What Did You Do To My Wrecker?

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The whole episode i was thinking jefe should have let wret drive πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crushedrancor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doing stupid things is how you get folks to click on yer videos..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bentripin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm guessing the costs of the repair will be much less than the revenue made from the video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jaymez82 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

One entire video should be how to operate the wrecker :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/savaero πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It might just be me, but the headlines for Matt’s videos has gotten more clickbaity over a short period of time. Same with Robbies.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Verzada πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I guess the content provides plenty of money to fix it. If that was a normal business that would never happen, but then I don’t think we’d have the wrecker either. Tear that shit up!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NopeU812many πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never knew that about Kaulin. I’m glad he’s ok!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thunder-Fist-00 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Probably wasn't the best idea, but after having your kids leg chopped up and in the hospital might have an impact on your decision making.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mountain_Office_7113 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jefe is by my least favorite character on the show. He was put into a position that could've hurt someone or worse.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fatalmaya πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
I don't have brakes so Matt's out of town he's at Colin surgery we are headed up to Salt Lake Colin has a surgery today they're gonna shorten and lengthen some legs to make him so he's not crooked we're just shortening we're not lengthening how you doing Colin doing great I guess you nervous not the needle yeah you got your hat on backwards because things are about to get serious for those of you that don't know about nine years ago Colin was in a car accident and his left leg was severed off just above the knee they were able to sew it back on and he could use it how many how many surgeries over 30. in and out of or is more than that yeah because he would want every day it's giving him enough time to develop a phobia of needles so it's going to be a little bit tough we'll give you some updates and let you know how it goes I think everything's gonna come out okay and if it doesn't I've got three other boys at home almost as good as this one wrong he's not he's got three other boys that are pretty awesome he gave us a call and said that something rolled off a cliff up here the Spanish Fort Canyon and he needs us to bring the wrecker up to him so Rhett and I are heading up there I'm letting this guy Drive I haven't gotten a wreck yet Define wreck that fence he took out I did I didn't wrap my fence today I it started closing it's getting hot it's like 96 degrees we're about two hours away from Salt Lake we'll keep you updated let you know when we get there all right it's the next day it's been a little bit rough but it always is when you're out riding your Mo your dirt bike one day and then the next day you have to have help going to the bathroom but he's doing good he's moving just a little update so Matt just called and said he's not going to be able to make it he has to help Colin with his physical therapy so that leaves retina and I to go handle this I've never driven the record have you driven the record yeah for about 20 minutes so neither of us really know how to control it I know how to use the rear steer because I love messing around with that so I don't think we're gonna mess with the rear steer we don't need it for this job we're gonna go figure out how to use the wrecker and figure out how to get this side by side out of there we made it through Spanish Fork Canyon now we're heading up another five miles then it's all dirt road from there I think [Music] all right we've arrived here at the dirt road Brett's getting distracted because he wants to go fishing I don't really blame him [Music] first time driving the wrecker here we go all right we just got stopped by a guy who's got a dead battery we're gonna see if we can help him out I don't think we're gonna mess with the rear steer I've been there man [Music] so guys so it should just be this little uh River Trail down there across that it's like two minutes up it's not a bit of banana job how am I looking back there this is pretty narrowed a little Trail this Trail was not built for the wrecker or or should I say the wrecker was not built for this Trail okay so it is right there so we're gonna go turn around what caught you in this mess started coasting down brakes disappeared just lost complete breaks there's a berm I was like oh shoot do I turn right here and risk flipping it because I'm going so fast or do I come up over this berm and try to hit some bushes or some small trees and slow down I chose the ladder hit some bushes up here and just rolled about six times I only walked away with a couple scratches I don't know how I think if we get it to right here and then we can just pull it up then we pull it up there over that way yeah we're not going through that tree like break anything on the front so it looks like this big tree it just saved my life from falling all the way down there we just got to figure out how to get it on its wheels and then once we got it on its Wheels it'll be pull it up so I think I want to back the wrecker right in there if I could keep my front tires up on top I want them so the goal is to keep the front tires on the road up there as an anchor and then we're going to run these two winches down and try and pull it on out of there so we've got two inches hooked up to the cage I am worried a little bit about lifting on the cage so we're going to go with two and lift from two spots and then we're gonna hook the front bumper up to the rear bumper of the wrecker just in case it fits between these trees so it can't go down the hill all right I'm going to pull this out of the way okay you ready to start pulling rat okay tighten up the other two we're ready to start pulling see if this pulls it out foreign there you go you're making it around that tree is holding you up right there you're around it now well it's pulling them up try lifting the boom up yeah that's good okay watch out keep going [Music] okay well it's on its build now all right we got it back up on its Wheels now we're just gonna pull the front end around and pull her on up in fact that other one around [Music] thank you pull this up as tight as you can get it [Applause] okay I'm in a rear steer this way I'm trying to get it around that screen let me know if I hit it okay [Music] [Music] that was a lot easier than Rhett and I were anticipating she's a little scary full six times I guess this is what happens right but I mean the frame looks like it's all still in one piece overall for side by side racks this one's a clean one like it was a bad wreck but the side by side took it all right it's all hooked up and we're ready to head down the hill Brett's gonna rear end me thank you [Music] I don't have brakes what is wrong with this road so I was in four low going down the hill foot pulls to the ground no brakes none I don't know what's further down there but I know it doesn't get safer it's all downhill so I drove it up that to prevent from going down that Hill any further and I tried slamming it into gear I hope I didn't ruin the transmission but yeah then the whole Wrecker and we have no service hopefully it's just like it's out of brake fluid or something okay check that brake fluid there's something that's dripping down there it's probably brake fluid we probably poked a hole in our brake line oh it's full that okay checked check the other one 's full okay go pump the brakes let's see if there's a hole somewhere [Music] there's something it's not a line it's got to be something that goes into the brakes are no longer bled how do we do get out of here where's the nearest service yeah yeah go ahead and pump the brakes okay that one's bled let's try and figure out which one isn't it if any of them okay that one's got good fluid okay now pump Brett it might have boiled brake fluid back up into it so just start pumping so much for this is only like a our job right oh rat rat stop we got a leak and it's spraying out okay pump right now okay I got it I got it I found the leak that fitting right here is leaking is it loose I don't even know what that is I don't think we can fix that here if we have a plug we can plug it and eliminate it oh that's a lot too yes okay let's take a picture of it well I know I promise to ride down to the bottom of the hill but I think we're all walking you know good thing it's not the middle of the day at the hottest time we're just gonna ride back to cell service and call Matt hopefully he's on his way back from the hospital so you can run us the parts to fix the wrecker and maybe we'll just give him the key to Blue Steel and we'll jump in with Jamie and he can come get the wrecker the wrecker lost its brakes coming down the hill okay send me all the pictures because we can just take a whole section out of it all right we got discharged we are on our way home Colin's back there sleeping he's got a call from Jefe that he's having some problems with the wrecker I guess the brake light switch failed like it's spraying out fluid and he lost his brakes super scary so we got to figure out what part that is and never buy that part again so anyway we've got to get that looked at and figure out what happened this guy this is still terrible it was still really sick right now about this this whole thing we'll go check it out we'll get it fixed we're gonna go get some brake fluid from O'Reilly's I guess we don't need any fittings Matt's on his way he's going to come help us get it off the mountain thank goodness dot four I don't know what size it is oh grab one of each we got the tools I mean we didn't know what size it was so we got multiple and we got the brake fluid how you doing Colin oh oh it feels so weird to have both legs the same length right I guess I should switch to my work here at least some of it I don't need my badge anymore all right so we got Matt here he's gonna take over from now and get his record out of there am I am I seeing Commander now this is the official pass off I'm a little bit emotionally drained I've been hanging out at the Primary Children's Hospital for a couple days gone through that with Colin now we're here trying to figure out what happened and how we're gonna fix it and get off of here it's time for the long hike so a long long time ago like 30 years ago I was talking to one of my buddies mechanic stuff that's all I ever talked about when I was a kid and uh these pressure switches in the brake lines that run your brake lights when I found out that they existed I'm like oh I don't like that because obviously there's some kind of a diaphragm in there that allows it to push a switch which is another failure point for holding pressure in the brake system so I've always had an aversion to them none of my cars have them so this is your first vehicle with one in it yeah are you going to be removing it I think I am I think we're gonna go to a yo the old Switcheroo like a quarter Bears yep Corvair switch this is quite the climb I don't know why I'm having to carry the brakes we're gaining some elevation pretty quick here now you see my con certain my panic mode I'll roll off this with no brakes here because I'm in gear I wasn't a fan right there so it's coming out what's this I unplugged it from what from the front of that all right first of all let's see is it in low I owe you a hundred bucks right we got a steak dinner coming our way it's in low low I didn't make the BET though but I'll take that all right this is a really easy fix to bypass that so let's bypass it good thing you're a mechanic yes so I haven't seen it but I trust them when they're stepping on the gas this will spraying out and I can see there's fluid everywhere should have made some smoke come off these headers for sure it was Little Squirts but it was we were going down the gravel road so it looked like just dust coming up we both asked each other is that smoke and then it would go away and we're like oh it must have just been dust we're just gonna disassemble this oh we're missing this fitting oh we have to have an adapter yeah we'll improvise we always do give me that fitting around we're gonna use that as the adapter and it's not ideal but it's just in the line yeah we'll figure it out so this was the part that failed it is leaking fluid around this seal right there just spraying out yeah it could have been I don't know I don't know oh my goodness I hope we can get this wow I'm gonna be trying to move it that way so you're gonna stop it [Music] are you kidding me now we got no brakes and no chance of brakes wow thank you [Music] there it goes that went [Music] that was cool we had other options there's always options so what is that part right did that these those are the parking brakes those are 620 bucks a piece and if you know how to use them they're awesome if you don't know how to use them then they didn't work I don't know how to use them right and I just assumed everybody knew how to use them I'm hoping that we can make that work who knows who knows what this is going to take maybe that way beautiful so now we just need to rotate that in which of course shouldn't be that hard to do but we'll make it hard we will all right start it up and just tell me what you got for pedal feel pump it really fast tomorrow yeah so when you lose your brakes you always pumping first because that would have made this one work that is clear full of fluid I know how come the how come this is so cool there's so many things not adding up okay pump pump hole all right let's see if we can get this out of here [Music] how's it looking good we had to do a front dig there but we got off of it now we're just going to winch everything up so what are those two switches right there those are my parking brakes so this is the rear this is the front and that I just put my rear one on and did that front dig where I peeled off so now we're gonna winch [Applause] are you in neutral yep okay let's see how this goes this is so great [Music] well that was holding it at first I never touched the brakes okay all right you might as well drive or third or second I was in first but I probably just went into Panic you know everything was like crap what do I don't have brakes so it was just crap crap crap crap crap [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you appreciate it I'm glad we got it out absolutely thank you both of them both of them for real real all right well you guys have a good one we're gonna hit the road so I learned a very valuable lesson don't put the vehicle in park it won't help you but it'll ruin the Park yeah we got a transformation to dig out and repair but I'm glad it wasn't my fault that the brakes went out it was a defective part for sure yeah so we've got about a four hour drive ahead of us we're gonna get right to that thanks for watching this is Matt's attire when he's semi on the job hahaha
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 779,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8pNPsjd9MVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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