ABANDONED CAPE YORK TRACK NOT DRIVEN IN 60yrs... We attempt it in monsoon rain!

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track hasn't been driven in 60 years and ambition is to open it up without the wind we're gonna have to make our own track we don't know what's beyond this point that's the track I think no I don't reckon too many people have actually seen this it's fine but there is a sign has it stopped raining for days it's Ultra sketchy on the slot car at the moment and I'm just sliding down it gets very very exciting when you're trying to pick your own track actually just sort of lost the track I don't know what we're gonna do boys I don't know when it comes to the ultimate in four-wheel drive Adventure it doesn't get wilder than the far north of Queensland after a massive wet it's early season in Cape York and we're at the start of a huge three-week Mission attempting to push all the way from Cairns to the northernmost point of Australia but with some of the worst conditions we've seen in years whether we'll make it well it's anyone's guess well without a doubt this is going to be one of the more picturesque ways to go and visit Kate Yorker start off from Cairns and go via the daintree and that's exactly what we're doing very very early in the season I mean get a load of all this water and it hasn't stopped raining for days it's a very unprecedented light wet wintering can stocking up ready for this trip a lot of the locals simply just laughed at us when we told them our plans were going to Kate York and that's because at the moment you can't get through the Archer because it's about a meter and a half over the road so something tells me that this is going to be one of those Adventures if we even get to Cape York is going to be a very very memorable trip because with this much water around it's going to be super tough going while the route North is still touch and go it's given us the perfect opportunity to tackle one of the craziest things you can do on a four-wheel drive an old friend of mine has heard we're on our way up and asked if we could help him try and reopen an old stock route from the back of his property in the Dane tree which hasn't been driven in over 60 years it's the perfect way to start our adventure and as a bonus if we can make it through we'll end up at one of Cape York's most iconic pubs with a bunch of great mates along for the ride this is going to be an adventure to remember foreign challenge is just to make it up to my mate's property PJ lives smack bang in the middle of the day tree it actually helps fool drivers who get into trouble along the challenging crab track his place is high up on the hilltop above all the rainforest and to get there you've got to tackle the mother of all driveways a climb so gnarly that PJ literally put snow chains on his rig to make it up when it's wet and right on cue it started raining well it's pouring again Ryan and this is only the start of the track and show and tell us this is normally the easy bit and it's turned hard so we're in for a long slow about this hill let's see how it goes he's a racetrack boys oh I guess right away no [ __ ] around that was awesome yeah we're gonna try and take them I'm not gonna make it look that easy Jessie's behind the wheel of the mighty D-Max for this trip and the technique he's using on this hill is momentum all right Brussels sprout wow oh it's hard dmax is going right don't they what happened yes I got up the top that's what I'm far around mate we're going to try and preserve the vehicle we're about 160 tooth of the way through this track oh it was a nice big run up there mate try and be in maybe something under about fifth gear for this one next up is our good mate as from it's alloy who's frosting you back behind the wheel of this weapon of a 79 series all right keep this nice and controlled if I can no front Locker either yes a good line with the right amount of throttle I think he could teach Jesse a thing or two all right I'm here all week probably stoked to be joining us for his first ever time driving up to Cape York in a Smith touring Ridge he and the boys built up at the Oz off-road Workshop that's a very impressive Drive mate well done Peter needs three liter G you need no introduction and the big rig is already pigeon killing its way up like a champion oh getting sick here very nice now I wasn't joking when I said this driveway gets tougher as you go and soon enough everyone is struggling well let's have another mate lucky you stopped there yeah you don't want to keep going that way that's for sure look at that you can see where he's just come over looks like he was trying to take a shortcut but in reality he was trying to get up here but the front's just bounced over you'll be super careful of this stuff the best bit is we haven't got the hard bit yet Rob is on the move again but conditions are just getting more challenging the long old Hill is fun I think I'm gonna have to just jump into it and hope for the best just hold it flat all right second and third windscreen wipers on let's go good luck oh God well he was going really really good until he wasn't I backed off because it was a bit a bit yeah we saw you change gears and adjust it was so close second might be the gear I think yeah yeah now with another gear and I reckon you'd be right all right one more wow oh yeah got to give her the everything I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that all right Mr gear I got so excited well that folks was given sortie the absolute everything I should never drive it like that that was third gear and absolutely pinned and I was literally bouncing that thing off the limiter that was just an insane drive but I had nothing else I didn't want to go back because you'd slide all the way to the bottom I'll still let it out of the woods yet I sort of wrecked the gear change I got so excited to try and go down the gear but that rain is going to make it real hard for anyone I got my workout look I think you can do it you just you don't really back off but you've got this big Washi out in the middle which you sort of want to hit at the right angle or else you're going to be airborne so um Good Luck mate I'll try my best to try and get up without breaking anything wow this is wild oh yeah come on let's go yeah this is mudflowing he's ain't holding back and that's the ticket of this hill do not hold that he's still laughing in there it's mud flying everywhere you just gotta commit well I know what they're talking about now this thing [Music] foreign is a big tall rig and as looks like he's puckering a bit as he takes on the steep slope there we go hey this thing is a animal we're not out of the woods yet another vehicles have come through it's just so slippery it's getting slippery I buy the vehicle too I think the big takeaway is don't stop halfway up the hill Rob's taking that advice to heart and absolutely storms up the next section whoa we live here oh jump in it it's coming [Music] he roasted me copped a little bit of mud in the face for a second I thought he was gonna make that just just had enough just had enough Pete's up next to my regular side the best to last you can hear him he's all of me here a three liter guys you know I was thinking to myself the only bloke that doesn't have a rain jacket who needs at this time of year Kate York's if it's gonna rain it's not the wet season it turns out it is it's hard to believe that this track is leading to a house but PJ has radioed down and told us there's a fire and a pizza waiting if we can make it up the camera crew have had the Damned tools to get their own rig up and before you know it night has fallen and we're still on the track but just when we thought we might be out of trouble the camera car has done a bead hey Siri serious spot for it too look at it this would be a really awkward spot to be changing a tire but luckily a more Simple Solution presents itself now I've got no eyebrows but it was worth it we're off we're ready wise the time might be back on but now the GU is too bogged to move and suddenly we've got a huge recovery ahead of us Long Way to the boat ah I don't know what we're gonna do boys I don't know after a few more hours on the tools we've finally got the camera car out of trouble tired and soaked through we've made it to PJ's little Oasis on the hilltop we're sure enough a hot meal and a roaring fire is waiting it's been a pretty hectic introduction to the conditions we can expect but PJ reckons what's up ahead he's gonna make today seem like an absolute walk in the park if you're looking to give your prod enjoy a bit of a birthday before the end of financial year our mates over at True Fit have 15 off everything on their website so I'm talking about floor mats I'm talking about vinyl Interiors like I've got here in [ __ ] carpet Interiors even under Bonnet protectors and insulators so do yourself a favor jump on the website when you get to the old checkout make sure you use the promo code end of financial year 15 so e o f y one five check that in the promo code then you'll get your 15 off so do yourself a favor jump on right now so you don't miss out in the Morning Light we can see PJ's Place properly for the first time and it's nothing short of spectacular PJ lives here almost entirely off-grid and for four months at the time this place becomes an island with the wet season Making Tracks North and South totally impassable cutting him off from the rest of the world and that's just one of the reasons we're out here to help him try and reopen an alternative route to his block PJ and Nassar are going to help us out for this mission in his old Cruiser if you're wondering where those bins are on the back of PJ's rig they're actually a custom Cape York Specter in solution now I reckon that's pretty clever thinking right there and a sign of what might be ahead of us sure enough the snow chains are coming out to get to the start of the track we're actually going to have to backtrack down PJ's driveway but before we take off we're getting a preview of the kind of track conditions we can expect over the next few days hidden away in the rainforest behind PJ Shack are the remains of an old gold mining operation which has pretty much been reclaimed by the dense jungle thank you so one of the things you'll notice about Kate York if you're looking at any of the history around here is there's a huge gold mining history that extends way back in the 1800s and the daintree is no different the pj's just showed us this is an old mine just up here an old stamp machine this is a six wheel drive Studebaker so an old truck that's sort of ended up here in this Creek one thing you'll notice though obviously you walked in here it's hard enough to walk you let alone drive a vehicle down you can imagine trucks driving up and down through here there's chains actually on these tires permanently that PJ was saying they welded de-shackles to the rim to run chains that's just how you know I used to get that red clay just so slippery and these trucks would just take in huge amounts of clay and all the rest of it around this place pretty amazing to see there's apparently an excavator down here somewhere the bucket's just there so it's pretty cool exploring through here no I don't reckon too many people have actually seen this [Music] big show up here we are not huge but there was you know 20 30 people in the area here living around here working this one about the 80s I think it was last last left here so they were mining pulling pulling the gold out of the banks and stuff and looking for it that way you know so I had a cage over it and the tree fell on the boat working on it oh true cage off and kept going yeah cages Down The Coop down there further yeah OHS never heard of us yeah that's still Aaron will be here for a long time yet so it's pretty wild to think hey yeah been hard work trying to get the gold out of these Hills we can see clearly now just how difficult the terrain around here is going to be to navigate and this early in the season there's going to be a whole lot of deep water to get through as well for the people that have been following ashai for a long time now what's it been PJ been a while I don't know six seven years or something about that yeah yeah we're up here we caught up with PJ and um we tried to basically follow an old stock route and try and reopen that track up and um we're just chatting around the fire before and PJ's got some plans there's another track that there's a bit overgrown you say yeah a little bit overgrown has been driven for a long time that I've been playing around with so yeah just out the back here so we'll see how we go with that have a play around a bit rougher than the last one a bit rough than the last one because the last time we came in and it was really overgrown no one had driven it in years this time around we're very early in the season as you know there's been a lot of water around so what do you think the condition is going to be like unknown but probably probably a mess yeah yeah probably Brian we've had we've heard decent wet season this year so 40 wrecking trees over the track yeah the trees there'll be washouts there'll be you know the track will be overgrown it's great grass would have just gone crazy but certainly going to work cut it out for us to One open up an old stock route I'm pretty excited the boys what do you reckon yeah yeah it'll be good stuff well let's go I reckon so Ikea day is a pretty good braid around here [Music] pretty soon we're ready to make a move and our first challenge is just to make it down this hill it's not often that you find yourself struggling to go down a hill but this Clay is just insanely slippery with huge drop-offs over the side if you get it wrong yeah one motion well I'm glad the sun's come out now it's getting a little bit tacky but um I would have hate to come down here laughing when it's raining it's scary enough now coming down here you literally have no control the thing is if you commit and get it wrong it just you're committing over the edge oh that is super sketchy coming down there you're nice moment for things to go pear-shaped that's exactly what's happened to Pete who soon found himself way off the track this is exactly what we're talking about it's all about the slippery track this is the track down here for you to sleep straight off and big old so would qualified Edge down there so you want to get it right he's also on a stump as well so he can't go backwards of boards [Music] Pete is so hung up that the only option is to winch him down the hill now that's not something you see every day that's how that's done this is so slippery going down that's Ultra sketchy tires are just clogged in mud not spinning and I'm just sliding down like a slot car at the moment oh there's not a lot of talking as we take on the main section of this slope that's because everyone is hanging onto the wheel for dear life those snow chains are looking like a pretty worthwhile investment right now and PJ's descent is by far the most controlled [Music] sooner at the start of the Old Stock route that PJ wants to reopen the track is about 80 K's in total but PJ's done a fair bit of work already the problem is an eight kilometer section further in now 8ks doesn't really sound like much but it traverses several deep Rivers some huge climbs and of course thick thick forests whether this is even possible is anyone's a guess now if you're wondering what is a stock route well it's basically a public access road across private land but of course just because it's public doesn't mean it's maintained and there's a number of secret tracks just like this that have fallen to Total disrepair this is one that hasn't had a vehicle pushed through in over 60 years so far we're tracking along the section that PJ has previously worked on but soon we're heading into wild thicker country well this is some of the most amazing scenery let's go up into this region we can have a good look of the landscape now we're trying to get down this way and it looks like the bush sort of closed in a little bit up ahead which I'm a little bit worried about because that is where the track sort of ends and we have to go off the grid and really start to follow our nose and find this Old Stock route because there's not going to be much signs of this track left but for now this is some of the most stunning scenery you'll ever see in the top end absolutely beautiful soon we've made it down into the valley and we're greeted with our first River Crossing these Rivers Rise and Fall by several meters every single year and with every season comes more and more Fallen Timber tackling The Crossings is one thing but first we could actually make it there well this is where the track sort of begins it gets fun there's a whole stack of trees down it gets really really tight so you can hear chainsaws in the background everyone's sharp in their saws getting shovels ready the dog's going crazy it's all happening now it's gonna be single file and really tight through this rainforest country we've actually got across this River three times so we found a way that we can sort of do it but there's trees down went up the winch we're gonna have to make our own tracks so we don't know what's beyond this point this is where it gets really really fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] the chain tools are getting a real workout and after a bit of work we've opened up a clear path to the crossing and that's just the first half of the job done look at the fish shows they're supposed to love water in the back of the ute I think like Springs like weapons cool the hill on the other side is even more degraded and there's no way we're getting up this side without a lot of clearing and track building so it's out with the shovels Medics and pickaxes it's a lot going on a lot going on it's pretty exciting you know the track that hasn't had a car for 60 years like yeah you don't get to do this that often so yeah I feel really privileged to be here [Music] this is quite a scene all the boys are on the shovels the pecs with a lot of wet Seasons probably precisely about 60 wet Seasons a lot of dirt's moved over small shrubs and Roots we're just clear and this is making a little bit water so we can actually get a vehicle through here we can see the track sort of goes up that way and that's where we start if it's going to be like this the whole way though we might still be here at Christmas Dawn everyone's working hard and getting it done as soon as we get up this hill we'll get on top of that Ridge maybe and that might be easier going just it takes a few more hours but at last this thing is starting to look like a track again well first vehicle's gonna give this a go in in my honest opinion this is better than the Bruce highway it's got less pot holes anyway so PJ should be able to hopefully get up here this is going to be the hard bit if it gets up here it's off cam it's going to lean in that tree a little bit but hopefully the first vehicle might compact a bit of a couple of tire tracks up here and we should all be able to follow coming forward to this this is true adventure yeah it is right I bring him up now look the locals do things a bit different around here folks but we really do suggest you always wear a seat belt off-road yeah PJ's made it close to the top but the last pinch is just a bit too tight yeah mate I thought I had it [Music] that was an awesome effort I did not think it was going to get that far it's a good drive not very nice [Music] Here Comes shorto big tires lockers bit of right foot he might even get it further yeah oh he's coming in it's Keith cruising it oh boy I can still get it real safe over here [Applause] [Music] yeah that's on your door those trees on the left are in a pretty annoying spot but one of the rules of traveling on tracks like this is you can't cut any live trees so we're gonna have to rely on some clever winching to keep the panel straight once more pull and I'm through safely [Music] tell you what that's not too bad at all well actually this the noise that was a lot worse than it really is hasn't even dented the door put a tiny little scratch in that Raptor coating but you've got to be happy with that yeah right Jesse track's a little bit wider now mate and probably a little bit more compact I reckon give it a good go right here I'll see what I can do eh Jesse's going for a different line here and almost sneaks past that tree You're Gonna Lose Your awning I would have made that I didn't slowly stop all right we've got the Rambler out oh that was now as has probably got the biggest vehicle in the Convoy so this will be pretty tight let's see if we can get through it I don't want to dig it up too much for the rest of the boys that was awesome [Music] that is a really good drive straight up the tree I think I caught my awning a good time canopy came so close to a few trees then but you know he just kept on it and it just gripped and and I lost enough to miss that road the cool thing is every vehicle that's coming through here is just digging a little bit more out and actually widening the track it's becoming more and more of a road yeah so I reckon the last couple of vehicles actually Daisy could be a highway I can go back have another go yeah you'll get this a bit more lamb bit more left be careful left hand down that was loose and it went back out I'd Arc it right up and get the acceler Raider to respond as soon as possible so I'm going to stick it up onto u9 and wish me luck here we go [Music] [Applause] as we expected Pete's compact rig just sails up [Music] and there we have it a cool little cool little climb there's always another great drive by Pete and as more and more Vehicles come through here it's us to widen the track it's a proper road now this is what's so cool about it and it's the first time this track has been driven in 60 years last time was a what series one Cruiser 61 Land Rover a cruiser was it a Land Cruiser yeah I can still smell the oil mate but it's so cool like we're driving this and opening this track up because Mother Nature does have a habit of climbing these tracks back again [Music] hey Rob got a copy back there mate I do Sean I've got to say you're a bit of a quad achiever down the back there you and that Ranger you see anybody's doing everything with these they're not making a big fuss about it did you build that Ranger Up yeah we did uh me and the boys in the workshop yeah a lot of hard work went into this one you know yeah all the gear I need to do these sort of tracks and do them pretty easy you built that down at Oz off road did you yeah so we all the suspension work bar work all the comms dual batteries and whatnot get all my camping gear before we came out here and yeah been pretty happy with it yeah Rob I've heard a lot about Oz off-road lately mate it's a bit of a One-Stop shop isn't it yeah it is Sean so you know from the smallest things you could probably think of up to uh yeah full builds and everything in between uh yeah do it all and what you fit at all as well because you've got a workshop down there so we've got the workshop full of um full of mechanics and everyone who works there you know they're all four wheel drivers come out and do this stuff every change they get so really know what people want and sort of what they're going to need to sort of do this sort of traveling yeah River mate well trust me when I say this is a stack more challenges mate to test all your gear through the track getting a little tighter now so I think we're going to be in for quite the show mate as soon as he crossed that Creek the Trek ahead has become a lot harder to follow like we mentioned before we're gonna have to re-cross this Creek several times as it Loops back and forth but in between the track is almost impossible to make out sometimes it's pretty hard to try to pick the old track because it's very dense obviously quite overgrown the grass is quite High really in the season and that tends to happen at this time of year but if you look closely you'll see like it looks like animal Trails but there's one on each side that's the side of the road so that's actually one up here and it cuts in between those two big trees doesn't look like much to row but that is actually the track go straight through there you can hear the boys in the chainsaw there's taken all the dead logs and stuff out of the way we'll end up driving the vehicles down through there we're gonna cross that Creek somewhere down there if you haven't walked that far yet to open up we can this is just the excitement of it it gets very very exciting when you're trying to pick your own track with a lot of careful maneuvering we make it to the next Crossing and this one looks suspiciously difficult well this is a cool little challenge just seems like a pretty shallow crate Crossing but the exits what we're a little bit apprehensive about a lot of mulch yeah a lot of mulch I reckon it's probably pretty undercut so as the front will climb up the back might Dig Down PJ's gonna go first and see how he goes nice and light with the chains on the back I reckon I reckon he's got it he's gonna make us look silly I think so I think so going through there he goes the big 75 look at her safer than you think oh there's so much mulch oh look at this very sloppy change right now [Music] show the farm truck more to the left side nearly got it I don't even get that go for an answer [Music] it's good to get rid of some of that yeah it's gonna be mud ball until we get there oh yes there it is [Music] a couple of clutch pops will be out of there yeah the chains work you feel that way good effort that was solid that was awesome that was very good I might have to winch it then that last little bit it's gonna be quite the challenge I saw how much PJ struggled in that I think it's all about a little bit of momentum yeah it's going to be a fair bit of scent involved I didn't mean to come over here we're backing in for another go this could go wrong there we go and we're out you guys are about to say the fastest time trial in an Isuzu D-Max in the history of the daintree here he comes I want to say PJ and I have done the heavy lifting on this one because the D-Max breezes through he's got it he's got it he's got it too easy nearly a little crash at the end there but I saved it that's not too bad at all I think once PJ got most of that mulch out it's actually find a bit of traction now oh I was a solid effort by Jesse I think I'm gonna try doing exactly what he did follow that same line those low down leaf springs aren't helping as out here and the 79 is struggling to clear the mud one more go no more guys that's what they say don't they yeah one more no more always ends well always goes well let's guys here he goes come on nearly blocked it how was the roost there we go the noise of that thing yeah it sounds good angry angry Toyota Rob's up next and for a second there it looked like the ifs trucks had an edge on this one was flying in the canopy you might have to go all the way back and do that again he's got it now I've got a feeling you're gonna do all that throttle controller to the max what's your plan made of spare I've got it on Ultimate nine so I'm gonna spike it the accelerator get the power on early and I'm gonna flick all my buttons on as usual and um you know fingers crossed [Music] foreign belt that's all drama on that Crossing you've done a Beat Again once again it's a typical spot to fix a tire but we've soon come up with a different solution well it's never good to get a tire off the rim but it's actually not a bad situation because we're able to get a tree trunk protector quite high on the tree choke it around the tree and actually use the winch to lift the front of this vehicle off the ground so no need to get a hold of Jack out or anything like that we'll reset this bead we'll clean it up first and then we'll just get it straight back on we might put a bit more air in these ones because we don't want them slipping off too much because it's no good for anyone picking the right tire pressure isn't just about assessing the track but also your tire size vehicle weight and weight distribution hopefully a few extra PSI on those front tires will keep the boys out of trouble it's getting late in the afternoon and while we're making progress we're having to fight for every meter around every Bend is a new challenge or dense sections are Bush and the track is just getting harder and harder to follow just got out the vehicles at the moment just trying to find that track as you can see it's pretty overgrown we want to try and stick to that track as well because that way we can get a few Vehicles across it clear it and it'll be cover Road Again it goes down there looking for signs you're looking for basically when they make a road usually they grade it and there'll be mounds of dirt on each side fine but there is a sign [Music] [Music] well PJ Rick is actually used to be a track here but look how high this grass is you can't even see him down there so um we're tying these ribbons up so when we're on the cars we can sort of spot them and work our way to zigzag away down to the creek crossing but um this is pretty wild I'm getting Kimberly flashbacks despite our best efforts we lose the track over and over again but with the light getting low we're just gonna have to pull up for the night we can hear the next Creek in the distance but how we get there is anyone's guess [Music] it might not look like there's anywhere to camp in this long grass but after a bit of four-wheel drive lawn mowing we've made ourselves the perfect little clearing and suddenly I've got one of the finest Bush camps you could ever ask for [Music] thank you well I'll tell you what this is better than any big four Caravan park or any you know designated spot to roll a tent this is just a random spot in the bush that we've driven around a couple of times to flatten down the grass and it's about as good as it gets the creek you can hear it's not too far it's just down there and actually wraps around we'll be Crossing down that way tomorrow again the same Creek it was its way through that's the plan tomorrow but for now it's just time to get a beer and do a setup Camp maybe do a bit of a cook up it's just been a big day of road building everyone's got involved which is so cool to see and the spirits are high because we think we might even be able to get all the way through at the start of this trip we thought there's probably no chance you know 60 years no one's traveled down this road and here we are trying to make our way through and we're this far through cheers to that eh [Music] thank you [Music] starting with PJ's now we're camping in the bush we've done a lot today we've gone a long way this is actually probably further than I thought it would get but we've still got a fair bit to go we've got to push through probably the hardest bit yet I reckon yeah well I'm gonna cook tonight I'm going to cook a nice easy one I think the boys and girls will need a bit of sustenance a little bit of spice because we need to fly the other side of that Hill tomorrow if you get my drift I'll uh get the toilet paper ready [Music] well what an absolute cracking day it's been I don't say that lightly I think any time you're pushing an old track in or just doing something completely adventurous that is the real reason I got into four-wheel driving so I'm going to cook up something really easy it's been a big day at the tracks and this is a good one for you guys to cook at home it's a chili con can sure no style it's one of those ones where it's a nice cheap feed and it goes a long way so if you've got a few mouths to feed at camp this is the perfect one for you guys so and jump straight into the Dometic here and here we go we are actually doing three weeks in Cape York so all of our meat has been cryovac into portion so this is tonight's meal as you can see what are you uh cooking up mate there's no JP here around here no JP tonight for dinner mate the chili con can super easy check this out so Through The Chopping board oh really yeah I told you that would have been a clever person it was Jesse actually he thinks outside the box sometimes a little bit of garlic we'll get that going a little bit of paprika that's probably about a teaspoon some coming Chuck a bit of that fair bit of that cumin ground chili here we go there's a chili starting chili con carne obviously there's chili you can't have a chili con carne without chili Tabasco chipotle pepper sauce five or six Jiggles of the rest yeah is probably enough of that one how do you pronounce that marriage yeah I was trying to read that marriage Ann once you get the spice is actually starting to get under a bit of heat without too much around it it actually makes the spices infusing everything else that's my theory anyway now we're gonna put the meat in so I've got a cure and a half of mint tea they normally do this about 500 grams if you're just cooking for a family of four or something like that with a small army here probably is trying to put the plastic in it'll give that a nice little stir as soon as that starts to Brown this is the hard work done you just pour a few things in simmer it down and that'll be one of the best tasting chili con cars you've ever seen this is actually my mum's recipe this one oh thanks Mom yeah exactly right that's something to Brown off really nicely mate if you want to mix out I've got something to do you got something to do yeah we'll be back shortly fair enough fair enough this is the so now I'm going to start putting all the Yum bits in probably six tablespoons that'll be about right passata so you just basically want a tomato puree see how much it is the whole bottle the whole thing mate yeah this is a little trick oh get your black bean sauce Chuck it in there drain those off now the black beans go in some diced tomatoes the pot is filling up this is what you want though and then we've got the red kidney beans now we need a bit of juice oh you'd usually use water right and this is why the little trick so I'll get the rest of the tomato puree out and I've used the sauce out of the beans a little bit of water in here this is just straight out of Southeast Queensland mate for Logan's finest oh yeah got that much that much we're going to just let that simmer now we'll have a couple of cold ones around the fire come back make some rice like I said get the tortillas up we will we will make we'll do that on the fire and this is going to be absolutely interesting thank you well it's all Happening Now Jesse's got some tours here's on the go so we're doing those over the fire this is smelling great is that the perfect consistency these ones here big fan of just these Rices they're super easy this is actually a Mexican style rice so you really can't go wrong I can tell you that much faith maybe look at these mate Perfection let me just taste that real quick bit of cheese that is Sensational mate that is great that's good they are some of the best tortillas I've ever seen look there's one more thing so we've got a bit of cheese for it a bit of a full fridge going on I do mate now normally you guys see our cream but a bit of tasty cheese will do the trick guys get around we're on extra sloppy mate just the way I like it and Rob has actually tried one of my meals before and he's going he's going ham on the old chili cone so this could be dangerous yeah really good mate and one of the best things about this meal is the cleanup is minimal because your plate you eat it real nice but really quick and simple meal it doesn't get any better I suggest you try that one next time you're camping if you want to impress someone warm your tortillas up just a little steps make it all a bit better I reckon we go sitting in the foil what do you can wrap our gear around this one sounds good that's good [Music] right guys I hope you're enjoying this awesome episode and this week we have an epic giveaway from our mates at Raptor you can go on the draw to win one of two prize packs that includes eight liters of raptor as well as a couple of aerosol cans this amount of raptor is perfect to do the cab of your vehicle or if you've got a whole bunch of bar work you need to give a bit of TLC this is the right amount to do it so to win all you got to do is jump in the comments below and tell us about a time where you could have used Raptor on your full drive out in the bush I know for a fact that the poor old ponies had a hard time but the Raptor has stood up to everything I've thrown at it so be quick jump in the comments below and you could be winning one of these eight liter kits plus a couple of aerosol cans and remember turn your notifications on so you don't miss the opportunity if you've won be quick good luck thank you [Music] from above the tree line you can clearly see the challenge that still lies ahead of us the daintree is known for its Lush forests but when you're trying to navigate through it on a track that isn't on any map it makes for a nearly impossible task we might not be sure of the way forward but in the distance we can hear the sound of the next Creek and I reckon it's high time I got the rod out for a cast I reckon these Waters probably haven't been fished much in the last 60 years and I'm hoping to catch a few stonking jungle perch [Music] PBJ feet [Music] that is a cracking little JP that's also our biggest JP ever caught believe it or not and that was the first cast pretty successful session by the creek it's time to see if we can get the four-wheel drives down there the mid 79 is a bit of a veteran of these trips and despite all that punishment it just keeps on going strong you've had the same canopy for a long time now right yeah this is the original first cap off the rank production EVO to the train canopy the same one that's done in Northern Territories done the Kimberley it's done the High Country I think this is its third trip up the cape now wow so it's done countless tough roads corrugations all that sort of jazz just guards that's about it really especially when you're driving mate yeah what about the actual train canopy like crack no or anything like that not like I said the original one all in the name of r d for this one so keep it on there as long as we can I just love how tough it is makes if you look at the cruiser doors and the fact that this is a couple of gouges out of it yeah sure it's still going strong PJ and Jesse have scouted ahead and they recommend might have found the line forward but it's not looking easy Jesse how far you reckon from Camp Mike oh two maybe 300 meters and it's thick again and um now we've got to start finding the track this is sort of where we walked through yesterday and Mark there now we're going to try and get the cars through so exactly right if we can get the vehicles down through here there is actually a spot across the creek we're gonna go through that it's not going to be easy there's a lot of Timber down the chainsaws will be out in full with the big rocks moved in the creek too so that's the crossing of your wild I reckon this is the sort of terrain we're dealing with mate can be slow going today it's going to be very slow going [Music] task was all into the Crossing with wooden logs to get through next of course is the crossing itself and PJ must know something I don't because he's put me up front today you can probably see behind me that massive big rock that's right where we needed to cross that's probably come down from a big flat or something like that move down the creek and it's blocking the track because the track goes straight up the back there so what we're going to do is actually use the winch to move that rock across that's the plan anyway trained to guide it sideways we're able to shift this massive Boulder off the main line and the way ahead looks clear that is amazing that's a big rock that Rock's now not in the middle of that Crossing it's to the side we can sort of scoot a vehicle around there now even put a tire up on it and then just drive straight through all right [Applause] belt is awful okay silver guys bear shark didn't look too bad but he's got lots of lift and big tires that is through now there's a truck go for me yeah so you're throwing up a little bit now yeah that's good nice here we go oh too easy well I think PJ didn't know his eyes closed he's definitely done that before a couple of times very good Got a Car Wash mate yeah Here Comes as in the big 79 you're feeling better now nice is that rock here we go this way I have to take it very nice looks so photogenic over there that car no you're talking about it looks like a Nissan to me yeah it looks good some of us didn't get a job man had his children Sean we have better taste than others you're a poor thing like you'll grow up one day smoother well that's pretty good yeah all the vehicles to throw chain tours are going we better get into it because um the track goes that way through some pretty thick scrubs big push pull out the work cut out I reckon the track sounds like nothing on paper but out here every meter is a hard fought battle overnight over again we're stopped by Fallen trees we lose the track and find new challenges to navigate it's hard to believe but we're soon onto our third day on this track camping where we can and making the most of daylight hours to creep our way forward well that's the track I think off we go into the jungle pretty amazing stuff yeah there's a track here you wouldn't believe it yeah see what's going on at the front there there's one right here too so when you take off stay that way then swing over this way now we'll go left again oh it's like a full track down here yes pretty remarkable after all these years you can still see evidence of an old track so many of the challenges we've faced over the last few days would be enough to see a lot of people give up and turn around but we're determined to see this track through whatever it takes this is just one of those trips where having the right gear makes such a difference and honestly there's nowhere else I'd rather be staking a tire is a real possibility and [ __ ] is unfortunately the first victim just coming through that last Crossing there and I think the sticks got out and punched my sidewall it's a bit of a pain I heard air coming out and I stopped pretty quickly so don't think it's a huge sidewalk I haven't found it yet mind you but hopefully I'll be able to repair it so I'm gonna get some air into it and then just find out exactly where it's leaking where the hole is and I might try and plug it if not of course I've got a spare I've tried to patch this one without taking the tire off but it's a no-go that didn't quite work out too many plugs too big a sidewall cut oh I think if we mucked around at camp we could get it going as a spare but I might just change that tire well there you go a bit of bad luck but I was sort of expecting it half expecting anyway these tires have done about three four years they've done a Kimberley trip on the dirty 30 and of course they've done a couple of Cape trips now and a whole stack of other tough tracks in between but the hardest thing with these tires is Supply you actually can't get them anymore because otherwise I would have changed them there's not much tread left in all these tires and actually got plugs in a couple of them now so they are on their last legs we should be able to just limp out anyway and hopefully we don't do any more sidewalls because a little bit of showstopper opens up oh he's down he's down [Applause] oh well it's a bit of a value sort of straddle to get out of here but there's a lot of mulch that's sort of been collected on the banks of this Creek so as soon as you come out you're probably going to bog down you need a bit of momentum to get up here so we'll send sort through have a look how it goes worst case scenario go for a winch and soon you get a vehicle you might get through to some of that Mulch and actually make a bit of a track here now the big send up the hill yeah [Music] oh he's showing off he's showing off he's showing off [Applause] so it made this one look pretty tame but PJ isn't so lucky get into that default PJ let's put the chains on don't go back a little bit a little shovel all right cool get the right crew in action boys let's go boy This Is The Life well accommodation of bigger tires and lockers made it pretty easy in short but for PJ 31s and unlocked almost did it but we're just taking the edge off covering up the holes making it more of a track anyway so should be able to get up this one hopefully pay off the shovel no eyes yes oh a little wheelie Jessie and the D-Max take this one with these but the boys behind are soon struggling [Music] don't stall of that that's it go back down the bottom turn the engine off just have a good think about what's going on oh yeah it's not a real guy oh yeah standing back in Oregon he's got it he's got it yes beautiful there you go and that's how that's done all right you just gotta have a real go sometimes here he comes Rick rev and Rob Reverend Rob OT Drive good drive yeah he filled that up he's got it where's the tower off we got pepper buddy got up a hill they are good to think that this hasn't been driven in 60 years and and coming up here in like modern vehicles it is pretty incredible quite incredible really like it's unbelievable Pete's use his usual technique to remaining cool Carmen collected and the GU just mode is on up well it's actually looking like a track again it is we did well at the start when I first looked at it I didn't even know which way I was going to go up here yeah but now you get a couple of vehicles on here a little bit of digging and um this track is reopen how good is that with that Crossing conquered the end is finally in sight and ahead of us the trees are actually thinning out and even better on our Maps it looks like we're getting closer to the established track we've been trying to meet up with and sure enough out in front of us we catch a glimpse of what might as well be a highway yeah a good set back on the main road feels so weird to come out on a greater dirt road is like being in the Inner City on a freeway or something it just feels so foreign oh what a truth what a treat oh that was epic mate couple of those in the bush opening up an old track I had a ball yeah there's nothing like that sense of satisfaction mate when you actually get through the track you plan to there's been so many times mate that you've tried to do something like this and the tracks kicked your butt but this time around we got through such a good feeling to not only have made it through but have also helped my mate reopen a track that'll help him in years to come we couldn't be more stoked for this opportunity and PJ well he looks pretty chuffed as well well this marks the end of the road mate yep oh that's it back on the line one back onto the main road I gotta be honest with you I didn't know if we're going to make that through I mean it was pretty overgrown hey if you all enjoyed yourself yeah sure did didn't work you too hard you did all the work we didn't do much to be honest you've got to get back now um we're going to continue North I've got one actual stopover that you've always wanted to enjoy as well so yeah well PJ I want to say stop over a massive thank you mate we couldn't have done that without you mate that's right thanks guys that was Unreal good to meet you good [Music] after saying goodbye to the guys it's time to make good on a promise I made to the boys before we left to shout them around at one of Cape York's finest pubs that's right our routers brought us all the way to the Lion's Den hotel and I reckon a few cold ones are exactly what's called for oh you're right in my ear oh well I haven't been touching that for a while [Laughter] but then think about what we achieved guys we opened up an old stopper that hadn't been driven in 60 years I mean I know PJ's been trying to do that for quite I think he was pretty tough for the outcome the fact that we could even find it was nothing short of a miracle but the fact we could get through and finish the trip and end up here I mean that'll that'll do me well boys I reckon we grab our laughing gear around here we can count down the back it's gonna be one heck of a night thanks for tuning in cheers if you've enjoyed the journey so far just wait until you see what's coming up next no one has driven this this is the worst I've ever seen it too mind you we've barely scratched the surface on this trip and as we head north the conditions just get more and more insane this is what we're dealing with here I am down and out for the count whether we can make it up to the tip is a total unknown at this stage but we're gonna have a lot of fun trying that's a vertical D-Max next epic installment of our Cape Adventure coming soon to YouTube [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,298,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Id: aThLoFzQUz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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