Exploring an ABANDONED $3 Million MURDER Mansion | Indoor Basketball Court

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today we take you on a spine tingling Journey through the Eerie corridors of an abandoned three million dollar mansion once a symbol of opulence and luxury it now stands as a haunting reminder of a tragic past This Magnificent Mansion once owned by a wealthy businessman who was the epitome of success but Fortune turn its back on the owner when he was brutally murdered Within These Walls the man had two children who were the apple of his eye to keep them entertained he built an indoor basketball court where they could play and dream but after his ultimate demise the court fell silent after they had discovered the man's body the house was shortly sold afterwards and now has plans to be demolished [Music] thank you so join us today and let's find out the mysteries of this forgotten mansion and see what's left [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right guys so I just wanted to show you the outside a little bit this is the front it has this uh secondary driveway it's all completely overgrown as you can tell right here with grass the main driveway is right there it's the same deal it's just dirt and gravel and grass so this place has not been lived in in quite some time but very beautiful but this is the front of the house you can see the driveway is like a circle right here it's very beautiful piece of land but this place is just going to be torn down and rebuilt with a bigger Mansion than this it's a very beautiful day today you can see how overgrown the driveway is all through here but we gotta check out the tennis court the back of the house and I think there's a pool too it's gonna be a little difficult to get drone shots at this place just because there's so many trees and everything around here but we're gonna do our best give it a go but this place is pretty cool to say the least we're gonna check out the tennis court really quick as you can see they're already getting the land ready you know tear everything down get a little view of the house right there right here pretty cool to see pull how green it is and you got the house in the background right there yeah it's actually a lot bigger than I expected pretty neat look at this dude they had like these signs here Dubai he was Rio de Janeiro Miami and then your bathrooms Paris there we go and then directly behind us is a tennis court nice little like walkways too throughout the place but yeah here's the tennis court guys pretty big like this fight is huge and of course Mansion over there now it's time that we go inside and we take a look at what's left we heard the story of the place it's pretty wild it's at least so I'm excited to take you guys inside hope you guys enjoyed this video check out Donovan down below and let's get right into it let's see what's left inside all right everyone I'm coming downstairs right now and let me tell you everything that I just saw up there is crazy but I want to start you guys off right down here in the foyer work our way around the bottom floor and then make our way upstairs to see that crazy thing that's up there I've never seen inside of an abandoned mansion before but I'm so excited to show you guys this house is very old it's a mansion and it has so many rooms I can't I don't remember how many there were there's at least six or seven bedrooms I want to say and it's got beautiful architecture not a ton is left in here but there is some stuff left but guys what is upstairs is so crazy and I want to show you guys we have had some good luck today I don't want to ramble on anymore right here so I'm going to start taking you guys around this house and I hope you guys enjoy this video we saw the outside already looks beautiful tennis court pool um it's what can I say beautiful house randomly just found it today like we came on this trip on like kind of a whim we had some places but we failed on some of those earlier and these ones last two we just filmed completely random and sometimes those are the best ones so let's take a look at what's left in here and let's see what's in this abandoned mansion let's go so starting off at the front door the front door is two doors so it's a French door and the key looks like it's still inside of it key to the front door right here it was jammed in there so we're gonna put that back beautiful door though this wood you can see the landscape outside entering to the foyer right now you can tell this house is a bit older we have this side of the house we have that side of the house the main staircase is right there you guys saw that when I walked in beautiful little chandelier a little tiny one not much going on with it but you know and it's very dark in here there's not a lot of natural light that comes in here it is also evening time so maybe that could be the reason we're going to start off going to our left right here before I take you to the right now there is going to be some very trippy wallpaper in this house as you can see this is our first bathroom and check it out all the way on the ceiling this room is trippy if you were on some sort of psychedelics in this bathroom you'd be having some kind of fun I mean check it out look at the sink it matches everything like perfectly you know walls to ceiling in this butterfly vine flower wallpaper here nothing's really busted I don't think any vandals have ever been in this house which is a good thing there's a toilet it has a nice toilet here too this is tool that you typically see in like newer Mansions or maybe like 90s Mansions things like that I've seen these a lot on the channel but this room is super trippy and it is so hot in here guys exploring in the summer is one of the worst things ever I mean my hair I am like sweating so much right now and it probably doesn't help that I'm wearing all black but you know it is what it is what it is that's just how I dress so let's just keep walking out and we're gonna leave this trippy bathroom and go into our next room which I think is like a little bar or some sort of thing right here it has French doors to open it up see the spider webs all right there spider webs are kind of covering everything around here and this looks like he has a little mini fridge so this was kind of like maybe a little bar area of some sort nothing left in here see the drawers kind of stuck yeah really neat to say the least though I wonder if there's anything in these cabinets sometimes they leave alcohol or books or something doesn't look like there's anything you can see this fabric wallpaper is kind of deteriorating it's a pretty neat little room right here we're going to come into our next room and I want to say this is the um what do you call it the it's either an office or this is a formal living room it's very nice look at this uh I'm not sure the style of this flooring but it is very beautiful it's like little squares going all the way across really nice hardwood floors throughout the place and you can tell this is a bit older because all of the walls and shelves are all this wood and typically I want to say I see those more in like 70s houses has a nice wooden fireplace here still got some wood left and just spider webs are riddled throughout the entire place like yeah we're gonna keep moving on though and I want to show you guys this too there's a little intercom system throughout the house listen hear talk the door I guess you can hear when the door opens or something me and Donovan had just been out today fine all kinds of crazy places yeah yeah so dude we're back in the foyer you can see the big opening to the staircase but I want to take you guys to the left here towards the end of the video we're going to go down into the basement which me and Donovan have not even went down there yet so we have no idea what could be left or what it could be holding but this is going to be your main living space right here it's the biggest room in the whole house it's got these orange walls I don't really know what kind of Design This is what looks kind of like wavy almost there's some black mold growing in here pretty high ceilings I'd say probably about 10 foot ceilings in here maybe 10 12 foot something like that it's so hot in here and then there's a really nice fireplace here that's really nice details to it see older houses always pay more attention to detail than the newer ones which we kind of didn't even expect to find this place yeah I just drove by it saw an overgrown driveway and just came to check it out but this is your main living area again the very nice Square wooden floors ceiling is kind of deteriorating a bit but you know it's kind of a given being this has been a band for so long it has probably been I want to say two or three months since I've even been exploring and honestly Donovan's kind of been the same for you too like we really haven't been out like this year's kind of been crazy Like A lot's been going on you guys know a little bit about things that have happened with me and stuff but I want you guys to know like I'm very happy right now a lot of good things have been happening in my life and getting to explore again and finding something really cool just makes it all even better so yeah I just want to let you guys know I'm doing great um I got a good situation going on that you guys will find out about one day but not right now and yeah I want to show you guys the rest of this house we're at the staircase again I didn't get to show you guys in detail what it looked like because I just walked down it so let's take a look at the beautiful details of the staircase the carpet's still going up at the woodwork we got another staircase back there too it's a spiral one and of course like I said before what we got to see upstairs [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so yeah the staircase it's not the most grand for a mansion of this size but still pretty nice to say the least it has good woodwork you can see that I can't I wish I could tell like what kind of wood things where I want to say this is maybe mahogany or I don't know guys you guys are probably gonna come at me for whatever I say so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna leave it at that I don't know what kind of wood it is but it's very good material it's held up so good in this house and it looks great and the carpet is still here carpet goes all the way up just love seeing staircases like this and it's got this like floral design on all of it upstairs we're gonna see here in just a little bit but we got to see what else is left down here right in front of the staircase seems to be a like little coat closet of some sort it's very deteriorated in there and black mold is growing as you can see and unfortunately guys I don't have a mask on me so just gonna have to make do coming through some more French doors and beautiful French doors at that check out the trim that's all on it and I can see a little glimpse of the kitchen and the kitchen looks beautiful does it look like the kitchen it looks like it's been updated so maybe we have an updated Kitchen in here but oh okay so this is like a den so this is another living space but this is the den of the house what is that oh this is where they kept the wood oh you might be right here yeah this is where they stored the wood at and then they would have easy access right there I'm glad it's not like gas like burning uh fireplaces it's like all natural I love that stuff yeah there's still one in the other one yeah I saw that but then you got this brick wall here I mean this is this is gorgeous they don't build houses like this anymore and even this here's your shelving and I love this design that's in it it's like I want to say this is octagon yeah this octagon Square and this is where they would keep your books you have to turn both of these knobs open it up and this is where they keep books statues any type of Decor that everyone in here I haven't seen anything like that before let's close that up of course there's more shelving that goes down below but the den of the house I mean is quite large too it's not as big as the main living room obviously but this is like where family will hang out for the most part it's like your secondary living room it's what a den is if you don't know what a den is it's just kind of like down below a little bit more it's got nice beams going across too I feel like we've seen a lot of houses like that together with these beams on the ceilings especially the one Killer's house yeah yeah correct which I'll link that right above if you guys haven't seen that it's like kind of older like antique kind of looking in this room and then it's straight and modern kitchen yeah the kitchen is yeah you're right I think this is in French well I close that up was it KitchenAid what the heck stainless steel in this place so they only did stuff to the kitchen maybe because look at the windows the windows are brand new too yeah right looks like they updated this whole wall right here and this I mean this is blue granite countertop where's that nursing I've never seen a blue granite countertop and the oven dude the oven is also stainless steel [Music] oh it's got one of those just let's open it yeah there is wait water's not on um so there's no water and no power in this house either wait what is that what is this compactor a what charcoal air filter compactor what does it come so this is a compactor oh it's like a trash Oh does it come does it like mess with the trash what does it do maybe it shoots it down to the basement I could we have not been down there yet so we don't know that's cool I've never seen that in the house all right check out this though what is I've never seen this that's cool honestly like what is this for the spices Maybe this kitchen is neat like this kitchen is really neat oh it has a bunch of these there's nothing left in these oh I can smell something it smells like some sort of sounds like um like uh oh I smell I smell spice right now I was gonna say like a minty slice and this is the fridge yeah it Blends in with everything [Applause] empty though we always have to open the fridge though in these videos with that we know of yet we haven't got the whiff yet oh yeah yeah it's a little smelly and this is the freezer down here it's a sliding freezer there's some water down there nice love that but yeah the kitchen I mean the kitchen is not bad at all it's really nice I mean you have all different kinds of cabinet space in here I mean the hood to the oven is really nice it's still I mean the oven itself is brand new stainless steel and back here I don't want to step back anymore every single space I look there's spiders and eggs there's spiders all along every corner of this house but look how new this is this is brand new and they're just going to tear this house down but this is a over this is a big look at the kitchen kitchen flows right into the den and this is one of those old houses where every room kind of flows into each other it's just how they did it back in the day they don't kind of they don't do that much anymore everything's kind of separate in my wall yeah exactly and even the outlets are newer so I wonder what they were doing like were they gonna fix it up well this is the kitchen guys we saw the den we still have a little bit more to see right here um so I don't know what you would call this room like was this is probably the dining room these this is actually probably the dining room I want to say because this hangs so low the chandelier so I'm gonna say this is probably the dining room and it still has that very nice flooring in here I love the bookshelves and the corners of the room looks like they hung stuff on the walls back there too it's really dark in here guys I'm so sorry we got some pillars here really nice woodwork throughout I mean this is so cool man chandelier is nice too so this is what makes me think it's a dining room because it sits so low yeah you're right it's like a table it'll be a table here yeah yeah exactly bookshelves in the corners here are just places for decor yeah a lot of built-ins here which is pretty cool and the place is full of flies I don't know if you guys can hear all the buzzing there are flies everywhere yeah there's horse flies everywhere so guys what do you guys think of this house so far I mean I think it's beautiful I think everything we're seeing right now is is pretty crazy and you know it being so old and not much left in here it's still really neat and there is still some stuff left but like I said guys the coolest coolest part of this house is upstairs and actually we might not even know the coolest part of this house could be in the basement because we have not checked that typically we walk around the entire house before we start filming so we can get an idea of things but we did not go around the basement so you guys might be in for a surprise just like we are we just know the upstairs is crazy but I'm seeing a spiral staircase right now and I want to show you guys the rest of this house there's some weird things left in here it makes me think somebody was here not long ago but with the amount of Decay and stuff it just doesn't make any sense doesn't make any sense I'm so sorry guys spiral staircase not too bad it's pretty sturdy too we walked down this when we came downstairs the first time colors in here there's a lot of brown and a lot of like um it's just a lot of brown honestly yeah brown and gold I mean that's kind of typical for this era of house right back here this is your pantry it kind of cleared everything out of here but this is what baffles me I mean look at this brand new washer and dryer like this is nice this is super nice washer and dryer it's like crazy like just weird random stuff in here we'll see that door it looks like they've moved out for sure but I took all their stuff but it's a nice house oh this is just like a nice closet got the bathroom back here somebody's used this bathroom so that's nasty sort of um I think this is just a watch oh my gosh this is just the washroom oh there's two of them one of those oh those are cave crickets cave crickets yeah those are cave crickets they're so freaking gross look at them things what yeah I don't know if they'd buy it but I don't want to find out and now guys we're gonna come back to another trippy room back here but oh here's the ironing board and here is another very trippy bedroom with all this flower wallpaper I mean look I'm just gonna back up right now and it's gonna look kind of weird like it looks crazy got curtains to match in here I think this is one of the front porches and then leads to the garage but there's nothing in the garage three cars though you can fit in here hmm oh this is their supplies what not pretty decent sized garage though back into the trippy bedroom here it looks so crazy on camera [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you it doesn't look weird on camera I think that's all a down that's all downstairs right all right guys time to head upstairs now the the cool thing I'm just going to go ahead and show you at the end because I want you guys to see everything so if you want to if you want to go and see that just skip to the end skip closer to the end of this video but you know let's go upstairs and let's see what's left up there I cannot wait to show you guys this this is one of my favorite things I've ever found inside of an abandoned house so it's time that we go check it out here we go up these nice stairs it's so dark up here now it's been a while since we've explored a house in the dark like this but we're going to enter into the master bedroom first it is empty it has nice features though I mean check out this very nice which I don't even know this is concrete actually this is a concrete um fireplace and that they've uh stained and painted and stuff which is cool to see I know that's concrete or ceramic it's something like that because my last apartment I lived in just had stuff just like that it's so hot I gotta take a breather so freaking hot guys the goal a good goal for next year is to explore so much during the winter that the summer time we can just take off that would be nice but yeah the master bedroom not much to it well this is still on I think this is battery powered yeah this was uh their security system that they had in here obviously it's not working but the master bedroom is pretty large I mean this is one of those rooms you can fit Furniture in here besides the bed like you can put chairs all that stuff in it really large really large master I want to show you guys the bathroom because it's really neat first thing I saw when I came up here was this freaking tub look at that this tub is gorgeous this tub is beautiful I told you that gold trim the gold trim and this tub is just sitting in the middle of the floor uh I was going to say it's a claw foot tub but it kind well maybe it is I don't know is it a qualified tub guys it almost looks like a claw is on a ball or something but classic old tub it's huge this is like the kind of tubs you see in movies yeah and then oops what the heck this is like saloon doors just finished my business dude this is like saloon doors that is so cool it's like those ones you kick in when you go in like where's my beer yeah so in here's just a shower and a toilet I mean that you know typical what you'd find in a bathroom so you can tell they haven't done a lot of updates I think it's really just the kitchen that they updated yeah look at the sink that's not modern it feels like it doesn't feels kind of Italian it's just like a sh yeah so this has a razor slot in it so that means there's a bunch of razors probably sitting at the bottom of this and then we're going to come back into the closet which guys there's a safe back here and it is heavy as heck yeah it is super heavy I'm gonna be really careful setting this back down I don't know if there's anything in it oh God but this is the closet guys as you can tell the racks are everywhere quite a large closet to say the least Mommy said to give this photo to you hope you enjoy have a great day at work love you and I will miss you at Mommy's oh that's sad dude right there and all of a sudden just got really sad in here whoa what the heck what is this stuff boot cream oh this is stuff to clean your shoes with stuff to put you put on your shoes so he must have been a businessman of some sort you know because this is probably for your uh your dress shoes and whatnot this to clean it and stuff like that it looks like another little closet right here actually this is a sauna yeah there's a sauna check that out yeah whole sun in here oh wow did not expect that come in here there's a lot of spider webs I'm actually not gonna go in there but the coals are still here it's very small this is one of the smallest saunas I've ever seen but it's in a house door to go into the sauna not what I expected we did not know that was in here this is like more just closet space right here but now we're in the hallway oh there's an attic too we did not see that either oh that looks scary it stinks up here oh maybe it's not that bad okay it's just hot okay it's really hot in here I'm halfway up the stairs that's another 30 degrees okay there's nothing up here we're gonna go into our first bedroom right here and we can see this is like really built in and it's all modern in here which I have not seen I've seen beds like bed frames that look like this that are built in but not typically it's kind of weird and with the desk and the dresser and everything that match it that's pretty neat even the shelves it's got nice floating shelves here all built in nothing really left in the drawers here you never know though you could find something crazy I think this is even a little storage container right there yeah it is but queen bed would go here maybe that's not a queen bed maybe it's a full I'm not too sure very cool little bedroom here I'm sweating so much but check it out guys this is this is just one cool little place here I love this bedroom love that this stuff is I mean it's going to be left in here because it's built into it they're not just going to take it out it was built for this room specifically but really neat I kind of want something like this from my room one day but with a king-sized bed you know and of course this bedroom has its own bathroom that we're going to come into and we see it's got the the hexagon floors shower over here really kind of plain Jane bathroom it's like some mold is growing in the sink nothing really like very cool in here but still very neat to say the least a little storage in here but the carpet is lifted up a little bit so the door's not going to want to open we're going to come down a couple of steps looks like more storage space right here same with the wood and everything then we're going to come into another bathroom this one's pretty large and it has a nice jacuzzi tub in here with some cave crickets inside it's all blue in this one they left the soap behind in here and there's two vanities I'm not sure what would have went there maybe a cabinet of some sort but yeah there's blue tiles all in here and here's your shower another like Saloon type door to go to uh the toilet there and I love the how this bathroom I love how they just do so many different colors in these older houses like this like it just makes it all the more like unique to see jacuzzi tub in this one there's just some things that are newer than the others yeah the stink has like this ring around it with this floral pattern and stuff and I think the faucets look pretty new right they look fairly new yeah they do they're not like corroding yeah it's weird the little tiny updates that they did long hallway again here's another little closet looks like the shelves have been kind of taken out of there here's the next bedroom I'm not going to show you much of these just because it's empty this room kind of smells funky though actually this room stinks pretty bad but this room is so plain like just nothing really there Green carpet the closets right there it's like weird stuff growing in there I don't know what that's from this room is not that interesting it has the nice wood trim going along the top of the walls though and the bottom but the Green carpet this is like office carpet it feels really weird we see another bedroom similar same thing not much to it just plain Jane colors in here White Walls kind of beige floor closet to match everything so not much going on in these other extra bedrooms that were so they're quite large bedrooms by the way I must say these extra bedrooms are just as big as my master bedroom or even bigger this is definitely bigger than my master bedroom in my house so yeah it tells you we're in a mansion we are at the other staircase the spiral one so you can kind of see down there a little bit now it's time to enter the coolest room of this house we did not expect this when we walked in so I'm going to show you guys right now let's go so at first you guys can see it off in the distance a little bit there is a full on basketball court in this house check it out Regis found this freaking basketball court inside of this old mansion now this to me being like so small and I mean check out this like right here I mean my head is halfway through the net right now but this place like this is more for like a kid's Court like mini ball stuff like that like me and my friends back in the day used to play mini ball and we played on a hoop about this size but outside obviously because we didn't have Mansions like this so it's pretty crazy that we just found this inside of here um and it's all old it's all Cedar in here and we really we're not expecting this at all and this is the first time ever on this channel that we have seen an indoor basketball court at an abandoned mansion this is crazy Donovan's behind the camera right now and we were when we saw this we were just like so astonished and yeah I mean check it out the skylights are coming in here this is crazy so my goodness let's keep walking around this Mansion let's take a look more in here see what's left I wish we could find a basketball if we can find one we're going to come back in here but uh yeah we're gonna keep looking around but this is definitely the best part of this house and if you're enjoying this video hit that like button and if you're new here subscribe now let's keep seeing what's left in this abandoned mansion so I don't know what's going on back here do you think they had seating back here I had to do something because this is like this weird blue carpet like maybe this is where they did no that's the out of bounds man this is the out of bounds this is definitely not a regulation Court I will say you cannot shoot a basketball from here because the ceiling is way too low so this is literally a court for little kids or like I said if you're older it's a core for mini ball because yeah this is about a seven foot goal as you guys can see I'm pretty close to it how close would you say I am to this I'm six seven so let's just say it's about seven foot goal yeah maybe seven and a half yeah so yeah yeah I wish we could have found a basketball in here though that would have been cool but it's got the two skylights in here it's got the cedar all around this and this is probably like some sort of game room right over here this had been a game room yeah they probably did some sort of entertainment thing right here yeah so this is like a playroom of some sort and check this out this is one thing that's left behind is the Illustrated Encyclopedia of the animal kingdom it's like every single copy two three four five six wait two three there's missing four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixty seventy eight not twenty so they probably put like TV or some sort of thing right here um they probably did some sort of gains they probably had board games in here this could have been their family room like where they did like family game night all that stuff yeah the spotlights over here might have had some sort of this might have been like a reading area I don't know it's hard to tell what they did when it's empty you know obviously we know what happened over here because there's a basketball court like let's check in here yeah no basketball such a cool find right here I cannot believe we found this [Music] but now guys we showed you the coolest part of the house in our opinion but again like I said we have not seen the basement yet so it's time to go check out the basement and then I'll be the end of the video so hope you guys are staying tuned for that because this house is a little creepy now that it's dark so let's head down to the basement and let's see what's left all right I don't know about this staircase it stinks down here oh musty musty spiders that looks like a Black Widow I can't tell what is this though is that a black widow oh no it's not oh there's not much down here actually no there's like a little storage area right here the Bold is so bad dude the mold is really bad we should get out of here this is actually really small basement there's nothing yeah nothing okay all right guys well all right guys well that's the end of today's video I hope you guys enjoyed this abandoned mansion this place was absolutely beautiful and huge and I loved every minute of it and the story behind this place is so crazy so now we're gonna try to wait for the rain to stop a little bit and then we're gonna get out of here and it is pouring down rain right now but it's cool because there's fireflies out there so I guess we get a little show so anyways guys we're gonna get out of here hope you guys enjoyed this video glad to be back in the game of exploring and thanks to Donovan for joining along thank you bro and uh we're gonna get out of here check him out on Instagram down below I'll link that in the description and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 461,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: fKGF76G20G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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