Exploring Abandoned House Of Obese Son And Mom Left | Found Lots Of Goodies 💵

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I want to explain to you what you're about to see in this episode I've never seen a house like this before that had so many Lego Star Wars collectibles left behind I'm telling you you do not want to miss this episode you're going to be seeing some really cool stuff and with that said stick around for the episode and enjoy the show here we go [Music] this is a story about a married couple Robert Emery at the age of 77 Robert passed away unexpectedly on January 5th 2022 at 7 45 pm he was born on June 2nd 1944 in California where his father was stationed in the army Roberts served in the military and was stationed in Korea and he was a Faithfully devoted veteran he served three years in the Army and was recognized as a rifle Marksman and awarded the National Defense service medal in a Good Conduct Medal he had a deep love for America and its freedoms he graduated and received a Bachelor of Science and business administration from his university in 1973 and he was a big believer in the American dream with a work ethic that never quit he married his beautiful bride Marie when she called her every day for 51 years ago on December 5th 1970 together they built the most beautiful life filled with joy in the blessing of four children Robert had a long career in the steel industry we was well known for his great attention to detail and consistent drive for perfection in all that he did As Time passed Robert retired from a steel factory job as plant manager after his family Robert loved nothing more than his boat and his deep friendships he made across his 40-plus year boating career where he was a member of a well-known Yacht Club and Boating Club Robert was the most amazing husband father and grandfather he loved watching and celebrating his family's achievements from his cozy seat of retirement and unfortunately as Life Begins it also ends in January of 2022 he passed away leaving his wife and four children what all of that said I guess you're wondering how and why did they leave all this stuff behind including this massive Star Wars Lego collection I'll get to that a little bit later on in the story but for right now let's explore and dig up the past and see what else we can find [Music] the name is Ranger Rick my mission in the series is to go back to the past dig it up search for Clues and stay curious in each episode I tell stories of abandoned places and their history so come with me let's explore together and see what we can find what's up Rangers so before we begin today's episode I want to tell you that I just launched a new patreon page go to www.patreon.com forward slash Ranger Rick TV and by your pledge of two dollars a month you'll receive a simple Thank You by me in the tier one package for five dollars a month in the tier 2 package I'll feature your name into ended credits in each video plus a simple thank you as well if you do not wish to pledge that's okay thanks anyway now enjoy the show [Music] so some things didn't add up in this house upon further inspection I didn't find out till later that Robert and Marie lived in a trailer behind this house my guess is that they rented this place out to others and by the looks of things whoever lived here got evicted got up and left everything behind in a hurry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys welcome back so if you know me you know the routine and you know the drill I want to make it seem like as if you were the owner how would it feel if you were the owner coming in through that front door and this is unfortunately yes and I say unfortunately because it looks really that bad I'm not kidding you so we got a couple options go straight ahead we can take a right or a left let's explore this area first and then we'll start heading right and left so here we go all right so we're still in the same spot where I made that cut at first thing I'm going to do I'm going to open up this fridge and why wait to the very end to open up refrigerators I'm going to do it right away usually I do it last but look at this this is disgusting I don't know if you guys can see that but there's gnats all in here all those little black marks those little black dots that's that's little flies and gnats and of course when I get out of here I'm going to take a good good hot shower with some good antibacterial soap because it's just that bad in here oh shoot look at this oh Oh I thought it was a whole bunch of light bulbs I'm like I need light bulbs but yeah I encourage you not to take anything from abandoned places it's tempting don't do it it's not healthy for the Soul at all so don't do it all right I'm gonna cut to the chase we have a few rooms with these Star Wars collectibles I don't know if they're really Collectibles I'm Not Like a Star Wars fan or anything but for all you Star Wars Fanatics look at this give me some education lessons y'all are these Collectibles are they not Collectibles I have no idea they look kind of recent actually some of this stuff may be worth money some of it might not be I like this little guy right here we have a crack pipe that says Rick and Morty that's cool oh I love these it's a butane lighter let's see if it still works yes still works it works good too I better quit before I burn this place down I'm not gonna do that though I'm very cautious when I go into a place that is cool though I just spotted a cat box litter box with no litter in it so that tells me this house is definitely gonna be abandoned but I don't see how these people can live in such filth like what is going on so I think what happened here I think the mom was living in the back trailer which I'm going to show you guys in just a minute and this was her original house but she gave it to her kids and this is how they treated it unfortunately that sucks but let's let's continue look at all that mess that looks like that may be droppings from an animal like a cockroach look at that a dead cockroach right there I really don't want to show you guys all this but this is kind of fascinating that they would just leave all the stuff behind not even to give two flips about it you know what I mean let's go swing a left you can definitely tell this was a kid's room because look at the blue lighting let me turn my light on though so you can kind of see what's going on it's a little bit dark in here PlayStation controller right there they used they look like they like to eat a lot of McDonald's drink a lot of Coke and just be extremely overweight and unhealthy I mean I can understand a Coke every now and then but look at all this trash can y'all see the Flies flying around you got McDonald's chicken nuggets right there Skittles M M's that is just look at all the Flies can y'all see that oh that's disgusting oh that's disgusting I do like that table the table is pretty cool ah here we go they might end up getting a pass because this is Battlefield 5 Ford and Ferrari I love Battlefield I'm not a fan of Battlefield five though Battlefield one was great it's like a masterpiece all right let's put these back like you found them we've got a Playstation four just hanging out right below our feet here I'm a big fan of these red controllers I love them although I don't even remember the last time I put a PlayStation PlayStation controller in my hand it's been a long time I do love gaming but I rather watch people play huge huge tv RCA Dynex TV there and yeah that's kind of what it looks like with the ambient lights on there's no other Lighting in this room except the blue lights that go around nothing on the ceiling you do have a lamp post right there but there's no light bulbs and I can't believe the power's still running this is probably where they got all fat and Sassy [Laughter] and this is kind of like out in the middle of nowhere on a main highway but it's still in the middle of nowhere going back into the kitchen do y'all remember Pizza Hut back in the day they had this these kind of lighting fixtures so retro so retro of the 80s gotta love it are you a 80s baby leave a comment down below all right here we go here's the Next Room which I'm really unexcited about because it's so dirty however look what I found here I found I guess that's the Millennium Falcon Maybe and these are like the storm trip and these are the storm trip Troopers look at this Stormtroopers Galore these are all Legos and look look at this guy got a little bit of Yoda hanging out right there he's got a whole bunch of friends by his side too I see Boba Fett Stormtroopers these robot things and we got a little Rick and Morty back there along with some Hot Wheels some BBS some Daisy BBS and these are CO2 canisters for BB guns not to be confused with real guns all spice has pretty good you get to pass this is the inside looking out and you gotta love those Vines on a main Highway as you can tell but yeah I can't believe this place has not been more ransacked than this but the thing is I think the people that lived here caused all this that's why it has not been ransacked by vandals it's been ransacked by their own family I'm pretty sure that's how it went down whole we may have found something here oh yeah we got a crossbow I knew I was getting warm that is a real crossbow and I'm not gonna mess with it I'm just here to document and film I don't like touching much stuff look at that it's a dream catcher with a wolf on it t-shirts everything all scattered about do we have power in this place like I know there's power but do does this room have power well let me see if uh see if this comes on oh yes we do not need this light anymore it comes on ain't that something that's cool they got gnats in here too look at all this that's good they actually brush their teeth no disrespect but your place looks disrespectful bro what is that some candy stuff man they they used to love Coke oh my God like this is just too much like look how long these drinks have been sitting here this is a Coke and it's growing fungus inside of it I don't know if y'all can see that on camera but that is legit fungus What flies flying around it and of course they used to like the smoke too here's the vapor for it this is just two this is just too much a McDonald's bag right there they might have been in the Marines so they do get a pass for that but come on man y'all gotta now I'm just assuming I'm just assuming maybe a couple of males lived here but it could have been females you never know females I've seen some messy rooms by girlfriends I used to date and uh yeah they're kind of like this disgusting now this is an odd room very odd I don't know why this is empty and the rest of the house is not this house is the clean well this room is the cleanest room in the whole house I do not understand that I do not um I kind of get a bad feeling about this door so I'm not going to open it I don't know what is inside and I don't want to know but I'm kind of getting the heebie-jeebies so I really want to get out of here soon oh yeah look at that boy we got a gun in here don't get alarmed it's not a real wait a minute is this a real gun no that's not a real gun what is it no that's that's a BB gun yeah let me put that back how I found it I knew I was going to find a gun here whether it be real or fake it's real but it's just a BB gun no big deal anything in here mink oil smells like make a little in there nothing Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry the movie Battlefront 2. got another BB gun right there back in the kitchen because I'm just a little bit perplexed by all the coke that these people drink and they save they're like pack rats and I hate to assume but look at all this I am assuming they love Cokes and being fat no offense but you're only hurting yourself when you drink all this poison card number that's a good Dairy Queen card still worth ten dollars y'all see that yeah got a PlayStation card right here too there's a lot of good stuff in here like a lot of valuables like you could probably make some money selling this stuff but like don't get any ideas I'm not going to do that love that chair but I love these style chairs these racing chairs for PC gaming they're really cool a little played out but still cool looking not really my taste though as far as in how they sit or there's something a little bit more comfortable one thing I forgot to do that's cool they like Arctic I don't think I forgot to do let's check up here let's make sure we're not missing anything because I've been getting a lot of complaints on my YouTube channel lately everybody's saying Rick you need to open up the cabinets you need to open up the cabinets well look what I'm doing opening up cabinets nothing there bamboo charcoal purifier look at the ceiling that's cool so I guess this is kind of what it felt like being in here playing video games got your controller in this hand got the PlayStation over there just playing video games tap tap tapping away and eating your life away I guess but if that's what you like to do then I don't blame you I guess that was their comfort zone you know what I mean but still really cool as I look around all right without further Ado let me take you inside the mother's house which is a house over so let's go there now okay so I just came out the kitchen door I'm about to head downstairs where we started from is the upstairs that actually goes to the next house but I think I'm going to take this way out because I want to show you guys real quick what's down here and it's just miscellaneous stuff I've already been down here it's a lot cooler down here than it is upstairs that's for sure what cooler and this is more like the garage this is where they kept all their stuff I think they might use this for storage maybe but I don't know but this is this is just beyond me look at all this stuff they left behind all this yard stuff you can make mabuku money off of this stuff on like Facebook buy sell trade and look at this perfectly good tires and rims Wheels everything now don't get any ideas I'm not gonna get away at his location because I want to keep it personal I don't want anybody coming here and stealing all this stuff but so easy to get in here and steal all this stuff you know what I'm saying this is weird all this meat right here is still frozen this is open but it's still frozen I don't get it I think it's safe to say this door has not been used in a very very long time yeah that's what I thought what does that say Mountaineer Mountaineer I think that stands for West Virginia that WV right there all right let's go into the Mama's house which is right across this little path right here let's continue here we go so that's the house that I just came from we're headed here I'm pretty sure this is the Mama's trailer look at that boat all right let's go up to the door and see if anybody's home all right so I just made it into the Mama's trailer and this is what's left a whole bunch of nothing I kind of like the blue carpet actually very retro that is still blinking why would you leave power on in a place like this here's another one of those Pizza Hut lights seriously though like why would you leave the power on it like who does that hello nothing come on there's gonna be something in here it's the bathroom nothing in there I already know that I'm thinking this is where the kids used to stay and she probably got tired of the kids kicked them out and let them move in the house right in front this trailer I think that's what happened had to be all right let's go back there now nothing back here either hello just making sure nobody's home because that would be a bad thing it's in this tub nothing I don't want nobody to be home no no no that will be a disaster no I love the wallpaper this place is full of mold all right let's get out of here I tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together the best I could but I'm 100 sure that I'm leaving some loopholes undone I can't figure out why the previous tenants will leave all these valuables behind it looked like they rented this place out to younger adults but something made them leave with haste [Music] what could it be I went during the day and I also returned at night and it was the same story power running and everything just like they left it this really perplexes me and I'm intrigued I must return I want to know what really went on inside this house [Music] and one more thing what happened to Marie did you enjoy today's episode if you did make sure to subscribe and remember to check out my new patreon page as well all links down below [Music] foreign
Channel: RangerRickTV
Views: 17,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, everything left behind
Id: iAip9kp0rc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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