You Took Your Hyundai Over 100 Miles Into No Mans Land!

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stressed right now is unreal so we got a call for a vehicle I think it's a Hyundai Santa Fe that is way out way out on the grand parashant like north rim of the Grand Canyon way way way out there on the Arizona strip so we're gonna head out there and see if we can pull it out of the mud puddle that it's in they sent us some pictures said they tried to get it out for a while and couldn't so we're gonna see if we can we've got the lovely Jamie with weather yeah it's rainy and it's been rainy for a few days so we've been busy it's been crazy all right so it's the weekend and it's the new year yeah we partied it up at Fabrics last night we got home at like 2 A.M now we're out on this recovery so happy New Year yeah so we've got the we've got the New Year crew here we got Colin Rhett Carter and we've just got a big old long bumpy ride ahead of us that away since it's a new year I've decided to do a new me we brought the keys with us it's a good thing a change for the better if you ask me we'll see we'll see how long it lasts oh we're totally fueled up these ones out on the Strip they're kind of one of the dangers of being out here on the Arizona strip is there is almost no cell phone coverage so when we head out here we make sure that we have people back we've let several people know the GPS coordinates of where we're going the route that we're taking and when to expect us back and we've got blue steel we've got the more ver that means we've got we've got to have two vehicles break down before we're completely stranded I like those odds me too [Music] it is a muddy mess out here and we knew it would be it's been raining for a couple days our plan is to take blue steel in as far as it makes sense and then getting the more there and ahead sucked up the road there and then just headed the rest of the way into the more bear get in the vehicle I'm pulling out of the mud hole turning it around and heading back out that's the plan we'll see if see if we can stick to that plan or if we're gonna have to make a new one how is the back seat uh nowhere to lay your head confidence it's gonna be a good day but it's gonna be long it is gonna be long this is this could easily be a 10 hour job from start to finish [Music] thank you [Music] we just made a right turn off of what they call Main Street Main Street goes down to bundyville now we're headed like this is off towards like pigeon and the the grand wash Grand Gulch mine we're headed that direction I'd say we're two-thirds of the way down we're making good time even though the conditions are terrible we haven't had to unload the Morpher yet so they're not too terrible all right well it is starting to rain a little harder I don't know if that is going to really affect what we're doing but it is raining with more gusto all right we're getting about as far as we want to take blue steel in there's a couple reasons for that the conditions the road conditions are deteriorating and we're getting close to about half a tank of fuel so oh my goodness might be getting stuck right here oh man just as I said that we are in trouble yeah we should have stopped before now we all always do this don't we wait till it's too late yeah we're just gonna kind of move forward slowly that's all you can do I'll try to find a better place to turn around oh my goodness made it through that okay we are definitely looking for a place to pull over we're in trouble and everything oh yes I don't know if we can go through this you got it go for it send it oh got it I don't think we should I think we got it we're gonna stuck right in the middle of it he's hitting the gas we're gonna be stuck right in the middle of it I told you okay oh no we interrupt this rescue for an announcement so when I was coming up with this concept A year ago I was just thinking we were going to have some fun with some of my friends I knew that Paul was going to be redoing his record I'm like yeah we should do something with the Wreckers and I'm like yeah we should do some trials with them and just kind of post it so it was going to be really small but it is kind of snowballed since then I didn't think people would be this interested in seeing what's going on but turns out there's a lot of interest for it so we're putting this thing together I'm going to be sending out these golden tickets Wonka Style [Music] crazy do you know what that even means no well let me show you and you got some cooking to do I got my own paloompas here to help me [Music] we need some gas we're out of gas well that's natural [Applause] oh look it's done [Music] I want you to send this to Paula Fabrics I would like you to send this to Eric at BSF I would like you to send this to Rory Trail Mater and uh this one I would like you to send to Merlin's Old School Garage so don't forget that the off-road record games are March 9th 10th and 11th and you can find out more information at matt' I've just been informed by this guy right here there's been an overwhelming response already the tickets are moving really quickly so you just pre-register at Sand Hollow on the 8th and you'll avoid all the lines on the ninth we're gonna get these tickets sent out then we're gonna get back to work on the record because it's got to run for the games back to you recovery team we're gonna see if getting the weight of the more bear off this is enough that this will start moving again you've got to stay out of the borrow pit what's he calling the borrow pit that and that yeah how am I doing she's doing good this is real tricky down here you have to let it walk sideways just let it walk sideways so we just probably pulled over we're all loading into the more bear and it is starting to come down really good the snow is I prefer it more than rain so we're gonna turn the truck around right here we're loading the more there and continue on all right we are loaded up in the morvae they're packed in there we've got 26 miles to get to the vehicle it's currently snowing it's really wet snow that's basically melting right when it hits the ground it's gonna be a rough night if we have to spin it in here [Music] this Road's pretty slick it doesn't look slick but we're having to put some effort in to keep things straight here [Music] we were completely sideways right I don't know how we're gonna get this little car out of here it's a Hyundai Santa Fe it's all-wheel drive but I'll lift no tires yeah it's stock it's so boring back here because all we have is mud and we can barely we see a little tiny bit out the front if we're looking but it's really boring back here it's only comfortable back here too foreign we keep going through the Hazard County car wash [Music] things are a little bit better the road conditions have improved a little bit they're still slick but it's not like nasty nasty mud look at this though oh my God there's so much of water just came in these little cars don't have the best weather sealing around the door this is this car is no exception so we're less than 10 miles from the vehicle I'm starting to feel a little bit better about getting it out because it was bad there for a while but we know that it's just a short you know it's about 10 miles of really bad it'll drive on this just fine we haven't shifted into four-wheel drive yet so I'm feeling pretty optimistic about that car but I've been wrong before [Music] all right we're gaining a little bit of elevation here and the snow's been sticking still a mess underneath the snow though we usually don't say too much about like where vehicles are stuck and how they got there but I'm gonna go on record here and say this car should absolutely not be out here we're we're a hundred miles from civilization like there's nothing for a hundred miles and it's out here in some of the worst worst road conditions that there is in the area I mean there's worse Trails than this but these are roads and they're in bad shape we've got a lot of questions over the years about running into wildlife and and mule deer in particular and we see them all the time when we're out here but we never show them because the camera is so bad at picking them up so those are only what 40 50 yards so we could see them really easily but the GoPro the way that it films but just doesn't pick them up yeah I can't see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get it out of there [Music] [Music] [Music] so the customer told me that sometime in the middle of this they started getting some uh lights on for like I don't know stability and traction control and different things so what it looks like happened is they've watered their cables up they've got some straps around that one like around the whole a arm okay Colin I need you to turn your wheel driver yeah okay we should just fall right off of this strap all right we're going to use the winch this time because I don't know what's going on with all the stuff wrapped around the wheels we kind of want to do this slow [Music] we gotta look and see what we've got to connect to here nothing just mud I don't know what to do with just a bump but I'm I don't want the hook to [Music] there's nothing to hook to oh chunks of mud this is some super gummy mud this is all packed up in here like just solid okay Pull It in Jamie thank you all right stop you're actually moved a tiny bit on this one it's just pivoting well pivoting's good because I don't put the sidewalls into things I'm gonna have to see if I can get in it and drive and drive it see if I can get a little more traction then just then just park all right Colin put it in drive and I'm gonna want you to kind of saw your wheels back and forth hunting for traction right we got that out of there [Music] like halfway on yeah we're gonna have to take those off all right these are going in the back of the Hyundai oh hey looks like we have some extra stuff okay is that gasoline yeah I got water they got a lot of snacks in there too we gotta take all of these off yes okay put those in there I'm gonna go put my winch up um clearly I don't know what I'm doing outrageous I'm not sure how you work these chains Dad I've never put chains on or took them off these are not very heavy duty Chains No okay I'm gonna I'm gonna get this to where you're gonna have to just slowly crawl forward so go ahead and slowly crawl forward drive drive drive drive drive drive drive stop right I have like eight check engine lights one of them says we got a head-on or rear-ended somebody the front end it says yeah they were high-centered them yeah is this one right here let me just drug them taking a little slush bath here we gotta get out of here off we go look at you you're a mess I'm a mess you're okay here we go I want you to kind of feel how the vehicle is responding we know when to hook it up before we're in the middle of the big puddle see that noise yeah just drive for a second okay got it if it makes sense straddle the the ruts [Music] for what this vehicle is it seems to be doing pretty good we haven't made it to the bad spots yet like I said it's doing pretty good all right so the customer said that they everything was fine until they took this wheel off looks like they've got it on where's the weird noise at some more front end it's like a bumping sound a rat says it sounds like the back right Colin says it's in the front foreign so what lights are on here oh they've all turned off all right let's get back after it oh we made it oh we made it barely but we made it we got the river crossing air the stress right now is unreal I feel bad for whoever has to clean the more bearing it was still because it's dirty inside and out it's bad I actually feel bad for whoever has to do all this laundry also who's up because it's bad woohoo I'll be honest I'm like what was the oh crap for all over the road that's not acting like it was empty no this is how the snow is what was coverage okay run it really quick let's see okay run again okay stop okay now run it again stop okay it's working all right so it wasn't that a washer fluid it was just a little bit low so we added what two three pints of water the more Vera doesn't have the luxury of a windshield washer yet because we've never finished it but we keep going through these Hazard County car washes and that's working for us so I can hear my fan surging it's a mechanical fan it's got a clutch on it the clutch is engaging and disengaging at a random rhythmic situation so we can add that to our list of things to look at on the more bear [Music] I think we're pretty much out of the snow and back to just straight old rain and water lost that little bit of elevation oh these are so awesome to go through so the linkage for the windshield wipers is squeaking their little heim joints so I just need to spray something on there alternator's going bad and squealing the belt we're about an hour into our return trip we're thinking when we get back to the truck we're gonna hook the more bear up to the car to pull it up that mud hill anyway we're thinking blue steel will drive up through there with nothing on the trailer so that's our game plan we'll see how it pans out all right we finally made it back to the truck everything is so far so good all right we're gonna put Mom in the truck and then I'm gonna go ahead of you and then we'll just stop and hook up when we get close to the mud pit all right so this mud pit or the mud hill whatever you want to call it it's pretty bad and I'm just worried about this car getting high centered kind of like it did where it was stuck so we're just doing a little preemptive all right this is a pretty good pull [Music] I said it before I'm going to say it again this car should not be out here I know it's an all-wheel drive but it should not be here [Music] foreign did we already pass the mud spot I couldn't even tell could you did we yeah we went through it easy peasy huh did you get through it okay yeah I didn't have any problems well then there's no reason to hook up anymore let's load up well I'm not too happy about what just happened I don't think we can climb out of here oh I don't know if you can see it but we fell into a ditch I don't think we are though we're just gonna keep in this hole so don't hit that's fine what dang it are you kidding me if that sign was up there we would have made it [Music] no we're good you're good dang it you had that see that car should pull you out is there a hitch on the back of that thing nope air I thought we were done I thought we were done too [Music] all right now that we got that done we're gonna load back up and try it again all right we just reached out to the customer told them where to meet us so we could hand up their vehicle and send them on their way and we can get home sometime before midnight that would be great I don't know if your wife's Gonna Let You in the house also the condition that you're in you think I'm too muddy oh we are on our little fuel warning came on so my strategy worked to drive out there a half a tank and then turn around and drive back thank you so much you got it okay so the Hustler how's the road inside there oh that's terrible it's terrible yeah is there snow inside yep thank you okay yeah thank you who's next thank you okay well that was that that was a long old long old trip out there back we burnt half a tank and fuel in the war of air and an entire tank of fuel in blue steel we got him out of there and on their way and they're super happy about that and I'm just relieved to have that done it's been a long day we got him out super muddy but super fun we're tired but we we got it done Colin did an awesome job driving I thought we were gonna have problems driving out but none all my boys are super good drivers we started them really young [Music] hello this is Matt all right we'll be right there we're back in the mud so we got a call for three vehicles that are stuck out by big water and we've got to put an alternator into more of air first [Music] why we didn't get this in the first place I don't know but we had to go get it so the belt goes on just like this the alternators have a hard life in these vehicles because we winch all the time so we can leave the vehicle off and winch and that's a little better for the alternator or we can turn it on and winch and now it's better for the winch it's hard choice to make we're cooking alternators so I think we're going to quit winching with them running all right well we got that on there it's working great and we are on the road got the lovely Jamie with us with the weather um it's like 30 degrees to it stays about that be muddy I just put the same muddy pan and muddy boots yesterday it's been a muddy couple days been a long time since I've been out to Lake Powell so I'm excited to go check it out he doesn't know that he's not even gonna see it no we got a couple more hours of driving it is past lunch time we're gonna grab a quick bite in Kanab and then continue on [Applause] all right we're gonna stop here and grab some lunch really fast and then we're back on the road now we're just going to wait for our food it was so good we forgot to film it and it's gone thank you all right we just got to get back on the road again sing it on the road again just can't wait to get on the road again [Music] all right we just turned off the highway here at Big Water and we are on the road now they are down this particular road so our plan is to go as far as is prudent before we get into any of this blue clay hopefully it's dried out it looks like they haven't had any rain here like today so it might the conditions may be a lot better than I've been imagining them all day we'll find out soon enough but I'm not planning on putting blue steel in any of it what do you know about blue clay nothing never heard of it before okay River [Applause] all right these are Fender extenders we're gonna try them out [Music] we've been digging for the last two hours all right yeah well it is what it is is there more Vehicles out there no we were the ones that were stuck they were able to they had higher lifts than we did so they got out all right throw it back it is what it is I was excited [Music] yeah no no don't worry we'll just load up well that was a long way to drive to come and get skunks but that's what happens I'm glad he got out and he's safe yes not long ago and that's how it happens we got skunked I'm not gonna blame the customer at all for this they want to get out just as bad as we or worse than we want to get them out so they worked on it while they waited for us this is a lot of distance to travel so we uh took the opportunity to clean some of the mud off the trailer from the previous job and we're going to turn around and head back home about going to be about 10 hours round trip but it happens we got an ALICE Burger out of the deal yeah we did there's the lake gone yes the Lakes there's not much left not there anymore you're not gonna see it where you're at you're we're still going to be 40 miles from the actual liquid all right we'd have our toes in the water if it was 10 years ago
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 2,847,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, search and rescue, jeeps stuck in snow
Id: 5KSqXW2Ykm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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