ABANDONED Boom Lift Gets a 4cyl CAT Diesel [EP3]

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all right part three of the most controversial man lift on the internet the upright ab62 rt if you guys remember this i got this thing running a year and a half ago out of an old lady's yard and there was some controversy around that because um you guys started taking things into your own hands i don't like getting into drama about who said what or who owes who or whatever we're a small town so everybody kind of knows everybody we had people trying to find the owner and like dox him and and ruin his business and stuff it's not our goal and that was never our intention our intention was to get this thing running and get it off the old lady's yard um and truth be told i had a gypsy moth and i thought you know i can use the machine to cut some gypsy mod down so i got it running just good enough to do that i put an old carburetor on this fuel injection system and until we figured out what to do with it and i'm sorry i brought that up we should have just got it running and left it at that uh but uh who knows that was i don't enjoy the show [Music] so the forklift is running obviously because it's holding the cat and that is not running at all so i think the decisions getting made to get this thing so at least it's mobile i bet you there's enough room that if you take this off you could just put a flat plate on here like a half inch plate that would be enough that you could tap and bolt that too because this is just aluminum yeah and then uh i don't know whatever the spline drive is you might have to well i'll have to bolt to the flywheel and then like it would just be a coupler that bolts so there's probably a flex plate in there yeah yeah you're thinking that a skid steer valve because this is just a rectal pump and that's what they run oh okay right off the but you still need the flex plate yeah yeah and i don't know if the cat scissors have that big of an engine in them this is that yeah it's actually a perkins perkins yeah well it is a cat but cat and perkins work together on this i think perkins designed it and cat painted it all right we'll pull the pump off and see what we can do [Music] wow that's not cool i get rid of all of that let's see now i'm sure this is abusive something for somebody so that's pretty cool how that clutch works [Music] but basically just a hand operated clutch to engage nice and smoothly you got a ring there so i think that's like wood chippers like kevin was saying wood chippers and um power units where you need to disengage so um i need to unbolt all of this and see if there's a flywheel there hopefully this contraption all just bolts to the flywheel itself so here we go nice all right [Music] well yeah that's not great ideally new bell housing a new flywheel from a skid steer maybe it has the same pump let's do some homework okay we got to move closer um each one of these even though it's four wheel drive you take these two bolts out you turn it around and there's a there's a little nubby that comes out that pushes up against the hydrostat and that will let it freewheel so you can actually pull it that kubota is the handiest tractor ever anyway push that in and then uh roll it now you just unhook fuel line battery cable uh mark the starter um we'll just spin this right out and uh plug that into the new cat and then exhaust is kind of freewheeling and we'll take the pump off and then uh just four little bolts and this whole unit comes up should be even easier than pulling the cat out i'll have to move this and the new one was is about six inches longer um my engine is about six inches longer on the other one and we might have to modify this a little bit um because this will be in the way possibly but we'll see uh yeah let's get this thing out of here because it's a pile of garbage [Music] all right now i just got to make sure that this flywheel here can bolt to that flywheel there or this that's not the flywheel this drive can bolt to the other one so we'll yank this bell housing off i got it securely fastened to the forks of the bungee cord so shouldn't be going anywhere there we go [Applause] [Music] interesting [Music] and magically it lines up so close holy mold holes line up with these but it just doesn't fit inside and if you see there's just a little bit of an angle right there and if i was to throw this on the lathe and just take that off probably about 10 15 dial all the way around um she'll fit right in then we can bolt the back on again and then figure out how to mount the pump plate to the that bell housing and then we're good i'm sure there's a proper bell housing for it uh just looking online they're going for about a grand that's about a thousand bucks more than i want to spend so we'll see if we can make that plate fit or make a new one just to the right height and then we'll go from there here we go all right back of an i'm r that they've got a uh adapter plate here somewhere just got to find it um this pile is always a good place to start let's see what we got got lots of bell housings and tractors and stiff um oh there's something like what i need but not smashed up that looks like a three what else we got we'll keep looking because this pile is here [Music] that's a torque converter and a transmission oh oh oh this good steer would be what i'm after we got in there oh that's the pump so the pump is off there's the plate that i need and shoot that is not 17 inches so that would be an essay one bell housing i believe talking to one of the guys said there's a two-stroke detroit whale back that might have it oh so many goodies somebody fix that payload that one actually might actually still be worth something i'll have to look into that i think not everything here is his name he said behind the international i'm going to take that one behind that internet a coffee table another car oh oh oh oh let's see coffee tables that's that might be it sweet 2 4 6 8 10 12 12 holes i think that's it boys that's the plate i'm after nice and skinny i can even i don't know if that's that looks too big i need two holes i need four inch this is five inch you know what even this plate if i have to make a new plate to hold the pump that would do it i'm gonna take that off here we go [Music] so i'm thinking if that's a five inch hole and i need a four inch hole and even though that's welded on top of that plate i could probably take that plate off which is the four inch hole machine that around and just weld it onto that plate and then i've got my pump proper id and then that plate proper od pnr is such an awesome place you guys got to come here or support your local scrap yard because they wanted like a thousand bucks for those plates online don't tell vnr that because i'm just about scrap price you know here we go all right so unfortunately that bobcat adapter didn't work for my four inch hole for the mount because it stuck out way too far and i need it as close to the adapter plate as possible so all right what i did was take my adapter plate and this ring that brought it out another half inch i cut the welds on then and pressed that out then because this is recessed the pump sits pretty tight and there's actually a uh a top to the pump that was hitting the mounting plate so i had to mill that out with grinder and my mill bit my drill then i got a spot for my pump to sit now this is a five inch hole and i need a four inch hole so what i did was i very carefully out of my bell housing cut out the center eight inches and then threw that on the lathe and made that round and now that can go [Applause] in the back of this and then sit nice and flush so um i mark my holes where the pump is going to sit so i can drill through that and into the threaded holes that are in the aluminum plate and then because the pump is going through the steel plate it'll never shake nothing to worry about um and this is probably overkill anyway compared to it just being aluminum so um now we can drill these holes put my drive plate properly up against the flywheel and then the mounting plate on the bell housing the pump to the adapter plate fired up and it should work should work i should what i'm actually going to do too is clean the tank like you guys recommended because that's old steel fuel and now it's diesel not gas so here we go that's what this channel is about right swaps here we go we'll be drilling the holes for the adapter plate to mount the pump through okay so i've got the the plate bolted down through to the other side there uh that would be my pump bolts and that's keeping my plate in the right spot i'll lock tight these ones in from the other side and these bolts fall out they're gonna make a mess in that timing or in the bell housing if i cross thread it it'll be super [Music] tight click click all right there she is i take these back out again i just use those to center it there's my two bolts holding the plate in place throw this on the engine we're ready to rock okay so we've got our plate which is not in good shape the teeth are worn pretty good so this is actually going to be a fail point um but before you put stuff together there's part number right on it 408 fl-10 made by guardian industries michigan looked them up online and even though they're closed today i know they do sell them it's not a big deal to swap this out afterwards so uh we'll put this in temporarily it's uh this plate pops off you don't have to unhook anything other than these 12 bolts and then we can pop a new one in as soon as it shows up but because the original plate was on the outside holes these inside ones need to be cleaned up so i got comments before using a drill chasing holes there's no problem chasing holes it's probably an issue making new threads but if you start off square it it really doesn't want to go in unless it's straight and away you go nice and clean easy i don't know you guys are upset that it works so well and who wants to do that by hand let me even speed that up a little bit time basically i could work for nascar if you didn't see the video where i did work for nascar you definitely gotta check that out it was pretty funny so that one gets two threads right at the very back there [Applause] done perfect all right here we go a quick lesson on sa bell housings meaning this piece right here um way back when when they started making these they thought they'd get together and make it universal so sae is the society of automotive engineers but somebody let gary in there because it's still confusing so the bigger your bell housing the smaller the number which doesn't make much sense because if you want to go bigger yet and you hit zero what do you do you just add another zero i guess so generally when we're working with all the stuff that we've been working with in our shop it's either it's usually a three if you have an industrial five nine which is the six cylinder obviously um it would more likely be a two so to figure out which bell housing you have you can start by counting the bolts and the size of the bolts if it is a 3 8 bolt meaning 9 16 socket it could be a number 5 4 3 or 2 bell housing um so to narrow down what you have from there you can count the number of holes this is a 3 and it has 12 holes 2 6 8 10 12. to really narrow it down you need to measure center to center of the belt bolt holes so this is just over 16 and a half inches so this would be a number three bell housing all right so this is one that would have came off of a five nine this would be in like a medium medium duty truck this could have even been off the 8.3 i'm not sure but measuring center to center on the bolt holes we usually start at one put one on the tape so you don't get messed up with your with your little slider there if you guys didn't know these are supposed to slide so that when you hook on it it goes to the edge if you push on it it goes to the end and it makes up for the difference on the thickness of your hook so we go to a one and then we'll go to the opposite hole we're at just under 19 and a half so that would be 18 and a half so this would be a number two bell housing this one is off of our two-stroke detroit um and that would have run a massive generator so um this one's got half inch bolts so three quarter inch socket and it measures just about 20 26 26 and a half so this would be a zero now you're thinking rich do they make bigger bell housings do they make a bigger sae bell housing and you're at zero now what well now you go to zero zero and i don't know what happens after that if they start going into negative it would have made sense to start with a small one and then add your numbers up but anyway thank you society of automotive engineers for making it complicated i'm sure i got something wrong but if there's a simpler way definitely comment down below as to what you're dealing with to make it even more complicated we can go back to these bell housings and the mounting points for uh to hold the engine up is in different spots too so just because you have the right bell housing doesn't mean that you have this in the right spot or the mount for the starter in the right spot either um because you could order the right bell housing with the right bolts and have the starter hit something stupid on your engine because it's it's slightly higher or lower on the other side so you really need to make sure a lot of them do have numbers in it as well so you can google the number and then go from there and typically these bell housings when i've had to buy one is around 500 bucks so you can expect to spend something like that but yeah we've got our sa3 which actually came off of a two-stroke detroit um our bolt as you know our hole was too big this is a five inch hole and we needed four so i cut the bell housing out of the other one bolted it into here and then uh we've got the right centering hole for our pump to go in our drive so right now this uh engine is set up for canadian winters trying to warm up this engine extra quick but because the sun is shining i think we're gonna get it ready for summer mode here we go [Music] [Music] all right nice and clean i really want to paint it but i don't think we should paint it now um i got a confession to make this one was set up really nice with a bunch of murphy switches and a key switch all a nice in a box and i took that all out nice but um i put all new drought gravel on the driveway i went with screenings and i wanted to pack it down and there was no vibratory ride on compactor to rent in town and that was the weekend so i thought i'd be smart and just tie the cat to the forklift and drive up and down kill some time worked out really well other than the fact that that box fell off and then i drove over so this is kind of what's left that was the gauge for something and that was controlling something and then this gauge this one was very important this was the temperature gauge that still works sort of see the gauge itself still works but um oh key fell out that's not good [Laughter] but this is the uh one of these is going to the starter anyway we're going to trim this whole harness down because we really don't need anything we'll hook up the oil pressure gauge and the temperature gauge but you only read that down low there is nothing up top and if it blows up then it blows up which would be very unfortunate um but i'm not going to fix all that so we've got two wires to make it run right here so that will be ignition and then starter wire and then um putting the pump on there giving it some clean fuel and it will run so um yeah we don't need all this anyway it's uh it's kind of ugly so oh yeah an alternator just uh excite wire on the alternator and we are laughing so um one more thing is the throttle um what i might do what should i do i think i have a solenoid that will pull it and give it full fuel i don't need to rev it up super fast but um oh shoot is that a oh that's probably just attack i hope that's not a cam sense or something stupid because then it won't run give it fuel it's like that baseball movie give give them fuel and they will run okay so i've got this little saw online i think this was a shut off off a little kubota i don't know why i cut the bracket off but i'll have to weld something on there drill a hole stick it in there and then mount it so that it's kind of in line i shouldn't be much resistance on this and it should return to uh to idle so i'll take this little bracket off pop that in there and that'll be my my rubber maker go faster give her thingy here we go okay so that's throttle linkage doesn't give it enough throw it's quite a bit that it has to move and that's not enough i'd use a common shut off on a five nine but it's got a pull and winding and a holding winding so i'd need something to trigger it and then let go which is what your key starter is but i can't do that so i'll look online and see if i can find there's got to be something that's made for this these units being power packed so um now to make it fit 39 inches from here to the weight which is fine um that brings it right to here so i gotta notch this frame off looks like they welded this to there um the back is fine no issues here but the front there's a mount right here that supports the table now i can get vince to weld something on the bottom or i can just notch this to fit around that because all that's supporting is the radiator and one little piece of plate there will be fine it'll be plenty so i'm gonna grab torches notch that out i'm gonna bring this around closer to the torches and then go from there there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] man it's like i know what i'm doing wonderful that hose is probably a little bit charred it's just a drain doesn't do anything so shove that to the end off the forks maybe throw a ratchet strap around it and then uh we're good nice and tight there and then if i clear this little piece it should be good which i might just not do i might come inside it though um we'll shove it to the end first as long as i don't crush my fingers we'll be golden [Music] like my battery died or timed out fold it over a little corner but see if the hood closes well if it wasn't for that pump there all right now i gotta hang the pump you know what that's late enough it's like 10 o'clock and i'm pissing off my neighbor so i gotta call it but it's in there all right it's in there i don't know why i always feel the need to put the biggest possible engine into an engine bay whether it's a pickup truck or a car or my radiator's taller than the other one and it's hitting this bar and i need to move it over just another two inches even though there is there is a lip here but right now it would be rubbing on the fan shroud so i need to move it over those last two inches so i made this just a little u there for that bar now that bar only holds up the shroud so i'll probably end up cutting it out a c welding it in place and then cutting the bottom lip off and then it won't change anything not that it matters it's all adjustable but um that and i think that's it i would just even though i cleared it here i just caught the corner and it folded it over so straighten that out but what i might do is just bend this over this way just for installation purposes and then that's it for my throttle i found one online 280 bucks that's on a cable so that will pull the throttle on when you step on the pedal to activate the um controls and then we'll have to mount move these somewhere then uh mount the pump pump is going to end up right about there which is just on the edge of this thing there's a little gap here so yeah uh it's pretty tight but it'll work here we go [Music] oh perfect fit remember cross-roaded bolts is just free lock type [Music] okay so just about ready to marry it the last time this is all the injection pump needs to run i think one of the wires goes to must be a cam sensor at the front there and then the other one the other half of that goes to a tab right here so i don't know what that's about but i know that number 27 goes to ground and number two goes up into here you see it murphy anyway um what what that means is if it there's mechanical gauges on that and if it gets too hot it touches something shuts the engine off if you got no oil pressure and it hits the bottom of the gauge wait if it hits the bottom of the gauge then it would shut it off the engine and if it's too hot and touches the wrong end of the temperature gauge it would also shut the fuel off the issue is because you don't have oil pressure when you're cranking it you have to push in a button and bypass that until it's running and you get oil pressure can't do that from the switches in the basket so we have to get rid of the murphy switch the nice thing about machines like this is that they barely run all day if they run all day you have a bad employee now there's no need for that so you get into position you shut it off and then you do your thing and then you come back down or you move so generally these things are only running when i was running it 10 minutes at a time uh not really any longer than that so um the issue being we'll hook up the gauges in the uh on the other side there but uh we won't be having murphy murphy switches so um not i still think that that engine is going to outlast that machine anyway so that engine will likely be coming back out when uh when we're done with this thing who knows anyway um what we need to do is number two wire does not go to the key switch no that's the number three wire so number two and number three kind of meet in here somewhere and we don't need that so we're gonna take the number two wire hook that up to ignition and then key power to the starter and vroom vroom put the pump on and it should be running so here we go [Music] so i had to crack a bunch of these hoses loose and just pivot them a little bit um but i think i think she's in there tighten these bolts up pull it nice and tight tighten everything again this is exciting i think i think it'll just just fit i might have to do a little bit of fiberglassing around this pump funny how you look at a machine like this has been in the yard for two years i know it's a piece of junk when you open it and there's a stupid gas engine in there you put a diesel in there all of a sudden you're like oh actually this is a decent machine button that up here we go another cat approved caterpillar is it good boss this is the proof where you going careful all right so again a quick recap on the machine i think what happened was this machine got loaned out to somebody and then the battery disappeared and somebody hooked up the battery but there was a pile of extra cables there and i think they hooked them up wrong and they fried the computer in the psi system they don't make parts anymore upright isn't it business anymore try to get a hold of the people uh no go so um i've chased down those wires um and we're down to one positive cable which goes to the starter obviously negative cable which we put on the bell housing um these this was off the old wiring harness just a negative uh that's it i've got the green wire went to the starter the orange wire went to oil i believe and the red wire was my ignition so ignition goes to number two all the wires are labeled nicely we'll keep everything in the loom and then the green wire just went to the starter so we've got our oil pressure sensor which i think we might need might not i don't know i put the oil pressure sensor on the other one um our common is what gets power um and then you got your normally open and you're normally closed which are now quickly bypassed i think it should run so we got our jerry can in there um prime that to get fuel until i hear a little bit coming back into the tank i can hear it running back in so we got fuel i've had the charger on it all last night now here's the here's all the money oh we've got that's on that's good um let me put the controls over down to the bottom and i got my key switch here the temp moved i don't know what that was about oh the temp must be hooked up wrong because if i go off it goes to zero yeah so i something's wrong there i might have to move the temperature gauge over from the other one i think this one will start crap all right let's try that in the basket basket nothing but my oil light is on so that's a good sign because i do not have oil pressure right now the engine is not running but all right well there's an issue there but you know what it's a diesel let's just hot wire it slightly yeah okay so we'll move that back to there i may have hooked the wrong wire up to this i don't know maybe it wasn't the green wire i thought it was it's just see this so if i touch that it should turn over and i'm gonna keep my hand on number two this is my shutoff throttle in did i hook up the wrong way no i'm let's see if i've good power there i have one volt there why do i only have one volt i swear i had the right ignition wire but maybe not this one seems to have 12 volts see if i can hear the fuel cell not kicking on yeah i can hear it click so with that there should run all right so let's shut off no leaks turn it back on again [Music] ah lives [Applause] super slow but that's okay those are those three solenoids nice all right that's actually really exciting uh diesel's the way to go guys uh and it's funny how you look at a at a machine you pop the hood you see a big mess of wires hanging down on a gas engine you're like what a pile of garbage but you open this up and if all this wiring was nice and neat you stand back you're like that's a nice machine it's got a nice diesel big four-wheel drive so um yeah throw a little more life into this project um i don't know what we're actually doing with this thing yet i i need to replace a couple lights and stuff up there but uh yeah we'll figure it out i think we're gonna stop the video here though because i've got a long list of things to do um i don't think the intake fits underneath the hood so i need to move the intake down here we'll get vince to weld a new elbow on it make that look nice we got to figure out the wiring because something is going on with the wiring yet just with the start and the ignition um and i might have popped a fuse or something way back i can't even remember but um it was cranking over on that green wire which was this and it's not now so something happened i did have a dead battery in it last night it's kind of screwing around with it we got a fresh battery in it but i need to figure out the wiring i need to mount this there's no more room for this here so we got to mount this here and actually plug these things back in again and then get the exhaust figured out too all that being said that's gonna take a little bit of time uh so we're gonna end the video here hopefully you guys enjoyed this um if it wasn't gonna fit in the main lift we were gonna sell the engine i didn't want this thing kicking around forever so um yeah some new life into a project i can go trim some trees and replace some lights i'll probably do that now with this thing all hanging like this but i should probably fix it right so to do it right i need some time thanks for watching guys remember uh if you're not filthy or not rich get out there and work on it and knock on people's doors and say hey why is that thing in your yard and can i have it so here we go
Channel: DGHD
Views: 158,177
Rating: 4.9652433 out of 5
Keywords: upright boom lift, upright boom, boom lift fail, boom lift no start, boom lift, boom lift operation, boom lift repair, boom lift failure, abandoned machinery startup, abandoned machinery recovery, abandoned machinery, abandoned machinery will it start, abandoned machinery rescue, abandoned machinery first start, starting old abandoned machinery, genie boom lift, aerial work platform, boom lift rental, articulated boom lift, telescopic boom lift, telescopic boom, jig boom
Id: rgPsmvNOtok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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