house.   I'm pretty sure of that. This is where Lucinda,  Aldino's wife, last slept. Aldino passed in 2007.   Lucinda kept living in this place until 2009,  and this was the place where she slept. Oh,   but you're right because you never have the  electrical. This has never been a bathroom. Yeah,   it's more like a bureau area or something  like that. Wow, the Last Supper, of course,   on the wall. They were a religious family.  Also, Portuguese families were traditionally   very religious, and are still at this point in  time, also very religious. Beautiful carpet.   And then a small television to entertain herself  in the night. You can see that we are right about   this. Here on the ground, or on the chair,  an upholstery chair, we can see that there's   still a lot of medicine left behind for her last  years in life, and even a little blouse from her. The room that I'm about to show you is one  of the most beautiful and important rooms   in the entire house for the Nogueira  family. This was their dining room   where invited guests, including noble people,  would come over for dinner. Servants would cook   and bring the food. First off, the ceiling in this  room is absolutely magnificent. It's a traditional   Portuguese wooden ceiling with beautiful carvings.  Then there's the chandelier hanging from it -   a simple but elegant one, also very Portuguese  with its simplicity and iron and copper work.   And then there's the dining table with  a large number of chairs around it.   I'm so sorry, but this is an abandoned house  that hasn't been maintained. The portrait   behind me fell down and I hold the glasses on the  floor everywhere. But like I said, there are 10   chairs around this table, and at one point in  time, this house used to hold three children,   Lucinda and Aldino themselves, the grandparents,  and even the great-grandparents. So a grand family   used to live in this place. They were also  world travellers, as you can see from the   German beer mug and other pieces in the room.  They had a lot of time on their hands, being   rich people who didn't have to worry about money,  so they just traveled, invested, and did things.   It's crazy to think that people used to live  like that. We also travel a lot, but it's mostly   for work. These people clearly earned money from  their heritage, as you can see from the furniture.   Another thing I want to point out is that you can  really see that this house is old. The electricity   has been added on later, and the official year  that a little town in Portugal got electricity was   1878. This house was built around the mid-18th to  mid-19th century, so you can definitely see that   everything has been added on. All the cables are  lying on top, and they never worked anything into   the walls, so they never did any big renovations  to this house. Even the paintings are original. Those are the frescoes, the Italian fresco  stuff we were talking about. So maybe   they had an Italian artist over here that  designed this for them. Could be very true,   but so many beautiful things to think about.  I love this tray that we have over here,   like a little snack tray that you put on the  table with some sweets and some other things.  Of a girl, maybe one of the daughters. Yeah, when she went out to keep her daughters  in mind. I don't know what happened to the   children or why they're not interested in  this place, but chairs down there. (music)   I'm gonna back up without stepping on the glass.   You're still doing it. Wow, can you stand  next to it because it's really, really huge. I love it, Danny. This is such a beautiful  piece. Let me try to show you the lion   in there. They were definitely  fascinated by wild animals, lions.  Still filled in this very cute porcelain  holder. Wow, and this piece. Oh,   it's just a dust bandit. Come on, have a look at  it. Everything back in those days was designed to   perfection to fit in neatly here. I love it. Sorry, no worries. Okay, then this side of the room.   Let's look at these portraits because they're  very beautiful people, I must say. This lady down   below here, maybe one of the family members  of the Nogueira family, and above there,   are definitely one of the grandfathers of this  family sitting on a praying chair. I see. Yeah,   this looks like 17, so it might have been painted  or drawn in 1917. It might be a good date.  Look at the destruction that nature did to  this house over time. Up above, the whole wall,   the plaster work, everything is slowly  falling and crumbling and disintegrating.   This whole cabinet has been covered by pieces of  debris over the years. What does this say then? And cheese, Portuguese cheese,  that's what we are known from,   wine and cheese talking about it. Yep, exactly,   about all the towns that the wine and cheese  that is produced. The lions coming back again. Over here, we have a desk in the corner. We  could just chill here and drink something.   I was lying a minute ago when I said that the  entrance hall I showed you at first was the   main entrance. This is actually the main  entrance of the household, and it's very   interesting because it would have been used as  a waiting room for guests who came to the house.   Whenever somebody came in, a servant would  welcome them, seat them over here or here,   give them a cup of coffee or whatever they  wanted, and then call the appropriate family   member, depending on who they were  expecting. It's very interesting. First, let's look at the ceiling.  The chandelier is a masterpiece.   I absolutely love it. It's a  simple crystalline chandelier,   but still very beautiful. The moulding is  fresh and there's painting work everywhere.   The ceilings are at least double my height, so  about four meters or 12 feet (excuse me for all   my non-metric people). There are lovely  tall street chairs in the corner as well.   Look at this piece, unfortunately, it's  falling apart after all those years.   And also, the entrance door is humongous, with  tinted glass windows and beautiful doorways. This round shape of the entrance is also very  Portuguese. You see these a lot. I can remember   seeing it in other palaces as well. Yeah,  probably. And then, we have this bench seat   over here, which is typically Portuguese.  There's no other country in Europe where   you see it. I mean this by the divided chair  rests that you have in it, and that's a very   Portuguese thing to do. I think they are very  elegant and beautiful benches, as you can see.  Sorry, that was not my fault. It was already  broken. I tried to put it back earlier,   but yeah, let's put it back. Don't touch  this. I'm just gonna put it on the table   before somebody destroys it. There's  a lovely portrait of a man up there. I   don't know who he is or what he represented,  but maybe he was one of the family members.   This was something to put flowers inside of,  right? Yep. I think that's a very important   man because if you are gonna walk in and see the  first person, you see it's very important. That's   maybe the most important person in the house,  the man who earned all the money, probably. The swan and the river. Wow, very peaceful. Oh,  and all these little porcelain things. Also,   Portugal is very known for making porcelain  things. Is this the size of a cup of coffee or   drink? It's a little bigger than that, right? No,  no, these are children's toys. Excuse me, because   I know you guys drink very little coffees, but  that's too small. Maybe double the size of that. Close your eyes because now we're entering the  last room of the downstairs, and this one is   also just magnificent. I think this was sort of a  leisure room of the house, where you would come to   just relax, lounge, or leisure, whatever you want  to call it. Sorry, sir, because it has a piano and   some benches and everything, and set up here in  the middle, maybe to drink some coffee or tea. I   love the face that we have here on the table. Look  at that one. That one is a Portuguese man depicted   on their hunting. Oh, he has the same jacket as  you, different color. See, I fit in this house. Same style of chandelier, but I must say this  one is a little bit more extravagant. Yeah,   yeah, exactly. I'm now comparing it to looking  at that one. Yeah, let me show you quickly the   other one just to see. Yeah, it has to be  a little bit simpler. Yeah, I would say.   And then also, gold plating all over the  ceiling in this room. Oh, watch out. No worries. I want to start in this corner over  here. This lovely man hanging here,   look at his expression, his face. It looks  a little in bed inside. This is so typical   Portuguese. I'm going to say one thing, this  may be controversial, but Portuguese people   don't know how to smile in photos. My father,  if you're a Portuguese man, you can say that.   My father is also like that, to  smile sometimes. Come on, smile. Have you seen this painting over here on the  wall, or this picture? I would say it's a 3D   image that changes from Mary to Jesus. I don't  know what the middle picture is. Jesus, that's   also Jesus drinking a cup of wine. I love it,  actually. Beautiful. Yeah, it's very interesting.   Oh, small child standing on an upholstery chair   and a toy. Let's look inside the cabinet if you  can find something. Wow, wow, a lot of pictures   left behind. Is this the house? I don't know. Benny, I've seen this woman before, and this is   Mrs. Lucinda. That's the lady of the house, the  woman of the house. That was the wife of Aldino,   and that's her daughter, and most likely her  granddaughter as well. They resemble each other,   they have the same expression. Look at the  eyebrows, that's how you know it, yeah, exactly.   And then we have an older  picture over here. I'm seeing,   no, it's not the same. It's not the same as the  hallway. It's just a lovely picture. These are   probably pictures of the ancestors, yeah, most  likely. This family has reigned for a long time,   they have a long history, and that's  how they created their old wealth. Oh, I love the setup over here as well. These  two chairs, this boost in the middle with the   face on top. It's lovely to see, and then  a small table to maybe play some chess,   back in the time, but now there  are some children's toys over here As you can see, wow, wooden toys. Yeah,  then maybe to learn the children some   English. And then they have the "A" for  air balloon, the "O" for over. [Laughter]   I love it. And I must say, I love the table, yeah,  and also the porcelain on the table. We showed   that over the time. Oh, excuse me, no worries.  Another one of those 3D pictures here on the wall.   This one is a little bit harder to see, it's dark. Are you gonna play? I cannot  play the piano, no, no. [Music]   Wow, it's still good. And this is from Leipzig,  Germany. That's in the south of Germany,   a beautiful city where they made this  wonderful piano back in the time.   Wow, very dusty. Even see that design on it, and  everything is absolutely wonderful. It's gorgeous,   a lot of ornaments also on top of the  piano cloth. You see it everywhere,   even in your house. Yeah, I must say, even in my  nightstand. Your mother probably put it there. Yeah, old pictures of the family. Wow, that's  probably outside the palace. Absolutely lovely,   it's a religious place in Portugal. Wow, cars  that are driving around in these pictures, jeez.   Absolutely love them, one of  the children playing with corn,   also very pretty. Yes, absolutely. And  here we have the same child coming back,   and she's standing again. Hmm. Wow, look  at this display over here, this bag,   the heavy chair, all the children  depicted over here, their pictures.   Here's another child down there, the  same one coming back three times. Then I think I see something. I  see little holes and if I'm right,   I saw this, these are notebooks, not books,  "Operas la con-via." You know what these are?   I have no idea. So, these are for automatic  pianos. I don't know the exact word to describe   the piano, but you would put it in like that, and  it would play for you, like literally play a song   through these holes. And I think the piano that  we have here in front of us is an automatic piano.   You know the western movies in the United States,  yeah, where the piano plays automatically?   Oh, that's this. Oh, okay, I got it. And I got a  lot of these books, quote unquote, left over here. And also, these magazines that we have over here,  jeez, they're all something for the military.   And then we have a sitting bench over  here, grand mirror above it, fans. So, all today, jeez. Yeah, it is not even  lying, and I'm wearing this for you guys,   so you better give the video a like because I'm  really putting effort into this. Yeah, no, but I   also love wearing it. I feel very fancy. Let's put  this back neatly over here. Wow, love this bench.   Yeah, the bench, the upholstery, everything. Oh,  and have you seen the hat? It's on this side,   blue heads, probably from Lucinda. Wow, would you  wear it like this, with a knob to the front? Uh,   no, the back, you'd never see, yeah, exactly.  Does it fit with my suit? Okay, I love it. Oh, these faces. Oh, and then  the picture in the middle,   they look like they were the precious things  because they are just here, you know, yeah,   they're like put them away that the  children don't knock them down. True.  First, I thought that these were drawers, but then  I looked closer at them, and they're actually a   complete vault that can open up, and the family  would store all their biggest valuables inside of   here, all the jewellery, the gold, everything they  owned. And a family like this probably would have   this one stacked up with valuable things. Cheese,  I also love this one, wow, the roses above here. Then, to the right of U,  beautiful gold-plated mirror.   Oh, wow, can I show the detail on it?  Those are some musical instruments,   right? Yeah, it's a flute on this side, and  we got a drum to this side, another flute.  And somewhere in the house was also fascinated by,  hello, by collecting shells on the beach wherever   they went. Are these shells that you would collect  in Portugal? Yeah, yeah, in the sea. You guys are   some big sea animals. We literally live next  to the Atlantic Ocean, yeah, that's true. Follow me now, everybody, because we're  gonna go to one last section downstairs   before I show you the bedrooms of this house,  and that's another treat for you all. [Music]   Thank you. [Music]   Here we come into the grand stairway of  the household. What a masterpiece to look   at. I absolutely love the design. Here, you  can see the Victorian style coming back again,   twisting stairway to the top floor. Very French,  I would also say, but also Portuguese, of course.   And then you have this next to the stairway. We  have this little area where you could do some   work and rest a little bit. I don't know what  exactly this area of the house was used for,   but there are some very incredible  things in here. For example, this   beautiful Portuguese-made Grandfather's  Clock. I love the fishing boat in there,   typical Portuguese fishing mode made  with Porto, probably a long time ago.   Love this one down below. I can even see that  part of it is designed. What would you do in   here in this section because the bureau is the  room next to here, so it was not really a bureau,   but maybe I don't know if anybody has an idea  what you would do in such an area of the house.   I kind of have an idea, but I'm not sure. But I  think this was like the because back in the day,   they only had one telephone. So, I think this is  like a calling room. Yeah, I know you can also see   that there are some phone books left behind here,  so you could be right about that. Pages just where   you could phone somebody and just talk. Yeah,  exactly because also the landline is connected   there. That could be a good idea. I love the piece  of tile in here. It's amazing. Okay, before I show   you the upstairs, let's go to this section of  the house, so I have to show you one more thing. Unfortunately, this entire room has been thrown  apart, but this used to be back in the time the   bureau area where Albino and Lucinda and everybody  in the family used to do their business and their   investing and everything they did. See there are  even still some accountancy bills left behind.   Just like I said, it's all about accountancy in  this room. There are some big numbers on there.   Look at that cabinet. Even though this whole  room is thrown aboard, every single piece of   porcelain is still perfect in there. To the right  of you, we have also a vault in this room. Oh,   wow, lovely Vault big one. Wow, okay, but more I  have to be careful because I got scared because   that it starts shaking the whole cabinet. Every  move you make in this room doesn't move too much   to break that cabinet. Yeah, okay, let's go  back. Foreign. Look at this Amazon. It's from   the rainforest probably that went there and they  enjoyed it, and this is a souvenir back home. Hello, it's time to go up the stairway.   Let me show you the upper floors of this  household. Have a look at this window that   we have over here, geez, it's humongous, the size  of me next to it. Oh my, see this? I thought it   was tinted, but it's not really tinted. You were  back in the days, I think it was probably tinted,   maybe it faded because it's the same  as the entrance hall. Wow, the ceiling   has literally broken off up there. Repairing  this house is going to cost a lot of money.  Okay, let's move on. Is that a picture  of Lucinda on the wall there, or maybe   of our grandmother? Wow, yeah, a family lady, but  also that Portuguese expression, is it something   typical from you guys? No, we just... I don't  know, some people just don't know how to smile,   such as just look straight into the camera. Yeah,  that's true. The hallway, through the hallway, so   first and foremost, we're going to show you  the master bedroom of the house, where the   parents used to sleep. Listen and Aldino, let  me show you inside of this room. I think it's   just a masterpiece of design and decoration.  Love the ceiling, love everything about it,   chandelier in the middle, wow, the crown moulding,  the paintings. Isn't it just fascinating?  Then again, we have this typical  still-made Portuguese bed in front of us.   That blanket is so colourful. Yeah, wow, it  looks very handmade, yeah, pillows on top of it.   This doll is very creepy,  staring me right in the eyes. Oh, there's also something that they do a lot over  here, the picture of Maria and Jesus on either   side of the bed, right? Yeah, yeah, everywhere,  across above the bed, of course. It's as well like   my grandmother says, one is not enough, like you  just put as much as you want. Like you can see in   the nightstand, there's another statue here and  another depiction there, like a little "F" ever. Maybe for the servers, like you ring it  and they bring you a coffee in the morning,   probably. Probably. Look at this chassis  long that we have here in front of the bed.   If you look closely, you can see there are  some hairs of an animal on top of here,   and that might be of a dog or a cat. Yeah,  these people have kids. Wow, nice interesting   point. The cat would lay here in front of the  bed while Lucinda and Aldina would be in bed,   something like that. I'm imagining. Yeah, yeah,  it's my imagination, I'm sorry. No worries. Look at this. I'm going to call this a  vanity, but it's not exactly a vanity,   right? It is a vanity, but it has another  purpose. Yeah, you told me before. I think   it's to sit down. I'm just going to show you. So  in the morning, you would sit in front of your   mirror. I'm actually perfectly dressed for this,  so... And you would put your shoe on top of it,   take one of the brushes, and you could clean your  shoe like that and do your nails and everything   like this in the morning. And that's why this  marble plate is on top of here. Wow, everything   is still there from our gums to even one of  the cigars still left behind, Cuban cigar. Wow,   really in front of it, love it.  Oh, oh, that one is special,   Hildebrands. That's a Dutch name, Hildebrand.  You know the brand? Yeah, I know the brand. In Portugal, we need those. You're just gonna  say that I already noticed. Like I said to   Danny last year while exploring here, I'm not  gonna explore again in the summer. In Portugal,   and where am I again in the summer? In  Portugal, it's the best time. It's the   best time. When we were in America, we saw a  lot of these rocking chairs, and in Portugal,   it's one of the only countries in Europe where  we actually also find rocking chairs. And I   really love this one. This is a very beautiful  one, very elegant. The curves and everything,   and there are a lot of little drawers  slash vanity over here, a couple of fans.   Love this one. Definitely a big fan  of swans, the people that live here. Okay, and then attached to this room,  can I just show again this ceiling? Yeah,   I need to show again the ceiling. You can, I think  I didn't show it in detail, all this plaster work,   yeah, it's wonderful. It's breathtaking. Now, it's my turn, honey. Now, it's your   turn. Come on. Attached to this room, in the  morning, Lucinda would come in here and have her   complete own dressing room. Everything you would  ever imagine, beautiful closet that you could fill   up with clothes, you could select one of her  beautiful dresses. But these aren't dresses,   these are the costumes and uniforms of  her husband, but you get my idea, yeah. And a big chest over here to the corner.   Do you want to try to see what's inside?  Yeah, you want to bet what's inside? Most   likely we blankets, yeah, a couple of pieces of  clothing in here as well. Well, love it, chests   you see everywhere in this country, and this is  sort of a little shuffle, I would say, right?   It's a tree just for an altar, a figure  and a little prayer in the morning. Yeah,   this is very just elegant, absolutely.  Table over here with drawers. All right, yeah, the bullfights, of course. Very  controversial but very traditional to Portugal   back in the day. Yeah, you don't do it that  much anymore, right? No, not anymore. I see   in Spain sometimes they still do it. It's more  of a Spain thing. It's Portugal and Spain, but   you do it more than us, yeah, exactly, for sure.  Oh, I cannot skip it, right? No, no, no, no. Wow,   show it, look at this wonderful thing, little  design everywhere, then these faucets above it,   aren't they just magnificent? Oh, and they can  even turn like that. Oh, this porcelain still   sinks are just very typical. Very typical, love  them, and that brings us back to the hallway.   So, they were three children in the house. There  are also three rooms for the children. There are   more than three rooms, but this one and that  one is just completely destroyed, so I'm gonna   briefly show you this room. Let me open it up  for you. Okay, so I don't know what happened in   this part of the house, but probably vandals came  inside, destroyed it in the lookout for something   valuable, which they probably found and stole from  this place, unfortunately, but that's just sad. Have I shown this one in the hallway,  here, depiction of a lovely church?   Wow, this must have been the doll from the  girl that lived here, the set of drums, wow,   absolutely lovely, beautiful eyes. Okay, follow  me, here is one of the rooms of the children and   you can see it's falling apart, Lily, but yeah,  it's also very beautiful from this corner. Yeah,   exactly, the bed still made, the only  the bat has fallen through to the floor,   but everything is still on there with the  pillow and stuff like that. Even the children   had to believe that they had also religious  depictions over on this side, as you can see,   probably. And then the bat, very  typical, carved bat with tick style.   And next to the bat, we haven't talked  about that yet, but that's to turn off   and on the lights at the evening. You can show  it briefly. Very easy when you're lying in bed,   you can turn off the lights. They even  had their own television, wow, oh yeah,   for those days and for Portugal,  that's very, very special. Yeah,   I think this was the girl's bedroom because we  also have a lot of beauty products over here,   boxes for jewellery over here. This is  probably for a ring or something like that,   necklace. I don't know what it is exactly,  wow, lovely. What's this exactly, Danny?   Is this to put a candle inside? I think so, yeah,  I had to walk around the house when it's dark out.   Love this piece of furniture as well. Have a look  at this, this drawer literally has the drawers in   the drawer. She was the one that collected the  shells, probably. She was the one, definitely   lovely ornaments and  knickknacks over here as well.  Big hole in the ceiling over  there, everything is falling apart.   Sad realisation, but probably never  gonna be restored, this place.  This has been lying here for a long  time, it doesn't even move anymore,   we'll rain on it and then turn mouldy and yeah.   See if she has anything in here still.  Completely full of suits and clothing, wonderful.  Thank you all. Back into the hallway  because there's one last part or a   couple of last things that I want to show in  this household. First and foremost, of course,   these people had a very fancy bathroom as you  can see, with a bathtub with paws underneath,   wonderful paws, and then the toilet and the  bidet. Wow, this looks like the drawings that   we saw on the sink over there, so it's probably  a complete piece that they bought for the house.   Toilet, yeah, probably don't show inside of  the toilet but just for the bottom of it,   wonderful. Open the talent brush  holder is just porcelain everywhere,   very high and typical, and even all the  cleaning products are still left behind. The thermometer, yeah, it's very clearly  old. There's even a coin left in here,   it's just going a little stuck in it. Probably  would fall apart and they used it to fix it or   something. So, you have an eye for detail.  Come back into the hallway because we're   going to show you the other stairway that I was  talking about. So, I was talking about that the   servants had their own stairway to go throughout  the house, and this is the one that leads up to   the servants' bedrooms upstairs. So, we can take  it up and I will show you their space of the house   as well. I think in the later years, in the late  1900s, the servants would have been phased out   from the household, especially when Aldino and  Lucinda lived here alone. But in the beginning   of this household, there would be a lot of  servants working for the family. Of course,   they were cheap, and in most cases, the servants  would just get housing and free food and trade   for their labor, and that's why they used to  live with these rich people back in a time. First and foremost, there's one room that I saw  up here that, in my opinion, is definitely not a   servants' room. Maybe some room for an extra  family member or something like that. Wow,   lovely. Again, a lot of vandalism in this  room as well, doesn't really matter, but   love the vanity that we have over  there. The green tile behind there,   wow, is that a medical cross on there?  Uh, no, I don't know. I mean either.   Play then to this side. [Applause]   Oh, geez, the noise. Old furniture, yeah. Look at  this, wow. That's a very, very warm coat. Yeah,   that coat, it's very typical. Can you take  it out? Of course, so we can show it better.   It's very dusty. Oh, look at that, that's  long. This is what was what the men's back   in the day were to go out in the fields with  the sheep or with just animals. That's very,   very typical. I think when it was winter time,  it would be very warm in that cold. Wow, no,   I'm not gonna close it. And that's on  the drawer over there are a lot of dolls   left behind, or porcelain dolls,  actually. Wow, I really like them. We can go further these upper floors and show  you where the servants used to sleep and their   bedrooms. Look at this, Danny, that's literally  a servant's bedroom. Jeez, very small, iron bed,   everything cheaply made. They literally spend  as least money as they could on the serving.   Sometimes you see that the servants' quarters in  a certain house, certain normal houses, are still   very fancy and beautiful, but in this one, the  servants didn't have a great life, I think so.   Yeah, they had a lot of money for themselves  and couldn't care less about their workers.   That's very sad to see. We even had a little  ledge to open up their window, though.   Do they get a lot of wind? Yeah, I could  let in some fresh air into the room,   but very clumsy and very cheaply made. Whoa, okay. There are two more servant quarters. I know one  more is to this side, and that's it. You can see   a big TV standing over there. Oh, wait,  can I just show this very quickly? Yeah.  That's not a servant, that's one of the  family members. I've seen this picture before.  Isn't this the room where the water tank  is? There is an animal on top of the roof,   multiple animals. Oh, I think they're inside.  Geez, I don't know. This is the toilet for the   servants as well. You can see the corner of the  room just thrown away. In this room, there's their   toilet and their washing area, probably. Absolutely wonderful!  [Music] The   family definitely had a very, very good life, and  I really enjoyed going throughout their house and   seeing the things that they left behind. I'm  done for today. I want to thank you all very,   very much for watching this week's video. I loved  it, and I'm so happy that you guys were all here   to accompany us on our adventure throughout this  place. If you liked it, please like the video,   subscribe down below, write a nice comment about  this place. There's also a link in the description   for Patreon. There, you can support us  and help us go on these adventures around   the world. Me and Danny really appreciate that.  And with that, all said, thank you so, so much,   and I will see you next week in another  epic adventure. Bye-bye. I love you. [Music]
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 416,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home, Abandoned Palace, Abandoned Castle, Abandoned Palace in Europe, Abandoned Italian Palace, abandoned portuguese mansion, Abandoned Portuguese Palace, bizarre discoveries, urban exploring, abandoned places explored, family friendly, abandoned time capsule house, Abandoned Time capsule Palace, abandoned castles in europe
Id: loSGKUD4Sow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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