ABANDONED Grandma's House with EVERYTHING Left Behind | Found Cars and GUN

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today we are taking you inside the realm of an abandoned Southern home its Halls echoing with the tender memories of a bygone era in 2003 an elderly woman Bid Farewell to this world leaving behind a frozen memory of cherished moments for two decades this woman a beacon of love and care for her children and grandchildren shared over 40 years of companionship with her beloved husband tragically the early 90s saw his departure due to a sudden heart attack leaving her to navigate life's path in solitude in the wake of her passing her home was forgotten and no one returned to claim the remnants of her life now only forgotten memories remain a testament to the once vibrant and humble love that filled its walls join me today and let's see what's left foreign check out the old cars I know Cadillac and a Buick over there and a boat We're not gonna stay outside too long guys unfortunately because it is raining but this is the cars so I just want to give you a quick little view of that before we go inside and hope you guys enjoy this video this is a wild one let's head inside let's get on this rain let's see what's left inside this abandoned house let's get it what's up everybody we've made it inside of this abandoned Grandma's house now already looking around it's pretty legit check it out and there's a lot more to see and when we first walked in we even saw a firearm so we're going to check all that out it's a very old one and this house is very old hasn't been lived in in quite some time I'm gonna get you guys into this video and show you guys what's left in this house so let's get right into it so the first room I'm actually going to show you guys today is the master bedroom this is a very tiny house in the South the master bedroom is just not large it's not that big as you can tell it is a time capsule I mean check out the bed it's made it's been made for all these years I believe that when she passed away she actually died on the couch in the living room the rest of this has all just been left because there's no family around to take care of it so unfortunately this is what you're left with you have items being left old photos just to decay in this old place we've got like these creams here pain and itch cream cough mixture formula I'm not sure what that is guys if you know let me know down in the comments but we're gonna keep looking around at all this stuff this is pretty crazy it's been a while since we've been in a time capsule so you guys know how I feel about these places closets full of stuff and then this old bed here and we even got to see because his drawers have got to be full of things pulling really hard on that it's one of those things where it's kind of stuck because it's been there for so long so foreign just a lot of knickknacks if we move these beads we have a couple of shotgun shells to go to the shotgun that's left in here and you guys want to keep watching to see the shotgun that's left in this house but there's a couple of bullets there and I bet all these are just kind of full of clothes and whatnot you have to go back and forth just to get it open yeah it looks like some some cloths in there this is like a bigger drawer so this is probably more stuff like that oh my gosh you can tell rats and mice have just made their home in these drawers it stinks really bad in there too let's close that back up just boxes some razors here's some glasses this must have been like there prescription glasses I can't really get them out though for some reason and there's more glasses throughout this thing and even a couple more bullets to a 22 it looks like so I wonder if there's a 22 left in this house there definitely could be this is the closet I wonder how all this stuff is it looks like cotton swabs that's like first aid kits all of that stuff guys I'm thinking there's a 22 left in this house but you never know people hide them so well sometimes oh look at The Rat's Nest in this drawer goodness more of the same abandoned by people and taken over by mice [Music] thank you [Music] so that guys that's the master bedroom I mean you can tell it's it's small a lot of stuff jamming on the bed I mean there could be stuff under there let you know guys we explore we don't go through a whole bunch of stuff like that we're not digging through the place we're just showing you guys what's left and how we humans sometimes leave stuff like this so started you guys up in here let's move on to the next room we got Justin what's up dog good guys we're coming out into this little uh what would you call this like a hall it's not like a hallway but it's yeah it's like the living room's right there and then it comes to this little section of a room that just has like this recliner here that's like a I think that's a heater of some sort like a fireplace kind of attic is right there and there's just some decorations through here kitchen goes through there living room is there that's where the gun is another bedroom here a little closet this is like a cat calendar from 1985. there's this bathroom which is still very preserved I mean look at the towels still hanging up and then we have another bedroom here which I actually think I was wrong about that being the master bedroom I think this is the master bedroom but first I want to see what's in this little section here so this is like some sort of heater I want to say Siegler never heard of that before I've never seen one of these in a house before you guys the family that did live here was an African-American family because we are in this we're in this like deep south town and I wanted to just show you guys kind of the artwork in here it's very unique I love this kind of stuff like this is beautiful all different kinds of artwork around here like look at this piece so this place wasn't abandoned in in 85 I don't believe I believe it was been in a bit sometime after that but I assume they kept this because of how unique it is it's like a little kitty cat calendar so my birthday would have been on a Monday if I was born in 1985 but I was born in 1997 so my birthday was on a Tuesday this says I do my thing and you do your thing I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine you are you and I am I and if by chance we find each other it's beautiful you know that's deep that is a deep that's that's the truth for real but that is deep so if you guys understand what this is saying of course we got John F Kennedy former president this is from 1995. so I want to say this place was abandoned either in the early 2000s or late 90s I know just a little bit of information right now being inside but I don't know everything with that being said in the beginning of the videos you guys probably already know all the history about this place in full detail what we do when we explore these is a lot of times we just find them and figure out what's going on as we're inside so this is just this is a cool place this is really cool and it's good to be back exploring this is like my first explore in months so starting off with a really good one so let's move on to the next room which I do believe is actually the master I'm going to work our way around and like I said guys stay tuned to see the gun because it's cool here we go spider webs I just walk through coming into this room this room's a bit more messy and it does smell like mothballs in here a little bit so we're gonna walk around a little bit find the coat closet nice suits things like that it's like this vacuum cleaner down here this really old vacuum cleaner like I said there could be something else house but we don't know until we look around but check this out this gives us another clue November and December of 2003 so now we're in the early 2000s we're going to keep looking for dates as we go along but nonetheless this place was definitely left behind more than likely in the early 2000s given the age of everything that's in here but check that out we got a blue bed this is right next to the bed these flowers are fake everyone but check out all the mold and nasty stuff on here there is stuff that looks like it was boxed up maybe they were my family was trying to get some stuff out of here who knows here's a whole thing of undergarments and this this could be for um this is for adults so you can tell they were older probably had a little bit of problems being older we all get old one day guys so sometimes you start off in diapers in the end in diapers looks like we got some cool stuff in here look at this oh that's sick that's a Rolls-Royce car right there that is a nice piece my grandpa used to collect these that's pretty sweet haven't found one of these in a place but that is so cool see the r right there on the front it was just shoved in this drawer so you never know what you're gonna find you guys know the struggle opening drawers like that this just has some mouthwash in it for some reason look more around in this room looks like dried up stuff looks kind of gross there's a little jewelry box and here's some more bullets more 22s so this could be the room where the 22 is and here's a jar full of pennies you know there's definitely some some wheat pennies in here that's so cool you just never know what you're gonna find in these houses it's all a mystery here's where he kept his ties some of these drawers are Plum empty Summer full it has like perfumes and stuff in it the big old Rat's Nest I still gotta watch out for spiders guys because it's still spider season so yeah we're just seeing kind of What's Left Behind in some of these rooms but this room I believe is more more likely than Master because it's a little bit larger and even right here it's a bunch of fur coats and whatnot you can see all the mold spider webs up there check out the blue light actually to match the bed that's pretty cool [Music] all right [Music] so far pretty stunning Time Capsule so we just explored the master bedroom I know I said the other one was but this one actually is now we're going to move on to the next room which is the bathroom it's very very pristine so we're gonna check it out and see what's left first walking in check it out very green very seafoam green bathroom mirror towels are still folded up it's small it definitely is small check how fancy the curtains are though for this bathroom until it was nice very small though I don't think I could fit in there very well toothbrushes are still left this one's still in a box everything is still just pristine I mean look at this sink oh my gosh a little space heater in here look at that the towels are still folded up inside it smells so clean in there oh my gosh safe to say this is a very very clean bathroom I love the colors in here too really gives it that age here's a closet what's in here looks like this is where they kept their blankets blankets and cushions pillows whatnot kept all that right in there I'm gonna step around this look at the web guys look at this spider was place has been sitting for a long time my goodness guys I could be wrong again this could be the master I haven't gone and checked like every room but they're all not much bigger than each other look at this doll sitting here jewelry boxes everywhere I mean this place is a true time capsule I think this was actually her mother's room or the Grandma's room the other people in the house that owned it stayed back there but I do believe that this was the Grandma's room and look her jewelry is scattered like everywhere in here there's like these watches like there's just all this little jewelry scattered about really really nice stuff and they just left it take this out this has a portrait on it you guys see that you can definitely tell they were a little religious maybe a bit religious which is good too at the same time really really fancy jewelry I mean she you could tell she was dressing up quite often check this out TV this drawer stuff you got wallets [Applause] it's like hair in there I'll leave that alone you can tell this bat is old and the suitcases on it so maybe they just tried to pack up stuff and then probably just passed away all these clothes jackets even shoes this place is a literal true Time Capsule guys this is one of the best we've seen in a long time foreign [Music] happy to get to show you guys this stuff again it's been tough being out of the game but like I said in the last video if you didn't see that if you're just now seeing me for a long in a while I am the happiest I've ever been again I reunited with somebody that just really really makes me happy and you guys have never seen this true form of me my true self I've never really been myself since I've been on YouTube so um you guys get to see a whole new me which I'm excited for so let's get through the rest of this house and we'll move on to the next spot this is a really cool little Carolina trip we're in both States right now doing a lot of cool stuff so I'm excited to show you guys the rest of what we find and we're gonna head to the kitchen and then to the room with the gun which I'll give you a little sneak peek of this room check it out this is the living room stay tuned we'll see what's left in there let's go see what Justin's up to in here leaving leaving do you open up the fridge uh no I'm scared I was waiting I might as well oh that is full of everything dude there was there was eggs in there like oh that's how you know what the Time Capsule right there got nasty old food left behind but guys we're in the kitchen now and look at it I mean we still got the dishes looks like these dishes were actually done but never got put up this is all porcelain on top of here this floor feels like it's gonna break and I don't know if there's a basement or anything I didn't see a door for one would not want to fall through this floor is that a Soviet Union hat is that what that is bro is this the Soviet Union this this sign I think that's the Soviet Union but I could I don't want to be wrong on this yep okay interesting that's an interesting find this is the pantry and door is stuck because the floor is so warped but it's full of food you got beans fried apples never seen such a thing fried apples into place sardines ew look we got a fork made for a guy like me I just get blown away by houses like this you got china cabinet full of stuff still perfectly preserved there's even a little baby chair what if they had a baby in here as well this is super neat guys the floor dips very much let's see what's in the cabinets here still got all this stuff I wonder if a genie will come out close this one let's open the other side there's books in here everything like that I got the coffee maker I don't want to walk on this floor where a whole lot guys because it's a bit much here's all here is all your plates and cups so really neat room really neat kitchen here gotta love seeing kitchens now that we've seen where we eat now it's time to see where we live in the living room so let's check it out and a fair warning there is a firearm left here there's a gun it's a shotgun it's very old so I don't know exactly the date on it if you guys know by looking at it in the comments let me know down below let's check out the living room which is arguably the best room in this whole house let's see it walking through a big door here the floor is very creaky in here too so you're gonna hear it see and here it is guys we have the couch it's a beautiful red couch and we have this old shotgun I believe it's a 12 gauge it's really old we're going to be really careful and not touch it just going to leave it right there we wouldn't want anything bad to happen but as you can tell this living room is completely set up still a time capsule and love to see it check out these old high school photos wow how incredible they did have a baby too this is kind of a whole look of the living room it's very dark in here probably because it's raining how beautiful is that and this gun still if I don't know what year this is from I can't tell by looking at it but if you guys can kind of put a date on this this weapon right here you guys let me know but like I said arguably the best room in the house we have you know the stands on each side with beautiful lamps decorated very well I can't see if there's anything left in this I don't think this actually opens no and then check out the TV we got in here it's a very old TV Electro tune color pilot so this was a color TV very interesting oh there we go oh my gosh it's full of Records these were tough to open I don't think this has been open so long what we got one modern's looking Hebrew in a good time what records literally so it makes me wonder if there's records in there oh my gosh sick what so they this isn't wow dude that's nuts very old record player and TV here I don't know if this is an actual television or what but that's so cool it's built into all this oh my gosh wow that one is just like not gonna open what a cool find close it up what do you guys think of this beautiful place [Music] [Music] [Music] well before we fall through the floor we're gonna get out of this place hope you guys enjoyed the first video back uh doing abandoned exploration on this channel we have always done it but been taking a big break now we're back at it Justin it's been a while since we've even met up check him out oh my gosh I feel like this is about to pull in if you enjoyed this video hit that subscribe button leave a like down below check out Justin down below leave a comment of what your favorite part of this place was and what you think about the story until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 265,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: 2K1005T6q9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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