100 Year Old Widow's ABANDONED Home Frozen in Time | with a secret room

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[Music] [Music] yo what is up it is Big Bang so we are back again for another episode it is snowing outside so it is very beautiful weather today but unfortunately that means I cannot fly the Drone so we just found this abandoned house and I believe this place is going to be absolutely amazing it looks so cool and we believe this place is a complete Time Capsule the lady that last lived here died just in 2014 a hundred years old it's when she died uh that's crazy I've never been in a house where the Lady or the people were over 95 I think like this is the oldest person uh from a bando that we've seen so I'm pretty excited to take you guys in there this is a really really cool place it's two stories basement all that stuff and there's a lot a lot left behind so let's go see what this place looks like there's probably going to be a lot of traffic noise check this out there's a little river right here kind of flows over to the house and this is the house we're seeing very beautiful place nobody's lived here since 2000 and 14 that's when the lady passed away but it's a very beautiful property and as you can tell it's two stories I cannot wait to take you guys inside of this but we're not going to stay outside too long there is a lot of traffic out here let's walk around the side a second and then we'll see what this place is like on the inside see right up here so overgrown with trees and everything we even got a basketball court here this is a real pretty house but like I said there's just so much traffic today that it's not really beneficial to just stay out here much longer so just gonna shoot a couple pictures and then we're going to go inside and check it out so hope you guys enjoyed this video now let's hear the back story behind this abandoned house I'm sure you've heard of the term love at first sight for Jack and Deborah that was their life they were soul mates living life to the fullest together Jack was a man of honor and integrity he fought for our country and for his family he and Deborah ended up being married for over 60 years traveling the world and raising their children when they grew older Jack had fallen asleep one night only to not wake up the next morning his wife was very distraught at the loss of her best friend and in 2014 she laid in the same bed where Jack took his last breath and went on to be with him again [Music] all right everyone so we've made our way inside of this abandoned house we're in the basement right now and as you can see there's actually a whole other living space down the basement so this is actually the first time we're starting down in the basement of the house and then we're gonna work our way up it's a little bit dark outside so we're gonna uh start down here where it's just really dark and use our light and stuff and then we'll go upstairs whenever the light comes out a little bit more have a lot of natural sunlight but this place is amazing and this is just the first room and I hope you guys enjoy the outside of the place this place is on some beautiful land next to a lake and it's just amazing so let's take a look at what's all in here this place was built in 1936 and all this stuff is here from back then as well like these books from the Civil War and this is just crazy so let's uh let's look down the basement first and then we'll make our way upstairs and take a tour of this house so guys this right here this is the first room we actually see in the basement and as you can tell it is completely Frozen in time now this place was abandoned back in 2014. when the owner passed away she was a hundred years old and she died in her sleep in this house but of course down in the basement there is this whole little living set up with a couple of couches even a little bed see all the wood paneling along the walls and check out the lamps I mean it's a really compact room but the stuff that's all left in here is quite amazing look at all these chairs and then down here is where all these books are you can tell the mold that's down here covered up these photos this part of the house is very very decayed check out right here okay Gas Company so I believe that is a gas fireplace upstairs yeah probably and then a little storage closet some shelves The Muppets is even an old puzzle a thousand piece puzzle but you can see the mold on everything but this is literally the first room we're just seeing in the house you got a Pocahontas pillow on that bed over there pretty crazy this is literally just the basement too it gets even better upstairs so now let's go through the basement it's a little bit musty down here and very narrow so it looks like this is like your Workshop area there's wood stain varnish paints tools things like that you can see the spider webs and cobwebs hanging down everywhere this is your staircase to go upstairs and it leads to the kitchen check this out there's a canoe right here what the heck that thing's huge and yeah just like this old furniture here stone walls everywhere it's a very nice little basement a little scary down here by the way though now guys one thing weird about this house is that you would think there would be power in a house like this but there's not there's no power all right guys so it's time that we go upstairs now and I want to tell you something a little bit about it before we go up there this is one of the best time capsules that we've seen in a little house like this everything is left and this is like a very very low-key spot so nobody has come and staged this or anything this is one of those ones where she just passed away and nobody came back to do anything with the stuff it's bizarre so I just want to let you guys know that before we head upstairs this place is one of the best so hope you guys enjoyed the tour of this basement now let's go upstairs and let's see what's left so right when we come upstairs this is the first room we see it's the kitchen slash dining room so here's the table you can see it still has some plates set up like they were going to eat breakfast one day and you can see the deterioration of this room right there just caving in on top of the the cabinets like I said this place wasn't abandoned too long ago just 2014. so there is some nicer stuff in here like this Emerson microwave I'm gonna try out the walk over there where it's pretty dangerous but all the spice racks are still hanging up and everything look at that that's a puzzle of cats here we have your stove and oven until it's a bit older not too terribly old and it looks really clean for the most part and in this house we're going to see tons and tons of knickknacks just check that out we got nutcrackers penguin and these little teacups see on the wall here this wallpaper it's got a chicken on it here we have the back door of the place this goes back to the washroom but I see the dryer back there check this out here's our washer and here's the fridge should we open it up all right freezer first oh my God dude that's a lot well I don't think we should open the other one that was pretty bad yeah yeah so guys that just gives you an idea of what else is in the fridge it's definitely full so the next room we see is the dining room you guys can see how cool this is table is still left and you have a beautiful rug here very colorful I do believe that she knitted all of these rugs herself I want to say I just check it out like this is one of the most untouched houses I've ever seen Untouched by vandals Untouched by anybody like look at this you got plates say John F Kennedy on it and then check out this table here but not only is the table left here look at this all these knickknacks are going to be everywhere surrounding this entire house look at this this is crazy all this stuff left in here so many glasses very nice stuff too so guys I'm gonna go and take you to the front door the entrance of this place so as you can see to go to the living room you have to go through these beautiful French doors and you can see all the ready everything is Left Behind in here but let's take a look at this staircase first so the staircase has the electric chair obviously she had some trouble walking getting around this house so this would take her up stairs to her bedroom and whatnot and there's Family Photos going all the way up I love the red carpet on it too back here this almost looks like a little Memorial for her son or her husband but I don't see any like ashes or anything but maybe she just had this here set up as like their little Memorial because I believe they have passed away as well there's some little mini mini clock really nice nothing in here works anymore it's all kind of getting deteriorated over time all right guys so right through here right through these beautiful little French doors we come through wait but before we do that look at this right above the French doors there is little knickknacks going along all the frame super neat love that so now we enter main living room and we see that this place is completely Frozen in Time [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] how incredible is this you got the nice quilts on it and everything huge colorful rug in this living room coffee table knickknacks everywhere like just take a look at this got this nice brick fireplace and there's just gonna be little knickknacks throughout this entire place and look at this this is their wedding photo from way back in the day back over this way we see they have a cabinet full of books family photos and whatnot I love these little cupboards but even still in this living room you have nice furniture there's another chair here the stands I mean this place is just unreal over this way look at this we have another nice chair that matches the couch and I believe this couch might even have a recliner I think it's a rocking couch too yeah catch rocks there's just so much stuff here and check out this old TV it even has a little knickknacks on it and look at this I mean there's just quilted stuff everywhere I wonder if she made all this stuff herself all these rugs that go throughout the entire place let's check it out super cool and that takes us back around here like I said before this is one of the best that I've seen and I just love looking at this like this is one of the most untouched places like I said before that I've seen everyone it's time that we see the upstairs to this little house this little time capsule here downstairs was already incredible but I know upstairs is going to be just as good or even better so walking upstairs this place is really small really narrow you can see all the family portraits and everything left right in here even a cab behind me but this place is quite amazing like I said before one of the best so let's continue to walk through this house and let's see what else is left upstairs our first bedroom and I believe this is the master check this out instead of having one king-sized bed in here they just put two beds next to each other to make a king bed you still have your fur coats and check out this old TV here with a little VCR I feel like you never see VCRs anymore these days but just check out everything that's here this is your dresser and there is family photos there's knickknacks there's stuff for knitting there's a lamp there's a mirror and I bet you in these drawers there's some stuff left not a lot of stuff looks like oh well maybe I was wrong maybe there is a lot of stuff it's just cool to see the little knickknacks that older people have along in this room is also a reclining chair is what I assumed to probably be the woman's vanity so you used to get ready every day see all the stuff that's left on it let's see if there's anything in these drawers not much some of the doors are really stuck but it's cool to just see the room and how much is left inside of it and guys it just started snowing outside so it's like great weather right now for exploring check it out two little beds here sometimes it's hard to cuddle sometimes you just want your own space and check it out right here it's a bunch of VCR tapes got Bruce Almighty hope flows see if I know any of these Bewitched The Bourne Identity Daddy Daycare all Classic Movies you have the old school heaters in this room and the two bets together it's really cool to just see houses like this wonder what's left in this dresser looks like it's more movies stuff like that so we're gonna say that this is the master bedroom it's even got a drop ceiling in here it's a little strange but you know so we're going to exit the master now come into the hallway and to my right here we have our bathroom and it is a pink bathroom check it out you got paint tiling all over the walls and look at this all of her perfumes makeups lotions all that is left or right here shower is even super pink you got the tiles that have fallen into the tub looks like straight from the ceiling too so place is going to start deteriorating a lot sooner than we think it is a little closet here full of clothes looks like the woman's clothes I think she was the last person to live here directly across the hall looks like we have a closet in this closet is just full of Linens it's even some shoes right here only one pair so now we move on to the next bedroom which is where dunno's at in this room is another time capsule dude's Blood on the bed I think this is where she died man that is something her obituary says she died in her room and her sleep so it could be some type of bodily fluid maybe not blood or maybe she could like cough blood at some point I don't know she could have but it's like it's kind of smeared everywhere yeah I was gonna say it's kind of like a like a Splat yeah I think it's some type of bodily fluid from when she died but this is another really good time capsule room I mean check out the desk here yeah all these Family Photos these kids a lot of children she must have a lot of grandkids that's what it looks like all family albums okay this is probably where she was sleeping after her husband died she probably stayed here stamps yeah a little newspaper newspaper stuff she probably collected things like that but yeah guys that gives you kind of the gist of this place it's been abandoned for what 24 since 2014 at least Meridian 2023. yeah we're already in 2023 this place is actually it's not too bad but it is deteriorating and then right over here looks like to be a closet very small closet and they're just things thrown about in here not really too tidy so yeah guys that is this room see that bed man this room is crazy the carpet in here too if that's what it is look at that carpet too floral carpet it's an old lady yeah this house is very different and guys we have one more bedroom right here but I don't think it was used as a bedroom it's really really small it has more office type of place right here you got a dresser that has family photos on it clothes all in there you can definitely tell an older person stayed here not much left behind in this room I want to take one more look at this staircase you can see it goes all the way down in the portrait of a kitty cat right there as well as all the family portraits going down the wall right there this is crazy let's do one little more walk in this master bedroom here It's just sad to see a house with no life in it anymore but all of their belongings still left inside all right everyone well that is the end of today's expiration I hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as I enjoyed exploring it thanks to Donovan for coming along and that's the end of this trip but this is a very cool house one of the best time capsules we've been in and uh it's crazy to see that everything is still here from when this lady died in 2014 at a hundred years old she had the house built and she lived here she had the views of the lake and everything it was just beautiful so now we're gonna get out of this house and I hope you guys enjoyed this video uh if you did hit that subscribe button leave a like down below comment your favorite part of this house and until next time big Banks out
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 270,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: zUGdX9APvx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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