We Found An Abandoned Home With Everything Left Behind.. But What Happened To Them?..

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[Music] [Music] today we are exploring this abandoned house which is a complete Time Capsule now this is very very cool can't believe the water supply is still on wow look at this old camera wonder how old this is and not believe the power supply is still onto this this is absolutely stunning oh my [Music] God [Music] hello guys welcome back to the channel welcome to today's video as you can see I'm joined with Ben and today we have come to check out an abandoned house which apparently has everything left inside it and it's been EMP for a long time let's go check it out and see what we can find okay guys so we're now at the front of this property and you can see the mail which is actually overflowing from the mailbox and the gate is completely overgrown in fact it's even padlock shut and that's even Rusty so that's obvious been locked for a while but look how overgrown this driveway is now there's the main house we've got a garage we've got some other out buildings around the side but obviously we can't really climb over that so what we're going to do is jump over this public foot paath here have a little walk around and see if we can find an easy way in okay guys we are now at this location and it looks really really good look how overgrown the garden is we've got a few sheds here with the roofs which are pretty much ready to fall in um I don't I think we're going to be able to get in there oh you see all their deck chairs in there we can try and focus on what's in there some deck chairs some shopping baskets there all sorts of stuff in there do you see that Ben it's like some sort of like um plow or something like a hand plow yeah you just see it like just there over really old mower yeah yeah don't know what that is it's like a big steel ball it farm equipment yeah looks like there might be a sneaky rout around the back oh really yeah I could go you know what that could be animals doing that should we check the front first doesn't seem to be any trod on PA it doesn't I don't think anyone has been here to be honest it's good that's what we like to see yeah yeah that's it um maybe let's go this way I definitely think the wildlife have been uh wandering wandering around here maybe like a local Badger or something yeah it does look really really like old doesn't it yeah like really old we can hear the water dripping in there that sounds really creepy do it oo okay so we're now coming down to the the main front entrance of this house be careful cuz it's quite slippery Okay so we've got a garage with the door open looks like it's been left open for quite a while as well yeah oh there's another shed there I didn't even see that look how overgrown there is a few of them yeah we're not getting in that one no way oh my God there's loads of stuff in there literally looks like there's a little trailer board there I don't know what that big metal aluminum thing is there I don't think there's any cars buried in there which is a shame it's always fun finding old cars so here is the house it's not massive but it is very very cool I don't think the Bin's been used for a long time either you can see how old it looks in there my God okay let's uh take a walk around here Ben found a way into the out building oh is this actually oh this is how we get in get us into the house right does it yeah I might just lean that forward get through get a bit easier I think it does yeah oh wow oh this feels really old get my other camera out oh God yeah look is that in is that that's in we're in yeah yeah okay wow well before we do go in let's just pop the light on and have a little look what in here make sure oh my god oh there's a coal bunker there I think didn't even see that yeah 100% is it wow okay good yeah there's loads of stuff here isn't there got lots of fields around us with horses in lots and lots of horses around us there's a shoe there as well right guys we're going to set our camera gear up and go and take a look inside this house okay guys we are now inside this house oh wow hey that looks really new that looks very new in fact that is brand new I don't think that's ever been used look at that we've still got teapots on the cooker we've got anything in there fridge at all no the freeze has been cleaned out so as oh almost there's a tomato sauce in the bottom there but not much else looks like the rodents have been in there chewing away it bits and again tea bags as well I don't think anyone's lived in here for a very very long time so we've got the Main Kitchen here look at this ARA cooker this is incredible wow and the cobs as well yeah they're literally everywhere oh my goodness me okay I'll let Ben do his thing in there we're going to take a look around here see what we can find oh it's always creepy being the first one in CU you never know what you're going to find oh this is cool this is really cool God you can smell the damp in here in fact you can see it on the walls as well all the way around there look a little small TV here with a Mickey Mouse on top that's really cool go it's freezing in here absolutely freezing front door keys on the side there L the front door is covered in spiderwebs that hasn't been opened in a very long time oh look we've got the walking stick hanging up on the side there this is really sad whoa okay we've got a couple of rooms here we've got the dining room well I say the dining room the living room just here oh this is beautiful oh my goodness me it smells really bad in here and I don't even know why wow it's always sad when you see photos of children on the sides um could potentially be the people who lived here I don't know at the old camera that's really cool I like that what is that smell got some more photographs here oh is sad that's really cool again they all the spider webs and walking through into this room even again we' got more spider webs here in fact I'm actually breaking through spiderwebs going into this room there's another bed in here got lots of photog grass all laid out oh does make me really sad looking through the photographs I try and not do it too much well again we've got loads of damp in here these are really cool look tin of marbles got some old toys mini that's really cool that train that must be very old and if you guys know how old that is if you do know please just pop it in the comments below do I remember this oh my goodness me wow I've not seen one of those in years the old perfumes here look the old watch Mr Lloyd got an unopen bottle of wine down here oh very nice all the way from Spain can't see a date on there if it was a Daye I can't read it anymore in fact there's a few in there yeah there is there's a few bottles in there okay let's go and check out the room next to us oh look there's the box for the um Tu there look that's really cool expect they're quite collectible things now those put that back there right okay let's go and check out the Next Room guys so walking into the the Next Room wow look at this whole record player it's really really cool very very old wave change tune radiogr goodness man we've got lots of stuff in here that's cool so we've got a wardrobe here we got stuff in here look at that some of that stuff hasn't even been opened before don't think lots of VHS tapes in there I can see Elvis written on one of them too that smells brand new in there it actually does smell brand new that's quite surprising we've got lots of trophies here L wonder what these are that's really cool otda 1963 W can we read that Memorial it's quite sad looking at these as well I think all those achievements that they made in their life and well they are just sat in a box collecting dust speaking of dust look at the amount of dust on that window seal that wow this looks pretty old oh god it feels real as well it actually feels real it's horrible I wonder how old that is oh I don't like the feel of that and we've got a box here full of packaged up things now there could be all sorts now I'm not going to go rooting through it all cuz I think it's a little bit disrespectful um just have a quick look at the bits that have been opened they look really cool like bone china hello Teddy bear that looks really old H that's really cool I like that we got a little Mark on the back made in China wow pop that back in there try get out without tripping over anything oh that's cool look that slot Bank oh I just noticed all the teddies as well I didn't even see those when I came in they're really cool look very very old okay let's um go and check out back through here where Ben was cuz I think there was another room we missed oh yeah we've got the bathroom and we've got another room here oh this is really quite creepy it is yeah think about it isn't there yeah you're right especially in there yeah this is a very tiny little room all the wallpaper's falling off the ceiling obious got major water damage in here look at that completely overground R out there you can't even see outside literally spiderwebs everywhere these cobwebs I can't get over the cobwebs we've got the barroom just here God this hasn't been used in a long time you can just tell what the dead fles in the bath goodness me all the old Gillette gels out there shaving Foams all right let's go and check the uh kitchen out where Ben was earlier cuz we didn't really have a good look around in there got the old water tank there storage tanks above it that doesn't look very safe does it that really doesn't look safe at all Cy we see a date on anything I don't know if there's um something that looks new really don't know we got teabag date there best before 2008 well gives you some kind of idea potentially how long this place has been left for I did just notice the water dripping is the water still on yes it is and that's main Supply as well and the hot water too but I think the electricity has been turned off we should be able to tell that from here some of it off some of it's on but with regards to the hot water that is definitely off well guys I think that is pretty much everything to see in here so I'm going to run around do some pictures do an Instagram story and a Tik Tok video and we see you outside again very shortly right guys we are all done hope you've enjoyed today's video please like And subscribe please go check out the Instagram which is the beard explor also go and check out the Facebook page like always put all the pictures on Facebook 10 the best Instagram and I will link Ben in the description below and we see you on next week's video
Channel: The Bearded Explorer
Views: 55,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ooFYBITe8Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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