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no way we've even got their cars left in [Music] it all right guys we are here it's just through there wow look at that got the cars look it's an old Sierra there's an old MC just left here we are in guys wow wow look at this that's brilliant mate Fox CS Fox what pretty garish um curtains so is it bit of a bit of a headache of a room this but look we got an old Yamaha clav overa old books oh what clavinova electric piano mate there's some stuff in here look at the togers we got another one there though it's on oh that little table Yeah f up table glue do oh paintings yeah they do like the paintings don't they sailing inspired you so got a lot of documents in there got some boooks oh look at this we got old um sort of manuscripts and this is bait Hoven sonatas and that says Christmas 1922 that's the Bosworth edition of Boven sonatas wow is that oh same ship look is tool ships all the sails on them mate the same boat we shairs in it m cross no it's not and more tapestry maybe they did that themselves they got a lot of art they have a lot of art is there oh yeah look little tiny one tiny W do you reckon that's whose house it is probably this was a holiday home I recognized the face yeah oh anything beyond uh in that cupboard mate nothing how old that look actually it's not that old that lock actually to the furniture and the obligatory fat jasine that's quite nice actually you I like that it's cool it's definitely a unique little style the way it's just slapped on the paint a knife yeah very good a nice bit of carving there the old uh like the rugs Asian sort of carving love that rug yeah you do like a rug I do get a nice Persian rug wow so it's looking like it's going to be a fair bit in this house look at it already look we've got boxes C it's quite damp and cold in here M cold in there is it that old feel fine Cutler well that fine you can't find it they've hid all silver open that then oh just pull it big old LED don't pull it do you slide slides across but look at that se yeah it's just full of cobwebs it cobs 10 Franks more uh paintings he likes his paintings is it a he or she I thought it's a she could be a she they could be Asian themselves judging by that L look at the old look at the old egg things look oh L pack yeah you got another one here yeah what dinky little thing T's old don't they very old with a clock on that stopped at 20 to2 but yeah we got an old Panasonic but look no one sat on that chair for years and years look at all this some fungi and some badges old laer clown look trunks down Ed on the elephant trunks down mate yeah trunks down means good luck that's good is it good luck now I just realized I made a mistake you never make a mistake it but look there's the old French Windows has not been opened has it for for quite a while and we got a sailor man we look it's Uncle Albert oh it's poo the Sailor Man no yeah definitely boxes stuff what is that Energizer that's an old torch is it that thing a p look we found a p full of money we have as well it is Old Co old coppers mate that's new money new money what are these things then is that for wine or it's an old cork in there there's some really old porcel in over there filled with cobwebs it's just every everywhere in it yeah so there's obviously no family to uh inherit this to so yeah unfortunately this Chap's belongings or sorry this woman Marilyn Morro is uh probably going to have this lot auctioned off i' imagine shame anywhere I look pain but Ed this painting or this drawing yeah this is the house mate yeah look there's no uh Sierra on there though so many pictures and paintings in there yeah like these we've got the smile and we've got the frown but they're both the same people there you there's you and Ned there there's you Ed with the dce hat mate there's there's you and Ned there's way no that's got to be Ray Mr grumpy and those books behind you mate they look quite old the complete Yes Minister W that a TV program what's one it we got standard dictionary Three Musketeers four Georges but yeah look at this old um chest set that's like called lacquer wooden it's very smart that wow what a cabinet snip snip oh H it with sissor ANS that's a big old there as well those things need toy them oh is your stuff you like you like you look a bit of bling don't you yeah Mr bling oh that's that's original it's a thisle with the stone Scottish in it yeah Scot yeah nice carvings on it they're not thel what are they it's like a basket of fruit maybe or everything's ox and like look stickers all got the prices on it still they bought stuff and she's been she's she's one of these ones goes at the back of the shop but it's been dumped oh look we got the hallway through there guys we'll check that out in a minute cuz we've got oh wow Ed 20 quid for a swig no for what for a swig swigging look at all that that usually this stuff ain't got a light for it but you put light on it glows in the dark if it's just Ro stuff yeah ready go in ready oh it's glowing it's definitely glowing that's that's got that means it's got mercury in it uranium uranium yeah one of them two I know you know I don't know everything we know that I don't what's in the box what's in the box oh nothing glass ni some spoons just a spoon spoon and a fork yeah no knife no car on now yeah I just add that it's a B I couldn't work out it's a basket or something maybe fruit basket a secret B everything keeps coming up oh a small embroidery tapestry look work in progress that's right birds still watch a lot of yeah that's what that is for is it yeah so haven't got nothing to do what's in that one then more got load of keys in there makeup personal makeup box have you checked the electrics in there no I haven't have you should I just try it can do no got no power that's annoying wow this is filled guys much what's this the study no computer though computer's gone yeah got a lot of paperwork down there buts books oh cobwebs in there mate not their books didn't they they did a lot L reading by the looks of it we got k8's uh autobiography Dick Francis more dick Francis what's this one in there more books and computer discs at the top there mate never look what's this old book then B there old stamp there as well French how to learn French French on the BBC French so we got nonsense Dred we got something written here from 19645 or 65 very neat writing since open it where the bookmark was left being your slave what should I do but tend upon the hours and Times of your desire I have no precious time at all to spend nor Serv here sorry sorry I'm oh look at this old um cabinet look can't that is can't do it that would have slid at one point up all these up yeah this oh my books is that 98 1998 oh don't read that all personal stuff yeah it's all numbers in it see more said yeah see that that that's very garish is it AR that hat that suit you though no don't even go there no don't even go there this looks well good in this you look like a bond filling M yeah we got a film coming out um next Sunday y y yep yeah make sure you subscribe mate yeah that's your office work done for the day mate done for the day yeah you suit that chair mate nice little desk little made it into Bo yeah i' get your torch away from that window though would yeah it's very odd this situation is it everything's covered in cob oops isn't it wow look at it out here look at even the hallways just filled with paintings look at this even that carpet's quite cool it that's that's nice like that that's like a Persian rug is it we got a basement I Che that thought oh Christmas stuff oh was it it's all Christmas stuff oh that Ed there's some crackers there they you calling that look yeah we pull a cracker for Christmas no we leave party hat leave it was yeah but perfect for this time of year guys look at that no no wait till the end you you're a idiot that's nice now that is nice the holy gra you oh this is this is lovely it's like a incense type yeah it's a lamp there a light inside yeah that nice it's like something you get like in a chur should put that away i' hang that up there yeah fit in for this time here look we got Santa Claus on the stairs and there's probably uh good time to wish you guys a very happy Christmas is it Ed yeah happy Christmas sorry was getting too into this yeah a pocket warmer you look to keep your hands ni and warm sorry put that down oh no look what is it oh yeah I Reon she was a pervert that up to your eyes again that looks quite smart hello compact binoculars yeah it's quite a bit in there mate I'm not going to go ramage in though no that's it we start the sorry that's what's in that cupboard what's in here it put away we got it under the stairs toilet mate B there yeah getting paintings all over the walls I wash have a poop look have a poop can't that's tiny mate can I'll come in a oh keep that close there's some paintings behind the door and a lovely little lamp Shader hurry up for that it's quite um quite unique that for that I will give that an eight out of 10 just for Quirk what Under the Stairs mate small though it tiny it like chopped up I'd give that no I'll give that six six yeah yeah but you've got high standards look at them marel Pearl I don't know if that's marel Pearl just tin no is marel PE m p if I'm right and if I'm wrong don't mention nothing yeah let us know don't please let us know Edd's wrong so we got more here as well yeah it looks like mother we got SP all over me mus I know design a towel oh you a wonder how long that's been there a w what's through here this carpet what I think they got we found the the shed the shed is more like a kitchen is it kitchen SL shed shed oh why would you put a nor in there yeah unless it was in the shed and someone tried to get in the shed and they put it in there yeah wow look at this big old table as well mate proper Country Style Kitchen dark there even look there no curtains well I think it's just dark outside but doesn't help oh oh wow Ed look at all this got candles we look a candles but look you got that little coffee thing there as well a little coffee I can't remember what they call them par it's not par oh that's quite garish mate that Crockery modern though is it modern yeah it's modern stuff is it have a look yeah where what have we got just modern decorated in Hong Kong so he it's touristy bits dirty old cheese B give give it a lick oh thank you I Jama make it in I've been there bman we got an old tile at the back [Music] framed who's that let's make our way to the front just in case it oh do you live here mate I do now yes you been on you do live in this place now Steve don't you squat as right in that but yeah we got Steve from exploring within joining us that's smart is it look look at that go that's heav as anything how you open it then I suppose it's like a window don't chime it oh he's just found a horn Under the Stairs have you did you not hear him blow it no I just assumed it was um big ship or like one of them clown horns see two little Santa Claus on stairc a nice little touch nice little touch with a Christmas jumper as well Steve you actually you put stuff back as you found it Steve so put them back in a Cupboard right where were we oh that's right Ed was testing the hats yeah oh now I don't want me dir bad sport you put it on your head I'm opening this up I Stu the fire that's cool is it he it up I like that actually that' be nice in a little old motor and put the K on you and your motor HS well anyone want to donate make me a well it's ladi's day at Ascot promoting ladies day at Ascot right so back to the kitchen back to the kitchen someone front of the death yeah so where were we this is you can get this it's like a pinky white cups and saucers and it's um Irish pottery and it's quite worth a lot of money but I've don't know what it's called it's not that cold P yeah it's not that one it's something else I can't think exctly like that with shelves and that it's really nice stuff yeah oh what it so they must have coted it around Christmas time I got electric fly catch out there so this door's locked yeah cobwebs on it this A up therey balls yeah this oh oh showing your shoes go your shoes mate yeah that's a torch some oh it's even older bits in here all just Gathering dust and cob whips mate look at it all it's really dark in here is it yeah supp it can't the a this is mad it yeah lucky hang on Lucky horseshoe oh that's just a oh hang on it what this one's uh uranium as well urum there is certain stuff they're not all but you you go to a shop with a light a special light what lights you check the money uh like UV UV light and it Glow the one uranium they're the ones you want to buy cuz they're worth good money another trunk shops don't like keeping them do they cuz they do they they're dangerous to the why well they are the radioactive it yeah lose your air hey actually yeah if you got load in your house bit late for that look at that glasses I'm just looking at all this up here mate shoe boxes there's bloody trinkets everywhere oh look what's that oh little jar and that is mustard pot that is a mustard pot another elephant got him yeah it's like a book end yeah book end but that there was how was that one oh yeah I can't reach it can you reach that Steve the brown one yeah one with A10 not in that is old looking is it first edition William Shakespeare [Music] it come on it's upside down oh there look at that that's quite cool HPA no pictures those pictures if it didn't have that color at the front I would have put that down so well I'll tell you something you you boys won't know when you get a book especially old ones what you can do get them like that yeah bend the book over like that yeah and you get a picture along there yeah a pi like a a scenery look or nude you don't I can't little lar I knew you coming what's we looking The Wine Room The Wine Room oh yeah not much wine i w want to put my wine in there on Mosaic shelves as well say that goes back a long way look at the tin opener the tin open yeah to get out you got to pull it oh press that over up oh there you go there a tin opener lock it in that's awward is it you've used these before ain't you it's like one you see in the cater industry us have them on the benches don't you I like the finger pulley well I'm intrigued to see what's upstairs if this is the hallway what's in the front is that what's that door this is the front door it's got to be yeah there's Post in there so careful okay I won't show the floor there is a big pile of post on the floor yeah it must have been around Christmas they've uh yeah there's a lot of presents and stuff oh look we got old chew brushes as [Music] well did you just STI your head yeah hang on a minute this ain't a 6' 6 frame is it no wonder I tell you like back in the old days I can fit for a fine yeah I didn't even realize that was honestly they were shorter back in the olden days mate well mirror as well funky old mirror frame look how decaying that is won be much better when I walk past it either is that boat we done look that's the owner it is isn't it found it the brick but talk of that we've got ropes up the the actual stairs as well like a stair like a boat very nautical themed I'm going to use the railings ornaments everywhere mate is there use the ra then oh a struggle up these stairs isn't itad these ropes are it's a steep old staircase is it right we're too first welcome to the master oh we got of balcony here as well just there open the curtains I've turned me torch off so it shouldn't be a problem we got a house just over there we yeah let have a look kind of want to be careful oh yeah that is the balcony yeah car coming but yeah there's the balcony overlooking the road and the front garden we'll close that back up yeah I was just looking at this mirror I reckon I saw this I reck it's a t- room chair woman and ladies sit around lost it pading ladies sit around it's it's quite low so can have their Cups of Tea the table and they all sit around it's quite Regal isn't it it's like something you find in a pallet it is yeah it is definitely a bit Regal cuz look you got two of the armchairs as well Regal yeah that's smart little bedroom is it and more Tapestry on the walls so I don't know whether this is someone else's art or they've done this themselves it's hard to tell that what's that noise is that your stomach is it grumbling again is it you know eat something then I have something oh wow shelling some peas that's what she's doing that's quite good all the in on that wood oh this funky little spare room is it old little mattress more tapestry is it tapestry you call it what they call it so you have to correct us if I'm wrong correct him as you're wrong diging for bait so in the corner of the room there's this weird little uh area I guess it's just a seating area by their window cuz it's quite a large window to be fair with storage space I guess yeah That's Heavy old wood but these these windows haven't been opened for for yks we got black mold all over it and it's quite condensated and that's like a there's a paintting this actually engraving hard to say where that is but we got a name in the bottom Holland that's called yeah ni it and graving it I like doing that and put little cette boxes you make um tobacco boxes really you like doing that oh look at that I can see the bathroom ahead of you oh there she blows what here would you like a sheet you want clean sheets you need clean sheets for that room that's a lot of clean sheets here it is is it this ain't a B&B is it or a little hotel little h no but probably used it as the Liv room a bedroom and that's an old sewing machine is it Alpha someone left a comment on my video saying it's an old Soviet one an old s oh open it up it's heavy too heavy oh you got three hands I've got none you got man handling yeah did you remember those tills we had to move That's Heavy m come yeah go that carpet is a bit thick is it so it's an alpha so trick open the drawer on the side this is London on it oh yeah I've got the old bits in there yeah wow singer oh singer yeah he's still got the sewing needles there's all the needle things look to do your connections on here so that's an old svet one someone let me spin it around it is London in the back that's probably where wow there's a nice bit of kit though is it do you want it then I'll buy you one you got all the measurements it does look very Soviet though doesn't it oh that bad bought my mes one of them for Christmas one day she's never ever used it not the old one the modern one ruler on it yeah no one uses them no more well no obviously not the day for that sort of stuff you just throw your clothes away now don't you buy a new new leggings one about 10 years ago from my m a brand new one a good one does all the zigzagging and everything it's never come out of the box never I think she's probably pissed off that you bought it for her wasn't she done that once with Anu as well happy basically don't buy a domestic then you bought her an Air fryer as well she didn't like yeah take it back the next day and what you going and just bought now an air fryer don't is let's get the door for cheers F Steve whatever you do fellas do not buy domestic stuff for your misses buy jewelry we'll just give them a lot of money buy shoes I said Bend with your legs Steve nicely done manual handling cool little mirror actually on the side there that like bronze or copper or something grass my mud everywhere yeah need over anyway yeah wow so look at this bathroom guys look at this sink it's a monster is it that's a huge sink you could literally sit in that what the hell that brand hello yeah all St it's for you it's the water board it's for you hello no not today mate thanks for anyway all right yeah nice it's it cold coing but yeah anyway you could literally sit in that couldn't you that is deep this duck is rather he've saved another person on alcohol it's bit wonky is it yeah look at the mo look at the mo po Y no that's I was just saying that's that's my it's not the mous look the mo no you know what that is do you know what that is yeah to do your feet promise you feet they were good they were get them no more little boat with a frame it volano Volcan at this guys yeah Steve what I don't get though is the bath is lower than the floor like the floor of the bath seems lower than the floor yeah it's American style sunk it I don't know why they've got an American style bath though maybe they were like old and they needed easier to get in and out of yeah yeah more sale boats in the bath so did you say something I'd give this a uh 9 out of 10 this little bathroom oh no way oh we've got morphine in there and we've got a suspect bottle of brown liquid whatever that is friers Bolton but yeah morphine for that the bathroom is a 9 out of 10 [Music] see you later where oh it's freezing in it it's actually just is that just me cold it's cold but rest assured this room is perfectly fine Alex good good glad to it I've never seen a curtain row as a headboard have you yeah that's nice now's it marked up that's a heavy old lamp is it see if oh know it's Hollow but that's nice yeah nice one take your word for that that's nice yeah that's cool do you know what I say to you is what don't be a big girl's blouse just fit in there just wait for you you re you're sitting there nicely in there oh yeah actually Steve could stand in there perfectly go on stand in stand in it my shoulder's too big get in there N I don't want honestly it be all right Steve get the Lock Mate it's a replic Steve this unbelievable what's that British home stores bag look at that lamp stuff well there's more lamp stuff behind you as well what's that in the bag this that lamp that's a fan that bag is ancient British home stores but yeah we got some more de lamps up and the needles in it do you have enough lamps do you reckon can you reach that Steve let me get out way then way let get out way that f h right you might want to come around this side oh okay don't let it drop now move for him won't you I'm not going to do a gzw move for him won't you go there what how old are they all that's lovely action is it in the bedroom well we have landed folks have a look then hopefully you've cleared the cobweb Steve turn your light up before you go up oh yeah oh that's the old fetched roof mate I've always wanted to see that from the inside yeah and that is amazing right underneath all that fatch there's nothing to stop the water coming in that's completely sealed you coming up here yeah go go up this going to be the first I've ever seen actually Bey a fat roof that's what I've just said yeah look at that that the old um tea bag oh where they still keep the the stuff on it what they the actual reads yeah seed heads here what's in here mate so there's uh there is old bits in there move oh Money Box yeah I mean apart from that does go on a bit but there's nothing up that way L can hear it through there supposed to be L though there supposed to be lining on there no I T know you know what I mean like canvas lining yeah I would have thought it would be SP the way all in the mouth and my beard yeah my head head's probably covered in them oh my God you put torch through there why you're going to have to look through there one my mouth oh dear look at all those spider webs that was my hat you're actually that was it you got on the back me no you're good that's blood shine you sh you blue light blue light some UV oh yeah look look at it you got blue light on blood it shows I've got some luminol in my pocket should we spray some of that definite crime scene Ed right let's get the ladder up yeah nice I mean this is It's a small house is it Steve but it's absolutely filled with GS this is don't you fox hunting buug no it's you call thex with this what you do is you put your mouth over there go on and you blow and what noises of fox mate wow so yeah this is uh pretty spectacular Place mate I mean don't come along very often no this one of the ones where you just can't stop rumaging yeah that's quite a nice little table actually fold out one how Smart's that look we got these old watercolors didn't even spot that one pictur your that's cool wow and then back to the weird Front Room Lounge area nice Yep this is it for the uh for the time cap so we'll get outside and uh go and see the cars I guess so we're outside look at the Sid of that window there mate there's a that yeah so that's where we were just up in that bit look how overgrown that is mate so that must be the kitchen in there somewhere yeah you saw our press up against the window yeah yeah beautiful house though is it it's nice mate and that is probably what 2016 you reckon yeah 2016 wow but look there's the old garage and we got a couple of cars that are just still on the property wiring around it is that for oh is that look that wire there a wire I see an old rake there look Old Spring B can't see a gear those stuff in there so that's open or not that no that's not open m but yeah there's that little flower look in the window by the stairs yeah it is that's the bathroom in it right there look yeah oh look at this guys got Mercedes just completely left sier and a four Sierra overgrown in the brambl at this that is unbelievable it is open Torch on now but yeah we're in this is better than is there anything up there you reckon there an old box stuff out there oh oh Jesus Christ oh dear hey I found Ray now that is definitely Ray dropping his Sao box an ammunition box big yeah there any ammo in it C gear rolled up rugs head I got a look in that yeah bit up bit of an army connection there can you see Steve let's have a look oh I can't see nothing can't see nothing mate yeah oh little vinyl player little highight there oh that's where the fridges are the fridges are here be bo and more Crockery mate those a cery are they is that Wedgewood yeah that is it's an old lamp in it it just says foreign the old ladies bike as well with the Dynamo lights shoo that's gunfight fck I like this old box for that old theid oh and it's in there as well oh yeah look we still got it in there look wrapped up as new WoW Ed do you want to play a game no but look what I just found look what I just found how actually got Russian I said that looks like an old trench coat yeah yeah it does Army yeah let's have a look at the badge anyone knows what that is I can't quite M that out just sitting there yeah if someone does know if that's yeah I see him in there on the spring okay yeah yeah are great Co 1940 pattern size number 11 Dunlop rubber Co limited 1942 I just remember you get so did Dunlop make army GE yeah you associate them with tires don't you and tennis rackets well boots cheers head and look you know what this is for this is good invention this is when you you have a r with someone you want to drink and you can't drink you think I want to drink you can keep an eye on them keep an eye see the fist coming I made that [Music] up I think the glass bottom is you can see if anyone drops anything in it it I know what the glass bottom is for many times I've had a smacking least we got one each yeah around the best folks oh there's the uh Brandy in the house is there there is I 20 in Panasonic colored oh yeah yeah yeah fetched garage good Nick as well that gun again I hope so me up yeah oh look at that hook what was that for can you imagine when we go out of the carriage just there don't things like that got be realistic M no you haven't hang on now we just got to open it and open there's someone there oh just checking for woodworm we just got lost nice but yeah wow that's just mad is it is it open yeah oh it's not bad oh it smells a bit eggy in there some Walnut inlay it's an automatic at this so this is the manuscripts again Schuman Opus Bosworth Edition they got more music manuscripts in there as well yeah what's in the boot nothing but someone's oh that's been oh can't get in the beach I'm going to open I just I think we're going to get out now before uh before we seen but yeah guys if you did enjoy that explore don't forget to leave us a like but yeah until next time guys hope you have a merry Christmas happy New Year guys Merry Christmas have a good one have a good one see you the next [Music] one [Music] he
Channel: VacantHaven
Views: 102,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pd4AY15Kqwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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